Elysum Dreams

By Brian Nelsen

Published on Dec 31, 2005


This story is totally fictional. Some of the props are real in that they are exactly as they appear on various websites or are at least based on reality. The characters and everything else are fake and this has never happened in real life that I know of.

As always, the supporting characters do without description for the most part. They are props and nothing more.

E-mail rants, raves, etc can be directed to bucknaked@email.com (its my would be porn star name). Don't bother flaming I won't waste time reading it.


*This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional.

*If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW!

*Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, youth, sexuality, nudity, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW!

If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy.

Elysum Dreams (TG, teen, Magic/Sci Fi) (2/2)

Brian thought for a second Natalie might be suggesting he was a girl, but quickly dismissed the thought. If the clothes made the man, Natalie thought, then Brian was surely a girl, at least for the weekend.

"Come on, lets go," said Becky.

The girls grabbed their helmets and headed for the front door. Brian was still uneasy, he was sure someone from the neighborhood would recognize him. Making sure the coast was clear, he stepped outside. Nothing bad happened and he relaxed and quickly caught up to the two girls. The three of them rode for what seemed like all afternoon. Brian was able to forget about his troubles and had the most fun he'd had in while.

It was four in the afternoon when they returned to the neighborhood. Becky's parents had called over and left a message that they were going out to dinner with some friends and would be back around 7. Having ridden all afternoon the children were all equally sweaty. Becky had a great idea, or at least what she thought was a great idea. They had time to use the pool and get Brian out of there before her parents came home. Natalie loved the idea, Brian hated it.

"Come on Brian, we'll cut through the backyards and you know there's a privacy fence so no one will see you.", said Becky.

Brian wasn't comfortable going that far with things, but he'd already been all over a couple neighborhoods that afternoon dressed the way he was. He had to think quickly, just saying know wouldn't work.

"I don't have anything to wear.", he said, regretting it almost immediately. After all, nothing he was wearing really was his anyways.

"I have a swimsuit you can borrow." said Natalie, already half way up the stairs before Brian could stop her.

Brian realized he had little, if any choice in the matter. He followed her upstairs. Natalie handed him one of her older suits. It was soft pink with black striping around the leg openings. Brian closed the door to his room and shed the borrowed clothes he wore. Tucking his penis between his legs, he pulled the suit up to his wast and adjusted the fit before sliding his arms through the straps. He'd lost the effect of the training bra and looked like a rather flat chested girl. Natalie didn't fair much better he remembered, the breasts she'd been able to develop all but disappeared when she wore a bathing suit. Brian was worried, and hoping, that his penis would protrude from the bathing suit, but no such luck there either. No one who didn't already know would suspect that Brian was really a boy.

The girls were ready and Brian, again making sure the coast was clear, followed them over to Becky's pool. The two hours they spent swimming and laughing as they splashed each other was the most relaxed Brian had been for a long time. He knew it as did the girls. Brian actually found himself sad when it was time to go back to Natalie's house. He would have denied it if they'ed asked him, but Brian was starting to enjoy himself.

Brian and Natalie returned to her house. They'd had enough adventures for one day. Both of them were exhausted. It grew late, Natalie changed into her sleep shorts and handed Brian a pair, his were pink with red roses. Brian wasn't expecting this.

"All or nothing, Brian, all or nothing," she said.

It certainly wasn't that Brian was unhappy this way. Did he think of it in terms of being happy, no, just not unhappy. As for "all or nothing", Brian simply wasn't expecting the dress up to continue the way it had. Brian took the sleep shorts and changed into them. Both of them returned to the oversized sofa down stairs.

"I had fun today," Brian said softly, "Thanks."

"I know Bri, I know."

It wasn't long before both fell asleep. Brian slept more soundly then he had in a long time.

The rest of the weekend was largely uneventful until Sunday night. The three had ridden the bus to a further away movie theatre to keep anyone from recognizing Brian. They were in line for tickets when a girl Natalie had gone to summer camp with recognized her from across the lobby. They began chatting. Becky and Brian hung back while the two chatted until Natalie inadvertently introduced her cousin, Brian, or nearly did. Without thinking, she began to introduce him as Brian cutting herself off just short of getting his whole name out. What everyone heard was something close enough to "Bree" that the other girl didn't question it. No one specifically agreed to it, but the name Bree stuck with Brian. For the remainder of the weekend he was referred to as Bree not as Brian. He became so accustomed to it, he half wondered if he'd remember to answer to Brian after Monday.

As long weekends do, this one came to and end. Monday afternoon, with their parents due home shortly Natalie could sense the sadness enveloping Brian again. As the last of the house was cleaned and the clothes washed and put away Brian's voice trembled as he talked to Natalie.

"I had fun this weekend. I feel bad for the way things have been for us for the past year. This weekend was just like it used to be for us. I miss how things used to be. I want to do this again with you."

Natalie expected this would be Brian's reaction. She had planned this weekend to push his limits a little. She was satisfied that he was as happy as he seemed. Nothing was said between the two, but they both knew this wouldn't be the last time and indeed it wasn't. School started again which limited Brian's chances to spend his days as Bree, but with Natalie's help he made the most of every opportunity he'd get. Before long Brian was able to style his own hair and even began experimenting with makeup. The idea that he might "want" to be a girl was still foreign to Brian, that he was happy as Bree was all that mattered to him. Brian was a boy, Bree was not a boy, that's as complicated as it got for Brian.

Bree's wardrobe expanded as well. Brian had begun babysitting and had become comfortable venturing out to shop for clothes with his babysitting money with Becky and Natalie or who ever else might be along. That, and handme downs from various friends outfitted Bree with a complete wardrobe. That was another change for Brian as well, as friends could be trusted to keep Bree's secret, they were told of her true nature. It was always girls though, never any boys. Some girls went to school with Brian, many didn't. The girls that knew Brian and Bree were the same person easily accomodated both. The girls that didn't know, Brian some how managed to keep just as in the dark as they always were.

Switching from Brian to Bree was getting easier and easier as well. All he needed was a safe place to change clothes, it could be Natalie's house or just about anywhere. He never traveled anywhere without his backpack anymore. It had all he needed to emerge as Bree. His parents never questioned what was in the backpack. As far as he knew they weren't even aware of it.

It was a year after Brian first ventured out as Bree. Where he was fearful and tentative a year ago, he lived life as Bree like any other 12 year old girl would do. Even still it wasn't about "being a girl". He just knew that as Bree he was happier then he'd even been. His parents and teachers noticed a change in him as well. He could live life enough as Bree that he could tolerate life as Brian. He had done well in sixth grade, he did even better in seventh grade. He was more involved in his family and more active then he'd been before. For all they had reason to believe, sixth grade had just been growing pains. They couldn't be happier that Brian was through his blue period.

Brian was thrilled with the progress he'd made as Bree. It was easy for him to switch roles back and forth to the point that almost any free moment he had he was living as Bree. One thing couldn't escape him though. As the girls grew, they began padding their bras less and less. Brian had to pad his more and more to keep up appearances. As they grew, their clothes fit their developing bodies better and better. Brian found himself avoiding certain clothing lines that he felt made him look too much like a boy in a dress. The harder he had to work at making Bree presentable the more often he tried.

As the eight grade began, Brian found himself spending almost all of his time as Bree as much becuase he could as he found himself fighting against his own body. Brian had gone as far as to dress almost entirely as Bree as much as he could. Brian wore as much of Bree's clothing as he could as still present as a boy. He took music, rather then gym, so there were no locker room issues. The underwear his mom had been washing since September was merely a decoy. He lived exclusively in Bree's underwear. Alone in his room, with his parents a safe distance away Brian could quickly dress as Bree. His door was always closed, his parents respected his privacy and if he were wearing something he couldn't take off quickly he could just as easily cover it up with an oversized hoodie.

That he was never "caught in the act" was nearly a miracle in itself, until one night. It was a January night like anyother. Brian's had gone to bed early that night, he'd been increasingly depressed as he worked harder and harder to be Bree. His parents didn't know why he was depressed, they only knew that he was depressed. As mothers often do, his mother, Olivia, went into his room to check on him before she went to bed. Brian was a restless sleeper and had kicked the sheets off his bed. It was clear from the door he was wearing a strappy top and bikini underwear. The moonlight clearly showed the white cotton fabric with pink trim, the flowers only confirmed it.

She was shocked at the secret he'd been harboring, but she loved him anyways. There had always been clues, she realized, she just never put them all together. There was the underwear she'd been washing for months now that seemed just a little too clean for a 12 year old boy. She'd long suspected Brian was doing some of his own laundry, but all she had to go on was that she'd been buying more laundry detergent lately - other then that, it didn't seem like she was doing any less of his laundry . Then there was the family vacation last summer, Brian had always been carefull to limit the amount of time he wore his orange floral print bikini, but he had misjudged the intensity of the sun right before the trip and spent several days in his back yard trying to balance his tan. For the most part it was indistinguishable, but his mother had seen the faintest shift in tan lines, enough to make her think at least in passing that Brian had been wearing a bikini top recently. At the time, she quickly dismissed the idea. Now she knew she'd been right. For the first time, she wondered what he carried in the backpack he always seemed to have with him.

She was confused, but she loved him. She pulled the sheets up to cover him and kissed him goodnight. He never moved. Brian woke up the next morning completely unaware of what had happened the night before; for her part, his mother never said a word of what she'd seen.

It would be another couple months before Brian would find himself completely devastated. It happened late one night, something had woken Brian up from the dream he was having. He couldn't remember the details of the dream, or maybe didn't want to remember it involved Luke, but his pink panties were full of enough of a sticky mess for Brian to realize he'd had his first "wet dream". Brian was horrified. If there was solid evidence he was losing the battle to stay Bree as much as he could, a wet dream was it. He all but tore the soiled underwear off his body and crept to the bathroom across the hall. Brian frantically cleaned himself up. It was then that he noticed the hairs that had begun to sprout around his thin penis. It was like adding insult to injury. Brian knew he could only a matter of time before his body would rapidly masculinize and make it near impossible to continue his outings as Bree. The tears welled up in his eyes and he began to cry softly. He clawed at the strappy top he'd been wearing and cast that aside as well.

As happy as he was as Bree, he was exactly as he saw himself at that moment. Above all else, despite the clothes, the makeup and everything else he did to live as Bree he was really just a naked boy. All the clothes and makeup in the world wouldn't change the fact that given time he would masculinize and Bree as the world knew her would cease to exist. He knew this day was coming, until now he'd managed to live in a relative denial that it was coming much sooner then he was ready for. Brian curled up in a ball on the rug and cried softly as he fell asleep.

Something had caused Olivia to wake up not too much later. Maybe it was a mother's way of knowing when her child is hurting. What ever the case may be, she knew enough to check on Brian. The bathroom light was on, she could see the light under the door. She'd thought she heard Brian go in there earlier, but the door to his room was closed. He must have left the light on, she thought. She opened the door to turn the light off, not expecting to see him naked on the floor and in the fetal position. The pink strappy top he'd shed reminded her of the time she'd checked in on him several months ago. She was suprised to see him naked, but even more suprised to see him curled up in a ball the way he was. By all appearances he looked to be hugging himself. She wanted to cradle her baby in her arms, but she knew he would only suffer more to wake up naked in her presence. That he would have to explain the presence of the girls clothing would only add to his trauma. She turned out the light. She reasoned he couldn't sleep forever on the hard floor and would soon find his way back to his own bed. She wanted so much to help him stop hurting so much, she just wasn't sure what she could or should do. Months ago she thought it was a phase he was going through, it seemed to her to be much more then just a phase.

Brian did wake up a short time later. He wanted nothing to do at that moment with the clothes he'd gone to bed in. Instead he grabbed one of the many pairs of his underwear he'd been dropping in the hamper for some months now. It was the first time in as long as he could remember that he'd chosen, rather then been forced, to wear boy clothes. To say he slept the rest of the night is to say he laid in his bed and waited for sleep to come, but it never did. Brian's depression spiraled out of control after that night. Bree had the power and control over her life that Brian felt helpless against. Bree had the confidence that always seemed to elude Brian and now Bree was slowly slipping away from him.

It was a week before Brian would even try to get dressed as Bree, let alone do his hair or makeup. Brian was quick to remove the few trace hairs he'd sprouted. He'd taken to shaving his legs and underarms as well before a stray hair in either of those places would cause the trauma of the week before. Brian began to feel better, but even he knew it was short lived. Brian slowly returned to his life as Bree, but even now that caused him suffering as he knew those days were coming to an end.

It was early August when Olivia saw what looked like a new store as she drove home from work. "Grand Opening", it proclaimed from the store front. She had no idea what kind of store Titania might be, but something drew her to it. It appeared to be a resale shop of some sort. A lone clerk stood behind the counter. She appeared much older then the average retail clerk and Olivia reasoned she was the owner.

"Welcome to Titania dear, where we strive to make your dreams come true. What might you be looking for today?"

Olivia had in truth been looking for something to cheer Brian up. She'd tried many different places to find the one thing that might bring Brian happiness. She had so far only been successful in becoming more depressed herself. She'd felt like she was losing Brian more and more since the night she found him on the bathroom floor. Maybe for no other reason then her utter frustration she found herself telling the clerk about Brian's increasing depression and how she'd found him on the two occasions and that she suspected he was dressing that way far more then she knew of.

"I just want for him to be happy, I'd do anything it took for that to happen. I'm losing him and I don't know how to stop it," she said, starting to cry, "Surely as a mother you must know how it feels."

The last bit was a gamble, Olivia had seen the wedding ring and just hoped that the clerk had been a mother herself.

"You'd be willing to do anything for his happiness, dear? I think I have just the thing, came in the other day it did."

The clerk disappeared in the backroom, reappearing a few minutes later she produced a box with a neatly folded pile of clothes in it. There was a kahki pair of cargo style capri pants, a pink strappy top with blue lace trim, a blue button down short sleeve shirt, a blue bra and matching panties completed the outfit. It reminded Olivia of the sort of thing a girl Brian's age might wear to school. This wasn't really what she had in mind for him.

"You think this will make my son happy?" said Olivia, empahsizing the "son" part.

"I promise you this, it will help him find the answers he is looking for. Tell you what dear, take it with you, if you're not satisfied you can bring it back. Just pay me what you wish then or not at all."

Olivia had struggled for sometime with what to do about Brian. She wasn't sure this was the best idea, but she had yet to come up with something else. She left the small store carrying the box with her. The box ended up in the trunk of her car and stayed there for most of rest of the month. Finally it was time for their last trip of the summer. Brian had just turned fourteen. Olivia knew he was still sinking deeper and deeper into depression. She remembered the box she'd been given as she was packing the car. Partly she needed the room the box occupied and partly she was interested to see if the clerk's prediction would come true. She wasn't sure she was ready to be around for when Brian opened the box as much as she suspected he'd rather do anything then wear the clothes around her. She left the box on the front porch where she knew Brian would find it sooner or later.

Brian had woken up early. He'd had no great plans for the day, it just felt good to be able to be Bree as freely around the house as he wanted to be. Brian spent most of the day in the matching white strappy top and boy short set he'd slept in. At some point he heard the mail truck go by. Brian had no reservations about stepping outside dressed the way he was, but there was no way he could explain who the girl was his neighbors saw leaving his house. Brian threw one of his t shirts over the strappy top. From a distance, the boy shorts looked enough like, well boy shorts, that no one would question it.

He spotted the box as soon as he stepped outside. Initially he assumed it came with the rest of the mail. It wasn't until he got it inside that he realized it had no address and had to have been left there by someone, but who? And who was it for? Brian opened the box, the clothes were his size. Only a handful of people even knew that Brian lived largely as Bree and none of them had said anything about leaving a box of clothes for him. He felt very uneasy about the box to say the l east, for the time he shoved it in the corner and left it there. Brian stripped off the t-shirt and returned to what he'd been doing before the mail came, which was largely nothing.

Not too much later it seemed, the phone rang. It was Natalie, she was calling from summer camp.

"Did you get what I sent you?"

It occured to Brian that Natalie must have left the clothes for him as a belated birthday present.

"Yeah everything looks really cute. Thanks."

Natalie thought it was strange that Brian used the word "everything" in reference to the card she'd sent him, but said nothing more about it. She'd been late in sending it becuase she had sent him a card for Bree. She had timed it to get there the day Brian's parents left town. The post office hadn't delivered it yet. The two talked a bit more about everything and nothing, then Natalie had to go. Brian hung up the phone and decided now was as good a time as any to try on the clothes from the box. He picked up the box and headed up to his room with it.

It was strange, Brian hadn't been this excited in a long time. He wanted to try the clothes on right away, but he forced himself to quickly dry off first. Fresh from the shower, Brian rummaged through the clothes holding each one up and examining it. Each of the tags read "Elysum Clothing LTD", Brian had never heard of that label but he certainly liked the way the clothes looked.

Brian picked up the panties and stepped into them. Pulling them up to his waist, he adjusted their fit. He was amazed at how well they fit, as if they were made just for him. Brian decided he would have to find a store that carried the Elysium line at some point. Next, Brian slid his arms through the straps of the bra and adjusted the fit. The capris came next, Brian fastened them around his waist was was thrilled to see that they were low rise capris. The pink strappy top and blue shirt completed the outfit and fit as well as everything else had. Brian looked himself over in the mirror, he hadn't looked or felt this good in a while.

Dressed, he set out to complete the chores his parents had left for him. Brian's work was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. He had no idea who it could be, his parents hadn't told him to be expect anyone. Wondering who it was, he positioned himself so he could see out a front window without being seen. The van parked in front of his house said "Oberon Plumbing". The man standing on the porch had to be the plumber, Brian thought. Common sense should have told Brian not to open the door, but he hadn't looked this good in a while as Bree. He was unafraid of being regarded as anything less then a fourteen year old girl by the plumber.

Brian opened the door.

"Hey kid, I'm here to fix your plumbing."

Brian stared blankly at the man.

"What? Your parents didn't tell you. Let me call my boss we'll get this all cleared up."

The man forced his way in as much as Brian let him in closing the door behind him. As he strode past, Brian couldn't help but notice the unusually large bulge in the plumber's pants. More like Brian was obsessed with it, for the life of him he had no idea why, he couldn't take his eyes off it. The plumber must have known Brian was staring as he turned to face him.

"Go ahead Bree, you know you want to." hissed the plumber.

How the plumber knew him as Bree escaped Brian. Instead he was focused on the bulge that had been the object of his attention all along. Maybe Brian just didn't hear what the plumber had said. Brian found himself suddenly unbuttoning and unzipping the plumbers pants. The massive tool sprung free as Brian tugged the plumbers underwear to the floor. Brian had never been this close to a penis, other then his own. He'd never given even a moments thought to what he found himself doing next as he dropped to his knees and swallowed as much of it as his mouth could hold.

Brian had never done this sort of thing before, whatever instinct he posessed took over as he began licking and sucking the hefty shaft of the plumber. What seemed like hours to Brian was over in just a matter of minutes. The plumber grabbed Brian's head as his cum flooded Brian's mouth. Brian had the urge to spit out the massive amounts of cum flooding his mouth, but the massive shaft of the plumber gave him no choice but to swallow what was flooding his mouth.

"That's a girl Bree, drink it all down."

As the last of the plumbers cum spurted into Brian's mouth he had a split second before the room started to spin to ponder again how the plumber knew him as Bree. The room stopped spinning and Brian found himself laying on the floor. As he slowly recovered, he felt the need to brush his hair back out of his face. That's odd, Brian thoght, my hair's never been that long. He fixed the errant strands as it occurred to him that his hair was nearly shoulder length now. He noticed the plumber standing over him.

"What's happening to me?", squeaked Brian.

"See for yourself in the mirror"

Brian steadied himself and stood up. Almost immediately he felt the jiggle of what he realized were his breasts. They had never done that before. Brian looked down at his chest. His breasts had never stuck out nearly two inches from his chest either! Brian was a bit unsteady as he made his way to the mirror in the hallway. He was able to steady himself and gaze in the mirror. His now curly dark red hair fell almost to his shoulders. His breasts stood proudly on his chest and nicely filled out the strappy top he had on. Brian was amazed at the changes, some subtle, some not so subtle. He looked better then he ever had before as Bree. He needed to see more of himself.

Brian removed the shirt and pulled the strappy top over his head. His breasts filled out the bra he had on nicely, they were young and firm as if they'd been there all along. Brian pulled the bra over his head and marvled as the weight of his breasts as they tugged at his chest. His nipples were plump and round. He brought a thumb and forefinger to his right nipple and teased it. He felt the electricty from his touch course through his body. They were very real indeed!

"Don't you want to see the rest of it?," asked the plumber as he glanced towards the capris Brian was wearing.

Brian had the sudden sense that his panties fit differently then they ever had before. He tugged furiously at the waist of his capris, pulling them down without unfastening them. Somehow even without looking, Brian knew. He had to look to be sure anyways. Brian's reflection in the mirror confirmed that the panties sat flatter against his crotch then they had ever sat before. He looked at the plumber.

"Go on, see for yourself."

Brian tenatively rolled the waist of his panties down. It wasn't as if he wasn't expecting to see what he already knew was there, it was just everything seemed to be happening so fast. He didn't have to slide his panties down all that far before he got his first glimpse of the soft folds of his vagina. His penis was gone! He looked in the mirror, his panties slid the rest of the way to his ankles. The small slit throbbed, its newness had left it tender and moist. Brian's hand trembled as he brought it to his vagina and felt it slide inside of him, unlike anything he'd felt before. He quivered as he had playing with his nipple.

"Is this what you want?" said the plumber.

"I just want to be happy," croaked Brian.

Brian looked at the plumber. Without saying a word the plumber blew what looked like dust from his open palm. For Brian, everything went black.

The sunlight flooded Brian's room the next morning waking him up. It took a second for him to get his bearings. He still had the strappy top and panties he'd changed into the day before. He remembered most of the details of the bizarre dream he'd had about "the plumber" that turned him into a girl. He hadn't given much thought to actually being a girl, but he reasoned that was his true desire. At least he wouldn't be Brian he thought. It occured to Brian his strappy top fit differently then he remembered. He threw back the covers, he had the same breasts he remembered from his dream! Remembering the rest of his dream, he bolted out of bed. He kicked his way out of his panties, almost tripping over them as much as he was able to run out of them. Brushing his hair back, there was no mistaking the vagina that had taken the place of his penis. A few stray hairs even crowned the entrance to his new girlhood.

In the mirror in his room he was a naked 14 year old girl. Everything was just as he'd remembered it from the dream, but it wasn't a dream, it really happened! Brian would be Bree from now on. There would be no boy puberty, Bree could already feel the effects of the estrogen being pumped through out her body. Brian's face was still largely the same, but Bree knew after years of her estrogen it would be her face. Brian was gone. Bree grabbed a handheld mirror from the bathroom and sat on the floor to inspect her new sex. She spread the folds of her vagina and examined herself with the mirror. Everything, as she had learned it in sex ed, appeared to be intact. She was a girl as if she'd been born that way.

A slender finger found its way towards her vagina, Bree slid the finger inside herself and stroked her clitoris until the powerful orgasm rocked the teen. She squeaked with the pleasure it brought her. It was Bree's voice that escaped her lips, not Brian's. She couldn't wait to both tell and show Natalie what happened. Will Luke think I'm pretty, Bree thought. She giggled, everything was going to be better from now on - no it was going to be great from now on.

The leggy teen stood up and pulled a clean pair of panties on. They were white with pink trim around the legs and waist. She pulled out a pair of pyjama bottoms, they were purple with lace around the ankles. She pulled the bottoms up to her waist and marveled at how they fit her so well. She had work to do, Brian's clothes needed to be gotten rid of; finally Bree could hang her clothes in the closet and put her underwear in the drawers. As if to remind her of her origins, she wrote down a quote and taped it to her bathroom mirror. It said, "Anything is possible if you try hard enough and believe in yourself." Bree was happier then she'd ever been.

It was early Wednesday morning, Olivia had been worried about Brian. She was eager to get home to her child, as well as to see what might have happened to the box of clothes she left him. She parked the car in the driveway, everything seemed normal from the outside. She let herself quietly in the house while her husband busied himself unpacking the car. She quietly made her way upstairs, if Brian was sleeping she didn't want to wake him up; she knew he hadn't been sleeping well lately. She opened the door to his room. She was not all that suprised to see a pink sleeveless top and the capri pants she'd bought him tossed in the corner of the room. The sheet was pulled up around Brian. She noticed his hair was different, it had always been shaggy, now it was near shoulder length - maybe it was some sort of wig he'd left on. She didn't give Brian's hair much thought, he'd been running around in girls clothes to some extent for at least the past six months that she knew of, that his hair made him look like a girl was really unimportant to her. She tucked her sleeping child in, something was different. It felt as though he had breasts.

Olivia naturally assumed they were breast forms. She pulled back the sheet just to reassure herself. Brian's breasts filled out the strappy top he wore embroidered with "Princess". She was shocked, but not upset to see the perky breasts rise and fall with each breath of the sleeping teen. They were indeed very real. Olivia noticed the panties Brian wore matched his top. The jeweled crown on his panties didn't look right to her, Brians penis should have distorted it. Olivia realized the crown itself, rested above where his penis should have been. But it wasn't there! There was a spot of blood she noticed, the folds of his vagina were suddenly visible against his panties. Brian was having his period, Olivia realized and then repeated the thought, my son is having his period!

Olivia looked around the room, the closet doors were open and full of clothes for a girl Brian's age. She opened the drawers to his dresser, they too were full of t-shirts, underwear, and shorts all girls clothes. Olivia was shocked to learn the depths of Brian's despair, but her daughter was sleeping soundly and seemed quite happy with herself. That her child, whether it was her son or daughter was happy was all that mattered to Olivia. She would have some explaining to do to her husband as well as a long talk with her daughter, when she woke up, but her family was whole again and she was happy.

Somewhere a kindly old lady was closing the shop she'd opened just the month before. She'd helped a few people achieve their dreams, sure, but her real purpose for being there had been fulfilled and it was time to move on. With a snap of her fingers she, along with the store, disappeared. All that was left was the empty store front that had been there all along, the store itself had only been visible to those people whos dreams were unfulfilled. At that same time a husband and wife were greeting the daughter they'd had all along. It was a happy home again and that was all that mattered to the elderly store keeper.

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