Emily and Angela: a secret love story

By Unrepeatable

Published on Aug 17, 2019



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I hope you enjoy this story of young love set in an alternate 50s America. Please do get in touch, it is always nice to hear from readers, email me unrepeatable@live.com

Emily and Angela: a secret love story

Emily turned off the highway into the parking lot adjacent to the all-night diner. Carefully avoiding the cluster of Chevys and pick-ups she quickly turns off the engine and lights, dusk providing cover as she sits quietly unnoticed, hidden. The red neon light penetrating from the diner windows stops short of her station wagon. Emily sighs, relieved as the darkness provides cover.

She nervously watches the clock on the dash. It's time. It has to be now, time to come out of closet in public. Her hand hesitates on the door lever. Suddenly Emily ducks down as a Buick Skylark roars into the lot parking close to the diner. Emily presses deeper into the seat hoping they don't notice her. Three platinum blonds are sitting over the rim of the back seat, the hood tucked beneath them. Emily watches as their heads bob to the music blaring from the radio. The sounds of the hits are muffled by the young voices, excited laughing and girlish squeals mixed with the boys? whoops and jeers. They finally jump from the car as the song finishes, the radio announcer bringing the programme to a close "Yeah, still at number one for the third week, that was Doris Day with her Secret Love". The tallest and skinniest of the boys with greased black hair curled neatly into a quiff leans across the gleaming dash and clicks off the radio and the parking lot falls silent. Emily's eyes follow them into the diner. She draws breath, opens the car door and steps out. The night chill suddenly feels comforting, she can feel the hairs on her bare arms begin to rise, feel the cold embrace of the air shroud her body, if she closes her eyes just for an instant, she can feel normal, but just for a second.

Emily nervously approaches the door, she had just enough courage to step through when she hears someone approaching. Instinctively, she steps aside finding the shadow, her back against the cold steel wall, she watches a young couple approach hoping they haven't seen her. Arms around each other, the boy and girl not much older than Emily laugh and tease each other unaware of Emily's presence and fearful gaze. Emily felt the little courage she had drain away. She looked longingly at the couple, how free, how happy, how perfect they both looked and Emily envied them for their ability to fit in. She looked down at her clothes and nearly cried 'What am I doing?'. Uncomfortable, she shifted uneasily, tugging at her top and skirt, as if suddenly conscious of every bit of material against her skin. Reaching under her skirt she eased the tight elastic from around her crotch then adjusting her bra fastening for the umpteenth time that evening. Her petite breasts filled her bra perfectly creating domes under her top, but somehow the wire however pricked her skin almost all the time. She cursed at having to learn this from experience as the box didn't come with any warning that she noticed despite having read the box three times. The size seemed right she thought giving in at last, her futile squirming offering little relief. Emily realised she was distracted enough that she was calmer, less afraid and once again alone in the parking lot. With a deep breath Emily stepped forward and approached the entrance. She knew hesitation would be fatal, but she must go in. She couldn't know if Angela would be waiting, on her own, she couldn't just leave her there if she was but if not, then Emily knew she faced being alone herself, utterly self-conscious and exposed. There was no turning back, no places left to hide. Suddenly she gasped, staring straight back at her from the large glass door she caught her reflection. Her hand covered her mouth in shock and she froze on the spot. She saw herself for the first time as she truly wanted to be and she felt free. The white angora sweater glistened in the bright glow of the diner and her pink pleated skirt trembled in the breeze just above her knees. A matching pink ribbon lifting her golden ponytail just above the nape of her neck. The pure white sweater had short sleeves leaving her arms bare and a deep v-neck drawing her eye to the delicate bumps beneath the baby soft wool. Emily had chosen well for her first time, her first date with Angela and not too daring. Smiling now, Emily opened the door and stepped forward.

Emily scanned the diner quickly but there was no sign of Angela. Emily realised she was first to arrive. The reactions from the customers was slower. One or two looked first, conversations stopped mid-sentence until like a contagion it spread across the diner and a hush fell. Emily stood motionless, they had rehearsed together, planned for this type of reaction, they wanted to be prepared, to feel brave but Emily couldn't move as if their stares penetrated her very bones gluing her to the spot like a freeze ray. She tried to smile, the faces did not smile back. Emily looked on at the gathered diners, they all stared at her, they were all naked.

Emily and Angela had been friends for three years. Angela was new to Billis Valley High School having just moved upstate. Emily and Angela were friends immediately, neither liked socialising in big groups and both felt like misfits so naturally preferred each other's company. Their attraction to each other was obvious to them both. Emily and Angela were unusual girls, unlike their peers they had both wanted to resist the temptation to have sex so they both withdrew from the usual hormonally induced adolescent foreplay and bragging that surrounded them daily. They became close quickly, a friendship unlike either had experienced before, a relationship formed from mutual respect and perhaps, even love. Emily had been spared the taunting and ridicule one might expect of loners and nonconformists. This was largely thanks to Dean Smith who, after strong urging from their group of friends, briefly dated Emily when they were both fourteen. Dean, sweet natured but dim-witted and gormless was only interested in keeping up with his friends. Much to Emily's delight he was pretty hopeless when it came to sex or romance, like all boys he wanted it badly, but Dean was clueless. Emily having heaps more brains and smarts than most of her year took Dean through first, second and third base in just one night. Of course, not fully understanding what any bases actually meant he was easily convinced that he lost his virginity. Emily's virtue remained fully intact however, with just a little snogging, a playful grope of her breasts and a skilled hand job Dean was utterly convinced. Emily thought she should have been more offended and embarrassed by Dean's inevitable bragging but truthfully she felt relieved that her friends believed him and their respect for her had been established. She was free to be alone, without ridicule, but all the while still hiding her own, very private secret.

Angela was perfect in Emily's eyes. Emily had fallen in love for the first time. Now seventeen Emily was stronger in her beliefs and desires, more confident and determined to pursue her identity openly. Above all she wanted to come out to Angela and share her real desires. It took her along time to trust anyone, but she had to be sure. Her patience was finally rewarded one afternoon just before last class. The school Tannoy chimed and the principal's voice echoed through the school. It was a spot locker inspection. Immediately the kids looked more alive than they had through their entire algebra lesson. Worried glances and panicked voices betrayed any hidden loot or contraband that was about to be unveiled. The teachers observed closely as the school lined up next to their lockers unable to discreetly remove any items. The principal moved from locker to locker slowly with his master key. Emily amused herself watching the hapless teens work up a sweat with anticipation, her own locker was of course sparse. Emily turned to Angela who was not amused by the goings on and seemed just as worried as the others. Angela turned to Emily, who still being new to the school was unaware of the frequency of the locker inspections and pleaded for help silently. Emily turned over in her mind all the possible things that Angela could be hiding but was unable to believe it could be any of them, she looked back at Angela and gave a tiny shake of the head to say she didn't understand but was concerned. Angela grew more nervous and Emily was sure the nearest teacher would spot this and call over the principal who was getting closer now but was taking his time to admonish a kid for the suspicious powder he was holding aloft.

Angela was beginning to tremble. Emily was so sure she knew everything that she kept in her locker having seen in it next to her own every day. So what was it? Then Emily noticed Angela was still holding her pencil case from class. Her knuckles where almost white as if she was hoping it could dissolve in her tight grasp. The case itself was not small enough to conceal in her fist and she wasn't carrying a bag but that was likely to be checked too. Emily pondered the contents and noticed, perhaps only now for the first time, that it did look unusually full. 'Was it like this normally?' She pondered.

Emily realised suddenly what it could be, what it had to be. Now she thought it through, there was nothing else it could be. Was it fate? She wanted to talk to Angela there and then, Emily was now more excited than frightened for Angela. She had no time to convey the flood of emotions to Angela. Just as one girl two lockers down was about to have her privacy violated, she burst into tears and blurted out her guilt to the principal even before he had the door opened. The kids laughed and mocked but Emily sized her moment. She kicked against the bottom grill with her heel, which gave way to a small opening, with hope that it would fit Emily knocked the case from Angela's hand and skilfully kicked it under the lockers where it slid perfectly to the wall. Hidden. Safe. Angela froze in fear but Emily grasped her hand quickly and looked lovingly into her eyes, instantly she saw fear fade into relief and saw the same love returned. Emily's love was fixed and above all else, she now knew she could confide in Angela because her secret was after all the same as Angela's.

Since the locker incident Angela and Emily had something new to talk about. Every night, very late when the house was quiet Angela And Emily would sit up late chatting on the phone, debating and sharing their discovery. Both girls found their relationship blossoming and they confirmed their desire to wait, they wanted each other so badly but both knew waiting was what they truly desired. Love kept them together and love kept them pure.

Coming out of closet however was the biggest and hardest decision they needed to make. Once made they almost enjoyed the following weeks of painstaking planning for their first date in public. No detail was missed, the chosen location had to be the diner. It was less about safety or comfort and more about making a statement. Angela had read in her parent's newspaper about a society that had begun, a secret society for women just like them. Excitedly they wrote off to the New York address posting one dollar for the subscription fee to a society calling themselves Daughters of the Closet. Each month a newsletter named Velvet arrived. The newsletter was discreetly wrapped with the words Literary Review stamped on the manila envelope to avoid suspicion. A trick that even earned Angela respect from her parents for her new found appreciation for literature. Together they devoured every article and essay written by the Daughters of the Closet. They read with keen interest anything about coming out or being visible in public. They scanned the local clubs? pages but couldn't find anything close to them or even on the West Coast and the more they researched they discovered that when clubs or meeting places opened up the authorities where closing them down just as fast. For them both it wasn't enough for their secret to be played out in a secret place, it had to be out in the open, it had to be a public place, it had to be the all-night diner.

The day had arrived, a Saturday, their outfits had been painstakingly picked out, ordered online from a specialist store and hidden away from their parents. That evening their secret would be revealed and despite their late-night chats it would be the first time seeing each other as their true selves.

The floor didn't swallow Emily up much to her disappointment, but the silence slowly filled with hushed whispers as they all looked to each other to see how they would react. A few pointed comments could be heard as she passed by in her way to the nearest empty booth. She shuffled over the red leather seats to the window grabbing the menu to hide behind.

"Ain't any good hiding behind there Hun. You might be a itty bitty thing, but that menu ain't gonna hide your shame. Now look hear young?un, I gotta take your order but why you come here dressed ain't my business but these folks not gonna give ya an easy time cus of it." The words of caution came from the waitress who slunk over to the table quickly before any customers could start trouble. Emily looked up. As expected she was naked, but unlike her diners she was the only one wearing clothes, a regulation see-thru apron. The grease stains nearly made the apron opaque but Emily could easily make out her large bosom squished behind the clear plastic.

"I'm not sure what I'll have, I'm waiting for my friend" Emily remarked ignoring her directed comments to her clothes.

"Yeah? What you gonna do whilst you waiting, its rude not to stare, ya don't like what's on offer? Well they don't like what you got on. None seen a closet case in here in years. Take my advice, put the clothes on the seat and go over nicely to the young group and watch them like a normal person. If they like ya, they might just let you fuck. I'll bring ya a hotdog. You can make like you belong and eat your sausage real slow like sucking a cock, unless hun, you want a burger, bury your face in it, nice, made with fresh cunt juices."

Emily wanted to hit out at her or perhaps just to throw up, not sure which would happen she fixed a smile and replied, "no thank you, just a cola-lite and some fries. My friend, SHE will have the same."

"Get you, think that's some smart do ya! Think I'm shocked you say She? Listen closet, see there, above that no smoking sign?" The waitress pointed over to the back of the counter to a faded old greasy sign that read in large letters 'Gender names offend others and are a prison for oneself!' With that she turned away but addressed the customers loudly, "SHE'll have the fries!" Laughter erupted and Emily felt her face and neck flush red.

After a minute, the novelty seemed to have worn off, the jibes became less and most diners went back to their own business. A few continued their hard stares, stern glances and suspicious looks but Emily concentrated on breathing normally and could just about ignore them.

Unlike school, where sitting alone didn't attract attention and she could blend in by pretending to look on, it was impossible to ignore that she was the only person dressed, clothed, closeted, fashioned. All these words flew around her head making it hard to just be herself and relax. She tried to concentrate and look around as was expected of her. Normally at school there is only a small range of ages and body types to look at which all seem to look the same after a while making it easier to stare politely without really seeing. Glances or stares where enough to give you credit. Admiring bodies was the only socially acceptable public greeting allowed, ignore what you see and you're antisocial. Just for fun when absolutely no one was around, she and Angela would discreetly shake hands and avert their gaze from one another. It was a thrill, so intense and personal. Most gangs or cliques would have their own rituals. The more intimate they got the more exclusive the club. A leader would have to great every member the same way, it ranged from snogging, groping, sometimes a quick penetration with a finger anally or vaginaly if it was an elite group but most people have a casual brush past with hands or a light, tender stroke over their cocks, breasts or both.

Eventually Emily relaxed into the red leather seat looking out the window for any sign of Angela whilst being sensitive to check out anyone who passes by her booth.

In the booth opposite Emily where the young couple she saw outside. She watched easily but as they only had eyes for each other she didn't feel pressured into looking. Foreplay was well underway and she wondered if they'd even noticed the spectacle of her entrance. Their order had arrived but was untouched. Emily smiled at them over hearing that they were both on their first date too. Unsurprisingly, the young girl was very eager to delight her date. Slim, with a short dark hair cut neat in a boyish Bob she was very beautiful and new it. Leaning into the lucky boy next to her she whispered in his ear giving him a wide grin of delight. Then she brought his hands up to her neck running his fingers down over each breast. He took over and held the small handful of pert firm breast into his hand. He turned and moved closer and licked her wide, dark areola playfully. She tittered encouraging his play until both nipples were as pert and stiff as her breasts. Still taking the lead she skilfully lifted herself, straddling him but now with her back to Emily. She raised herself up, feet on the leather, positioning her herself level with his eager mouth. She leaned with her hips allowing him to caress her womanhood with his tongue. Emily now had a pleasing view of two tight cheeks rippling as she moved rhythmically over his tongue. The boy was quickening his pace, taking her clit between his lips and flicking wildly with his tongue. He moved his hand under her and his fingers soon glistened with her juices. He slid effortlessly in and out of her with just one finger, then he moved his hand further back until he touched her budding rose. She let out gleeful squeal and he paused briefly over the puckered flesh before the silky moist tip slipped in. He lingered for a moment bringing his other hand around parting her cheeks and giving a light stretch to her hole. Emily stared intently; the view of this gorgeous young girl was making her warm under the angora sweater. He probed deeper, beginning to slide out only to thrust again harder, next he took a second finger and stretched her a little further until both fitted neatly. She squirmed tensely pulling away from his hungry mouth only to thrust back harder against his fingers. She gripped his fingers and picked up the pace herself, pushing harder and deeper as her legs trembled. She twitched and trembled, gasping as she squeezed against his long penetrating fingers. Then holding his fingers inside her she lowered herself, easily finding his waiting pole. The fullness she felt overwhelmed her in waves, she shook and whimpered until it eased and she relaxed, his fingers pressing inside her ass. Emily was pleased to find she came before he did and taking control of her own pleasure it was a delight to watch and was sorry that she hadn't watched it with Angela.

The girl soon took herself off his cock and removed his fingers. Slowly she lowered herself back in her seat next to him only then noticing how much her orgasm was appreciated. Some people moved closer from there seating areas to get a better look, others commenting and indicating their intentions to their own partners. A shot glass was being passed through the diners and placed next to the young couple. They seemed delighted and understood. The little glass was half filled with vodka as was tradition. Not waiting a moment more the girl wrapped her hand around the pulsating cock and took the glass with the other. The boy was pleased to be getting to his finish but couldn't help noticing the eyes watching, waiting and begun to feel the pressure to cum soon. He seemed relieved that his girl knew what was needed as she expertly squeezed his shaft hard, the release was so intense he felt the moment rising. She moved her fingers over the head now stroking just above the tip in circular motions. He tensed and just in time she pulled him towards to the glass milking the cum and mixing the vodka. Polite applause followed as the customers watched on expectantly. The girl held up his offering and teased a few spectators before choosing one person to have the honour. She giggled then turned forwards and looked directly at Emily. Giggling and somewhat still flushed by her own climax she offered it to Emily.

Emily looked on in horror as the gorgeous petite girl leaned forward across the table placing the glass in front of her. "Oh, please no. I...I...er...couldn't really, please someone else?" Emily begged and felt herself glow crimson. The laughter was louder than ever, the ridicule hurt more than ever. The girl slunk back over to her date and downed the cum-shot herself before taking him into a deep kiss. Emily no longer watched.

Emily was soon distracted by a young man returning from the toilets whose raised voice seemed to be directed at an elderly chap sitting alone, a dog sat curled at his side. The man seemed offended by him "hey, old man, you're not looking at me. I said, you're not looking at me. Passed you by just now twice didn't get any respect. Perhaps I should teach you to respect my cock." The old man stirred from his reverie and looked scared at the tall man barking at him. Emily recognised the young guy as the driver of the Buick sports, his hair well-oiled and perfectly quaffed. She felt sorry for the old man and thought it probably wasn't the first time he'd forgotten to check someone out and offended them. "Look, even your mutt has better manners than you grandad." Indeed, the dog had risen from his sleep by the loud voices, being closer to the man than his master he wagged his tail and eagerly eyed the man?s cock that he was gesturing to. With his long tongue he gave a long lick from the bottom of his sack up along his semi erect shaft. "well, you get let off this time as your dog gives good head, bet ya trained him huh, bet you got a taste for dog cum now a days hey?"

The older man simply nodded, smiling intently through the intimidation, hoping the man would move on quickly regretting now not having paid attention when a young prime leader walked past.

"Say that again sonny!" Just then the waitress rounded on him angrily getting between him and the elderly man and his dog. "you want respect huh, well just leave him be. He's more of a prime leader in his day than you'll ever be." and with that she grabbed him by his dick pulling him inches from her face. "Mmmmm, hmmmmm, lookie here, we got ourselves a stud? Somehow you got to be a gang leader with that!" Her cold clammy hands had the desired effect and the cock hung limply recoiling a little from her cold grasp. "hey, I'm up here, I might get offended if you can't even look up at me. All the other guys don't have problem showing a lady the proper respect" she directed his gaze to the onlookers in particular all the guys watching, each one them standing to attention, their cocks looked up proudly from the biggest to the teeniest.

"No fair!" The guy protested, "I just had a piss, I was so gonna get it back up." His claims did nothing to stop the sniggering, even his own crowd were doing their best to stop laughing, some turning away either to spare the leader from embarrassment or perhaps in disappointment at his humiliation.

Emily wasn't laughing or even smiling, she sat despairing at their lack of clothes, feeling pity for them all and also relieved at not having a cock. Emily was rare in that she felt sorry for men in general, the expectation that you had to show your pleasure, your appreciation for the company you are with regardless of who by keeping your cock erect, always looking up at them in respect. A limp one or even a semi could offend, it must be so hard to keep it hard when the conversation is dull and company boring. Emily looked around at the displays, all the guys had managed to stay erect. Many were getting plenty of attention from partners or a passer-by.

There was a variety of shapes, some fat and thick, all of varying lengths. One young boy was getting plenty of attention, he was transitioning and eager to show off his new breasts. The newly formed mounds looked great on his slender smooth and hairless body. Friends were either sucking gingerly on the new puffy nipples or fondling his cock which was now a hormonally induced mini-cock. No more than an inch when erect and shaved to extenuate its novelty, it was attracting a lot of attention.

It is of course in the partner's best interest that a male be showing his respect, a guy looking down inferred that you are somehow responsible, that your company not scintillating enough. The pressure was widely acknowledged and TV adds cashed in promising their pharmaceuticals would give a lasting erection. This did make it difficult to spot those gentlemen who genuinely were excited by their company and those whose appreciation was just a chemical one. Emily thought that the more a guy insisted his was stamina and not out of a packet was probably not likely to be true. Semis at least did suggest a genuineness, other ways to tell included the guy at the toilet desperately trying to pee with a permanent erection or having both hands free, their pole suspiciously needing little attention or fluffing. Some help was at hand. The state offered a chemical free approach to showing respect. Mostly popular with elderly gents, they would place their hanging cock inside a state approved mock-cock casing strapped to their waist. These devices may be mocked by the younger generation but were often seen in groups of the elderly where the gesture of showing respect was appreciated even if the stalk looking back was a solid moulded tube and the real sad limp thing just suspended inside.

Emily continued to sit alone. Her hopes of seeing Angela dwindling as each minute passed having been left waiting for half an hour. Her thoughts couldn't help but think of an exit strategy. Leaving head held high in front of everyone or slowly slipping off her clothes in the toilets and leave unnoticed. She couldn't help but feel a failure with either option. She just needed more time to think so shifted along the booth and made her through the now busy diner to the restroom at the rear.

A man and woman did a double take as Emily walked in, they looked at each other and left hurriedly muttering noisily. Another girl stood near the middle toilet seat but no one else was around. Emily instinctively looked her up and down nodding but she didn't notice the gesture as she seemed preoccupied and tense. Emily chose the toilet seat at the end but wished silently that she could have a moment of privacy, longing that the toilets could be separated, walled off, or even lockable, a daft dream that Emily knew would never be realised. As she sat down she cursed herself as she realised she had forgotten all about needing to pee when clothed. A practical application of clothing that neither Angela nor herself planned for.

The other girl still looked distracted, her hand was cupped between her legs and her legs were buckling slightly as if resisting some pressure. The girl had a nice face Emily thought, she liked her rounder body, distinctive hips and fuller ass. Her breasts were beautiful, pert and very round giving the impression of large tennis balls. The girl gave a shudder and moaned. Emily continued to watch as she moved closer to the seat, still standing she let out a shot of golden spray suddenly across the seat. She abruptly stopped letting out a louder moan. She tensed up again, her hand still cupping her crotch but now dripping as she held back the flow. Once more she let her fingers spread slightly and gave off another stream, longer this time but more forcefully it hit the wall straight rather than fall into the bowl. Again she stopped suddenly mid-stream. Emily was transfixed as the beautiful stranger began to rub the wetness all over her crotch. She explored her dusky pink lips and slipped her finger inside. She bit her lip and her moans increased. Holding her breath, she let go with her hand ready to pee, this time like a fountain it cascaded down her long fingers and spun off into separate streams. She gasped intensely and then furiously rubbed her clit, faster and faster until she shuddered silently to a stop crumbling onto the seat.

Emily sat frozen listening to her quivering breathing, she broke her attention only to discover her own hand inside her white panties, her fingers tracing the outline of her smooth hairless lips and clit. Emily looked up, the hot girl now wiping herself clean with the fresh wipes at the sink was staring into the mirror, looking back Emily. Emily not knowing whether to speak or look away, she kept her fingers pressed onto her clit. The girl broke a smile, accepting and appreciating the audience, it was first friendly face she'd seen all evening. She walked off towards the door but turned before opening, still smiling she said "I like your sweet little outfit, each of us has our own little kink I suppose." Then she was gone, Emily was finally alone.

She wanted to call after her, to thank her, ask her about her own kink. She wanted to say how turned on she was watching her peeing and cumming. But Emily didn't. Besides Angela she hadn't been able to have an honest and open talk with anyone, ever, and didn't really know where to start. Angela would have loved it too, she thought to herself. But there was definitely a way to improve on her solo act and Angela had shown her how.

Emily remembered how on the morning after the locker inspection they both arrived at school over an hour early to retrieve the suspect pencil case from beneath the locker. Emily had tried to get her to confide in her last night but Angela couldn't speak of it and instead promised she would reveal it if she helped her get her case back. Angela handed over the case allowing Emily to see for herself. Angela said she trusted her as if pleading not to be judged. Emily understood and was ready now, she wanted to tell Angela she prefers clothes too, she just needs to see if she was right.

Emily's face lit up when she saw the material inside the case, her hand reached in, her fingers folding around the soft surface caressing it. She lifted it out slowly and held up the prettiest most beautiful panties she had ever seen. Gleaming white, soft delicate lace, she held it against her cheek, her knees almost buckled as the sensation of cloth on skin, forbidden and denied to her until now, swept through her body.

"It's so beautiful." She embraced Angela tightly, their naked bodies pressed together as one. "I love it too...I'm just like you...I love you Angela." She released her suddenly, "I have to see you in it. Now." Angela grabbed her hand and ran down the corridor to the toilets. With no one in sight and the risk of being seen was still low Angela slowly slipped on the panties. Emily watched how she moved, how her legs and hands worked together and the delicate lace rose effortlessly up to her crotch. "You look amazing, I'm so jealous, it covers everything, I can't see the slit, or clit, I can barely make out your thin neat line of hair. It's amazing. Angela? Why did you bring it school, did you just like to touch it when no one was looking?"

Angela smiled and with Emily watching enthralled she moved quickly to the door, she bent up the handle jamming the door shut, "it almost as if it was locked, I discovered it by accident." Next Angela stood over by the toilet, "I'd put them on now, I'd excuse myself from class so it would be empty and I'd be bursting by now." She grinned. "Watch." Angela leant forward giving Emily a perfect view. She relaxed a little and pressed with her finger just below her clit allowing a brief little trickle. Emily's eyes went wide as the wetness grew across the white lace for a moment before erupting through, ripples trickled down her mound like a small brook. Angela relaxed again, another trickle pooled on the surface before running down the now soaked lace. After a moment she relaxed fully and flooded her panties, gushing down and arching outwards with some force. Angela gave a little moan and relaxed "so now you see my kink". Emily stared in delight and reached out touching the stream tracing the flow back until she felt the soaked wet lace over Angela's mound with her fingers and tasted the nectar. "Emily, I love you too."

Emily sat still alone in the diner toilet, her finger toying gently with her clit. She breathed deeply remembering how sexy Angela had been, how much of a thrill to see pee coming through the white cloth. She briefly toyed with the idea, but instead she peered down watching her fingers moving beneath the cloth, teasing herself. She explored further down and felt the dampness. She pressed the material firmly onto her pussy lips just enough for the juices to shine through and pool into a small circle. Pleased with the look she decided to leave it and pulled the panties across her lips to the side allowing her to stream straight into the bowl. Once she had rearranged herself she decided to walk straight out fully clothed and go back to the car.

The diner was now noisy and people bustled about, touching, caressing, playing and tasting each other's bodies, moving in time to the tunes coming from the duke box in the corner. She made her way through to the centre doors and could hear the tittering and jokes start up again, she averted her gaze. This didn't help though as she bumped straight into someone standing between her and the doors. She couldn't help but look over her body as they bumped, a girl thankfully, slender in frame, flat chest, smooth skin, a tiny strip of dark hair nuzzled above her crotch. It was somehow nice; the touch was not unknown. She lifted her head and both girls gasped. Angela standing before her, naked.

Emily looked into her one true love's eyes and could see the pain and shock. Tears erupted and Emily sobbed collapsing into her arms. After a moment she guided Emily to a free booth that just became available, they sat opposite each other. "I'm so sorry Emily, I can explain".

Emily compelled her not to. "No. Don't. it was me, I pushed for this, you weren't ready."

After swapping the blame several times between sobs, Emily regained her composure and let Angela speak. It turned out Angela had tried to leave but her mom was delayed going out, she couldn't leave dressed or get past her mom, she had to wait, she had no way to conceal the clothes from her parents, finally when she could she finally ran out of the house grabbing the clothes hoping to put them on in the car. She cried on the drive over feeling guilty, thinking Emily felt abandoned. She thought Emily wouldn't be late and that the whole evening was ruined. She rushed into the diner, expecting Emily to be long gone so not risking going in clothed or perhaps not brave enough.

"I do want this, for both us Emily, really I do. But maybe, you were right. Are we rushing this? I hadn't even been brave enough to try the clothes on in my own room. Maybe, we could, you know, go somewhere alone, private, just the two us. To get used to it."

Emily nodded her agreement. "Hey, I know a place, where we could park up, I've still got my clothes in the car, maybe we could, you know...cuddle for a while. If that's too fast we can slow it down, I know how we both just want to wait.

Emily smiled at last, "Yes! Angela, you are worth waiting for."

Hand in hand they both left the diner leaving the stench of burning fat, grease and sex behind them. Emily and Angela in love.

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