Ella's Guardian Angel

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 25, 2008


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Ella's Guardian Angel

Part Three

By Chris

Ella's knees were shaking as she walked back to the supply tent and they had to go back to work. The cargo planes began to land one after another and they were kept busy long after the Major arrived. They helped him until everything calmed back down then they went back to their tent to catch some sleep. Ella so wanted to make love again but her body demanded sleep first. She could see from Sandra's droopy eyes that she was in the same shape. So they stripped out of their clothes so that they could enter their nudist bed. Sandra kissed her then she pulled her in close. As Ella laid her head down of Sandra's chest, she fell into a deep sleep. They slept until it was almost time to go back to work. Ella was disappointed that they didn't have time to make love and she told Sandra that to which Sandra replied that there was always time to make love.

She then pushed Ella down onto her back and she turned around straddling Ella's body. Ella found that she was now looking up at Sandra's pussy and she smiled. She put her hands on Sandra's ass and she pulled it downward until Sandra's pussy was at her mouth. She began to lick and Sandra wasn't aroused at first but Ella had her wet and moaning in no time. Meanwhile Ella felt her own pussy being licked and sucked upon making her groan into Sandra's wet pussy. The vibrations from her moan went into Sandra's pussy causing her to moan hard which sent vibrations into Ella's pussy. This started a vicious cycle of moaning and licking until they both were groaning and moaning as they came. They licked each other clean before Sandra turned around and lay on top of Ella giving her a wet sloppy kiss.

"I told you that there was always time to make love." Sandra said with a big grin on her face.

"Yes you did sweetheart." Ella said as she put her hand to the back of her neck bringing Sandra's lips down for another kiss.

"Oh shit, we'll going to be late girl." Sandra said as she looked at her watch laying at the head of the bed that they had made for themselves.

"Let's haul buns girl." Ella said and she pushed Sandra up off of her but not before giving her another kiss.

They dressed quickly and headed for the supply tent where Major Hill was waiting impatiently for them. "Sorry Sir!" they both said as they rushed to their desks and began to work. Their hair was a mess and they desperately needed to hit the latrine but they held it in until Major Hill left them with instructions as to what needed to be done. Then they raced each other to the latrine to relieve their overloaded bladders. Ella went back to the tent as Sandra went to take a shower and when she returned, Ella raced out to get her shower in and to brush her teeth. On her way back, she stopped by the chow hall to get them something to eat. The night turn out to be just a busy as the previous night however Ella did find the time to request an early morning kiss that Sandra was more than happy to give her.

As the days and weeks passed, Major Hill put more on them letting them make most of the decisions as to where everything needed to go. This allowed him to control the big picture as his clerks took care of the small stuff. He would meet with the commanding Generals finding out what was happening and from that he knew what supplies needed to be brought in. So he would tell Ella what she needed to request from the states and she would do that as Sandra took on getting the supplies where they needed to go. When they would take time out to rest they would just put a sign out to call them if someone needed anything. Since they now knew when things were coming in, they also knew when they would have time to rest without someone bothering them.

Ella fell more and more in love with her friend and she knew that Sandra loved her just as much. She only wished that she could show her love somewhere other than when they were alone inside of their tent. But they were in the military which frowned upon lesbians and gays being there. Plus the fact that they were in a country where the religious beliefs condemned loves such as theirs. So she and Sandra made out as best as they could while they kept their love affair from anyone.

They did this well until they had been here about three months. It was a slow night and Sandra and Ella didn't have much to do. So Ella requested her nightly kiss that never failed to draw a smile from Sandra. So they put up their sign and they went around to their tent. They were just into the middle of a very passionate kiss when they heard the tent opening and they heard Major Hill say, "I need to see you two on the double!"

They both gasped as they turned to see Major Hill standing there with his shirt half buttoned and his hair a mess. "Yes Sir!" Sandra managed to say as she pulled away from Ella. Major Hill turned and went out of the tent leaving them both just standing there.

"I think our Air Force careers just ended." Sandra said in barely a whisper.

"I know." Ella said sadly. "I guess that we may as well face the music."

"Yea," Sandra said as she brushed her hair back and she took Ella's hand giving it a squeeze before she released it.

They walked slowly out of their tent with each step making their heart beat harder. As scared as she was being here, Ella didn't want to leave. The Air Force was her only way into college and it was gone now. She didn't blame Sandra for this, she loved every minute she had spent with her and that was something that she would never regret, not one minute of it. They entered the tent and they found Major Hill at his desk talking on the phone. Ella could see that his eyes were droopy as if he had been awaken from a deep sleep. Ella felt her knees shaking and then she felt Sandra's hand on her arm and that gave her the strength to face what she knew was coming. First there would be a lot of yelling and then Major Hill would call the MP's to take them to the brig. When Major Hill hung up the phone, Ella braced herself for what was to come.

"The General just called me and said that they was going to be a big push to get the insurgents from Bagdad. This means that they are going to need a lot more supplies up there and quickly. Here is a list of what they need now and here is a partial list of what we need from the US. I'm depending on you to get it to them.. I will be at the command center, you can reach me there if you need me to get someone's ass in gear." He said as he stood up to leave.

Ella couldn't believe that Major hill said nothing of what he had seen. She knew that what Major Hill would sooner or later get to what he had seen and she wanted to go ahead and face the music now rather than later. "About what you saw in our tent a minute ago..." Ella was saying when Major Hill stopped her.

"I didn't see anything." Major Hill said as he started to walk out of the tent.

"Sir, I don't mean to press but..." Ella was saying when Major Hill came back into the tent but not before he closed the flaps and zipped it up giving them as much privacy as possible.

"You two girls have been a godsend to me and to the Air Force. You have performed well beyond what could be expected of you. I don't know if you realize it or not but you two are what is keeping this war going. I was sinking fast before you got here and you have done wonders for my career. I would be stupid to turn you in and have you kicked out of the military. Beside I didn't see anything that I didn't know long ago. You look at each other like I look at my wife and that is something special. Just be careful, I won't turn you in but others will. Be careful." He told them and then he went to the tent flaps, unzipping them and then stepping out leaving Ella and Sandra stunned. Then he stuck his head back inside of the flaps and said, "Now get your asses to work before I report you for dereliction of duty!" Then he was gone before either Sandra or Ella could say "Yes sir."

"Do you know what just happened?" Sandra asked as she turned to Ella.

"Yea, we just said goodbye to sleep for a long while." Ella said with a sigh.

"No I mean, he's not going to turn us in. We get to stay in this hellhole for another year." Sandra said smiling.

"Yes we do and you're just going to have to keep your hands to yourself from now on." Ella told her not really meaning what she was saying.

"And you're going to have to stop asking for kisses." Sandra said as she stepped up close to Ella, so close that Ella could smell her scent and she felt the desire rise in her body.

"Well, maybe a kiss just every once in a while..." Ella said as she turned to face Sandra.

"Just one every once in a while?" Sandra asked.

"Yes... no... oh god I need one now." Ella said as she fell into Sandra's arms.

Sandra pulled her in tightly and gave her a very passionate kiss that didn't last long enough for either of them as the phone rang and they broke apart. Ella answered the phone as Sandra went to her desk. They set about working trying to get the supplies out to where they were needed and then getting more to replace them from the US. It was another forth-eight hours before they were able to fall into their bed and once there they barely got a kiss in before they were fast asleep.

Ella was the first to awake and she looked over at Sandra sleeping. Her hair was a mess and she had drool running from the side of her mouth but to Ella, Sandra have never looked more beautiful in her life. Ella didn't want to wake her lover but she just needed a kiss from her so bad. So Ella leaned in and she gently kissed Sandra on the lips.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to kiss me." Sandra said sleepily.

"How long have you been awake?" Ella asked Sandra giving her the evil eye.

"Long enough to begin to wonder if I was going to have to make the first move as I always have to." Sandra told her trying to get a rise out of Ella and Ella knew it.

"I do sometimes make the first move!" Ella said as she pushed Sandra onto her back and she kissed her. She grabbed Sandra's wrists pulling them above their heads. Ella felt Sandra returning her kiss and she knew that even though she was at the moment was being the aggressor, it was Sandra that started this but she was going to end it. She opened her mouth and she enticed Sandra's tongue into her mouth so that she could suck on it and caress it with her own tongue. She released Sandra's wrists but not before making sure that she left them in place. She then began to kiss Sandra's neck, giving it gentle sucks before going back to her lips to kiss her again. Ella could feel Sandra open her legs and wrap her around her hips. She felt Sandra's heels pressing down on her ass cheeks. This made Ella ground her pussy against Sandra's and she found that it felt good so she pressed down harder with her hips. This caused them both to groan from the pleasure they were feeling. Ella opened her legs up some to get more of her pussy on Sandra's and she could feel their juices begin to join. It was getting slippery and that made the grounding together of their pussies feel better. She could feel her clit rub against Sandra's clit. She let out along moan into Sandra's mouth as they kissed. Ella then felt Sandra pull her arms down and she gripped Ella by the shoulders. She took Ella by surprise as she turned her over and Sandra was now on top of her as she sat up. She placed one leg under Ella's and one on top so that their pussies could come together. This felt ever better to Ella as Sandra taught her something new and exciting. Sandra began to rotate her hips as she placed her hands down of Ella's breasts. She squeezed them as she pushed her hips down against Ella's. Ella let out a groan as she reached up for Sandra's breasts. She squeezed them then she went for her nipples pinching and pulling on them as she knew that Sandra liked that. Sandra began to move her hips faster and Ella pushed her hips upwards getting into the action. Ella felt her pussy getting wetter from both her own juices but also from Sandra's juices. It felt so nice and Ella could feel her orgasm getting so close. She pulled and pinched on Sandra's nipples harder so that she would come with her and from the look on Sandra's face, she was just as close as Ella was. They were both moving their hips fast and pushing against each other hard getting more contact between their pussies and clits. Then Ella felt that on rushing train and she began to moan as her orgasm hit her. She heard Sandra groan and she felt a rush of girlcum hit her pussy that only served to intensify her own orgasm. She drifted off to that special place with just her and Sandra there.

When she came back to reality, she felt Sandra's tongue on her pussy licking away. Ella opened her eyes and she saw that Sandra's pussy was just above her head. She could see both of their juices on Sandra's thighs and she commenced to licking them clean before she went to Sandra's pussy and she started to lick there. She got a long moan from Sandra as she started to lick and even a bigger one when she sucked Sandra's clit into her mouth. She had her hands on Sandra's ass and she squeezed those wonderful firm globes as she licked up and down Sandra's slit. They were both taking their time since their immediate lust had been filled and now it was the time to just make each other feel good. Ella felt Sandra using her fingers to open her pussy and she felt her tongue go in deep. Ella let out a moan into Sandra's pussy causing her to moan. Ella sucked harder and she licked deeper as she too used her fingers to open Sandra's pussy so she could lick deeper inside of Sandra. They licked and kissed each other's pussy until they both came. Then it was time to get dressed and go back to work.

The weeks and months passed and Major Hill kept them busy and he made no mention of the fact that he had seem them kissing. Ella was worried at first but soon she too forgot about it but she did make sure that no one saw them kissing or holding hands. She didn't want to take the chance of losing her money to go to college. That was her reason for joining the Air Force and Sandra was the reason she didn't give it up on that first night.

After a while things calmed down for them and there were long periods of time during the early morning eyes that they had nothing to do. Since they couldn't take too many kissing breaks without fear of being caught Ella came up with another game for them to play. It wasn't nearly as much fun as kissing but it did pass the night away. Ella had found an Arabic - English dictionary at the little commissary on the base. So once all the paperwork was done, they began to quiz each other. Ella would take a few words each night and they would practice them then they get the other to pronounce the word and tell the meaning. This worked fine but they had no idea as to how to put the words into sentences since they had no clue as to what the Arabic sentence structure was. This was where Ella sought out a translator for the Army to help them. On the days that he was stuck on the night shift and it was slow, he would stop by and help them with their translations. Sandra wasn't so keen on doing this at first but she did it for Ella who liked to study new things. Then once they were able to start using simple sentences in Arabic, Sandra saw the benefit of being able to talk in an language that most everyone on the base couldn't understand. If they wanted to talk about love or even making love they could now do so without anyone knowing what they were saying. They just had to be sure that there wasn't any of the translators around them as they did understand the language much more than either of them did. However after spending about a year studying a little bit every night they began to grasp the language very well, plus having the translators helping them from time to time went a long way in speeding up their learning curve.

As their time in Iraq began to wind down, they both began to worry where they would be sent next. Ella began to talk about where she wanted to go as they would have some choice as to where they wanted to go. There was no guarantee that they would get to go where they put down but the Air Force would try to send them where they wanted to go. One night as she talked, Ella noticed that Sandra had some worry lines going across her forehead.

"What's the matter?" Ella asked her.

"Oh it's nothing." Sandra said and then she started to say something else but then stopped herself.

"It's more than nothing, I know you better than that so tell me what is wrong. I know you don't want me to come over there and open a can of whop ass on you." Ella said as she stood up and made her hands into fists, putting them out in front of her. This caused Sandra to smile which was what Ella wanted but it didn't take the frown lines away. So she walked over to where Sandra was sitting and she put her hand on her back. "Tell me what's wrong, please."

"I need to tell you something." Sandra said and then she hesitated for a moment.

"What is it?" Ella asked as she was now beginning to worry as she knew that it was bad news.

"I called my old friend when I went to the latrine a little while ago to make sure that we could still count on her help." Sandra said and she hesitated again.

"And?" Ella said as she really began to worry.

"Her father got caught with an aid in his office, so he was forced to resign since he came from a very conservative district. So he no longer has any pull and she wasn't in any mood to try and help me in any way. Not that I blame her after what I did to her." Sandra told Ella.

"Just what did you do to her?" Ella asked.

"When we were in high school, she was a little on the wild side and she decided to see what it would be like to made love to a woman. I had just gotten dumped by my first girlfriend so I went along. Well we had some fun for a while but then she decided that her future lied elsewhere so she dumped me. It hurt for a while as I did grow to like her, not love her but I did like her. Anyway when you came along and I knew you were the one for me, I decided to use her to get us assigned together. She had decided by then to follow her father in politics and was studying political science in college. So I blackmailed her to go to her father and she did but not willingly. So now he has no power or influence and she had no reason to help me and she let me know that in no uncertain terms." Sandra confessed.

Ella thought for a second before replying, "What you did wasn't right but then I'm just as guilty as I knew what you were doing wasn't on the up and up but I didn't try to stop you as I wanted us to be together too. But where does that leave us now?" Ella said.

"I don't know, we may get lucky and a base will need two supply clerks but I kind of doubt it." Sandra replied and Ella could see that Sandra was about to cry and she felt the same way.

"I doubt it too but there has to be someone we can talk to. I know we are just two peons in the Air Force but we have spent almost eighteen months here getting the supplies to the right people who had to do the fighting of this war. That has to mean something to someone, right?" Ella asked.

"I don't know baby, I don't know." Sandra said and Ella leaned over and gave her a hug not caring who saw them this time.

The rest of the night they tried to come up with a game plan as to what to do and who they needed to talk to. Ella started to make a list of the various departments they needed to start hitting and they people there they needed to talk to. Neither was sure that any of it would work at this point as their orders might have already been cut and thus couldn't be changed. They just knew that they had to try and see what they could do. By the time that daybreak came they were both worn out from thinking and worrying. They were both depressed and just wanted to go to bed and get this day over with. It was then that Major Hill strolled into the tent looking refreshed and happy for once. Ella looked over at Sandra and Sandra was looking back at her. Ella could see that Sandra was thinking of the same thing, the one person that they had failed to consider asking for help had just walked into their tent.

"What?" Major Hill asked as he saw two set of eyes bearing down on him. He had seen the same look that Sandra and Ella were giving him from his wife on many occasions and he knew he was about to be hit up to do something.

"We need to talk to you sir." Sandra said as she got up and she motioned for Ella to join her.

"And what would this be about?" Major Hill asked as he carefully made his way around them and on to his desk. He sat down and he found that he was now trapped behind his desk as Sandra and Ella were stationed in front of it.

"There's something that we wanted to discuss with you." Ella said.

"I believe that has already been well established, now just what would this be about. You know how busy I am." Major Hill said as he swept his hand across his desk which was completely clean of paperwork seeing how Ella and Sandra had already got him caught up on all of his paperwork.

"Our tour is about up here." Sandra said and then Major Hill interrupted her.

"As is mine." Major Hill interjected.

"See we would like to be stationed together on our next assignment. We don't care where, we'll even stay here for the rest of our time in the Air Force if we can stay together." Ella volunteered not wanting to really stay here but if that was what it took then she'd do it.

"I see, so you don't want to work for me anymore?" Major Hill asked.

"Oh no sir, we like working for you." Ella quickly said. "You've taken real good care of us and treated us fairly, we couldn't ask any more from a commanding officer."

"Yea, you have even kept our secret when you could and maybe even should have reported us." Sandra added.

"Well you may not feel the same way after I tell you what I've done." Major Hill said seriously.

Ella glanced over at Sandra and she saw a very worried look come across her face, Ella knew that they were in real trouble now. Her greatest fear was that he had just done what Sandra had thanked him for not doing.

Major Hill let them worry for a long moment before he spoke, "It seems that I've been rewarded for all the good work that I've done here so they have promoted me to Lt. Colonel and have assigned me to the Pentagon."

"Congratulations sir." Ella said not sure what him being promoted has to do with whatever he had done to them.

"Yes sir, congratulations, you deserve to be promoted." Sandra added.

"I'm not done yet, it seems that being a Lt. Colonel assigned to the Pentagon has a few perks. It appears that I have to authority to bump a couple of hard workers up a rank and bring them with me. But then that gave me a hard problem of just who I wanted to take with me. There are so many good people on this base who have done a great job."

Ella again glanced over at Sandra who now had an hopeful look on her face. Ella didn't want to get her hopes up but she wanted this so damn much. She knew that they had gotten lucky to be assigned here together and to expect any more luck of that kind wasn't realistic but she had that hope all the same.

"I really had to chew this one over as I really didn't know who to pick. Finally I decided to call my wife and I asked for her advice. She has always gave me the correct advice about these types of decisions. She listened to everyone I had thought about and why I should or shouldn't bring them with me and then she told me who to bring." Major Hill told them and then he paused.

At this point Ella just wanted to jump across Major Hill's desk and start slapping him until he told them just who he chose. And when Major Hill just sat there with a blank stared like this was just a discussion about the weather and not their future, just made her even madder.

Finally Major Hill's face turned serious and he sat up at his desk. "So I decided that maybe I should listen to my wife once again. I really hope that you don't mind but come May 1st you both will be reporting with me to the Pentagon. I do hope that you're not too mad but if you are, then you have to take it out on my wife."

Ell let out a shriek of joy as Sandra did the same. Sandra then gave Ella a big hug. As they hugged, Ella could feel the tears that Sandra was shedding as she herself was crying. They parted and both smiled then Sandra nodded her head toward Major Hill. So they parted and they gave Major Hill the eye. He put his hands up as he knew what was coming however there was nothing he could do to stop it. They came from different sides of the desk and they both hugged him not caring that this wasn't the proper way to thank a officer. He let them hug him for a moment but the fact that anyone could walk in made him gently push them away.

"Thank you so much sir." Ella said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Yes, thank you sir." Sandra added.

"Now I expect the same hard work out of you there as I do here. I plan to work your asses off." Major Hill told them as he stood up. "And by the way you are both out of uniform and if you don't correct it then I will be forced to write you up."

Ella looked over at Sandra's uniform and could see nothing out of place and she knew that she was properly dressed. "What do you mean?" Sandra asked.

"You're both Staff Sergeants now, I want these sewn onto your uniforms by the time you get back here this evening!" he said as he pulled two pairs of stripes from his desk and tossed the strips to them.

"Thank you sir!" they said and this time they resisted the urge to hug him.

"Well now that we got that all settled, get your asses off to your tent and get some rest." He said as he escorted them to the flap of the tent. Then he stopped them before they went out. "There was no one I even thought about bringing except you two. You're the ones that helped me get my promotion so it was the least I could do for you. I truly believe that you're both the best supply clerks in the Air Force. And besides after telling my wife about you for these past fourteen months, she would have divorced me if I didn't bring you along. And by the way she is dying to meet you both." He said then he pushed them out of the tent.

"Can you really believe it?" Ella asked as they went toward their tent. "Did we just get lucky or what?"

"I think we did. But he was right, we did work our asses off for him this past year. We made him look good and now he is rewarding us for it. He gave us what we wanted the most. I'm glad that we are still working for him though." Sandra told her.

"I do know one thing though." Ella said.

"What's that?"

"We had better get these strips on fast." Ella said with a laugh.

"Yep," Sandra replied as she went to Ella and gave her a quick peck on the cheek and then she pulled her into their tent for a much deeper kiss.

As the kiss ended, they sat down on their bed and pulled out two clean uniform shirts to sew on their new strips. As they did their sewing, they talked about what it would be like to be in Washington and all the things that they could see there. They were both so excited knowing that they would be together and at such a great place to work. Once they got their strips sewn on, they changed shirts and they decided that they both looked great in Staff Sergeant strips. Then it was time to remove their shirts as well as the rest of their clothes. They slipped up under the covers, snuggling in close together.

"You know I've never kissed a Staff Sergeant before, I wonder what it will be like." Sandra said as she leaned in close to Ella.

"Me either and I'm more than ready to find out." Ella replied with a smile.

"I'm just worried that Staff Sergeants don't kiss as well as Sr. Airmen do." Sandra said as she kept her lips inches for Ella's lips.

"If you don't hurry up you'll be finding out with a fat lip." Ella said as she made a fist and she showed it to Sandra.

"And you think you're woman enough to give me one." Sandra asked challenging her.

"Yes I am!" Ella said as she gently put her fist against Sandra's lips.

Sandra kissed her knuckles before she took Ella's wrist in her hand pulling it down. She gave Ella a wink as she finally leaned in and gave Ella what she had been wanting for so long. Ella closed her eyes as she felt Sandra's lips touch hers and she allowed Sandra to ease her over onto her back. Sandra slid up on top of her without breaking off the kiss. Ella wrapped her arms around Sandra's shoulders as she brought her legs up and she wrapped her around her hips. Ella slipped her tongue into Sandra's mouth, running it around Sandra's teeth before she felt Sandra close her lips around it so that she could suck it further into her mouth. Ella let out a moan as Sandra sucked hard on her tongue, then she felt Sandra's tongue press against her tongue. Ella put her right hand to the back of Sandra's head holding it in place as they kissed. She loved kissing Sandra and she didn't want this kiss to ever end. However when Sandra began to move her hips down against Ella's pussy, Ella had to moan and grasp for breath. So that kiss did end as they tried to catch up with their breathing, then they lips came back together for a series of shorter kisses with their tongue getting into the kissing. Ella started to push back against Sandra's pussy and they were soon grinding their hips together getting the friction going with their clits pressed together. Sandra worked her hips up and down as Ella moved in the opposite direction. They had found that this provided them with the best friction against their pussies and they both enjoyed making love this way. They could kiss and caress each other as they ground their pussies against each other. Ella locked her heels together and pressed them against Sandra's ass pushing her downward. Sandra moved her lips to Ella's neck, kissing her there and giving her gentle sucks. Ella pushed her hips up harder and soon they were both approaching an orgasm. They went at it harder and faster and Ella could feel Sandra's juices coating her pubic hair and pussy as her own juices ran down her ass to the sheet below. Sandra gave a final shove with her hips causing them both to go over the edge and they clung together as they experienced the pleasure together.

"Oh god that was nice." Ella whispered into Sandra's ear as they hugged tightly.

"Yes it was but I'm not ready to quit yet, I need to taste you babe." Sandra said as she kissed her.

"I want you too, hurry and turn around." Ella urged her lover to do.

"Oh so that is what you want is it." Sandra stated as she looked down at Ella.

"Yes I do so get your ass in gear." Ella said as she gave a pinch to Sandra's right ass cheek.

"Ouch, you'll pay for that girlie." Sandra told her.

"I hope so now move before I give your other cheek a pinch." Ella warned her.

"Yes ma'am" Sandra said as she started to get up but not before she dropped her head to Ella right nipple giving it a playful bite.

"Ohhh..." Ella said as she brought her chest up to Sandra's mouth.

"So you liked that did you?" Sandra asked.

"Oh yes!" Ella said and she let out another long groan as Sandra gently bit down on Ella's left nipple then she gave the right one another bite before she got up on her hands and knees. She crawled up under the covers as she put her knees to each side of Ella's chest.

Ella reached up and she grasped Sandra's ass cheeks in her hands, pulling them down to her. Ella could see that Sandra's pussy was coated with both of their juices. She inhaled the musky aroma, sucking it all into her lungs. She then felt Sandra's tongue licking at her pubic hair and then her thighs. Ella opened her legs to give Sandra more room as she began to lick at Sandra's inner thighs getting the juices that had run there. Slowly she let her tongue reach Sandra's pussy lips. They were coated with fresh juices and Ella started to lick them up. She heard a muffled moan coming from under the covers so she knew that she had Sandra's attention. Ella used her fingers to spread Sandra's pussy lips open and she pushed her tongue in deeper. She licked in deep and sucked out the juices stored there. Ella moved her mouth to Sandra's inner lips sucking them into her mouth, chewing on them tenderly. Sandra now had Ella's pussy lips spread wide and she was pushing her tongue deep inside of her. Ella had to let out her own moans as she tried to concentrate on pleasing Sandra's pussy. Ella wanted to go slow and ease Sandra to an orgasm. She would move her mouth up to Sandra's clit, licking and sucking on it before going back down to suck on her pussy lips. Sandra was doing much the same thing to her and they were both getting close to a climax before being eased back down to earth only to be brought back to the precipice of an orgasm. Ella kept this up until she felt Sandra pressing her hips down pushing her pussy into Ella's mouth. Ella slipped two fingers inside of Sandra's wet tight pussy and she began to fuck her as she moved her mouth to Sandra's clit. She first licked at Sandra's clit getting it real sensitive and then she sucked it into her mouth. She fingers were moving fast and hard into Sandra's pussy making her shift backward on each in stroke of Ella's fingers. Sandra was now just licking on Ella's pussy and moaning hard as she approached her orgasm. Ella felt Sandra's pussy clamp down on her fingers and her mouth was flooded with Sandra's girlcum. She drank it down as she continued to suck on Sandra's clit and fuck her pussy. Sandra went through a series of orgasms before she could take it no more and she lifted her hips up away from Ella mouth.

Ella slowly withdrew her fingers from Sandra's wet pussy, then she ran those wet slippery fingers gently up and down Sandra's pussy going from her clit to her asshole and then back down. As soon as Sandra got herself back together, she began her assault on Ella's pussy, only now she did so with a vengeance. She pulled Ella's pussy lips far apart as she buried her mouth inside of it. Ella felt like Sandra's tongue was going into her womb and she pushed her hips up off the mattress. Ella let out a moan as she rubbed harder on Sandra's pussy. Sandra soon had two fingers deep inside of Ella's small pussy and she was fucking her good. Ella worked her hips in rhythm with Sandra's fingers. Sandra's tongue was now licking hard on Ella's clit, and then she would suck it deep into her mouth. Ella wanted so to cry out but she knew she couldn't so she pulled Sandra's hips back down and she screamed into Sandra's pussy. Sandra let out a real long moan and she sucked harder on Ella's clit. Sandra's fingers were just a blur as they fucked Ella's pussy. Ella felt her clit getting real sensitive and she let out a groan as she felt the fire rise up with her pussy and then explode outward, going throughout her body. She felt Sandra's pussy let out more of its girlcum as Sandra came with her.

"That was sweet." Ella whispered into Sandra's ear when she had gotten turned back around and was now laying on top of her.

"Yes it was and just think in less than a month, we will have four solid walls around us and we can make all the noise we want when we make love." Sandra said as she kissed Ella.

"That will be nice and we have a whole thirty days of leave before we have to report to the Pentagon. What are we going to do over that time?" Ella asked.

"Well the first thing we'll going to do when we get back is to find a nice hotel what has a big bathtub and we are going to soak in it for a week." Sandra said as her eyes seemed to become distant.

"That sounds nice, I could use a nice long bath." Ella said.

"Yes you can, I have been sleeping long enough with your stinking body."Sandra told her.

"Well I can fix that real quick." Ella said loudly as she put her hands on Sandra's shoulders and she pushed her up and then off the mattress. "You can sleep on the floor from now on." Ella said acting all hurt then she turned on her side with her back to Sandra who was now sitting on her ass on the floor.

"Babe I was just kidding." Ella heard Sandra say but she kept quiet, only pulling the covers closer around her.

Ella then felt Sandra's hand on her forearm and she slapped it away like she was really angry. "Honey, you smell sweet, you really do." Sandra pleaded and Ella could tell that Sandra was beginning to get worried. So she decided to let her off the hook but first she was going to let her sweat a bit more.

"So I don't stink?" Ella asked.

"No, you don't stink, I promise that you don't. I love the way you smell, I really do." Sandra said as she placed her hand back on Ella's forearm and Ella decided to let it stay there this time.

"Even when it is one hundred and twenty degrees outside and we have been working all night?" Ella asked.

"No you smell sweet then too. I love to smell your sweat." Sandra said as she edged closer.

"So if I don't take a shower from now till we leave here, you'll still think that I smell sweet?" Ella asked and she heard the hesitation in Sandra's voice as she replied.

"Yes, you'll smell sweet then too." Sandra said.

"Liar!" Ella said as she quickly turned onto her back, then she pulled Sandra down to her kissing her passionately.

"Oh you faker, I thought I was in deep shit there for a moment." Sandra said as the kiss ended.

"You still are but I know a way for you to make it up to me." Ella told her.

"And just what would I have to do?" Sandra asked.

Ella just smiled as she put her hands on Sandra's shoulders, pushing her down in the bed.

"Oh I see," Sandra said as she began to kiss Ella's chest between her breasts then going to the right breast taking the nipple into her mouth. Ella sucked in her breath as Sandra sucked her nipple into her mouth. Sandra sucked and nibbled on that nipple before going to the other one, kissing and sucking on it. Sandra used her fingers to caress and tease the breast that her mouth wasn't on making Ella groan and moan. Ella put her hands on Sandra's head holding it in place as she ran her fingers through her silky hair. Sandra then gave each nipple a last kiss before she started to kiss her way down Ella's stomach.

"Turn around so that I can please you too." Ella moaned out as Sandra reached her pussy and began to lick on it.

"No, this is just for you babe." Sandra said quickly as she lifted her head from between Ella's thighs.

"I knew that you were kidding me, I wasn't mad at you." Ella said.

"I know but I want to please you so let me." Sandra said and then she sucked Ella's clit into her mouth thus not allowing Ella to say anything except to moan. Sandra caressed Ella's pussy lips with her fingers before she inserted two into Ella's pussy. Ella let out a moan as she felt her pussy being filled up again. Ella lifted her ass up off the mattress as Sandra began to fuck her with her fingers. Sandra's tongue was licking Ella's hard clit with a passion. She would use the tip of her tongue to circle the hard nub then she would start to lick it before sucking it into her mouth. She kept repeating this process over and over again as her fingers sank deep into Ella's pussy fucking her hard. After already cumming twice, this orgasm was slower in coming but when it came it was the most intense one that she had that morning. She shuttered and she poured forth her girlcum that Sandra licked up.

Ella was exhausted by the time that Sandra was through with her and through she wanted to return the favor, she was just too tired so she let Sandra cradle her in her arms and kiss her as she fell asleep. When she woke later that afternoon, Sandra was still holding her tightly and Ella snuggled in close to her wonderful body. The heat of the day had penetrated the walls of the tent and they were both soaked in sweat. Summer would be there soon and Ella was glad that they would both be gone from there before it arrived. Still it was more than hot enough for her already. She could smell and feel the sweat that coated both of their bodies and it warmed her heart. She kissed the sweat off of Sandra's brow and she tasted the salty liquid. Ella kissed Sandra's face until she had all of the sweat gone and then she kissed Sandra upper lips getting the sweat there. She felt Sandra stir and she found that Sandra was now kissing her back. They rolled around on the mattress as they kissed and their slick bodies slid around.

"That is how I liked to be awakened." Sandra said as the last kiss ended.

"Me too, I wish we could just stay here in bed." Ella said wishfully.

"That would be nice but I would say that Major Hill would have something to say about that." Sandra replied.

"True, so let's go get a shower and get to work stinky." Ella said with a smile.

"Stinky, so now I'm the stinky one am I?" Sandra asked in mocked surprise.

"Yep," Ella said seriously and then she laughed as Sandra laughed with her. They then put their old uniforms on to go shower in, taking their clean ones with them. Ella was the first one out of the tent and she heard Sandra sniffing behind her. As she turned around, she saw Sandra holding her nose and acting like she was gagging.

"Funny, very funny." Ella said with a laugh as she pulled Sandra's fingers from her nose.

About two weeks before they were scheduled to leave, their replacements arrived. Ella took one look at them and she knew that they were going to have trouble. Both were Tech Sergeants with many years of experience in the Air Force. Ella knew that being a supply clerk in some stateside base was much different than it was here. So for the first week she and Sandra tried to tell them how things were done while Major Hill was doing the same with his replacement. They would talk with him during this week and they found out that he was having much better luck than they were having. Major Hill told Ella and Sandra to do their best but it was up to their replacements to figure it out if they didn't want to listen to them. It didn't take long for the replacements to screw up. A airman came in with a request for supplies that were desperately needed in Bagdad. Since he didn't have the proper forms filled out, they turned him away feeling full of themselves. A few hours later Ella was awaken by loud voices coming from the supply tent. She woke Sandra up and they quickly got dressed. The slipped out of their tent and went to the side of the supply tent. It was from there that they both heard what the ruckus was. They first heard Major, now Lt. Colonel Hill giving the men hell and then the Major that was replacing him laid into the two men. Ella had to smile as they had tried to tell these men what they needed to do and they wouldn't listen because they thought that they knew more than two mere women recently promoted Staff Sergeants. She glanced over at Sandra who was also smiling. They then snuck quietly back to their tent. This wasn't any of their business and they knew that Major Hill have chewed them out a few times at first but he did it a lot nicer as their errors were because they were trying to do their best and not because they wouldn't listen to what he had told them. Needless to say, when their next training session came, the two Tech Sergeants were all ears. They listened to everything that Sandra and Ella told them and even asked more questions. They no longer acted like they knew everything. Ella and Sandra for their part didn't hold anything back, they wanted them to do well because the war effort depended on how they were able to get the supplies into the country and then to the units that needed them.

Finally the day came for them to leave the country. Ella was even more scared of flying now as she had found out the taking off and landing in Iraq were the most dangerous time of the flight. They said their goodbyes to Lt. Colonel Hill promising to be there to meet him on May 1st at the Pentagon. He helped them get their stuff to the plane and got them secured in the plane then he told the pilots to take good care of his supply clerks. They gave him a salute and then they gave him a hug not caring that everyone in the plane was watching them. He had been a great commander to them and they was the way they knew best to show him.

"You okay babe?" Sandra asked as the engines started to warm up.

"As long as you are here, I am." Ella said as she felt the plane began to move.

"I'm not going anywhere." Sandra said as she grasped Ella's hand in hers.

"You had better not." Ella said with a smile.

"Besides I couldn't leave if I wanted to now. I don't have a parachute." Sandra said with a laugh.

"True." Ella said as the plane picked up speed and then took off.

Ella felt Sandra's hand grip her hand tighter and she knew that Sandra was a little nervous too. Sandra also knew all about take offs and landings in this country. They both kept quiet as the plane gained attitude and made sweeping turns as it did so. Ella felt her stomach turning queasy from both of the movement of the plane and the fear of being shot down. However the plane made it up to the correct attitude without anyone shooting anything at them.

When the pilot announced that they were out of Iraqi airspace then whole plane let out a sigh of relief. "You ready to start our new life babe?" Sandra leaned over and whispered in Ella ear.

"Definitely, now I'm looking forward to that big bathtub." Ella said.

"You should... stinky." Sandra said with a laugh.

"Oh you!" Ella said as she reached over with her other hand and gave Sandra's forearm a pinch.

"Ouch, that hurt!" Sandra moaned faking a severe injury.

"Oh you big baby." Ella said smiling.

"Only when I think I can get some symphony from it." Sandra said with a laugh.

They then began to talk about what they wanted to do over their leave. They knew that they needed to go back and see Ruth and her family. She had been handling their money for them while they were gone. And since they had spent very little of it while they were away, they had a nice nest egg put away. So they would fly out to see her and get their money and pick out a car. Ruth had already been looking for one and she had a few cars picked out that she thought were good ones and ones two young women would like. Ruth had been taking care of her family finances for years so she knew how to negotiate with car dealers. Ella and Sandra decided that they would let her do all the talking when they went to see the cars.

It was only a couple of hours flight to Turkey. There they had a six hour delay before their plane was ready to leave for the states. The excitement of leaving Iraq was starting to wane and they grew tired. So they found a isolated spot in the terminal so that they could catch a couple of hours of sleep. They stretched out in their chairs with their heads lying against each other. Then it was a long overnight flight to home. Even though this was a very smooth flight Ella still couldn't relax so she ended up keeping them both awake with her talking and she made Sandra go with her when she had to visit the restroom. For the most part they were the only ones awake during the flight, as the rest of the passengers had been on the front line in Iraq so this was the first time that they could truly relax since they had arrived in Iraq. When they landed at Charleston, South Carolina in was eight on Friday morning. Ruth had found that it was cheaper to fly out late Sunday evening so they had a two day layover in Charleston. They got their duffle bags and dragged them out to the curb to a waiting cab. They told the cabbie to take them to a nice hotel that had big bathtubs in their rooms. He gave them a weird look and when he realized that they were serious, he got his cell phone out and called his wife who had, at one time or another, worked in most of the hotels in this old southern tourist town. Ella sat and listened to the cabbie talking to his wife and she felt Sandra grasping her hand. She leaned over and smiled at her, feeling the tension leaving her body. The cabbie talked for a few minutes with his wife and then he hung up telling them that he knew just where to take them. Ella sat back in the seat and she felt Sandra pulling her in close. It felt so nice to be close without worrying about someone reporting them. Ella watched as they went toward the downtown area and on to what appeared to be a recently built hotel. The cabbie helped them get their duffle bags out and Sandra paid him and then gave him a generous tip for being so helpful.

"We want a room with the biggest bathtub that you have." Sandra told the clerk at the desk who Ella noticed was also the manager.

"Well that is an unusual request, most people inquire about the beds, not the bathtubs." He told them.

"We just spent the last eighteen months in Iraq taking quick cold showers. I want to soak in a tub for the next ten hours." Ella told him seriously.

"Well, I'm proud for everything you all are doing over there so I tell you what, I think I got just the room for you. It is our honeymoon suite but no one has it book for a while so I'm going to give that to you for the regular price. But there is only one bed, seeing how it is a honeymoon suite." He told them.

"I've been stuck with her in the same tent for the last eighteen months, I think I can stand it for another couple of days." Sandra deadpanned. Ella had to stifle a giggle at the way Sandra had put it as they had also been sharing the same bed for those eighteen months.

"Great and tell you what, we have a wonderful hair stylist here and I'll tell her to expect your call, she'll do your hair for free if you like." He said as he handed over the check in paper for them to fill out.

"Thank you so much, I think we both need a trim and maybe she can give us a wash and rinse?" Sandra asked.

"I don't think that'll be a problem. For all that you two have done, it's the least we can do. And if you need anything else at all, please feel free to give me a call, here's my card." He told them.

"Thank you so much, you'll been so helpful." Ella told him, as she gave him one of the cashier's check that Ruth had gotten for them to use until they could get to her house. He cashed the check and gave her the change which she pushed back toward him which would have made a very nice tip however he wouldn't take it. Instead he pushed the change back to Ella and summoned the bellhop to help them with their bags. The bellhop was an older man with a deep southern accent. He talked to them all the way up on the elevator then he opened the door for them. Ella tried to tip him too but he too wouldn't take their money. He had retired from the military and he knew that the pay wasn't that great.

"You ready for that long bath?" Ella asked after the bellhop had left, leaving them alone at last.

"I've been ready for it for the last eighteen months." Sandra said with a sigh.

"Well have a seat and relax and I'll get it going." Ella said as she came over and gave Sandra a kiss before disappearing into the bathroom.

Ella went straight to the tub and when she pulled back the shower curtain, she gasped at the size of the bathtub. It was the biggest that she had ever seem. "Hey Sandra, you got to see this tub." Ella yelled out to her friend. She waited for a moment but she got no reply. Ella quickly became concerned so she rushed back out into the room. What she saw made her smile. Sandra had her feet on the floor but she had laid back in the bed. Her arms were laid out wide and her mouth was wide open. And the sweetest part of the scene was the gentle snoring that Sandra was doing. Ella had kept her friend up for over twenty-four hours and Sandra had given out. Ella went to the big king size bed and she kneeled down in front of her. She gently took Sandra's boots off and then her socks. She got up, going first to Sandra's pants, getting them off of her. She then tackled Sandra's shirt and bra. She went back to Sandra's waist to pull her panties off. She looked down at her beautiful sleeping friend, loving that body as well as the soul within that body. She knew she shouldn't but the temptation was just too much so she leaned over and gave Sandra' a kiss on her clit making Sandra's snore into a moan. She would have loved to wake Sandra up and make love to her but she knew that her friend needed sleep more than love, so she pulled the sheets down and she moved Sandra around slowly and gently, taking care not to wake her. She covered Sandra up before undressing herself, then she slipped in beside of Sandra giving her a kiss as she pulled her in close. As she laid her head on the pillow beside of Sandra's, she fell into a deep sleep herself. The bath that they had both longed for so long would just have to wait a few hours more.

When Ella awoke early that afternoon, she heard water running in the bathroom and she had to smile as she knew that it was the bathtub filling up. Ella slipped out of bed quietly and she snuck over to the bathroom door. She saw that Sandra was bent over the edge of the tub and she was pouring something into the bathwater. It only took a moment for the sweet smell of lavender to reach her nostrils. Sandra bent over father as she ran her hand through the water getting the beads mixed into the water to get the bubbles started as it couldn't be a bubble bath without lots of bubbles. Ella saw Sandra's pretty pussy peek between her legs and she wanted to go over and give it a little kiss however she stayed in place. She just wanted to take in Sandra's beautiful body for a moment longer.

"Just a few minutes more babe and it will be ready for you." Ella heard Sandra say as Sandra turned around to face her and Ella could see that Sandra's hand was coated with bubbles from the bath.

"Have I ever told you just how beautiful you are?" Ella asked as she walked over to where Sandra was standing.

"Several times babe but I never tire of hearing it from you." Sandra said as she opened her arms to Ella, who stepped into them.

"Well you are beautiful, so beautiful that you take my breath away." Ella told her as she looked into Sandra's eyes.

"I guess I have better give you some mouth to mouth so you won't faint away on me." Sandra said as she leaned in and she kissed Ella passionately.

Ella fell into the kiss as she pulled Sandra in close to her. She ran her hands up and down Sandra's back caressing it as she felt Sandra's caressing her back and ass. "I think that you just took the rest of my breath away with that kiss." Ella told her as the kiss ended.

"Then lots more mouth to mouth is in order." Sandra told her as she put her hand to the back of Ella's neck and she kissed her again, this time opening her mouth so that their tongues could play. They kissed and kissed until the tub was full and only then did Sandra break off the kissing just long enough to help Ella into the tub. Sandra then got in and she sat at one end of the tub, helping Ella to sit in front of her with Ella's back to Sandra's front.

"Oh this feels nice." Ella sighed out loud as Sandra wrapped her arms around her body clasping her hands together just under Ella's breasts.

"Yes it does babe, yes it does." Sandra sighed with her.

Ella settled back and she turned her head around to give Sandra a little kiss. "Can you believe that we survived eighteen months in the desert?"

"I know, I wasn't sure that I was up for it. I was all in favor of going AWOL." Sandra said with a laugh.

"Hey you are the brave one. I'm the one who pissed her pants when we got shelled that first time." Ella told her.

"I pissed my pants too you know so you weren't the only one who was scared." Sandra said as she gave her a little squeeze.

"No baby, I pissed my pants, you just peed in yours so I wouldn't be so embarrassed. And don't tell me otherwise as my legs were between yours and I felt you peeing after I told you what I had done. I knew then that you were special." Ella said as she turned to her side and she kissed Sandra preventing her from arguing. She then settled back down as she felt Sandra caressing her back and side.

"Why didn't you call me on it then?" Sandra asked.

"Because you did it for me and besides that was after you had kissed me so I wasn't thinking too straight." Ella said and she thought back upon that first kiss.

"My kisses have been known to drive the young girls crazy." Sandra said.

"I'd prefer it if you would say that in the past tense." Ella said as she poked Sandra in the ribs.

"I don't know, maybe I want to keep my options open." Sandra said which earned her another poke in the rib and this one was much harder. "Ouch, that hurt." Sandra complained.

"The next one will be even worse, so do you care to rephrase that comment?" Ella asked her.

"At one time, my kisses were known to have driven the young girls crazy." Sandra said.

"Much better." Ella said as she sat up and turned around to face Sandra. She pulled her in close as she wrapped her legs around Sandra's waist.

Ella then put her hands to the back of Sandra's neck bring it in close for a kiss. Ella felt Sandra's hands at her sides and then she felt them moving inward and upward towards her breasts. When she felt Sandra's hands cup her breasts, Ella let out a moan into Sandra's mouth. She felt Sandra's fingers go to her nipples teasing them and making them hard. Ella squirmed around on Sandra's lap as Sandra's fingers continue to tease and then they began to pinch Ella's nipples.

"Ohhh.. that feels good." Ella moaned out.

"Then this will feel much better." Sandra whispered to her as she moved her right hand down to Ella's pussy.

"Oh fuck!" Ella cried out as she felt Sandra's fingers running up and down her slit. Ella moved her right hand down to Sandra's pussy and she start to run her fingers up against Sandra's clit causing Sandra to cry out.

Their fingers moved in and around each other's pussies as they kissed. Ella slipped a couple of fingers into Sandra's pussy moving them in deep. Sandra broke off their kissing only long enough to cried out her approval and then she went back to kissing Ella hard. They were both twisting around in the tub as they slowly brought each other to an orgasm. Ella let out a loud moan as she came and then she began to rub Sandra's clit hard bringing her to a orgasm quickly.

"That was nice." Ella sighed as she laid against Sandra.

"Yes it was, I needed to cum in the worse way." Sandra replied as she began to caress Ella's back.

"Me too." Ella said as she let Sandra turn her back around so that they both could stretch out. Ella lay back against Sandra and she felt Sandra wrap her arms around her. She felt so at peace with herself and all the tension of the past eighteen months began to fade away.

"You know I'm never getting out of this tub." Ella told Sandra.

"That's fine with me." Sandra said as she gave Ella a squeeze.

They then began to talk about what they were going to do here. Ella talked about going to the beach as she had never seen the sea except of looking out the plane window as they flew across it. But it was dark then and there wasn't really that much to see. Ella was excited about getting to see the ocean and to swim in it. They talked for a while before they fell silent. The warm water felt so good to Ella that she felt herself getting sleepy and before she knew it she was sound asleep snug in Sandra's arms. She woke up feeling Sandra kissing her on her exposed neck.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you." Ella said as she came out of her sleep.

"That's only fair, I fell asleep on you this morning as you were getting the bath ready so we're even."Sandra said as she smiled down at Ella.

"I think it's time we wash and get out of here. I'm getting a bit hungry." Sandra told her as she eased Ella into a sitting position.

"Me too but it's not food I'm hungry for." Ella said with a wink as she turned around to face Sandra in the tub.

"You little slut!" Sandra said.

"Yep, that's me, what are you going to do about it?" Ella asked her.

"This..." Sandra said as she leaned in for a kiss that Ella gladly accepted.

They kissed for a long while as their hands moved around each other's bodies going from their sides where they started to each other's breasts and then to their pussies where they slowly brought each other to another satisfying orgasm. It was only then that they began to wash each other leaving their hair for last. For that they let the water drain as they got up and turned on the shower. They first let the bubble bath rinse off their bodies then Ella washed Sandra's hair and then Sandra washed hers. Then there was one last kiss before they got out to dry.

They first talked about going out and getting something to eat but neither were in the mood to get dressed so they decided to spend a little of the money they had left so they ordered from room service. They looked over the menu and everything cost a fortune and they had about decided to go out for a burger but then decided that even though the burgers on the menu were three times what it would cost if they went out, they would get them there. So Sandra ordered as Ella went and got them a robe to put on. They watched a little TV as they waited. It had been almost two years since either of them had watched any real TV, and they found that nothing on really caught their fancy so they turned it over to one of the movie channels. There was a movie that had come out while they were gone so they had never seen it and they quickly got into to romance of the story. About half way through, there was a knock on the door so Ella went and opened the door and there was the food. Ella tipped the bellhop that brought it up and she wheeled the cart over to the bed. The cheese burgers were huge and very tasty. At first Ella thought that she would never be able to eat all of hers but then her hunger took over and she ate it all.

"You still hungry babe?" Sandra asked in a soft voice as the movie ended.

Ella knew just what Sandra was meaning so she replied with, "For you honey, only for you." Then she put her hands to the tie of Sandra robe and she pulled. Sandra's robe opened and Ella put her hands to Sandra's shoulders pushing the robe down.

Ella dropped her head down and she kissed Sandra' right nipple causing Sandra to let out a soft moan. Ella went to the other nipple kissing then sucking it into her mouth. She used her teeth to gently bite down on Sandra's hardening nipple and this time Sandra let out a louder moan. Ella let the nipple fall from her mouth as she was about to warn Sandra be quiet lest someone hear her, then she realized that they were no longer in their tent in Iraq but in a hotel room in the states. Ella smiled at Sandra then she pushed her back in the bed. Ella lay down on top of her kissing her lips before going back to Sandra's breasts. She cupped them in her hands as she used her fingers to caress the nipple of the breast that she wasn't kissing and sucking on. Sandra began to heat up and Ella felt Sandra's hands on her shoulder, pushing Ella's robe off of her. She helped Sandra get her robe off as her mouth never left Sandra's nipples. She sucked and bit on them wanting to make Sandra moan louder. They had always had to be careful when making love but now they could go all out and Ella was doing that. She was more aggressive than she had even been before. She bit and chewed on Sandra's nipples before she began to kiss her way down Sandra's body. She could smell Sandra's arousal long before she got to Sandra's pussy. When she made the first lick up Sandra's slit, she found it coated with juices. Ella licked them all up before she slipped her tongue between Sandra's lips going in deeper and getting more juices from her. Sandra was moaning ever louder and she put her hands to the back of Ella's head holding in to her pussy. Ella placed her hands on Sandra's inner thighs, pushing them out wider so that she could get her tongue in deeper. She fucked Sandra with her tongue as she used her thumb on Sandra 's clit. She rubbed it as she licked and sucked. She felt Sandra pushing her hips up off the bed driving her pussy into Ella's mouth. Ella began to rub Sandra's clit harder and faster getting Sandra closer to an orgasm. She pushed her tongue in deep swirling it around inside of Sandra's pussy. She felt Sandra jerk and then there was all this girlcum flowing out of Sandra's pussy. Ella licked it up as best she could but some she missed and it ran down to sandra's ass. Ella's tongue followed it down.

As her tongue hit the area of skin between Sandra's pussy and asshole, she felt Sandra shiver. She let her tongue go on down as she saw that Sandra was liking what she was doing. Then the tip of her tongue touched the edge of Sandra's asshole. Ella stopped for a second as she realized just where her tongue was going. Sandra was still too and they both waited for what the other would do. Ell pushed Sandra's legs up and out exposing Sandra's little puckered rosebud to her mouth. Then without thinking any further, she moved the tip of her tongue on down. She felt the rim of Sandra's asshole again and this time she went further. She let the tip of her tongue go around Sandra's asshole and she felt Sandra stiffen up. Ella began to wonder if she had done something wrong and ruined the special moment that they were having. Then she felt Sandra's body relax and a little moan come from her. Ella ran her tongue around the rim of Sandra's asshole and this time Sandra let out a louder moan. Ella felt better now and she let her tongue continue to go around Sandra's little asshole. Sandra pulled her legs up further and that allowed Ella to run her tongue across the puckered rosebud. She then put her tongue to the center of Sandra's hole. She pushed her tongue out putting pressure on Sandra's hole. She felt the muscles relax and her tongue slipped inside of Sandra. She didn't think of where her tongue was but what effect that it was having on Sandra who was moaning aloud. Ella found that the only thing she could really taste was Sandra's pussy juice that was running down to her asshole where Ella was licking.

"Oh fuck girl, no one has ever done that to me, please don't stop!" Sandra cried out as she let out a long moan.

This made Ella try even harder and she pushed her tongue on inside of Sandra. She moved it around before she started to fuck Sandra's asshole with her tongue. Ella put her fingers on Sandra' clit and she started to rub hard and fast against it. Sandra's juices poured from her pussy and down to where Ella was licking. Ella sucked the juices in as she fucked Sandra's asshole with her tongue. Ella rubbed harder and faster on Sandra's clit and soon she had Sandra cumming hard. Ella finally let her tongue slipped from Sandra's asshole and she moved it to where all that sweet girlcum was coming from . She licked and sucked it up as she brought Sandra through a series of orgasms.

Finally Sandra had to pull Ella from her pussy and she pulled her up in the bed. "Oh god girl where did you learn that from?" Sandra asked as she kissed her.

"I didn't learn it from anyone, it was by accident that I did it. I hope that I didn't gross you out." Ella said as the kiss ended.

"Oh hell no, you surprised me for a second but then I realized just how good it felt. Now it's your turn babe." Sandra said as she turned Ella onto her back.

"You don't have to do that to me if you don't want, it's cool." Ella told her.

"Oh yes I do, I want you to know just how good it feels." Sandra told her as she gave her a deep passionate kiss that went on forever. Ella was lost in the kiss and her lips kept tingling long after the kiss ended while Sandra's lips moved on to her breasts where she was kissing and teasing them. Ella's nipples were hard as a rock as Sandra sucked and chewed on them. Ella wrapped her legs around Sandra's waist and she was rubbing her pussy against Sandra's soft stomach. Sandra knew what Ella needed and she left Ella's breasts to her hands as her mouth moved down Ella's stomach. Ella felt Sandra's lips kiss her clit and she let out a loud moan, not caring who could hear her. She opened her legs up so that Sandra would have no trouble getting to every part of her pussy. She felt Sandra's tongue covering her outer lips then it went in between them licking deep. Ella let out another moan as she felt Sandra pinching her nipples. Ella was gripping the sheet in her hands pulling and twisting the sheet as she pushed her pussy into Sandra's mouth. Sandra's mouth pulled and chewed on Ella's pussy lips before it moved to her sensitive clit. Ella was already on the edge of her orgasm when Sandra sucked her clit into her mouth. Ella cried out as she felt the waves of the orgasm crash all around her. Ella felt her soul leaving her body as each wave crash hard. It took a moment for Ella to recover and when she did she found that Sandra was tenderly licking up her girlcum.

Ella then felt Sandra placing her hands to the back of her thighs and she let Sandra lift them up and out. Ella got a little nervous at what was about to come. She forced her body to relax and she let things happen. She felt Sandra's tongue move along the slit getting her aroused again, moving her slowly along. Then before she knew it Ella felt Sandra's tongue heading southward. Ella moved her legs up higher opening her ass to Sandra. She was now wanting it and Sandra slowly licked her way down to her asshole. The first lick sent a tingle throughout her body. Sandra was right about how good it felt to be licked in such a taboo place. Ella relaxed her asshole as Sandra's tongue teased it. Ella let out a long mournful moan.

"Fuck!" Ella cried out as she felt her pussy leaking it's juices. Sandra's tongue rimed her asshole for a few moments then Ella felt the tip at the center of her asshole. Slowly she felt the pressure and she allowed her asshole to open to accept Sandra's tongue. It moved on inside of her and Ella thought that she had died and gone to heaven. The tongue probed her asshole causing Ella to shake with excitement. Sandra's fingers moved to her pussy and two of them pushed their way inside of her pussy. Ella let out another loud moan. the fingers went deep inside of her as Sandra's tongue went in deep too. Soon it all became too much and she let out a loud cry as she came all over Sandra's fingers.

"So how was it?" Sandra asked as she moved back up on top of her to give her a kiss.

"It was great, just like you said it would be. I think we got to try this more often." Ella said as she gave Sandra a kiss.

"I think so too." Sandra replied after the kiss ended.

"This has been a wonderful day, thank you." Ella said as she rolled Sandra onto her side and they were now facing each other.

"You're welcome and thank you too." Sandra said as she pulled Ella in close and they kissed for a few minutes then they both fell asleep catching up on the sleep that they had missed.

"Hello," Ella said as she answered the phone early the next morning.

"Hi this is Angie from The Beauty Shop, I believe that Howard promised you a styling." Angie said.

"Oh yes, he did and we could both use a cut." Ella said as she shook Sandra awake.

"Well, We don't open until ten so I was hoping to work you both in before then, that way we would have the place to ourselves and I can take my time with you both. If that is all right with you." She told Ella.

"Sure that will be great. When do you want us there?" Ella asked as Sandra was now awake and trying to listen in on the phone call.

"Give me about thirty minutes and then come on down." Angie told Ella.

"So we getting our hair styled this morning?' Sandra asked.

"Yep and we only got thirty minutes to get ready so get your ass in gear." Ella said as she gave Sandra a quick kiss then they both got up and headed for the bathroom.

"So you're my two solders?" Angie said as she opened the door.

"Yep, I'm Sandra and this is Ella." Sandra told her.

"Well, I can see that you could use a trim, when was your last haircut?" Angie asked as she came over to Sandra and ran her finger through her hair checking out what needed to be done.

"A little over eighteen months ago. We both had long hair and we got it cut off and donated it before we left for Iraq." Ella told her as Angie went over to her and was checking out her hair.

"So you going to grow it back out or leave it short?" she asked as she guided Ella over to her chair making Ella the first one to go first.

Ella looked over at Sandra who was looking back at her. Angie was watching them closely and she could see that they were closer than most friends were. Ella wasn't so sure what she wanted, she liked her hair long and how she looked with it but she also liked how easy her hair was to take care of short.

"Well?" Angie asked as Ella continued to look over at Sandra.

Ella tried to figure what Sandra was thinking and she seemed to get the feeling of her wanting it to stay short and that was what she wanted.

"Short." They both said at the same time and then they laughed at their thinking the same thing.

"Short it is and I think I know just what we need to do."Angie said and then she described what she wanted to do to Ella's hair and then she went over to where Sandra was sitting and she describe what she wanted to do to her hair. They both approved of what Angie was going to do. Angie took Ella back to wet down her hair before taking her back up front to start trimming Ella's hair. She worked quickly but Ella could tell that this middle aged lady woman knew just what she was doing. Ella kept a watch on Sandra and she was smiling through out what Angie was doing to her so that made Ella confident with what Angie was doing. It wasn't long before Ella was getting her hair washed and then dried. It was only then that Angie gave Ella a mirror and she looked at her hair.

"Oh it's great, I love it. What do you think Sandra?" Ella asked.

"You look beautiful babe." Sandra told her and Ella blushed at the compliment as Angie smiled.

Ella got up from the chair letting Sandra have her turn. As Sandra was getting her hair wetted down, Ella looked at her hair and she really did love it. Angie sure knew what she was doing. When Sandra and Angie came back, Ella sat down in the chair facing them and she watched as Angie trim Sandra's hair getting it just the way she wanted it. Angie worked quickly as she talked about the town and asked Sandra and Ella what they were going to do while they were there. Ella of course said that she wanted to get a bathing suit and go down to the beach. Angie suggested that they look over the suits that she offered in the shop. She said that she would have to charge them but she would let them have them at cost. She soon finished with Sandra's hair and when Ella got to see it, she thought that Sandra looked absolutely beautiful and she told her so.

Angie then took them over to where she had her clothes that she sold and they were all very expensive. When Ella and Sandra got to the swimsuits, Ella saw that they were all very small. She wasn't sure she wanted to be seen out in public in one of them however Sandra did want to see Ella in one and Ella knew why. Ella finally picked out a light blue one and Sandra found one that was of a aqua color. Angie showed them where the dressing room was and they both went inside. Ella and Sandra quickly undressed and they put their suits on. Ella thought hers was much too small as they barely covered her breasts and she felt like most of her ass was showing. Sandra's suit didn't cover anymore of her body but Ella thought it looked great on her and Sandra convinced Ella that her suit was perfect.

"Come on out girls, let me see what you look like." They heard Angie call out to them.

"We got to let people see us sooner or later." Sandra said as she gave Ella a kiss before she opened the door.

"Well aren't you both so cute. Turn around and let me get a good look at you." Angie said as she made them show off how they looked in their new suits. "Their perfect for you. I know they're a little expensive but they do show off your beautiful bodies." She told them.

"Thank you, I think we'll take them." Sandra said making the decision for them, both.

"Great but I think I need to do a little more trimming before you leave here." Angie told them and Ella looked at Sandra's hair and she couldn't see where it needed any further trimming. She looked back at Angie just as Sandra did and then Angie said, "A little lower ladies." Then she pointed down to their crotches where a little of their pubic hair was now peeking out.

"We haven't been wearing anything but our uniforms for a while, I guess we have not trimmed there in a while." Sandra said as Ella blushed.

"It's cool, I can trim it up for you, if you like." She said and Ella blushed even more as she thought about someone other than Sandra seeing that part of her body. "Don't worry I do it all of the time. You'd be surprised how many of my customers have me trim or shave their pubic hair. It's just easier for me to do it then them trying to get it just the way they want it on their own. If you don't want me to that's fine but I would suggest that you trim and shave a bit down there."

"What do you think? I'm up to it if you are." Sandra said being the daring one as she always was.

"Okay, but only if you are there with me." Ella said.

"Don't worry girls, I'm a lesbian but I don't move in on my customers and I don't mess with women who are already taken. Besides my partner Leslie would cut my tits off if I ever thought about straying." Angie told them as she let out a laugh. This put both Ella and Sandra at a little more ease about what Angie was about to do to them.

"How did you know we were lovers?" Ella asked surprised at Angie figuring it out after only knowing them for an hour or so.

"Oh the way that you look at each other and how you act toward one another. The love that you have for each other just shows through." Angie said as she took them both by the arm and lead them back to a room in the back. Once there she closed and locked the door.

"Okay whose first?" Angie asked and Ella pushed Sandra toward the chair that looked more like a GYN chair than a hair stylist chair. Angie went over to the counter top and got a electric razor and then to the sink where she got the rest of the supplies that she would need as Sandra sat down in the chair. Angie filled up a bowl with warm water and put it on a table that had wheels so that she could move it close to where she would be working, then she brought it over with a small stool that was also on rollers. She sat down in front of Sandra and set her stuff up.

"Honey you're going to have to lose the bottoms before I can do anything." Angie told Sandra as she smiled.

"I guess that would help." Sandra said blushing a bit. Ella came over and helped Sandra slid her bikini bottoms down and then she took Sandra's hand in hers as Angie moved between Sandra's legs. She helped Sandra place her feet on the two foot pads that were situated to each side of the end of the chair. This served to open up Sandra's pussy to Angie.

"So what do you want, just a trim or do you want it to shave it all off. I will have to tell you that with that bikini, I'll have to trim most of your pubic hair off to prevent any from peeking from the sides." Angie told them both.

"What do you think we should do?" Sandra asked Ella leaving the decision to her.

Ella hated that Sandra was making her make the decision since Sandra was the one that got them into this. She thought over what she wanted done to her as whatever Sandra got she would also get. Maybe that was why Sandra was letting her make the decision, Ella thought to herself. "What do you think?" Ella asked Sandra hoping that she could switch the decision back to her.

"I asked you first and besides you're going to be spending more time looking at it than I am." Sandra said as she gave Angie a wink.

"Sandra!" Ella said as she let go of Sandra's hand and then used that hand to slap Sandra's shoulder, hard.

"Ouch, that hurt!" Sandra said.

"Well you deserved it." Ella said and then she glanced over at Angie who was enjoying their little fight immensely.

"I was just telling it like it is, Angie can agree with that can't you?" Sandra trying to get Angie on her side.

"Hey I'm staying out of this. It's your decision, not mine." Angie said holding her hands up.

"Shave it." Ella said as she looked down at Sandra who was now smiling at her and Ella knew that she had been sucked in by Sandra as obviously that was what she wanted the whole time.

"You heard her shave it." Sandra said confidently.

"You sure?" Angie asked as she looked up at Ella.

Ella looked over at Sandra and she used her eyes to asked Sandra what she really wanted. Sandra reached up and she took Ella's hand before saying, "I've always thought about shaving it all off just to see what it looks and feels like but never had the guts to try it until now, but if you don't want yours shaved then we'll both just have it trimmed."

Ella thought for a second and she knew if that was what Sandra wanted then she would do it too. Now that the decision had been made she was warming up to the idea. "We want it all shaved off." Ella said confidently and she felt Sandra squeeze her hand.

"Go for it!" Sandra said as she eased her ass to the edge of the seat and she opened her legs to Angie.

Ella leaned forward as Angie picked up the electric clippers and she turned it on. Ella felt Sandra squeeze her hand a little harder and then harder still as Angie put the clippers to the top of her pubic hair and she began to slowly more it downward. Neither Sandra or Ella had trimmed their pubic hair though they did shave all the hair from their thighs when they shaved their legs. So their hair was long and Ella saw it being shaved from Sandra's pubic region. Angie worked carefully going around Sandra's pussy getting all the long hair off. Ella saw Sandra's lips come into view and they were pretty. Ella was growing to like this idea more and more. Once Angie had the hair down to about a quarter inch, Ella could see Sandra's inner lips peeking out from between her inner lips. Angie got a wet cloth and she wet the hair around Sandra's pussy then she put some gel onto her palm. Ella leaned over to get a better look as Angie gently worked the gel into Sandra's skin getting it into a lather. Angie picked up a weird looking razor and she began to shave. Ella saw Sandra's pale skin come into view as each swipe of the razor. Angie got the top clean then she began to work around the sides. Sandra's pussy lips came into view ever better and Ella found herself lusting after those lips. She could feel her own pussy starting to get wet and she could do nothing about it. Angie got all the hair off then she wiped Sandra clean. Ella leaned over and she loved what she was seeing. Angie checked Sandra out then she applied some more gel in a couple of places and she did just a few more cuts. She felt around and Ella saw Sandra squirming just a bit and that made Ella smile. Angie wiped Sandra off once more and after feeling around she seem satisfied with what she had done.

"Just one more place to get." Angie said and Ella looked down and couldn't see where there would be any more hair.

"Where?" Ella asked as she looked down to Sandra's pussy and she saw no hair.

"I hate seeing a woman with a clean cunt and a hairy asshole." Angie said bluntly then she pushed Sandra's legs on up making Sandra hold them in place. And before Sandra or Ella could say anything, Angie had the gel and was coating the area around Sandra' anus. Since there wasn't all that much hair there, it didn't take her long to get it clean and smooth.

"You could have warned me." Sandra said as Angie let her legs back down.

"If I had, then you might have said no, this way I got it done before you could think about it, besides you both will thank me in the end." Angie said smiling. "So what do you think Ella?" She asked not bothering to ask Sandra.

"I like it. I really do, she is so pretty." Ella said.

"Yes she is, now it's your turn." Angie said and then she looked over at Sandra and told her, "Get up girl and let Ella have a seat."

Sandra got up and Ella noticed that she didn't bother to put her bikini bottoms, instead standing by her half naked, not that Ella minded as she liked to look at Sandra. Ella started to turn and sit on the chair when she remember that she was still wearing her bikini bottoms. She took a look at Angie who was waiting patiently. Ella was more than a little nervous as she put her fingers to the sides of her bikini bottoms pulling on the ties. The sides came loose and the front and back of the bikini fell loose but was still held be her thighs. Ella opened her legs to pull the bikini loose. She noticed that there was a small wet spot on the crotch of her panties. She was hoping that Angie wouldn't notice however seeing where she would soon be working, there wasn't much hope of that. Ella handed her bottoms to Sandra then she turned and sat in the chair. Without having to be told, Ella put her feet up on the braces and she slid her ass to the edge of the chair. Ella felt her whole body go red from embarrassment at having someone other than Sandra see her up close like this. Sandra came to her side about this time, taking her hand in hers. Ella squeezed Sandra's hand as she turned her attention to Angie who had the clippers in her hand. Ella squeezed Sandra's hand harder as the clippers got closer to her pubic hair. Angie glanced up to Ella before she made the first swipe and after only a moment's hesitation, Ella gave her the nod to go ahead. Angie placed the clippers against her skin then she make the first cut. Ella sucked in her breath as she saw her blond pubic hair curl up on the clippers then fall to the floor. Ella knew there was no turning back now so she began to relax. Ella leaned back as Sandra leaned forward so that she could get a better look at what was happening as Ella did when she was being shaved. Ella watched Sandra's face as the hair came off trying to read her thoughts. The only problem was that Sandra was concentrating so hard that she had no idea what Sandra was thinking. Ella could feel Angie's fingers working around her pussy and she hoped that Angie would keep mum about the wetness she found there and Angie did as she was always a professional first. Ella could feel the cool air hit the skin around her pussy and she liked the feeling. Soon Angie put the clippers down so that she could get to the real part of shaving her.

As Angie moved over to get the razor ready, Ella leaned over to see what she looked like. She could see her outer lips clearly through the short pubic hair. She looked over at Sandra who was staring intently at Ella's pussy. Ella squeezed Sandra's hand to get her attention. When Sandra turned her head toward Ella, she was smiling and that made Ella feel so much better but then she got a little nervous as she saw Angie was getting ready to shave the rest off. Sandra leaned in against her and that made Ella feel good to know that her guardian angel was there by her side. Nothing bad could happen to her with Sandra at her side. Ella sucked in her breath as Angie applied the warm water to her pussy and then the cool gel came next. Ella did have to admit that it felt nice with the way that Angie was rubbing the gel into the skin around her pussy. But not nearly as good or exciting as when Sandra was touching her there. Ella watched closely as Angie picked up her special razor and made her first swipe. The razor pulled at her skin but not too much. Ella kept her eyes on Angie fingers as they guided the razor around her pussy getting all the hair. Soon Angie was working carefully around her pussy lips and then she was wiping the remaining gel off. Elle felt Angie's fingers run across her smooth skin and it felt so strange. Angie got some more gel and she cleaned up a few stray hairs that she missed the first time. Angie then put her hands under Ella's knees, raising them up. Ella blushed a bit but she knew this was coming so her lifted her legs up so that Angie could get the last of the hair around her asshole. Angie made quick work there much to Ella's relief and Angie wiped the last of the gel off.

"Well?" Angie asked looking directly at Sandra.

"Beautiful, she looks good enough to eat." Sandra said causing Ella to blush deeply.

"Sandra!" Ella yelled as she let go of Sandra's hand so that she could slap her arm.

"Ouch, that's the second time that you have slapped me this morning." Sandra complained as she rubbed her arm where Ella had hit her.

"And you deserved both of them, you little hussy!" Ella said but she was smiling now.

"I was just answering Angie's question honestly and it's the truth, you look beautiful." Sandra said as she leaned down and gave Ella a kiss that Ella gladly accepted not caring that Angie was there watching them.

"Sorry about that." Ella said as the kiss ended.

"Hey sometimes you just have to kiss." Angie said smiling as she got up and went to the sink to clean up her stuff.

"Thanks, you did a great job. Where can we get some of those razors, if we should decide to keep ourselves shaved?" Sandra asked Angie.

"I'll give you a couple but you can find them in most any hair styling supply shop." Angie said and then she added, "I don't want to rush you both but the rest of the stylists will be arriving soon and I need to get the place ready to open."

"Oh okay, we'll get dress and get out of your way." Sandra told her.

"We do appreciate what you did for us." Ella said.

"Hey, it was no problem, I enjoyed it. It was nice to talk to you both, I enjoyed it so much." Angie said as she dried off her hands on a towel. Then she came over and gave them both a hug. "I'll let you get dress, just meet me out front when you are ready." She said as she went to the door and let herself out.

"So you really like me this way?" Ella asked as she opened her legs for Sandra to see.

"Yes I do, you look so cute." Sandra said and then she asked, "Do you like me shaved?"

"Yea, it's pretty. I mean I have seen you up close and loved how you looked with hair but now you look completely different but just as pretty. I love you this way but I also love you with your pubic hair." Ella said feeling like she was contradicting herself.

"I know what you mean, I feel the same way about you too. So which way do we go from here, shaved or with our pubs?" Sandra asked.

"We could stay shaved for a while and then we can just let it grow back out if we like." Ella said and then she added, "But I think we need to get dressed before Angie wonders what we are doing in here."

"Maybe we should be doing something in here and not waste time talking." Sandra said with a sexy wink.

"Later sugar, first we're going to the beach." Ella told Sandra.

"What if I can't wait?" Sandra asked only this time she stepped up to Ella, pulling her in close and kissing her passionately.

"Oh my..." Ella panted as the kiss ended and she felt herself giving in to the passions that she was feeling. However Angie selected this time to knock on the door telling them that they needed to finish up quickly.

Ella felt herself blushing as she thought about just what Angie was thinking that they were doing, which was what they were about to do if she hadn't knocked on the door. Sandra told her that they would be right out. Sandra kissed her one more time then they grabbed their bikini bottoms. Ella put her bottoms on with Sandra's help and she could definitely tell the difference between having pubic hair and then being shaved. The soft cloth of the bikini was now laying against her pussy and it gave her a thrill. Ella then helped Sandra put her bottoms on and she could tell that Sandra was getting the same sensation. Ella leaned in giving Sandra a quick kiss before she went to the door and she opened it. As she walked out, she saw that the other stylists were beginning to come in. Ella saw them giving her and Sandra the once over and she saw them all smile giving them their approval of their suits and new hair styling. Angie had their shorts that they came in wearing for them and they both slipped them on over their suits and then they put their tee shirts over their tops. Angie had their bras and panties in a bag figuring that they would want to wear their suits since they were going directly to the beach. Ella got out their cashier's checks and paid Angie for their new suits and she added a generous tip which Angie refused. Angie then added some sunscreen to their bag telling them both to use it as they were both so pale that the sun would burn them up even on a day when it was only suppose to be in the seventies and not hot like it got during the heat of summer. She also made them promise to sit in the shade as much as possible. Sandra then popped up and said they weren't going to do anything that would ruin their evening. This, of course, caused Ella to give her friend another slap on the arm. As they were going out the door, Angie invited them out to great seafood dinner with her and her partner which was the other thing that Ella had mentioned that she wanted to do. Ella looked over at Sandra who was already telling Angie that they would love to go. So they agreed to meet back in the hotel lobby at seven that evening.

"You ready to go for a swim?" Ella asked after they had applied the sunscreen liberally on their pale bodies.

"I just got comfortable, let's just sit here for a while then maybe later we can go in." Sandra told her as she put her sunglasses over her eyes.

"Oh okay..." Ella said trying not to sound disappointed but the waves crashing onto the beach was getting to her. She was this close to the ocean and Sandra just wanted to lay under the huge umbrella that they had rented. She thought about going in by herself but she really wanted Sandra with her. Ella sat back in her chair trying to think of a way to convince Sandra to go into the water with her. About this time, she saw Sandra getting up and she started to get excited.

"Where you going?" Ella asked hopefully.

"To the bathroom, you need to go?" Sandra asked.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." Ella said as she sat back down, now feeling more than a little anger rising inside of against Sandra who knew that she wanted to get into the water so bad.

"Too bad, I thought I would take the long way to the bathroom." Sandra said as she started to walk slowly toward the ocean.

"What?" Ella asked as she sat back up and she looked at Sandra trying to make sense of what Sandra was saying. "There was no long way to the bathroom, you just went over the dunes to the hotel." Ella thought to herself. She looked at Sandra who had gone a few more steps toward the ocean then Sandra looked out to the sea and back at Ella. It was at that moment that Ella realized that Sandra was playing with her. Sandra held out her hand and Ella jumped from her chair.

"I'm going to kill you!" Ella cried out as Sandra started to run toward the sea.

"You got to catch me first." Sandra yelled as she started to run faster but she kept her hand out for Ella and she let Ella catch up with her.

"I caught you!" Ella cried as she grabbed Sandra's hand.

"Yes you did." Sandra said as they ran toward the sea.

With Sandra beside of her, she had no fear and they went crashing into the waves. They didn't stop until they were waist deep. Ella shrieked out her excitement as each wave hit them. She had never learned to swim so she held on tightly to Sandra but she had no fear of the water. It was just as exciting as she thought it would be. They moved around in the water then Sandra showed her how to ride the waves with her body. Ella was having so much fun that she didn't want to ever leave the water so they stayed in until Sandra decided that they need some more sunscreen on and also something to eat as they had only a half of a bagel for breakfast. Ella knew that Sandra was right and she was hungry but she hated to leave the water. Still she went with her and they held hands as they went up the beach to their chairs.

There they applied the sunscreen to each other then they ran up the dunes to a snack stand that was set up near the hotel. They got themselves a couple of bottles of cold water, sandwiches, and chips then raced each other back to their place on the beach. They sat and talked as they ate, then they sat back in their chairs to relax. Ella felt Sandra's hand on her arm and she moved her hand up to take Sandra's hand in hers. Their chairs were set close together so they were almost laying together. Ella closed her eyes and before she knew it, she had drifted off to sleep. The sounds of the ocean crashing onto the beach made her dreams sweet. She woke up about an hour later to discover that there were a few more people that had joined them on the beach. She noticed a young family nearby with their two little children playing in the sand. She then saw a toy bucket near them and she looked over at a sound asleep Sandra and she had a mean thought. She tried to talk herself out of doing it but she couldn't resist the temptation so she quietly got out of her chair. She went down to the family and talked to them a few minutes then she borrowed their children's little bucket. She went down to the water and filled the bucket with sea water. She then snuck up the beach and just as she was about to throw the bucket of water, Sandra spoke up.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." Sandra told her as she reached up and pulled her sunglasses down.

"I guess it's a good thing that you're not me then, isn't it." Ella said as she threw the water at Sandra who screamed as the cold water hit her.

"Oh you little..." Sandra was saying then she saw the family watching them and enjoying the show that they were putting on. "I'm going to kill you girl!" Sandra then said as she jumped up off her chair.

Ella scream and she took off depositing the bucket by the kids thanking them as she streaked past with Sandra hot on her tail. Ella ran down the beach with Sandra following behind her but not trying real hard to catch her. It was more fun to just chase Ella who eventually made her way into the water far from where most of the people were. That was when Sandra decided it was time to end the chase and she grabbed Sandra sending them both into the water. They both went under and when Ella's head came back up she found that she was incased in Sandra's arms.

"You caught me." Ella said breathlessly.

"Yes I did..." Sandra said as she leaned in and kissed Ella who melted into her arms. Even with the cool water surrounding her body, Sandra's kisses was warming her up.

"Oh my, this is nice." Ella sighed as the kiss ended.

"I think we need to retire to the bedroom, what do you think?" Sandra whispered into Ella's ear.

"The sooner the better." Ella told her as she gave her a kiss.

When the kiss ended, Sandra took Ella's hand giving her a wink that made Ella blush. Then she began to lead her out of the water and back up the beach. The family was now by the water where the parents were letting the kids play. Sandra and Ella gathered their stuff and headed toward the hotel. They didn't say anything as the walked hand in hand, there was no need to. They were going to go make love and that was all either of them needed to know.

As soon as they were inside the room they dropped the things that they were carrying and the fell into each other's arms. Their lips met in a passionate kiss that expressed the need that they were both feeling. Ella slipped her hands to Sandra's back and up to the back of her top. She pulled the tie and then she moved her hands to Sandra's neck and she untied Sandra's bikini top. Sandra was doing the same thing to her and as soon as their tops were loose, their hands moved to each other's hips, where they pulled the stings. They kissed for a few minutes as their bikinis hung loosely from their bodies. Then as the kiss ended, their bodies separated slightly and their suits fell to the floor leaving them both naked. Ella glanced down at Sandra's body. She could see that Sandra's skin had a pinkish color from the sun leaving the area covered by Sandra's bikini top still pale. Her eyes went on down Sandra's body and she saw her now smooth pussy with Sandra's inner lips peeking out. It looked so different from when Sandra had her pubic hair still in place. Ella could feel her pussy getting moist and when her eyes made their way back up to Sandra's eyes, she saw that Sandra had been doing her own share of looking.

When Sandra's eyes came back up so that they were again looking into Ella's eyes, Ella pulled Sandra back in so that she could kiss her again. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, with their lips quickly opening so that their tongue could get into the action. Their tongues kissed within Sandra's mouth and then outside of both of their mouths as their lips parted for a brief moment. Then their tongues were in Ella's mouth as they kissed and their tongues continued their own tender caressing. Sandra began to ease her toward the bed. As Ella felt her legs touch the bed, she put her right leg up on the bed and she began to crawl onto the bed. Sandra followed her and soon they were on their knees on the center of the bed kissing.

Ella slowly ended the kiss and she moved her hands to Sandra's breasts cupping them in her hand. Ella squeezed them tenderly before she lowered her head to the left breast to kiss the nipple. It was already hard when Ella's lips touched it and she heard Sandra let out a moan. Ella let her lips spread over the nipple as she sucked the nipple into her mouth. She could taste the salty sea water on Sandra's skin and it added to the flavor. She felt Sandra's hands on her back, the fingers running from her shoulders to her ass cheeks. Ella let out a little moan herself as she sucked harder on the nipple letting her front teeth graze across Sandra's nipple. Sandra let out a louder moan. Ella used the fingers of her left hand tease and pinch Sandra's right nipple getting it prepared for her mouth. When the right nipple was super hard, Ella kissed her way over to it. She kissed the nipple before sucking it into her mouth. Ella now was using the fingers of her right hand to pinch and pull on Sandra's left nipple. Sandra was stroking Ella's back and ass which she squeezed hard. Ella sucked even harder on Sandra's nipple getting Sandra to moan and groan. Ella had just let the right nipple fall from her mouth and was going back to the left one when she felt Sandra's hands on her shoulders. Then next thing she knew she was flying backwards landing on her back with Sandra falling on top of her.

Ella didn't even have time to scream or protest before Sandra's lips was upon her lips kissing her passionately. Ella still wanted to protest Sandra's tactics but the kiss was too overpowering and her protest was lost in her moans. She gripped Sandra's shoulders holding her in place as they kissed. The only problem was that the kiss ended too soon and Ella was again about to protest when she felt Sandra's hands on her breasts then she felt Sandra's lips on her right nipple. Another protest went by the wayside as she let out a long moan. Sandra was pulling and sucking on her nipple with her mouth and Sandra was using her fingers on Ella's other breast. Ella twisted her body as she push her chest up into Sandra's working mouth. Ella moved her hands down to Sandra's firm ass and she gripped the firm cheeks, squeezing and teasing them. Sandra lifted her hips up so that Ella could reach them easier as she continued to kiss and caress Ella's nipples. Ella felt her pussy getting real moist and the juices were beginning to run onto her ass. Ella was rubbing her pussy against Sandra's stomach and the lack of pubic hair made it feel so much better to her. Sandra then gave a little bite to each of Ella's nipples causing her to groan from both the pleasure surging through her as well as the pain that the bites caused her. Then Sandra started to give Ella little love bites as she moved down Ella's body.

"No, I want to make love to you first." Ella groaned as she reached down to stop Sandra.

"Nope, I'm getting to your sweet bare pussy first." Sandra said as she looked up at Ella giving her a wicked grin. Then she started to move back down Ella body.

However Ella sat up and she tried to pull Sandra up to her again. "Oh no, I'm getting to your pussy first girl!" Ella said as Sandra tried to pull away.

"The hell you are!" Sandra said as she tried to pull away but Ella held on tightly.

"Yes I am!" Ella cried out as she let go of Sandra's arms and she reached for Sandra's sides to tickle her. Sandra almost got away but Ella's fingers found their mark causing Sandra to squeal out and then laugh. Ella knew she had her then so she jumped on top of Sandra trying to tickle her into submission.

"Hey no fair!" Sandra shouted as she reached up trying to find Ella's ticklish spots which for Ella were different from most people but Sandra had found them by accident when they were in Iraq and that was area that she went for now.

Ella felt Sandra's fingers going up her sides and she knew where they were going. She tried to put her arms down to her sides but to do that she couldn't keep tickling Sandra so she went for Sandra's sides hoping she could get the upper hand before Sandra's fingers found their target. Ella tickled Sandra hard causing her to laugh and giggle however Sandra was determined to get to Ella and she fingers found their mark.

"Oh no!" Ella cried as she felt Sandra's fingers go to her underarms and she started to laugh as she tried to twist away from Sandra's devious fingers. Ella's underarms were the only ticklish part of her body and they were very ticklish.

"Oh yes girl, I got you now!" Sandra said as she had Ella laughing and now she was the defenseless one. Sandra flipped them over and she was now on top.

"No fair!" Ella cried.

"And you tickling me was fair?" Sandra asked as she arched her eyebrows.

"Sure," Ella told her as she was still trying to catch her breath.

"Yea, right!" Sandra said as she slid down on top of Ella to kiss her.

"I think I have a way for both of us to be first." Sandra said with a wink and Ella knew what she was talking about and she liked the idea, however she had plans of her own.

Sandra kissed Ella once more, this being a short sweet kiss. Then she got up on her hands and knees to turn around in the bed. Ella reached up to Sandra's breasts and she gave then a squeeze. She moved her fingers to Sandra's nipples giving them a little pinch. Sandra stopped for a moment as Ella pulled down on the nipples. Sandra let out a long moan as she stayed on her hands and knees over Ella.

"Oh that feels good babe but if you keep doing that I'll cum long before you get to my pussy." Sandra moaned out.

"I know." Ella said huskily. She pulled harder on Sandra's nipples as she slowly slid down in the bed. When Sandra's breasts were over her head, she lifted her head to the right breast, taking the nipple into her mouth. She sucked hard on it causing Sandra to moan loudly. She was still pinching and pulling on the left nipple then she switched her mouth to the other nipple sucking and biting it. Sandra let out a long mournful groan. Ella knew she had Sandra right where she wanted her so she gave a little love bite to each nipple then she slipped on down in the bed as her fingers kept their assault on Sandra's nipples keeping her distracted. When Ella got her head between Sandra's legs, she looked up at her beautiful bare pussy. The inner lips were sticking just slightly outside of Sandra's inner lips. She could see the moisture gathered on those lips. The skin around her pussy was so smooth and clean. Ella also saw Sandra's little clit trying to poke its way out from the top of the cleft of Sandra's pussy. Ella lifted her head up and she gave a kiss to the little bud.

"Oh you little bitch! You tricked me!" Sandra said as she lowered her pussy to Ella's mouth and she let out another loud moan.

"I'm the bitch that's going to make you cum so good." Ella croaked out as she let her tongue run up Sandra's slit to her clit where she sucked it into her mouth.

"Oh fuck girl, don't ever stop!" Sandra cried as she sat up so that she was practically sitting on Ella's face.

Ella sucked for a moment of Sandra's clit getting Sandra to moan out her pleasure. Ella left Sandra's clit from her mouth and she started to run her tongue around Sandra's outer lips. There was no hair in her way now and she was free to lick the bare skin. Sandra was going crazy as Ella sucked the lips into her mouth chewing on then tenderly before she let her tongue run between Sandra's lips. Ella swallowed Sandra's juices as she licked and sucked. Her fingers were still on Sandra's nipples pulling and pinching them. Ella then pushed her tongue deep between Sandra's lips and she began to move it around inside of her.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Sandra cried as released more juices into Ella's mouth. Ella sucked them up as she fucked Sandra with her tongue. Ella knew that Sandra was close to cumming so she let her tongue move up to Sandra's clit. She first licked the hard little nub gently before she began to put more pressure and increased the speed of her tongue. Sandra ground her pussy into Ella's mouth making it hard for Ella to breath but that didn't stop Ella from licking at Sandra's clit. As Sandra's orgasm began, Ella pulled hard on Sandra's nipples stretching them out from Sandra's body. Ella felt Sandra's girlcum hit her chin so she left Sandra's clit to suck up those delicious juices. Sandra let out a loud cry as she fell forward onto the bed. Ella continued to lick and suck on Sandra's pussy as Sandra shivered and jerked though her orgasm.

Finally Sandra had enough so she rolled over onto her back. She reached down to pull Ella up to her. "You are one devious bitch, you know that?" Sandra asked her.

"Yea and I'm damn proud of it." Ella said as she lowered her head to kiss Sandra with her face coated with Sandra's girlcum.

"So did you like my pussy shaved?" Sandra asked her as the kiss ended.

"I loved it, it was so smooth and pretty." Ella said as she kissed her again.

"I think its way past time I found out just how pretty your pussy is." Sandra told her.

"Cool, here let me help you." Ella said quickly as she jumped up onto her hands and knees. Then just as Sandra started to moved down in the bed, Ella turned around, positioning her pussy over her Sandra's head. Ella then dropped her head back down between Sandra's legs. She began to lick Sandra's pussy before Sandra could move more than an inch.

"Oh you are a mother fucking bitch!" Sandra moaned out as she opened her legs so that Ella could get to her pussy.

Ella then felt Sandra's hands on her ass, pulling it down. She felt Sandra kiss her pussy lips before starting to lick up and down her pussy. Ella had to stop her licking of Sandra's pussy to let out a loud moan. Sandra was running her tongue all over her outer lips as they completely covered her inner lips. Sandra's tongue went over the outer lips getting all the juices that covered them, then she moved her tongue to the slit. She used her fingers to open Ella's outer lips so that she could get her tongue deep into Ella's little pussy. Ella opened her legs wider and lowered her pussy to Sandra's mouth. Sandra moaned and groaned as she licked, as Ella had gone back to licking her pussy. Ella couldn't believe how sensitive her pussy was now that it was bare and she loved the way Sandra was licking and teasing her with her tongue. Ella was so aroused that as much as she wanted to make this last, she knew that she couldn't, Sandra's tongue was hitting all the right places and she was too over excited to hold anything off. So she just let Sandra suck and kiss her pussy and then her clit. Ella kept on licking and sucking on Sandra's pussy but her concentration wasn't was that great. She had an impending orgasm to deal with. She felt Sandra's tongue teasing her clit and Sandra's fingers entering her pussy. Sandra's two fingers filled her up and as they started to fuck her, Ella felt her clit get super sensitive and then the orgasm hit her hard. Ella let her girlcum flow from her pussy into Sandra's waiting mouth.

As she recovered from her orgasm, Ella slipped her arms around Sandra's thighs. She pulled them up and hooked them under her arms. This opened Sandra's pussy and her little pink asshole to her waiting mouth. Ella kissed Sandra's clit causing Sandra to let out a loud moan. Then she slowly worked her way down Sandra's slit until she got to the end. She let her tongue lightly tease the sensitive skin between Sandra's pussy and her asshole. Sandra stopped licking and finger fucking Ella's pussy as she waited for Ella's tongue to move on down. Ella let her tongue linger on this short area of skin getting Sandra to groan in frustration, It was only then that she inched her tongue on down until the tip was just touching the edge of Sandra's asshole.

"Oh yes babe, right there!" Sandra moaned out as she pushed her fingers deep into Ella's pussy.

Ella let out a moan of her own before she let her tongue go on to Sandra's asshole. She felt Sandra squeeze her asshole tightly as the tip of her tongue went around the rim. Ella felt Sandra relax as she let her tongue trace the rim. Sandra let out a moan as her mouth fell from Ella's clit but her fingers were still deep in Ella's pussy. Ella kept her tongue going around the edge getting it wet with her saliva. She then placed her tongue at the center of Sandra's puckered hole and she pushed gently inward. Sandra let out a long moan and then a shiver of delight went through her body. Ella was pleased at how she was pleasing Sandra. Ella pushed her tongue in deeper as she moved the fingers of her right hand to Sandra's clit. She began to rub on it as she tongued fucked Sandra's asshole. Ella felt both Sandra's fingers and tongue leave her but she didn't care, she was getting Sandra to feel so damn good and that was all that mattered to her. She probed Sandra's ass with her tongue as she rubbed harder and faster on Sandra's clit. She could feel Sandra's juices running from her pussy to where she was probing Sandra's ass. She licked up those sweet juices as her tongue continued to tease and probe Sandra's ass. Slowly she brought Sandra to an orgasm and she moved her mouth to Sandra's pussy to suck up the girlcum flowing from her pussy.

"Oh god babe, you're going to be the death of me." Sandra said in a deep husky voice.

"And I'm just getting started too, just wait till I'm done with you." Ella said as she buried her mouth back into Sandra's wet hot pussy.

"Oh no, I'm going to be on top this time girl!' Sandra cried as she trapped Ella's head between her thighs, then she put the hands to Ella's hips. She shifted in the bed and Ella let herself be turned over onto her back. Ella opened her thighs wide and she brought up her legs. Sandra put her hands to the back of Ella's thighs pushing them up further. Ella put her hands to Sandra's hips so that she could begin to lick. She stayed away from Sandra's clit for a while as she knew that it was still too sensitive after cumming twice already. Ella felt Sandra use her fingers to open her pussy and then she tongue went in deep inside of her. Ella moaned into Sandra's pussy as Sandra used her tongue to explore all the sensitive parts of Ella's pussy. Ella moaned as groaned as Sandra licked her pussy and teased her clit. Then Ella felt one of Sandra's fingers at the center of her asshole. It rested there for a moment as Ella let her asshole relax. Slowly Sandra began to push inward. Ella let out a grasp of breath as she felt Sandra's finger enter her there. It felt so nice as Sandra pushed it in deeper and deeper. Ella felt the finger go inside of her and she liked it. The finger kept going until it was all the way in. Ella clamped her asshole down tight as Sandra left her finger in place not moving it but she was still using her tongue to lick deep inside of her pussy. Ella let out continuous moans as Sandra fucked her ass with her finger and sucked on her pussy lips then her clit. Ella let out a loud cry as she felt her clit go super sensitive and then she felt the first rush of her orgasm. She thrashed around on the bed as one wave after another washed over her body.

When she came back to reality, she felt Sandra at her pussy licking tenderly as she cleaned up all the girlcum that had flowed out from her pussy from her orgasm. She reached down and she gently pulled Sandra around. When she was back laying beside of her, Ella pulled her in close so that she could cuddle against her and kiss her lover. They kissed and caressed each other until they were ready to make love again. They spent the rest of the day in bed making love. It was only when they had satisfied all their needs did they lay in each other's arm holding and tenderly kissing.

A long while later, Ella's eyes glanced at the clock by the bed. "Oh fuck!" She cried out.

"What?!" Sandra cried as she was shaken from her revelry.

"We're suppose to meet Angie at seven." Ella said as she jumped from the bed.

"Yea, so?" Sandra said still not understanding Ella sudden need to get out of the nice comfortable bed.

"It's fifteen minutes till seven now." Ella said as she rushed into the bathroom to turn on the shower.

"Oh fuck, we're going to be late." Sandra cried out as now she saw why Ella had that sudden need to rush from her arms.

"Come on we need to shower, we both smell of sex." Ella said as she pulled the shower curtain back letting Sandra jump in.

"Oh fuck, the water is ice cold!" Sandra said as she started to jump back out of the shower however Ella was in her way.

"Get back in there, we don't have time to let it warm up girl." Ella said as she jumped into the shower with Sandra. "Fuck, it is cold!" Ella screamed as the water hit her body.

"I told you so fool!" Sandra said as her teeth chattered from the cold water.

"I know, now shut up and wash." Ella said as she handed Sandra the soap. They both shivered as they washed and about the time that they had finished their quick shower the water was starting to warm up. They brushed their hair out as they dried it, then jumped into their clothes making it down to the lobby at about five minutes after seven where they found Angie and a lovely light skinned African American woman by her side.

"Sorry we are late, we got busy and lost track of the time." Ella said as she came up to Angie who gave her and then Sandra a hug.

"And I bet I know just what you were busy doing too." Angie said with a wink and a laugh and this caused both Sandra and Ella to blush which proved that Angie was right on with her assessment of what caused them to be running late.

"Please excuse my loud mouth partner, she has never learned her manners." The woman said and then she added as she came to Ella and Sandra giving them a hug, "My name is Isabella and I believe that you would be Ella and you Sandra."

"It's nice to meet you." Ella told her and as she started to say more only Angie interrupted her.

"What have your two done to your hair, it's a mess." Angie as she ran her fingers through Ella hair and then Sandra's and she murmured her disapproval.

"We didn't have time to style it as you did, we were running late already." Sandra protested as she felt Angie grab her wrist and she found that she was being dragged toward Angie's saloon with Ella being dragged with her.

"I can't let you two alone for a second before you ruin all my hard work." Angie fussed as she opened the door to her saloon and she let them all enter.

Angie then fussed over them for about twenty minutes until she was satisfied that every hair on their heads was back in its proper place. It was only then that she allowed them to leave so that they could go get that seafood dinner that she had promised them. Isabella turned out to be a very outgoing person who had lots of stories to tell, most of them being about Angie, and that kept them all laughing throughout dinner and then they toured the old city as Isabella told them of her family's history in this old town.

At about eleven, Angie and Isabella dropped them back at their hotel. Sandra started on into the hotel when Ella stopped her. "Let's go for a walk, I'm not tired yet."

"Okay, that sounds nice." Sandra said as she turned and she took Ella's hand that she was offering her.

End of Part Three

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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