
By DJ Adams

Published on Jun 29, 2014


The following story is totally fictitious; It is a fantasy I have been having over the last few days about when I had just gotten out of high school. In no way does this page represent actual events. All names, places and personal details have been changed. The following story contains gay, barely legal, guy-on-guy action. If you don't like that sort of thing, I guess you are in the wrong section of the website ;). Otherwise, enjoy!!

Feel free to share this work but please be courteous enough to add, "By: DJ Adams."

Before we begin, I should probably give you a little background about myself... My name is Lawrence but my friends just call me bubby- A New England term of endearment. I'm 17, just graduated high school and live in southern New Hampshire. I'm a typical all-American boy with dirty blond hair that I wear kinda shaggy, a slender build and a love of baseball. Oh!! I also have a piercing on my lower lip, off to the left. I know, it's kinda edgy!! By the way, I'm gay. Not many people know that, though, just my sister. So, I live in this tiny, little town where everyone knows everyone else- Nothing spectacular. Well, maybe I suppose there is ONE thing that's spectacular... My best friend, Elliott.

Elliott and I have been best friends since the second grade. We grew up together and played ball on the same team. Yeah, we've been through a bit together. A defining moment, though, was when I was 12... He was 13. Obviously, we'd already begun those 'changes' that boys tend to go through at that age. I started noticing things about him that I had never noticed before- His scent being one of the most pronounced. Don't get me wrong, he didn't have BO or something; Everyone has scent. Sometimes people smell like their family or maybe like their own individual scent. Cologne even? All I know is that Elliott smelled a bit like all of the above but he also had the distinct smell of BOY. Oh, I couldn't get enough of it- I didn't know why at the time but WOW was it intoxicating!! Enough of the scent stuff, though. Soon enough, I caught sight of a bulge below his belt line. Once I started starring, I couldn't stop. That is, until he said something about it...

"Hey, bub, y'know if ya keep starring, you're gonna burn a hole in my crotch." He let a soft smirk cross his face while he giggled at his own joke.

"Sorry, El. I just kinda saw it and couldn't look away."

"Yeah? Well, you've had a hard time looking away for a few weeks," he said, letting his trademark smile slide across his face- You know, the one where he just barely flashes his teeth. I blushed deeply. Did he really have me mesmerized for that long, already?

"Don't worry, I know how you feel," he added.

"You do?" I asked, honestly surprised.

"Sure!! Everyone feels like that for a while. I thought you were cute for a little while, too..." he admitted.

"Really?" I asked.

"Sure. It'll wear off, though. It did for me..."

The trouble was, those feelings never 'wore off'. In fact, they only got worse... I became more and more obsessed with boys. Everything about them.

Elliott never was one for talking about sex. It was the only time a conversation like that had ever taken place between me and him. After that, I never brought the subject up to Elliott again. I did keep sneaking peaks at him when I could, though- I was just more careful when I did so he wouldn't catch me again.

I did have a few crushes on boys throughout high school but I was always too scared to do anything about them. Plus, those boys were probably straight, anyway. That's kind of a problem for me: I like straight acting boys- The kind you didn't even think were gay. Gay. There's that word again. I don't really consider myself gay or 'different'; I consider myself normal- It's everyone else whose the weirdos. Besides, it didn't matter because none of them were anything compared to my El.

Anyway, Elliott texted me one night in July, after we graduated. He wanted to hang out for a while. I did, too. I could never spend enough time with him- He always had that affect on me. I told him I'd swing by around 8:00. He informed me that this was the weekend his parents were going to New York to see his brother, Connor's, championship game. His other brother was crashing at his girlfriend's house. Now, it was in that moment that my life changed forever and it was all because of a plan I'd hatched in a matter of seconds.

Ya see, I was still a virgin. I knew I was into guys. I knew I wanted to kiss guys. I knew I wanted to be with guys but I didn't ever have the courage. I also knew that I didn't want to have sex with just anyone my first time. Call me sentimental but I wanted my first time to be special. THEN I could fuck anything that moved, afterwards. Anyway, I was staying in New Hampshire and going to a community college. Elliott, on the other hand, wasn't. He was way too smart for that. Actually, I'm pretty sure he was smarter than all of our friends put together. HE was going to Harvard to be a lawyer. Well, that was a problem for me. Secretly, and for years, I wanted my first time to be with him. And now, the clock was winding down!! We had already graduated high school and the summer was half over. And THAT was when I began to scheme...

My older sister, Clara, told me that she had this special stuff that made guys go crazy. It was some kind of hormone or pheromone or whatever that you could buy in a sex shop and it, "... Made guys hard and want to fuck anything that had a warm hole," as she put it.

So. Here it was: I was going to shave, take a shower, put on some clothes fresh out of the wash and make sure I looked my absolute best. I would drive over to Elliott's house and, before I went inside, I was gonna put on that stuff and see if it really worked. If all went according to plan, I might be able to get frisky with Elliott or maybe even more!!

I know what you're gonna say- It was rotten of me. Yes, I know it was but I was desperate and it was my only hope. Even if nothing happened, at least I would know it wasn't what fate would have in store for him or me-

And so, I got my stuff together and packed an overnight bag. When I went to take a shower, I kept thinking about my devious little plan and got a hard-on that just didn't want to go away. I wouldn't touch it, though- I might need it for later... So, I finally got myself under control and rinsed off and continued getting ready. I must've spent longer than I thought on my hair because, when I looked at my watch, it already said 8:05.

"Shit!!" I moaned out as I hustled out of the bathroom. As I ran to get my keys, I stopped by Clara's room, grabbed the little vial of pink pheromone out of her nightstand, and put it in my pocket. I grabbed my bag and keys and went down stairs. On my way out, I kissed my parents goodbye and ran out the door. The keys went into the ignition, America came on the radio and my tires screeched. I soon had my little, old '89 Camaro hauling ass down the road.

My phone vibrated. I checked my watch. 8:17. Damn!! I opened up the text while I was driving and read it. Sure enough, it was Elliott.

"Hey, bub. I hope you didn't forget about me :("

"never! i'd never forget you. just late. be there soon. driving." I responded back.

I hammered down and started pushing the old muscle car to it's limits on those winding New England backroads. Finally, about 10 minutes later, the illuminated sign for Elliott's subdivision came into view. I turned in and navigated my way through the maze until I finally came to his house at the end of the cul-de-sac.

I went to get out of my car when I felt the bulge of the pheromone still in my pocket. Well, it was now or never, I guess. I opened the vial, sniffed it and got an immediate hard-on. Holy crap, this stuff was awesome!! I put a bit on my neck and chucked the vial into my center console. As I went to grab my backpack, I realized that I had a boner harder than any one I'd ever had before. Oh, boy. This was gonna be fun... I didn't take into account that the pheromone would actually work on ME, too!! Okay, don't panic. I reached my hand into my pocket, turned my dick to the side and held it against my leg. Perfect!! Ouch. Okay, maybe not totally perfect but it'll work...

Up to the door I went. I rang the doorbell. Footsteps approached quickly and the door flew open. And there he was before me. Elliott. I smiled and drank in his presence.

Elliott was quite a bit bigger than me since I am only 5' 7". He stood about 6' 2" tall and was a proportional guy but don't let his size fool you- He was a teddy bear. Honestly, I never even once heard him raise his voice, he was so sweet. Anyway, he was standing there with his shaggy brown hair hanging near his face and his typical soft smile. Gah!! He was adorable, as always.

"Hey, bubby!! I was wondering when you'd come!!" He said happily.

"Hey, El!! Sorry, I'm late."

"No prob. Come in!!" He opened the door for me to come inside.


I saw him draw a breath when I walked by. His eyes briefly closed and reopened, almost dazed, before he looked at me.

"You feeling okay, El?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm... I'm great!!" he said, managing a smile. That little exchange was all I needed to confirm that my plan was at least going to have some success; Two steps through the door and that stuff's already got him hot and bothered!!

We went into the living room and kicked off our sneakers. He asked what movie I wanted to watch. I glanced around and settled on a psychological thriller. How fitting, right? I sat down on the couch and I curled up into my usual ball, leaning against the armrest. He left the room and returned a few minutes later with some popcorn and sodas.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready!!" I smiled in return.

He plopped down on the opposite end of the couch and pressed 'play'. He had originally put the popcorn in the center of the couch but soon placed it in his lap. A few minutes later, he moved closer to the middle, near me, and covered himself with the blanket off the back of the couch. I smiled to myself. If nothing else, this was kinda comical: If I knew it was gonna be this easy, I would have done it years ago!! But things were only getting started. About twenty minutes into the movie, Elliott asked,

"Hey, but?"

"Yeah, El?"

"Can we... um... Ya wanna cuddle a little?"

"Really?" I asked. He looked a bit worried when I asked him that. "I don't mind but, in all the time I've known you, you've never asked me to cuddle with you." I added that with an innocent-sounding overtone that you'd expect to hear from an excited 5 year-old. I smiled at him.

I scooted over next to him and he put his arm right around me. Before long, I had my head on his shoulder and he had his free hand on my knee. We stayed like that for a while until he reached for my hand and held it, rubbing it with his thumb. I picked my head up and looked at his with a furled brow. He stopped rubbing. I gave a soft smile, put my head back down on his shoulder and placed my free hand up onto his chest. He went back to rubbing my other hand again.

After the movie, we got up and went into the kitchen. I went to put the now-empty bowl from the popcorn into the sink. When I did, I felt something firmly on my hip. I looked down and saw a hand. Elliott's hand. I looked to my other side, where he was standing, and gave him another curious look. He removed his hand from my hip.

"Too much?" He asked worriedly.

"No, not at all. I kinda like you like this. The only question I have is: Where is it coming from?" I asked him, knowing exactly where it was coming from.

"What do ya mean, bubby?" He asked.

"I mean, I've known you for years. You've never been frisky, ever, and now you can't seem to keep your hands off of me. Is this something that's been brewing or are you just having an evening of curiosity?" I asked him with, again, overly-suggestive innocence.

"I... I dunno... I mean, to be honest, I have crushed on you on-and-off ever since we were 12 and 13" He admitted.

"Sooo... You feel like you have a crush on me again?" I asked him, now genuinely interested.

"Well... Kinda... It crossed my mind again during Senior year. There's just something about you, bubby, that I can't get over. Tonight, I just can't contain it." He said.

And with that, he gently placed his hands around my neck, closed his eyes, leaned down and kissed me. I was so stunned that I didn't even bother to close my eyes and enjoy my first kiss with a boy. He pulled away and looked as though he were about to say something. Whatever it was turned into muffles as I put my hands on his chest, stood up on my tip-toes, looked him right in his eyes and kissed him while our eyes were still open. He broke away after a minute or so and picked me up under my arms and sat me up on the kitchen counter so I would be more at his height. He kissed me again and this time I felt his tongue poking at my lips. I parted my lips and cocked my head to the side to let him in a bit more. Our eyes closed and we sat there making out for a really long time.

Finally, I broke away and took his face in my hands. I felt kinda guilty that I had used a pheromone to get him into the mood. Was it the pheromone, his emotions or something else that was making him like this? Truthfully, I was too love-drunk to give a damn. I looked into his brown eyes- They weren't like any other brown eyes I'd ever seen; His, I could get lost in and did for a brief moment until his talking brought me back.

"Bubby, I..." He struggled to get it out.

"You what, El?" I asked him in the most soothing coo I could muster.

"I want you..." He managed.

My eyes must've lit up because he smiled his trademark smile, kissed me once more and lifted me under my arms back onto the floor. He grabbed my hand and began to lead me out of the kitchen. Soon, we found ourselves by the stairs that went up to the second level of the house. He began the ascent and I followed suit. My heart began to pound in my chest. He was taking me to his bedroom.

He opened the door and brought me inside, the door behind him shutting with a click. He turned around and looked at me with that same smile but with a hint of something a bit more devious in his eyes. Oh, man. This was it. My plan was definitely working but maybe a bit better than I was expecting.

Soon, I found myself sitting on the edge of the bed with him beside me. He leaned in and kissed me hard and with such a passion that I was left enamored. I threw my arms around him and let it ride for a while until I felt him tugging at the hem of my shirt. I let him take my shirt off and went back to kissing him while I helped him with his shirt, too. Next, he started fumbling with my belt buckle but he couldn't quite get it undone. I pulled away and touched his hands, still over my waistline.

"You're trembling," I said to him, kind of taken aback by his sudden apparent anxiety.

"I know. I can't help it," He said, biting his lip and lowering his head. Gah!! He was biting his lip!! And blushing!! I could die twice!! Okay. Keep CALM.

I brushed his hair out of his face and he looked up at me. I held both hands gently around his neck and cooed,

"It's okay. Don't worry. Just relax."

Truth be told, I was just as nervous as he was. He flashed a smile and, with that, he unhooked my belt and went for the button and zipper. He began to slide my jeans off, leaving my boxer-briefs in place. I stood up just a bit to allow the jeans to slide all the way to my ankles and kicked them off. I reached out to his belt buckle but he placed his hands on top of mine, stopping me in my tracks.

"Listen, bubby. I've gotta tell you something... I've... never..." He stammered.

"You've never been with a guy? It's okay. I haven't either." I reassured him.

"Well, that... And I've never been with a girl, either... I've never actually slept with anyone..." He uttered. Now THAT was a shocker to me. He's Elliott for God's sake!! He sweet and funny and smart and adorable and everything!! I knew he never really liked to talk about sex but I'd always just assumed he was boning girls like crazy and keeping quiet about it all. How the HELL has HE never been with anyone?!

"Are you serious, El?" I asked him incredulously. He shot me a glare that made me expand upon the question. "Any girl should be clawing to get at you. It just surprises me that you never let any of them in..."

"Yeah, well, it never felt right. I mean, I'm not gay but the girls we went to school with just didn't seem like a good fit for me." He explained. Oh, boy. Was he going to shoot me down, too? NOW?

"Oh... Do you want me to keep going?" I asked him lowly. He paused for a minute before looking me right in my eyes.

"... YES. I do. I want you. Badly. I'm just... nervous..." He said. That was all I needed.

"We'll go slow." I smiled. He smiled back.

I unzipped his fly, pulled his jeans down and knelt before him. He was wearing a pair of boxer-briefs that already had a pretty good tent to them. As soon as the jeans were parted, a smell came from his waist. It was a mixture of his scent, his cologne, BOY and something else... It smelled almost earthy and just like, well, lust if lust had a smell to it. I breathed in as deeply as I could, trying to take it all in. I shuddered on the exhale.

I looked up at Elliott and he was already starring down at me intensely. I put my hands on either hip and moved my face closer to his still-clothed crotch. The smell got more intense and it was really fucking starting to turn me on. After a second or two, I began to gently nuzzle the area of his shorts where the outline of his cock was printing. His body tensed a little as I made contact. After I felt like he was used to the touch, I advanced by curling my lips over my teeth and lightly mawing on the outline of his dick. He inhaled sharply. Good. This was gonna be fun. I noticed a small wet spot beginning to form near the head. After a short while of that, I decided the time was right. I looked up at him a grinned a seductive grin.

"Ya like that?"


"You want more?"


"Good... Lose the shorts-"

He hesitated. I decided to take charge and pulled lightly on the waistband. Now he began to do as I instructed. As the front of his boxer-briefs lowered, I caught my first glimpse of it. Wow. My eyes got bigger. There it was. I've been thinking about them for years. I've been thinking about HIS for years. Now, it's finally here, just a few inches from my face. Standing proudly at full attention was Elliott's cock. He probably about 7 inches long but he was THICK- just a proportionally large dick. He was also uncut- That I knew from watching waaay more porn than I probably should have. The thing was, I knew what a foreskin was but I didn't exactly know how they worked. So I looked up and asked him,

"How does that work, Elliott?"

He smiled lightly and even giggled.

"You just pull the skin back and it'll do what you want it to. Be easy, though."

Good enough for me. I returned my attention to the matter in front of me. I reached out a wrapped my hand around it. Elliott exhaled sharply as I did. I began to stroke the length in front of me. It was so smooth!! I mean, obviously I had my hand on my own dick before but his was different; I wasn't feeling the pleasure so I got to focus on the details like how soft the skin was and how HOT it felt in my hand.

Elliott left out a soft moan that broke my trance. I glanced at the tip and saw a bead of precum forming. I slowed the pace and looked up at Elliott for approval. He starred back at me, anticipating what I was gonna do next...

I moved his cock upward slightly and moved my face to where the base of his dick met his fleshy sack. I breathed in and out, again, letting the aroma intoxicate me further. Then, ever so gently, I let my tongue meet the base of his cock. It was like electricity shot through his body. Slowly, I licked all the way from his base, along the underside, to his tip. I flicked my tongue into his slit and got a healthy helping of that precum. Hmph. I didn't know what it tasted like but I knew that I liked it. I kissed the head before I let it into my mouth. Elliott gave out a groan as I did. I only let it in a bit so as not to overwhelm Elliott right off the bat; I was going to enjoy this and so was he.

I withdrew about to the head and went back down again, this time a little further. Elliott moaned again and leaned back onto his elbows. I could feel his eyes watching every move I made as if I were in some kind of spotlight. I came back again and went down further yet, trying to see how much I could really take. I managed to cram about two-thirds of it into my mouth as I let my tongue swirl over the head and Elliott seemed to be in ecstasy. I edged forward a bit more before my gag reflex kicked in. I swallowed and managed to stave it off, making Elliott call out my name. In the process, I realized doing that allowed me to take more dick than I normally could have. An idea popped into my head. I pulled off almost to the tip and then I did it: I looked up into Elliott's eyes, moved my hands behind his back as if to pull him into me, and then I slowly moved down the whole length of his dick until my nose was buried in his pubes. He moaned out really loudly but I hardly noticed; I was just focused on swallowing so I wouldn't choke on him. He put his hand on the back of my head so as to guide me.

"Oh, God, bubby...That feels... Sooo good."

I smiled to myself. He hadn't seen anything yet. I reach a hand down between his legs and began to play with his balls. They were fleshy and had a lot of weight to them but they were fun to play with. All the more, my dick was actually starting to ache to be let out but I wouldn't do it- This was Elliott's time and I was going to focus all of my efforts on servicing him properly. So, I continued to roll his balls.

I picked up the pace and bobbed up and down with a quickness. I began to roll his balls faster and lightly tug on them. Elliott's moans became more frequent and came from deeper down in his chest. Soon, I was sucking as hard as I could muster.

"I'm getting close, bubby."

I just moaned onto his dick in acknowledgement that I wanted him to blow his load in my mouth. The vibration made him moan out again. Soon, he had both hands on the back on my head, forcing my mouth to ride his cock at his pace. He face-fucked me a bit more before I felt his balls retracting up towards his body. I knew it was coming soon and then it happened: He plowed my face right into his pubes so tightly that I could barely breathe. With his cock down my throat, I felt the first few ropes of nearly fiery-hot cum being pumped into me. His body writhed and his back arched and he moaned out the loudest he moaned yet. In the middle of his obviously mind-blowing orgasm, he began to let me off of him while he was on his fifth or sixth jet of cum. I kept sucking as I came off more. The seventh jet I thought was the end so I let his dick pop out of my mouth with a wet smack. Yeah, that was a bit of a mistake. The eighth and final jet of cum came pumping out and hit me right in the face.

He lay there flat on his back, breathing heavily and trying to recover while basking in the afterglow of our sex. I began to stand up and my own cock reminded me of how much it wanted some attention. He looked up at me and grinned a wide grin as he laughed out loud.

"You look really cute with my cum on your face like that, y'know?"

I blushed. No one had ever given me a compliment quite like that before. He sat up and, to my amazement, pulled me down and actually LICKED some of the cum off of my cheek. I jumped, my cock jumped and it was just... WOW.

It was then that I noticed something that really got me going... I looked down at Elliott's dick and he was still hard. I looked back up at him and his gaze met mine. We smiled to each other. This was going to be a really fun night...

To be continued. This is my first time writing a story so feedback is quite welcomed so long as it is constructive. Also, if you liked part 1 story and want to read more about my little fantasy, please let me know and I will continue writing the 2nd part.



Next: Chapter 2

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