Emilys Crush

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 13, 2007


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Emily's Crush

Part Three

By Chris

"So I got up and went into the living room to make sure that everything was okay." She said and then she paused a moment and Emily just knew that her mother was going to ban Danielle from the house again and she felt like her life was over. But her mother didn't let her hang in purgatory for long. "So I got up to see what was going on and then once I realized that everything was alright, I went on back to bed."

"You... you know what was going on?" Emily asked again afraid of the answer she was going to get.

"Yea, I saw enough to figure it out." She said.

"Are...Are you okay with it?" Emily asked.

"I was a little disturbed at first but then I figured out that it might be better that way." Her mother said.

"What do you mean?" Emily now completely confused. She knew that her mother would go off the ceiling but yet, here she was acting completely calm about the whole thing.

"Honey, at least this way I know that Danielle sure as hell isn't going to get you pregnant." She said smiling.

"Oh mom, I love you so much. I didn't know how to tell you about the way I was." Emily said as she rushed back to her mother and gave her a big hug and a kiss.

"I love you too baby but I do want us to talk about it soon okay?" she said.

"Sure," Emily told her and she knew that when her mother said soon, that meant the next time that they were alone and could talk.

"And one bit of advice." Her mother said.

"What's that?"

"You're not exactly in a closed area out there in the living room and you both were making a lot of noise. You need to be a little more discreet. I wish we could afford a two bedroom apartment but we can't right now. Luckily I had tired Bubba out last night so he didn't hear anything, but the next time, you might not be so lucky. Are you catching my drift here." She said as a warning.

"I got you." Emily said as she felt herself blushing.

"By the way, how long have you two been lovers?" Her mother asked as she went to the fridge to get the eggs and bacon out.

"Last night was the first time we have done anything. We both felt the same way about each other but neither of us knew it. I guess last night we kind of let our guards down and it happened." Emily said.

"Well, I would love to hear all about it if you want to talk about it. You don't have to if you don't want." She said.

"I want to mom. I want to tell you all about her and me." Emily said smiling.

It was about this time that Bubba came into the kitchen and he gave them both a kiss. He then took his cup of coffee from Chloe and he sat down.

"Oh man, I forgot how early you people get up in the morning." Danielle said a few minutes later as she walked into the kitchen yawning and stretching.

"Honey, if you're going to be a part of this family, then you need to learn that when one of us gets up, we all get up." Chloe said as she came over and gave Danielle a hug. Emily saw that Chloe whispered something into Danielle's ear and she saw a questioning look come over Danielle's face. She didn't hear what her mother said but she heard Danielle's answer and it was, "I will, I promise."

Danielle then came over to where Bubba was sitting and she gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, which please Bubba to no end. Emily was the last one to get a hug from Danielle but it was also the longest hug.

"What did mom whisper to you this morning?" Emily asked after her mother and Bubba had left.

"She said and I quote, "Emily's my only baby, please take good care of her. And I said that I would. But I'm not quite sure why she said that to me." Danielle said as she came to Emily and pulled her in close.

"Oh I know. She heard us last night and she came to investigate what was going on." Emily said and she saw Danielle's face turn red from embarrassment.

"Oh god and she didn't throw a fit?" Danielle asked as her face got redder and redder.

"No the way she looked at it was at least you couldn't get me pregnant." Emily said with a laugh and she saw the relief on Danielle's face and she saw her start to smile until she added, "And she does want to talk to me about us when we can have some time alone." Emily then felt Danielle tense up again.

"Don't worry, it's cool. I think she just wants to talk but she did warn us about doing anything out here in the middle of the living room. The next time we do anything we do need to be a little more discrete." Emily added.

"Yea, we did get a little carried away last night but it just seemed right to me." Danielle said and she looked into Emily's eyes.

"Me too," Emily replied as she leaned in and kissed Danielle.

But before they got too carried away, Emily separated herself from Danielle loving arms as she had to work a half day at the Goodwill Store. Danielle, of course, followed along. Once the work was done, they headed out to pick out the cell phones for both her and her mother.

"This will work out fine for your mother, I think." Danielle said as she picked up a simple flip open phone.

"Yea, we don't want anything fancy, just a regular phone." Emily said as she looked the phone over.

"Okay that does it for her, when we check out we'll see what colors the phones come in and you can decide which your mother would like. Now let's look for a phone for you." Danielle said.

"One of these will do just fine for me; let's get just two of these." Emily said hoping to keep Danielle from going overboard.

"Oh no, you got to have something nice. Your mom won't be using hers much but I plan on calling you at least once a day plus messaging you so you need something better." Danielle said as she gave Emily a grin that Emily knew that Danielle was up to meanness again.

"Oh no you don't, my mom agreed to getting phones but ones we don't have to pay for." Emily said as Danielle grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the more expensive phones.

"You're not going to pay for it, I am." Danielle said grinning again.

"You know my mom won't buy that for a second. Let's not push this okay?" Emily said.

"And you know me better than that. I always push things." Danielle said.

Emily wanted to reply with, "And I'm the one that pays for it." But she didn't, instead she said, "Okay but don't go too fancy." But once she had given in, she didn't have a choice as to what she was going to get. She just hoped that her mother wouldn't say anything or not ask to see her phone.

Danielle went through each phone showing Emily what each would do but most of it was Greek to Emily as she had never used a cell phone before. But she listened carefully to everything that Danielle said but in the end she just let Danielle pick out the phone. She knew that she wouldn't use many of the functions of the phone. She just wanted it so that she could talk to Danielle when she wanted or needed to. Danielle, of course picked out the phone like she had which had a keypad to type messages and even checks her emails on it. But since she didn't have an email account, that didn't really affect her, or at least it didn't then but later; Danielle would set her up with a hotmail account so that she would have an email address. Once the decision was made on which phone that Emily would get, they went to the counter and picked out the colors. She got a red one for her mother as her mother liked red and she got a light blue one as that was the closest she could find to the color of Danielle's eyes. It took the sales clerk a while to get the phones set up and then he rang up the bill and Emily about had a cow as she saw that her phone alone was over three hundred dollars and that was with the discount for adding it to Danielle's plan. Danielle also added messages to her phone and multimedia. This would add much more than the ten dollars that Danielle told her mother the phone would cost her. Emily started to open her mouth at that point but Danielle stopped her.

"I know what you're about to say but as far as I'm concerned you and your mother owe me ten dollars a month which is the cost for adding the phone line to my account. You can just stay quite about it or we can have a big scene here in the store as we argue." Danielle told her seriously.

"Okay, you win this time but don't expect me to give in so easily next time." Emily warned her.

"I know, but I just want you to have something nice for a change." Danielle told her.

Emily stepped up to Danielle and whispered into her ear, "I already have something nice silly."

Emily saw Danielle's face turn red and she loved it. She knew that Danielle would behave herself for a while before she tried something else but in the end, she knew that Danielle would do something, it was just a part of her nature. Danielle put everything on her debit card and they left the store. Emily couldn't help but to just look at her phone, opening and shuting it. They then sat on the bench and Danielle helped her to put her number and her mother's number into the phone. They then programmed her mother's phone so that she would have both numbers in it. Emily then dialed Danielle's phone so that her first phone call on her new phone was to Danielle. They laughed as they talked to each other over the phone as they sat next to each other.

Just as they were starting to get up, Danielle's phone rang and Danielle told Emily that it was her mother before she answered it. Emily tried not to listen but it was hard not to since she was sitting right beside of her. Emily could tell that it wasn't good news by the expression on Danielle's face. Then she heard Danielle say, "But I was going to spend the night at Emily's remember I told you last night."

"What is it?" Emily mouthed to her.

"Hold a sec mom." Danielle said to her mother then she said to Emily, "My mother wants me to go to a social function tonight, but I'm trying to get out of it."

"No, go with her, we can spend next weekend together. It's cool. She let you stay last night and she needs you so go." Emily told her. She was disappointed that she wouldn't spend the night with her but it would give them both time with their mothers and that wasn't a bad thing right now.

"You sure?" Danielle said.

"Yea, but call me when you get done, no matter the time. I'll put the phone on vibrate so it won't wake anyone." Emily said as she pointed to Danielle's phone where Danielle's mother was holding.

"Okay mom, let me take Emily home and then I'll be there." Danielle told her mother and then she rung off.

"I'm sorry about this. But she doesn't drag me to many of these but her friend Betty had to cancel so I got stuck." Danielle said.

"It's cool, she let you spend most of the summer with me and she let you stay last night when you gave her no notice and besides it will give me and mom a chance to talk." Emily told her as she put her arm in Danielle's and they started to walk out of the mall.

Her mother got off early that afternoon so she was home soon after Emily got home. Emily first showed her the phone that she picked out for her and she showed her how to use it. Her mother then asked to see her phone and Emily reluctantly showed it to her.

"And this one cost the same as the phone that Danielle got for me, meaning that it was free?" her mother asked.

"Would you believe me if I said yes." Emily asked.

"No," Her mother said.

"Didn't think so," Emily said with a smile. "It cost a lot more than yours. I tried to get just two phones like yours but Danielle was on a mission and you know how she can get. I can talk it back if you like." Emily said.

"No, you keep it. I know that between the two of us, you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. You want to please both of us but to please one you disappoint the other. I won't put you there again unless you start to get too big for your britches, then I will put my foot down." Her mother said.

"Thanks mom, it is hard sometimes. And it's not like I do whatever she wants, she gives in too. It is give and tale with us. I mean she gives up a lot to spend time with me. But she does it because she likes me." Emily said.

"I know she does and that brings us to that subject. Just how long have you known that you were not attracted to boys?" Her mother asked and Emily knew that the talk had just begun, but she had been thinking about what to say to her mother and she was ready to talk about it.

"I don't know for sure, it's more like I've always known it. I just kept it to myself. It has been a part of me but it's not something that I could do anything about so I didn't think about it much or ever talk about it. But then Danielle came along and while I've been attracted to her for a long time, I never thought that we would get together. But then we did and the feelings that I kept from myself came out. It was something that I had to deal with and I did it the best that I could. But even then it took us over a year before anything happened. Does that make sense to you?" Emily asked.

"Yea it does. It took me a long time before I realized that I loved Bubba and it took me even longer to make the short walk from the couch to his bedroom. I knew that I would have to make the first move because he was too nice and kind to do so. I put it off for as long as I could before I gave in and entered his bed and made it our bed."

"So we're about the same it's just that I like someone who is of the same sex as me. That makes me different but the feelings are the same. I feel the same way about Danielle as you do Bubba." Emily said.

"The part where you love someone of the same sex is harder for me to understand but the feelings that you feel, I do understand." Her mother said.

"Now I have a question, why are you so accepting of this when a month ago you were so upset that Danielle and I were friends?" Emily asked.

"Because I almost lost you and I don't want to do that again. You're too important to me. To me, you will always be my little baby girl, no matter how old you are. But then I found that I was holding on too tight and I knew that I had to let you go. That was so hard for me to accept. I wanted you to be mine and only mine. But you're not just mine, you're Bubba's baby too and he let me know that in no uncertain terms. Now Bubba and I have to share you will Danielle but I now know that there is a part of your heart that will belong to just me and that is enough." Her mother said.

"I wish we could have had this talk long ago but we are having it now and that is all that counts." Emily said as she leaned over and gave her mother a hug.

They talked for the rest of the afternoon, mostly about love but other things too. And as the afternoon went along, Emily realized that she and her mother were becoming closer than they had ever been before. They were really talking and talking about things that meant the most to them as women. Emily learned how her mother always wanted to get her GED and maybe do something else with her life and Emily knew that she had to help her mother get that. She also found out that her mother wanted to have another baby before she got too old. She wanted to give Bubba a child. But that didn't threaten Emily in the least as she knew that to Bubba, she was his daughter.

Later that evening as Emily slept; she felt a vibration in her hand. She woke up quickly and looked at her phone and she saw that it was Danielle calling her, not that she expected it to be anyone else. She flipped her phone open and she said hello to her friend. As she slipped out of the bed and made her way to the kitchen so that she wouldn't disturb her mother and Bubba, she noticed that it was after one in the morning. Danielle was now back in her bedroom and they started to talk. Danielle told Emily all about the affair that she had to go to and how boring it was. The conversation went on for a couple of hours and then they said goodnight both knowing in their hearts that they would be together soon but fate would work against them.

Emily got up with her mother about an hour and half later and she helped her to fix breakfast. Then she went in and helped her mother at the hotel. Thanks to Danielle's help, she was now getting paid when she worked with her mother. It was a slow day so the work wasn't hard and they were able to leave early. Since it was a nice early fall day, they walked home from the hotel and talked. Once back at the apartment, Emily worked on her homework as her mother fixed supper.

Over the next month, Emily and Danielle put their phones to great use as Danielle's mother had plans for each weekend and Danielle couldn't get out of them. They did get to see each other before school and they did find secluded places to sneak in a kiss or two. Then on Saturday morning, Danielle would always stop by to talk. Then she would take her home and they would sit on the couch and talk. The talking would always lead to kissing but before they could get too far, Danielle would have to leave. But it wasn't until the second week of October, that fate would ease up on them. This was the week that school was out for a week for fall break. Danielle's father was scheduled to go to Washington for a Governor's conference. He wanted Danielle to go with him and Danielle's mother there. At first Danielle and Emily discussed the possibility of Emily going with her. Emily liked the idea of going to Washington to see all the historical stuff there but then Danielle came up with a better idea. She had been to Washington a number of times and sightseeing did not appeal to her. She then presented her idea to Emily and while she hated to miss seeing Washington, she liked Danielle's new idea even better. So they both started to work their parents on the idea. It took a lot of selling to her mother got get her to let her do it and Bubba wasn't completely keen on the idea but he eventually came around to Emily's thinking. Danielle had just as hard a sell to her parents but she too succeeded but there were rules to be established and that took a phone call from Danielle's mother and Emily's mother. Emily was nervous as a long tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs as she sat and listened to her mother's conversation with Danielle's mother. Emily was surprised how calm her mother was as she talked to Danielle's mom but then she realized that as far as her mother was concerned, she wasn't talking to the governor's wife, she was talking to Danielle's mom. Emily heard various rules being talked about, some she was okay with and some, she wasn't sure that she liked. But in the end, the two mothers came to an understanding that they could both live with. When her mother finally hung up, Emily rushed her mother and hugged and kissed her, thanking her for letting her spend a week with Danielle at the governor's mansion. As soon as Emily quit hugging her, she sat her down and went over the rules. The first being no parties but since they were staying at the governor's mansion, there wasn't a chance of that happening. The second was that they were to be home by midnight and since they had to go into mansion by the gate that was manned by guards, that was easily checked. They were also not to go to any parties and while that was harder to check, Emily assured her that they wouldn't be going to any. Emily also had to call home each day to check in. Her mother wanted to make sure that her baby was okay. This Emily knew that being away from home for the first time in her life, she would have probably have called her mom each day anyway. Now all that was left was to wait for Friday to get here and then she and Danielle would finally be alone for the first time since that one night when she and Danielle first kissed.

When Danielle came by that Friday night, she came up to the door to picked up Emily who was getting more and more nervous as the day went along. She knew that with a week alone with Danielle that they would do more than kiss and that excited her but also scared her. So when Danielle invited her mother and Bubba to the game, Emily didn't really mind. Bubba was all for it as he had enjoyed the other game that they had gone to but Emily's mother was reluctant to go along as she knew that Emily wanted time alone with Danielle. But Emily convinced her to go along, so they all trouped down to Danielle's car and off they went. The game wasn't as close as the last game but it was fun to watch and Bubba really started to get into it. Emily and her mother enjoyed just sitting there and watching him hollering with the other fans. Emily kept an eye on Danielle and when it came time for Danielle and the other cheerleaders to throw the little footballs into the stands, Danielle made sure to send one toward Emily who caught it cleanly. This ball she gave to Bubba who cherished it since it came from Emily and Danielle. Emily also wasn't so jealous of Jeb since she now knew the true relationship that he and Danielle had. The game finally came to a glorious end and Emily took note that Danielle didn't go to Jeb this time. This she knew Danielle did it for her, this was going to be a week just for them and she didn't want to start it out on the wrong foot.

Danielle took Chloe and Bubba home and then it was just the two of them. Emily was nervous at first but the more Danielle talked, the more she relaxed. But she couldn't stop smiling as they talked. She smiled even bigger when Danielle reached over and took her hand. She squeezed it and when she didn't immediately let go, Emily turned her hand over and she entwined her fingers with Danielle's. They were both quite for a moment but then Danielle started to talk again and Emily joined in. When they got to the governor's mansion, Emily grabbed her one small bag and Danielle's grabbed her hand and she led her up to the floor where Danielle and her family lived. Emily had been here once, the night of the school supervisor's dinner and she had been in Danielle's room but only for a short period of time. That evening, Emily remembered, had ended very badly and she hoped that this one wouldn't end the same way but she shouldn't have worried about that. They went on into Danielle's bedroom and Emily put her bag down. Danielle showed her the TV remote and she went into to take a shower. Emily sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the room, taking it in once again. It was about as large as the apartment she and her family lived in but she also noticed how unlived in it was. But then she knew that this wasn't Danielle real home but one that they were using while her father was the governor.

Then Danielle came out of the bathroom and she was wearing terry cloth bathroom and she was drying her long blond hair. Emily wanted to jump up and kiss her but then Danielle told her it was her turn and that broke Emily from her daydream. She went on in and she undressed. She looked at her naked form in the full length mirror that Danielle had in her bathroom. She looked at her straight brown hair that went just past her shoulders. She wanted to do something with it but she didn't know what to do. Her eyes then went down to her small breasts with her quarter size areolas. They were dark in color and slightly hard. She cupped them in her hands wanting them to be just a little bigger but that wasn't to be the case. Her mother was small breasted and so would she be. She let her fingers so on down her stomach to her pussy. She felt the fine hairs that grew there. She had never grown public hair and couldn't figure out why. When she had became a teenager and still no hair had grown, she asked her mother about it. But her mother had no answer. It was just the way that she was. She moved her fingers on down and she felt her pussy lips and she found that she was slightly wet. But she knew that was from seeing Danielle in her robe and seeing those smooth legs that peeked out as she walked. She then turned as she reached around to feel her butt cheeks. They were firm but like the rest of her, it was small but then so was she. Realizing that she had wasted so much time already, she turned on the water in the large shower and she slipped inside. It was so nice to wash in the hot water and not worry about having to hurry. There wasn't two people waiting for her to finish but then the picture of Danielle waiting for her and she quickly hurried up. Once done, she dried off and she realized that she hadn't taken any clean clothes into the bathroom with her. She looked around and found a white terry robe that matched the one that Danielle had on. She finished drying her hair and then she saw some of Danielle's perfume on her sink and she picked it up. She opened it and put just a drop on her wrists and some between her breasts. She then took the robe and put it on. She tied it around her waist and walked out into the bedroom.

"That smells good." Emily said as her nose caught whiff of the bowl of popcorn that Danielle had sitting on the old chest that was at the end of the bed. Danielle was lying with her head at the foot of the bed facing the thirty-two inch flat screen TV that was on the wall

"I was hungry so I made us a bowl and I got us a coke." Danielle said.

"Both sound good to me." Emily said as she came over to the bed and she lay down right next to Danielle. She then took a hand full of popcorn and started to pop it into her mouth.

"Speaking of smelling good, you don't smell so bad of yourself." Danielle said as she leaned over and breathed in deeply.

"Thank you, I kind of borrowed some of your perfume, I hope you don't mind." Emily said blushing.

"Not at all, I like it." Danielle said as she kissed Emily' cheek and then she hit the play button on the DVD player. "This is a good movie, you'll love it." She added then she got up and turned off the lights so that the TV was the only light in the room. She then came back and leaped upon the bed landing up against of Emily.

"Hey, you about made me spill my coke." Emily said as she sat her coke on the chest and then she hit Danielle with her shoulder.

Danielle then pushed back against Emily which of course made Emily do the same. They pushed against each other giggling and laughing as they played. It was about to get a bit more physical then the movie started and they calmed down. Emily quickly got into the movie as it was about two girls at a boarding school who were in love. They got a roommate and they quickly warmed up to her. One of the two girls was more outgoing and the other came from a very wealthy family. The two girls were actually in love and the third girl would listen at night as they made love. Their relationship went on until one morning, when the wealthy girls' little sister caught them in bed together. Then the wealthy girl was force to reject the girl that she loved because she didn't want to disappoint her family. The rest of the movie went along with one girl trying to deny her love and the other girl fighting to keep the love alive. Emily felt all her emotions come alive as the movie went along, sometimes she laughed and other times she was crying. Then at the end of the movie when the girl that was fighting to keep their love going died, Emily did cry. Danielle turned the DVD off and switched the TV to a movie channel as she muted the sound.

"Why did she have to die, the one girl should have told her parents to go to hell and run away with her." Emily said as she wiped her tears.

"It's not always that easy." Danielle told her as she hadn't told her parents that she was a lesbian and she dreaded that moment.

"Oh I know but they could have given the movie a happy ending." Emily said frustrated at the way the movie ended.

"Yes they could have but then they wouldn't have given me a reason to make you feel better." Danielle said as she leaned her head in and she kissed her.

Their lips came together for only a moment then they parted slowly. Emily pulled Danielle to her as she turned onto her side. She hugged Danielle tightly as their lips came back together and this kiss was much more passionate. Their lips separated and their tongues met. Emily moaned as she felt Danielle's body pressing against her. Emily moved her tongue around Danielle's tongue and then she felt Danielle close her lips against her tongue and she felt her suck on it. This caused another low moan from Emily. She moved her hand up and down Danielle's back and she heard Danielle moan. Emily slipped her tongue from Danielle's mouth and she invited Danielle's tongue into it and she caressed it with the tip of her tongue. Emily felt Danielle's hand moving across her back. Emily could feel her pussy begin to get moist as they kissed. Their lips parted for just a moment as they caught their breaths but then they went back together but this time they kissed for just a second and then their lips parted only to quickly come back together. They kissed this way for a few minutes and as they did, Emily moved her right hand on down Danielle's back. She felt Danielle's lower back and then her hand felt the rise of Danielle's butt. She moved her hand around Danielle ass but it was still covered by the terry cloth robe that Danielle was wearing.

She gently pulled the robe up uncovering Danielle's ass. She then put her hand back on Danielle's ass only this time she was touching her bare flesh. Danielle let out a louder moan as their lips parted. Emily moved her hand around Danielle's firm ass cheeks and she felt her pussy getting even wetter. As she was caressing Danielle's ass cheeks, she felt Danielle move her hand between their bodies. She felt the hand slip under her robe and then it was on her chest between her breasts. Emily tensed a moment as she felt the hand move upward and it started to cover her right breast. Then it was coving her breasts and Emily let out a long "Ohhhh..." as Danielle gently squeezed her breast. Danielle released her breasts and Emily felt her fingers teasing her nipple. Emily let out another moan and she squeezed Danielle left ass cheek with her hand. Emily couldn't believe how good it felt to have Danielle touch her breasts like she was doing. Their kissing became more passionate as their hands were caressing each other bodies.

Emily felt Danielle's hand leave her breast and she felt it on her shoulder. Danielle let their lips part as she ease her onto her back. Once she was on her back, she found that she was looking directly into Danielle's eyes. Emily bit her lower lip as she knew that they were about to make love. She was nervous, scared, and excited all at the same time. Her heart was beating about a million times a minute but she knew that this was what she wanted to happen. She slowly relaxed and she smiled up at Danielle. She then watched as Danielle's hand moved down to her waist and she took the tie of the robe and she pulled upward, thus untying it. Emily bit her lower lip again as she watched Danielle let the tie drop and then she went to the robe and she took the right side and pulled it to the side uncovering Emily's right side. She took hold of the left side and she pulled it away from Emily's body. Emily hoped that Danielle liked what she saw and she was relieved to see her smiling down at her. Danielle then started to lean down to kiss her but Emily stopped her by putting a hand to her shoulder and pushing her down onto the bed and she sat up. Danielle looked confused for a second but then she smiled as Emily's hand went to the tie of Danielle's robe. Emily pulled the tie out and then she went to part Danielle's robe open as Danielle had done. She first saw Danielle's light colored areola. She wanted to lean down and kiss it but she waited for a second to do that. She instead went to the other side of the robe and opened it. Her eyes went down to Danielle's pussy and she saw that she was shaved completely clean. She could see the inner lips protruding out from between the outer lips and she could see the moisture on them from the light of the TV.

As she pulled her robe from her shoulders, she saw Danielle sitting up. Once she had her robe off, she watched Danielle pull hers off. Emily then opened her legs up and she pulled Danielle to her. Danielle opened her legs up and she put them over Emily's as she scooted up close to Emily. She then moved her hands up and she cupped Emily's breasts in her hands and Emily closed her eyes as she moaned. She then opened them back up and she placed her hands on Danielle's cute breasts. She squeezed the warm soft flesh as she leaned in to kiss her. They both moaned as their lips met. Emily used her fingers to gently caress Danielle nipples. She could feel them grow hard as her fingers went across them. Danielle's hands were not idle as they squeezed Emily's breasts and then she felt Danielle begin to lightly pinch them.

A "Ohhh..." slipped from emily's lips as she broke off the kiss that they were in.

Danielle moved her lips to Emily's neck and she started to kiss her there. Emily lifted her chin and she let Danielle kiss her neck from side to side. Emily moved her fingers to Danielle's nipples and she pinched them gently and she got a moan from Danielle. She loved the feel of Danielle's breasts and nipples in her hands. Danielle moved her lips down Emily's neck to her chest as Emily leaned back. Danielle's mouth went on down until it was between Emily's breasts and then they kissed their way over to Emily's left nipple. Danielle kissed it and Emily thought that she was going to have an orgasm from that alone as it felt so damn good. Danielle then sucked the nipple into her mouth and that felt even better. Danielle sucked it another moment and then she went to the other side and kissed and then sucked that nipple into her mouth. Emily felt her body quake as a small orgasm did pass through her body. When she got her breath back, she put her right hand under Danielle's chin and brought it up so that she could kiss her. When the kiss ended, she moved her mouth to Danielle's right nipple and she kissed it and then she went to the other nipple to kiss it. She heard Danielle suck in her breath and then she let out a long moan. Emily kept her mouth on this nipple and she sucked it into her mouth. As she sucked on this breast, she moved her right hand down to Danielle's left thigh. She then moved it in until she began to feel the heat coming from Danielle's pussy. She eased her fingers closer to Danielle's pussy until she felt her fingers touch the outer lips. They were so wet and very hot. Emily let her finger slide up Danielle's pussy until she felt the little nub at the top. She rubbed that for a second and she felt Danielle shutter. Emily then moved her fingers back down the slit getting them coated with Danielle's juices. She moved them back up and then down the wet slit. Danielle was moaning and Emily felt Danielle raise her knees up opening her pussy to her. Emily pressed her fingers in a little harder and her middle finger slipped between Danielle lips. Danielle groaned aloud and Emily pressed her fingers in harder. She began to stroke Danielle's pussy harder and faster. Danielle was now moving her hips in motion with Emily's fingers. As she felt Danielle getting closer to an orgasm, she moved her fingers to Danielle's clit and she rubbed it fast and hard just like she like she rubbed her own clit when she masturbated. She soon had Danielle crying out as her orgasm hit her hard and she fell back on the bed.

Emily looked down at Danielle's body as she rode out her orgasm. Her face was flush and her breathing was rapid. Emily brought up her right hand and she saw the juices that coated them. She put them to her mouth and she tasted Danielle's juices for the first time. She found that Danielle tasted similar to her own juices. She looked down at Danielle's pussy which was soaked with her girlcum and she knew that she had to have more. She quickly moved her body around so that she was lying on the bed with her head between Danielle legs. She breathed in deeply taking in Danielle's aroma and then she dipped her head down. She kissed Danielle pussy before she stuck out her tongue and she began to lick up and down Danielle's pussy. She heard Danielle let out a loud moan. Emily licked just the outer lips for a few strokes and then she used her fingers to open up Danielle's pussy. She could see the wet pink flesh inside and she started to lick Danielle deeper. She moved her tongue up and down the slit and then she would push her tongue in deep and lick there. She moved her tongue around inside of Danielle and she got more juices to lick and drink down. She sucked and lick for all that she could and then she went for Danielle clit. She sucked it into her mouth and she used her tongue to lick it. This seemed to drive Danielle wild as she bucked and twisted so Emily kept doing it. She had never done this before so she was working off the reaction of Danielle's body. She had Danielle crying out and then she stiffened as her second orgasm hit. Emily felt Danielle's girlcum hit her chin and she moved her mouth down to suck them up. She licked and sucked her way through Danielle's climax and was content to continue to do so if Danielle hadn't reached down and pull her up in the bed.

"Oh god that felt good." Danielle told her as she pulled Emily's head down to kiss her.

"I wasn't sure what I was doing; I just wanted to make you feel good." Emily said as the kiss ended.

"You did great, but now it's your turn." Danielle said as she pushed Emily onto her back and she rolled on top of her.

Emily smiled as she saw Danielle's lips come down and then she felt them on her lips. She put her arms around Danielle and she held her tight as they kissed. She let her hands move around Danielle's back and then on to her ass. She squeezed them and caressed them as she accepted Danielle's tongue into her mouth. She sucked on it as it moved its way around her mouth. She almost hated for the kiss to end but it did and Danielle began to kiss her way down to her chest. She felt Danielle hands cup her breasts and she felt those hands squeeze them as Danielle's lips kissed first the right nipple and then the left. She then felt Danielle's mouth suck the right nipple into her mouth. Emily let out a moan and she moved her hands from Danielle's back to her head and she held Danielle's head in place. Emily lifted her feet off the bed and she placed them around Danielle's body and she began to rub her pussy against Danielle's stomach. She was so wet and ready to cum and she couldn't wait for Danielle's mouth to get to her pussy but she also liked the feel of Danielle's mouth on her tits. Danielle was now sucking hard on her right nipple and then she brought her teeth to the nipple and she gently bit down.

"Ohhh... goddd..." Emily groaned out.

Danielle bit that nipple a time or two more and then she went to the other nipple and she kissed it before biting down. Emily groaned out again and she cried out Danielle's name. Danielle then began to kiss her way down Emily's body and Emily shivered in anticipation as to what was to come. Danielle stuck her tongue into Emily's belly button causing her to giggle and she relaxed her legs and let them fall from Danielle's back. She opened her legs out wide as Danielle's mouth got to her mons. She felt Danielle biting her skin and she felt her teeth pulling on the short fine hairs that surrounded her pussy. She then felt Danielle's lips kiss their way on down until she felt them kiss her clit which was hard and very sensitive.

"Oh god!" Emily cried out again.

Danielle went on down to her slit where Emily's outer lips covered her inner lips. She felt the tip of the tongue start to go up and down her slit. Emily thought that she could die right then and be happy about it. She was as close to heaven that she would ever get. She then felt Danielle's tongue start to part her lips and go deeper into her pussy. She felt the tongue go so deep and then it hit her clit and it stayed there. Emily pushed her hips up to get Danielle lick her harder and she did. Her tongue stayed in place and Emily felt such wonderful sensations course through her body. She twisted and turned her body as Danielle licked harder and faster. Emily felt her orgasm get so close and then it hit. She screamed out and her body shook from the powerful contraction of her muscles. She felt her pussy flood with juices like it had never done before.

When she came back down from her orgasm, she felt Danielle's fingers at her pussy and they were opening her up. She then felt Danielle's tongue go deep into her pussy. It moved around inside of her and she knew that she was flooding Danielle's mouth with her juices and Danielle kept sucking them up. The fingers stretched her pussy lips open even more, and Danielle's tongue started to fuck her pussy. Emily moaned and cried and she put her hands down to Danielle's head holding it in place. Danielle fucked her with her tongue for a minute more than she went back to licking her pussy lips and then her hole. Emily planted her heels on the bed and she lifted her hips off the bed. Danielle head stayed in place and she licked deeper and faster. Then she went back to Emily's clit and she sucked it into her mouth. She sucked hard and Emily thought she was going to suck it off her body but she didn't care as it felt too good. Then Danielle's tongue snuck out and started to lick her pussy. She also felt Danielle's finger go into her pussy. It went all the way in until it stopped at her hymen. Emily wanted her to break it and go on in deep but Danielle didn't. She just fucked her with the tip of her finger and she sucked on her clit until Emily felt her second orgasm rush her and she cried out Danielle's name as she came. She body just shook as she felt her girlcum pour out of her body and into Danielle's mouth which was sucking them up. When she got her senses back, she pulled Danielle's mouth that was glued to her pussy and she pulled her up in the bed. And she kissed her tasting her own juices that was smeared all around Danielle's face.

"Thank you, that was wonderful." Emily said as the kiss ended.

"You're quite welcome my wonderful lover." Danielle said as she leaned in for another kiss.

"Have you even done this before?" Emily asked.

"No, you're my first and I'm so happy that it was you that I got to make love to for the first time." Danielle said smiling.

"You're my first too and I hope my last." Emily told her.

"Me too and I think it will be, we're made for each other, I think." Danielle said.

"That sounds good to me." Emily said as she pulled Danielle to her and they began to kiss again.

The kisses were soft and slow for a while as their hand found places to touch and caress. But when Emily's fingers found their way to Danielle's pussy, the kissing became more urgent and much more passionate. Soon Emily felt Danielle's fingers on her pussy and she opened her legs to give her better access. They caressed each other slowly at first as they tried to discover what the other liked and needed. They kissed and moaned as their fingers did their magic on the other's pussies. Emily was able to make Danielle cum and she felt Danielle's pussy coat her fingers with girlcum. Then as Danielle came down from her orgasm, she worked her fingers in hard and she quickly brought Emily to another orgasm.

When they caught their breaths, they kissed for a few minutes then they made their way under the covers. They held each other tightly as they kissed, then they settled down to sleep. Emily slept late the next morning, later than she had in years but then they had stayed up late the night before watching the movie and then they exhausted themselves making love. Emily looked over and saw Danielle sleeping. She thought about letting her sleep but then she couldn't wait for Danielle to wake up and they could start the day.

So she leaned over and she started to lightly kiss Danielle's face. She kissed her forehead, eyes, lips, and cheeks. She kept kissing her but Danielle didn't seem to want to wake up and Emily began to wonder what it would take to wake Danielle up but that she saw Danielle's eyes peek open for just a split second and Emily knew that Danielle was faking it. So Emily decided to pull out all the punches. She gently pushed Danielle onto her back and she noticed that Danielle was helping her a bit. Emily then slipped under the covers and she found Danielle's right nipple with her mouth. She kissed it then she sucked it into her mouth. She then heard a low moan come from Danielle and she knew that Danielle had tried to contain it but she couldn't. Emily went to the other breast and she sucked the nipple into her mouth. She sucked and bit the nipple and then she felt Danielle's hand at the back of her head. She knew that Danielle was fully awake now and she could stop but she wasn't going to end this until she made Danielle cum. Plus she wanted another taste of Danielle's pussy. She kissed and sucked on Danielle's nipples for just a few minutes more and then she moved on down Danielle's body. When she got down to her pussy, Danielle had her legs spread out wide. She stuck out her tongue and she began to lick. She could taste the dried girlcum on Danielle's outer lips left over from last night but then as she got to the slit, she tasted the fresh juices that Danielle's pussy was now producing. Emily began to lick deeper and she used her fingers to spread out Danielle's lips. She licked in deep scoping out the juices and drinking them down. She pushed her tongue in deep and she moved it around. She heard Danielle let out a loud moan. She moved her mouth to Danielle's clit as she slipped a finger into Danielle's pussy. It felt so warm and wet. She pushed it in until she felt the same barrier that she herself had. She pushed her finger against it but she didn't want to break it yet. She began to fuck Danielle with her finger, careful not to go too deep. She sucked Danielle's clit into her mouth and she licked and sucked on it as she fucked her with her finger. Soon Danielle was crying out that she was about to cum and Emily worked her tongue faster and harder against her clit. Danielle then bucked her hips as she came. Emily moved her mouth down to suck up the girlcum and she tasted a little salty liquid with the girlcum but she decided that she liked that too as it came from Danielle's body. She licked and sucked on Danielle's pussy until she pulled her up in the bed.

"Oh god now that is a way to wake up." Danielle said as she kissed Emily.

"You were awake long before I started that, you little faker." Emily said smiling.

"Hey whatever works." Danielle said with a wink.

"Well next time, you get a cold cup of water, like my mom use to do to me when I won't get up." Emily said as she poked Danielle in the ribs.

"You wouldn't dare!" Danielle said.

"I wouldn't make that dare if I was you." Emily said as a warning.

"Oh I think so, you're a wimp from the word go." Danielle replied confidently.

Emily arched her eyebrows and then she slipped from Danielle's arms and got out of bed. She didn't say a word as she walked to the bathroom.

"You'd better not come back in here with anything!" She heard Danielle call from the bedroom.

She took a glass from the sink and she filled it full of cold water and then she held it behind her back as she strolled into the bedroom. She saw Danielle looking at her and she knew that Danielle was now beginning to worry.

"Don't even think about it!" Danielle warned her as Emily brought the full glass of water from behind her back.

Emily acted like she was going to change her mind and not throw the water and it was at that moment that she saw Danielle relax. That was the moment that she was waiting for. She quickly came forward and jerked the covers from Danielle's body as she flung the water all over her.

"Owww..." Danielle cried and then she said "You are so dead!" as she jumped from the bed but Emily was a step ahead of her. She made a dash for the bathroom and just got the door closed and locked when Danielle got to it.

"Open that door, you little shit." She cried as she banged on the door.

"I was born at night but it wasn't last night." Emily hollered through the door. "I'm not about to open the door right now, at least not until you cool down."

"That's the problem, thanks to you, I'm freezing." Danielle said and then she said, plus I've got to pee. Just open the door and I'll not hurt you, I promise."

"That reminds me, I've got to pee too." Emily said as she turned on the water in the sink and then sat down on the toilet to pee.

"Emily, please I've got to really pee now." Danielle hollered as she continued to bang on the door.

Emily finished peeing and she washed her hands before finally opening the door. Emily saw that Danielle wasn't lying as she rushed past her and sat down on the toilet. Emily then heard the pee pour out of Danielle. "You really did have to pee didn't you?" Emily said with a smile.

"Yes I did. I told you so, you little shithole." Danielle said with a frown but then she smiled.

Danielle then got off the toilet and went into the shower. Emily thought that she was just going to start the water to take a shower so she turned her back to Danielle to look into the mirror. She heard Danielle turn on the water and then an instant later she felt the cold spray from the shower nozzle that was attached to a long hose hit her back. She screamed out, "Oh fuck!" as the shock of the cold water hit her.

"You're in for it now!" Emily said as she rushed Danielle who had the nozzle on full blast spraying her. To Emily it felt like ice water hitting her face and breasts but she was determined to get inside of the shower and thus to Danielle and when she did, her hands went for the nozzle. She was able to twist Danielle's hands and got the water off of her and it was now spraying Danielle. But that didn't last long as Danielle forced the nozzle back at Emily. They went back and forth as the struggled and laughed. But soon the water on the shower floor got slick. Danielle lost her footing and she went down on the floor hitting butt first. But since Emily still had both of her hands on the nozzle too, she was brought down with her. It was a wonder that they didn't pull the whole thing out of the wall but it had a long hose and it was firmly connected as the mansion was build with iron pipes. Danielle was now sitting on the floor and Emily was on her knees on top of her. This gave her some leverage over Danielle and she took full advantage of that fact. She was able to get control of the nozzle and she turned it first toward Danielle's head and she soaked it good and then she went down her body to her chest and breasts. She saw that Danielle's nipples were hard as a rock from the cold water but then so were hers. She kept going down Danielle's body until she got to Danielle's pussy and that was when she when she heard Danielle scream from the cold water on such a sensitive area. At first she thought that she had really hurt Danielle and she released her grip on the nozzle and the next thing she knew she was on her back and Danielle had the nozzle in her hands. Emily had forgotten that Danielle was a cheerleader and thus was very wiry and quick as a striking snake. She looked up and saw the grin on Danielle's face and she knew she was in trouble. She put up her hands trying to block the spray but Danielle just aimed it where her hands weren't. She got it in the face, breasts, and finally on her open pussy and she thought she was hit with an electric prod and she screamed and that gave her motivation to get the nozzle back in her hands. It took a bit but she finally did and that was when Danielle said out of breath, "I say we're even, agree?"

"Agree," Emily said out of breath and then she shivered from the cold of the water dripping off her body and the fact that she was laying in that same cold water that had gathered on the shower floor. She then let go of the shower nozzle and she hoped that Danielle didn't get in a last shot but she didn't as she laid the nozzle into the bottom of the shower stall and she got up and turned on the hot water and turned off the cold. She then lowered her right hand down to help Emily up.

"Damn, that was fun!" Danielle said as she shook her head sending water everywhere from her wet hair.

"Yea it was but damn I'm cold and look what we've done to the bathroom." Emily said as she looked around at the water that was gathered on the floor. There was a little ledge at the doorway and that was the only thing that kept the bedroom carpet from getting wet.

"Don't worry, it won't go anywhere, this is the kids bedroom so it was build to keep water in the bathroom. Here help me get some towels to soak up the water." Danielle said as she went to the closet and she began pulling out towels and she threw them into the floor.

"You're the one that got the nozzle out; I should let you clean up this mess." Emily said as she went to Danielle's side and started to help her pull the towels out.

"Me?" Danielle said and then she added, "I believe it was you who got that glass of cold water and threw it on me."

"Hey you are the one who called me a wimp; you knew I couldn't let that go unchallenged." Emily said with a laugh.

"Sure you could, I mean since you are a wimp." Danielle said laughing.

Emily didn't say a word but she turned and started walking toward the shower and she reached for the nozzle. "Now who is a wimp?" Emily said as she started to raise the nozzle from the floor.

"I'm the wimp!" Danielle said as she started to shield her body from what she knew was coming.

"I thought so!" Emily said as she dropped the nozzle back into the floor of the shower.

"No you are the real wimp!" Danielle said as Emily got back to her.

"What am I going to do with you?" Emily asked as she pulled Danielle to her.

"I know what I'd do if I was you." Danielle said.

"What's that?"

"This," Danielle said as she curled her hand to the back of Emily's neck and pulled her in close.

Emily smiled as she closed her eyes and then she felt Danielle's lips touched hers. This warmed her up quickly as they clung together and kissed. Emily moved her hands up and down Danielle's back and she could feel how Danielle's cold wet flesh. But she could also feel how warm the fronts of their bodies were getting as they were pressed together. Soon their lips parted and they looked into each other eyes. Emily could feel herself getting lost in those eyes of hers. And it look her a moment to realize that Danielle was talking to her.

"What?" she asked.

"I said that the water should be getting warm and while I would love to stand here forever holding you, I think it will be warmer in the shower."

"True," Emily said but it still took her another minute before she could release her.

They quickly pulled the rest of the towels down except for the two they would need to dry themselves and they spread them out on the floor soaking up the rest of the water. They then threw the wet towels into corner of the shower and they hopped in to where the water was finally getting warm. Danielle put the nozzle into the holder and she slipped up under the warm spray as she pulled Emily to her. They kissed as the water ran down their bodies, warming the outside as the kiss was warming the insides of their bodies. They hugged and kissed for a minute or two before Danielle pulled back.

"Now this feels good." Danielle said as she came back in for another kiss. Emily let her hand caress Danielle's back and then she let them go down to her ass. She began to caress the firm globes and she heard Danielle let out a little moan. Emily started to move her fingers to Danielle's crack when Danielle pulled back.

"Hey none of that." She said as she pulled away and Emily felt disappointed as she wanted to please Danielle again. "Hand me that shampoo and let me wash your hair." She said as she pointed to the shampoo bottles that were in a shower hanger on the far wall of the large shower.

"Which one? You only got about thirty bottles of shampoo here." Emily said as she looked at all the bottles.

"Give me the red colored bottle; it has a nice tropical scent. And by the way, only half of the bottles are shampoo the rest are conditioners." Danielle said with a grin.

"I stand corrected." Emily said as she got the bottle of shampoo that Danielle wanted and handed it to her.

"Now get down on your knees so that I can wash your hair." Danielle instructed her.

Emily did so and she found that she was looking right at Danielle belly button so she leaned forward and she gave it a little kiss causing Danielle to giggle.

"Quit that!" Danielle said as she pushed Emily away and the she poured some of the shampoo onto the top of Emily's head preventing her from getting into any more mischief. She closed her eyes as she felt Danielle's fingers start to wash her hair. It had been many years since her mom had washed her hair and Emily had forgotten how nice it was to have someone else wash it for her. She relaxed and let her mind go as she felt Danielle massage her scalp. Danielle took her time but it was still over before Emily wanted it to be as she felt Danielle's wonderful fingers leave her scalp and then she felt the warm water rinsing the shampoo hair. Danielle told her to stay in place and she felt her moving around her. Then when Danielle got back in front of her she felt more liquid being poured onto her hair. Danielle again began to work this in and since it felt different, Emily knew that Danielle had put some conditioner into her hair. Danielle worked it into her hair but this time she didn't immediately rinse it out.

"I'm going to let that soak in for a while so stand up and I'll wash you as the conditioner works on your hair.

Emily started to protest that she could wash herself but then she realized that having Danielle wash her wasn't such a bad idea so she said, "Okay."

She let Danielle help her up as she kept her eyes closed. She knew that at this point she could open them but she decided to just enjoy the washing. She heard Danielle get another bottle and then she felt Danielle's hands touch her right arm, pulling it up and away from her body. She felt Danielle's hands soaping her arm and she could smell the fresh scent of the soap. It smelled a lot better that the cheap bar soap that she had to use at home. Danielle washed that arm and shoulder and then she went to the left arm and washed it. Emily then felt Danielle move around her and she felt her hands on her back. They started up at her shoulders and worked their way downward to her lower back and then to the top of her ass. Emily wondered what Danielle would do from there but she didn't have to wait long to find out. She felt Danielle put a hand to each of her ass cheeks and she began to soap them. This felt so good and Emily involuntarily leaned forward sticking her ass out more. The hands stayed on her ass cheeks for longer than was necessary to wash them but Emily wasn't about to complain. Then Emily felt Danielle's fingers begin to work their way inside of her butt crack. Emily couldn't believe that Danielle was going to wash her there but her fingers were getting ever closer to that spot. Emily started to tell Danielle not to wash her there but then it was too late as she felt Danielle's fingers brush past her asshole. Emily tensed for a split second as her mind protested someone touching her there but then the other part of her brain told her to relax and she did. The fingers brushed past her asshole again and it felt nice. She felt something stirring inside of her pussy and she liked the feeling. The fingers went back down her crack only this time the finger tips stayed at her asshole. Emily bent forward more and she felt Danielle teasing her asshole with her soapy fingertips. Emily let out a low moan and she couldn't believe how good that felt. She never knew that part of her body could be sexually arousing but it was. Danielle played with her tiny asshole for a few moments making her moan again but then they left and went down to her right leg and Emily let out a groan. She wanted the fingers back at her asshole but she would have to wait for another time. Danielle washed her right leg and foot and then she went to the left leg and foot, washing them well. Emily then felt Danielle moving around to her front and she felt her fingers at her face, washing and caressing her cheeks and neck. This felt so good and she was sad to feel those fingers and their tender caresses leave her face and neck. They left her body for a moment but when they returned, there was fresh soap on them and they were placed on her chest, just above her breasts. The hands soaped her shoulders and then went down her sides, just gazing her breasts. They went to her stomach and Emily had to giggle as the fingers went across her tummy. For Emily though, it was her breasts that were aching to be touched. But Danielle stayed away from them for just a few minutes more as she hands washed her lower stomach and hips. Then they slid up Emily's sides causing her to giggle again, that is until they got to the sides of her breasts and then the hands moved inward. Emily then sucked in her breath and when she let that breath out, it was in the form of a moan. The hands cupped her breasts then they squeezed them ever so slowly. The fingers then started to tease her nipples as they slid across them. Emily felt her nipples hardening and they got even harder when Danielle pinched them. Emily let out another moan as Danielle fingers continued to caress and pinch her nipples. But much too soon, the hands left her breasts and she was left aching but then Danielle's hands came back with one on her pussy, cupping it and another hand back on her ass. The hand on her pussy stated to move up and down and Emily slid her feet out thus opening her pussy and ass to Danielle's hands. The middle finger that was on her pussy slid inside of her pussy lips and it started to stroke her. And the palm of that hand was placed firmly against her clit. The fingers of the hand that was now caressing her ass cheeks moved to the crack of her ass. This time Emily was ready for where those fingers would end up and she wanted them there this time. She felt the fingers go deeper between her ass cheeks and then they touched her asshole and Emily let out a moan. The fingers went back and forth across her little puckered hole and it just made her pussy gush more juices. The finger was going deeper into her pussy but never far enough to break her hymen. Emily felt her knees start to get weak as she felt her orgasm begin to gather within her body. The finger that was in her pussy began to move up and then it started to rub against her clit. Emily knew that it wouldn't be long now as her body began to shake, then it hit and she felt her knees give out. The last thing that she remembered was Danielle's grabbing her and lowering her to the floor of the shower.

Emily felt the warm water fall across her body as she sat there recovering from her orgasm. She felt like she was caught out in a warm summer rain shower when all the wild flowers were in bloom and all was right in her world. She slowly came back around and she looked up to see Danielle washing her body.

"Noo..., let me do that." Emily said as she started to get up.

"Just sit there and enjoy the view, we'll take lots more showers together before this week is over." Danielle said as she put her hand on top of Emily's head and pushed her back down.

"That's not fair." Emily said as she started to get up and this time she did so after slipping back out of Danielle's reach.

"I was just paying you back; you already gave me a wonderful orgasm this morning remember?" Danielle said smiling as if she was remembering what Emily had done to her earlier in the bed.

"So I want to give you another, I like pleasing you." Emily said.

"I like to please you too and we both will but later okay. Now hand me that shampoo so that I can wash my hair." Danielle said as she was rinsing off her lovely body.

Emily got the shampoo that Danielle was pointing at but she didn't give it to her. Instead she poured some into the palm of her hand and she put the bottle back up. She then pointed toward the floor of the shower and Danielle smiled as she dropped down onto her knees. Emily then stepped behind of her and she began to wash Danielle's fine blond hair. She got the hair all soapy and she got it clean before she started to scrub Danielle's scalp. She then began to massage her head and she felt Danielle relax. Once the hair was clean, she rinsed the shampoo out and then she got some of the conditioner that Danielle had used on her and she worked it into Danielle's hair. She let it soak in as she again massaged her scalp and when she had Danielle really relaxed, she got the nozzle back out and rinsed it from Danielle's hair. Once that was done, she quickly put the nozzle in the holder as Danielle started to get up. Emily waited until Danielle had one foot on the floor and was starting to stand up, then she took Danielle's right arm in her hand and she pulled on it as she pushed down on Danielle's left shoulder.

"What the..." Danielle said as she lost her balance and Emily eased her down on top of the towels that were stacked in the corner of shower. Danielle ended up on her back with her head and shoulders up on the towels and her legs spread out.

"You should know that I don't give up that easily." Emily said with a wink as she dropped down to her knees. She placed her hands under Danielle's knees and she pulled them up and out as she lowered her head to Danielle's pretty pussy.

"Damn you..." She heard Danielle say as she felt her hands on her head trying to push her away but then she heard Danielle say, "Oh yesss..." as her tongue touched her pussy. Danielle's hands stopped pushing her head away and were now holding it in place. Emily let her tongue run across Danielle' pussy lips and she could taste her juices as they were beginning to flow. She kept her tongue on the outer lips and when she got to the top of Danielle's slit she would give her clit a few quick licks and that seemed to send Danielle into another world from the way she would moan. Emily then began to push her tongue deeper between the lips, parting them and getting more of the juices flowing from Danielle's core. Emily pushed Danielle's legs up further opening the pussy more and then as she went to the bottom of the slit and she pushed her tongue inside of her. She moved her tongue around causing Danielle to squeal in delight. As she licked, she felt Danielle put her hands at the back of her knees where Emily was holding them up. Emily let her hands go and she lifted her head from Danielle's pussy and she watched as Danielle pulled her knees way back so that they were touching her shoulders. She could see Danielle's pussy opening up and she could also see her pink little asshole being exposed. Emily couldn't believe just how flexible Danielle was but then she was a cheerleader and use to putting her body into different positions as they did their jumps and stuff. Emily saw Danielle give her a smile and then she looked down toward her pussy and Emily knew what she wanted. She put her hands on the back of Danielle's thighs and she went back to licking Danielle's slit. She moved her tongue up and down the lips and then inside of the lips before going to Danielle's clit and sucking on it for a moment. She got Danielle to the edge of a orgasm before she let her clit leave her mouth. She licked her way back down the slit until she got to the bottom and then she thought for a second. She knew how good it felt when Danielle touched her ass hole a few minutes before and she wanted to give Danielle the same pleasure. She wasn't sure about putting her tongue there but then she knew that at this moment, it was as clean as it was ever going to be.

She thought about it another second before making her decision and she let the tip of her tongue go on downward. She felt the skin between Danielle's pussy and asshole and she felt Danielle shiver as she went over it so she stayed there and she let her tongue lick and tease it. Then she moved on down and she felt the beginning of Danielle's asshole. She only taste she got was from the juices of Danielle's pussy that had run down there. She already knew she licked that taste so she let her tongue go on down and she was at the center of Danielle's asshole. Emily moved her tongue across the little puckered hole and then she began to rim it with the tip of her tongue. Danielle was moaning up a storm and she groaned every time that Emily took her tongue away from it. Emily licked and teased it for a few minutes before she brought her tongue back to Danielle's pussy and she began to lick once again. But as she did this, Emily put the middle finger of her right hand and she placed it on Danielle's asshole. She teased it as she licked. Danielle was now really moaning and Emily knew she was ready to climax. She placed her tongue back to the clit and she started to lick it with hard fast strokes. Danielle groaned aloud and then she flooded Emily's mouth with her girlcum.

"You don't listen to good, do you?" Danielle asked as she pulled Emily away from her pussy and brought her up so that she could kiss her.

"Nope, I don't listen to you any more than you listen to me." Emily said when the kiss ended, and then she added, "Why didn't you want me to please you anyway?"

"Oh I wanted you too but I just didn't want you to feel like you had to, you know." Danielle said as they both got to their feet.

"But I want to, I want to do it all day long." Emily said with a little smile.

"Me too!" Danielle said laughing as she got under the shower spray and rinsed off one more time and then Emily did the same.

"What are you doing?" Danielle asked as she turned off the water and turned to find Emily ringing out the wet towels that they had used to dry the bathroom floor.

"I'm getting the water out of the towels so that we can wash them, silly." Emily told her.

"But there are maids whose jobs it is to..." Danielle started saying but then Emily gave her "You know better than that." Look.

"I know, we made the mess so we clean it up." Danielle said as she went to Emily's side and started to help her.

"I thought that you would see it my way." Emily said with a satisfied smile.

"Did I have a choice?"

"Nope," Emily said smiling as she leaned over and gave Danielle a kiss on the cheek.

Once they had the towels rung out, they stepped out of the shower and dried themselves. Then they helped each other to dry their hair and then they both put it into ponytails with little hair bands that Danielle had.

"Is there a laundry room up here somewhere?" Emily asked.

"Yea, it's up by the kitchen." Danielle said as she went over and gathered about half of the towels leaving the rest for Emily who went behind her and got those.

Emily thought that Danielle was going to stop in her bedroom to get dressed but she went straight for the door. It was then that Emily had to speak up. "Aren't you going to put some clothes on first?"

"No, there's no one up here but us. I told all the maids not to come up if we were here. I wanted to make sure that we're completely alone." Danielle said as she winked at her.

"But what about cameras, I know they're all over this house, I've seen them. Emily countered as she caught Danielle by the arm keeping her from opening the door.

"Not on this floor. This is the family living quarters and thus off limits to the cameras and guards. We are allowed privacy up here so come on, I've been dying to run around here naked and this is my one and only chance and I'm not letting it go." Danielle said as she pulled the door open and went running down the hallway screaming, "I'm naked, I'm naked!" and then she let out a big laugh.

Emily peaked around the doorway and saw Danielle running down the long wide hallway and she could see her butt swaying as she ran.

"Come on chicken! You're not afraid are you?" Danielle said as she stopped and turned toward Emily who was still in the doorway.

Emily knew she was stuck so she slowly stepped out in the hallway and she began to feel very naughty but it was a good naughty. Her first couple of steps was tentative but then she saw Danielle looking at her with a disapproving look on her face and she knew that she couldn't let Danielle get the better of her so she started walking normally or at least as normal as one could walking naked down the hallway of the governor's mansion carrying a armful of wet towels.

Danielle turned to walk with her as she got up to her and Emily's shifted the towels to one arm. She slipped her hand behind of Danielle and gave her a sharp pinch on her right ass cheek as she said, "Don't call me chicken!" she then laughed and started running ahead of Danielle.

"Ouch, that hurt. You little shit; I'm going to get you!" Danielle said laughing as she ran after her.

Emily shrieked and ran faster but she didn't have a clue as to where she was going and she was quickly running out of room as the end of the hallway was coming up fast and Danielle was catching up with her even faster. She dropped the towels she was holding so that she could run a little faster and then saw the kitchen on her left. She ducked into it just as Danielle was catching her. She found the laundry room immediately on the left and she ducked into it, closing the door in Danielle's face.

"One of these days I'm going to catch you before you make it to a door to hide behind!" Danielle hollered through the door as she banged on it.

"With that fat ass of yours, you will never catch up with me!" Emily hollered back.

"Fat ass, now who is calling whose ass fat? It's a wonder you can make it through a door with that ass of yours." Danielle hollered back, then she said, "Now are you going to open that door or am I going to have to call a guard up here to open the door for me?"

"You wouldn't dare!" Emily said but she knew better and she started to look for something to put on but there was nothing there.

"Oh yes I would, you got about ten seconds to open the door. Ten, nine, eight," Danielle started counting down and Emily let her get to one before she opened the door and she saw Danielle standing there with her hands on her hips.

"I thought that would get you to open the door." Danielle said with a self assured smile. "Now turn around and bend over, you know what's coming and you know I give better than I get."

Emily started to say something but then she decided to see just what Danielle would do, other than pinch her ass hard that is. So she turned silently and bent forward. She closed her eyes as she heard Danielle step into the doorway. She felt her hand on her ass and at first she thought that Danielle was going to give her a spank but it didn't come. Instead, Danielle gave her a few light pinches and then she felt Danielle's warm breath just before Danielle kissed her right ass cheek and then her left.

"I hope that teaches you to never pinch me again." Danielle said seriously.

"Oh yes it does, I've learned my lesson." Emily said demurely as she looked into Danielle's eyes trying not to smile and then she lowered her head as if she was ashamed for what she had done.

"Good, now come here and give me a hug." Danielle told her sternly.

Emily stepped forward and she let Danielle take her into her arms and they hugged tightly and then Danielle kissed her. The kiss quickly turned passionate as they opened their mouths and they began to French kiss. Emily had her hands at Danielle's back and she let them slide down to her ass as the kiss ended. Then she gave each of Danielle's ass cheeks a hard pinch as she just couldn't resist the temptation.

"Ouch!" Danielle yelled and then she looked at Emily but she was smiling when she said, "You are really going to pay for that." But then all she did was to bring Emily in for a series of long passionate kisses. When those kisses ended, they continued to hug and lightly kiss for a while longer but then Danielle's stomach growled and that caused them both to giggle. But that also spurred them to finally release each other. Danielle went to the kitchen to find them something to eat as Emily gathered the towels that they both had dropped in the hallway. She took them into the laundry and she put a load on. Then she went to help Danielle fix their late breakfast / early lunch. They talked ate and then talked as they finished the laundry. Then Emily made a quick call to her mother before they went back to Danielle's room to get dressed. Emily started to pull some clothes out of her bag.

"Wait a minute; I got plenty of cloths for you to wear. Let me find something of mine to wear." Danielle told her.

"I don't know, you know what happened the last time I wore something of yours." Emily told her and she was hesitant to go there again.

"Emily, there's nothing wrong with wearing something nice for a change. It isn't going to change who you are and I think your mother realizes that now. You are who you are and clothes aren't going to change that. I mean you're a bitch in your own clothes and you'll be a bitch in mine." Danielle told her and she grinned as she said that last line.

"I know but..." Emily said and then she thought a minute before she looked at her old jeans and then at Danielle and she knew that Danielle only wanted to make her feel good so she put her clothes back into her bag and she went to where Danielle was standing. Danielle smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss. She then started going through her panties and bras before she found a nice pair and she gave them to Emily who slipped them on. She had to admit that the nylon panties and bra did feel nice against her skin. Next came a mid length skirt and a loose blouse. When Emily went to the mirror she had to say that the cloths looked nice on her. It took Danielle a minute to find a singular outfit and then they were out the door to enjoy the rest of the day.

"This feels nice." Emily said as she snuggled against Danielle's naked body later that night.

"Yes it does but this feels nicer." Danielle replied as she rolled Emily over onto her back and she lay on top of her and she lowered her head for a kiss.

Emily wrapped her arms around Danielle's body and she began to caress her back as they kissed. She used her right hand to caress Danielle's upper back as she moved her lower hand to Danielle's ass and she let her fingers lightly caress Danielle's butt cheeks.

"Mmmm... keep doing that." Danielle told her as one kiss ended and another began.

Emily let her fingers go across Danielle's crack and she then let the tips of her fingers run up and down her crack. As she did this, Danielle had brought her hands around and she slipped them between their bodies. Her hands went straight for Emily's breasts and she grasped them in her hands. She squeezed them gently as she moved her lips around Emily's face kissing her and then she went to her neck, gently biting the tender areas, making Emily moan. She then used her knees to part Emily's legs and pressed her hips down so that their pussies were being pressed together. Emily brought her knees up and then she wrapped her legs around Danielle's hips. This made the contact of their pussies even more intense. Danielle slowly began to rock her hips and they both groaned. Emily started to rock her hips and their wet pussies started to slide against each other a little faster and harder. Emily had brought her hands up and she gripped Danielle's shoulders as they rocked together. Emily could feel their juices joining together as they increased the speed of their hips. They were both groaning and moaning as they rode together. Emily loved to make love this way as it was the way that they had first made love in her apartment that night. But that night they both had on sleep shirts and panties on. This time they were naked and she could feel Danielle's hard nipples rubbing against her nipples and she could feel Danielle's pussy rubbing against her pussy. Emily pressed her heals down hard against Danielle's butt pushing down. Danielle groaned as she really started to rock her hips.

"Harder and faster baby, I'm about to cum." Emily gasped into Danielle's ear.

"Me too, cum with me!" Danielle said as she grunted harder.

Emily pushed up with all her strength and she moved her hips for all she was worth. She could feel Danielle's clit rubbing against her clit and she could feel Danielle's pussy flooding her pussy with juices. They rubbed as hard and fast as they could and then Emily felt her orgasm began to gather within her body. She tried to hold it off for as long as she could and she saw that Danielle was straining to hold hers off too.

"I'm cummingggg..." Emily cried as she felt the first wave of her orgasm pass through her body.

"Me too..." Danielle cried out as she arched her back and she came hard.

Emily pulled Danielle's body down on hers and she held onto her tightly as they both enjoyed their orgasms. Emily loved the feeling of Danielle's body pressing down on her and she kept her arms and legs wrapped tightly around Danielle's body holding her close, not ever wanting to let go. She felt Danielle began to move her body against her and she felt her head nuzzling against the side of her head. Then it came up and Emily found that she was looking into Danielle's intense eyes. Emily took her right hand and put it against the back of Danielle's head and brought it down for a long slow kiss. As they kissed, Emily let her body relax and she let her legs fall down to the bed.

"That was great." Emily told her as the kiss ended.

"It's not over yet, my sweet lady." Danielle said and Emily saw that there was a gleam in her eyes. This excited her and she pulled Danielle's head down for another kiss.

When the kiss ended, Danielle began to kiss her way down Emily's body. Kissing her neck and then on to her chest. Emily sucked in her breath when Danielle's lips captured her right nipple and sucked it into her mouth. Emily put her hands to Danielle's head and she ran her fingers through her hair as Danielle sucked on each of her nipples making them hard again. Emily arched her back pushing her chest up for Danielle's to suck on but then much too soon, Danielle left her breasts and she started to kiss her way on down. Emily hated to see Danielle leave her breasts but then she knew that where Danielle's mouth was going, she would soon feel even better. But when Danielle got to the top of her pussy she suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop?" Emily asked as she raised her head to see what Danielle was doing.

"Shhh..., just wait my impatient one." Danielle said with a smile as she got up on her hands and knees.

Emily kept her eyes on what Danielle was doing as she came up in the bed. But when she got about halfway up her body, Danielle began to turn around. Emily was confused as to what Danielle was doing as she moved her knees to each side of body with her head facing Emily's feet. Danielle then scooted backwards until Emily was looking up at Danielle's pretty pussy. Emily moved the fingers of her right hand to Danielle's pussy and she let them gently move up and down her slit. It was so wet and Danielle let out a moan. Emily's fingers were soon coated with Danielle's juices and she brought her fingers down and she licked the juices off of them. This only made her want more of them so she put her hands on Danielle's ass and started to pull her pussy down to her mouth. As she was doing this, she felt Danielle pushing her legs out wide and then she felt Danielle's fingers on her pussy lips pulling them open. Just as Emily started to lick Danielle's pussy she felt Danielle's tongue start to lick hers. She had to stop licking Danielle for a second to let out a moan. Then she started to move her tongue up and down the wet and hot pussy that she loved so much. They both licked and sucked each other and at times Emily had to stop licking Danielle to moan when Danielle's tongue hit a really sensitive spot. Emily moved her fingers to Danielle's ass and she slipped her fingers down her crack. As her fingers slipped across Danielle's asshole, Emily heard and felt her moan into her pussy and the vibrations sent her through the roof. This also caused her to press down harder on Danielle's asshole and this brought another longer and deeper moan from Danielle. This in turn caused Emily to press even harder into Danielle's asshole and the tip of her finger slipped inside. Emily knew she had something going now so she began to move the tip of her finger in and out of Danielle's asshole. She also moved her mouth to Danielle's clit and she sucked it into her mouth. She teased it with the tip of her tongue as she sucked. This sent Danielle into an orgasm rather quickly. Emily moved her mouth down to the entrance of Danielle's pussy and she sucked the delicious girlcum that flowed out of her. Emily licked and suck Danielle's through her orgasm and she kept on licking as she felt Danielle's mouth return to her pussy. But then she felt Danielle pulling her legs up and out. She felt Danielle's tongue moved down her pussy but it didn't stop. It kept on going, licking at the short stretch of skin between her pussy and her asshole. Emily knew what was coming next and she let out a moan when she felt Danielle's tongue first touch her asshole. This felt even better than when Danielle touch her asshole and she knew why Danielle liked it so much when she did it to her the day before in the shower.

Emily felt the tongue go around the rim of her asshole and she felt it go to the center. The tip of the tongue pushed against the center and Emily cried out from the intense pleasure it brought to her. Danielle never went all the way in but that was okay, this was more than enough for Emily, especially when she felt Danielle's fingers begin to rub against her clit. Emily let out a moan and she gripped Danielle's ass with her hands and she started to lick her hard. She sucked Danielle's clit into her mouth and she sucked hard as she wanted Danielle to cum with her. But Emily knew she didn't have much time with Danielle's tongue working against her asshole and her fingers increasing the pressure on her clit. They worked each other's clits until Emily felt her orgasm hit her and she bit gently down on Danielle's clit. She was happy when she felt Danielle's girlcum flooded her mouth just as her girlcum flooded Danielle's mouth.

When she came back around, she found that Danielle was lying against her kissing her face and wiping the sweat off her brow. She put her hand to Danielle's cheek and she pulled her face down so that she could kiss her. They kissed for a few minutes before they stopped to rest for a moment.

"I don't think that I can get enough of you." Emily told Danielle as they lay there just letting their fingers caress each other.

"I know, it's like there is this need in me to please you, to make you cum over and over again. Even now as tired as I am, I still want more." Danielle said. "The good thing is that now we finally can."

"But what about when this week is over, what then?" Emily asked as that thought suddenly made her feel sad.

"Don't worry about that now, let's just enjoy this week and then I know that we'll find a place and time to get together when you have to go back home. You know me; I always come up with something."

"Knowing you, it will probably be in that old truck of your dad's." Emily said with a laugh.

"Hey, that might be fun, we'll have to try it there." Danielle said.

"Oh god, when will I learn to keep my mouth shut." Emily said with a big sigh but then she laughed with Danielle.

"You should know me by now; never give me an idea as I will run with it."

"Oh I know but still I keep opening my big mouth." Emily said with a laugh.

"I love it when you open that mouth of yours." Danielle said with a devious grin.

"I bet you do, you little sex machine." Emily said and then she leaned in and kissed Danielle before she could say anything.

As they kissed, Emily put her left hand on Danielle's right breast and her other hand she put on Danielle's hip. She ran her fingers across Danielle's nipple and that caused her to shiver with desire. Emily slowly moved her right hand down to Danielle's pussy and she began to stroke her slit. It was coated with her juices and the left over girlcum from the orgasms that she had given her before. When she felt Danielle's hand snake its way to her pussy, Emily opened her legs up so that Danielle's fingers had plenty of room to work. Emily felt Danielle's fingers go up and down her slit and she could feel Danielle's middle finger begin to go deeper between her lips just as her own middle finger started to part Danielle's pussy lips. They both found the other's entrance at the same time and Emily felt Danielle's middle finger push inside of her. It felt so good to have Danielle's finger go into her pussy and she loved how Danielle's finger squeezed down on her finger. Emily went on into Danielle until her finger hit the barrier stopping it. Emily worked her finger in and out of Danielle putting her finger in until it hit that barrier. Danielle was doing the same thing and it felt good but she wanted more. She wanted Danielle's finger all the way inside of her.

"I want you..." Emily told Danielle as she tried to tell Danielle what she wanted but she wasn't sure how to say it.

"I want it too." Danielle said reading what her friend wanted.

"You sure?" Emily asked.

"Yes, are you?"

"Yes I need for you to do it. I want to feel your fingers deep inside of me." Emily told her.

"Okay," Danielle said as she kissed Emily tenderly on the lips.

Danielle arched her back a little to try to give Emily better leverage and Emily did the same but they couldn't get their legs right as they kept getting their top legs in the way of the other's legs.

"Shit, this isn't going to work." Emily said in frustration as she needed this and she needed it now.

"Shhh... let me think a minute. We'll work this out." Danielle said as she put her hand to Emily's cheek soothing her and then kissing her lips. Danielle kept kissing her as they both thought and then Danielle leaned back breaking off the kissing.

"I think there is only one way to do this, I would rather us both be facing each other but I'm afraid that we won't get the leverage we need and it will become more painful than it needs to be." Danielle said as she gave Emily another kiss.

She then got up and turned in the bed so that they were again in the sixty- nine position but this time they were lying on their sides. Danielle took Emily's top leg and she pulled it up so that Emily's knee was now lying on her shoulder. She did this same thing with her own leg and Emily found that she had plenty of access to Danielle' pussy now. She brought her face in and she began to lick Danielle again as Danielle began to lick her pussy. They licked and sucked on each other's pussy for a few minutes getting each other's pussy nice and wet again. They then slowly brought their fingers into play. Emily first used her index finger and it rubbed up and down Danielle's slit getting it coated with Danielle's juices. She could feel that Danielle was doing the same thing to her. She was feeling excited but also scared. She knew that it would hurt but yet it was something that she wanted and she was glad that Danielle wanted the same thing. She slowly inserted her finger into Danielle, moving it inside of her until she hit her hymen. She heard Danielle suck in her breath and she quickly removed her.

"No, it's okay, stick your finger back in me." Danielle told her and she did.

She began to work her finger back in and she felt Danielle pushing her finger inside of her until it hit her hymen and Emily had to suck in her breath. They both worked their fingers in and out going up to their hymens but stopping at that point.

"Work a second finger in." Danielle told her.

"Okay," Emily said as she put her middle finger with her index finger and she pushed them both in. This was a tighter fit but she saw Danielle's lips opening up to accept the extra finger. She then felt Danielle pushing a second finger into her and she also felt her pussy filling up but it felt good. They both worked their fingers in and out for a moment. Then Emily felt Danielle start to lick at her pussy and this made her shiver. She could feel her pussy producing more juices and she knew what Danielle was doing. So she put her mouth to Danielle's pussy and she sucked her clit into her mouth. She heard Danielle moan and she felt more of Danielle juices coating her fingers. Emily was getting more and more excited as Danielle fucked her pussy and licked on her clit.

"When you're about ready to cum, pinch me and I will break your hymen. Then you break mine at the same time." Danielle said as she quit licking Emily clit just long enough to say that.

"I want to break your when you cum too." Emily told her.

"Oh you keep sucking on me like you are now and I'll cum any second." Danielle told her and then she went back to licking Emily's pussy.

Emily went back to sucking and licking on Danielle's clit and she felt her own orgasm begin to gather speed. Between the licking and fucking of her pussy, she was rapidly approaching an orgasm. She held it off for as long as possible and she could hear Danielle moaning and she knew she was about ready. Emily got scared for only a second as she felt it was time but it passed and she pinched Danielle's ass. She then shoved her fingers in hard into Danielle's pussy. She felt the barrier push in and then it broke just as she felt Danielle push her fingers in hard into her pussy. Her hymen held firm for a moment longer than Danielle's but then it broke. She felt a sharp pain deep inside of her pussy and then she felt her orgasm take over and the pain was joined by intense pleasure. Emily let out a muffled scream and she could hear Danielle scream. Emily then blacked out from the combination of pain and pleasure. When her mind came back to her she heard Danielle moaning and she thought that she had hurt her badly. She pulled her fingers out of her pussy and she saw dark red blood mixed with Danielle's girlcum. She moved quickly around and pulled Danielle to her.

"Danielle, are you okay. Did I hurt you?" Emily asked her moaning friend. She was so scared that she had done something wrong when she broke Danielle's hymen. She knew that there would be some blood but she didn't know how much was too much. But she didn't see that much blood coming from Danielle's pussy.

"Danielle, talk to me. Do I need to call a doctor?" Emily asked now really scared for her friend.

"No, I fine, it was just such an intense orgasm that you gave me." Danielle finally said as her eye lids fluttered open.

"Oh god you had me scared." Emily told her.

"No I'm fine baby. How about you? Are you okay?" Danielle asked as she brought up her hand and Emily saw for the first time the blood that was on her fingers and Emily realized that it was her own blood. It scared her of only a second and then she felt the dull ache in her pussy and she knew that she was no longer a virgin and she was happy that it was Danielle that made her that way.

"I'm fine baby. It hurt for only an instant and then it felt so good that I blacked out. So you see, you gave me a great orgasm too." Emily said as she pulled Danielle to her and she kissed her tenderly.

Danielle returned the kiss and soon they were rolling around on the bed kissing and caressing each other. Emily felt so wonderful that she didn't want to stop kissing and loving on Danielle and Danielle wasn't giving her any reason to stop as she was just as enthusiastic in her kissing and caressing. But finally their passions subsided and they just held each other. Emily held Danielle tightly and she saw Danielle slowly fall asleep. She let her fingers gently caress Danielle's back and arms as she thought about the night and all that had happened. She knew that their loving making would become even more intense and she couldn't wait for that to come but that would have to be tomorrow as she herself fell asleep.

The next morning, it was Danielle kissing her awake and she began to kiss her back. She wrapped her arms around Danielle and held her tight as they kissed. They rolled back and forth as they kiss with Danielle finally ending up on top of Emily.

"You know I was kind of hoping that you wouldn't wake up and I would get to dump a cup of cold water on you." Danielle said with a smile as they kissing ended.

"Well, I'm a lot smarter than you." Emily said and she gave Danielle a quick kiss on the lips.

"So you say!" Danielle said and then she gave Emily a poke into the side.

"Umph..." Emily cried out and then she started to tickle Danielle sides causing her to giggle. Emily seeing that she had the advantage she flipped Danielle over onto her back and she sat on her lower stomach and she kept tickling her as she bounced on top of her. Danielle tried to fend her off but Emily kept pressing her advantage and she wouldn't let Danielle get back at her. Danielle was laughing and screaming at her but Emily kept at it until Danielle eyes went wide and Emily stopped.

"Get off of me quick!" Danielle said as she tried to move.

"What's wrong?' Emily said suddenly alarmed as she let Danielle up and she watched as she ran into the bathroom. Emily was scared and as she moved to get off the bed and go after Danielle she felt a huge wet spot on the bed and she knew what was wrong. Danielle had peed on herself and that reminded Emily that she needed to go to. She got up and she first pulled all the sheets and mattress cover off the bed and she saw that the mattress wasn't wet so it was cool. She then walked into the bathroom and she saw Danielle sitting on the toilet and her face was red as an apple. She went over to Danielle and got down on her knees in front of her.

"Honey, it's okay, it wasn't your fault." Emily said as she brought Danielle's face up with her hands and kissed her tenderly.

"I'm so embarrassed." Danielle said.

"Honey, it's cool. If you were sitting on my belly and tickling me, I would have peed on myself too. So it's cool." Emily told her as she kissed her again and she saw that Danielle's face was slowly returning to its normal color.

"It doesn't bother you?" Danielle asked.

"Oh hell no, I think that it's funny." Emily couldn't help saying.

"You would." Danielle said.

"Now get up and let me pee." Emily told her.

"No." Danielle said as she put her hands across her chest.

"No?" Emily asked.

"Nope, I'm sitting here until you pee on yourself." Danielle said and Emily saw that little evil grin come across her face.

"I can hold it longer than you can sit there." Emily said but she knew that wasn't the case as she had to go bad. Then she added; "Besides there's another bathroom at the end of the hallway." Emily then turned quickly and headed out of the bathroom in a run.

"Oh no you don't!" Danielle yelled as she got off the toilet and headed after her.

"Oh yes I will." Emily called back and she ran harder. She knew that Danielle was much faster than her but it wasn't a long way to the other bathroom and she had a big head start. She got to the bathroom and she didn't bother finding the light, she just headed for the white object and she sat down hoping that the seat was down, which thankfully it was. She had just started to pee when an out breath Danielle appeared at the doorway.

"You're too late, you're too late..." Emily started to sing.

"That's what you think." Danielle said as she came over to Emily and she grabbed her hands pulling Emily off the toilet.

"Stop, I'm peeing. I'll pee all over the floor." Emily cried out as she tried to pull back and stop peeing but she had to go so bad there was no stopping it now. "Danielle let go of me, I'm going to pee all over the floor if you don't."

"So, then you'll have to clean it up won't you." Danielle said and Emily was now afraid that she really was going to pull her off the toilet but just as her pussy was about to go over the seat, Danielle let go of her and she plopped down on the toilet.

"Thank you." Emily said with relief as she let the rest of her pee go.

"You're welcome. But remember next time I won't be so nice." Danielle told her.

"I'll remember that as I go out and get you diapers since you obviously need them." Emily shot back and she laughed good naturedly as Danielle turned red.

"Oh you'll pay for that one." Danielle told her.

"And how will you make me pay?" Emily said as she wiped herself and she got off the toilet.

"First, I'll make you take me back to my bathroom and then you'll have to wash me." Danielle said grinning.

Emily sighed deeply and then she said, "Well I guess I can do that if I have to." And then she laughed as she took Danielle by the arm and she escorted her back to her bathroom.

There, she turned on the shower and as the water warmed, Emily put her hands on Danielle's hips and pulled her in close. She looked deeply into her eyes and she kissed her. She then wrapped her arms around her and they continued to kiss for a moment and then their lips parted but they continued to hold on to each other.

"Are you sore or anything?" Emily asked her as she had noticed a little dried blood on Danielle's pussy lips as she had the same on her pussy.

"No, I'm not. I thought that I might be but I feel fine." Danielle told her and then she asked, "What about you, are you hurting?"

"No, like you I thought I would but I don't. Are you okay with what we did?" Emily asked.

"Oh god yes, it opens up a lot of new things for us to do and I can't wait to try them." Danielle said with a gleam in her eyes.

"Just how do you know all these things, like us eating each other at the same time and how did you know to touch my asshole. I would never have tried that on you if you hadn't done me first." Emily inquired.

"I found this interesting website that had lots of lesbian stories. I'll show you later. But that is where I learned about these things and decided I had to try them and I knew of a cute girl that I wanted to try them on. I just wasn't sure if she wanted that type of relationship with me." Danielle said and Emily knew who she was talking about.

"Oh she did, but she wasn't sure of how you felt about her." Emily replied.

"Well now she knows doesn't she?"

"Yep, she does. " Emily said and then she gave Danielle a kiss before slowly pulling away from her and then leading her into the shower.

Once there, Emily poured a little dab of body soap into her hands and she began to soap Danielle's body. She was gentle and tender as she washed her. She made the washing more sensual than sexual and when she got to her pussy, her touch was light and teasing but she stopped before she got Danielle aroused. Then it was Danielle's turn to wash her and had to sigh as Danielle's hands washed her body. Danielle had taken her clue and she was so tender in her touching. And when she got to her pussy, Emily felt her fingers caress her pussy lips but she stayed away from her clit so that that she wouldn't get too aroused. Once she was done, Danielle' brought her fingers up but then she hesitated for a second and Emily saw the question in her eyes.

"Go ahead and ask me, it's okay." Emily told her.

Danielle hesitated for a moment then she asked the question that was on her mind, "When I first saw you naked, I thought that you shaved like I did and I admit that I was a bit surprised. But then when my fingers and mouth got there I could feel the light covering of hair. So is that..."

"My public hair? Yes, I never grew any more than that and if you notice the hair on my arms is very light too. The only place that I have normal hair is on my head. It just never grew anywhere else." Emily told her.

"Even your underarms? Danielle asked.

"Yep, I rarely have to shave them or my legs." Emily declared.

"Oh that must be nice, I would love to be that way and never have to shave." Danielle declared.

"I guess so, I never thought about it that way. I was always worried that something was wrong with me and I wasn't normal and I guess I'm not. I asked my mom about it once and she just said that it might be because she got pregnant with me when she was so young." Emily told her.

"Oh Emily I didn't mean it that way. I didn't think about growing up and never getting hair there. I'm sorry. I was being insensitive, I'm sorry." Danielle said and Emily could see the sorrow in her eyes.

"Hey, it's cool. I mean there are worse defects to be born with so I got off easy and your right, I don't have to shave like you do. I wouldn't have a clue as to how to shave my pussy so I guess it's good that I don't have to. So don't worry, it's cool. I knew that you would ask eventually and maybe I should have just told you but I didn't." Emily told her.

"Well you know I can show you how to shave?" Danielle told her.

"What shave my pussy? I guess you can show me." Emily said a little confused.

"No silly, I'm going to teach you to shave me." Danielle said with a grin.

"I'd be afraid I would nick you."Emily told her.

"You'll be fine and if you do, you'll just have to kiss it and make it better." Danielle said laughing.

"In that case I will just have to nick you a lot." Emily said and she saw Danielle stop laughing suddenly but then she started to laugh again as she realized that Emily was teasing her.

"You had me scared there for a second." Danielle told her as she finally took her hand away from Emily's pussy and she pulled her in for a kiss. Then they rinsed off before getting out and drying off. They then put on matching robes and they made their way down to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"Are you ready to get started?" Danielle asked as they put the last of the dishes away.

"I guess, but I'm not sure that this is such a good idea." Emily said as she fretted about doing this.

"How many time have you told me this past year had you would love to go to Vandy?" Danielle asked her.

"Too many to count but Vanderbilt is a private University and I can't use the lottery scholarship money I'm eligible for like I can at UT. I would have to get every grant available to be able to go there." Emily told her.

"As poor as your family is, I don't know anyone who would be more eligible for those grants. Besides, we'll never know unless you apply. You brought all of your college entrance scores didn't you?" Danielle asked.

"Yea, I brought everything we'll need." Emily told her.

"Good then let's get to work, you have an appointment with the Admissions Dean tomorrow at ten so we have got to get you ready." Danielle told her as she started out of the kitchen.

It took Emily a second for what Danielle had said to reach her brain but when it did, she thought she was going to faint. "I have what, when?" Emily said.

"I said that you have an interview tomorrow at ten so we got to get to work." Danielle said as she continued to walk down the hallway leaving Emily standing in the kitchen.

Emily thought about what Danielle had done to her and in a way it pissed her off but then she knew that if it was left to her, she would never have applied and Danielle knew that so she took things into her own hands. She then hollered at Danielle, "One of these days I'm going to kill you and no judge will ever convict me for doing it!"

"I know, now hurry up, we have our work cut out for us and we can't waste time talking about something that has already been set into motion." Danielle called back to her.

"Please don't do something like this again without talking to me first. This isn't going to work if we aren't a team." Emily told Danielle when she got to the bedroom where Danielle was waiting for her.

"I won't but I was so afraid that you wouldn't try if I didn't push you. This is something that you wanted and I had to do something to help you. I know that I sometimes shoot from the hips before I look at what I'm shooting at. But from now on, I will try my very best not to do something like this again. But if I do, then you have my permission to kill me but make it quick and painless." Danielle said contritely and sincerely.

"Oh you won't get off that easy. I plan to draw it out and inflect all the pain I can." Emily said as she went to her bag and she began to pull her paperwork out.

She brought it all over to Danielle who was sitting at her desk. She then sat down and they begin to fill out the application first. That took a couple of hours to do as Vandy had a bunch of questions to answer, then came the financial statements. They put the essay off to last; this was something that Emily had to do on her own. They talked about what would be the best things to say and then Danielle got up and let Emily work on it. She sat there for a while trying to figure out what was the best things to say and also what she thought Vandy wanted to hear. But that was one thing she really didn't know was so in the end, she started to write her essay the way she thought it should be and if Vandy didn't like it well that was okay too. She wrote and wrote until she couldn't write anymore. She then called Danielle back and let her read it. She was on pin and needles as Danielle read but when Danielle smiled at the end; she let a long breath that she didn't realize that she had been holding. They both went over the essay again, changing words here and there and changing the structure of a sentence or two. Not changing the meaning of the sentence but just how it was written. They took a break when that was done and then Emily rewrote the essay on the form that was provided for it. When she was done, it was time to go visit her mother and let her sign off in the places that she needed to sign.

"Are you sure you want to go to Vanderbilt, I thought that you were going to UT?" Her mother asked her but she was looking at Danielle when she asked it.

"Mom, I'm the one that wanted to Vandy but I never thought that I could get enough money from them to go there but it's worth a try. If they don't give me enough money then I'll go to UT. Either school is fine with me but Vandy has always been my first choice. And if I could go to Vandy then I'll still be here in Nashville and not on the other end of the state. But I do want to try. So will you sign the papers?" Emily asked as she pointed to the papers that were in front of her mother.

"You know I will but I just wanted to make sure that this is what you wanted." Chloe said as she picked up the ink pen and she started to sign all the places that she had to sign. "So when will you know?"

"I don't know, soon I hope." Emily said as she took each paper after her mother had signed it.

"How about I take everyone out to dinner?" Danielle suggested and when she got a dirty look from Chloe, she quickly changed that to, "How about Emily and I cook us dinner, while you and Bubba rest?"

Emily had to smile at Danielle's quick thinking and also at her mother as that was something that would never change about her.

"You don't have to do that, I'm sure that you and Emily have lots of better things to do." Chloe said to them.

"No, we want to spend the evening here, honestly. Plus that way I get to hear another story from Bubba." Danielle said just as Bubba entered the room and Emily saw a big smile come to his face.

"Well, I'll stay and help. Bubba, you can be the official taster." Chloe told him.

"Now that is the job I've been looking for all my life, to be an official taster." Bubba said and they all laughed.

The three women then set about cooking up a nice meal, maybe not one fit for a king but one that filled the belly and the conversation made the meal even more enjoyable.

"So what story do you want to hear?" Bubba said as they sat in the living room after the dinner was eaten and the dishes washed and put away.

"A funny one, maybe one about a cute little girl that liked to get into lots of mischief." Danielle told Bubba as she looked from him to Emily.

"You know the more that you hang around here Bubba's going to eventually be able to make up a story about you." Emily told Danielle.

"Oh I know and I can't wait to hear it as I know that he will make me a princess that is so beautiful and that is perfect in every way." Danielle told Emily and also to Bubba as she dropped a not so subtle hint to him.

"I don't think that you have gotten the real meaning of Bubba's stories, he tells them like he and only he can see them. That means all the good parts of a person are revealed but also the flaws." Emily told Danielle and she saw her thinking for a moment and then she saw a light go off above her head.

"Oh I know, I was just teasing." Danielle said but Emily could see that the real meaning of Bubba's stories was coming to Danielle for the first time. Emily could also see Danielle's mind working as she remembered all the stories and now she understood the stories and the real meaning behind them.

"I think I know just the story to tell tonight." Bubba said and Danielle perked up her attention as this time she was listening for the story within the story.

"What's story is that Bubba?" Chloe asked.

"The story of the little brown haired girl and the sad little teddy bear." Bubba said and Emily had to smile. This was the story about how she had wanted a teddy bear that she saw in a store that she and her mother had walked by one day. She was only about three and didn't remember it but she had heard the story so many times that it was like she did remember it. The teddy bear was taller than she was at the time and very expensive. It was something that her mother could never afford to give her. She cried all day about not getting the teddy bear but she eventually got over it but then a few weeks later as her mother was putting her to bed, she brought out a little brown bear. It was an old brown teddy bear that had been re-sewed in a number of places. At first she rejected the teddy bear because it wasn't the big beautiful white bear that she had seen in the store. Then her mother put the bear's mouth to her ear and her mother then brought the bear out and looked at it and then at Emily.

"What did the bear tell you mommy?"

"It said that it's sad."

"Why's it sad?"

"I don't know let me asked it." She said and then she asked the bear, "Why are you sad teddy bear?" and then she put it back to her ear and she listened.

"What did he tell you mommy?"

"He said that's he's very lonely and he's afraid that the pretty little girl in the bed doesn't like him and he will have to leave and be all by himself again. He doesn't want that. He said that he'll be a good friend to the little girl if she will let him. He will look over her as she sleeps and won't let anything happen to her. What shall I tell him?" she asked her.

"I don't want him to be lonely and be by himself." Emily told her mother. "Tell him I want to be his friend."

"I think you should tell him that." Her mother told her as Emily reached out her arms for him.

Then Bubba told how the little girl and the teddy bear became inseparable. He also got to the funny part about all the misadventures that the little girl and the bear got into to and how the bear got blamed for some of the things that she had done. By the end of the story they all were laughing, even Emily as she heard even more things that she had done when she was little. It seemed that every time that Bubba told the story, he came up with more things that she had done.

"So where's the bear now?" Danielle asked as she turned her eyes to Emily.

Emily blushed as she got up and went to her dresser and opened the top drawer. She reached down and she pulled the old teddy bear out.

"You keep that poor thing in a drawer, what kind of friend are you?" Danielle asked teasing her.

"No she still sleeps with him; she only puts it there when you are here." Bubba burst out.

"Bubba!" Emily said and she saw him put his hand over his mouth.

"Now the truth comes out, a grown girl and you still sleep with your teddy bear." Danielle teased her some more.

Emily started to throw the bear at her but then she looked at it and couldn't throw her old friend like that. So she picked up her pillow that was sitting on top of the dresser and threw it at her.

They all laughed and then she sat down by Danielle and poked her a time or two in the side causing Danielle to protest the abuse but she got no sympathy from Chloe or Bubba as they just laughed so Danielle started to poke Emily in her sides and they played for a minute before finally calming down and then they talked until it was time for Chloe and Bubba to head to bed so Danielle gave Bubba and Chloe a hug and a kiss and then Emily did the same and they made their way back to Danielle's.

As they undressed and got ready for bed, Emily began to think of her interview at Vandy, that was now eleven hours away. She tried to concentrate on the parts of Danielle's body that were slowly were being revealed and that helped to take her mind to a better place. But as soon as they were under the covers, her mind was back on that stupid interview. Danielle pulled her in close and began to kiss her and Emily tried to respond but just as her mind got off of the interview and onto Danielle's sweet lips, something would pop into her head about what the admissions dean might ask her.

"What's wrong Emily?" Danielle asked.

"I'm sorry but my mind is somewhere else tonight."

"You worrying about the interview tomorrow?" Danielle asked.

"Yea, thanks to you." Emily said with a little more anger than what she felt.

"You can always cancel. I know I got you into this but I thought it was what you wanted." Danielle said with concern in her voice.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I'm glad you got the interview and to be honest, I also glad that you didn't tell me about the interview until today or I would have worried myself to death. Normally things like this doesn't bother me. I have always had the altitude that if someone didn't like me then fuck them but for some reason I can't get myself to that point here." Emily confessed.

"That's because this is something that you want and have wanted for a long time. But you kept it a secret so if you didn't get it no one would see you hurt but then you screwed up and told me your secret. That was your real mistake, trusting me with a secret of yours." Danielle said and this made Emily smiled. Then Danielle went on with, "But just remember how smart and strong you are. You can handle this and you'll do fine tomorrow. I believe in you. If I didn't think that you could do this I would never have done what I did. I don't want to see you get hurt but remember no matter what, I'll be here for you tomorrow and the next day and the day after that."

"I know and I appreciate that. But for tonight will you just hold me until I fall asleep." Emily told her.

Danielle pulled her in tight and Emily put her head on her shoulder. She tried to listen to Danielle's heart beating and hoped that it would put her to sleep but it didn't. Her brain kept going over every question that she thought would be asked of her and she tried to come up with the right answer. She knew that she was keeping Danielle awake so she tried to slow her breathing and she lay still until she thought that Danielle was asleep. Then she slipped from under Danielle's arms and she put her robe on. She then eased out of the bedroom so that Danielle could get some sleep. But she didn't see Danielle open her eyes as she went out the door. Emily went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of milk and heated it in the microwave. She drank it at the table hoping that it would make her sleepy but it didn't. She then began to walk the floor getting mad at herself for being this uptight over the stupid interview. The minutes slipped away and Emily knew that she needed to get some sleep. The last thing she needed was to walk into the interview with dark bags under her eyes. After a couple of hours of walking the floor, she felt her body dragging but her mind was still wide awake. Then she saw a naked Danielle walking up the hallway toward her. The sight would normally have aroused her greatly except for the scow that Danielle had on her face.

"Come with me!" Danielle said when she got to her and then she grabbed her by the hand and led her back to the bedroom. She didn't say anything more as she pulled her robe off and she put her into the bed. Danielle then climbed into the bed and she put her mouth by Emily's ear.

She began to whisper softly, "Once upon a time a long ago there was this cute little girl that was walking down the street with her beautiful mother. They came upon a store that had a big beautiful white teddy bear..."

Emily smiled as she concentrated on Danielle voice as she retold the story that Bubba had told earlier that night. She was telling it pretty close to how Bubba told it at least she was up to the half way point which was when Emily finally fell asleep.

"Thank you." Emily said as she woke up at seven the next morning as she saw that Danielle was trying to get out of the bed quietly.

"You're welcome but if you think that you're going to get a bedtime story every night, you're sadly mistaken." Danielle told her as she started to get up.

Emily reached for Danielle's waist with her right hand as she sat up and sat behind of Danielle with her legs to each side of Danielle. "Even if I ask nicely and I flower you with kisses like this." Emily said as she kissed Danielle's neck and shoulders.

"Even if you flower me with kisses like that... mmmm... well maybe if you flower me with kisses like that and ask nicely." Danielle replied as she turned her head and they kissed.

"Now I know why I love you so much." Emily said as the kiss ended.

"You love me?' Danielle asked.

"Yes I love you." Emily said smiling as she realized that was the first time that she had told Danielle that.

"I love you too." Danielle said as she turned around and she kissed Emily as she pushed her down on the bed. They laid there and kissed for a few minutes as they tried to prove just how much they did love with each other by their kisses.

"We need to get going. I got to get some food in the belly of yours. The last thing that you need is for your belly to growl during the interview. Then I got to get you dressed. I think that I have just the right outfit for you." Danielle told her.

"I think I can do some things for myself." Emily said a little defensively.

"Not today," Danielle said as she got up and then pulled Emily up by her hand, "Now go jump into the shower and get yourself nice and clean. Then after breakfast, I'll fix your hair."

Emily started to say something but before she could, Danielle pushed her toward the shower, hurrying her by slapping her on the ass.

"Ouch!" Emily said rubbing her bottom as she went toward the shower.

When she got back to the kitchen, Danielle had some fruit cut up and waffles made. So Emily sat down and they ate. Danielle kept the conversation on everything except for the interview that Emily was going to have in two hours. Emily gladly went along and she knew that she had thought enough about that. It was time to relax and just see what happens. She let Danielle take charge and she didn't even protest when Danielle just put the dishes into the sink when they were done eating. Then Danielle picked out the outfit that she thought that Emily should wear and then she pulled out a couple of more just so Emily could have a choice as to what to pick from. Then as she tried them on Danielle went to take her own shower. Emily tried on the other two outfits first before trying on the one that Danielle wanted her to wear. She knew as soon as she put the suit on, that it was the one that she would wear. But then she knew that with Danielle's sense of style, whatever she wanted her to wear, she would be wise to do so. She reached back to zip the dress only to have her hand slapped away.

"I'll get that." Danielle said but first Emily felt a soft kiss just below her neck and then the zipped came up. "Now turn around and let me get a look at you."

Emily turned to see Danielle wrapped in a towel smiling at her.

"I was right, that is the perfect dress for this interview." Danielle said all proud of herself.

Emily would love to have had a comeback to put Danielle in her place but this time Danielle was right, it was the perfect dress. "Well don't let it go to your head." was all that Emily could come up with.

"I won't," Danielle said still smiling and all Emily could do was smile back. "Let me get dressed and then I'll do your hair." Danielle told her as she went into her closet and she came out holding a dress but Emily noticed that Danielle picked something that while pretty wasn't quite the same as her dress. She wanted Emily to be the one they noticed when they entered the admission office.

Once she was dressed, Danielle made Emily sit by her vanity and she began to fix her hair. She used her curling iron to put some soft curls in her hair then she put the back of her hair up so that her slim neck would be visible. She said that she had such a pretty neck that all she wanted to do was kiss it and then she did just that, causing Emily to giggle and blush at the same time. She fussed with her hair and make-up until it was time to leave. It was at this time that the butterflies began to churn inside of Emily's stomach. Emily checked her paperwork about three times making sure that she had everything in order. Finally Danielle had to grab her hand and pull her out of the bedroom.

End of Part Three

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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