Emilys Crush

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 20, 2007


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Emily's Crush

Part Four

They arrived at the admissions office at a quarter till ten. This was just the right time according to Danielle as it showed that you were timely but not over anxious. Danielle had warned her not to fidget as they waited but that was hard to do. She listened as Danielle talked to the receptionist. Emily wished that she could be as calm as Danielle in situations such as this but then she realized that Danielle grew up in a political family so she was familiar with things like this and talking to strangers. She knew that this was something that she could learn from Danielle but it wasn't something that she would ever be completely comfortable doing. She was just not a people person like Danielle was. Then she heard her name called and she looked up to see a middle aged lady standing in the doorway behind the receptionist. She got up and went right to the lady and she held out her hand to her confidently just as Danielle had instructed her to do. She then followed the lady who introduced herself as Shirley Green. Emily took a seat in front of her desk as Ms. Green had asked her to do. When she and Danielle had come in, she had given her paper work to the receptionist who had immediately taken it into Ms. Green. So Emily knew that she had already read everything carefully.

"We don't normally do things like this. We usually review all the applications first and then do interviews as needed but it seems that you have some pull and after seeing your friend out there I can see where the influence came from." Ms. Green told Emily and then she sat there obviously waiting for Emily's response.

"I don't want to be accepted here because I know the governor's daughter. If that is how I get in then I just as soon go to another university." Emily told her and she started to get up.

"Sit back down; I just wanted to see what you would say. Your admissions to this university will be based on your grades and your make up, not by whom you know. Your friend will be judged the same wan and if she comes up lacking then her application will be rejected. As I'm quite sure you know this is a private university so we don't get any state money. So being the governor's daughter or a friend of the governor's daughter doesn't help you any. So now that's settled, let's get started." She told her and the interview really did start. She asked some hard questions and none of them were what Emily had thought of as she walked the floor the night before. Some were easier to answer than others but she got an answer out for each question and as the interview went along, she felt better about things. But by the time that it was over, she felt like she had ran a marathon. As she left Ms. Green's office, Ms Green told the receptionist to contact the financial aid office and tell them she was sending someone to them.

"Is that a good sign?' Emily asked the smiling receptionist after Ms. Green had gone back into her office.

"Let me put it this way, she wouldn't have sent you there if she didn't think you were going to be admitted. She doesn't like to waste anyone's time." She told Emily.

"You did it!" Danielle told her and then she gave her a hug.

"Thanks to you." Emily said as she hugged her back and then they headed to the financial aid office.

They spent most of the rest of the day there as they went over every part of Emily's and her mother's finances. Emily filled out more papers and she have even more that she had to take home to get her mother to sign. But when they were done, the lady that was helping them through the paperwork said that she thought that there would be no problem getting the money she needed to go to the university. This made Emily feel better since this was a private school it was a lot more expensive than a state school plus she wouldn't be able to use the lottery scholarship money she was eligible to get. When they left there, they stopped by Emily's apartment to get her mother to sign the papers. They talked a while with Bubba and Chloe but quickly made their exit.

Emily felt excited and full of energy until she sat down on Danielle's bed as she listened to Danielle talk. It was at this point that the days pressing and tension caught up with her. So as she watched Danielle undress, she leaned back on the bed and propped herself up on her elbows. Danielle continued to talk to her but slowly her words seemed to be getting farther away from her until they were no more. She had fallen sound asleep.

When she awoke some time later, she found that the room was dark and she was lying naked under the covers. She could also feel a naked Danielle sleeping beside of her. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was ten in the evening. She had slept through the late afternoon and most of the evening. She turned her head and kissed Danielle lightly on the forehead and Danielle opened her eyes.

"I knew that I was boring but today was the first time that anyone has actually fallen asleep while I was talking." Danielle told her but she was smiling so Emily knew that she wasn't mad.

"I'm sorry; I don't know what happened to me. I was listening to you and the next think I knew, I woke up in bed with you." Emily confessed feeling slightly embarrassed.

"No worries, I knew that you were tired. You were up half of the night and then you had a very stressful day. It all caught up with you and you were out like a light. But that's okay, I was tired too so I just got up undressed and climbed in beside of you and it didn't take me long to fall asleep either." Danielle told her.

"Thanks for understanding; I really didn't mean to fall asleep on you." Emily said and she pulled Danielle in tight and kissed her.

"Do you know what I want to do now?" Danielle asked lustfully.

"What?" Emily asked knowing just what was on Danielle's mind.

"Order a pizza! I'm starving to death!" Danielle said with a laugh as she pulled away from Emily and jumped out of the bed.

Emily laughed with her as she got out of the bed. She was disappointed that Danielle chose pizza over making love but then she realized that she was hungry too. They hadn't eaten since early that morning and her stomach was now telling her that it wanted something inside of it.

"So what kind do you want?" Danielle asked as she picked up her cell phone.

"What kind of what?" Emily asked as her mind was still on other things.

"Pizza! I'm calling a pizza place here." Danielle said.

"Oh yea, can we get a half supreme and half chicken fajita? Or whatever you want, I can eat about anything." Emily told her.

"Hey this is Danielle, is Jed there?" Danielle asked as she gave Emily a wink. "Okay thanks?"... "Hey Jeb, want an excuse to get out of there tonight? ... Good, it cost you a large supreme and a large chicken fajita and make it quick; Emily and I are starving to death. ... Thanks you are a sweetie." She said and then she flipped her phone closed.

"His parents own a little pizza cottage and they make the best pizzas in town. He works there most evening when he doesn't have practice or schoolwork. This will give him an excuse to get out there and then he can see his friend or whatever and his parents thinks he is coming to see me. So it works out for both of us." Danielle told her as she came over and took Emily into her arms and kissed her.

"That works out for both of you and you get free pizzas." Emily told her as the kiss ended.

"Well most of the time, I don't get any pizzas, I just did that to impress you plus I really did want some pizza. Usually he'll text me when he wants an excuse to leave and I call and ask for him. Then he leaves to come to see me but it seems most of the time he never makes it over here." Danielle said with another wink.

"You are devious; you know that, lying like that for him." Emily said with a disapproving look.

"Hey, everyone wins here. His parents get to think that he is seeing the governor's daughter, he gets to see his friend and I get to see you. We're all not lucky like you who have a parent who understands their sexuality." Danielle said.

"Well mine wouldn't have known if you hadn't moaned so loud and she caught us making out." Emily told her.

"Me moan too loud? If I remember correctly, you were doing your fair share of moaning that night." Danielle said.

"We both were doing our share, I guess." Emily conceded and then she brought Danielle in for a kiss before she could counter her.

"As much as I would love to stand here kissing, we had better get dressed as Jeb will be here soon.

They kissed for another minute before reluctantly breaking apart and putting on some jeans and tee shirts. Neither of them bothered to put on a bra and Emily noticed that she could see Danielle's nipples pressing against her tee shirt and then she looked down and she could see that if she stood right, her own nipples were poking against the tee shirt. She started to mention to Danielle that they needed to put bras on since Jeb was coming and then she realized that breasts weren't what turned Jeb on, so she relaxed. Besides about this time the guard shack called and said that Jeb was there. Danielle told the guard to send him on up. Emily had never talked to Jeb and wondered just what he was like. All she knew about him was that he was the star quarterback and she had made the usual assumptions about him. He was a jock and probably acted like one. Other than the one conversation that she had with Danielle about him, Danielle never talked about him and she didn't feel the need to bring him up since. He wasn't a part or a threat to their relationship so she mostly forgot about him. That is until now when she had to actually meet him. Emily was just starting to get a little nervous about meeting him when Danielle turned on release at the elevator that allowed the doors to open on this floor.

"Emily, I like for you to meet my "boyfriend"." She said with a smile and then she turned to Jeb and said, "Jeb, this is Emily my girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you." Jeb said as he stuck out his hand from under the two pizza boxes that he was holding.

"Here let me take those." Danielle said as she grabbed the boxes from Jeb allowing him to shake Emily's hand.

As she shook his hand, she looked him in the eyes and she realized that he was more nervous about meeting her than she was meeting him and that made her feel better. "It's nice to meet you too." Emily told him. "Would you like to stay a minute and eat with us?" Emily asked him wanting him to feel more comfortable around her.

Jeb looked at Danielle to see what she wanted

"Yea, come on in and talk with us while we pig out, unless you have something else to do." Danielle said with a wink, and they all knew what she was talking about.

"No, Henry is busy tonight, but I don't want to be in the way." Jeb said.

"You won't be, will he Emily." Danielle said as she started toward the kitchen.

"No, come and join us." Emily said sincerely.

"Okay but just for a few minutes." Jeb said as he caught up with Danielle and then Emily heard him whisper to her, "She is as cute as you said she was."

Emily felt herself blushing and she blushed more when she heard Danielle say, "I told you so and she as sweet as she can be." And Emily felt herself blush more and what made it worse was they both looked back at her about this time and she knew that her face was a red as a fire truck.

She tried to will her face to return to its normal paleness by the time they got to the kitchen but she wasn't sure she had managed to complete the process so she busied herself getting plates down as Danielle got them something to drink. They then sat down and talked as they ate. Jeb turned out to be completely different from what she expected him to be. He was a nice guy trying to make his way through a world that didn't understand his sexuality. Danielle and Jeb talked about how they hid the way they were and Emily made a note in her mind that when she got back home, she was going to thank her mother for understanding her. She got lucky to have that part behind her. She didn't have to hide her feelings from her mother or Bubba. They talked for an hour or so and Jeb even helped them put up the leftover pizza before she said that he had to take off.

"We're alone at last." Danielle said to Emily as she turned from the door that Jeb had just gone through.

"Yes we are, but what pray tell shall we do?" Emily asked coyly.

"Let me see, we could do this." She said as she came to her and she reached down to the bottom of her tee shirt.

Emily raised her arms and she let Danielle pull her tee shirt off. She then smiled as Danielle put her fingers to the top of her jeans and she unbuttoned them. Her nimble fingers pulled the zipper down. Emily stood still as she watched Danielle push her jeans down. The jeans went over her hips and down to her thighs. Since she wasn't wearing any panties, this left her pussy bare. Danielle then got down on her knees and she put her face to Emily's pussy as she pulled Emily's jeans on down her legs. Emily let out a moan as she felt Danielle's tongue lick at her pussy and clit. Emily had to put her hands on Danielle's shoulders as she raised her right foot to allow Danielle to pull her jeans off that foot and then she lifted her left foot and her jeans were off leaving her naked. Emily opened her legs wanting Danielle to start licking her again but she didn't. Instead she took Emily's hands in hers and she pulled her down to the carpeted hallway. Emily allowed Danielle to ease her on down until she was lying naked in the middle of the hallway. Danielle crawled on her hands and knees until she was above her. She lowered her head and Emily closed her eyes as their lips met. They kissed first with just their lips but then Danielle opened her mouth and Emily welcomed her tongue into her mouth. As Emily sucked on Danielle's tongue, she moved her hands to Danielle's tee shirt. She pulled it forward until it was gathered around Danielle's neck and shoulders. Danielle pulled her tongue from Emily's mouth with a groan and she helped Emily finishing pulling the tee shirt off. Her mouth went back to Emily's and then she started to kiss her again. Emily moved her tongue into Danielle's mouth this time as she hands cupped Danielle's breasts. She gently squeezed the soft flesh and that drew a moan from Danielle. She moved her fingers around the breasts and they eventually found their way to her nipples. She teased them with her finger tips and the she took them between her index finger and her thumbs. She squeezed then tenderly at first and that got her a moan from Danielle and then she squeezed them a wee bit harder. This time Danielle groaned but she didn't pull back. So Emily twisted and pulled on them and Danielle finally had to break off the kissing to really moan.

"Oh god that feels so good." Danielle moaned out so Emily pulled and twisted them some more then she let go of them but as she did, she slide downward until Danielle's breasts were hanging above her head. She put her hands to Danielle's sides and she pulled Danielle's breasts down to her waiting mouth. She kissed each nipple and then she sucked the left one into her mouth. She sucked on the hard nipple as she hands moved down Danielle's sides to her hips. There she moved her fingers to the front of the jeans and unsnapped them. She let the left nipple slip from her mouth and she kissed her way over to the right nipple and she bit down on her gently. Danielle let out a loud moan and then she moaned again as Emily let her teeth rub against the hard nipple. Emily pulled Danielle's zipper down and she slipped her right hand under the opening in the jeans. She eased her fingers down the front of Danielle's jeans. Emily felt Danielle's body stiffen in anticipation of where her fingers were going. Emily could feel the smooth flesh as her fingers moved over Danielle's mons and then they went on downward until they reached the top of Danielle's pussy. She could feel the moist heat coming from Danielle's cunt and she wanted to push her fingers on down but she took it slow, teasing Danielle. She let the tip of her fingers reach Danielle's clit and she left them there just resting on it. She sucked on Danielle's right nipple and then went to the left one. She could feel Danielle's frustration build as her fingers just laid on top of her clit. Danielle lasted longer than Emily thought she would, but eventually she began to move her hips trying to get Emily to move her fingers against her clit but Emily just let fingers move with Danielle's body so that Danielle got no more contact on her clit than she had before.

"Please baby..." Danielle cried out and Emily moved her fingers on down to Danielle's wet pussy. Her fingers were quickly coated with Danielle's juices as she began to move them up and down her slit. With her jeans still on, this put more pressure on Emily's hand and as she let her fingers slip between Danielle's lips her palm was rubbing against her clit. Danielle moved her hips up and down as Emily caressed her. Emily was having trouble keeping her mouth on either of Danielle's nipples so she just kissed and sucked on whichever one came close to her mouth. Emily put her other hand to Danielle's ass and she gripped her ass in her hand. Danielle was moaning and groaning up a storm now and Emily knew she was close to cumming. So she moved her fingers to Danielle's clit and she started to rub it hard.

"I'm almost there!" Danielle cried out and Emily pressed her fingers harder against her clit and she moved them faster, going first in a circular motion before switching to an up and down motion. This switch was what set Danielle off and she cried out as she came.

Danielle fell down on top of her and Emily quickly rolled her over onto her back as she rode out her orgasm. She got up on her hands and knees and she worked to get Danielle's jeans off. She knew that Danielle would be out for another moment so she quickly pushed her legs out wide and she looked down as the pretty pink pussy that was oozing girlcum out. She lay down between her legs and she put her fingers to Danielle's pussy lips. She opened them up and she put her tongue at the bottom of Danielle's pussy and she let her tongue scoop up the girlcum and she sucked it down. She loved Danielle's fresh juices and she didn't want to let a drop get away from her. She moved her tongue up and down the slit and then she drove her tongue deep into Danielle's entrance. She moved her tongue around and she felt Danielle jerk as she came out of her orgasm and she realized what Emily was doing to her.

"No Emily let me make you cum." Danielle told her as Emily felt Danielle's hands on her head starting to pull her up but Emily moved her tongue to Danielle's clit and she started to tease it.

"Ohhh... damn you girl... I want you!" Danielle cried and Emily felt the hands that were pulling her up start to push her head down. She knew she had Danielle then so she moved her tongue back to Danielle's pussy and she licked around the entrance to her hole before she pushed her tongue back in. She moved her tongue in and out for a moment then she got another idea. She moved her middle finger on her right hand to the entrance and she slowly pressed it inside of her.

"Oh yes..." Danielle cried as Emily pushed her finger all the way in. She could feel Danielle's pussy walls grip her finger and she loved it. She moved the finger most of the way out then pushed it back in. She started to slowly fuck Danielle with her finger. She lifted her head and she watched as her finger moved in and out of Danielle's pussy. She then moved her index finger next to her middle finger and she saw Danielle's pussy opened up to accept her fingers. She pushed them in deep and brought them out and saw how they were coated with Danielle's juices. She started to fuck Danielle's with her fingers as she licked around them getting the juices that they were bringing out. She then slipped her tongue up and she used it against Danielle's clit. She moved it around the clit and then she sucked it into her mouth as her fingers moved faster and harder into Danielle. She fucked her hard and fast and soon she had Danielle cumming again. This time her orgasm was ever harder and lasted longer than the first one. Emily brought her fingers out and she cleaned before she moved her tongue back to Danielle's pussy and she gently licked up the girlcum that was coming from her.

"Oh girl that feels so good," Danielle said as she sat up and she pulled Emily up by her shoulders, "but I've had enough of a good thing and you haven't had nearly enough."

"Sure I have, I love to make love to you." Emily told her.

"And I love to make love to you so allow me that pleasure." Danielle said as she took Emily's face in her hands and she pulled it toward her.

Emily tilted her head and she closed her eyes as she felt Danielle's lips touch hers. She heard Danielle let out a quite moan as she tasted her own juices that were still on her lips. Danielle made the first kiss a very short one and then Emily felt her kiss her on the right side of her lips and then she moved her lips around her mouth and Emily knew that Danielle was cleaning her face of her juices. Emily allowed Danielle to do that but when Danielle's lips came back to her lips, Emily put her hand to Danielle's cheek holding her in place. Danielle opened her mouth and Emily felt her tongue enter her mouth. She felt it move around her front teeth and that made her moan. Emily then brought her tongue forward and she touched Danielle's tongue with it. They both moaned as their tongues did an erotic dance within Emily's mouth. Emily let out an even louder moan when she felt Danielle's hands make their first contact with her breasts. The hands first covered them and then they gently squeezed them. She then felt Danielle's fingers spread out and when they came back together, her nipples were caught between two of the fingers and this caused her nipples to harden even more and she groaned into Danielle's mouth. Emily started to move her hands to Danielle's breasts but Danielle out maneuvered her. She slowly pulled her lips from Emily's lips and then she gently pushed Emily onto her back.

Emily was left looking up at the ceiling and she remembered that she was laying in the middle of the hallway but right when she had the realization, she felt Danielle's mouth on her left nipple and she felt Danielle start to suck on it. Emily quickly stopped caring where they were and she closed her eyes and concentrated on how Danielle's mouth felt on her nipple. Emily moaned and groaned as Danielle sucked and nibbled on her nipples as her hands tenderly held them. Emily could feel her pussy getting aroused and she needed it to be touched. Emily wanted to push Danielle on down but she also didn't want Danielle to leave her breasts as Danielle knew just how to go from kissing to sucking to biting and back to kissing her breasts and nipples. It all felt so wonderful but Danielle did give her nipples a last nibble and then she kissed her way down her belly to her pussy. Danielle went straight to her pussy lips and she began to lick up and down them. But as she did this, Emily felt Danielle's right hand move around her leg and she felt the hand stop just above her pussy. She then felt Danielle take her fine pussy hairs and she began to pull up on them. She would just pull them up enough to just raise the skin and then she would let go of them only to pull up in a slightly different area. This only added to her arousal and she could feel her pussy begin to ooze more juices. She then felt Danielle's tongue begin to part her lips and go in deeper.

"Oh yes Danielle that feels so good!" Emily called out to her as she opened her legs wider.

Danielle brought her fingers down and she pulled Emily's lips open and Emily felt her tongue go inside of her. She could feel it moving within her pussy and she arched her back as she felt her orgasm begin to gather within her body. Danielle licked all around and she began to fuck Emily with her tongue. Emily cried out and she moaned. She then felt one of Danielle's fingers slip into her pussy. She could feel the finger filling up her pussy and she loved it. As Danielle began to fuck her with her finger, Emily started to push back with her hips trying to get more of the finger inside of her. Danielle did her one better as she took her finger out and then as it went back in Emily could feel that a second finger had joined the first one. Danielle started to fuck her with both fingers and as she pushed them into her she twisted them and that added to the sensation that Emily felt. Emily was moaning and groaning as she worked with Danielle fingers that were doing a wonderful job of fucking her. Emily then felt Danielle's tongue at her clit and she knew that she couldn't take much more of this even thought she wanted it to go on forever. But Danielle's tongue was working her clit hard and the fingers were going in deep. Emily tried everything to hold off her orgasm but it quickly got the best of her and she cried out, "I cumminggg..." Her eyes fluttered open for an instant and she saw a bright light and then she felt nothing but the pleasure coursing through her body.

"Come up here baby." Emily said to Danielle as she reached down to Danielle's head and gently pulling her up.

"Wait, I want to make you cum again." Danielle protested as she tongue went back to Emily's pussy.

"You will baby." Emily said as she pulled a little harder. She could see the disappointment in Danielle's eyes as she gave up and started to slide up Emily's sweaty body. But when she was eye level with her, Emily raised her knees up and Danielle's frown turned into a smile as she realized just what Emily wanted. Emily wrapped her legs around Danielle's waist and she let her heels rest on Danielle's ass. As Danielle lowered her lips to Emily's to kiss her, she began to rock her hips. Emily wrapped her arms around Danielle's shoulders and she kissed her passionately as she started to rock her hips in opposition to the rocking of Danielle's hips. She could feel their pussies rub together and she knew that their juices were combining together. They both went slowly for a while just enjoying the feeling that they were giving each other. They lips would come together in a long passionate kiss then they would part for a series of quick romantic kisses. Their tongues would play together when they were in a long passionate kiss and as their lips parted their tongues would stay in contact for a moment longer. Soon their hips began to increase their tempo and they began to moan. Emily squeezed Danielle's body with her legs trying to increase the friction of their pussies rubbing. Danielle applied more downward pressure to her hips and they soon were no longer able to maintain a long kiss as their breathing became labored with their rising passion. They grunted and groaned as their orgasms build inside of their bodies. Emily wanted Danielle to come first but with Danielle on top she was more in control of what was happening. She seemed to know just when to put her hips into fifth gear and Emily came with a loud moan. But her orgasm caused Danielle to orgasm and they both collapsed as they felt the waves of passion make their way throughout their bodies.

"Oh man I feel too good to move." Danielle said when she was able to speak again.

"Me too, I think I could just lie here all night just holding you." Emily said as she kissed the top of Danielle's head which was lying on her chest.

"Good let's just sleep here tonight."

"Okay, whatever you want." Emily said as she gave her a squeeze and they lay there resting for a while until Emily realized that while the carpet was soft to walk on, it wasn't quiet as soft to lie on.

"Oh second thought, maybe the bed would be nicer, this floor is getting a little hard." Emily told her.

"Oh god, I didn't think about you being on the floor. I'm sorry." Danielle told her as she slowly pealed herself from Emily's body.

"That's okay, I really didn't want to more but then the floor was starting to get to me." She said and then she added with a laugh, "Especially with your fat ass lying on top of me." She then popped Danielle's little ass with her hand and then she jumped up and took off for the bedroom.

"My ass is cute, I have you know!" Danielle called after her as she began to run to catch up with her. But Emily got to the bedroom first and had slipped under the covers when Danielle got there.

"Just for that comment, I may just sleep in my parent's room!" Danielle told her as she put her hands on her hips and she stood in the doorway with a pout.

"Don't you dare!" Emily cried out as she pulled the covers back.

"Well if you say you're sorry, I might just consent to sleep with you tonight." Danielle told her.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me." Emily said meekly.

"Oh I guess I can forgive you just this once but don't you ever call my ass fat again." Danielle said as she slowly walked toward the bed swinging her ass back and forth as she walked. She then slipped into the bed beside of Emily.

Emily pulled her in close and she held her tight as she whispered into Danielle's ear "But your ass is fat."

"You little shit." Danielle cried out and she started to tickle Emily and they played around on the bed tickling and laughing until they were both out of breath.

Emily then kissed her and said softly, "You've actually got the cuties ass in the world."

"And don't you forget it either." Danielle said as she laughed and they kissed before finally settling down to sleep.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Danielle asked as they finished up breakfast.

"How about us jumping into your car and just going somewhere? I really don't care where" Emily asked.

"I like that idea and I think I know just where to go." Danielle said as her lips curled up into a little smile.

"Where's that?" Emily asked.

"You'll just have to wait and see." Danielle said teasing her.

"Somehow I just knew that you were going to say that." Emily said laughing.

"Then why'd you ask me if you knew what I was going to say." Danielle replied.

"I don't know I just wanted to irritate you I guess." Emily said as she gave Danielle a shove toward the bedroom.

Once they were inside of Danielle's car, Emily went through Danielle's CD's until she found the one that she was looking for. She slipped it into the CD player and turned up the sound. She had never listened to music much as she grew up but since she had started hanging around Danielle she was starting to love it. She skipped over the first couple of songs until she got to her favorite tune. As they passed the guard shack, they were both singing to the top of their voices making the guard laugh as they passed by him. He had a teenage daughter so he was use to seeing this.

They got on the interstate and headed south. Emily still didn't know where they were going but she really didn't care. It was a warm beautiful day and she was with someone that she loved and that was all that mattered. They sang, talked and laughed on the two hour drive and as they got close to the Alabama border, Danielle made an exit off the interstate. Emily then knew where Danielle was headed. Before her father became a state senator and then later the governor, he was a farmer who raised corn, wheat, and a few hundred head of cattle on his family farm. Danielle had told her that when she was little, she would go out early in the morning and ride on the tractor with her father as he went to check on the cattle and the crops. As she got older, she began to hate being a farmer's daughter but now she missed it. So they headed to the farm and her old house. When they arrived at the house, Hank, the foreman, came out and met them. Danielle then introduced Emily to him and his wife, Tanya. They lived in the guest house and they looked after the farm while she and her family were away in Nashville. They talked for a while before Danielle took her over to the big barn and she went directly to one of the tractors. It was a big tractor that was twice as tall as she was.

"What are you doing?" Emily asked as she climbed up onto the tractor.

"I'm starting the tractor so that I can show you around. The farm is only has about five hundred acres and I don't think you want to walk it do you?" Danielle said as she started the tractor.

"Oh... but do you know how to drive that thing?" Emily asked as she took Danielle's hand as she helped her up.

"We're about to find out aren't we." Danielle said and Emily got just a little worried as she wouldn't put it past Danielle to try driving it after only seeing her father drive it when she was young.

"Don't worry; I've been driving this thing since I was ten." Danielle said as she put in the clutch and she put the tractor in gear.

She let out the clutch and the tractor jerked forward and almost died but Danielle gave it a bit more gas and it began to roll out of the barn. Emily stood behind of Danielle and held onto her shoulders as they went around the large white house and on to the back pasture where the cattle were grazing. As they approached the cattle, they began to come toward it and Emily asked Danielle why and she explained that when the cattle see the tractor they expect to be fed hay or feed. She went on into the field until she got to a herd of cattle that looked to Emily to be more than a hundred. Danielle then stopped the tractor and turned it off.

"What are you doing?" Emily asked becoming a more than a little afraid being surrounded by that many big animals.

"I'm going to get down and let you see the cattle up close. I figured that since you have always lived in the city the closest to a cow was eating a hamburger." Danielle told her as she got off the tractor.

"That's true but if you think I'm getting down there among those wild animals you're crazy." Emily said feeling stupid about being afraid of a cow but she was.

"They're not wild; they're tame and docile as they can be." She said and then she slapped the nearest cow on its hand flank and it just looked back at her and mooed. Then it ambled off.

"Now come on down chicken." Danielle said as she held out her hand.

Emily knew she had to get off the tractor or Danielle would never let her live it down. So she got down but she stayed close to Danielle as they walked around the cows. There were big beef cattle and Emily knew if one of them stepped on either of their feet, it would crush it. Danielle let her get use to them before she made her actually touch one. Emily put her hand on one of the cows near its shoulders and she felt the course hair. They were just getting their winter coats and the hair was thick. She ran her hand down the back and when she realized that the cow wasn't going to do anything, she became a little braver. She moved to its head and she started to scratch around its ears and down to its nose. The cow seemed to like the attention and she let Emily do whatever she pleased. She looked over at Danielle as saw that she was pleased. She had brought the city girl to the country and was letting her see how people lived here. It was a side of Danielle that she hadn't seen before. She wasn't the governor's daughter out here; she was just a farmer's daughter.

They hung around the cows for a little while and then Danielle took her over to where the bulls were kept. Emily thought that the cows were big then these animals were positively enormous. There were three of them and they all had a separate pen to graze in. These Danielle showed her from the fence that were keeping them from getting to the cows until it was time to breed them. She did take her over to where the youngest and smallest bull was kept. Danielle told her that this one hadn't reach maturity and thus was a little calmer. When he saw them, he ambled over to where they were standing. Emily stepped back as he approached but Danielle took her hand and brought her back. She brought Emily's hand over to the bull and she made her pet him. Once Emily realized that this bull wasn't going to charge out of the pen and kill her, she relaxed and petted him like she did the cows.

From there, Danielle took her over to the outer fields and she saw the farm hands making the last cutting to the wheat and on the corn fields, she saw a couple of big tractors plowing under the corn. Danielle explained that the old corn stalks would rot during the winter and thus provide the nutrients for the next year's crop. Then they started to head back toward the house. But once they were out of the fields and onto a dirt road, she stopped the tractor.

"You want to try driving the tractor?" Danielle asked her as she got out of the seat and leaned against the fender of the right wheel.

"Are you crazy, I'll kill us." Emily told her but deep inside, she really did want to drive it.

"No you won't, all you got to do it to keep it between the ditches and you'll do fine."

"I don't know, this old road isn't very wide. What if another tractor comes along?" Emily asked still standing firm against the fender of the left wheel.

"If another tractor comes along then I guess you get to play your first game of chicken." Danielle said with a laugh.

"Then forget it, I'm not driving this thing." Emily said firmly.

"I was kidding you. If someone comes along, I'll take over but until then you'll drive it."

"I don't know." Emily said with some hesitation.

"Well I'm not driving us home so either you get in the seat or we'll stay out here all night. And I don't about you but I'm both thirsty and hungry." Danielle said as she folded her arms across her chest.

"You know I can be just as stubborn as you." Emily said as she folded her arms across her chest.

"I know that you can, but I also know that you're dying to drive the tractor." Danielle said with that knowing smile.

"I hate it when you're right." Emily said as she let out a laugh and she moved over and sat in the seat. "Now tell me what to do." Emily told her.

"I will don't worry. The first thing is that it is a lot like driving the old truck. You have a clutch, gas, and brake. So put in the clutch and start it up. Emily did so and she could feel the big engine come to live. "It may have everything that the old truck did but it sounds a lot more powerful." Emily told Danielle.

"Oh it is but it can't go as fast either. It's made to haul and pull things so it has to be built for power and not speed. Now the steering is a lot more sensitive since the front wheels are closer together so be careful about making to sudden a change in direction." Emily nodded her understanding and then Danielle told her, "Now let the clutch out and give it a little gas."

Emily did so and she got it moving without killing the engine. She started out straight for a few feet but then she started to go to the left. Danielle had to remind her to keep it straight and Emily almost over corrected the steering but she caught herself in time and got it going straight again. Danielle was good about telling her when to do something but she kept her instructions to a minimum. It took them about forty-five minutes to get back as Emily never got the tractor out of second gear. She had no intention of driving too fast. When Emily got just outside of the barn, she stopped the tractor and turned the engine off, telling Danielle that she was going to have to put it into the barn. She then got out of the seat and left it open for Danielle. Emily could see that Danielle was about to argue, but she gave her the look that told her not to argue and she didn't. She just smiled and she hopped into the seat and took them into the barn where she parked it.

"So how did you like your first time driving a tractor?' Danielle asked her.

"It was fun but now my shoulders are killing me. I think I was gripping the steering wheel to tight." Emily said as she flexed her shoulders trying to get the kinks out.

"Let me help you out with that." Danielle said as she went behind of her.

She felt Danielle's hands on her shoulders and then she felt her start to massage them.

"Mmmm... that feels good. Don't stop." Emily told her as Danielle moved her fingers around her shoulders and she dug her thumbs into her sore muscles. "You can do that all night if you want to." Emily told her.

"I have other plans for tonight." Danielle said and then Emily felt her kiss her on the side of the neck.

"I like the sounds of that." Emily said as she turned and she pulled Danielle into her body. She leaned in and she kissed her and Danielle kissed her back as she wrapped her arms around of her. The kiss was just getting passionate when they heard a voice outside of the barn and then broke apart just as the foreman's wife, Tanya, came through the big barn doors.

"I thought that I heard you all come in, I got supper on the stove, so why don't you both go get cleaned up and we'll eat." She told them and then she turned on her heels and went back to the guest house where she and Hank lived.

"I guess we're staying for dinner." Danielle said with a grin.

"I guess so. I'm not about to argue with her, she's bigger and tougher looking than both of us combined." Emily said as she giggled.

"She's as sweet as she can be but I've heard her dress down some of the farm hands around here and they didn't back talk her. They just stood there and took it." Danielle said as she started for the barn doors.

Emily quickly caught up with her and they went toward the big house. Danielle had a key and she opened the door and she quickly showed Emily around the house before taking her upstairs to the main bathroom. They stripped off their sweaty clothes and jumped into the shower. They kissed a little as the water washed over them but they didn't want to take too much time and have Tanya wonder just what they were doing. Once they were clean and dry, Danielle led Emily to her bedroom. Here Emily could see a little more of Danielle shinning through. She had the walls decorated with posters and the room was painted in a hot pink color which was Danielle's favorite color. Danielle found them some bras and panties to wear and then she dug into her closet for blouses and jeans.

"You two look refreshed." Tanya said as they entered the kitchen and then she added, "Help me set the table, Hank should be here any time now and I know he will be starving."

"We're not far behind him. I'm about to starve myself." Danielle told her.

"You need to eat. You're too small, you need more meat on your bones little girl." Tanya told Danielle and that caused Emily to smile as Tanya got on Danielle but then Tanya turned her attention to Emily.

"You could use some more meat on you too. I don't know about young girls anymore, their all too skinny. There's nothing wrong with having a few extra pounds. It just means that you're healthy." Tanya said as she turned her attention to Emily and Emily saw Danielle looking at her with a grin. They both listened as Tanya chewed on them both about not eating enough and then she got off on making sure that they were doing well in school. They both assured her that they were and that seemed to please her. To Emily Tanya reminded her of her own mother, tough but very loving. And this Emily decided was the best combination of traits for a good mother. Tanya kept talking until Hank finally arrived. They then sat down for dinner and Hank wanted to hear all about how things were going for Danielle and he got Emily to talk about herself. Emily could see that they understood immediately about how her life was, while it took Danielle a lot longer to do so but they had come from poor families just like she had done. The food was just plain country food like she was use to but it was good. She had to admit that Tanya was a much better cook than she or her mother was. After dinner, Emily and Danielle helped Tanya clean up the kitchen. When they mentioned that they were going to leave soon, Tanya would have nothing of it. She said it was too late to make the drive home and that they were going to stay there that night. Emily tried to explain that she had to be home as she promised her mother that she and Danielle would be back at the governor's mansion every night. Tanya told her to call her mom and she would talk to her but Emily said she would call and see what she said.

Emily made the call and she started to talk to her mom and it wasn't going good at first as her mother reminded her that the only reason she let her go for the week was because she knew that they would be safe at night in the governor's mansion. Now she was two hours away and way out in the country, this wasn't what they had agreed to. Emily said that she knew that and they would come back but then Tanya took the cell phone from her hand. Emily stood back and she tried to hear what her mother was saying but then Tanya walked away from her and she was left with just Tanya's end of the conversation. The conversation seemed to be going back and forth and Emily wasn't sure who would win out. But when Emily heard Tanya say, "Ain't nobody going to mess with any of my girls then she knew that her mother had given in. When she got back on the line, her mother first question was if Tanya could back up what she was saying and Emily told her that Tanya and Hank wouldn't let anything happen to them and then her mother told her that she would have to help Tanya and Hank out the next day to repay them for their hospitality. Emily assured her that she and Danielle would. She then told her all about the farm and what all she had done. Her mother even got Bubba on the phone as she told about petting the bull and driving the tractor. They both enjoyed hearing about that and Bubba said he would have to think about a story to go along with her new adventure.

A little after eight, Hang escorted them over to the big house and he got a fire started in the big fireplace. He then started to leave them on their own but Emily stopped him.

"What time do you get started in the morning?" Emily asked him and Danielle gave her a funny look.

"I'm usually up by five-thirty and Tanya has breakfast ready by six. Then I go out and feed the cattle about six-thirty. Why do you ask?"

"Yea, why do you want to know that?" Danielle asked but Emily could see on her face that she knew what was coming next.

"Mom told me to give you all a hand tomorrow for looking after us today and tonight. So I need to know what time I need to be up by to help." Emily told him.

"Honey you don't have to do that. Danielle is like a daughter to us and we would look after her anytime. And since you're her friend the same applies to you." Hank told her.

"You don't know my mom. When she tells you to do something, she expects it to be done. She has allowed me to stay with Danielle this week and has given me a lot of freedom but she also still expects me to do my share. And I feel the same way, if someone helps you then you should replay the favor so that I what I want to do." Emily told him.

"Danielle, tell her that she doesn't have to do anything, we didn't do this to get something in return." Hank told Danielle.

"I can't do that. Once she sets her mind to do something then you might as go along with it. We see you at six, tell Tanya to set out two more plates for breakfast." Danielle said as she herded him out the door before he could argue any more.

"Since we're going to be up early in the morning, I say that we need to get ready for bed." Danielle said as she went to closet in the family room that they were in and she pulled out several blankets, a comforter and a couple of pillows. She came back to the fireplace and with Emily's help they made a pallet from the blankets and comforter.

Danielle then looked straight at Emily as she began to unbutton her blouse. Emily smiled from the other end of the blankets and she started to unbutton her own blouse. Emily followed Danielle's every move and as Danielle pulled her blouse off, so did Emily. Danielle then went to the jeans and she slowly took them off and Emily followed suit. They were now facing each other wearing only their bras and panties. Emily noticed that there was a small wet spot at the crotch of Danielle's panties. Emily could feel her own pussy seeping juices so she knew her panties had to be showing wetness too. Emily waited for Danielle to make the next move but she was just standing there with her hands by her side smiling. Emily waited another second and then she figured out what Danielle wanted. So she put her hands to her back and she unsnapped her bra. Emily had to smile as Danielle did the same thing. Emily then kept the cups over her breasts as she pulled the straps off her arms. This caught Danielle off guard for only a moment but she recovered before the cups fell off her breasts. Emily stood still for a moment before she took her hand off her bra and she let it fall to the floor. Danielle hesitated for a split second and she let her bra fall from her breasts. Emily then put her hands down to her sides and she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. She slowly pushed the panties down past her hips and then to her thighs. She felt the cool air hit her pussy lips and she had to suck in her breath. She had trouble keeping her eyes on Danielle as she pushed her panties down past her knees but she managed to do so. But once they were at that point, she straightened up and she let them fall to the floor. She slipped them off her left foot. She saw Danielle step out of her panties and Emily then kicked her right foot up sending her panties right at Danielle's head. Emily knew she would never be able to repeat that trick but she did it this time. She giggled as she saw Danielle's eyes go wide as the panties went at her and at the last instant Danielle reached out with her right hand and snatched the panties out of the air. She then put them to her nose and inhaled deeply as she let out a deep sigh. Emily then came forward and stopped in the middle of the pallet of blankets. She put out her arms for Danielle, who dropped the panties that she was holding and she stepped toward her.

When she got to her, Emily took Danielle by the waist and she pulled her in close. She leaned in and she closed her eyes as her lips met Danielle's lips. She felt Danielle hard nipples pressed against her breasts and she opened her mouth, welcoming Danielle's tongue. She sucked the tongue into her mouth and she teased it with her tongue. Emily felt Danielle's hands going up and down her back with gentle caresses. Emily moved her left hand to the back of Danielle's neck giving it tender caresses as they kissed. The right hand she let slide down Danielle's back until it reached her ass. She let her fingers run down one cheek and back up the other then she let them go back and forth across the crack of her ass. This caused Danielle to moan and she felt Danielle's body shutter. Emily then began to lower her body as she held onto Danielle's neck. They slowly moved down to a sitting position without breaking off the kiss. Once they were sitting. Emily used her hands to get Danielle to straighten and spread out her legs. Emily then put her legs to each side of Danielle and she scooted forward until she was almost sitting on Danielle's lap. She brought her hands between their bodies. She brought them up and cupped Danielle's breasts drawing another moan from Danielle. She squeezed and caressed them as they kissed. Emily felt Danielle's hands go to her ass and she felt them cup them. It was now her time to moan. The fingers went along her cheeks and then between them and she shivered as they went past her asshole. But they didn't stop there but they went on around until she could feel them on her pussy lips. Emily curled her legs around Danielle's waist and used them to lift up her ass. This gave Danielle's fingers more room to work and they did. She could feel both set of fingers move along her slit and she had to groan from the sensation they were causing in her pussy. Emily squirmed around on Danielle's lap and she felt one of Danielle's fingers enter her pussy. She let her head fall back, thus breaking off the kissing as she let out a moan.

Danielle removed her fingers from Emily's pussy and she eased her down to her back on the blankets. Emily looked up at Danielle with a smile as Danielle slipped her legs from Emily's sides and she started to get up on her hands and knees. Emily knew that Danielle was going to start to make love to her but she wanted to do something else so she reached up and pulled Danielle on top of her. She kissed her as she turned to her side putting Danielle's on her side facing her. She moved her hand down to Danielle's pussy and she found it very wet. She could feel Danielle raising her top leg to give her better assess to her pussy. Emily then felt Danielle's fingers move from her hip down to her pussy. Emily opened her legs and she felt Danielle begin to caress her pussy lips. They continued to kiss as their fingers moved along the outer lips and then they both pushed a finger into the other's pussy. They tried to keep kissing but as their fingers went in deeper and then the fingers went to their clits, they both had to stop kissing as their breathing became labored. Emily would moved her fingers from Danielle's clit to pushing them deep into her pussy fucking her for a minute or two and then she would go back to the clit and she would caress it making Danielle groan and moan. Of course, Danielle was doing the same thing to her and they kept each other on the edge of an orgasm but not quite letting the other get there. Emily lost count of the number of times she got to an edge of an orgasm only to be slowly let down. Finally she got to the point where she couldn't take it anymore. She pushed Danielle onto her back and she turned around placing her knees on each side of Danielle's shoulders and Danielle didn't have to be told what to do from there. Emily felt Danielle pull her hips down and she felt Danielle's tongue on her pussy just as her own mouth began to lick the juices from Danielle's pretty little pussy. She used her fingers to spread Danielle's lips out wide and she pushed her tongue in deep. She licked and sucked as she brought Danielle back to a high level of excitement. She then pushed a couple of fingers into Danielle and began to fuck her as her mouth moved to her hard little clit and she sucked it into her mouth. She heard Danielle grunt then moan and then she did the same as she felt Danielle push a couple of fingers into her and began to fuck her. She fucked Danielle hard as she was being fucked. She worked her tongue around Danielle's clit, licking and sucking on it. Soon she felt her orgasm come from her pussy and it hit her hard and she cried out from the pleasure it was giving her and she felt Danielle's pussy clamp down on her fingers as Danielle came with her. When they recovered from their orgasms, they tenderly licked the girlcum from each other's pussy. Then Emily got off of Danielle and she turned around. She fell into Danielle's arms and they kissed for a few minutes. Emily then laid her head down on one of the pillows, just staring into Danielle's beautiful eyes which seemed to be sparkling as the fire flickered in front of them. She didn't want to move, she just wanted to lay here and hold Danielle as she silently gazed into her eyes and that is what she did until she felt her eyelids grow heavy.

"Where are you going?" Emily asked Danielle as her eyes popped open when she felt Danielle get up.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I just wanted to put a couple of logs on the fire and get us a blanket to cover with." Danielle said as she came back and gave Emily a kiss.

Danielle then went to the stack of logs and she put a couple of them on the fire and she stroked it a bit causing the fire to light up more. Emily then watched her go back to the closet and she got another blanket down. She let Danielle cover her and she then held it up for Danielle get under it with her. They cuddled in close and watched the fire until their eyes got too heavy and they fell asleep.

At five the next morning, Emily's internal clock went off and she woke up. The fire was still putting off some heat and she kissed Danielle awake as she got up and put another log on the fire getting it to burn again. They sat by the fire wrapped up in the blanket as the fire warmed them up. They kissed for a few minutes and then they both jumped up and raced into the bathroom where they peed and got the shower going as they needed a quick shower to wash the sex off of them. Then they got dressed in jeans and flannel shirts. Danielle found them a couple of warm jackets to wear, and they headed over to Tanya's and Hank's place. Once there, Tanya had breakfast ready and Hank was just coming into the kitchen. They talked about what they were going to be that morning as they ate. Then about six-thirty, they followed Hank out to the barn. They helped him put some sacks of feed on the wagon. It took both Danielle and Emily to carry one bag as Hank easily hefted them up on his shoulder and put them on the wagon. They then got on the tractor with him and they headed out toward the fields.

But just as they cleared the barn, they saw an old truck pull up. Danielle told Emily that it was Hank's son Hank Jr. He talked to them for a few minutes then he said that he was going to go and talk to the boss. Emily then popped up with, "But I thought you were the boss." Talking to Hank and then Danielle and Hank laughed at her. Emily was feeling stupid for a moment as they laughed at her but then Hank told her that he may be the boss around here but everyone knew that Tanya was the real boss. He told her that if Jr. didn't stop in and say hi to his mom, she would give him hell all day long and then Emily laughed as she realized that her question was stupid. Everyone knew the mom was always the boss around a household. They first went to where the bulls were kept and they helped Hank feed them putting feed in the bin and hay out for them. They then went out to check on the cattle, feeding them some feed to help fatten them up and then making sure that there was still enough grass for them to feed on. They worked with him until lunch then they went back to the house and ate the lunch that Tanya had made for them and all the hands. It was good eating and Emily and Danielle stuffed themselves as they were hungry from all the work that they had done that morning. Then after helping Tanya clean up, they made their way home but not before promising to return soon.

That evening after taking a long shower together, they went to bed and made love. They went slowly and took their time as they let their hands, mouths and fingers make the other one feel good. And that was how the rest of the week went, the days they ran around having fun and when they retired it was to a loving bed. When Friday night came, the football team had a home game so they went to it but they made a stop to pick up Chloe and Bubba, who now was determined to attend every game. He was hooked on the excitement of the game and getting to holler for the team. He had also found an older gentleman who was patient enough to explain things that happen that he hadn't seen before. Bubba always made sure that they sat beside this gentleman so that he could talk to him. He would then explain what the man told him to Chloe and Emily whether they wanted to hear it or not but of course they said that they did.

Monday came much too soon for both of them but it did come and they went back to their schedules. But they did go to spending their weekend's together one at Emily's place and then the next one at Danielle's place. Emily did get to know Danielle's parents better that way and she found them very nice but they were completely different from her mother and Bubba. They had a farm and all that but they were always rich farmers and not dirt poor ones. She really didn't think that they really understood what it was like to be really poor. So when they invited her and her family over for Thanksgiving's dinner, she accepted. But of course, it took her all of that week and some gentle urging from Danielle to get Chloe to accept. Then Emily had to run down to the Goodwill Store to find her mother just the right dress and she thought that she had found one for her mother. It had just came in and it was beautiful but her mother took one look at it and decided it was much to pretty for her and she made Emily wear it. Her mother then wore her favorite dress. By the time that Danielle came to pick them up, Emily was about to strangle her mother. Bubba meanwhile seem unfazed by it all. He just sat and polished his new boots that Danielle had gotten for him. This was the first time that he was actually going to them anywhere. He had such a shine on them; they seemed to reflect any light that was shone on them. He kept on shinning them, even after Danielle had gotten there. Emily was almost afraid that he was going to go in his stocking feet and carry them but after Chloe fussed at him for holding them up, he put them on and laced them up. He didn't even correct Chloe that she was the one that kept going to the bathroom, checking her hair and making sure that her dress was okay.

When they got to the governor's mansion, Danielle showed them around the lower levels before taking them up to meet her parents. When they got up to the living quarters, Danielle introduced Chloe and Bubba to her parents. >From there Danielle's mother, Jonnie, took over and took them to the dining room. Once there, they talked for a while with Danielle's parents doing most of the talking but they were both use to these types of situations and they slowly drew Chloe and Bubba out. Emily was very tense at first but once she saw that her mother had calmed down and had started to talk then she felt better. When it was time to eat, Jonnie told them to wait as she and Danielle put the food out but Chloe wasn't having any of that. She insisted on helping so it ended up with all of them helping, including Danielle's father. The food was great and there was more of it than Emily had ever seen. What was put on the table would have feed them for a month. Then once they had their fill, Danielle and Emily volunteered to clean up while everyone else went to the parlor to relax. This gave Danielle and Emily time to sneak in a kiss or two as they put the food up. Then as they stepped out, Danielle told them that she was going to show something to Emily in her room. Emily noticed that Bubba was sitting with Jonnie and from the way his hands were moving, she knew that he was deep into one of his stories. And she looked carefully at Jonnie and saw that she was hanging on his every word. She then switched her eyes to her mother and the Governor. She saw that they were deep into a discussion and she saw that her mother was making a point and he was listening to it and that made her feel good. She wanted him to hear what her mother's life had been like and he needed to hear it from her. If he wanted to help the poor people of the state then he needed to listen to them. Her mother was the perfect person to state their case.

"Kiss me you fool!" Danielle said as soon as she shut the door and she had pulled Emily to her.

"Gladly," Emily replied as she leaned and she began to kiss her.

Emily had wanted to do this since they had arrived but she had to play it cool until now. She quickly opened her mouth and their tongues met. They both let out a moan as the kissing became more intense. Emily pulled her in tight and she felt Danielle's arms wrap around her and she felt her hands caress her back. This soon got to her and she felt her pussy start to get moist and she knew she had to stop this before it went too far.

"So what did you want to show me?" Emily asked as she broke off the kiss and she stepped back.

"This!" Danielle said as she reached down and pulled her blouse over her head, not bothering to unbutton it.

"Stop that, Danielle. Your parents and my mother and Bubba are out there talking. Any one of them could come down here any minute." Emily said as Danielle pulled her slacks down and she stepped out of them.

"What's the problem? We've made love at your house and here before." Danielle said as her bra came off revealing her cute little breasts.

"Yea, but they were asleep at the time. They are very much awake right now!" Emily pleaded as she watched Danielle pull her panties down leaving her naked and very desirable.

"You mean that you're going to turn this down." Danielle said as she opened her arms and then she started to walk toward her bed where she laid down with her arms over her head and her legs slightly parted. "You know that I'm going to be away this weekend with my parents so it will be next weekend before we can be together again." And then she parted her legs a wee bit more and Emily found that she could now see Danielle's pussy lips with drops of womanly dew collecting on them. She felt her resistance weaking and she licked her dry lips.

"Oh fuck it!" Emily said as she rushed to get her clothes off and then she jumped on top of Danielle kissing her.

"I knew that you couldn't resist me long." Danielle said between kisses.

'Yea, you're going to be my downfall yet." Emily said as she kissed Danielle's face and lips.

They rolled around on the bed kissing and their hands moving from each other's back to the front of the other's bodies. Emily then put her hands to Danielle' breasts, cupping them with her hands as she brought her mouth down to the left nipple. As she sucked on the nipple, she felt Danielle's hands and fingers on her breasts. They caressed and then the fingers started to gently pinch her hard nipples. This caused her to moan just as Danielle was moaning as she sucked on the left and then right nipple. She wanted to do this all night but she knew that time wasn't on their side so she gave a last kiss to Danielle's nipples.

She then eased Danielle onto her back and she got up and turned her body around. She straddled Danielle's body with her hands and knees on each side of Danielle's body. She felt Danielle's hands on her ass pulling it toward her mouth and she felt Danielle's tongue begin to lick her pussy as she began to lick up and down Danielle's slit. She tasted Danielle's sweet juices and she knew that they were sweeter than any desert that she had moments before. She moved her tongue around the outer lips before she finally used the tip of her tongue to part the slit and go in deeper. This caused Danielle to moan and Emily pushed her tongue in farther. She moved it around Danielle's pussy and she sucked up the juices. About this time, she felt Danielle open her pussy with her fingers and she felt her tongue go deep into her own pussy. Emily let out a long moan and she worked her tongue harder against Danielle's wet lips.

She then moved a finger to the opening and she eased it inside of Danielle as she moved her mouth up to Danielle little bud. She sucked it in as she began to slowly fuck Danielle with her finger. It was so warm inside of Danielle and she could feel Danielle's muscles grip her finger. She started to fuck Danielle harder as she felt Danielle put a couple of fingers to her pussy and she felt her pussy opening up to accept them. She let out a moan and she could feel an orgasm beginning to gather in her pussy. She could feel Daniele's pussy gripping her finger and she knew that Danielle was close also. She started to lick on Danielle's clit harder and faster and she could hear her moaning more. Emily kept going trying to hold off her own orgasm but then it hit and she let out a soft cry and she heard Danielle crying out soon after her. When she recovered from her orgasm, she cleaned up the girlcum flowing out of Danielle as Danielle's tongue was busy licking her clean.

"Oh god that was nice." Danielle told her as she got up and turned around to lie beside of her.

"Yes it was. I wish you didn't have to go with your parents, but I guess it works out in the end as I will have to work extra at the Goodwill Store this weekend. We're like the rest of the store; it is our busiest time of the year." Emily said as she laid her head on Danielle' chest.

"Well, we can still talk on the phone so it won't be like we are completely apart." Danielle said and Emily nodded her head.

They talked quietly for a while as they lay naked in each other's arms but then they heard a soft knock on the door.

"Honey, what are you two up to in there. Come on out and visit with us." Danielle's mom said through the door.

"We'll be right out!" Danielle called out to her as they both jumped off the bed and after grabbing their clothes, they ran into the bathroom before her mother could come in on them.

"Okay, hurry." Her mother said and then she was gone.

"Whew! That was close. I would have died if she had come in on us." Emily said as she took the warm wet washcloth that Danielle had given her and she wiped the left over juices from her pussy.

"You'd have died, I'd had a heart attack or more likely mom would have had one!" Danielle said with a giggle.

When they got back out to the parlor, Danielle's father was telling Chloe about a friend of his that did great by his employees. He did everything that he could to help them further their education and to better themselves as he felt that made his employees more loyal and they would work harder for him. That way both parties came out ahead.

"You should call him mom." Emily popped up and that earned her a dirty stare but Emily saw a way to help her mother and she wasn't going to let it pass. "It's time you did something for yourself for a change. You are working yourself to death; you deserve something better."

"Tell you what, let me have your phone number and I'll have him call you Monday. I'm sure that he will have something for both you and Bubba." The Governor told her and then before her mother could say anything, Emily gave him her mother's cell phone number. This got her an even meaner look but Emily figured that she was already in trouble so adding to it didn't matter at this point.

"There you go mom, now you can do something other than clean up messes that other people leave for you." Emily said and she saw her mother giving in.

"But that is all that I've ever done, it's all I know." Chloe said and Emily hoped that the Governor would step in at this moment and thankfully he did.

"Chloe, I have talked to you for the past three hours and you are a very sharp woman. I suspect that there isn't anything that you couldn't do if you put your mind to it. You have sat here and told me everything that I have done wrong when it comes to helping the poor and your arguments made sense. You backed up what you saw with real examples thus strengthening your arguments. So I know that you and my friend would be a nice fit." The Governor told her.

"But what about Bubba?" Chloe said and Emily knew that her mother was just trying to find one last excuse to turn the Governor down.

"He will have something for him too and if he doesn't then I will find him something, he deserves a good job too." He told her and Emily finally saw her mother smile and she knew the deal was done and she decided now was the time to keep quiet.

"Okay, I'll talk to him and see what he has for us. I do appreciate what you're doing for me and my family." Chloe told her.

"We'll I consider you and your family as friends and Emily has practically become my second daughter as much as she is here anymore. I think she has been good for Danielle." He told her.

"Well we all love Danielle, she such a sweet girl." Chloe said.

"Except when I'm being a pain." Danielle said as she came over to Chloe and gave her a hug.

"You had better not be causing Chloe any trouble young lady." Jonnie warned Danielle.

"Oh no, she's been an angel. She's a good girl and you should be proud of her." Chloe told her.

"We are proud of her but I know she can be a pain at times too. She gets that from her father." She said as she smiled at her husband.

"It seems that my daughter got all her bad traits from me and all the good ones from her mother." The Governor said and they all laughed.

Emily then seeing her opening, she requested of Danielle's parents any good stories on Danielle. She had to suffer through all the stories about her and it was time for Danielle to be in the spotlight. Danielle quickly protested but it was too late as her father began to tell a good one and that earned Emily a hard stare from Danielle. Emily just laughed as she realized that she had made the two women she loved most mad at her in a matter of minutes but she knew that they would both forgive her. It was Danielle who forgave her first but she did tell Emily that she would get her revenge. Her mother on the other hand, ragged on her for the rest of the weekend but she didn't do it in a mean way, just a mother fussing at her daughter.

Come Monday, she did take the call from the governor's friend and then on Tuesday she and Bubba took the day off and they went to see the man and his factory. Emily was anxious all day as she went through her classes. She wanted to call her mother a hundred times that day to see how it was going but she held off until she got home. She also tried to get Danielle to go home with her as she was afraid that her mother would turn the man down and she wanted Danielle to help her convince her mother to reconsider that decision. But Danielle told her that this was a time for her to butt out. This was for them to decide and she needed to stay out of it. But she did give Emily a good luck kiss as she let her out of her car at Emily's apartment building. There she found her mother and Bubba waiting for her.

"So what was it like?" Emily asked as she sat down by Bubba on the couch facing her mother who was sitting in her rocker, rocking up a storm and that told Emily that her mother was nervous about this decision.

"He was very nice and he seemed very honest. He told us everything that they did there and showed us around the factory." Her mother said.

"But did he offer you and Bubba a job?" Emily asked wanting to get to the bottom line.

"Yes he did." Her mother said and she didn't say anything more.

"God mother, you're driving me crazy here. Did you say yes, please tell me you said yes." Emily demanded.

"Honey calm down now or I'll..." Chloe said.

"I'm sorry mom but I just wanted you to take this job." Emily said as she tried to calm down.

"Why is it so important to you?" Chloe asked.

"Because I want you around for a long time to come, you're working yourself to death and you have so many dreams that you've never gone after. With this job you can get you GED and maybe even take some college classes. Mom, I'm about to leave the nest and it's time for you to do something for yourself. And Bubba will have a good job and not have to take the left over jobs that no one else wants to do. These are the things I want for you." Emily said to her mother.

Her mother sat there for a minute as she thought about what Emily had said, while Emily sat there so wanting to make her mother do the things she thought she should. She knew that her mother would do anything for her but when it came to herself, it was like she was so afraid to change. Emily didn't understand that part of her but in a way she did. Having a child to care for and protect made you do things that you wouldn't normally do. But Emily knew that she had to make her mother change but she didn't know how to do it. But then she decided to do what her mother always did to her when something came up and she didn't know how to handle it. She figured if it worked on her, it may work on the mother so she asked her to tell her all about the interview and the job that she would be doing. Her mother gave her a knowing smile and Emily thought that she was busted but then her mother started to talk about how this company built computers for home and business use. The computer started as a shell at the beginning of the assembly line and as it went done the line; people would add parts to it depending on what the customer wanted. Her job would be at one of those stations and the owner even had her try the job for a few minutes and she said that once she got the hang of it, then she said it was easy plus she got to sit most of the day and that was nice for a change. Bubba then told how he would be at the end of the line, putting the side panel on the computer. He told how the first side he tried but he couldn't get it on but then they looked as saw that the panel was defective which made him feel better. He tried with a new panel and he got it to slip right on. Then there were two little screws in it to hold the panel on and he was done. Emily could see his eyes light up when he talked about being able to work on a production line and make something good. Emily looked over at her mother and she saw that she was looking at Bubba and she knew if nothing else she would take the job for his sake, which was okay with her. By doing something for Bubba, she would be doing something for herself. They talked for hours and by the time that it was time to go to bed, the decision had been made, they would take the job.

They started their new jobs the following Monday. And when they came home that night, Emily could see that they both were tired but she could also see the excitement in their eyes. This made Emily feel good to know that she was right to push her mother into taking the job.

"You know Christmas is only a few weeks away and I don't have a clue as to what to get you." Danielle told Emily as they lay in Emily's bed one night.

"That's something that I wanted to talk to you about." Emily said and she started to continue but Danielle's interrupted her.

"I know you don't have much extra money to spend so you don't have to get me anything..." Danielle was saying until Emily put her finger to Danielle's lips.

"No, it's not that. We have a different way to give presents and I want you to be a part of that." Emily told her.

"What do you all do?" Danielle asked.

"Well, when I was a child, mom always made sure that I got a toy from Santa so I could have something on Christmas morning and I wouldn't feel so different when I went to school and the other kids talked about what they got. But for the presents from each other, she always did something different. We all had to think of something that we would do for the other person. That was our gifts to each other." Emily told her.

"That's sounds nice but what types of things would you do?" Danielle asked.

"Oh I don't know, one year my present to mom and Bubba was to give them foot rubs for a week when they got home from work, and another year, I washed my mother's hair every Friday night. It was always just little things to make the other person feel good. It just is a way to show how much you love that person, by doing little things for them. I want us to do that, will you?" Emily asked as she looked at Danielle.

"Yea, sure but I don't have a clue as to what to do for you, Chloe and Bubba. You'll have to help me think of something." Danielle said.

"I can't help you. It has to come from your heart." Emily told her.

"Now you tell me, I think that I want to change my mind. Buying everyone something is much easier." Danielle said.

"But you'll do it right?" Emily asked as she held her breath.

"Yes, I'll do it but don't expect it to be too original. I'm not that creative." Danielle said.

"As long as it comes from here you'll do fine." Emily said as she put her hand under Danielle's left breast, where her heart was. She then leaned over and gave a kiss to Danielle, who pulled her in close and they made love quietly before falling to sleep in each other's arms.

As Christmas got closer, Danielle bugged Emily more and more about what she should do for everyone but Emily didn't tell her what to do, which frustrated Danielle to no end. Danielle wanted Emily to tell her what to do and she wouldn't. But then again, Emily was having the same trouble as she did every year, only now she had Danielle to think about. She didn't have a clue as to what to do for her. A number of things went through her mind but none of them seemed to be just the right thing. She worried about it just as much as Danielle did but she did come up with something on Christmas Eve.

Danielle arrived just as they were getting ready to have their Christmas dinner. They had put off doing their presents until Danielle could be there. So they sat down and ate but Emily could see that Danielle was worried about what was to come next, so she put her hand under the table and took Danielle's hand in hers and that seemed to help her calm down and she was able to eat, abet one handed.

"So who wants to go first?" Chloe asked as they gathered in the living room.

"I will." Bubba said as he did every year.

"Okay go ahead Bubba." Chloe said as they all turned to him to see what he would come up with.

"To Danielle, I will polish all your shoes." He said to her.

"I have a lot of shoes Bubba." Danielle cautioned.

"I don't care, but you got to promise to bring them to me." Bubba told her.

"I will and thank you so much for your kind gift." She told him as she got up and gave him a hug.

"To Emily, I will do help you will all the laundry for the next month." He said.

"Thank you Bubba, I will take you up on the help." She told him as she got up and hugged him.

"And to my dear Chloe, I will make up our bed in the mornings for the next month." Bubba said as he beamed as he never made his bed before Chloe came along and she did it for him thereafter. So this was a big gift to Bubba and Chloe knew it so she got up and gave him a big kiss and long hug.

"And who wants to be next?" Chloe asked again.

"I will be." Emily said as she always came next.

"To Bubba I will give a neck and shoulder rub whenever he needs one." Emily said as she had noticed that he would complain about his neck and shoulders being stiff after a busy day at the factory.

"Thank you Emily, that's a nice gift." Bubba said as he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"To mom I will help you study for your GED." Emily told her as Chloe had started classes after work on Tuesday and Thursdays.

"Why thank you Emily, I'll need all the help that I can get." She said as she got up and gave her daughter a kiss and hug.

"And finally to Danielle, I will learn how to dance with you." She told her as Danielle had tried to get her to dance before when they were alone but she always refused because she was afraid that she would look stupid and she knew that hurt Danielle as she loved to dance but Danielle never made a big deal of it.

"Really?" Danielle said.

"Yes really!" Emily said smiling.

"Oh thank you, I'm going to make you a great dancer by the time I'm done." She said as she rushed over and gave Emily a big hug and then a kiss, which embarrassed Emily a little as they had never kissed in front of her mother and Bubba before.

"I guess I'll go next." Chloe said.

"To Danielle I will make her favorite food, tacos, any night she wants them." Chloe said.

"Thank you, I'll be here Friday night so would it be too much to ask for them then?" Danielle asked smiling.

"Nope, Tacos it is for Friday night." Chloe said as she accepted Danielle hug and kiss.

"To Emily I will do the dishes alone every night that Danielle is here so that you can spend more time with her." Chloe said and Emily jumped and hugged her saying "Thank you" in her ear as she kissed her cheek.

"And to Bubba, I will learn all I can about football and basketball so that we can continue to go to the games even after Emily and Danielle graduate." Chloe said and she quickly found herself being lifted out of the rocker and was given a big bear hug and lots of kisses.

"I guess that I'm next." Danielle said as Bubba made his way back to his seat on the couch.

"You don't have to you know." Chloe said to her.

"I know but I want to, I have thought long and hard about what I wanted to do for each of you and I admit it was hard, especially since Emily wouldn't help me any." Danielle said smiling at Emily who was sticking her tongue out at Danielle.

"Okay, go ahead." Chloe said.

"To Chloe I will fix your hair up for when you and Bubba go out to ball games and stuff." Danielle told her.

"Thank you, I haven't had my hair fixed up in forever. I think I would like that every once in a while." Chloe said as she got up and gave Danielle a nice long hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"And to Bubba who I thought would be the hardest but actually turned out to be the easiest one. I will record all your stories and help you make them into a book. I think everyone will love to hear them. But it will take me a while to do it and I will need your help so I don't know if that counts?" Danielle said.

"Sure it does honey. I think you're right, everyone should share his beautiful stories." Chloe said smiling at Bubba.

"Yes I would love to help you and thank you. I never knew that someone would like to hear my silly stories." Bubba said.

"Oh no, my mom loved hearing your stories. That was all she talked about after you all left at Thanksgivings. She said that they were so lovely and heartwarming and that they all had a message in them. So you see, you are a great storyteller." Danielle told him as she accepted his kiss and hug.

"And now for Emily who was the hardest by far. There are so many things that I want to do and give you. And to find just the right one is hard. But I settled on this, I will no longer hide how I feel about you when we are in front of other people. I want everyone to know how much I love you. You don't hide what you feel and I can't do it either." Danielle said and Emily could see Danielle's eyes tearing up.

"You don't have to do that. I know how you feel about me and you have so much more to lose than I do. Your father is the Governor and you have to think about him too." Emily said as she leaned over and pulled Danielle to her.

"I know but this is important to me as you are. And the time is right for me to do it. My father will just have to deal with it and I believe that he will." Danielle said as she accepted Emily's hug.

"Well I think that these are all great gifts that we have given each other today. I think that's it's the best Christmas we have ever had." Chloe said as she got up and had everyone else get up. They then all hugged each other and thanked one another once again.

"Come on, get up." Danielle said as she started to get up out of Emily's bed later that night.

"Why? It feels good here, come on back to bed." Emily told her.

"Just get up." Danielle said as she reached out and Emily gave Danielle her right hand.

"Now I'm here, what is it that you want?" Emily asked her as she felt herself being pulled in close to Danielle.

"It's time to start your dancing lessons." Danielle declared.

"But we don't have any music and we might wake up mom and Bubba." Emily pleaded.

"I going to show you how to slow dance first and you don't really need any music but I'll hum a little turn as we start." Danielle said as she put one hand to Emily's side and the other around her shoulder. "Now put your hands on me like I have mine on you." Emily did and she felt Danielle's mouth by her ear and she heard Danielle start to hum the tune of her favorite song.

"Now let me move you and you just follow me." Danielle said as she moved to the right and Emily started to go with her but as she set her right foot down it landed on top of Danielle's causing her to lose her balance and she almost fell over on Danielle.

"I told you to move with me, not on me." Danielle said but Emily could see a soft smile on Danielle's face from the faint light coming from the kitchen night light.

"I told you this was a bad idea; I can't see where I'm going." Emily told Danielle.

"You dance with your soul and not with your eyes. Just relax and try again." Danielle said as she put her mouth next to Emily's ear and she started to hum. She moved and Emily moved with her but this time she didn't step on Danielle's foot. But about three steps later she did step on it again and this caused her to giggle. Danielle didn't say anything and she kept them moving but the next time Emily stepped on her feet, she giggled with Emily. They danced for a few minutes and soon Emily forgot to think about what her feet were doing and she just moved with Danielle. She only thought about the way Danielle's body felt against hers and how nice it felt. They danced for a while before Danielle stopped and she slowly moved her head back a little.

"Now comes the best part about slow dancing." Danielle said.

"What's that?"

"A slow dance always ends with a kiss." Danielle said as she leaned in for that kiss. Emily quickly decided that dancing wasn't so bad after all. She pulled Danielle in close and they kissed and kissed. Then Danielle began to ease them toward the bed and they fell upon it.

They moved to the center of the bed and they began to kiss again only this time their hands moved under each other's sleep shirts. Emily's fingers found Danielle's breasts and she cupped them with her hands. She ran her fingers around the soft flesh and she could feel Danielle's nipples harden as her fingers went across them. She heard Danielle moan as she felt Danielle's fingers go down her belly and then under her panties. She moaned as Danielle's fingers went across her clit and on to her rapidly moistening pussy. Emily left her left hand on Danielle's breasts and she slipped her right hand down Danielle's body and she let her fingers slide under Danielle's panties. She felt Danielle's hard clit and she rubbed it for a moment making Danielle moan into her mouth as they kissed. She then moved her fingers on down to Danielle's pussy and she let them run up and down the wet slit. They were both moaning so they kept their lips locked together to muffle their moans. Emily slipped her middle finger between Danielle's lips and she eased it inside of her. She began to fuck her as Danielle's fingers were now on her clit and they teased it before she began to rub it harder. Emily not wanting to cum before Danielle did, moved her fingers to Danielle's clit and they both rubbed each other harder and faster until their orgasms came and they clung together as their orgasms washed through them.

"Mom, it's four-thirty in the morning, you are off this week." Emily said as she walked into the kitchen where Chloe was starting to put the coffee on. "Did you wake Bubba up?"Emily asked.

"He woke up when I did but I made him go back to sleep." Chloe said as she started to turn on the coffee pot but Emily stopped her.

"And that is exactly what you're going to do." Emily said as she took her mother by the shoulders and turned her toward the kitchen door.

"And what's this a daughter putting her mother to bed?" Chloe asked.

"That's exactly what this is. I need a couple of more hours sleep and I know if you are up, we'll all be up soon. So just go back and relax, for once in your life." Emily said as she kissed her mother's cheek and turned off the kitchen light as they went out of it.

"I won't be able to go back to sleep." Her mother said but she went on back into the bedroom.

"Will she stay there?" Danielle asked as Emily slipped under the covers and she moved next to Danielle.

"Who knows?" Emily said as she snuggled next to Danielle.

"Well maybe we can fool around for a minute before she comes back in." Danielle said with a grin.

"Oh no you don't, I just got her back to bed so that I can sleep, so mind your hands." Emily said as she took Danielle's hands in hers and she gave her a kiss and she closed her eyes.

"Spoils sport." Danielle said.

"Shhhh... sleep." Emily told her.

She then rolled Danielle onto her back and she lay on top of her and she went back to sleep as Danielle stroked her hair. Chloe was able to go back to sleep and for the first time in years, she slept past six in the morning which was the most that Emily could ask for, she got her couple of hours of sleep.

Unfortunately for Danielle and Emily, Danielle had to go out of town for the rest of the week and that included New Years Eve. They had wanted to celebrate it together but this wasn't to be the case so they promised to call each other every day that Danielle was gone. They really didn't need to promise to do that as they talked every day anyway.

On New Year's Eve, Bubba, Chloe and Emily sat in the living room talking until Chloe decided that it was time to make their New Year wishes. Each wish had to be something that you wanted to have happen the coming year and the others had to try to make it come true if they could. This was another of their traditions that they had observed for as long as Emily could remember. Emily usually went first but this year she requested to go last. Cher mother gave her a questioning look but she let her have her way. This meant that Bubba was the first to go and he wished Danielle and Emily always be friends as he enjoyed having her over and he liked how happy Danielle made her. Emily blushed at this but they all agreed that it was a good wish. Chloe went next and she wished that they all have good health and lots of happiness the coming year. This was something that she always wished for and Emily knew that it was something that she really wanted. Emily often wondered if it was because of her mother's wish every year that they were all so close and basically happy. But now it was Emily's turn and she took in a deep breath. She had thought about this wish for a long time and had even talked to Danielle about it. Danielle didn't tell her if she thought it was something she should wish for or not. She just listened to Emily as she talked through it. But in the end she decided that it was the right time to make the wish and she could tell that Danielle was happy that she did. But then she knew this was something that Danielle wouldn't have thought twice about, she would have done it long ago.

"This is my wish but I'm not going to hold you both to it, it's just something that I want you to think about." Emily told Bubba and her mother and she could see them looking at each other and then her.

"Okay honey, now what is your wish?" Her mother asked.

"I wish that you two would get married this year." Emily pronounced and she waited for their reaction but all she got was silence. She feared that she had put them both in shock but then her mother got her voice again.

"That is an unusual wish but don't you think that is something for Bubba and I to decide?" she asked her.

Emily was prepared for this question and she had her answer ready. "Yes and no, yes because you and Bubba are the ones that have to make that decision but also no because we have always done things as a family including making big decisions and this I know is a big decision. But I love you both and I think that it is time that you got married. Besides Danielle and I want to be your bridesmaids." Emily added to make a little fun.

"And what makes you think I would ask you two to be my bridesmaids." Her mother shot back and it took Emily by surprise at first but then she laughed.

"Well that is an unusual wish but I guess it is a good one and maybe overdue, so Bubba and I will think about it that is all that I can promise." Chloe said and then they did just that and Emily knew that by the end of the year, they would be married. Bubba, of course, was all for it. He had loved Chloe with all his heart from the day that he saw her on the sidewalk by his apartment building. Chloe, on the other hand, had to grow to love Bubba over time. But they both got there in the end. As the conversation went on, it became more about how they would get married than if they would get married.

When she called Danielle later that night, after everyone had gone to bed, the first thing that Danielle asked was what had happened. Emily let out a long sad sigh over the phone and she heard Danielle say softly "Oh no" then Emily piped up and told her how it went. After Danielle got done cussing her, they talked about the wedding and Danielle had lots of cool ideas as Emily knew she would. She also knew that her mother would fight everyone of them but she would eventually give in. Danielle wanted a big wedding held at the farm and while her mother said she only wanted something simple. But she could see down deep, Chloe always dreamed of something big and beautiful. Emily so wanted to give to her mother something that she could only ever dream about having. When they got done with that subject, Danielle said that she had decided to tell her parents the next day about being a lesbian and that she was in love with her. This caused Emily to pause for a moment because she didn't know how Danielle's parents would react. They talked long into the night about how Danielle should handle it but Emily mostly just listened to how Danielle wanted to do it and she encouraged her when she felt Danielle needed it.

The next day, she was on pins and needles all day as she waited for that phone call but it didn't come until late that night. But as she heard her phone ring, she heard her mother's phone ring. This was very unusual as she mother never got any calls except from her or Danielle. Emily sat up in bed and she listened as Danielle described how everything went. She said that her father didn't say much but her mother was upset at first but she soon calmed down and they talked. Then as Danielle was telling Emily that she had told her parents that Chloe and Bubba had known about it for a while now, Emily saw her mother coming out of the bedroom and she mouthed to Emily "Danielle's mother" as she pointed to the phone. She went on into the kitchen and talked there as Emily talked to Danielle in the living room. Danielle cried at times and Emily had to work to get her to feel better about things. The main thing was that Danielle's mother hadn't refused to let Danielle see her so that was a good starting point. After a while, Chloe came in with a cup of coffee for Emily and she was grateful as her throat was getting dry from all the talking she was doing. Chloe ended her call long before Emily stopped talking to Danielle. As her mother came back through the living room she mouthed to Emily "It'll be okay." And Emily gave her a big smile. She knew she could count on her mother to make things better. They had their one low point but after that things had been better than ever. That was the good thing about them all being so close and having to depend on each other. When someone was in need, the others did everything they could to make it better. Emily talked until it was almost morning before she was able to get Danielle go get some sleep. She then tried to sleep but her mind was working overtime and she couldn't drift off. She finally gave up and got up and started breakfast. She had to work that morning at the Goodwill Store but her mother wanted her to stay home and sleep but she said that she had to work and she did. It made her feel better to be doing something than just sitting around the apartment worrying about Danielle. But when she got home, she found that her mother had her bed ready for her. She told her mother that she was fine but her mother made her lay down all the same and it didn't take her long to fall asleep. It was late that night that Danielle called her and she told Emily that she and her mother had a nice long talk together and her mother was coming around to the fact that she was a lesbian and she could live with that. She then had a long talk with her father and he said that he would always support her. Danielle mentioned about his political career and he told her to let him worry about that, so that part had been settled.

But Emily was still nervous the first time she came to Danielle's house after she had told her mother about being a lesbian and that Emily wasn't only her friend but her lover. Danielle had kept reassuring her that it was going to be fine and Emily believed her but not completely. It had only been a week since it had all gone down and Emily would have preferred more time to pass but it was her weekend to come to Danielle's so there was no putting it off. Danielle brought Emily into the parlor after they had gotten home from the basketball game which Danielle had to cheer at. Emily saw Danielle's mother and father sitting in the room and she felt her hands start to shake.

"Well there they are, how was the ballgames?" Her mother asked as she got up.

"We lost both the boy and girls games." Danielle said sadly.

"Well, I'm sure that they will do better at their next games." She said as she came to Danielle and gave her a kiss and a hug.

"I doubt it; we're pretty bad this year." Danielle said.

"Oh ye of little faith." She told her. "Tell my daughter that they'll do better next time.

"I'm afraid that she's right, we are pretty bad in basketball this year. But Bubba and my mother had a good time." Emily told her.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with you two." She said as she came to Emily and hugged her like she always did. Emily fwlt herself tense for a split second and then she heard Danielle's mother say into her ear, "You can relax honey, I'm okay with you and Danielle."

This made Emily smile and she returned Danielle's mother's hug, "Thank you." Emily whispered back.

Danielle's mother then let her go but not before kissing Emily on her forehead and that just clinched it in Emily's mind; it really was going to be okay. Emily then followed Danielle's over to her father and they gave him a hug. They then sat and talked with them for just the right amount of time before heading off to Danielle's bedroom.

"See I told you that it would be okay." Danielle told her after they had gotten into the bedroom and shut the door.

"I know but I was still scared, just like you were when you found out that mother had seen us making out that night." Emily told her.

"I wasn't scared." Danielle came back with much too quickly. Emily turned and gave her that look and Danielle then said, "Okay maybe I was a little scared." At which time, Emily gave her the "I told you so" look.

"How about joining me in the shower?" Danielle asked as she started to take off her sweat suit that she had put over her cheerleading outfit.

"That's okay, I've already took a shower tonight." Emily said.

"I was kind of hoping that you'd help me out in the shower." Danielle said with a wink.

"Do you really need help to take a shower?" Emily asked as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Girl, are you that dense tonight? I'm trying to get you naked with me under the shower so that we can play a little." Danielle said exasperated as she put her hands on her hips.

"Oh is that what you were doing. I just thought that maybe you had forgot how to wash yourself or something. I mean you do smell like you haven't taken a bath in a month." Emily told her.

"I've been cheering for the past four hours, how do you expect me to smell?" Danielle said not realizing what Emily was doing to her.

"Something better that a pig that has been rutting in mud all day." Emily said with a straight face and she saw Danielle's face turn a bright red and that was when she lost it and she burst out laughing.

"I'm going to kill you." Danielle said.

Emily then started to get up to avoid a rushing Danielle but her reflexes were a hair too slow and then next thing she knew she was being pinned to the bed with Danielle laying on top of her.

"Smell like a rutting pig, you say. Just wait a second and we'll see who smells." Danielle said as she started to squirm on top of Emily making sure that she rubbed every exposed part of Emily's body with her sweat soaked body. Emily was giggling too hard to try to stop her and soon so was Danielle.

"You just love to push my buttons don't you?" Danielle asked as they finally stopped laughing.

"Yep, but you love to push mine too." Emily said as she raised her head and gave Danielle a quick kiss.

"That I do." Danielle said as she gave Emily a much longer kiss. "Now that we both smell like pigs, let's go take that shower."

"Oink, Oink" Emily said laughing as she accepted Danielle hand and she let her help her up.

They then went to the bathroom where they helped each other to undress as they kissed and fondled one another. Once they were both naked, they separated only long enough to turn on the shower then they started to kiss and hug as the water warmed up. When it was finally hot, Danielle adjusted to water and then she stepped into the shower and held the shower curtain open for Emily to step in. Again they came together, only this time it was under the warm spray of the water. They kissed and caressed each other as they let the water warm the outside of their bodies as their passions warmed their souls. Emily moved her fingers down to Danielle's ass and she let them run lightly up and down Danielle's cheeks. She then slipped them on down and she moved them between Danielle's legs and Danielle opened her legs up so that Emily could get to her pussy. She used her right hand fingers play along Danielle's slit as the fingers of her left hand went back to Danielle's ass and they went up and down her crack, going ever deeper with each stroke until they reached Danielle's asshole. She teased it and that made Danielle moan loudly. Emily could feel Danielle's fingers moving to her pussy but she stopped her by giving Danielle as last kiss and then she slipped through Danielle's arms and she got down on her knees. She then put her fingers to Danielle's pussy lips and pulled them out and she buried her mouth into that sweet pussy. She began to lick and she heard Danielle's moan as she felt Danielle's grasp her head holding it in place. She moved her tongue up and down the slit and then to the clit, caressing it with her tongue only to return to Danielle's pussy and licking up the juices that had gathered there. She licked and licked causing Danielle to moan and groan from the pleasure that she was giving her. She knew that Danielle was getting close to a climax so she moved her mouth to her clit as she eased both of her index fingers into her pussy. She began to fuck her as her mouth sucked on her hard sensitive nub. Danielle bucked her hips and cried out as she came. Her knees gave out and Emily had to ease her to the floor. As she got Danielle to a sitting position, she saw Danielle open her eyes and she smiled but then she closed them as she let her orgasm flow through her body. As Danielle rested, Emily got the shampoo down and she washed Danielle's hair. By the time that she was done with that, Danielle was beginning to come around so Emily helped her to her feet. Between the cheerleading that she had done and then the orgasm that Emily had given her, Danielle was about spent and she let Emily finish washing her. Emily then got her out of the shower and dried her body and hair and then put her to bed. Danielle was asleep before Emily could get into the bed beside of her.

The next morning, they had to get up early as Danielle's mother had an all day shopping trip planned. Emily wasn't exactly excited about it but she knew that she had to go along. She had to switch her days at the Goodwill Store to be off on this Saturday. Emily had dreaded it all week but Danielle assured her that it would be fun and to Emily's surprise, it actually was. She loved seeing Danielle and her mother fuss over what looked good on each other and what didn't. And when she was asked what her opinion, she gave it sometimes agreeing with Danielle but most of the time she agreed with Danielle's mother as she was more like her and qas a little more conservative in her dress than Danielle who was much more likely to go with something wild. And when she did agree with Danielle's mother, Danielle always called her a traitor and that made Emily and Danielle's mother laugh. But that night, Danielle showed that she wasn't mad at Emily as she made passionate love to her until the early morning hours and Emily couldn't take anymore.

As the weeks and months passed, Chloe's and Bubba's wedding became a fore gone conclusion. The only question was as to where the marriage would take place and this was where Danielle came into the picture. She had already convinced her parents to have it at the farm and they found a weekend that they were both free in early June and they made sure that none of their aids booked them to do anything that weekend. So next on Danielle's list was to work on Chloe to have it there and on that weekend.

Meanwhile Emily was helping Bubba get the rings. This they did without Chloe knowing and that was hard to do as Chloe always knew what was going on in the family. Bubba had always kept the extra money that Chloe had given him for something to eat or drink at work and he and Emily went out every chance that they could without Chloe knowing to look for just the right rings. Emily found lots of rings that were in the right price range but when she brought Bubba to see them, he would say that they were just not the right ones. But she kept looking and one day as she and Bubba were looking, they happened upon a pawn shop and Bubba wanted to see what they had. Emily wasn't sure that she liked the idea of buying someone else's rings as obviously the marriage they were originally bought for didn't work out but Bubba saw it in a different light. He said that meant all the good marriage luck was still in the rings. This made sense to Emily in a way so she went along. They looked around and she didn't see anything she liked but then she saw Bubba's eyes light up. There was a set of rings, with an engagement ring included, sitting over to the side. It was a beautiful set but the price was more than they had put together for the rings as Emily also put some of her college money into the rings. Emily pointed out the price as the man behind the counter brought the rings out. They were as beautiful up close as they were under the counter. It was at this point that Bubba set in talking the price down but the man wasn't budging an inch. Soon the owner came out and he took over and started to deal with Bubba. Emily was surprised in the change in Bubba. For all her life, she had seen him go along with almost everything that Chloe asked him to do. But right now, he was the most determined and stubborn man she had ever seen. But this wasn't something for him, this was for Chloe and that made the difference. When it came to her and Chloe, Bubba became a different man. Emily just stood back and watched. It took Bubba an hour to wear the two men down but eventually the owner just threw up his hands and gave in. Bubba walked out of the shop, standing ten feet tall.

But before the wedding could take place, there were three big events that were to take place. The first happened in mid February when Emily and Danielle got their acceptance letters from Vandy. Emily also was able to get enough scholarships and grants to be able to afford to go there. So that part was set as to where they would attend college. The next part was getting her mother to let her share an apartment with Danielle but that turned out to be easier than she thought it would be. They just sat down and talked about it.

"Is this what you really want?" her mother asked.

"Yes, of course it is. I love her to death and she feels the same way about me. Besides, if something happens, I can always come back here and live." Emily said not really believing that anything would ever cause that to happen.

"What makes you think that I would let you come back?" Her mother said.

Emily thought that her mother was teasing her but then she saw how serious the look on her face was and that made her think. "You mean, you wouldn't let me come home. But this is my home." Emily said suddenly scared that by moving out, her mother wouldn't ever let her return home.

"Yes it is and it always will be. And Bubba and I will always be here for you. But if you move in with Danielle, then you are making a commitment to her and I won't let you use this place as a way to avoid dealing with problems that come up and they will, I assure you of that fact. Spending weekends with someone and living with them are two different things. You have the best of both worlds now but when you are with her seven days a week then the little things that don't bother you now, will start to wear on you and you will have to learn to deal with it. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?" she asked.

"Yes mom, I do. You had me scared there for a minute but now I understand what you are telling me." Emily said as she got up came over to her mother, sitting in her lap as she hugged her.

"You know that I love Bubba to death but it hasn't been a bed of roses. We had to learn how to deal with each other's little quirks. He is as gentle a man as you will even meet but he can be stubborn and obstinate too." She said.

"Yea, I know, I saw an example of that the other day when we were out." Emily said.

"What did he do?" her mother asked innocently.

"Oh nothing really," Emily said realizing that she was about to give away the rings. She started to get up but her mother grabbed her around the waist and kept her in place.

"It had to be something so fess up, just what were you and Bubba doing when he became so stubborn?" She asked smiling.

"Oh I wanted to take the E bus but he was determined to take the S one." Emily said trying to get up but her mother held her fast.

"You know you couldn't lie very well when you were little and you haven't gotten any better at it." Her mother said as she finally let Emily up but she gave her a smack on the bottom.

"Ouch, what was that for?" Emily asked.

"For whatever you and Bubba were doing and are keeping from me." She said as she got up and they went to start dinner.

The next big event of their lives was the Senior prom. Danielle wanted to go and since she was sure to be voted the Prom Queen as she was elected the homecoming queen, she had to go but Emily didn't want to go. It just wasn't her thing. They had talked about it all of April and now it was a week away and Danielle made one last push to get Emily to go.

"But I want this to be our coming out party. I want to take you and dance with you." Danielle said once again as they talked about it.

"I know that you do and I have thought a lot about it. I know that you have wanted to let everyone know that I was your girlfriend and I love you for that. But I don't want that to be what we are about. Our love is between us and I want to keep the rest of the world away. If we make a scene at the prom, then that is what everyone will be talking about for the rest of the year. And it will be harder on you than me. I'm a nobody at school and that is fine with me but you are someone that everyone looks up to. Let's wait until we are at Vandy before we show the world who we really are. Please do that for me. The prom just isn't my thing; I'm not the dress up kind." Emily told her.

"Okay, I'll drop it and go with Jeb as you wish but I'm going to leave it early and come back to you. Then we're going to have a nice night together, just the two of us." Danielle said as she leaned over and gave Emily a soft sweet kiss.

"I'm counting on you doing that." Emily said as she returned the kiss.

Prom night came and Emily went over to Danielle's place and with Danielle's mother got her ready. Emily could see the sadness in Danielle's eyes when she left with Jeb to go to the prom. Emily gave her what she hoped was her best smile but in her heart, she hated to see Danielle go without her but she knew in her heart, that this was the best thing for them right now. She then waited for her with Danielle's mother, talking about Vandy, the wedding, and then Danielle's mother started to talk about being the governor's wife. She talked about all she had to give up to support her husband, not that she regretted doing that but there were other's things she would rather do. She liked being a farmer's wife and running the farm and she couldn't wait to get back there. Emily realized that being in the spotlight was just as hard as being one of poor and unseen. They each had their good points but also many bad points. Danielle came in about ten and Emily was so happy to see her. But before they could retire to her bedroom, Danielle's mother made them stand together for pictures. Emily didn't want to as she was just dressed in her jeans and Danielle was standing there in her beautiful gown. But Danielle and her mother already had that figured out. They took her back to Danielle's room and Danielle went to the back of her closet and she brought out a gown that was just as beautiful as Danielle's dress. They made her put it on and then they fixed her hair and makeup. Emily protested all the way but she also felt good knowing that Danielle and her mother didn't want her to miss out on everything that went with the prom. When they had her fixed up, they brought her out to the living room where Danielle's father was waiting with another man who had several cameras. It turned out that they had hired a professional photographer to take their pictures. And he took a bunch with them sitting and standing alone and then with Danielle's parents.

"And now I want my dance." Danielle said after they had gotten back to her bedroom. She put on a CD and then she came to Emily.

"I did promise you a dance didn't I." Emily said as she held out her arms and Danielle was quickly enveloped in them.

"Yes you did and I plan on collecting." Danielle said as the soft music began to play and they started to sway to the music. They danced around the room as one song after another played. They talked some but mostly they just stared into each other's eyes and danced. But eventually they moved closer and they began to kiss as they moved. As the kissing became more passionate and urgent, they stopped moving entirely and just stood there and kissed.

Emily felt Danielle's hand on her lower back and she felt shivers all over her body as Danielle ran her fingers along her spine up to the back of her neck. Danielle held her head in place as she opened her lips and Emily let Danielle's tongue slide ever so sensually into her mouth. Danielle's tongue moved around the edge of her mouth and then it sought out Emily's tongue and Emily let her tongue rise until it touched the underside of Danielle's tongue. She heard a little whimper come from Danielle and then she let out a little moan as Emily pressed her lips down until she could suck gently on the tip. Emily then felt Danielle's hand go to her right shoulder where the strap of her dress was. The hand slipped on across her shoulder taking her dress strap with it. Emily felt her dress loosen and begin to fall. Danielle then slowly broke off the kiss and she stepped back and she took Emily's dress and helped it own down. Emily watched as the dress fell to the carpet leaving her in her strapless bra and panties. Danielle stepped to Emily's back and she took the bra and unhooked it. She brought her hands around bringing the bra with her. When it cleared Emily's breasts, she let it fall to the floor joining her dress. Emily felt Danielle pull her back and she felt Danielle's body press against her bare back, then she felt Danielle's hands cup her breasts as she started to kiss her shoulders and neck. Emily leaned back against Danielle and she moaned as Danielle's fingers tenderly caressed her breasts and nipples. Emily sensed that her panties were getting very wet from the caresses that Danielle was giving to her. By the time Danielle began to slide her hand down Emily's flat belly to her pussy, she was positivity soaked. Emily moaned aloud as Danielle's hand went over her panties and it went on down until it cupped her pussy that was just covered by the thin material of her panties. The hand started to stroke her pussy through her panties and Emily pushed her hips out trying to get more contact to her pussy.

"Oh god, I need you!" Emily cried out.

"You got me baby." Danielle whispered into her ear.

But then she felt Danielle's hands leave her body and she wanted to cry out. She was so aroused that she needed the contact back. But then she felt Danielle's breath on her lower back just above her ass. Next she felt Danielle's hands at her sides and her panties were slowly being pulled down. She felt Danielle give her light kisses on her ass as it was being uncovered. Emily groaned and moaned as her panties cleared her hips and went down her thighs. Finally they were at her feet and she stepped out of them. She opened her legs and she felt Danielle's hand slip between them to go back to her pussy. Danielle was still kissing her ass as her fingers went across her pussy lips. She was embarrassed by how wet she was but she couldn't help it, Danielle had her so aroused that she was about to die. The fingers parted her lips and she felt Danielle's middle finger penetrate her. Emily bent over and she placed her hands on her knees to support herself as Danielle's middle finger began to fuck her. She felt Danielle's mouth go between her ass cheeks and then she felt Danielle's lips lightly kissing her asshole. Emily's legs almost gave out as she cried out. What came next almost took her over the edge as she felt Danielle's tongue touch the center of her asshole.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck!" Emily cried out.

Emily felt a second finger enter her pussy and it was going faster and harder up inside of her. She had trouble standing up but she barely managed to do so. Danielle's fingers were going deep inside of her and now her tongue was pressing against her asshole, just going inside of her. This was too much and she cried out as her pussy took control of her body and she came. She felt her knees give out and she felt Danielle holding her up.

When she was able to open her eyes, she was laying on her back looking up at Danielle, who was smiling down at her. Emily returned the smile and then it got bigger as she watched Danielle begin to undress. The dress fell from Danielle's body. Emily's smile then went from ear to ear when Danielle unhooked her bra and she let it fall from her breasts. She then put her hands down to her waist and she pushed her panties down over her hips and past her pussy. Emily's mouth began to water just looking at that bare pussy with the lips swollen and wet from her juices.

"Come to me baby, I want to please you, I need to please you." Emily begged and she saw Danielle dropping to her knees. Emily reached for her hips and she pulled her forward until Danielle's pussy was over her mouth.

She kisses Danielle's inner thighs where her juices had run and she worked her way up to her wet pussy lips. She licked the outer lips for a moment and then she went back to kissing her thighs before going back to her pussy. She went to the slit and she let her tongue slide up until it reached her clit. She sucked the hard nubbin into her mouth and she caressed it with her tongue. She heard Danielle moan as she got her close to a climax, then she backed off and moved her tongue back down Danielle's slit only she didn't stop when she got to the bottom. She went on down until she got to Danielle's asshole and she ran her tongue around the edge. As she licked Danielle's asshole, she slipped her finger up inside of her pussy. She moved her finger in and out and she could feel Danielle's pussy grip her finger. She moved her tongue to the center of Danielle's asshole and she pushed it forward. She felt Danielle's asshole open up and let her tongue in. she couldn't believe that she was doing this but she knew how good it felt when Danielle did it to her and she wanted to please Danielle the same way and that made her want and need to do it. She added a second finger to Danielle's pussy and she started to fuck her harder. Danielle began to moan and groan as Emily fucked her. Emily went at it hard and fast and she pushed her tongue in deeper into Danielle's ass. Danielle shook as her orgasm began to overcome her. Emily quickly moved her mouth to where her fingers were and she sucked up the girlcum that Danielle's orgasm was producing. Emily removed her fingers and licked up the rest of Danielle's juices, and then she turned Danielle over and kissed her way up Danielle's body until she could kiss her face and lips.

As soon as Danielle recovered, she turned them over so that she was lying on top of her. Emily wrapped her legs around Danielle's waist as Danielle began to move her hips up and down. Emily moved with her and soon their pussies were rubbing together in a nice rhythm. They kissed and hugged each other as they fucked. Emily pushed her hips up and she dug her fingers into Danielle's back. Her pussy was beginning to spasm as they fucked and she had a series of small orgasms before the big one hit and she cried into Danielle's ear as she came but Danielle was in the midst of her own orgasms.

"Thank you for doing this for me." Emily said as they rested and kissed lightly.

"I wanted to do it; you're my prom queen and always will be." Danielle said as she kissed her again.

"So tell me all about it but let's talk in bed. We seem to always end up making love on the floor, with me on the bottom." Emily said with a laugh.

"That we do, don't we." Danielle replied as she got up and then helped Emily up and they slipped into the bed and talked all about the prom.

The rest of the school year slowly passed for them both. They were ready to move out and be on their own but first they had to finish high school. But the time did eventually pass and they made it through finals and then came graduation. Since the Governor's daughter was top graduate, the school was all up in airs as he was the one to give the Graduation address. Danielle also got a special section set off for her family and she made sure that Chloe and Bubba had seats next to her parents. This was their special day and they enjoyed every moment of it. They sat side by side and held hands during the whole thing. A few of Danielle's fellow cheerleaders were sitting near them and they noticed that Danielle was holding on tight to Emily's hand. And then when it was over and they were back at their seats, Danielle turned to Emily and gave her a big kiss that everyone around knew was more than a kiss between friends. It was Danielle's way to say to all her old friends just who Emily was and what she meant to her.

Right after graduation, they started to look for an apartment right off campus. This was harder than they thought as most of the places were run down and Danielle's parents would not let her live off campus until she got a good apartment that was secure and safe. They ended up a little farther away from the college than they wanted but they found a one bedroom apartment that fit their needs. Emily couldn't believe the cost but Danielle had the money to pay for it. Emily wanted to help on the rent but she didn't have the money and she knew that Danielle wouldn't take it from her even if she did. They started to move in a week before Chloe's and Bubba's wedding so it was a hectic week. Her mother was driving her crazy with the arraignments. Danielle's mother had loaned Chloe her wedding dress to wear and Emily found a rental place to rent a tux for Bubba. Danielle, Chloe, and Danielle's mother went out and shopped for the dresses for Danielle and Emily to wear. Chloe didn't like not being able to pay for them but she made sure that they got the least expensive ones that they could and dresses that they could use for other occasions.

The night before the wedding, they all packed up and Danielle drove them down to the farm. Danielle's parents were already there and they showed Chloe and Bubba around as Danielle and Emily went out to explore farm and find a few moments alone to kiss and love on each other. That night, they had a big cookout with all the farmhands and their families there. There were kids of all ages running around, having a grand old time and keeping their parents busy chasing them down. It didn't end until dusk when the sun was going down and the kids began to get tired and cranky. Then it was just Danielle's and Emily's families' sitting around a fire talking. Emily could see that her mother was nervous but also excited. She was about to have a day just for her. That was something that had not happen in such a long time or maybe it had never happened.

The next morning Chloe was a nervous wreck and it took Danielle, Emily and Danielle's mother to keep her under control and halfway calm. But they managed to do so and they got her dressed and fixed up so pretty that Emily almost didn't recognize her. She never realized how beautiful her mother really was. Emily did slip out and get with Bubba to make sure he was okay and that he was ready to do his thing. They both had something special planned for Chloe and she went over it with Bubba to make sure that he had it down pat.

Then the time came and Danielle and Emily left her mother in Danielle's mother's hands. They went to where they had the big tent set up for the wedding. Emily couldn't tell how many people were there. All the farm hands and their families were there as well as a lot of the people that Chloe and Bubba worked with. She knew that her mother would die seeing all these people there to see her get married but it made her feel good to know that her mother and Bubba were so well accepted where they worked. She knew that her mother looked a lot better in the evenings when she got home and now that they had a lot of their weekends off so that they could do other things than work. The music started and Danielle followed a cute little flower girl down the aisle and when they got into place, the wedding song played and she watched her mother walk down the aisle. She was trying not to cry as she saw her mother's radiant face. When she got to the altar, Chloe turned and handed Emily the flowers she was carrying and when she turned back around, she was surprised to see Bubba down on one knee.

"Chloe, would you make me the happiest man in this world by marrying me?" He said to her.

Emily heard her mother gasp and then she heard a weak "Yes" came from her throat. Bubba then took the engagement ring that he was holding and he slipped it on her finger. Emily had tears running down her face and so did Danielle and when Chloe turned to face the minister, she saw streaks of tears rolling down her cheek. Emily knew that Bubba had made her mother so happy. The minister said his thing and they were married.

The rest of the day, Chloe was the center of attention and Emily knew that this made her mother a little uncomfortable but she was also enjoying it. Emily also saw her fingering the rings that were now around her fingers. Chloe and Bubba had made her New Years wish come true and she had made their lives a little better. That evening, everyone left leaving Chloe and Bubba the big house to themselves for the weekend.

Emily and Danielle left them and went to their new apartment. This would be their first night together. They made love all night and then slept the rest of the day. Chloe picked up more hours at the Goodwill store so that she would be able to help with the food and things that they would need. Danielle paid most of the bills but she let Emily help when she could. And Emily found that her mother was right about living with Danielle. There were things like Danielle leaving her dirty clothes on the bathroom floor and not putting her makeup away when she got done with it. Emily took it as long as she could before she blew up at Danielle and they had their first real argument. They fussed and quit talking for a day or two but Emily remembered what her mother had said to her that day about times being hard sometimes and you just had to work through it. So she took her mother's advice and she sat down with Danielle and they worked it out. Then they made love for the rest of the day to make up for what they had missed.

Then the day before they were to start classes, Chloe and Bubba came over for dinner. When dinner was over, Chloe sat Emily down in the kitchen as Bubba entertained Danielle in the living room with one of his stories.

"I want you to have something." Her mother told her as she reached into her purse and she pulled out an envelope.

"What's that mom?" Emily asked but she kind of knew what it was before she asked the question.

"I have saved this for you to go to college on and now you are about to start. This is from Bubba and me." She said as she slid the envelope over to Emily.

Emily's hands were shaking as she picked it up and opened it. The envelope was filled with money that Chloe had saved throughout all of Emily's life. Emily started to cry and she wanted to give the money back saying that she didn't need it but she saw how proud her mother was to be doing this and she knew that she couldn't refuse it. "Thank you mother, I will spend it wisely." Then she got up and came to her mother and hugged her tightly.

"I know you will. I wish that it could be more but that is all I was able to save." Her mother said.

"Oh mom, this is more than enough. You're the best mom a girl could ever have." She told her and then she took her by the hand and took her into the living room where Bubba and Danielle were. Danielle looked at her with alarm when the saw the tears running down her face but then she saw that Chloe was crying too but it was a good cry. Emily went to Bubba and pulled him up. She then hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, thanking him for the money and she told him that he was the best father she could ever hope to have. They all set in to crying and hugging.

Then Chloe pulled Bubba next to her and she made one last announcement, "Emily, you're going to have a new sister."

"Oh mom, you're kidding me." Emily said is shock but she knew that her mother wouldn't kid about anything like this, especially with bubba standing there right beside of her with a proud grin on his face.

"No, I not kidding you." Her mother said and then found herself being hugged and kissed by both Emily and Danielle and they had a thousand questions, Like when she got pregnant and when she found out and so forth. They also asked when they found out when they found out that they were having a girl and Chloe told them that the Doctor wasn't sure yet as it was still too early to tell but she knew and Emily knew her mother knew in her heart that it would be a girl and she was right. Chloe gave birth to a beautiful girl and she named her Kat.

Emily had one last promise to her mother to keep and it took her four years to start to fulfill it. She made a trip home on the Friday after she got her first check from her new job. Late that night when it was just her and her mother in the kitchen talking, Emily slipped an envelope over to her mother. When her mother asked what it was for, Emily reminded her of her promise to help them once she got out of college and she was doing that. Her mother did as she had done four years before; she didn't protest but accepted the money from Emily even though she didn't need it anymore. She and Bubba had good jobs and while they would never be rich, they could live okay.

Emily and Danielle moved all around the country through the years but she was never far from Chloe and Bubba and her sister. And when Chloe and Bubba grew old; Emily and Danielle came home for good. They with Kat's help, they took care of Chloe and Bubba, making sure that their every need was met. Bubba was the first to go, but Chloe didn't last long after that. Emily knew that she missed Bubba so much that she couldn't live without him. And three months to the day after Bubba died, Emily sat by Chloe's side and held her hand and watched her take her last breath and while she cried, down deep in her heart, she was happy as she knew that her mother was back with Bubba, fussing at him for leaving her first and she could just see Bubba grinning as he had his "Mean Girl" back.

The End.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

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