Ella's Guardian Angel

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on May 9, 2008


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Ella's Guardian Angel

Part Five

By Chris

Ella saw that there was a table and two seats across from each other. There was also a big mirror in the room so she knew that she was being watched. Now she was very scared but again she tried to look as if she wasn't worried in the least bit. She walked around the room for a few minutes then she decided that only made her look more guilty of whatever they thought that she did. So she sat down in the chair that faced away from the mirror, not knowing that there was several cameras in the room so she was still being watched. She sat there for what seemed like hours before the door opened and a older man walked in. Ella stood up like a good shoulder would do but she didn't say anything. The man sat opposite of her, opening up a thick file in which she saw had her picture on the inside of the front cover. Ella swallowed hard knowing that she was in deep shit and wishing that Sandra was here by her side. However just thinking of Sandra gave her some strength as she knew that Sandra won't let anything bad happen to them. She would figure a way out of the mess that they have innocently gotten themselves into. The man just sat there for a while just thumbing through the file however Ella could see that he was studying her more than the file. Ella sat as still as she could and looked back at him as she knew that Sandra would do daring him of accusing her of anything.

"You know that your father is really pissed at you." He said as his opening statement not bothering to introduce himself.

"I suspect that he is, he lost a great maid and housekeeper when I left." Ella said keeping her face neutral, even though she was shocked that they had gone to the trouble to go and talk to her father.

"Yes he is mad about that but even madder that you had someone sign his name so that you could get into the Air Force." He started still trying to get to Ella.

"I was eighteen when I entered the Air Force so it was legal for me to join." She spit back at him now afraid that they would use that to kick her out of the Air Force.

"True but you did commit forgery by having someone sign your father's name when you first enlisted." He stated. Ella knew that was true and she saw no reason to respond so she said nothing. He gave her time to respond and when he saw that she wasn't going to he went on.

"I also see that you and Staff Sergeant Moore live together and have served closely since basic." He stated.

"Yes we have." Ella replied not adding anything more.

"From what I can see, you two are very close." He said and Ella knew what he was implying.

"Are you asking me if we are lovers? If you are, I thought the military's policy was not to ask." Ella stated knowing full well that he already knew that they were lovers.

"I'm not military so that doesn't apply to me." He stated giving the first clue as to who he really was and who the group that they had been listening to was.

"Well I am so I'm not going to tell." Ella told him and that got the first smile out of him.

"Okay lets move on then. I see that you have never taken Arabic in any school but you did serve eighteen months in Iraq. So how did you learn it so well and why did you learn it." He asked as the smile disappeared.

"We taught ourselves as a way to pass the time. Some nights it got boring there and I decided that since we were in the Middle East, the least we could do was to learn the language. It started out as a game then when we found that we could actually learn it, we found people to help us learn it better. Since then we have just kept up the practice of speaking and reading it. It started out as a way to pass the time and began more of a hobby. And as far as I know, speaking a foreign language isn't a crime in this country." Ella stated.

"True but you are in the military and you work in a sensitive area, so anything different has to be looked into. Also you have been listening in on conversations that you had no need to hear." He stated seriously.

"If they were saying things that no one should hear then they shouldn't have been talking in a open area where anyone could hear them so whose fault is it. Us for listening or them talking where they shouldn't be talking. You answer me that." Ella told him feeling good about making her point.

He sat back in his chair staring at her as if he was making a judgment on her character and Ella stared right back at him. After a few minutes of them studying each other, he seemed to have come to a conclusion. He leaned forward and shut the folder that was sitting in front of him. He then let out a small smile as he began to talk to her more that grill her. Ella stayed on her toes but she had the feeling that whatever trouble they were in, they weren't as much trouble now. They still weren't out of hot water yet but it was no longer boiling as it was before she came into this room. After another hour of talking, if you could call it that, he told her that she could go back to work but she wasn't to discuss it with anyone. As she exited the room, she saw that Sandra was just coming out of the room that she was in. She seemed no worse from wear but neither of them said a word until they had been escorted from the secure area of the Pentagon.

"What did they ask you?" Sandra asked as soon as they were out of ear shot of the last security gate.

"In a second girl, I got to find a bathroom, I'm about to pee all over myself." Ella said as she grabbed Sandra's hand and pulled her into the nearest bathroom. She pulled her on into the a stall and closed the door. She quickly pulled up her skirt and shoved her panties down as the piss began to flow out of her. "Oh god that feels better."

"Hurry up, you got me needing to go." Sandra said as she started to cross her legs.

"Here, your turn." Ella said as she wiped herself off then she stood up letting Sandra sit down before she pulled her panties up and adjusted her skirt.

"Oo what did they ask you?' Ella asked as Sandra peed.

"Oh how and why we learned the Arabic language. But first he told me all about my family and everything that I had done through high school. He also knew about me contacting my friend to get her father to get us stationed together. He also said he knew I was a lesbian which I neither admitted or denied." Sandra said as she wiped herself off.

"Mine did the same to me only he talked to my father and told me how pissed he was about how I had my friend forge his name so that I could get into the Air force. He also implied that he knew that we were lovers but like you, I neither admitted or denied it." She said.

"Good for you. As far as I can tell they haven't gotten anything on us but I do wonder why it was a big deal that we know Arabic and now I really wonder who those people in the cafeteria are." Sandra said as she stood up. She then pulled Ella to her giving her a kiss.

"I wonder too." Ella said as the kiss that she sorely needed ended.

"Let's get back to work and talk to Colonel Hill." Ella told Sandra as they left the stall.

As they entered their work area they saw Colonel Hill waiting for them and he didn't have a pleasant look on his face. He ordered them into his office and he slammed the door closed as they passed through it.

"Just what the hell have you two been doing?" He yelled at them and before either of them could answer, he went on with, "I have just spent the last half hour being chewed out by General Lasko about a couple of my people sticking their noses where they don't belong. So would you please tell me just what the fuck you've been doing."

Ella felt like crying as she hated that Colonel Hill was pissed at them so she was grateful that Sandra answered him. She started at the beginning of how they learned Arabic to pass the time and she didn't stop until she told him everything that her the man who interrogated her asked. Then Ella added what she was asked. As they talked, Colonel Hill's facial expression softened a bit. Ella could see that he was still a little pissed at them but he saw that they really hadn't done anything wrong.

"We didn't mean to cause you trouble but we were just curious as to who this group was and when they started to talk in Arabic then that only served to make us more curious." Ella added when Sandra was done.

"Curiosity killed the cat and that is very true here. You should have known that there is a lot of secret things going on in this building. When someone wants you to know something then they will tell you, otherwise you keep your mouth shut and your ears closed." He told them as he stared them both in turn.

"Yes sir, we know that now. We have learned our lesson." Sandra told him.

"A lot of time and money has been spent to make sure that you weren't spies or something. That time and money could have been better spent elsewhere." He told them staring at them until they both hung their heads.

"Are they going to kick us out of the Air force or ship us to some outpost on the arctic?" Ella asked him.

"No I don't think so but keep a low profile from now on. I will see what I can find out and do for you." He told them.

"Thank you sir." Sandra said. "Yes thank you." Ella echoed.

"Well get back to work and don't worry about it. Just keep your noses out of where they don't belong." He warned them as they got up and returned to their desks.

Ella had trouble concentrating for the rest of the evening and Sandra was having the same trouble. On the way home they both talked about the trouble that they were now in. Neither could see anything good coming from it and that just made them worry all the more. They talked long into the night trying to figure out what to do but neither of them could come up with anything concrete enough to do them any good. Finally they decided some sleep would do them some good however that was easier said than done. Ella tossed and turned until she felt Sandra wrap her arms around her and she whispered into Ella's ear, "I won't let anything bad happen to you, don't worry." That made Ella feel better but she wondered just what she or Sandra could do.

That evening both were tired when they got to work. Colonel Hill gave them a reassuring smile but that didn't help either of their moods. They both felt like they were doomed and there wasn't a damn thing that they could do about it. When they saw that Colonel Hill was free they went in to talk to him. He told them that he hadn't found out anything more so just forget about it. This was something that Ella figured that she would never forget. Later that evening when it came time for their break, they went back to the original table far away from where the group that they were so curious about sat. When they came in, neither Ella or Sandra looked at them and they left the cafeteria soon after the group got there.

A month went by and nothing more was said. Ella began to feel better about things so she and Sandra was able to get back to their normal routine. Their lovemaking that had just about come to a stop came back. Their desire for each other was so great that it could not be put off for long. The lovemaking was even more intense now and they both wanted the other to forget about their troubles which drove them to make the other's orgasm very intense and satisfying.

For another month nothing seemed to happen and they thought that they had survived once again. They had gotten through eighteen months of Iraq, though they were never in a real position of danger like most of the troops there were. All the same they had found a way to get thought the nights and days when the insurgents would send a mortar or two toward the base or when there was a roadside bomb that went off near the base. They were two young women who were never trained to go to a war zone and they had made it through. Now they had survived a scared of their own creation though they didn't know what they were doing at the time. They were just playing a game and got caught at it.

Ella and Sandra were late going for their supper break one evening as Sandra had been tied up getting some supplies ordered so Ella waited for her to get done. They then went down to the cafeteria. Once there, they got their salads and they sat at the table by the door that they had gone back to after that fateful night. They had just started to eat when the group came in. Both Ella and Sandra looked at each other not wanting to make eye contact with them. It took them both a moment to notice that one of the group had peeled off from the rest and was now standing at their table. They both looked up and saw that it was the same man that had caught them in the first place. Ella swallowed hard thinking that they were in trouble again.

"Hi my mane is Manual, would you like to join us?" He asked and this time he was smiling and his voice was pleasant.

Ella looked over at Sandra and saw that she was just as surprised by the invitation as she was and she also saw in Sandra's eyes that said that they needed to be real careful. "Thank you but we just stopped in to get and salad we need to get back soon." Ella said and she saw that Sandra approved of her reply.

"Well you can just come over for a minute. We would really like to meet you." Manual told them and then as he motioned with his arm to his group they all waved for them to come over and he added. "We really would like for you both to join us."

"Thanks but we really must be going." Sandra said as she started to pick up her salad bowl.

"Please come and sit with us. I promise that no one will want to talk to you afterwards. I sorry about that but we have to be careful." He said and he stepped back as he gave them a reassuring smile.

Ella looked over at Sandra who was looking back at her and she could see that Sandra was willing to go and see just what Manual really was up to.

"Okay but just for a few minutes then we really must get back to work." Sandra said as she got up taking her salad bowl with her. Ella got up and they followed Manual to the table. "Watch your mouth, don't talk about anything but the weather." Sandra whispered to her.

"That is what I was thinking." Ella replied.

When they got over to his group, Manual introduced everyone in the group and they all greeted them in a friendly manner. Ella made eye contact with each one trying to see if they would look away as if they were doing something that they didn't agree with but they all maintained their eye contact until the next person was introduced. They made room for Ella and Sandra who sat down with their salads. The conversation was very friendly as each talked about where they had been raised and just general stuff. There were no probing questions or anything that made Ella weary of them but there was something about the way the group talked to her made her wonder.

"Did you get the feeling that they were checking us out?" Ella asked as they made their way back to work.

"Yea, it was nothing that they said or asked but it was like they were trying to see if we fit in or something like that." Sandra said.

"Yea, I got the same feeling. Do you think we should tell Colonel Hill about this?" Ella asked.

"Definitely," Sandra replied and so they did when they got back to their work area. He listened carefully and then told them that they played it right but to be careful with what they said. They both assured them that they would and he said he would try and find out what they were up to if he could but Ella came away feeling that this was one place that Colonel Hill would be limited in what he could do. They will just have to feel their way through this minefield.

The following night they decided to take their break earlier and thus avoid Manual and his group entirely and they were able to do so. They were able to do this for several more evenings however their luck would not hold. Ella got tied up with a supply problem and she had to work through it before they could go to break. When she was done, they knew that Manual would be taking his break so they held off of another thirty minutes before heading to the cafeteria. When they got there, Manual and his group were nowhere to be seen and they both felt relieved. They had successfully avoided them. They went up to the serving line to get their food. Just as Ella was reaching for her salad, she heard laughter coming from the entrance door. She turned to see just the people they were hoping to avoid. She looked over at Sandra and she saw the look of a deer caught in the headlights of a car. "Oh shit" Ella heard Sandra say under her breath. Ella was thinking the same thing. Ella was hoping against hope that Manual would let them be but then she heard her name being called out from across the room and she knew they were screwed. She turned and smiled as she greeted Manual.

A few minutes later, Ella and Sandra were sitting at the same table as Manuel and his group. Again the conversation was light and easy with nothing being said that set off either Ella's or Sandra's radar, until Shelly, a older lady that up to this point had remained relativity quiet, casually slipped into Arabic when she asked Sandra a question about their apartment. Ella glanced over at Sandra who had hesitated for a split second before answering her in Arabic. Shelly followed up with a quested asked in English and Sandra answered it in English. Then the third question about her and Ella's apartment was in Arabic which Sandra again answered in Arabic as she followed Shelly's lead. Shelly then asked Ella about the apartment in English and Ella was waiting for another question in Arabic but it never came as everyone continued their conversations in English.

After they left the cafeteria, Sandra asked Ella, "Do you get the feeling that I was just tested?"

"Oh that feeling went right down my spine, but the question is, tested for what?" Ella replied.

"I wish I knew, I really do." Sandra replied.

The next day Ella and Sandra again changed the time they took their supper break and when they walked into the cafeteria it was almost empty. Ella felt a little bit relieved but she was still on edge. So when they were getting their food, she wasn't very surprised that she heard people talking as they entered the cafeteria. Ella saw Shelly first and then Manual. So again they ended up at the one table they had so tried to avoid. The conversations started in English but about halfway through their break, Ella heard Shelly and Manual switch to Arabic. She looked over at Sandra and she could see that Sandra noticed that slowly all the conversations were changing to Arabic. Then she and Sandra were drawn into the conversation and they too used their Arabic. They could tell that while the rest of the group's Arabic was more refined than theirs however they knew more than enough to follow the conversations. There was only a time or two that they had to have a comment restated. For being self trained, with some help along the way, they did all right but they had a long way to go be as well versed as the rest of the table was.

For the next week, they did everything that they could to avoid the group but every time, as they were getting their food, the group would show up and Ella and Sandra would end up at their table. They finally figured out that this was all planned. They only way that Manual and his group could show up as they were getting their food was that someone was spying on them. They tried to figure out who it might be as they worked but everyone was so spaced out on the evening shift that they was no way to find out. So they gave up, going back to their original break time. That way it was easier on everyone involved. So for the next couple of months, they had their break with Manual and his group. Now all the conversations were in Arabic. Ella and Sandra now were really able to practice their Arabic and they abilities increased greatly. Manual and his group were patient with them and they explained everything that Ella or Sandra didn't understand, it was like they were the students and Manuals group were their teacher teachers. For some reason, Ella and Sandra had a knack of this language and they picked up on it easily. They also began to speak it more at home except for when they were making love, then it was back to English and the pillow talk afterwards was also in English. The one thing they both noticed and talked about was how Shelly did more listening and observing than talking. They bothy felt like they was under her microscope. They just didn't know what to make of her as Manual was the leader of the group as far as they could tell.

They kept Colonel Hill up to date on what was happening and he kept his eye out for them. He too seemed to think that they were being tested for some reason and when they went to his house, his wife told them the same thing. She just wanted them to be careful and as she knew all about how the military and government worked. She just didn't want them to do anything with thinking it over and talking to the people that they trusted. Ella just wished that they would find out what these people wanted of them. She didn't like these games that she knew were being played. But everyone told them to wait it out thought Sandra wanted to just ask them. This was something the she and Sandra talked about for a while until Sandra convinced her that it was time to just find out why they were suddenly welcomed into this group that first suspected them of being spies of some type. So come the following Monday, they decided that this was to be the day to end the games and find out if this was something more than Manual and his group trying to make up for what they had put Ella and Sandra through.

"Ella and I have been wondering something." Sandra stated as Manual was about to put a bite of food into his mouth. She said this in English so that there would be no misunderstanding.

"What would that be?" Manual asked as he put his food back down.

"Don't misunderstand us here, we have enjoyed talking to all of you and our Arabic has improved greatly. For Ella and I, learning Arabic has been a game but I'm sure that for you all, it is more serious than just having fun. We're not asking what you do, we don't want to know but you have included us in your group. In fact you have gone out of your way to make sure that we joined your group during our supper break. So our question is why? We are two nobodies who are just enjoying our lives and the time we have spent in the Air Force." Sandra said as she stared into Manual's eyes.

However he wasn't the one who spoke up. He looked at both Ella and Sandra then he shifted his eyes to Shelly who nodded her head. Manual and the rest of the group quietly picked up their food and moved to a table a few feet away leaving Shelly, Sandra, and Ella some privacy. Ella looked at Sandra who was looking back at her. They were both surprised at this turn of events. Shelly wasn't the one that they thought was the head of this group.

"I was wondering if you would eventually ask, I'm glad that you have decided that it was time to put the cards on the table and it is." Shelly told them then she put a fork into her food and she took a bite.

"And your cards would show us what?" Ella said when she realized that Shelly wasn't going to say anything more.

"Let's just enjoy our meal; and talk then we'll go for a walk." Shelly said as she took another bite of her food.

"It'll have to be a quick walk as we need to get back to work soon." Sandra told her trying to get her to start talking.

"Colonel Hill will be told that you'll both be tied up for a while. So we got the rest of the evening to talk." She told them and that just made Ella and Sandra wonder more and it also made it harder to eat but they did just to just to show that they were not concerned with whatever Shelly had to tell them however the opposite was true, they were very concerned. But they talked with Shelly about the home that she had just bought as they ate and as they left the cafeteria. Shelly took them back in the direction of where they had been taken that evening when they had been interrogated. This made them both nervous and when they passed the door that Ella had been in, she felt a shiver go through her. They kept on walking until they got to the room that Shelly was looking for. She entered her access code and Ella heard the door unlock. She opened it to let them enter what was a outer waiting room with a desk and several doors which were all closed. She went to the first one on the right and again entered an access code and it unlocked. She entered this office holding the door open for them. The room was very neat and Shelly's desk which she was now sitting behind was completely void of any papers. With all the security, Ella knew that whatever went on in this room, it was ultra secret.

"First let me tell you that what is discussed in this room can go no further. Not to Colonel Hill or your friend Ruth and her family. You will be subject to arrest and a long prison term should you say anything at all. Do I make my point?" Shelly asked with a look on her face that told both Ella and Sandra that she wasn't bull shitting. This was business. Ella was shocked that she knew so much about them and their friends and she saw that Sandra was just as surprised.

"Yes madam." They both said.

"Good now I know you both are wondering just who I am." She stated.

"Well yes we are, but being curious was what got us into so much trouble in the first place." Ella told her and she saw a smile come across Shelly's face.

"That it did but it may also have been a blessing as I you shall soon see." Shelly said and that perked up Ella's interest.

"You see once we figured out that you both knew what we were saying, we started an investigation as there aren't too many young women that are not from the middle east nor have any relatives from there that can speak Arabic as well as you two did. Then when we could find no history of either of you taking any classes you hit our radar hard. So we really started to dig. We talked to people that you served with and a picture began to develop. We found a young man that was a translator in Iraq while you were there, who told us about you two pestering him every time you caught him alone. You always had some question about one word or phrase that you had either heard or found that you didn't understand. He thought it was funny but he said that he helped you to understand what the word or phrase meant. At first I didn't believe that you would try to take on such a difficult language just to be doing it but the more we learned, the more that seemed to be the case. You have impressed me and I'm hard to impress, so I've been told." She stated and it was at this point that Ella had to speak up.

"If you already knew we weren't trying to spy on you, why have us interrogated like you did." Ella asked as she was more than a little upset.

"I wanted to see what you were made of." She said simply. "So I had one of the investigators test you both just to see if you would crumble or would stand up to him. I didn't want him to get real rough but just rough enough to put a scare into you. I wanted to watch and see what you did when he told you how much we knew about your personal lives. I wanted to see if you were worth investigating further."

"So I guess we were?" Sandra asked.

"Yes you were. I liked what you had to say. I saw something that I liked from both of you. So I had Manual convince you to join us and I wanted to see just how well you spoke the language and when I sprung something new on you, what you would do with it. Every time I or we did that, the next day you would come back and that work or phase would be incorporated into your conversation so that meant that you went home and did your homework." She said and Ella knew that was just exactly what they had done. This lady had them both pegged and she knew it.

"So you have tested us and we obviously passed the test or we wouldn't be sitting here right now, where do we go from here. What's the bottom line." Ella asked her before Sandra had a chance to.

"You're direct, I like that. The fact is, we are constantly on the outlook for people like you so I'm going to make you an offer to join us." She said as she sat back to let them take it in.

"And just who are you?" Sandra asked.

"We're an independent advisory group made up of people from the military and outside agencies, whose job it is to know what is going on in the world, and from the academic world." She said and Ella knew that she was referring to the CIA or NSA when she referred to the outside agencies.

"So you spy for the spies." Ella told her.

"No not exactly, we study the various nations and give the people who do the spying information about the culture and the various ethnic groups or tribes. In your case, I would want you to help the middle eastern group." She said.

"I still don't see why they would need you, there is lots of sources for that information that they could go to, not to mention having spies there." Ella asked.

"Well we also review some secret information to make sure that they are being fed information that rings true. We fill a small niche that isn't available anywhere else because of our access to the secret information. We are a very small tight group but we do serve a purpose. We don't do the spying or make any policy decisions but we help the people whose job it is to do those things." She said proudly.

"Okay but Ella and I don't know anything about any culture other than our own. We taught ourselves the language but while we were in Iraq, we never left the base. We met very few of the Iraqis. We know jack shit about them." Sandra told her honestly.

"No you don't but we can send you to school to learn what you need to know. You have shown us the ability to learn and the desire to learn, we'll provide the training. And when you are on breaks, then you will come back here to train with our people." She told them.

"What type of training are you talking about?" Ella asked now very curious about what Shelly had to offer them.

"We will send you to a University of our choice and you will get your degree in Middle Eastern studies. In return you will sign a contract to work for us for ten years." Shelly told them.

Ella felt her heart leap at the thought of getting to go to college now but when she looked at Sandra, she didn't see the same excitement as she felt. This worried her more than a little but she didn't say anything in front of Shelly, this would be something that they would talk about when they were alone.

"Ten years is a lot time, we had plans for when we left the Air Force." Sandra said.

"Yes it is but you would be paid your regular salary as you went to school and we would pay for all your tuition and books. I think at the cost of college today, that is a fair return for our money." Shelly told them.

"When would you need our decision?" Ella asked.

"This is Friday, I would like your decision Monday morning." Shelly told them.

"That's not much time for such a big commitment, there is lots to talk about before we can decide." Ella told her.

"I know that it is." Shelly said.

"Can we see what we would be doing, maybe tour the area and talk to some of your people?" Ella asked.

"No, it is all secret. I've told you all that I can at this point. If you decide to join us then you would start working with us and come August, you would start school." Shelly told them.

Ella looked over at Sandra and saw a frown come across her face and for the first time she couldn't read her. However she could tell that Sandra was worried about something and she thought that she knew what it was so she decided to get it out in the open now.

"Since you have obviously researched us so well, then you know about us. We would not want to be separated, we come as a pair." Ella told Shelly.

"We know that you are lesbian and are lovers, and this is our only office. You will spend your time here." Shelly told them. "So if that is all the questions that you have, then I'll see you here at ten on Monday morning." She said as she got up holding out her hand to them which they both shook.

They were escorted back out and when they got past the last security check, Ella turned to Sandra and asked her, "What do you think?"

"Let's talk at home." Sandra said cutting Ella short. Ella looked over at Sandra and saw that she was upset. Ella wanted to say or do something but Sandra's facial expression told her to just keep quiet. When they got back to their work area, Colonel Hill gave them a look as if asking them what was going on and all Ella could do was shrug her shoulders which told him all he needed to know.

Ella was bothered by Sandra's reaction to the offer for the rest of the night. Ella liked the idea of going to college with it all being paid for and still get paid her regular salary. And as far as spending ten years with Shelly's group that didn't sound too bad. She would have to work somewhere and that was as good a place as any. She never had any real idea as to what she wanted to do in her life, she just knew she wanted to get away from home and go to college somewhere. The rest she would figure out once she got there. Sandra had never told her what she wanted to do either and Ella always had a feeling that what she didn't really matter to Sandra, she just wanted to be loved and Ella did love her to death.

"What did you think?" Ella asked as they walked into the door of their apartment.

"It's not for us." Sandra said as if that was going to be the end of the conversation as far as she was concerned.

"What do you mean, it's not for us? They're going to pay for our college and then we will get to do what we have enjoyed doing all along. We both find the middle east interesting. I think it will be fun studying about all the different tribes and countries there. And we will be able to stay here in our apartment and not worry about being separated. It is like a dream come true for us. It is all we ever wanted." Ella said as she tried to convince Sandra of what was obviously a no brainer.

"It's what you wanted. I just want to finish out our enlistment and leave here. We can be together anywhere we want. Let's just forget all about this." Sandra said as she stood in the middle of the living room.

Ella could see that Sandra was distressed and she wanted to talk about it. "What's do you mean it's all I wanted. We both have talked about going to college and that is why we signed up to put part of our pay to do that." Ella said as she walked toward Sandra who backed away not letting Ella get close to her.

"No I just went along with you to make you happy. I'm not going to college and that's final. If you want to go after we get out then that's fine with me, I will find a job and you can go to school and I can work." Sandra told her.

"But I want us to go together." Ella said and she wondered just what had gotten into Sandra, this wasn't like her at all.

"It's not going to happen and that's final. I'm going to bed, I'm tired." She said as she turned to leave the room leaving Ella just standing there wondering just what was happening. Everything they had dreamed about just went out the window. Everything that she had dreamed about had just gone out the window she corrected herself. Obviously Sandra had no intention of going to college and that bothered her. She thought that Sandra had always been truthful with her and now she found that she hadn't been. It was too much for her to handle and she had to sit down and think about it. Ella didn't know what to think now. It was all just a big mess. Ever since they had got caught listening in on Shelly's group, things had gone downhill. Nothing was like it was or should have been. She almost wished that they were both back in Iraq and they had those crude missiles coming at them. It was just her and Sandra and that was nice. Ella didn't know how long she had been sitting there when she realized that for the first time since she and Sandra had been together, they had gone to bed separately. She got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. When she got to the bedroom, Sandra was already in bed and she appeared to be asleep. Ella went to her side of the bed and slipped under the covers. She scooted close to Sandra and she put her arm around her. She got no reaction from Sandra who just laid there pretending to be asleep, only Ella knew better. She had slept with this girl for almost two years now and she knew when Sandra was awake and when she was asleep. Ella kissed Sandra on the shoulder hoping that she would get Sandra to react to her but it didn't work. She kept kissing her going to the back of her neck and even moving over her to kiss her cheek but still no reaction. This pissed Ella off more than a little so she turned over and laid with her back to Sandra. Ella thought to herself that if Sandra wanted to act this way then the hell with her. But her heart was hurting and she wanted her guardian angel to heal it as Sandra was the only one that could. It took Ella a long time to go to sleep and when she did, it was an uneasy sleep.

The next morning when she woke up she found that she was alone in the bed. She got up to look for Sandra only to find her nowhere within the apartment. This began to worry her as she couldn't find a note or anything. This just wasn't like Sandra as Ella knew that this whole college thing was bothering Sandra and they needed to talk about it. The only problem was that they both had to be in the same place to do that and obviously there weren't at this moment. Ella fixed herself a cup of tea and sat down at the table. She then began what would be a long day of worrying. She sat at the table for a while hoping that Sandra would return but when that became obvious that she wasn't coming home anytime soon, Ella got up and started to clean up the apartment. This was something that they had done together as neither of them liked to clean but today it was Ella doing it alone. She had the place spotless and still she kept cleaning as there wasn't anything else to do. She didn't stop to eat as she had no appetite, she just wanted Sandra to come home. When Sandra hadn't return home by seven, the tears that Ella had held off all day started to streak down her cheeks. She cried and cried and the more she cried the madder she got at Sandra for just leaving her alone like this. It was selfish of Sandra for doing this to her. By nine she had stopped being mad, she was pissed. The tears that went down her cheeks were now from anger. It was ten in the evening before she heard the keys unlocking the door. Ella sat on the couch ready to pounce on Sandra. She let her get to the center of the living room before she said a word.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Ella shouted at her.

"I had some things to do." Sandra said nonchalantly as if it wasn't any big deal.

"I have worried all day about you, don't you know that?!" Ella shouted as her friend who she suddenly didn't know anymore.

"Well you shouldn't have." Sandra said and then she added, "I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

"On hell you're are, we're going to talk." Ella said.

"You can talk if you want to, I'm going to bed." Sandra said softly as she turned on her heels and walked out of the living room leaving Ella standing there fuming.

"Fuck you and the god damn horse you road in on!" was all Ella could think to say as she sat down on the couch to cry.

What Ella never saw was how swollen Sandra's eyes were from the crying that she had been doing or the fear that was in her eyes. All Ella could see was how Sandra had ended her dreams and was making a mess of their lives. Ella curled up on the couch and cried herself to sleep. Ella heard Sandra messing around in the kitchen early the next morning. She quickly opened her eyes but all she saw was Sandra rushing out the door. Ella reached out and grabbed the vase that was on the coffee table and she threw it against the far wall in anger as she let out a blood curdling scream. Now she was more than a little angry, she was at the point that she wanted to kill someone, and she knew just who she wanted to kill, Sandra. Ella got up to go to the bathroom. She peed and then she went to the shower to turn it on. As the water heated up she looked at herself in the mirror, what she saw scared her. Her hair was a mess and she had dark bags under her eyes. She wanted to cry but she was tired of crying, that was all she had done for the last day or so. She was relieved to see the mirror fog up as she didn't want to look at herself anymore. She got under the water and she let the warm spray hit her worn out body. Slowly the water did its job and she felt her body relaxing. The anger slowly ebbed away leaving her mind free to think. She knew that her relationship with Sandra was in trouble, real trouble. They had it easy up to now, not that they didn't argue at times but it was over minor things that they both knew didn't really matter in the end so it was easy for one or the other to give in before the fight got to intense. But this was about their lives together. Ella just stood under the shower letting the water sooth her as she thought about what was important to her. She had her dreams but she also had Sandra and she needed to figure out what was more important to her. When she was able to get that straight in her mind, she felt the weight on her shoulders lift.

Ella was sitting on the couch when she heard Sandra put her key in the door, she felt her nerves jump but she got herself calmed down before Sandra could get too far into the living room. "I would like to talk to you if you don't mind." Ella said calmly and quietly.

Sandra turned around and this time Ella did see the bags under Sandra's eyes and she saw how upset she was. "I know, can I go to the bathroom first."

"Sure, would you like something to drink?" Ella asked.

"Yea, that would be nice..." Sandra said and Ella saw that she wanted to say more but she couldn't. Then she saw the tears running down Sandra's cheeks. Ella started to say something but Sandra turned and ran into the bathroom. Ella got up and when after her. When she got to the bathroom door, she heard great sobs coming from within the bathroom. Ella didn't even think about it, she opened the door and she saw Sandra with her shorts and panties at her knees as she sat on the toilet. Sandra had her head in her hands and she was sobbing. Ella rushed to Sandra getting down on her knees in front of her. She heard Sandra saying softly, "I've ruined it all, I've ruined it all." over and over again.

"No you haven't baby, we can fix this." Ella told her as she pulled Sandra's hands from her face and she put her hands to Sandra's face holding her face.

"But I can't go to college, I'll ruin it for both of us." Sandra said between sobs.

"How can you ruin it? And besides we don't have to go to college. When we get out of the Air Force , we'll decide where we want to live and we'll find jobs. Just like you wanted. It'll be great." Ella said as she smiled at Sandra hoping that this would put an end to all of this.

"Oh no, no, no..." Sandra cried out and she started her sobbing all over again which confused the hell out of Ella as she thought her giving up on her dream would make things better not worse. "I can't do that to you, I can't live with myself If I knew that I ruined your dream." She cried out and now she was balling and Ella couldn't do anything to calm her down. So Ella did the only thing that she could think of. She leaned forward and placed her lips against Sandra's kissing her lightly. Ella kept her lips on Sandra's not trying to start something passionate, just letting Sandra know that she was there. Slowly Sandra's sobbing stopped and Ella began to feel Sandra's lips respond to her lips. Ella felt Sandra's hands tentatively touch her arms holding her there. Ella pressed her lips harder against Sandra's lips and she felt Sandra finally kiss her back. It was only then that Ella leaned back breaking off the kiss.

"What do we do now?" Sandra asked as she looked into Ella's eyes and Ella could see how confused and unsure of herself that Sandra was. She had always been the strong one of the two of them but for the moment the roles were reversed, Ella would have to take charge and guide them through all of this.

"Well you pee and I'll go get us something to drink and we'll sit down to talk it out." Ella said as if they were deciding what movie they wanted to see.

"Could you fix something to eat too? I haven't eaten anything in a couple for days." Sandra asked meekly.

"I believe I could use something to eat too." Ella said with a smile as she leaned over and gave Sandra a kiss. Then she got up to leave the bathroom when Sandra something that stopped her in her tracks.

"I love you Ella, you know that don't you?" Sandra said as if she was afraid that Ella would say no.

"I know you do babe and I love you too. We'll get this worked out, don't you worry." Ella said smiling as she tried not to cry. "So what do you want to eat?" Ella said to keep herself under control.

"Taco's?" Sandra replied.

"Why doesn't that surprised." Ella replied with a big smile as she saw the first smile from Sandra.

Ella had a smile on her face as she went into the kitchen as they were at least talking. The original problem wasn't resolved but it would be, on that she had no doubt. Ella went to the fridge and she pulled out the roast beef that she had cooked earlier in the week. She began to pull the meat off of it, as her skillet heated. Ella didn't like her tacos with ground beef, she liked to use real meat that she could work with. As she seasoned the beef, she heard Sandra come into the kitchen. She felt Sandra come up behind her and wrap her arms around her. Ella leaned back into Sandra's body and it felt nice to be held by her again. She felt Sandra kiss her on her shoulder and then she felt Sandra letting go. Ella wanted to follow her but she stayed at the stove. She did turn as Sandra went to the fridge to get the lettuce and tomatoes out. They didn't say anything as they both did their jobs in getting the tacos ready. However their eyes did a lot of talking as they lock together every few moments.

"I'm sorry..." Sandra started to say but Ella stopped her.

"Let's eat first then we'll talk. We both need to get something in our stomachs first." Ella told her as they sat down to eat.

"Okay..." Sandra said as she wanted to say more but then she took a bite of her taco.

They both sat there silently as they ate. Ella wasn't really hungry at first but the more she ate the hungrier she got. They both ended up eating three tacos before they felt full and Ella could feel the food doing her some good. She needed something in her stomach so that she could think clearly. The conversation they were about to have was too important to both of them.

"I'm sorry for running out on you but I couldn't stand to disappoint you. I know I should have told you that I didn't want to go to college before but when you talked about it your eyes would light up and I got caught up in your excitement but in my heart I knew I had to tell you sooner or later." Sandra said and Ella could see that she was about to cry again so she took Sandra's hand in hers.

"Why don't you want to go to college?" Ella asked.

"Because I'm not smart like you are." Sandra said and Ella almost laughed but then she realized that Sandra was very serious.

"That's silly, you're as smart as I am if not smarter." Ella told her. "You learned to speak Arabic quicker than I did." Ella pointed out.

"That was because you were helping me and explained it so well. I just seemed to be able to do it when you are teaching me." Sandra said.

"We'll I'll be help you when we get to school too, so what's the difference." Ella told her.

"But you won't be up there teaching me, some professor will and they'll be talking over my head like all my teachers did in high school. I barely graduated." Sandra admitted.

"I won't be there teaching but I will be right beside of you and anything you don't understand I will help you with. Between us we'll do fine. You know it has always been us against the world and it always will be. Nothing can stop us but ourselves. So don't worry about anything, I'll take care of you." Ella assured her.

"I thought I was your guardian angel and not the other way around." Sandra said with a small smile.

"You are my guardian angel, I know nothing bad will ever happen to me if you are around but that doesn't mean that even guardian angels don't need a hand every once in a while." Ella said as she squeezed Sandra's hand.

"So what do we do about Shelly's offer?" Sandra asked.

"We'll go in and tell her that we appreciate her offer but we must decline. Then we'll serve out the rest of our enlistment. At that point we'll decide what we want to do, either will go to college or do something else but we'll do it together." Ella told her feeling good that the decision had been made.

"You sure, you're not mad at me about not taking Shelly's offer. I know you want to do it." Sandra told her.

"Yes I did want to talk the offer but we'll not ready for college yet. And I'm not mad at you about that but I am still mad at you for leaving me this weekend and not talking to me." Ella said and she saw Sandra's face go from a smile to a frown.

"What are you going to do about that?' Sandra asked.

"Since you acted like a spoiled child I'm going to treat you like one." Ella said as she quickly reached over and pulled Sandra over her lap.

"Hey!" Sandra cried as she found herself over Ella's lap. "What are you going to do?' She asked.

"I'm going to wear your ass off so that you'll think twice about running out on me like that again." Ella said as she raised her hand high up over Sandra's ass as Sandra looked back over her shoulder.

She then brought it down quickly as Sandra cried out but then at the last second she stopped her hand and she tapped Sandra's ass lightly. Sandra looked back at Ella who had this stern look on her face as she again raised her hand high above Sandra's ass. Sandra clinched her ass up waiting for the hard spank that she knew was coming but again Ella just lightly tapped her. This time Sandra cried out like she was in real pain. Ella then started to tap Sandra's ass lightly as she lightly spanked Sandra all the while lecturing her about how bad she had been and Sandra begged for her to stop and she said that she was so sorry. They were both playing but at the same time they were both serious. Ella was still mad at Sandra for what she did and Sandra was sorry for doing it. After a few minutes, Ella pushed Sandra off her lap and she landed with a thump. She then turned and looked up at Ella wondering just what Ella would do next.

Ella kept the expression on her face serious and stern as she slipped off the couch and she laid down on top of Sandra. She cradled Sandra's face in her hands as she lowered her mouth to Sandra's lips. She kissed her softly and briefly. When she lifted her head, she had a smile on her face which took the worry off of Sandra's face, bringing a small smile to Ella's face. Ella lowered her lips to Sandra's lips making this kiss much more urgent as they let their pent up passions come out. Ella slipped her tongue into Sandra's mouth and she felt Sandra sucking hungrily on it. Ella moved her hands to Sandra's tee shirt trying to pull up on it but with her laying on top of Sandra kissing her the tee shirt would go only so far. She began to get frustrated as she wanted Sandra naked and she wanted her naked now. She felt Sandra's hands on her shoulders pushing her away. At first she thought that there was something wrong then she saw the look on Sandra's face.

"Let's go to the bedroom." Sandra said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Okay," Ella said as she gave Sandra a quick kiss then she got up pulling Sandra with her.

They both ran into the bedroom as they pulled their clothes off. Sandra had her tee shirt and bra off and her jeans shorts were well on their way down her hips. Ella was dressed in just a tee shirt and sweat shorts so by the time she got to the bedroom, everything was off of her and she was kicking her sweat shorts and panties off. She caught Sandra near the bed and she pushed her onto the bed. As Sandra rolled onto her back. Ella reach down to pull Sandra's shorts and panties on off, throwing them into the air as she dived on top of her. The kissing began again with them both putting all the passion they had into each and every kiss. Ella would kiss Sandra's neck and then Sandra would push her away so that she could kiss and suck on Ella's neck. Their hands were moving from one part of the other's body to another. Ella would caress and pinch Sandra's nipples as they kissed then one hand would go to Sandra's pussy which was already wet. She would run her fingers up and down Sandra's slit before stopping at her clit to rub on it making Sandra moan. Sandra's hands were doing much the same to Ella as Ella groaned and moaned into Sandra's mouth. Soon both of their hands were at the other's pussy rubbing and finger fucking each other. Their kissing would have to stop for a moment as one or the other of them let out a loud moan, then their lips would lock back together. As their fingers settled in on each other's clit, the kissing stopped as so that they could breath. Ella felt her clit getting super sensitive and she knew her orgasm would be overtaking her soon so she pressed her fingers harder against Sandra's clit trying to make her cum with her. Ella felt Sandra arch her back as she started to cum and that was enough to make her own orgasm come. Ella cried out as she came hard. She felt her soul rising about her body as Sandra's soul went with her. For Ella it was the most intense and satisfying orgasm she had ever had coming after she and Sandra had their first real argument.

"Oh god Sandra, I love you so much." Ella panted out as she clung to Sandra kissing her.

"I love you baby." Sandra replied between kisses.

After they had rested for a moment, Sandra turned around in the bed putting her face near Ella's pussy. She pulled Ella's top leg up on her shoulder so that she could get to her pussy. Ella did the same to her as she looked at Sandra's wet and swollen pussy lips. As she felt Sandra's tongue touch her pussy, she put her own tongue against Sandra's pussy. She let her tongue guide lightly across Sandra's lips. Sandra was using the same tender licking as she licked up and down Ella's slit. Ella let out a soft moan as Sandra's tongue lightly brushed against her clit. It sent tingles throughout her body so she did the same thing to Sandra getting her to let out a soft moan. Ella ran her tongue between Sandra's pussy lips going a little deeper getting the pussy juices that had collected there. Ella sucked in the sweet juices letting them stay in her mouth for a moment so that she could savor them. She used her fingers to open Sandra's pussy lips to lick her deeper as their licking became more urgent. Ella felt Sandra pull her lips open and Sandra's tongue going into her pussy deep. They both moaned and groaned as they licked harder and deeper. Soon both of their mouths were locked onto the other's clit and they brought the other to another orgasm.

When Ella recovered from her orgasm, she felt Sandra's tongue start back at her pussy licking up her girlcum. Ella could see Sandra's cum around her lips and she began to lick them up. She move down Sandra's pussy to the bottom and she kept going. She teased the skin between Sandra's pussy and asshole then she went on down until her got to Sandra's asshole. She let the tip of her tongue go around the rim making Sandra let out a loud moan. She kept her tongue going around and around getting Sandra to cry out her pleasure. She moved the tip of her tongue around and around getting Sandra to squirm. Then she placed it at the center and pushed the tip of her tongue inside of Sandra. This seemed to make Sandra go crazy with lust as she attacked Ella's pussy with passion as her fingers teased Ella's asshole. They were now both going crazy with their tongues and fingers as Ella's fingers had slipped inside of Sandra's pussy and she was fucking her hard. They twisted around on the bed as they quickly brought each other to a third orgasm and that was all they could handle for the moment. They needed a break to let their clits cool down as they had gotten too sensitive to touch.

Sandra moved back around and she lay down beside of Ella, taking her into her arms. They kissed lightly as they looked into each other's eyes. Ella could see that something was on Sandra's mind and she started to ask her what it was but then she decided to let Sandra let her know what it was when she was ready. The kissed lightly for a while just letting their lips do the talking.

"You won't let me fail if I decide to go on to school with you." Sandra asked.

Ella could see from the look in Sandra's eyes that this was a very important question. "No honey, I won't. I'll do everything I can to help you and if I find something that I can't explain, I'll find someone who can. I won't let you fail." Ella told her as she looked directly into Sandra's eyes not letting her eyes avert away or even blink. She wanted to make sure that Sandra understood that she meant what she said.

"Okay." Sandra said and Ella could see that the answer seemed to satisfy her.

They kissed for a while longer as they held each other tightly. They didn't talk for a while as they became a couple once again. It was at this point that Ella felt that she could ask the question that really had bothered her. "Can I ask you something?" Ella asked.

"You know you can. You can ask me anything and it won't upset me." Sandra told her.

"Why did you leave me this weekend? Why didn't you stay and talk to me?" Ella asked.

"I figured that was what you wanted to ask me and I don't have a great answer. I know I should have stayed and told you what was wrong but I couldn't. When we were in Shelly's office I could see how excited you became over her offer and I knew then that you wanted to do it. I wasn't prepared to tell you yet that I didn't really want to go to college. I thought that I had two more years to break the news to you and then I could do it slowly over time. But then my time was up. I didn't know what to do so I panicked. It's as simple as that. I didn't know what to say so I acted like a child and said I wasn't going to do it. So I deserved the spanking but I think that you really should have spanked me for real. I deserved to treated like the spoiled child I acted like." Sandra said and Ella could see that Sandra was about to cry again but they both had done enough crying this weekend and the time for tears was over.

"Well your forgiven but the next time you pull a stunt like that I will wear your ass out." Ella said sternly as if she was a mother giving a last warning to her child before she got the belt out.

"I don't plan on doing that again. The next time I have something I don't want to tell you know that I have to, I'll just bite the bullet and say it." Sandra told her and Ella could still see that Sandra was about to cry so she did the first thing that she could think of.

"You know the more that I think about it the more I think that you deserve a real spanking now." Ella said as she sat up then she started to grab Sandra.

"Oh no, you said next time." Sandra said protesting as Ella was trying to pull her over her lap.

"Well I changed my mind." Ella said as she briefly smiled at Sandra letting her know that she was playing with her, then she got that stern look back on her face.

"I don't think so." Sandra said as she realized that Ella was playing with her, "In fact I think you are the one that deserves a spanking as you told me "Fuck you and the horse that I rode in on."." Sandra added as she began to fight back trying now to pull Ella over her lap. Ella fought her for a little while before she let Sandra get her over her lap.

"Well you got me here now what you going to do?" Ella asked as she looked over her shoulder at Sandra.

"This!" Sandra said as she popped Ella a good one on her ass.

"Ouch! That hurt I didn't spank you that hard." Ella protested as she tried to reach back and rub the place that Sandra had spanked her.

"No you didn't but like I said you should have." Sandra said as she put her hand high over Ella's ass. Ella clinched her ass cheeks waiting for the next lick but when it came it was just a light tap. But like Sandra had done earlier that evening, Ella cried out as if she was in intense pain. Sandra continued to spank her and Ella continued to cry out with every lick until Sandra began to giggle which made Ella start to giggle as she cried out. Soon they were both giggling so hard that neither of them could continue with the game. This was when Ella turned over and she pulled Sandra down to her. They began to kiss as their giggling stopped. The kissing became more passionate as their tongues began their own kissing within Ella's mouth. Ella felt the need to make love to Sandra again and from the way Sandra's fingers were caressing her pussy lips, Sandra was also feeling the same need. So Ella rolled Sandra on over so that she was on top of her. They took turns kissing each other's necks and then breasts. Then they were back into the sixty-nine position making love until they couldn't go any longer. It was only then that they stopped and the kissing began again. Then they began to pillow talk as they wound down. They talked until morning as they needed to get their feeling out and let the other know how much they still loved the other no matter what had happened over the weekend. That was behind them and while they wished that it had never happen, it did serve as a reminder that it was better to go ahead and get things out in the open even if they knew it would cause a fight. As the sooner the fight was over with the sooner they could get to the best part of any fight, making love after it was over.

They got out of bed in time to get a shower in and then Ella fixed them breakfast. They sat and ate as they talked about everything but what was about to happen. Ella hated to turn down Shelly's offer but she knew that for her and Sandra it was what they needed to do. They would wait until they got out of the Air Force to decide what they wanted to do. She loved Sandra too much to push her into something she wasn't ready for. Besides this way she could talk Sandra into taking a class or two as they worked and show her that she was a lot smarter that she thought that she was. Ella kept the conversation going as she drove them to the Pentagon, not talking about what they would say but just talking. They went on into the building and went down to the secure area that Shelly's office was located. Their names were on the list so they had no trouble getting in but they were escorted all the way to Shelly's office were they were deposited. Shortly after sitting down, they were called into Shelly's office. Her desk was just as clean as it was before but Ella had figured out that was only to keep she and Sandra from seeing anything that they weren't suppose to see.

"So have you made your decision?" Shelly asked not bothering with any pleasantries.

Ella started to answer but Sandra beat her to it. "Yes we have, we would like to take you up on your offer." She said as she looked over at Ella giving her a look that told Ella not to say a word.

However Shelly noticed Ella's reaction and she directed her next question to Ella, "You both agree to this?"

Ella knew she was trapped and she was both pissed and proud of Sandra, "Yes madam, we are agreed."

"Very good, I'll get things started. Continue to work at your current positions while I get your paperwork going." Shelly told them.

"May I ask just where we will be attending school?" Ella asked as that would get them a step up on what they would need to do with their apartment and also she could get Sandra better prepared for college.

"Georgia State has a nice program and we have a professor there that you will do most of your studies with. He will take you under his wing and give you the added instruction that you will need when you have start here. Plus you will be able to spend some time in the middle east and get a feel for what you will need to know." Shelly told them and that made Ella feel better that it was going to be a smaller college that they were going to, as that would make it easier on Sandra to adapt to attending college and doing the study that she would need to do to pass her courses. Shelly told them a little more before she called her assistant in to escort them back out of the secure area, telling them that she would be getting back in touch with them.

After they had gotten out of the secure zone, Ella glanced over at Sandra who had a big grin on her face as she looked like the cat that had just ate the canary. Ella dragged Sandra to the first women's restroom that they came to. She looked around and saw that no one was in there so she pulled Sandra into one of the stalls closing the door. Ella then grabbed Sandra by the shoulders and slammed her into the wall. Sandra never stopped smiling even when Ella got right in her face and said in a very demanding voice, "Okay just what the hell went on in there?"

"We accepted Shelly's offer and come August we will be at Georgia Southern starting college just liked we have talked about since we joined the Air Force." Sandra told her in a calm voice.

"But what about what we talked about last night? I thought we decided to wait until our hitch was up then decide." Ella said still confused by Sandra's sudden change of mind.

"I decided that we shouldn't wait. This is a great job offer that will never come our way again. We need to do this for us." Sandra said as Ella released her grip on Sandra's shoulders but kept her pinned against the wall.

"Are you doing this for us or for me?" Ella asked her.

"Both, We need to do this and I need to do this for you and... I need to do this for myself. If I have to wait another two years, I will talk myself out of going. I know that I will and we'll be back at where we started from. I do think that with your help I can succeed. I just needed a reason to try and you're the best reason that I can think of." Sandra said softly.

"Oh god, what am I'm going to do with you?" Ella said more to herself than Sandra.

"You could kiss me, I need one so bad." Sandra said with a shy smile.

"That's my line sweetie." Ella said trying not to smile but doing so anyway.

"I'm borrowing it for a moment then you can have it back." Sandra told her then she asked, "So am I'm going to get that kiss?"

"Just this once." Ella said not caring that anyone could walk in and catch them at any second. She leaned in, pressing her body against Sandra's as she kissed her softly as she wrapped her arms around Sandra holding her tight.

"So what do we do now?" Ella asked as the kiss ended.

"Since we are in a bathroom, we could pee as I'm about to burst. Then I would suggest that we head back to our home and make love then catch a few hours of sleep.

"I think that's a good idea." Ella said as she stepped back from Sandra then she reached down to pull her panties down. She then lifted her skirt as she sat down to pee. She knew she was being just a little mean as Sandra was the one who really needed to pee but she had to get Sandra back a little for changing their plans without talking to her first. She sat there for a couple moments after she had finished peeing just to make Sandra squirm. She stretched it out as long as she could before whipping herself and then getting up making a production of pulling up her panties and straightening out her skirt before stepping to the side to let Sandra get to the toilet.

"Bitch" Sandra whispered to Ella as she quickly pulled her panties down and she sat down on the toilet seat as her pee started.

"Did I hear you calling me a bitch?" Ella asked as she leaned down to put her face close to Sandra's.

"Yes you did and you are one for making me wait like that." Sandra said as she put her hands to Ella's face and she kissed her as she finished peeing.

Ella laughed as the kiss ended and then she said, "I was just making sure I heard you right."

"You did." Sandra said as she wiped the pee off her pussy lips then she got up to put herself back together.

On the trip back home, they held hands as they talked about what it would be like to go to college and then study about the middle east. Ella began to doubt that they would be able to help Shelly's group as much as Shelly thought they would but this time Sandra was the one to encourage her and say that they would be able to do it. They had done everything else put in front of them and they could do this. Sandra was back to being her guardian angel and assuring her that things would be fine.

As soon as they entered their apartment, they attached each other. They were pulling each other's clothes off each other as they kissed and fondled the parts of their bodies that were being revealed. When they were down to just their panties, Ella dropped down to her knees and she began to pull Sandra's panties down. She could see the moisture gathered on Sandra's lips. She grasped Sandra's ass cheeks and she pulled Sandra's pussy to her mouth. She began to lick up and down Sandra's lips as Sandra opened her legs to give Ella room to lick her pussy. Ella slipped between Sandra's legs as she ran her tongue up and down Sandra's wet lips. She heard Sandra moan and she felt Sandra's hands on her head holding Ella to her pussy. Ella pushed her tongue between Sandra's lips moving her tongue around inside of her. Ella felt Sandra's knees start to buckle so she used her grasp on Sandra's ass cheeks to pull her down to her knees as Ella laid down on her back. Sandra shifted forward so that her pussy was back over Ella's face. She then let her knees slid outward until Ella could again start to lick her pussy. Sandra moaned at the first contact of Ella's tongue against her pussy lips. Sandra lowered herself down just another fraction and Ella push her tongue deep into Sandra's pussy. She swirled it around as her fingers slipped between the crack of Sandra's ass so that she could used her finger tips to tease Sandra's anus. Sandra moaned and groaned as she ground her pussy against Ella's face getting her juices all over Ella's face. Ella moved her mouth to Sandra's clit and she sucked it into her mouth. She sucked hard as she used her tongue to lick and tease it. This made Sandra groan loudly. Ella licked hard and fast as she sucked on Sandra's clit until she felt Sandra start to shake. She then moved her mouth to Sandra's pussy to catch all the girlcum that Sandra squirted out as she came.

Sandra fell forward onto the carpeted floor so Ella slipped from under her. She got behind Sandra as she recovered from her intense orgasm. Ella put her hands to Sandra's hips pulling up on them until her ass was in the air and she chest as laying on the floor. Ella looked down on Sandra's swollen pussy lips and the juices still on them and then at her little puckered asshole. Ella bent down and she started to lick at Sandra's pussy. She licked up and down the slit making Sandra moan again.

"Nooo..., it my turn to please you..." Sandra moaned out but she made no move as Ella was now licking at her clit making it impossible for Sandra to do more than just stay in that position and enjoy what Ella was doing to her. Ella kept her mouth and tongue on Sandra's clit until she knew that Sandra was past the point of trying to reverse their roles. She then let her tongue leave Sandra's clit so that she could slowly lick her way down Sandra's pussy lips. She let her tongue move inside of Sandra's lips so that she could get all the juices coming from her. She took her time as she moved down stopping to gently chew on those smooth bare lips. When she got to the bottom, she licked and sucked there for a few moments before she kept going. She then moved on down until she was at that pretty pick puckered asshole. She ran her tongue around the rim for a few moments getting Sandra to squirt. Then as she placed the tip of her tongue at the center, Ella placed two fingers to Sandra's pussy. As she pushed the tip of her tongue inside of Sandra, she pushed her two fingers into Sandra's pussy.

"Oh yes baby, just like that, don't ever stop..." Sandra moaned out.

Ella didn't bother to tell Sandra that she had no intention of stopping now. She pushed her tongue in deeper as her fingers bottomed out. She spread her fingers apart as she twisted her fingers around inside of Sandra's pussy. She then began to fuck Sandra's pussy with her fingers as she fucked her ass hole with her tongue. Sandra cried out her pleasure as she shook from her approaching her orgasm. Ella kept her fucking up until she felt Sandra's pussy clamp down on her fingers and her asshole clamped down on her tongue almost forcing it out however Ella pushed her tongue in deeper as she felt Sandra's orgasm rack her body. Ella kept fucking Sandra until Sandra finally collapsed onto the floor. Ella withdrew her fingers from Sandra's pussy and she licked them clean. She then got up on her knees and saw Sandra laying there half awake with a soft smile on her face. This made Ella smile as she knew that she had rewarded her friend for what she had done for her.

Ella got up and went to the bedroom to get them some covers and their pillows. When she came back Sandra was laying on her side curled up like a baby. Ella put the sheet and quilt over Sandra then she laid down beside of her. She slipped under the covers placing a pillow under Sandra's head. She pulled Sandra to her as Sandra stretched back out. Ella gave Sandra a kiss causing Sandra to open her eyes.

"I owe you..." Sandra said too sleepy to finish her sentence. Ella just smiled as she kissed Sandra again then she laid her head on Sandra's pillow falling asleep as soon as her head hit that pillow.

They woke up about an hour from the time that they had to be back at work. They rushed to the bathroom to get a quick shower in before they left as it took them about an half hour from the Pentagon. But that didn't stop Sandra from pinning Ella against the shower wall and then dropping down to her knees to eat Ella out. After Ella had her orgasm, Sandra promised that there would be more of that to come once they got off work. And she did as she promised as she pinned Ella to the bed and she wouldn't let her up until Ella had gone through several orgasms and she couldn't take any more.

It took Shelly about a month to get their secret clearances approved and then they moved to her department. Ella and Sandra were first made to read over things that had already been evaluated by one or more members of the group and then filed away. So the stuff they first worked on were over a year or more old. But it did give them a taste for what they should be looking for. It was excellent training as they began to learn more about the people and cultures that they would be studying.

As their time to leave for college, they made arrangements with Colonel Hills' wife to look after their apartment as they didn't want to give it up. It would cost them to rent two places at once but they felt like the little apartment was their real home, the first one that either of them felt loved in. they did take a couple of weeks off to go see Ruth and her family before heading down to Georgia State. They had a little trouble finding an apartment but they did. It was a little efficiency apartment that had one main room and a bathroom. They bought some cheap furniture to fill the apartment spending extra on the mattress, their study desks and a good laptop of each of them.

They got their schedules that had already been secured by Shelly as she would decide what classes that they would take and when they would take them. It didn't take Ella long to figure out just what Sandra's problem was as far as never doing well in school. When she was in high school, no one had bothered to show her how to study. She had always just put enough effort in to get by. So with Ella right beside of her helping her and also deciding when they would take their breaks from studying. Ella was careful not to push Sandra too hard and when she saw that Sandra needed to get out, she would stop their studying and they would go out and do something fun. This kept Sandra fresh and willing to put in the extra effort to succeed. So when the first semester ended, Sandra was overjoyed to see that she had made all B's and not the C's and D's that she was used to seeing. That evening they went out to the best restaurant that they could find and they celebrated. Then when they returned home they made love for the rest of the night.

The four years at college was a struggle at times but the year that they spent oven in the middle east is where they got their best education. It was harder for them being women to get around and talk to the people there with how women were treated in some of the countries that they visited. They used the dress of whatever the country that they were in even covering their faces when that was necessary. Still they learned a lot and got a whole new perspective of their own freedoms. They also became determined to find a way to help these women get the respect that they deserved. They knew that they could do little but they could try. They spent their time between semesters back in Washington working with Shelly and her group. Ella could tell that as each year passed they began to understand more of what was wanted and needed of them. They more that they learned the better they got at understanding the people that the US had little understanding of. They also got a much better understanding of the Muslim religion and they respected it. It was only the radicals that twisted it to justify their means but then all through the years people had done the same thing with the Christian religion.

After they graduated, they took a month off to go see Ruth and then they went back down to Charleston to see Angie who first made them come to her shop for a haircut and styling. She also gave them a shave to make sure that they were nice and smooth. This time neither of them were embarrassed to sit there with their legs sprayed apart as Angie worked on them. It also got them aroused to the point that Angie had to let them be alone for a moment to get rid of that arousal. So it was good that she did this after she had closed her shop for the day. Then they went out to eat with Angie and her partner. And of course they spent a couple of nights out on the beach making love and swiming naked in the ocean.

When they returned back to Washington, they were ready to go to work. They quickly got settled in and they looked forward to the time that they had together. Ella went to sleep every night thanking the stars that they sent her guardian angel to her.

The end.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

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