Elysum Dreams

By Brian Nelsen

Published on Dec 29, 2005


This story is totally fictional. Some of the props are real in that they are exactly as they appear on various websites or are at least based on reality. The characters and everything else are fake and this has never happened in real life that I know of.

As always, the supporting characters do without description for the most part. They are props and nothing more.

E-mail rants, raves, etc can be directed to bucknaked@email.com (its my would be porn star name). Don't bother flaming I won't waste time reading it.


*This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional. *If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW! *Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, youth, sexuality, nudity, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW!

If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy.

Elysum Dreams (TG, teen, Magic/Sci Fi)

Brian by all appearances had been an average 13 year old boy. His fourteenth birthday had been just last week and he would be starting high school in a week. It was the last full week of what most people considered summer, that time between the end of August and the September holidays. Brian's parents were out of town on a last summer vacation. It was Monday and they would be gone until late Wednesday.

Brian woke up early that morning. As much as it was a vacation for his parents, it was a vacation for him as well. Any fourteen year old would be happy to be relieved of their parents for almost three full days. Brian was happy to be free of his parents, for sure, but for many more reasons then the average fourteen year old. Brian's story really starts when he was seven years old.

Brian had spent the night at his cousins house. He was at an age where it was acceptable for him and Natalie to share the same bedroom and even the same bed. They'd always been close anyways and being relatives there was no reason to think anything would happen between the two but sleeping. Brian woke up early, he'd seen his's cousins leotard hanging in the closet the night before and had become increasingly obsessed with it since the night before. It was early as could be, the sun was just rising and the house was silent. Brian couldn't resist any longer. He slipped carefully out of the bed he shared with Natalie, it wouldn't have mattered either way, she was a sound sleeper. He crept toward the closet and eased the closet door open. Sliding inside, he gripped the object of his desire, the sparkly yellow leotard. Brian slid his pyjamas off his narrow hips and unbuttoned the top from his slender chest. Brian was completely naked, his whole body trembled as he slid the clingy leotard up past his hips and slid his arms through the straps. As the sun light slipped through the cracks in the closet door, Brian admired himself in the pale light. His small penis trembled underneath the garment. Brian reflexively reached out to push his penis between his legs as he closed them tightly around his quivering member. Brian looked himself over again, he was by all accounts a pretty girl. He sighed in satisfaction and rested against the back wall, comfortable with his new look. To Brian, it felt like hours, in reality it was over in minutes. Brian shed the leotard, careful to return it just as he found it. He pulled his pyjamas back on and crept back to bed. It was all over in less that 15 mintues and no one was any wiser.

Brian kept the secret of the leotard to himself, and save for the time he talked his aunt into letting him wear one of Natalie's nightgowns; no one ever knew of his occasional interest in trying on various girls clothes. Brian himself thought little of his cross dressing until he was eleven and struggling to fit in in junior high. Not to say that Brian was an outcast. Far from it, Brian's problem was largely an internal struggle. Elementary school had been easy socially, Brian associated freely with both boys and girls throughout elementary school. Junior high arrived and Brian abruptly learned the old rules didn't apply anymore. Brian maintained close relationships with many of the same girls he'd always been friends with. They regarded the freckle faced red head as a bit of an oddity, but still the same Brian they'd always been friends with. Brian managed to fit in with the boys, but he struggled to understand their budding attractions to the same girls Brian was close friends with. If anything saved Brian it was that the boys regarded him as a ladies man. This only baffled Brian further. That Brian felt unusually devoted to his friend Luke only capped his internal turmoil. Brian reacted to his struggles by escaping further in to his cross dressing.

For nearly four years, he'd limited himself to trying on the underwear of his close female friends or his cousin. As he sunk deeper into his turmoil he found himself modeling his friends underwear more and more. Soon enough it wasn't enough to satisfy himself emotionally, it never had been physical for him, with just their underwear. Brian found himself locking himself in various bathrooms modeling himself in whatever clothes he could get his hands on. Still, for Brian it was nothing more then a momentary calming of the turmoil he was battling. Brian's "clothing missions" as he came to think of them, until one day towards the end of the school year. Like so many years ago, Brian had spent the night at Natalies house, by now they were sleeping in seperate rooms. The day before Natalie had worn one of Brians favorite outfits that he'd never been able to try on for himself. As he was getting ready for bed last night he spotted the outfit crumpled in the corner of the bathroom. Natalie had showered and was presently in her room drying her hair. Brian finished up and passed Natalie in the hall as she returned to finish up in the bathroom. Brian headed right for her room and quickly grabbed the first pair of underwear he could get out of her drawer.

His plan was simple, he knew like always he would wake up before her, or anyone else for that matter. He would be free to slip in to the bathroom and see if he was as cute as he thought he would be in the white strappy top with the sequined neckline and the stretchy black cotton shorts. The panties he grasped in his hand were white with red plaid along the waist and leg openings. Brian had just enough time to shove the panties between the matress and springs in the room he would be sleeping in before Natalie exited the bathroom and walked back to her room.

Brian listened carefully, for what seemed like the longest time there was no sound coming from her room. Brian trembled as he envisioned her seaching high and low for the missing panties. After a minute or two he heard the bed creak and he new the coast was clear. Her parents were still awake down the hall and would certainly be suspicious if Brian returned to the bathroom to carry out his carefully scripted plan, that would have to wait until the morning. Brian was consumed with desire to try on the clothes just across the hall. He could not satisfy that desire, yet, but he could at least take the edge off. Brian slid his pyjama bottoms off and pulled the panties he'd just taken up over his hips and adjusted their fit. With an experienced hand, Brian adjusted his small penis and tucked it between his legs. In the moonlit room, to the casual observer, he was again the girl he'd been four years before. Brian pullled up his bottoms and returned to bed, he was at peace again and quickly fell asleep.

Streaks of sunlight played across the room and gently woke Brian the next morning. His mission was clear, the house was quiet. At this time of the morning, if anyone even heard him enter the bathroom they would think nothing of it. Still Brian crept across the hall, quietly locking the door behind him. Brian stripped off his t-shirt and pyjama bottoms. The panties he wore had slipped down a little during the night which he quickly corrected. Brian slid his arms through the straps of the top and let it fall to his waist. He and Natalie were nearly the same size and it fit him well. Brian bent over and stepped in to the shorts that lay crumpled on the floor and pulled them upto his waist. He looked himself over in the mirror and adjusted the clothes as needed. The end result was just what Brian hoped for, he was indeed pretty and the clothes fit him well. The effect was a greater peace then he'd found all year. Maybe that's what caused him to miss Natalie's approach. Uncharacteristic for her, she woken up with an overwhelming desire to go to the bathroom. The door to Brian's room was open, the bathroom door was locked. He was in the bathroom, again, "Boys," she thought, not completing the thought. She rattled the door handle.

"Brian!" she hissed, "lemme in, I gotta go!"

She rattled the handle again to emphasize her point and this served to snap Brian out of his trance. Brian nearly tore the clothes off his body, fearful of being caught. He realized he had no choice. He would have to wear the panties under his pyjama bottoms and back to his room. He opened the door that stood between them and made a beeline back to his room bumping against Natalie in the process. This was to be his undoing. His minor collision caused his pyjama bottoms to sag as he strode past her. As Natalie turned to close the door behind her, she couldn't help but notice the red plaid waist line of the panties she was all to familiar with. She'd long suspected Brian of trying on her underwear, this confirmed it. Natalie sat down on the toilet, as the urine started to flow she noticed that the clothes she'd worn the day before were not in the same spot she'd left them. She wouldn't have thought much of it had she not seen her panties on Brian only moments before. Brian had to be doing more then just comparing the differences in boys and girls underwear.

Natalie finished urinating. Blotting up the few stray drops, she pulled up her bottoms and exited the bathroom. She wasn't terribly upset at what she'd confirmed, she'd long suspected it anyways. She wanted to tell Brian what she knew, but she wasn't sure how he would react. She decided she would wait until they were playing alone later that day and ask Brian about what had really happened in the bathroom. Crawling back into bed, she quickly feel asleep again.

It was later that afternoon, Natalie's parents were gone for the afternoon and she and Brian had the house to themselves. The two were in her room and playing Monopoly, Brian was winning - he always did. It was as good a time as any, Natalie thought, she paused then spoke.

"You can keep the underwear you had on this morning."

It sounded strange actually saying it, but Natalie wasn't sure how else to tell Brian she was ok with what he'd been doing.


Despite his facade, the color drained from Brian's face. He knew he'd been caught.

"Brian, I'm not mad or anything; but when you walked out of the bathroom this morning, I could see my underwear sticking out above your pyjamas."

Brian's head sagged. Natalie continued.

"Are you still wearing them?"


That much was true. Brian had frantically stuffed the borrowed panties back between the mattress after he'd fled the bathroom that morning.

Natalie stood up and crossed the room to her dresser. Brian knew the layout of her dresser well and realized she was opening the drawer with her underwear in it. She reached in, and produced two more pairs of panties. One was a lime green bikini cut, the other a shimmery pink string bikni cut. She handed both pairs to Brian. He was speechless, Natalie spoke.

"I don't wear these much any more. I always thought you'd liked them. If my mom wonders where they went, I'll just tell her I lost them."

Brian was still speechless. Natalie suddenly needed to know why Brian liked wearing girls underwear,

"Why do you do it, Brian?"

"I don't know, I just, uh, feel better when I do it I guess."

Natalie accepted Brian's confession without question. What she wanted to know now was if her other suspicions about his activities that morning were correct.

"Do you ever wear other stuff too, cuz my clothes from yesterday looked like you'd worn them too."

"Yeah, I uh, just wondered what they would look like on me," Brian said sheepishly.

He was becoming more comfortable talking about this with Natalie, but he still wondered just how much she knew. It was his turn to roll the dice, Natalie reminded him. As quickly as Natalie had disrupted the game, she was eager to keep playing it. Brian soon lost his first game of Monopoly against her. He was just too distracted by their conversation and what she'd done for him to concentrate on the game. The two played the rest of the day until Natalie's parents returned. Brian gathered up his things, including the underwear Natalie had given him and rode his bike home.

Throughout that summer, Natalie would now and then slip another pair of underwear in Brian's bag or leave a pair of her pyjama bottoms for Brian to sleep in. As if it were some sort of tradition, Natalie's offerings were always left in the bathroom for Brian to "appropriate". It was one such day in August, right before his birthday that Natalie took their rountine to another level. She thought at first Brian might outgrow his curiousity towards girls underwear, but it had been several months and Brian showed no signs of slowing down.Natalie knew Brian would have a pair of panties with him, all she needed to do was offer him the rest of the outfit. It was the perfect opportunity, both kids parents were away for the day at an art fair in a city an hour's drive away.

Natalie pulled out a few things and laid out for Brian a stretchy pink t-shirt, a training bra and a pair of tan cargo shorts. Brian was showering, she would leave them in his room. She was confident he would know what to do. It wasn't long before Brian entered her room. He was half dressed. The shorts rode low on his hips, they exposed the blue waist band of the pink panties she'd given him a couple weeks ago. He had in his hands the pink training bra. Natalie realized as experienced as she thought he was he had no idea how to actually put the bra on.

"I don't really know why I'm doing this, but I can't talk myself out of it either. Can you help me with this?", Brian said.

She held the bra up for Brian to slip his arms through and then fastened the hooks in the back. Brian was your average flat chested 12 year old boy. He hadn't shed all of his baby fat though which the bra helped form into small but passable breasts. Brian was able to pull the shirt over his head and smooth it into place. His hair was shaggy but still boyish. Natalie sat him at the mirror in front of her dresser. She was able to tease his hair out enough that he looked like most any short haired 12 year old girl. Brian felt the familiar inner peace he'd been seeking lately.

"You make a pretty girl, Brian."

Brian smiled when he heard this. He hadn't been motivated by the idea of being a girl, just the idea of escaping the turmoil of being a boy. He'd known how to be a boy all through elementary school, why was middle school so different? Again, he hadn't actually thought about being a girl, but he liked the way not looking like a boy made him feel. He wasn't obligated to be boy this way, he wasn't sure that he wanted to be a girl either though.

The two children spent the rest of the day playing around the house. Natalie wanted to take Brian outside, but he was too afraid people would recognize him. Natalie had never really seen this side of Brian. Sure she knew of his preferences, in what she gave him and the way he responded to what she wore. But up until now, the bathroom mirror had been the only thing to see Brian like this. She knew one thing, Brian this way seemed much more confident and self assured then he had since they started middle school together last fall.

The end of the day came quickly for both children. Natalie's parents called to say they were on their way back from the art fair. Brian shed the clothes Natalie had lent him. The bra was his to keep, said Natalie, "A girl your age should have one." She could see the sparkle in Brian's eyes. Natalie had plans for her and Brian the weekend before school started when both parents would again be out of town.

Three weeks had passed since Natalie forced Brian's crossdressing out of the bathroom. He still largely kept his habit to the privacy of his own room or bathroom. He'd acquired a week's worth of underwear from Natalie that given five minutes of privacy, he could manage to wear the underwear he'd been given on a nearly daily basis. All August, Brian had been battling his inner demons about returning to school. The summer had been a welcome break for him. Without the daily ritual of school there wasn't as much of a reminder of his fears. That was quickly drawing to a close and Brian knew he was not doing well dealing with it. Five minutes of escapism was enough for him to get through the day.

It was Wednesday of the week before school started that Natalie called Brian.

"Hey Bri, you're staying at my house this weekend, right?"

Their parents were out of town that weekend at a Shakespeare Festival. They would be gone Friday through Monday.

"Yeah, why?"

"Make sure you bring the extra clothes with you."

Brian wasn't sure what she had in mind, but he remembered how relaxed he was the last time they played together the way he thought she had in mind. He pulled out the underwear he'd stashed in the back of his dresser, underneath all the drawers. In addition to the three pairs he'd started the summer with, Natalie had given him the blue and pink panties he'd worn over there the last time and a pale purple hi-cut pair. The first four pairs he stuffed in the bottom of the bag he was packing to take over. Brian's parents were both downstairs at the opposite end of the house from his bedroom. He would be able to hear them approaching from some distance. Almost without thinking, he let the shorts and underwear he was wearing drop to the floor as he stepped out of them and pulled the purple pair up over his hips.

Brian had found himself struggling immensely with the start of school just a few days away. Today had been particularly hard on him. Wearing the underwear Natalie had given him lightened his mood, it even brought a smile to his face. He was happy, even if it was only for the duration it took for him to finish packing his boy clothes on top of what constituted his "stash".

Thursday was uneventful. Friday came and Brian's parents dropped him off, repacked the car and left with Natalie's parents. The two had the house to themselves again. Making sure the coast was clear, Natalie handed Brian the black shorts he'd loved so much, and that had been his undoing, and a light blue shirt. Brian took these along with his bag upstairs. He set his belongings in the room he slept in. Rummaging around he pulled out the training bra and the green panties she'd given him at the beginning of the summer. He assumed the two would play around the house as they had the last time. Brian had fond memories of that day and was eager to be at peace with himself again.

He quickly shed the clothes he'd worn over, pulled up the panties, adjusted the training bra and finished dressing. Natalie would have to help him with his hair again. Meanwhile, Natalie was downstairs. She'd taken the opportunity to call a friend and neighbor of her's Becky.

"Hey Beck, its Natalie, remember what we talked about?"


"Brian's here, why don't you come over and we'll hang out."

"Ok, I'll be there in five minutes."

Natalie had told Becky about Brian's secret obsession after the last time he'd stayed over. Well if anything, Brian had accidentally outed himself to Becky, though he didn't know it. Becky had noticed that her underwear seemed out of place. At first she thought Natalie might have been looking for something else as the two friends often shared clothes. Natalie hadn't been in her room that day, but Brian had, Becky remembered. She assumed he'd just been curious as most 11 year old boys were about girls. Becky mentioned it to Natalie since she assumed Brian had probably looked through her drawers as well.

The three had been nearly inseperable since they were two. Becky and Brian hadn't been as close in the past year, but Natalie knew Becky would still be friends with Brian no matter what; besides Natalie needed someone to help her with what she had in mind.

"Becky, Brian likes to wear girls underwear.", said Natalie.

"What? Why? Ok, I'm confused."

"Yeah I caught him wearing a pair of mine a couple months ago and he told me he's been doing it for a while. He said he doesn't know why he does it, it just makes him feel better."

Natalie paused to let what she was saying sink in.

"He's been trying on my clothes for a couple months now. I got him to dress up for me the other day too. He looks like a cute girl when I style his hair."

Becky was still very confused, the look on her face established that.

"You should see him when he's a girl. Remeber how you said you thought he'd been so sad last year?"


"He's was like totally the opposite the last time he was over and I let him get dressed up and did his hair. I tried to get him to go outside but he was terrified. I need you to help me get him out of the house."

"Yeah, ok, I guess"

Becky wasn't sure what she was agreeing to, but Brian was one of her closest and best friends. Or at least he had been, Natalie was right, she'd noticed herself that while Brian had stayed friends with her, he'd seemed more unsure of himself and sad more often since they started middle school together. If she could do something to bring back his smile again, she would.

Brian came back downstairs completely unaware of what had transpired between Natalie and Becky. Natalie sat him on the toilet in the downstairs bathroom while she brushed out his hair. It only took a few minutes and Brian was again the happy person he'd been a few weeks ago. Natalie held up a "Best Friends" charm on a necklace and secured it around Brian's neck. He seemed confused.

"Its something girls do for each other," said Natalie.

"Yeah, but I'm not a girl"

"Look at yourself Brian, you don't exactly look like a boy either."

She was right. Brian had never though of himself looking like a girl, but that was certainly the reflection he saw in the mirror.

Brian heard the patio door slide open.

"Guess who's here!"

Oh no, he thought, it was Becky from next door. He'd forgotten that the neigborhood had pretty much an open door policy in the summer and children frequently simply walked in eachother's houses. Brian looked at Natalie with fear in his eyes, he was terrified of Becky seeing him like this.

"We're in here!" Natalie called out.

Brian looked at Natalie and trembled. He didn't know what was going on other then the fact that Becky was about to see him dressed like this. He was terrified of what would happen when the rest of the school found out. He hoped he would die right there and spare himself the embarassment.

"Hi Brian! You're as pretty as Natalie told me."

Brian relaxed a little bit, but what else had Natalie told Becky he thought.

"She also told me how she'd caught you wearing her panties. Have you worn any of mine?"

Brian blushed. Becky had the answer she needed. She pulled a pair of yellow panties from her bag and handed them to Brian. He recognized the pair from the last time he was over there. They were cut a bit different then he was used to and had blue fish screen printed all over them.

"I don't wear these much anymore. I think they'd look cute on you."

Brian looked at Natalie. He was overwhelemed by all that was happening.

"You tricked me!" he said looking at Natalie. There were tears in his eyes.

"Bri, its not like that at all. All three of us know how unhappy you were all last year. Already you're sad again and school hasn't even started yet. I don't get why all of this makes you happy; but if it does I'm all for it. So is Becky. We just want you to be happy, we just want Brian back."

"Then why did you have to trick me like that?"

"I knew how terrifed you were of going outside last time. I also knew how happy you were that whole afternoon. I thought if you weren't willing to go outside, I'd have to bring it in the house then. I knew Becky wouldn't be freaked out seeing you like this; she's the one that told me you'd been rummaging through her drawers in the first place."

Brian sat there silently. Becky spoke first.

"Can we talk about this over lunch, I'm starving!"

The two girls turned and walked towards the kitchen. Brian stuffed the underwear he'd been given in his bag. He was still unsure about all of this, but he was powerless to resist the effect the underwear had on him. Brian contemplated changing back into the clothes he wore over, but he couldn't bring himself to do that either. He knew what his cousin knew, that he was at least not at war with himself dressed like this. He rejoined the girls downstairs. They were talking and laughing, about what Brian really wasn't paying attention to, he was still overwhelmed at the change in events thus far.

He ate largely in silence as the girls continued talking. Natalie finished her lunch and suggested a bike ride. Brian immediately protested.

"Come on Bri, we'll take the path down by the pond to the other neighborhood. No one there goes to school with us or knows us. They'll never know you're not a girl, like us."

Next: Chapter 2

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