Eminem's 50

By J-dot M

Published on Apr 11, 2003



Eminem's 50 Written by JM

** Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. Eminem and 50 Cent are trademarked to their respective publishers, record companies and themselves. Any character represented in this story does not reflect the actual behavior or feelings of either of these men. Please respect that this is fiction and for mature adults only. **

-- This is an erotic work of fiction with no real plot to it. If you're looking for plot, read my other stories within the Nifty directory. --

Sweat danced against his furrowed brow, his eyes tightly shut. The bed rocked mercilessly while his blonde head bumped against the headboard occasionally. He took in deep, sharp breaths of air, fingers grabbing for something that just wasn't there. With a quick jab, his toes curled and his nose scrunched up. He could feel the heat making his cheeks a ruby red while damp breaths bathed his neck.

He wasn't really sure how long this had been going on. He couldn't see his watch, the room was a little too dark and stronger hands held his wrists down to the sheets of the bed. He was surprised there was much linen left on his bed, but they hadn't truly rolled around on the bed that much. Mostly in this one position, in the center of the bed with one of his feet hanging off while his other leg tried to curl around a muscular waist.

A heavy grunt, then a strong sigh echoed in his ear before thick lips returned to his neck, hopefully not leaving bruised maroon marks that he wasn't going to be able to hide from the rest of the world in the morning. None of his friends knew about this, not even his entourage. Only one of his bodygaurds, the one that had to stay at his overly priced house during the night knew this was happening. He'd ask not to be disturbed when this first began, a few hours ago after another long run in the studio. It wasn't supposed to happen. Neither he nor his protege had expressed any kind of erotic feelings toward another man before. In fact, it was something they joked negatively about so many times before that this felt more ironic than sexual.


He didn't whisper that but he tried to bend his body into another complex position to other it. He was sure he was going to be able to lick his tongue out and taste the sweat on his knees soon. He never quite thought of himself as the submissive one, the one that would be on his back while another drove themselves into his body. It was a pain intrusion to start, tears creasing at his blue eyes before a few falling away and down his cheeks. He could remember rough hands wiping them away, a deep voice telling him to relax his body and to handle the pain a little better. And he thought he would. He portrayed himself to be much more arrogant and much more stronger.

A hand released his right wrist and his arm began to move over the bed, fingers grabbing at everything as a thick penis brushed against a senstive spot inside of him. He didn't know what that was, but he knew everytime it was rubbed against, his eyes squeezed tigether shut and his lips bellowed out a throaty groan. He hoped his daughter didn't hear them. She was but two doors down from his master bedroom and hopefully sleeping deeply. Something made him wish he'd given her some kind of sleeping medication to aid her slumber, just so she'd never have to hear her father in this state.

"Fucking.. oh so tight..."

He gasped and tried to escape some of the heat, but a hand held his hips and pushed him down until he felt his back would crush through the springs of the mattress. His other leg was lifted and this one was pressed back just enough so that his foot almost touched the headboard, offering more of his body to a man he'd known just as an artist and a friend at one time.

His fingers continued to roam the bed, touched the hem of his boxer shorts.

He danced fingers over the fabric until he felt a wet spot, a spot he knew he'd created when they were kissing earlier. He didn't mind the warm invasion of his friend's tongue earlier, the way it was long and thick and unforgiving about its lust for his mouth and lips. It was those rough hands that truly made him hard though. The way they grabbed at his chest and rubbed against the soft skin of his stomach. It brought an unbendable erection that he thought would tear the thin fabric of his boxers, but didn't. It just made the top of his penis stick out of the boxers until it was released, brought into the steamy air of the room and now it throbbed happily against his friend's ebony-toned stomach.

"I.. I.. oh shit."

That was him this time. A hand was rubbing kindly at his balls, petting them as they drew closer to his body. He panted hard against the forehead in front of him, blue eyes blinking open before his lips vaguely kissed at the sweat on his friend's forehead. He pushed back the red bandanna and let his thumb run over the crease on the dark skin in front of him. He ran his fingers down his friend's face and felt the small black goatee before running back and feeling the short black hairs on his head.

Teeth nipped at his shoulder while fingers brushed through his dark brown pubic hairs. He found his own fingers running over the tattoo on the brown skin of his friend's shoulder. His eyes remained open while his head tilted back, focusing his attention on the ceiling rather than the changing of position they were going go through again. The cramp in the back of his thigh began to loosen once his legs were held in position around his lover's waist.

"Marhall, damn... what the fuck..."

He smiled a little. He figured if he squeezed the muscles in his ass a little that he would draw up more pleasure for his friend. It had to have because there were deeper grunts and the bed was shaking a lot more. He shivered and arched his spine because a hand was now jerking the base of his throbbing penis. His eyes began to shut but he kept them open, licking his tongue out to taste the sweat on his upper lip. He tasted a finger at his lips and he gladly bit down on a thumbnail, trying not to scream out with the newfound pleasure encasing his penis.


He nodded at the sentiment, breathing through his nose rather than through his teeth. He released the thumb but not before licking at the pad of it one more time, trying to remember the taste. His hips were raised higher and his head slid away from the headboard as hid body was bent a little more. He felt his friend raising up until he was on his knees. He glanced down, felt his toes rubbing against the back of his lover's calves. His lower body was no longer touched the bed, his body bent upward at the small of his back. He groaned as his hole was accessed from a new angle, short jabs instead of long ones making his whole body ache with tension and pleasure.

"Mmm, it's good.. fuck it's good..."

The groans were getting louder and he had to reach over and snatch up his boxers. He lifted them and carefully pushed them between his lover's lips, his own groaning being swallowed back as his spot was hit again. He pushed back his blonde bangs and squeezed his eyes shut while his lover muffled out more moans.

"Hailey... man, Hailey's sleep."

He heard another muffled grunt and then a laugh. His boxers were spit out and fell somewhere next to his head. He didn't care where because his friend's groans had lowered but the bed rocked a little harder as his body was laid down on the bed again, legs pushed back some and knees bent.

Things started to move a little faster and he turned his head, allowing a tongue to run up from the base of his neck to his ear. He'd never felt another man's tongue running against the lobe of his ear before, but something about it made him shiver harder. He let his falls open slightly and he finally caught a glimpse of his alarm clock. The red numbers moved back and forth as his head jerked against the mattress. He tried to do the math but it was too difficult. He couldn't remember what time his body had first been entered but he knew that they'd been doing this for close to forty-five minutes. He didn't know how it lasted so long because it felt like it was all movement and no break, but it was pleasure he'd never had a chance to hold onto that long, especially not when he was fucking Kim.

He didn't know if he was going to cum soon. The hand on his penis was now groping the head, squeezing out clear liquid and making his head spin. He felt the other hand pawing at his chin, trying to turn his head. He grabbed onto his nearby pillow and squeezed it, whimpering some because he was trying so damn hard not to scream. He was trying not to wake up Hailey and give his bodyguard a reason to burst through the door. His friend snatched the pillow from his hand and he heard it thump against the floor. The hand returned to his chin and again tried to turn his head.

"Marshall... fuck, look at me."

He reluctantly turned his head, not resisting in shame, but fear. He glared into deep brown eyes, watched the way they were lidded and filled with dancing pleasure. It was almost as if his lover was intoxicated or high, but he wasn't. The scent in the air was that of sex and men. Just that masculine aroma that he only smelt when he was locked away in the bathroom, masturbating heavily because he didn't want to run out and fuck anything with two legs.

"It's fucking hot."

"I know."

"No, being in you... man, it's fucking hot."

His eyes rolled in the back of his head and he refused to groan. He closed his lips tightly and a hard exhale pushed through them. He had to moan. It was iressistable. He let his toes curl again, felt a small cramp in his calf muscle but he let it all happen because it felt so good.

"God, I can't take it..."

He'd said it and he said it freely because now his head was thrashing on the bed and the rocking on the bed and inside of him was intense. He felt sweat on his inner thighs, his balls, his stomach. A tongue was licking at his lips, but he couldn't afford to kiss his friend. His mouth just hung open, letting the tongue run across his teeth and touch the tip of his own. His body was becoming slack and he didn't know how to respond.


"Keep going."


"Don't stop... fucking keep going."

"Fuck. Fuck Marshall."

He finally thought about what was coming, what would soon arrive. He lifted a knee a little higher, felt the black, damp hairs of his friend's armpit against the top of his knee. He held onto th shoulder in front of him and realized that he'd made the decision to skip over trying to find a condom for his friend to wear earlier. He was just too caught up in the new sensations to wait for either one of them to run to the bathroom and get one out of the box he kept under the sink. The lubricant had only been under the bed because that's where he left it after masturbating a few days ago to some porno Kim had left in the back of the closest before moving her other shit out of the house.

"Man, man, oh man... you just don't know Marshall..."

A hand raked through his hair, tugged at it some while his body was pushed back. Ths time he felt his toes run against the wood of the headboard. He knew he'd never want to be in this position again, but didn't mind it because he was shivering with pleasure. A hand held his ankle, kept his body like that while his friend tried to manuever into a more comfortable position. He knew his lover was struggling because he was pretty sure his boxers and jeans were still tangled around his ankles and that made it even more erotic for him.

He felt balls rubbing against the top of his asss, felt thigh smacking against the back of his thighs and his ass. He looked up and saw an open mouth panting out profanities and his name. He strained but managed to get his arm between their bodies, his fingers circling around his lover's wrist.

He aided the movements of his friend's hand, made it move a little faster and a little rougher against his penis. He needed to release it all, rid himself of that last bit of strain in his body.

"Pull out?"


"You sure?"

"In me... fucking just cum inside me."

"Damn Marshall. Damn baby."

He squeezed his light blue eyes shut and whimpered, groaned hard and long. His body began to convulse, his hole beginning to squeeze harder on the penis burried in him. There was no movement from up above, just a few shakes and shivers. He felt the warmness splash over his stomach, a thick rope landing against his nipple. He was surprised when a small spurt hit his chin but didn't care much. He was just trying to release it all, all of the hidden desire and sweaty lust that kept him in his bed with his friend and protege buried inside of his body.

He wiped away the sweat on his forehead and gasped at the first string of semen that erupted inside of him. He tried to adjust to the feeling of another man ejaculating inside of him. He strived to like the feeling of the hot liquid entering him, some slipping out. He felt his friend begin to pull away and out, but his hand quickly stopped him, his legs lowering and wrapping around the waist that tried to move away.

"No, no, no... not yet."

He tried to slow his breathing while his lover laid down on top of him, ignoring the small puddles of his seed that was still on his chest and stomach. He felt a hand wipe away the drop that lingered on his chin, a healthy laugh escaping his lover.

"Oh damn... mmm."

He giggled a little too while a hand brushed through his blonde hair. He kept his eyes shut and tried to bathe in the last moments of indescribable bliss. He didn't know if he'd ever get this again, if he'd ever want it again. He just wanted to burn it into his memory as best as he could.


He laughed after he said it, still in some strange condition of disbelief. The sweat was beginning to dry and he knew he was going to need to skip his run to the studio in the morning just so that his body could relax and all of muscles could regain their normal composure. He hoped Dre wouldn't be too upset, but maybe he'd just turn off his cell phone and deal with that stress later on?

"Fuck, I don't know whether to kiss you and pull up my jeans or to fucking give you a high-five and pull up my jeans?"

"You can give me a kiss man. It's cool."

He tried not make his response as nonchalant as possible. He didn't want to talk about what happened, just let it sit on his mind for a few hours. And he closed his eyes again when his friend kissed him on the lips, strong, thick lips pressing against him for what felt like hours but was mere seconds. He raised his head some and capture another quick kiss, considering his options. He let his hand rest against the back of his friend's neck and heard him snicker, leaning down for another quick kiss before pulling out of him and quickly yanking up his boxers and jeans.

"Told ya man... I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love."

He smiled a bit while his friend rolled to the edge of the bed, adjusting his jeans. He laid there and sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. They didn't make love and he didn't mind. If it was anything like that, he thought that he just might want to have sex until the sun came through his shades and Hailey knocked on his door asking for her breakfast. But he decided not to. He let his friend, his fellow rapper stand from the bed and gather the rest of his clothing. He turned on his side and kept his eyes shut, remembering that when he woke he'd have to be Eminem again. He'd have to return to that angry rapper stage in his life and that this was just one of the benefits and forgetting that he was anybody to the world. It was just a moment to forget he rapped about hating people who did things like that and a chance to remember that he enjoyed being with another man.


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