Embrace the Enemy

By Nate House

Published on Nov 30, 2011


Welcome back for the next installment of Embrace The Enemy. I'm glad that this sequel is catching on with a new audience. Welcome to the family. If you're enjoying this tale, then feel free to write in and tell me so. I look forward to hearing from you.

Now for the legal crap:

Though inspired by true events, this story is completely borne of my imagination. Any resemblance to any person, either living or dead, real or fictional, or any event either past or present, is entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic depictions of bodily, psychological abuses, violence, and sexual acts between two female characters (among others). If any of these things offend your delicate sensibilities, then please leave now, toughen yourself up, then try again. Repeat as many times as needed. This story is copyrighted to me, the author. The author is not responsible for any harms that may befall upon you, either legal, emotional, or physical for reading this story, so consider yourself warned about the ramifications for reading this if you are underage or under your parents' roof.

Now sit back, relax, cuddle up with your significant other, and enjoy part two of Embrace The Enemy.

******************** Chapter Two

Nadia stirred beside me. Despite the fact that we spent the night in some of the best, mind-blowing sex I couldn't sleep. My body was exhausted, sure enough, but my mind raced. We spent the last five weeks trying to build our relationship into something normal. Well, as normal as a vampire and Watcher can be. I thought we had all of this bullshit behind us. I thought after I killed my demon of a half-brother that the people would finally show some respect and leave me the hell alone.

What the fuck was I thinking?

Nothing I plan actually works out the way it's supposed to. After that rat-bastard burned to death in a fiery hell of my making all of the respectable vampires wanted Nadia to take over the coven and bring some stability to our little community. Both she and Adriel refused the position, and now we get have Asmadeus prowling the streets feeding off of who knows what... or whom.

A tear leaked down my cheek at the thought of what Tiffany and Marianna must be going through. I haven't seen or heard from either one in weeks. And neither have my sources, as limited as they may be. I'll never forget that scene I witnessed while looking for Adriel. The look of depraved desperation on that woman's face was so pathetic that it could haunt even the most hardened POW. Same goes for that look of absolute power that street urchin carried.

"You shouldn't think like that," Nadia said, her eyes closed but pointed at me. "You know I pick up on whatever you're dreaming as I sleep when we're close."

I kissed her forehead and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Sorry, sweets. I'm just so worried about them. They both know they can come to us for help, why won't they?"

Nadia snuggled herself into my embrace. Her soft hair felt good against my skin. "It's not the way bleeders think. We should feel lucky that they even trust each other."

I gulped at her use of the B-word. It's always bothered me to call them that for some reason. But, then again, what else is there to call them? Human beings would be a good start.

"I just feel so bad and--and helpless. I hate it." I started to sob a lightly, but stopped when Nadia put a hand on my cheek. My eyes closed immediately when I felt her thumb wipe away the tears.

"I know, Charlene. I hate it too, but there's nothing we can do right now." I looked down and could have sworn she was talking in her sleep. "Lay back and try to relax. Listen to my voice, and let your mind go blank..."

The next think I saw was the black before the dream...

It was like I was watching a home movie. I sat on a curb and watched the scene play out not able to do a damn thing about it. The light refracted off my eyes, the sound was muffled, and so were my muscles. I was paralyzed. There they lay, Tiffany, my ex-girlfriend, and Marianna, Nadia's former Watcher, were huddled against the side of an old dumpster, one of the few littering the alley. Newspapers were spread over their bodies. There was a foul stench in the air, one that my dhampir nose couldn't discern, but caused my gag reflex to kick in more than once. However, my enhanced vision allowed me to get a good look at their heavily scarred necks, chests, and shoulders. My heart sank; I couldn't tell where there wasn't a scar. The only comfort I could get was the fact they were very much alive, just asleep. Their chests rose and fell in a rhythmic pattern. And from the frailness of their cheeks it seemed as though neither one of them had eaten in days.

A shadow formed on the opposite end of the alley, walking through the steam rising from the factory beneath. He moved with the speed of a predator stalking it's prey. He knew this would be an easy meal, even I know two sleeping humans in the middle of a dark alley didn't stand a chance. He could manipulate their dreams, or pump out the pheromones all vampires are gifted with, whatever he wanted to do to make this bite as enjoyable for him as he wanted. All I could see of him were his glowing eyes and jagged teeth, and that's allI needed. He looked at me and smiled.

I wanted to run in and kill him. I wanted to call out to both of them so they would get the hell out of there. But my body and voice would not obey me. I've felt this before, more than once if memory serves me correctly. I couldn't move, I couldn't scream for help.

But he let out an awful, ear-piercing shriek of a laugh. His two victims woke immediately. They backed up and hit the brick wall of the building behind them. Their eyes and faces were glossed over in absolute fear.

"Isn't this precious?" he asked in a growling, gravelly voice I didn't recognize. "Fuck me thrice and send me back to my momma, it's the two exes." The creature turned his head back to me and added, "How delightful."

I could smell the wave of pheromones he was emitting. They didn't bother me, but the two humans were immediately hit by it. Tiffany even crawled over to him like and animal with a hope-filled gleam in her eye.

"NO! GET AWAY! RUN!" my brain kept yelling, but my mouth couldn't obey. My stomach turned at how my best friend's sister claws at the man's torn cloak. Her eyes were pleading with him. Hell, Marianna was practically masturbating.

"Oh my god, please, sink your beautiful teeth inside of me. I need it. Please! I'll do anything."

He looked amused. "Anything, you say?"

"Yes," Tiffany sighed, "Anything you want. I need them in me."

"I'll put more than my teeth inside of you," he said with a gut-wrenching smile. "I'll make sure the three of us have a very good time."

Marianna's hand was underneath her skirt. I could hear the wet noises her fingers were making. She was biting her lower lip to muffle the ecstasy. Her other hand was busy working her tits, squeezing them with what looked like a painful amount of force.

"Patience," the reassure said with his hand extended. And just like that, Nadia's ex stopped. "We'll get to that part, but first I'll start with your little friend here." He grabbed Tiffany's hair and violently pulled her head back. In one fluid motion he opened his mouth, bit her in his old mark, flung her against the wall, and got himself between her legs.

Marianna seized the opportunity to open his pants and begin sucking his cock. With his dick in her mouth, she reached up and began fucking my ex-girlfriend with three fingers. Her other hand was between her own legs, finishing what she started.

I don't know how he did it, but he had a rhythm of fucking Mariana's throat and sucking on Tiffany's. The screams and moans of pleasure were beyond disturbing. I don't think there's a word to describe how disgusting it was being forced to watch this. He reared his back, blood following the arch of her teeth, in what look like orgasmic bliss. Tiffany beat him there, I could smell her juices and see he orgasm running down her friend's forearm.

Tiffany sucked in as much air as her lungs could hold. She only had one chance to do it because before she could breathe again, that thing pulled his cock out of Marianna's mouth and shoved deep inside of my friend. And from the look on Tiffany's face, she loved it. Her legs were in a knot behind his back, pulling him deeper inside of her and holding him there.

"Stop," he said to Marianna. She started playing with her pussy again, desperate to get herself off. We all knew that couldn't happen until he bit her, and from the way he was fucking Tiffany I knew he was going to torture her for as long as possible.

"Please! I'm begging you," she pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

"You want some of this?" He didn't have to look at her, he knew that if he held out much longer she would be the one who raped him. Somehow, I think that's what he wanted. Tiffany clawed at his neck, driving him even wilder.

"Oh, god. fuck me! Bite me!" Tiffany's only friend said rising to her feet.

With that little show of strength, he pulled out of Tiffany and threw her against the building on the other side of the alley. Marianna was completely lost in her lust. I heard Tiffany's head crack, but Marianna didn't care. All that mattered was getting those teeth inside of her. She jumped up at him and wrapped her legs around his waist. She leaned forward and bite him on the neck, a vampire's greatest turn-on.

I could hear both his teeth and tool slide into her body. I didn't think anyone could be so violated at any one time. I wanted to throw-up. I wanted to rip my eyes and ears off. Marianna's screams of pleasure echoed off the walls at a deafening pitch. I could smell her blood and her cum, as well as Tiffany's, joining that foulness of the night.

Then everything went dark again...

My face was dripping with sweat. And cold. Very cold in fact. My whole body started to shiver. Why was I freezing? I looked down at my hands, and they were blue. I flipped them over and my fingertips were wrinkled as if I'd been in the bath too long.

"What the hell!" I screamed. "I'm naked!" My teeth started to chatter. Suddenly the whole world began to spin. My mind was a jumbled mass of confusion and fear. A million questions ran through my head, none the least of which was, "What the fuck's going on?"

Somehow my legs found the will to move. I couldn't see more than a foot in front of my nose, but I knew I was walking on either rough sand, or some kind of soft pavement. The sharp pain of small rocks and pebbles digging into my feet shot all the way into my hips. But I knew I couldn't stop. The blood running through my frozen legs was my only source of heat.

My body was beyond pain. In fact, I couldn't feel much of anything. Things like the soft snow falling around me made little difference, or the fact that my breath was that of icicles going down my throat. The edges of my vision began to fade to gray.

"Why is it that she walks alone, when she's lost and far from home?" came an all-too-familiar voice.

I rolled my eyes, or, more accurately, I tried to roll my eyes. I couldn't find the strength to do it. My voice came out in an incoherent babble of broken syllables and half-words.

"Oh no she cannot speak being so cold and weak. What is it that she seeks that has her frozen, so to speak?"

I didn't know if he was asking me or taunting me. Our relationship may have taken a new direction after I last spoke to him, but I won't say I could trust him. Especially now that he's back to speaking in rhymes.

"W-w-wh-wha ar-r-r you t-t-talk a-ab-b-out?" I somehow managed to get out. "W-w-where am-m... we?"

Adriel stepped fully into my field of vision. The vampire-thing--in all of his homeless-looking glory--let out an eerie laugh, one that made my bones chill anew. "She doesn't know, she doesn't know!! Is it because she hasn't been told?" He smiled his famous blood red teeth. Was there ever a time when he wasn't eating?

I couldn't think of a rebuttal. I couldn't think of much at all really. My body and brain were past the point of numb. In fact, I'm not sure exactly how I was still standing. "Huh?" was all I could muster.

Adriel's head rotated to an impossible angle. "Thou has seen what shall be when the rift remains in you and he." His eyes widened at my non-response. "We sleep, we dream, we dream the things we see and what they seem."

I tried to change my vision to see where I was. I wanted at least one good look before hypothermia finally killed me. But instead of turning blue, the gray was turning black. And it was growing. "D-dr-dream..."

"Yes," the elder man hissed. "Yes sleep now and you shall see exactly what your world shall be."

The last thing I remember was my naked body falling, but my head didn't move.

Whacking my fists on the solid wood backboard of Nadia's bed wasn't the best way to wake up. It hurt actually. Really hurt. I think my knuckles were bleeding. "Ow, son of a bitch!"

"Are you okay, Charlene?" Nadia asked, her voice reserved.

I put one of my bloody knuckles in my mouth. Seriously, why do people do that? Vamp saliva helps, human-slash-dhampirs doesn't. "Yeah," I respond shaking my hand. "But damn that fucking hurt." Nadia's aura brushed against mine. I felt a warning in there somewhere. I looked over to her and her eyes were locked onto my hands. Realizing exactly what she was trying to tell me, I asked, "Are you hungry?"

A small nod was her answer. My vision changed over. Her eyes were solid black. Her breathing was hoarse and that's being generous. It was almost a savage growl. 'Don't be afraid, Charlene,' she whispered in my head. 'Don't fear me.'

"I'm not afraid of you, honey," I said out loud. "Why would you think that?"

"You're ranked with it," she protested.

I was taken aback by her shift into anger. "I don't understand," I muttered.

"Neither do I," she breathed harshly. While her mouth was open, I swear I saw her fangs grow. "Let me bite you."

I nodded. I walked on my knees closer to her. Her breath against my scar felt so good. She licked the dual puncture marks, sending another wave of bliss to my groin. Before my pussy could get any more damp, Nadia's razor-sharp teeth dove into my shoulder. I orgasmed before her lips hit my skin.

I've always loved how my body reacts to my vampire. When she starts to suck the blood out of my veins, it's like she's sucking he cum out of my pussy. It's like my body can' tell the difference. And when her nails dig into my arms, or my tits--whichever she has a hold of--it just makes the orgasms that much more intense. Her lips, her tongue, her claws, it was like to total package.

With one hand wrapped around the back of my head, Nadia's other hand dropped down between my legs. I screamed out at the contact. She ripped my sleep-shorts and panties off, then buried her fingers inside me. I wasn't too far behind. And I think she was wetter than me.

My fingers played with her velvety folds, forcing as much juice out of her as I could. As soon as they slipped inside, I immediately pressed my thumb against her lit and began my own ministrations. She loves it when I play with her G-spot and lit at the same time. I felt her orgasm building to match my own; I love it when she moans against me when she's feeding.

As one body we fell back against the bed, Nadia landing on top of me. I instinctively wrapped my legs around her waist as she was nearly wrist-deep in my pussy. My own honey leaked all over the bedspread. I knew it wouldn't be long before she pulled her mouth out of me and we came together. Her fingers were like magic inside of me, teasing every little spot to get the most out of my orgasm. And, as a proper lady, I must give her what she wants. With all four of her fingers fucking me, I almost begged her to let me come.

"Please Nadia. Please let me cum!"

Nadia pulled away from my shoulder, screaming in pleasure herself. She sat back on her heels and kept fucking me. "Yes! Come for me!"

I don't know how she said it with my hand inside of her, but it was all I needed. Nadia's fingers pulled out of my and I rewarded her efforts with what she wanted. My orgasm erupted out of me in a a tidal wave, splashing against her body. My whole body shook. "No! Don't..." stop was what I wanted to say, but couldn't get out. "More!" And just like that, Nadia shoved two fingers back in me and made me squirt again.

She looks so damn sexy with my cum washing her body. I pulled my hand out of her pussy and let her come all over the bed. My hand furiously rubbed her lit as her fingers played with my G-spot. She looks so beautiful in the throes of orgasm, all of her juices pouring out of her pussy.

I'm sure I looked like a similar mess, laying in a massive puddle of girl-cum. My ass was cold, but it didn't matter. My pussy was satisfied. Sex was never this good with anyone else, Nadia alone had the ability to get that much out of me.

I finally found the ability to breathe again. Nadia collapsed on top of me once again. She kissed me behind my ear, making me smile and shiver again. Her hot breath on my ear making the afterglow all the better. We just laid there, wrapped in each other's bodies and holding each other close.

"That was amazing," I said, stroking my vampire's hair.

"Thank you," she moaned back.

I smiled. "Oh no, thank YOU. You just get better and better."

I felt her smile as well. "Mmm, so do you." Nadia nuzzled against the side of my neck, her drenched hand stroked my cheek. I could smell myself on her. "How are your knuckles?"

Leave it to Nadia to say something like that at a moment like this. "I forgot all about'em actually. Why?"

Nadia rolled to sit on my stomach, a knee on each side of me. "I could feel your blood inside of me." I just gave her a 'duh' look. "Not from your shoulder. I felt it in my pussy, Charlene. You fucked me with a bloody hand."

My eyes grew. "Is that a bad thing?"

Nadia shrugged. "No, I don't think so, but I've never had a double intake of blood like that. But it helped me to understand why you were so afraid before I bit you."

"Oh yeah," I uttered, putting my hands under my head. "What's up?"

"Your dreams frighten you, and they have been for a while now." It was almost an accusation. "Why wouldn't you tell me about that?"

I rolled my eyes. "Do we really have to do this now? Can't we just enjoy the sex and leave it at that?"

Nadia moved with that eerie vampire speed to pin me down; her hands were on my shoulders before I could move. I didn't dare jump or make a sound because that would only make freak out even more. "I can't enjoy it when you're saturated in fear."

"Really?" I challenged in spite of myself. "Then what the hell do you call the puddle under my ass?"

"Charlene," she said, holding back something that resembled anger. "Please tell me why you didn't tell me about your dreams."

"Can we not do this right now?" I countered. I tried to get out from beneath the vamp, but her grip on my ribs tightened. This wasn't going to end anytime soon. "Can I please get up? My ass is freezing."

"Tell me why you couldn't trust me with your dreams." Now was was getting angry... and betrayed? Her voice cracked a little when she said, "I thought you could tell me everything."

I held back a sigh. "Now don't get dramatic on me," I said as carefully as I could. "It's not that I don't trust you, Nadia, I was just hoping that there was something I could keep to myself, you know? You can practically read my mind half the time, and that's scary. I didn't do it to hurt you, but we're all entitled to some semblance of privacy."

Nadia adjusted so I could get up. She dismounted the bed and held out her hand so I could follow suit. The chill of the basement hit my soaked ass anew when my feet hit the carpet. Instead of saying anything more, she got to work changing the sheets. I just shrugged and went upstairs to use the shower.

'What are you so afraid of, Charlene?' Nadia asked in my head just as I reached the top of the stairs.

This time I did sigh. 'I'm afraid of a lot of things,' I thought. 'Little things like what one of my best friends has become; what my other best friends are going to become because of it; our future in this sick and twisted world, and the fact that I'm seeing one of the nastiest creatures in the world in my dreams. What is there not to be afraid of?'

Nadia appeared right next to me. I jumped and she smiled. "God damn it, that's creepy."

"Sorry, honey," she said, kissing me on the cheek. It's going to take me a while to get used to that whole vampire-mood-change-thing. She walked over to the washer and threw in the bedspread, butt naked. Not that I minded, but it was a little odd. "Would you like some help in the shower?"

Why kick a gif horse in the mouth? "Sure," I smiled. "Why not?"

Thank you for reading part two of Embrace The Enemy. All questions, comments, concerns, and critiques are always welcome.

Next: Chapter 3

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