Empire Sex Chronicles

By moc.liamg@yteicosniggaseht

Published on Feb 20, 2018


Please add this chapter to my story "Empire Sex Chronicles". (All of my stories from Joshua.mccann82@gmail.com and jlmccann82@gmail.com should have been switched over to this email.)

Empire Sex Chronicles

Chapter 3 -- Lust and Sex

As Lucious stood by the sauna door, he began to smile hearing the moans that were coming beyond the door. He was proud of his son Jamal. He was so gracious of Jamal for doing exactly what he had asked him to do. He couldn't help but to think that maybe he should leave Empire to Jamal. Not just anyone would take on the task of settling a situation the way that we were settling one right now. Lucious slowly placed his hand in the doorknob of the Sauna room and began to turn it. Before he could push the door open he heard a voice calling his name.

"Lucious, Lucious," the voice called out to Lucious.

Lucious quickly let go of the Sauna room door handle and looked over in the direction of the voice that was summoning him. To his surprise D-Major was walking towards him holding a flash drive in his hand. Hastily Lucious made is way over to D-Major attempting to get to him before he came to close to the sauna room; hoping he wouldn't hear the sexual noises that were coming beyond the room's walls.

"What are you doing here D-Major?" Lucious questioned knowing how his and Jamal's relationship ended on crazy terms.

"I got some tracks that I wanted you to hear. I know things between me and Jamal were rough, but you are gonna like what I'm holding. I can promise you that. Just give me a chance," D-Major pleaded.

"Why should I give you another chance. I'm not Jamal. What you have in your pants doesn't affect my decision making," Lucious explained as he walked D-Major down the hallway away from the sauna room. "Can you give me a good reason why I should allow you to come back to Empire. How would it be beneficial to me. There are many people who are in production. Why do I need you when? Why does Empire need you? How can I benefit from bringing you back to Empire?"

"Lucious, I promise that you are going to like these tracks," D-Major began to explain to Lucious as they walked into Lucious' main conference room. "Trust me. These tracks are worth your time."

"See you're not listening to me," Lucious said taking in a deep breath. "This is probably why you and my son didn't work out. I'm saying one thing, but you are hearing another."

"What exactly are you saying Lucious?" D-Major questioned.

"I'm saying what besides your production can you offer me to sway me to bring you back into my company?" Lucious explained.

Lucious walked over to the conference table and sat down in the seat behind it. The whole time he made sure to keep direct eye contact with D-Major. D-Major stood at the doorway looking at Lucious confused. Lucious was talking in riddles but he wasn't catching on.

"Once you understand what I am saying, close the door, lock it and come," Lucious said with a sly smirk appearing on his face.

After a few seconds it hit finally hit D-Major. He knew exactly what Lucious was asking by saying what could he offer him. He knew exactly what Lucious wanted him to do. He knew exactly what he had to do. D-Major slowly placed his hand on the conference room door and gently pushed it until it was completely closed and then looked up at Lucious.

"Good boy. Now you get it. Lock it and come!"


Andre stood pressed against the wall with Lawrence behind him. Lawrence looked down at Andres was and couldn't help but want it. With one hand he held Andre against the wall and with the other he quickly slid down the back of Andre's pants and boxer briefs.

"What the fuck are you doing nigga! Get the fuck off me," Andre said forcefully as he squirmed and tried his best to break free from Lawrence's hold.

"Nigga I'm six feet and three and two hundred pounds solid. You thought you were about to take my ass! I going to tell you what's about to go the fuck down," Lawrence said in a low husky tone.

"Get the fuck off me. Do you know who I am!" Andre growled.

"I know all about you Andre. Why do you think I requested to have a meeting with you? You are not the only A and R rep at this company. But you are the only A and R rep that likes it rough and it just so happens that I like it rough too! I do my research," Lawrence replied as he began to squeeze Andre's bubble was with his free hand.

"I'm straight!" Andre said continuing to squirm.

"Nigga you just had your dick on my ass. If I wouldn't have don't shit, then you'd be in my ass right now. Nigga you ain't straight and neither am I. But I am just like you. I love forcing my dick into a tight hole," Lawrence replied.

Come on man. You don't want to do that. Not here. Not with me. My brother Jamal is like you. I can make that happen," Andre bargained.

"Nah. I'm good with this," Lawrence replied as he grabbed his eight-inch dick, slid it between Andre' s ass cheeks, and positioned it right at the tip of his hole.

Andre could feel the head if Lawrence' s dick pressing against him. To his surprise it intrigued him. It felt so warm and big and he could feel Lawrence's pre-cum leaking all over his hole. Although He had fucked several women in the ass and a few men, he had never thought about taking a dick in his ass. The feeling of Lawrence's dick pressing against his hole made his hole begin to pulsate, a feeling that he had never felt before, which made him more inclined to know what could happen next. Andre's resistance to Lawrence began to subside and the tensions began to loosen. He was a freak and he knew it. He also knew he loved control and in a sexual situation he had to have complete control.

"Nigga if you going to fuck me, you'd better fuck the shit out of me!" Andre said as he placed both of his hands behind him and grabbed onto Lawrence's thighs and aggressively pushed his hips backwards forcing every inch of Lawrence's dick into his ass hole.


Warren gently gripped each side of Hakeem's nipple with his teeth and began to swirl his tongue around the inner most part of Hakeem's nipple. With one hand on Hakeem's nine-inch-thick dick and the other in the sauna massaging Hakeem's tight hole that had never been touched before by another person, Hakeem moaned and moaned from the pleasure that Warren was giving him.

Warren looked out of the corner of his eyes up at Hakeem and noticed that he was in full ecstasy. His head was flung back with his mouth was completely open. Warren knew that it was time. He slowly pulled moved his mouth off of Hakeem's tit and then placed a kiss onto Hakeem's torso. He then did it again, placing another kiss on Hakeem's torso but this time a little further down. He repeated this several times until he was so low he could see Hakeem's precum dripping on his fingers from where he was jerking his dick. Warren looked up at Hakeem, saw that he was still engulfed in ecstasy, and then licked his lips.

"It's time I finish you off," Warren said in a deep voice.

Warren looked down at Hakeem's dick which was dripping in pre-cum. He quickly moved his hand and before Hakeem had the chance to come down from his feeling of utter bliss, Warren opened his mouth, leaned his head and took Hakeem's full nine inches of stiff dick down his throat.

Hakeem's eyes flew open. He looked down and saw Warren' s lips surrounding the base of his dick. He couldn't believe how tight Warren s lips were wrapped around his dick. He could feel the wetness of Warren' s mouth covering his dick as his mind inches stiffened and straightened out another half an inch.

Warren slowly began to move his mouth up Hakeem's long thick dick. Once he reached the head of his dick he then slowly went back down taking the whole nine and a half inches down his throat. This time, once Warren reached the base of Hakeem's dick, he stuck out his tongue and slowly lucked on Hakeem's low hanging balls sack as he held his dick down his throat.

"Gat Damn nigga! What the fuck are you doing to me!" Hakeem said in a loud but soft moan of ecstasy.


Jamal did as Shyne instructed. He slowly began to stroke the thugs dick as he leaned forward and took Shyne' s dick into his mouth. He began to suck Shyne's dick slowly. He moved his mouth up and down. Taking in every inch and then coming back up.

"This ain't no love making session nigga. If you going to suck this shit. Suck this shit right. I ain't making love to no fruit. But I will fuck the hell out of yo fruit ass!" Shyne said aggressively as he placed one of his hand on the back of Jamal's head.

Holding Jamal's head in place he, Shyne began to thrust his hips back and forth. He pushed his dick in and out of Jamal's mouth. Shyne' s thrust were so hard and so fast that Jamal didn't even have time to swallow. Precum and spit mix was dripping down Jamal's mouth and into the floor underneath them. As Shyne pounded Jamal's mouth harder and faster with each thrust, Jamal strokes the thugs dick harder and faster. After a few minutes of fucking Jamal's mouth Shyne was no longer interested in the service that Jamal was providing.

"That's enough!" Shyne said forcefully as he roughly pulled Jamal's mouth off his dick almost making Jamal fall backwards onto the floor. "I'm good on that shit. Suck my niggas dick!"

Jamal didn't hesitate. He quickly leaned in towards Shyne' s thug friend and took his dick down his throat. It wasn't long before the thug was fucking Jamal's mouth and throat just as hard and rough as Shyne was previously. The thug was putting in work so roughly that Jamal hasn't noticed that Shyne was no longer in front of him.

Suddenly Jamal felt the back of his pants being slid down. He turned his head as much as he could without taking his mouth off the thug's dick and looked behind. There was Shyne standing behind him, with his pants and boxers down at is ankles. His eight-inch dick was in his and he was pointing it straight at Jamal's ass. Shyne spit into the palm of his hand and then wrapped hit around his dick to make it wet. He then places his finger onto the tip of Jamal's hole and noticed how wet it was.

"Yes sir! That's just right!" Shyne said as he pressed his eight-inch dick against the tip of Jamal's ass hole.



(This is a fictional story. The characters and their sexual roles that are in this writing do no reference the real sexual roles of the character or the person playing the character roles.)

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