Ella's Guardian Angel

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 18, 2008


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Ella's Guardian Angel

Part Two

By Chris

Ella's eyes grew wide as she felt Sandra draw back from her. She could see the love in Sandra's eyes as Sandra leaned toward her. Ella closed her eyes as she felt Sandra's lips touch her lips again. Ella tensed up for just a moment as she realized what this kiss meant and she was afraid. She felt Sandra start to pull back and then her heart took over from Ella's mind and she relaxed. She put her hands to Sandra's shoulders, griping them so that Sandra wouldn't leave. Sandra pressed her lips back against Ella's lips and this time Ella welcomed the kiss. For that moment, the outside world disappeared and it was only she and Sandra. She felt Sandra's body pressed against her body and it felt so fucking good, like nothing she had felt before. It was like a light turned on in her head and all the feelings that she had felt toward Sandra made sense. She knew she loved Sandra as a friend but now she knew that she loved her as more than a friend.

About then they heard movement around them and Sandra broke the kiss off. They heard some distant shells go off and then it was quiet. They looked at each other and Ella could see the questions in Sandra's face, just like the questions that she had on her own face. Ella was sure that the kiss was a good thing but how would it affect their friendship or whatever they now had. Then someone said that they had gotten the insurgents that were firing the bombs at the base and they could leave the bunker, which everyone did leaving Ella and Sandra there alone. They stared into each other's eyes for the longest moment but then they both knew that they had to leave however neither wanted to be the first to break the moment that they were having.

"I guess we had better go." Sandra said as she started to get up but Ella held on to her.

"I... I can't..." Ella told her.

"What's the matter, are you hurt? Do I need to get a medic?' Sandra asked with great concern and then panic in her eyes.

"No, No, I'm fine but I do have a problem." Ella said feeling embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Sandra asked.

"I... I peed all over myself." Ella said as she felt her face go red hot.

Ella saw Sandra's face turn from fear to love. That was when Ella felt something warm hit her legs and she knew that Sandra was peeing so that she wouldn't be alone, only Sandra had forgotten that Ella's legs were stretched out between her legs so she knew what she was doing. "Just between you and me, so did I." Sandra confessed.

Ella started to call her on that little white lie but then she knew it was better to let Sandra think she was getting away with it. Beside it was so sweet and Ella loved her all the more for it so she didn't even mind getting peed on by Sandra. It just seemed to make Sandra all the more her hero. "So how do we get out of here without anyone seeing us?"

"I'm not sure we can, we'll just have to go out there and hope no one sees." Sandra said as she got up and she reached out to help Ella up.

"Benson, Moore, you in here." They heard Major Hill call just before he entered the bunker.

"Yes sir!" They both answered as they turned so that their sides were facing him.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he came closer.

"Yes sir but we have a slight problem." Sandra told him and Ella was about to die as she knew just what Sandra was going to tell him.

"What's that Moore?" He asked.

"We wet ourselves." Sandra confessed and Ella wanted to kill her as she felt herself getting all the more embarrassed as she knew that she was the only one that wet herself during the heat of the moment.

Ella was even more embarrassed when she heard Major Hill let out a big horse laugh but then he made it better when he said, "Oh hell did that myself a couple of times when I first got here. Come on and I'll get you to your tent. Most everyone is back at their stations making sure nothing is damaged. I think we got just enough time to get you to your tent and to the showers before anyone notices." He said smiling and they followed as he led them out of the bunker and he was right as no one was in site. He talked about how the insurgents had gotten close enough for their crude missiles to reach the base but once they zeroed in onto their location the Army troops took care of them before they actually hit anything major. His talking took Ella's mind off of her wet pants but not from Sandra, that was all she could think of and having her so close only made it worse. Major waited outside as they got some clean uniforms and then he took them to the showers. Once there, he told them to shower and then get some rest, he would look over things for the next twenty-four hours as he knew they needed some rest after their first real introduction to the war. They thanked him as he left and they entered the showers.

Now that she was back alone with Sandra, the kiss came rushing back to Ella's mind and she found that she was shaking but this time not from fear but nervousness and yet maybe there was a little fear added in. She didn't know what to say to Sandra. Should she bring it up or should she not? Would Sandra bring it up? What if Sandra did, what would she say? These thoughts went through her head and she didn't have any answers to any of them. She wanted Sandra to say something as they undressed however it seemed that Sandra was also going through a bunch of questions that she didn't have answers to. Ella slowly undressed and as she pulled her bra and pee soaked panties she looked up and saw that Sandra was looking at her. Sandra had stopped undressing and was just standing there in her panties and bra. At first Ella wanted to cover up her nakedness but then she saw that Sandra was looking at her with loving eyes. So Ella stood there silently and she slipped her legs apart so that Sandra could see all of her clearly. Ella felt the stirrings start within her body and this time she knew just what the stirrings meant. She wanted Sandra, she wanted to make love to Sandra, she wanted to give all her love to Sandra and make her happy.

After a few minutes, Sandra seemed to break out of her daze and she reached back to unhook her bra. Ella held her breath as the bra came off and it was like she was seeing Sandra's breasts for the first time. She saw the small dark nipples and how hard they already were. Sandra then reached down and she began to pull her panties down. Ella's eyes were glued to Sandra's panties as they were slowly pulled down and Sandra's full black bush appeared. Nothing looked as sexy or erotic as Sandra's pussy at that moment. Ella had to force herself to breath, which came out louder than she had meant for it to. Sandra looked up and she seemed pleased. She slowly turned and entered the shower. Ella followed closely behind eyes Sandra's cute little ass. They showered in silence as they stole glances at each other. When they finished, they exited the shower and dried off. They then got dressed and headed back to their tent. This was the longest time they had gone without talking except for when they were sleeping.

When they got back to their tent, Ella felt her nervousness come back into her soul in an overwhelming manner. She stopped a few feet inside of the tent and she didn't know what to do. She was now completely alone with Sandra and there was no chance of anyone walking in on them like at the showers. Sandra walked a few steps further into the tent before she realized that Ella had stopped. She turned and Ella saw the smile that was on Sandra's face quickly disappear, replaced by first concern and then sadness. Ella wanted to saw something but she didn't know what to say. Sandra dropped her dirty clothes by her bunk and she came over to where Ella was standing. She took the clothes from Ella's hands, dropping them on top of her dirty clothes.

"I'm sorry about kissing you. I know that it was wrong but I just couldn't stop myself. I promise I won't do it again, I just want you to be my friend." Sandra told her and Ella could see the beginnings of tears start to fall from Sandra's eyes.

Ella let Sandra's words sink in and she realized that Sandra had misinterpreted her nervousness and silence. Sandra was reading her all wrong and she had to correct it quickly.

"You know what I want from you right now?" Ella asked Sandra.

"What baby, anything you want, I'll get it for you." Sandra said wanting to make up for her mistake.

"I want you to kiss me again." Ella said in almost a whisper.

The tears that were rolling down Sandra's cheeks stopped and she looked into Ella's eyes trying to discover the truth behind them. Sandra's eyes questioned Ella's request and Ella slowly nodded her head.

Ella's heart was beating a mile a minute and it sped up when she felt Sandra's hands grasp her arms. Sandra was staring intently into Ella's eyes as she slowly leaned in. Ella found that she was having trouble catching her breath as she felt Sandra's breath against her lips and then she felt Sandra's lips touch hers. Ella tensed up again even though she was trying hard not to. Sandra kissed her lightly then she broke off the kiss.

Ella felt Sandra's lips against her own lips long after they were gone. She opened her eyes and saw that Sandra was looking into her eyes. Ella saw the love there and she was finally able to inhale and then exhale letting her body relaxed. The next thing that Ella felt was Sandra's fingers caressing her cheek. Ella tilted her head toward those fingers and she let Sandra caress her. Sandra just stood there , looking lovingly into Ella's eyes and she let Ella relax. Slowly Sandra began to lean in. She went slowly allowing Ella to back off if she wished. Ella on the other hand just wanted Sandra to hurry up, she wanted, she needed to feel Sandra's lips against her lips. Sandra was taking so long that Ella lost her patience and she leaned forward kissing Sandra before Sandra got the chance to kiss her.

Ella pressed her lips against Sandra's and she let out a moan. A deep passionate moan that came from her soul and then she heard Sandra moan. The kiss turned passionate, more than passionate, it was indescribable. Ella lost herself in the kiss and when Sandra eased her lips open, Ella was ready and she opened hers. She felt Sandra's tongue enter her mouth and she could feel it move around the edges of her teeth. Ella lifted her tongue up and it touched Sandra's tongue sending a electric shock throughout her body. She grasped Sandra against her and she felt Sandra's arms wrap around her body. Ella moaned as she kissed Sandra harder if that was possible. Their hands began to explore each other's bodies and they finally had to end the kiss to catch their breaths. Ella gasped in huge amounts of air trying to get the oxygen back into her lungs as quickly as possible. She felt Sandra's hands going across her back and then she felt them on her ass and she let out a moan. She looked into Sandra's eyes and she saw a gleam in that made Ella want more.

"Kiss me again!" Ella cried out and Sandra responded with another passionate kiss. They kissed there for a few minutes and Ella finally got the courage to move her hands down to Sandra's ass and she cupped her ass cheeks in her hands. She loved the feel of Sandra's ass as she squeezed them causing Sandra to moan as they kissed. Sandra began to ease Ella toward the bunk, stopping the kissing long only enough to lay Ella down in the bunk, and she then crawled on top of her. Sandra looked deeply into Ella's eyes as she dropped her head down for another long passionate kiss. Sandra was varying the kissing from just using her lips against Ella's to full French kissing. It was almost overwhelming for Ella as all these different emotions went through her. She felt the love for Sandra coming from deep within her to being out in the open where she had to face them. Since Sandra was busy kissing her, she had no choice but to face those emotions. Ella did so by wrapping her arms around Sandra, holding her tightly.

Sandra moved her lips to Ella's neck, kissing and sucking gently on the tender skin. This was an ever greater rush to Ella as she lifted her chin up allowing Sandra to kiss her neck from earlobe to earlobe. Ella had to let out a moan as Sandra kissed her adam's apple. Sandra moved her lips back up to Ella's lips and Ella placed her hand to the back of Sandra's neck holding her in place. Ella was the first to open her lips this time and she slipped her tongue into Sandra's mouth. She felt Sandra's lips close around her tongue and then Sandra began to suck on her tongue which drove Ella crazy. As Sandra released her tongue, Ella coaxed Sandra's tongue into her mouth and she started to suck on it like Sandra had done to her. It was just as much fun to do it to Sandra as having Sandra do it to her. As she released Sandra's tongue, Sandra kissed her lightly and then she raised her head giving Ella a wicked smile, Ella then knew that Sandra was up to something.

Sandra kissed Ella's chin, then she kissed her way down her neck and on to the top button of her uniform shirt. Ella sucked in her breath knowing just where Sandra was going. She tensed up not sure that she was ready for this.

Sandra stopped kissing her and she looked into Ella's eyes, "If you want me to stop, I will. I don't want to push you." Sandra said kindly as she scooted back up so that she was looking down into Ella's eyes.

Ella thought for a moment trying to discern just what she wanted. She looked into Sandra's eyes and she knew just what she wanted to have happen but there was something she had to tell Sandra first. "I want us to make love but I've never done this before." Ella confessed.

"You've never made love to a woman before?" Sandra asked.

"I've never kissed anyone before today, you're my first for everything. I don't want you to be disappointed in me when I don't do something right." Ella said as she bit her lower lip scared that Sandra wouldn't like her anymore.

"Sweetie, when you make love to someone you love and care about, there is no wrong or right way. You just do what your hearts tells you to do." Sandra said smiling and she lowered her lips down and give Ella a light but loving kiss.

"You always know just want to say, don't you." Ella said smiling again.

"You make it easy for me. Whatever I say just seems to please you." Sandra said.

"That's because you're so cute." Ella said with a mischievous grin.

"That I am." Sandra said and she started rain kisses down on Ella's face causing her to giggle with glee.

Sandra kept kissing Ella's face as she used her hands to begin caressing Ella's arms. Ella let out a slight moan as she gripped Sandra's shoulders in her hands holding on to her. She was falling in love with Sandra's kisses and she couldn't get enough of them. Slowly Sandra began to kiss her way back down Ella's neck and this time Ella didn't tense up, that is not to say that she wasn't nervous, she was. It was only this time, she was sure that this was what she wanted. Sandra got down to the top button of and she kissed Ella tenderly there. She used her hands to pull Ella's shirt to the side and she kissed Ella just above her right breast and then her left one. Ella sucked in her breath as Sandra unbuttoned the top button. She felt Sandra's lips touch her hot skin. Her nipples were getting hard and her pussy was starting to get wet. She had never felt this alive before. Nothing in her life had prepared her for the sensations that Sandra was giving her. Sandra popped open another button open and she kissed her skin. Sandra slowly opened Ella's shirt giving her kisses all along the way. When Sandra got to Ella's belly button, she kissed it and then stuck her tongue inside causing Ella to giggle again. This made Ella relax even more and that was what Sandra wanted.

Sandra moved back up and she looked into Ella's eyes as she pulled Ella's shirt open. Neither of them had bothered to put on bras after their showers so Ella breasts were now exposed. Ella knew that Sandra had seen her naked many times before however this was completely different. Again she bit her lower lips as she saw Sandra looking at her breasts with their light colored areoles. Her nipples were small and barely rose about her areoles. She was getting more and more nervous with Sandra just staring at her. She wanted Sandra to say or doing something before she lost her nerve and covered her breasts back up. Then she saw the lust in Sandra's eyes right before Sandra lowered her mouth down to kiss each of her nipples. Ella let out a series of moans from the intense sensations that Sandra was giving her. She had never felt anything this wonderful before. Ella wanted to tell Sandra how wonderful she was making her feel but she was incapable of uttering any words. She could just groan and moan. Sandra brought her hands up and she cupped Ella's breasts, squeezing and caressing them as she sucked on the nipples. Ella had her eyes tightly closed as she let her mind take in what Sandra was doing to her. Ella reached down with her hands putting them on Sandra's head holding her to her breasts. She felt Sandra's fingers teasing her the nipple that she wasn't sucking or kissing. Sandra then began to gently nibble on Ella's right nipple. That sent electric shocks through Ella's body and she moaned louder.

Ella felt Sandra moving up and then she was kissing her with her hands still on Ella's breasts. As the kiss ended, Sandra whispered to her, "Don't get to loud baby." And then she kissed her again.

"I'm sorry but it's all so... so..." Ella started to say but she couldn't find the right word to express what she was feeling.

"It's only going to get better baby, I'm going to rock your world." Sandra told her.

"You already have babe." Ella said as she put her hand to the back of Sandra's head bringing it down for another kiss. As they kissed, Ella felt Sandra squeezing and caressing her breasts. It was then that Ella decided that she wanted to feel Sandra's breasts as the kiss ended, Ella pushed Sandra up and she saw the alarm on Sandra's face. But when Ella's hands went to Sandra's shirt, Sandra's face broke into a smile. She lifted her upper body up to allow Ella to unbutton her uniform shirt. Ella pulled Sandra's shirt open and her eyes lit up. She saw Sandra's dark nipples and how hard they were. She knew that Sandra was excited because of her and that made her feel nice. Ella started to pull Sandra's shirt off her shoulders but she got to a point where it would go no further with the way Sandra was using her hands to hold her body up. So Sandra lowered her body back down and Ella could feel Sandra's bare breasts pressed down against her own breasts. Ella pulled Sandra's shirt down her arms and then off leaving them both bare from the waist up. Sandra kissed Ella for a moment then she rose back up supporting herself with her hands. That left her breasts hanging down for Ella who reached up with shaking hands to those breasts. They felt firm and full as her hands covered them. Ella could feel Sandra's hard nipples pressed against her palms. She heard Sandra let out a moan and she had to smile. Ella scooted down in the bed as she used her hands to caress Sandra's breasts, using her fingers to tease the hard nipples at the same time. When she got her mouth under Sandra's breasts, she lifted her head and she kissed the right nipple causing Sandra to let out another moan. Ella then sucked the nipple into her mouth and she used her tongue to tease it as Sandra had done to her. She wasn't sure she was doing it right until she heard Sandra say, "Oh yes baby, just keep doing that!"

Ella smiled to herself and she sucked harder on the nipple as she used her fingers to pinch the other nipple. Sandra let out more moans keeping them low so that no one outside of the tent would hear her. Ella felt her pussy getting wetter and there was an intense itch down there she had never felt before. It was something new to her and she wasn't sure what to do about it, she didn't want to stop sucking on Sandra's breasts however Sandra seemed to know just what Ella needed even if Ella didn't.

Sandra slowly lifted her breasts from Ella's mouth causing her to groan in frustration as she was getting into sucking and playing with Sandra's breasts. She liked how she was pleasing Sandra and she so wanted to continue to do so. Sandra lowered her body down and she kissed Ella passionately before she began to slide down Ella's body. Sandra stopped for a few minutes at Ella's breasts getting her to moan and groan once again as she kissed, sucked and nibbled on them. Then just as Ella was getting super heated by Sandra's attention to her breasts, Sandra left them as she scooted on down in the bed with her knees on each side of Ella's legs. Sandra kept going until she got to the end of the small bunk. Sandra scrunched up at the end of the bed and then she placed her hands at Ella's belt buckle.

Ella sucked in her stomach as she waited for Sandra to make the next move which was something that she didn't expect. Instead of undoing her buckle, Sandra leaned down and she kissed Ella's stomach. Ella let her breath out that she didn't realize she was holding with a giggle. She looked down at Sandra to find her smiling at her. Sandra kept eye contact with Ella as she undid the buckle and then she unbutton her pants. Sandra put her hands to Ella's side and she began to pull downward. Ella lifted her ass off the mattress and she watched as Sandra pulled her pants and panties down past her ass. Ella then slipped her legs up allowing Sandra to pull her pants and panties off. Ella was about to put her legs back down when Sandra placed her hands to the back of Ella's ankles. Ella's legs blocked her view of what Sandra was doing but she could see that Sandra was moving around just a bit. Ella then felt Sandra kiss her right calf and then her left one. Sandra then began to let Ella's legs down only she pulled them apart so Sandra was now between her legs. Ella could feel her pussy opening up and she knew that Sandra could see how wet she had become. Ella started to get nervous all over again as she thought about just what Sandra was about to do to her. She had always figured that it would be a boy that she would have sex with and the thought of having sex with a woman never entered her mind. It wasn't so much that she had dreamed or lusted after any man, it was just what was expected by everyone she knew. But now that she was here with Sandra, she couldn't imagine making love with anyone else.

Sandra gave her a reassuring smile just before she started to bend over and Ella felt a shiver of anticipation go through her body. Ella felt Sandra's breath on her pussy and suddenly she was fearful that Sandra wouldn't like how she tasted and then she thought of a thousand different reasons for Sandra to reject her in the few milliseconds that it took for Sandra's mouth to reach her pussy. Then she felt Sandra's lips touch her clit in the form of a kiss. Ella let out a muted moan and she waited for Sandra to jump from the bed but then she felt Sandra's lips touch her pussy lips in a much longer kiss. That kiss ended with Sandra starting to tenderly licking her outer lips. All of Ella's negative thoughts went flying out of her body as she let out another louder moan. Ella then put the knuckle of her right index finger into her mouth and she bit down on it to keep herself from moaning out loud. Never in her life had she felt anything like this, it was even better than when Sandra sucked and kissed her breasts and at the time she thought nothing could feel better than that but Sandra was right, she was rocking her world, she was turning her world upside down with that first lick.

Ella opened her legs ever further and she felt the edge of the bed so she just dropped her lower legs off each side of the bunk. This really opened her pussy to Sandra's mouth, which Sandra took full advantage of. She began to slip her tongue between Ella's lips causing Ella to moan and bite down harder on her finger. Ella lifted her hips up off of the bed pushing her pussy into Sandra's mouth. Sandra's tongue went up and down her slit and then it went deep into her pussy moving around inside. Ella felt her pussy leaking out it's juices which she never knew it could produce like it was now. Ella felt like her body was hooked to an electric fence and it was making every nerve ending in her body demand attention from her brain. It was almost too much for her to handle but not quiet. Ella moaned and twisted her body around as Sandra licked and teased her pussy. Then Sandra went in for the kill and Ella thought she was going to die as she felt Sandra's mouth latch onto her clit. Ella cried out and she jerked her body around the bunk. Sandra's sucked gently at first not wanting Ella cum too quickly but Ella was so close to her orgasm that it wasn't going to take much to send her over the edge. When Sandra's tongue came into contact with Ella's sensitive clit, Ella was sent into space as her orgasm roared from her clit to the rest of her body like a wild fire out of control. Ella twisted and jerked on the small bunk and she hyperventilated for a moment as her orgasm reached its zenith. She then began that slow decline as Sandra gently licked up her girlcum.

As Ella opened her eyes, she saw that Sandra was moving from between her legs as she came up on the bed to lay down on top of her. Ella could see her juices covering Sandra's face and Sandra was smiling from ear to ear. Sandra lowered her head to kiss Ella allowing Ella to taste her own juices. She wasn't sure if she would like the taste however she found that not only did she like it, she loved it. She wasn't so worrying about liking the way Sandra would taste when she licked her.

"I never knew that an orgasm would be that intense." Ella told Sandra as the kiss ended.

"Haven't you had an orgasm before?" Sandra asked more than a little surprised.

Ella blushed as she told Sandra, "No, never."

"Haven't you had one when you masturbated?" Sandra asked.

Again Ella blushed as she hand to say, "No, I've never done anything like that."

Sandra at first gave Ella a look of complete disbelief and in a way it hurt Ella's feelings that Sandra would look at her that way but then Sandra's face quickly softened.

"I told you I had never done anything like this before." Ella said a little defensively and it hurt her that Sandra was ruining this moment for her.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by that. It's just that I started to masturbate when I was thirteen and I just assumed that everyone else did it too. That was wrong of me to assume that and I'm sorry." Sandra told her and Ella could see that Sandra was truly sorry.

"You're forgiven. I know that I'm strange but it was just that I never..." Ella was saying before she stopped not knowing how to explain it to someone like Sandra who was so much more outgoing and who had done so many things that she hadn't been able to do.

"You never what?" Sandra asked and as Ella tried to figure out a way to explain it to Sandra, then Sandra said to her, "I want to know what is going on with you. It will help me to understand you and help me help you. We have just started down a long road that I hope to being walking with you and only you and I don't want to stumble like I just did. I ruined something beautiful for you."

"You didn't ruin it, it was beautiful and wonderful and every other adjective that I can think of. I will always remember this moment with you and the moments that we are going to continue to have but you are right, I do need to explain it all to you." Ella told her and then she felt a need that had to filled.

"I would like that." Sandra told her.

"But first I need you to do something.' Ella told her.

"Anything baby, anything at all." Sandra replied.

"I need you to kiss me." Ella said with a shy grin.

"You know you don't have to ask for a kiss, those I will give freely to you." Sandra told her.

"I know but I like asking." Ella said smiling shyly again.

Sandra smiled and she laughed a little but it was a good natured laugh that pleased Ella but not as much as the kiss that Sandra gave her as it was a long, deep passionate kiss that left Ella breathless.

Ella looked up into Sandra's eyes as she began to tell her story. "You know how I told you about having to look after my father and brothers as I grew up?" Ella asked.

"Yea, you've told me about that but you have never gone into great detail but I understand what you were saying." Sandra told her.

"I'm not sure that you do." Ella said not trying to criticize Sandra and from what she could tell, Sandra didn't take it that way. "Let me take you through a typical day."

"Okay," Sandra said attentively.

"I would get up at five in the morning and I had about ten minutes to brush my teeth and get dressed. I would then go and fix breakfast for my father and my two older brothers. After they had eaten, I would clean up the kitchen, leaving just enough time to get to school. There I would do any of the homework that I didn't get done during the previous evening. When I got home from school, I would start the laundry as there was always laundry to do with my father and brothers being minors, their clothes got plenty dirty every day so they could never wear the same pants more than once without being washed. Then I would fix dinner for my father and brothers and about this time my youngest brother would get up and want his breakfast so I would fix him his eggs and bacon. So I really had two meals to fix every evening. Once they had all eaten, I would again clean up the kitchen as my father liked his house spotless. After that was done, I would finish any of the laundry I was doing and then get my father and brothers their beers or chips or whatever they wanted. I would also try to get some of my homework done. I took the hardest subjects at school to prepare me for college so I always had lots of homework. By nine I was exhausted and I would take my shower and get a little sleep. At about eleven, I would get up and help my youngest brother get ready for work as I never knew what he wanted to take to eat at work until he was ready to go. So I would get his stuff ready and then go back to bed for a couple of more hours of sleep before starting all over again. That takes care of my week days and you might think I would have more time for myself on the weekends but that was when I did the shopping, rest of the laundry, and when I was done with that, there was more house cleaning that I didn't get done during the week. Plus try to get ahead in my homework. Then during the summer, I spend my weekdays working down at the mining office giving what money I made to my father as he said that he needed it to pay for the food that it took to feed me during the year plus what little clothes he allowed me to buy. So I never had any time just for me. It wasn't like I didn't feel any urges, it just that I was always too tired to do anything about them. I was more worried about getting my work done and keeping my grades up so that when it came time to leave, I would have a place to go to." Ella said and suddenly she realized just how bad she had it growing up compared to most everyone else. She felt her eyes begin to tear up and then was when she felt Sandra lips touch her lips in a tender kiss. When the kiss ended she saw that Sandra too had tears in her eyes.

"I knew they treated you like a slave, I just didn't realize until now that you actually were a slave." Sandra said in a whispered.

"It wasn't so bad, but I wanted you to know just why that I'm so innocent when it comes to sex." Ella said.

"You know more than you think you do and besides were not having sex, we're making love and all you need to know is right here." Sandra said as she scooted down and kissed Ella just under her left breast where her heart lie.

"Thank you." Ella said. "I sorry for ruining the mood here. You made love to me, making me feel like I have died and gone to heaven and what do I do, I tell you the story of my life instead of making you feel good." Ella went on to say feeling bad.

"You didn't ruin the mood, I think this is called pillow talk and we have gotten a little closer now. Besides who said that we are done. I think you have a few more orgasms coming before we go to sleep and then we can wake up and make love some more. We are just getting started babe." Sandra said as she gave Ella a wink. Then she started to bring her hands up to Ella's breasts. However Ella was quicker to the draw.

Ella brought her hands up and she caught Sandra by surprise. She pushed Sandra's hands up as she used her body to push Sandra backwards. Had this been a double bed or even a twin bed instead of a military bunk, Ella would have succeeded in getting Sandra onto her back and she on top of her. However given the narrow bunk that they were on, Ella only succeeded in getting Sandra to titter on the edge of the bunk and as Ella realized Sandra was about to go over the edge, she tried to catch her. For an instant it appeared that Ella had stopped Sandra's backward momentum, then Sandra began to fall backwards and she grabbed onto Ella's arms. Sandra let out a scream as she fell backwards bringing Ella with her who also let out a scream. Sandra landed with a thump on the canvas covered floor with Ella landing on top of her. Ella looked into Sandra's eyes and she saw them go wide and she saw her start to say something when she felt the bunk which had turned up on its edge tumble down on top of her. This knocked Ella's head against Sandra's and they both let out a groan. Sandra pushed the bunk off of Ella as Ella used her butt to help Sandra do that. Neither said a word for a second then Sandra let out a laugh. Ella was in shock by what she had done and she was afraid that Sandra would be mad at her but when she heard Sandra start to laugh, all that fear went out the window. Ella began to laugh and then they both went into a giggle fest as Sandra wrapped her arms around Ella and the rolled them both around the floor.

"You are definitely full of surprises girl." Sandra told her as she kissed Ella.

"That wasn't exactly what I had in mind." Ella replies with a grin on her face.

"And just what did you mean to do?" Sandra asked as she arched her eyebrows.

"I had planned on kissing your lips like this." Ella said as she lowered her lips to Sandra's lips to kiss her gently. Then she slowly opened her lips to slip her tongue into Sandra's mouth. She felt Sandra sucking on her tongue as Sandra pushed her tongue against her tongue. Their tongue moved in a erotic dance within Sandra's mouth. They kissed for a few minutes before Ella lifted her mouth leaving their tongues touching long after their lips stopped touching.

"Mmmmm... that was nice." Sandra said in a hoarse whisper.

"After that I had planned to kiss your neck." Ella said as she slipped her lips to Sandra's neck and she started to plant little kisses from the left side of Sandra's neck to the right side then back again.

"Ohhh... I like that." Sandra said as she moved her chin up higher exposing more of her neck to Ella's kissing lips. Ella began to kiss her hard and she sucked gently as she kissed Sandra's delicate skin causing Sandra to let out little moans.

Then I thought that I would go a little further down your body." Ella told her.

"Oh please do..." Sandra replied.

Ella began to get nervous as she slipped down Sandra's body until her mouth was over Sandra's breasts. She saw that Sandra's nipples were dark and hard. Her nipples stuck up about a quarter inch and they looked so inviting. She glanced up at Sandra's face to see that Sandra was watching her. Sandra gave her an encouraging smile which gave Ella the confidence that she needed. Ella lowered her head until her lips were right over Sandra's left breast. Ella paused just a moment not realizing that her actions were only making Sandra more excited. Ella finally moved her lips down the last few centimeters and then they touched Sandra's nipple. Sandra let out a soft moan which made Ella feel good about what she was doing. She kissed the nipple lightly then she raised her head up to look at Sandra who had her eyes closed and she had this smile on her face that made Ella want to please her friend and make her feel good. Ella lowered her lips back to the nipples, this time she left her lips there after she had kissed the hard nipple. Ella opened her mouth to suck the nipple into her mouth. Ella heard Sandra moan and she found that liked the way Sandra's breast tasted and how the nipple felt in her mouth. She brought her hands down to Sandra's breasts cupping them as she sucked and nibbled on the left nipple. Sandra's breast were just big enough to fill her hands and the firm yet soft tissue felt so nice. Ella found that she was getting all excited by what she was doing to Sandra. Her pussy was getting wet again and the itch was coming back hard to her but first she wanted to make Sandra cum as hard as she did. Ella started to suck harder on Sandra's left nipple before she switched to her right one. She moved her fingers to the nipple that her mouth just left and she teased it with her finger tips as she kissed and sucked on the right one. The nipples seemed to be getting harder and Sandra's moans were coming closer together. Ella pinched the left nipple causing Sandra to let out a loud moan so Ella began to pinch the nipple harder. Ella was gaining more confidence with every passing second. She sucked and teased both of Sandra's nipples. Then she felt Sandra begin to push her hips upwards against her stomach. Even as nervous as Ella was, she wanted to go further with Sandra. She kissed another minute or two on Sandra's breasts, then she slipped her way down Sandra's body.

When she got to the top of Sandra's pants, she put her nervous fingers to the belt buckle. She opened it and then she unbuttoned Sandra's pants. She began to get a whiff of Sandra's arousal and it was like perfume to her nostrils. Ella put her hands to the sides of Sandra's pants and she gripped them and her panties in her. She began to pull them down. She looked closely as Sandra's dark bush came into view. She got a whiff of Sandra's arousal now and she loved it. She pulled Sandra's pants and panties on down as Sandra lifted her hips to help her. Ella got up on her knees so that she could finish pulling Sandra's pants and panties off. Sandra lifted her legs up to help her and when she dropped them back down she placed a leg to each side of Ella's body. Ella looked down at Sandra's beautiful pussy and the wet lips peeking from her dark bush made her mouth water. She leaned down and the musky scent that she smelled only served to make Ella want to taste Sandra's juices. She found that she needed to taste her, to lick her, to please her.

She ran her tongue through Sandra's pubic hair and she got a couple of loose hairs in her mouth. She quickly picked these out and she moved her tongue on down. She felt the beginning of Sandra's pussy and her heart started to pound in her chest. She let her tongue go a bit further down and she felt the rise of Sandra's sensitive clit. Ella let the tip of her tongue ride across Sandra's clit. This caused Sandra to moan and lift up her hips which surprised Ella a little but she quickly recovered. She kissed Sandra's clit then she moved her mouth lower. Ella let her tongue trace it's it way down Sandra's slit. She coated her tongue with Sandra's juices then she drew her tongue inside of her mouth tasting Sandra's juices. She found the taste to be slightly tangy and very delicious. Ella stuck her tongue back out and she started to lick up and down Sandra's outer lips. Ella drank in Sandra's juices not wanting to miss a drop. She found that she had nothing to worry about. She loved licking Sandra's pussy and she loved that she was obviously pleasing her which was the most important thing. Ella cleaned Sandra' outer lips and she put her tongue to Sandra's slit pressing inwards. She felt Sandra's lips part allowing her tongue to go deeper. There were lots more juices there for Ella to suck in so she stayed there going ever deeper with her tongue. Her nose was rubbing against Sandra's clit giving Sandra lots of stimulation. Ella moved her tongue around Sandra's pussy but she wanted to go even deeper so the used her fingers to part Sandra's lips.

She opened her eyes and she could see the pink flesh inside of Sandra's lips and how wet Sandra was. Ells moved her tongue around the inside of Sandra's lips then she pushed her tongue in deeper. Sandra was now twisting her upper body around, moaning, groaning, and making mewing sounds. Ella got Sandra really going before she moved her mouth to Sandra's clit, sucking it into her mouth. Sandra pushed her hips up hard making it hard for Ella to keep her mouth on Sandra's clit. Ella used her tongue to tease Sandra's hard little nub driving her friend crazy. Ella used more pressure on Sandra' clit like Sandra had done to her. This caused Sandra to grunt and moan more so Ella kept increasing the pressure until she heard Sandra let out a loud groan. Sandra arched her back as her breaths came out in pants. Ella knew that she had just sent Sandra over the edge causing Sandra to produce lots of girlcum that Ella started to lick up.

"Come up here babe." Sandra said as she reached down and she started to pull Ella up to her.

"Did I please you?" Ella asked her as she looked down at Sandra flushed face.

"Oh god, did you ever. You were perfect." Sandra assured her as she wrapped her arms around Ella's body and she kissed her.

"You're not just saying that are you?" Ella asked as the kiss ended.

"No baby I'm not. You gave me a great orgasm, one that I will remember for a long time to come." Sandra told her as she kissed her this time keeping the kiss going to keep Ella from saying anything more.

As Sandra kissed her, she also rolled Ella over onto her back. Sandra pushed her tongue into Ella's mouth and Ella started to suck on it as she pushed her own tongue against Sandra's mouth. Sandra soon withdrew her tongue from Ella's mouth, only to entice Ella's tongue into her mouth where she could suck and play with it. Ella was quickly getting aroused again. The itch in her pussy that she had ignored for all her life was demanding attention only now she couldn't ignore it nor did she want to. She wanted Sandra to care for that itch as she learned to take care of any of Sandra's itches. Ella moved her legs up and she wrapped them around Sandra's waist, rubbing her pussy against Sandra's abdomen.

"I think someone is needing something more than kissing." Sandra said as she ended the kiss.

Ella felt herself blushing as Sandra had seen right through her. She gently bit her lower lips trying to think of something to say but nothing was coming to her. "I believe that I can do something about that." Sandra went on to say as she kissed Ella gently on the lips. As the kiss ended, Sandra gave Ella a wicked grin and she got up on her hands and knees forcing Ella to let her legs fall back down to the floor. She gave Ella sweet little kisses as she moved her lips down Ella's body. Ella let out moans when Sandra stopped for just a moment to kiss and suck on her nipples. Then she started to kiss her way on down stopping every so often to give Ella's belly a gentle bite. This made Ella giggle and laugh and she wanted Sandra to just keep doing that. As Sandra got closer to her pussy, Ella naturally opened her legs. Sandra looked up into Ella's eyes holding contact with them as she lowered her mouth. Ella watched as saw Sandra' mouth get closer to her hot pussy. Ella felt Sandra's hot breath on her pussy and she groaned. Sandra stopped for just a moment with Ella feeling that hot breath tease her hot pussy. Ella kept waiting for Sandra to move but she wouldn't. Finally she couldn't take it any longer and she lifter her hips up so that her pussy made contact with Sandra's mouth. She saw Sandra smiling as she started to lick her pussy. Ella knew that Sandra was playing with her, making her want it all the more.

Ella closed her eyes as she felt Sandra's tongue go up and down her wet slit. Sandra was making long slow strokes with her tongue that would end at Ella's clit. There she would suck on the hard, sensitive nub for a second then lick her way back down Ella's slit. Every time Sandra would suck on her clit, Ella felt her arousal rise. So Sandra slowly took her one step up the ladder. As Ella got close to her orgasm, Sandra stopped going to her clit, instead she stayed at Ella's pussy, dipping her tongue in deep and moving it around inside of her. This felt so wonderful to Ella and she opened her legs as far as she could as she needed Sandra inside of her.

Sandra moved her fingers to Ella's pussy lips and Ella felt Sandra pulling her lips open. Ella felt Sandra hot breath on the inside of her pussy then she felt Sandra's tongue go even deeper inside. Ella let out a moan and she had to bite her knuckle to keep from crying out. She felt Sandra's tongue move around inside of her then she felt it start to go in and out fucking her. Ella lifted her ass off the floor and she pushed her pussy into Sandra's mouth. This was when Ella felt Sandra slip a finger just inside of her pussy. It went just inside before going out then it would go back in. Ella arched her back as she felt something inside of her for the first time. Then she felt Sandra's mouth on her clit and she did cry out through her knuckle. Sandra sucked hard on her clit as the finger moved in deeper on each in stroke. Then on the next in stroke, Ella felt a stab of pain and she knew that Sandra had gotten to her hymen which was still intact.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to hurt you." Sandra said as she had not realized that Ella's hymen would still be there.

Ella felt Sandra withdraw her finger and stop sucking on her clit. "No don't stop, keep going. Make me yours." Ella cried out to Sandra.

"You sure, it might hurt some." Sandra warned her.

"Yes, please go ahead. I want it. I want it now!" Ella demanded of Sandra.

Ella felt Sandra's finger reenter her pussy as Sandra's mouth clamped down on her clit. She could feel Sandra's tongue teasing her clit making her so aroused. She felt her orgasm getting close as Sandra's finger began to enter her again. Ella kept waiting for Sandra to break her hymen however Sandra seemed content to just move it right up to her hymen then stop. Ella wanted to yell at Sandra to go ahead but Sandra now had her at the edge of an orgasm. Sandra began to really lick hard on her clit as she sucked on it. Ella stopped caring about her hymen as she approached her orgasm. Ella felt her clit get real sensitive then she arched her back as she felt the beginnings of her orgasm. Then just as her orgasm hit, Ella felt a sharp pain inside of her pussy and then it felt full. Ella cried out in pain and pleasure as she became Sandra's woman forever. Ella felt her body rise as she rode out her orgasm and she could feel Sandra gently massage the inside of her pussy tearing away the last of her hymen.

When Ella came around, she found Sandra hugging her and something soft against her pussy. 'How you feeling?' Sandra asked her as she looked down into her eyes with concern.

"I feel great now." Ella said as she reach up and pulled Sandra's head down so that she could kiss her.

"Are you hurting?" Sandra asked more directly as the kiss ended.

"A little but it's a good hurt." Ella said as she pulled Sandra back down for a kiss, this time holding onto her so that Sandra wouldn't ask any more questions. They kissed for a few minutes before Sandra again stopped the kissing.

"I don't know about you but I'm ready to cuddle up against the girl I love and get some sleep." She said.

"I think that would be nice. Can we just lay here and sleep?" Ella asked not wanting to move away from Sandra.

"Sure," Sandra said as she reached across Ella and pulled the sheets and blankets from the bunk that was still on its side.

The sand underneath the canvas flooring made for a decently soft floor. It wasn't as soft as the bunk, but it ran a close second. Sandra shifted the sheet under them and then she covered them both with the blanket. Ella grabbed the pillow and she put it under her head leaving room for Sandra's head. The cloth that Sandra had placed between her legs began to feel uncomfortable so she reached down and removed it. She then pulled Sandra close to her to kiss her. Ella made the kiss linger on for as long as she could. Then she let it end and they both drifted off the sleep.

When Ella awoke, it was early evening and she felt something warm between her legs. Ella opened her eyes to see that Sandra was crouched between her legs and she was gently washing her pussy.

"What you doing?" Ella asked as she propped herself up on her elbows but not bothering to close her legs as it was beginning to feel nice.

"Cleaning you up, you bled a little after what I did to you." Sandra said with her concern for Ella showing.

"What we did, I was the one telling you to make me a woman." Ella told her as she spread her legs wider as she was beginning to get a bit excited with the way Sandra was washing her. Only Sandra's washing had turned into more like caressing.

"You were a woman long before I came along." Sandra said as she smiled at Ella, then Sandra's smile just a bit crooked. Ella knew that Sandra was up to something and she could only hope that it was what she was thinking it would be.

Ella bit her lower lips as Sandra just stared at her then she bit on her lower lips harder as Sandra began to lower her head. Ella felt Sandra's hands on her upper thighs pushing them out wide. Ella let out a little moan in anticipation of what she now knew was coming. Ella could almost feel her pussy start to produce it's juices. Sandra's head lowered all so slowly making Ella groan as she wanted to feel the pleasure that Sandra's mouth and tongue would give her. Her life had completely changed since she had met Sandra and she loved every second of it. Sandra had brought excitement into her life, for the first time in her life, Ella was really living and that was all due to Sandra.

Sandra's mouth got all so close to Ella's pussy, so close that Ella could feel Sandra's breath on her pussy. It made her want to lift her ass off the floor and get her pussy to Sandra's mouth however she let Sandra do as she wanted knowing that Sandra would make it feel great. Sandra began to gently blow on Ella's pussy causing her to groan. The warm air rushing back her wet lips felt like heaven. Ella opened her legs wider thus opening up her pussy lips. She could then feel Sandra's breath deeper into her pussy. Ella stayed in place for a moment more then she had to have more than just air against her pussy. She lifted her hips up to Sandra's mouth. She felt Sandra place a tender kiss against her pussy lips then she felt Sandra's tongue move across her lips.

"Ohhhh..." Ella cried out as she dropped her head down against the pillow. She felt Sandra's hands on her ass cheeks as she held them up. Sandra ran her tongue up and down against Ella's lips causing Ella to groan more. Ella lifted her hips up higher burying Sandra's mouth into her pussy.

"Ohhh..." Ella cried out again as Sandra's tongue dipped into her pussy. Sandra swirled her tongue inside of Ella causing her to groan more. Ella just kept pushing her hips upwards as Sandra ate her out. Ella gripped the sheet that she was laying on in her hands and she pulled up on it as Sandra's tongue moved up to her clit. It was all Ella could do to prevent herself from screaming out her joy. She bit her lower lip hard as Sandra assaulted her clit. Sandra was licking hard and fast, then she would suck Ella's clit into her mouth. Ella was fast approaching an climax which Sandra immediately got started when she used her tongue against Ella's clit as she sucked. Ella moaned out loudly as she felt the waves of her orgasm course throughout her body.

"Oh god that was nice." Ella said as she pulled Sandra who was gently licking up her girlcum.

"So you liked that?" Sandra asked as she moved up and kissed her.

"Oh hell yes." Ella said as she wrapped her arms around Sandra's body drawing her in close.

"Glad that you liked it, I was hoping to wake you up to something nice." Sandra told her.

"You did, and it was more than nice, it was the perfect way to wake up." Ella said as she gave Sandra a look that conveyed her love for her friend.

"Thanks," Sandra said as turned them on their sides so that they were now facing each other. "Are you sore or anything?" Sandra asked turning the conversation to something more serious.

"A little but it feels nice in a way. Makes me remember what we did and how good you made me feel. I just hope I made you feel even close to that good." Ella asked hoping to get a positive response.

"Oh you made me feel great. You don't ever have to worry about that. Just keep doing what your heart tells you to do and you will make me the happiest girl in the world." Sandra said as she leaned in to give Ella a kiss.

"That reminds me, I think it's your turn to feel good." Ella said as she moved her mouth down to Sandra's right nipple, kissing it and then sucking it into her mouth. Ella heard Sandra groan and she felt Sandra's hand at the back of her neck. Ella smiled to herself as she knew that it was a good sign that she was pleasing her friend. As she sucked on Sandra's nipple, she moved her right hand down Sandra's body. When her fingers got to Sandra's pussy, she found that Sandra was already wet. She ran her fingers up and down Sandra's slit causing Sandra to moan again. Ella sucked and nibbled on Sandra's right nipple as she pressed her middle finger between Sandra's lips. She used her palm to rub against Sandra's clit as she pushed her finger in. The tip of her middle finger found the entrance to Sandra's pussy and she pressed it inside of her. Sandra was tight and wet. Ella also found no barrier as she knew she wouldn't which was fine with her. She was glad that Sandra had some experience or they wouldn't have never ended up where they were now if it was left up to her to make a move first. She needed for Sandra to do that and she did. Ella slipped her finger in deeper and deeper until it could go no further.

"Fuck me babe." Sandra whispered to Ella.

Ella slipped her finger back a bit and pressed it back inside. She went slowly at first until she was sure that she wasn't going to hurt Sandra. Then she started to fuck her harder which Sandra seemed to want and like. Ella sucked harder on Sandra's nipple as she tried to slip a second finger inside of Sandra. She found that with Sandra as wet as she was, the second finger slipped inside of Sandra easily. Sandra began to push back against her fingers as she fucked her. Ella let Sandra's nipple slip from her mouth and she moved her head down to Sandra's pussy. She watched for a moment as her fingers slipped in and out of Sandra's pussy and she saw how coated they were with Sandra's juices. This excited her all the more and she had to have a taste. She just couldn't let her fingers have all the fun. She moved her mouth over Sandra's clit to lick and suck on it. The clit was hard and very sensitive. She began to lick as she sucked. That seemed to be driving Sandra crazy so she sucked harder as she used her fingers to fuck Sandra deeper and harder. Sandra started to twist around as she humped back against Ella's fingers. Ella started to lick against Sandra's clit and then she felt Sandra's pussy clamp down against her fingers as she came. Ella moved her fingers out and she replaced them with her tongue as she licked up the girlcum.

"Oh god girl I need a nap now, you wore me flat out." Sandra said in a satisfied sign as she pulled Ella up to her.

Ella smiled feeling proud that she had really pleased her friend and now lover. "You're just being nice." Ella said hoping that Sandra would contradict her as she still wasn't convinced that she was as good at this as Sandra was.

"I'm just going to have to made you eat me until you are convinced that you are doing everything right." Sandra told her.

"Okay," Ella said as she started to move back down Sandra's body as she loved licking and pleasing Sandra.

"Oh no you don't. I was messing with you. I can't handle any more of your lovin' right now, I'm too sensitive."

"But I want to." Ella said slightly disappointed.

"I know you do and I would love nothing better than to lie between your legs for the rest of the night but we both need a break. Besides I need to use the bathroom and I'm starving." Sandra said as she pulled Ella back up to her, kissing her before Ella could protest.

"I guess we could use some rest but then we'll come back here and make more love?" Ella asked shyly.

"I think I've created a sex monster." Sandra said with a laugh causing Ella to blush at Sandra's kidding.

"No I'm not!" Ella said pouting a little.

"Yes you are but you my sex monster!" Sandra told her and she hugged her tightly giving her another kiss, making this one much more passionate and lasting much longer.

"I just I'm a little bit of a sex monster but you make me feel so good. I just never imagined that I could feel this way." Ella admitted.

"I'm glad that you chose me to be your first." Sandra told her seriously.

"You're my best friend, the one person in this world that I know I can trust. That means a lot to me and I love you." Ella told her friend.

"I love you too babe." Sandra said as she gave her another kiss.

"Now let's get dress and go to the restroom before I pee all over you." Sandra told Ella.

"Yuck!" Ella said as she rolled away from Sandra quickly. Then she jumped to her feet, leaning over to help Sandra up.

"Did I ever tell you about this stream that ran down by house back home? The stream trickled over the rocks and ran down the mountain side..." Ella was saying before Sandra hollered at her.

"Shut up girl, I'm about to pee bad enough already." Sandra said as she crossed her legs.

"When it rained the streamed really filled up and the water poured out of it." Ella was saying as she smiled.

"Just because I love you doesn't mean that I won't kill you if you don't shut up."Sandra threatened her.

"Okay, okay I'll shut up besides now I really have to go." Ella said as she felt the pressure in her own bladder.

"Serves you right, I hope you pee all over yourself." Sandra said and then she caught her breath realizing what she said.

"Too late, done that already." Ella said with a laugh and she saw the relief come over Sandra's face.

"So we both have." Sandra corrected her and Ella didn't bother to tell Sandra that she knew that Sandra had only peed in her pants so that she wouldn't feel so bad. She let Sandra believe that she didn't know that.

"Yes we have." Ella said as she button her shirt before they both headed for the latrines and then to find something to eat.

This time they decided to eat in the chow hall. The found a table with several women that were in the Army. The conversation was of course centered on the insurgent attack. They were talking about how excited they were that some action had finally came their way. Ella was thinking that this was the last thing that she wanted to come her way and when she glanced over at Sandra, she found that she had the same expression on her face. Ella kept her mouth shut as the only thing that she thought that she could add to the conversation was that she was so scared that she pissed her pants. However she didn't think that was the best way to impress these seasoned army women. They eventually the conversation turned to the surge and where these women had been as they drove the trucks that delivered the troops and supplies. Ella would have loved to see more of this nation but she knew that she and Sandra weren't prepared or experienced enough to protect themselves. The conversation soon found its way to Ella and Sandra but since they had only been there for a few weeks they really had nothing to add to the conversation. The women were nice however the conversation went back to what these women saw and did and since Ella and Sandra couldn't add anything exciting to the conversation, they decided to let the women be. They said their goodbyes and they bade them farewell. They women were nice but Ella and Sandra knew that they were out of place with them. They liked the excitement and danger of war while Sandra and Ella wanted to stay as far away from it as possible.

It was still light outside so they decided to explore the base for a bit. Since they had been here, the furthest they had been away from the supply tent and their tent was the chow hall. So they began to walk around going first out to near the flight line where they watched a couple of fighters take off and they a couple of unmanned drones that were used to try and find the insurgents. From there they ventured to where all the supplies that came in were kept before they were distributed. Ella had thought that their office was busy but this placed seemed to be a madhouse. There were trucks everywhere and people loading and loading them. This did give Ella a better understanding of just what the paperwork that they processed actually set into motion. If they didn't do their job, all of this would shut down and people's lives would be put into danger. They then took the long way back to their tent, stopping first to check on Major Hill to make sure that everything was going okay and he didn't need them. He was on the phone and couldn't talk but he did motion with his hand for them to leave. Ella wanted to stay as she saw that the paperwork was starting to pile up on them. However once they were back out of the tent and heading for their own tent, she realized that they were heading to where she really wanted to go.

"Would you do something for me?" Ella asked as soon as they entered their tent.

"You know I will babe." Sandra said as she turned to face her.

"Would you give me a kiss?" Ella said with a cute little grin.

Sandra smiled as she came to Ella wrapping her arms around her she pulled Ella in close. "There's nothing more that I want to do more." She said as she leaned in.

Ella tilted her head staring into Sandra's eyes until they lips were about to touch. She then closed her eyes just before she felt Sandra's lips touch hers. Ella felt her heart skip a beat as the kiss began and she let out a little moan. Ella put her arms around Sandra grasping her at her shoulders. Sandra opened her lips allowing Ella to slip her tongue into Sandra's mouth. She felt Sandra beginning to suck on her tongue then Sandra pushed back with her tongue. Their tongues went into Ella's mouth and she began to suck on Sandra's tongue. As they kissed, Ella felt Sandra's hands begin to caress her back. They moved up and down her back. Ella pressed her body against Sandra's body feeling Sandra's warm body and she needed it. Sandra's hands slowly made their way down to her ass. Ella let out a moan and a bigger one as Sandra began to squeeze it with her hands. Ella felt her nipples begin to tighten and her pussy start to gather moisture. Ella never dreamed that her friend could cause her body to react this way but she liked the feeling. She liked how Sandra made her feel, both her body and her heart.

"I need you so bad." Ella whispered to Sandra as their lips broke apart for a second as they kissed.

"I need you too babe." Sandra replied as she gave Ella's ass a squeeze and she kissed her again. They kissed for another few moments before Sandra pulled back and broke away from Ella's arms causing her to frown.

Sandra leaned in and gave Ella a tender kiss then she took Ella's hand in hers leading her over to Ella's bunk as her bunk was still on its side where Ella had flipped it when she tried to get Sandra onto her back. Sandra put her hands to the top button of Ella shirt and she started to unbutton it but Ella stopped her by putting her hands to Sandra's hand and pushing them away. Now it was Sandra's time to frown.

"Let's pull the mattresses over here and make a bed on the floor. I think we'll have more room to..." Ella said as she blushed thinking about what they would do on the floor.

"Good idea and I know what we can do with the extra room." Sandra said with a sexy wink causing Ella to blush more.

Ella went to her bunk and pulled the covers off of it and she placed her mattress on the floor. She then helped Sandra pull her mattress over next to Ella's mattress. Ella turned to get her sheet and they placed it over the mattresses that were now laying side by side but the sheet was too small for the mattresses and that made Ella frown until Sandra said that she had an idea. She went and got her sheet, then when she came back she pulled Ella's sheet off and turned it sideways. The sheet only went about half way down but it gave them enough to tuck in. Ella then realized what Sandra was up to so she grabbed Sandra's sheet and she laid it across the bottom half of the mattresses. Now they had the mattresses covered and the bed was more than wide enough for them. Ella got her blanket and top sheet placing them on the bed that they had made and she tucked them in at the foot. She then started to climb onto the bed when Sandra stopped her.

"Wait a minute, this is a nudist bed." She told her.

"A nudist bed?" Ella asked not understanding what Sandra was saying. She knew what a nudist was but a nudist bed, that she had no clue.

"No clothes are allowed when you're on this bed." Sandra said with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Oh I see," Ella said as she began to unbutton her shirt. She looked at Sandra and saw that her fingers were busy unbuttoning her own shirt. They slowly undressed in unison, as Ella took her shirt off so did Sandra. When Sandra pulled her pants off then that was what Ella did. Soon they were both down to their bra and panties. Ella knew that the crotch of her panties were wet and that embarrassed her a bit until she saw that Sandra's panties were in the same condition. Ella hesitated for a second allowing Sandra to removed her bra and panties first. She took in Sandra' beautiful body with those pert nipples and her pussy that was so pretty with its wet and swollen lips.

Ella reached back to undo snap her bra when Sandra said, "Don't do that, That's my job."

Ella blushed but she dropped her hands as Sandra came to her. Sandra pulled her in close, kissing her as her hands slipped up to Ella's bra. Ella let out a little moan as Sandra was kissing her passionately, using her tongue to explore Ella's mouth. Ella felt her bra come undone and then she felt Sandra's hands on her shoulders pulling her bra straps down. Sandra broke off the kiss leaving Ella breathless. Sandra slowly pulled Ella's bra strap down her arms and the cups stuck to her breasts for a second then she felt them coming loose. Ella felt the air hit her nipples getting them even harder. Sandra let the bra drop to the floor then she brought her hands up cupping Ella's breasts. Ella let out a moan as she felt Sandra's hands caress her breasts. Sandra's fingers went across Ella's nipples causing her to shutter. Ella looked down at what Sandra's fingers were doing to her breasts and then she saw Sandra lean down and she watched as Sandra's captured her right nipple.

"Oh fuck!" Ella whispered into Sandra's ear.

Sandra began to nurse this nipple as her fingers began to pinch her left nipple. "Oh god!" Ella whispered when she wanted to shout it out loud.

Ella could feel her pussy making more juices thus soaking her panties. Sandra switched nipples so that she was nursing on the left one and pinching and teasing the right one. Ella put her hands to Sandra's head holding her in place. Sandra moved from one nipple to the other one getting Ella so aroused. She just wanted Sandra to suck and play with her breasts all day however her pussy was wanting it share of the attention, in fact it was demanding the attention. Ella used her hands to push Sandra down and she got the message. Sandra kept her hands on Ella's breasts caressing the teasing the nipples as she kissed her way down Ella's stomach. Ella thought that Sandra would stop at her panties so that she could pull them off but she didn't. Sandra kept kissing Ella as her got to her panties. She went on down kissing Ella through the nylon material. When Sandra got to her pussy, she kissed her there causing Ella to moan. Sandra kissed her several times then she began to lick her thought her panties. Ella felt her knees go weak and she almost fell. Sandra then took her hands and she brought them to the waistband of Ella's panties.. She quickly pulled them down and Ella stepped out of them and then she eased Ella down on the bed. Ella felt Sandra's hands on her knees pushing them out wide.

Ella propped herself up on her elbows and she watched as Sandra crawled up between her legs. Ella spread her legs up as wide as she could and she let out a moan when Sandra dropped her head and then she began to kiss her clit causing Ella to want to cry out, instead she bit her lower lip hard. Sandra kissed and licked at her clit getting her so aroused that she just knew that her orgasm was about to hit hard. But then Sandra dropped her head down and she began to lick up Ella juices from her pussy lips. Ella groaned out her pleasure as Sandra's tongue went between her lips. The tongue slipped up inside of her and Ella moved her legs out even wider. Ella felt Sandra's fingers at her lips pulling them open. Then she felt Sandra's tongue go even deeper. It moved around inside of her and then it went to her exposed clit when Sandra licked on it getting Ella close to a orgasm yet again. Ella moaned wanting to cum but Sandra's mouth left her clit and went back to her pussy going in deep with her tongue. Ella squirmed around on the mattress as Sandra's tongue worked her pussy over.

Sandra slowly moved her mouth back to Ella's clit and Ella felt Sandra start to ease a finger inside of her pussy. Ella let out a groan as she felt Sandra's finger fill her up. The soreness had gone away now and Sandra's finger felt so good. Ella pushed her hips back trying to get more of the finger inside of her pussy. Ella let out a moan as she felt Sandra's finger go all the way in. Sandra began to fuck her with her finger as she licked Ella's clit. Ella pushed her hips up wanting Sandra to lick and fuck her harder and she did. The finger started to go in faster and harder as Sandra's mouth locked down on her clit sucking hard. Ella moved her hands up to her breasts and she began to pull and twist on her own nipples as Sandra worked her to her orgasm. Sandra slipped a second finger inside of Ella, really filling her small tight pussy up. Sandra was fucking Ella's pussy hard now with her fingers and her tongue was licking hard against her clit. Ella felt her clit get real sensitive and she convulsed as she felt her orgasm hit like a thunderbolt. Ella let out a muted cry as she came and she felt her soul leave her body going to that special place that only Sandra could take her.

When she came back her body, she felt Sandra licking up her girlcum and she smiled down at her. Ella reached down and he pulled Sandra up to her. She kissed her tasting her juices on Sandra's lips. Then as they kissed her rolled Sandra over onto her back. This time it went smoothly and no one went crashing to the floor like had happened the last time Ella tried this maneuver.

Ella kissed Sandra's face all over getting her juices from Sandra's face and then she went down to Sandra's lovely breasts. She kissed each nipple before she sucked the right one into her mouth. She loved the feeling of Sandra's hard nipple against her tongue. It was just so erotic to her and when she heard Sandra moan so she knew that this was what she was meant to do. She nursed gently at first going back and forth between Sandra's breasts then she began to bite and suck harder on her nipples. This caused Sandra to really moan and groan. But like Ella before, she needed to cum so Sandra didn't allow Ella much time on her breasts before she gently pushed her on down her body. Ella loved Sandra's breasts and wanted to play with them more but she loved Sandra's pussy even more so it didn't bother her too much to be separated from those wonderful globes.

When Ella got to Sandra's pussy, Sandra already had her legs spread wide. So all she had to do was to drop her head and begin to lick. Sandra's juices tasted so good and she wanted them all. She licked the outer lips first then she slipped her tongue between the lips getting to the source of those juices. She moved her tongue around inside of Sandra's pussy sucking and gently biting on the inner lips. she could hear Sandra moaning so she knew that she was pleasing her friend and that made her feel so damn good. Ella brought her fingers up so that she could get her tongue in deeper. She pulled Sandra open and she dipped her tongue deep inside of Sandra's pussy. That brought a big moan from Sandra and she felt Sandra pushing her hips upwards. Ella buried her face in Sandra's pussy and she licked and sucked for all she was worth. Then she moved her mouth to Sandra's clit as she slipped two fingers into Sandra's pussy. Sandra was wet, warm, and tight and Ella loved the feeling of feeling the insides of Sandra's pussy. She began to fuck her as she started to lick Sandra's clit. Sandra started to buck and twist on the mattress as Ella fucked her pussy and licked her clit. It didn't take too much of this before Ella felt Sandra's pussy clamp down against her fingers and she felt her girlcum flow out around her fingers. Ella withdrew her fingers so that she could lick up that girlcum.

"Oh girl that was nice." Sandra said as she pulled Ella up in the bed.

"Thanks, I try to please you." Ella told her as she lay on top of her.

"You do please me." Sandra said to her as she curled her fingers around the back of Ella's neck pulling her down for a deep long passionate kiss that left them both breathless.

When the kiss ended, Ella started to move back down Sandra's body as she wanted to give her lover another orgasm however Sandra stopped her. "I want to please you some more." Ella pleaded.

"And I want to please you." Sandra replied as she flipped Ella onto her back before Ella knew what she was doing. Then Sandra got up and she turned her body around. Ella knew what Sandra was doing so she opened her legs up as she put her hands on Sandra's ass cheeks bring it down until she could start licking Sandra's pussy again. She felt Sandra's mouth on her pussy which made her moan as Sandra began to lick just as she was doing to Sandra. Ella quickly decided that she liked this way of making love as she was making Sandra feel good as Sandra was making her feel good. Ella moved her tongue in and around Sandra's pussy lips going in deep then working on her clit with her tongue. Ella felt Sandra's tongue move around her pussy and then going between her lips going to her core. They slowly brought each other to orgasm then Ella make Sandra switch places with her so that she could be on top. This time she used her fingers to fuck Sandra as she licked on her clit and she felt Sandra copying her as she felt her own pussy being filled up with Sandra's fingers. They fucked and sucked each other to several more orgasms before they finally collapsed. Sandra turned Ella around then kissed her tenderly before pulling the covers over them and they fell asleep.

They woke up early then next morn and shared some kisses before getting up to get ready to go back to work. Once they had visited the latrines and then eaten they reported back to the supply tent and Major Hill. Ella could see that Major Hill was tired and it was them who chased him out of the tent to get some rest. Once he was out of sight, they started in at their work. Ella couldn't believe just how much paperwork could build up over the thirty-six hours that they were off. So they began to work as they talked. Ella wanted to talk about what had happen between them during the time since the shelling but this wasn't the place to do it. There were too many people coming in and out and the last thing either of them wanted to have done was to be kicked out of the military for being gay. So they kept their conversation to general stuff that would keep them out of trouble. There was a bunch of planes coming in so they were kept busy until well into the night before they had a break. They got up to stretch their legs and they went just outside of the supply tent. It was about three in the morning and the base was quiet. No one could be seen walking around except for the patrols guarding the base.

"You know what I could use right now?" Ella said to Sandra.

"What's that girl?" Sandra asked.

"A nice big sloppy wet... kiss." Ella said shyly. "You don't know where I could get one of those do you?"

"Oh I think that I could think of a place to get one of those." Sandra said with a wink.

"But who would give it to me?" Ella asked.

"I got that covered for you." Sandra said as she took Ella's hand and practically dragged her around the side of the tent to their tent.

"You ready for that kiss babe?" Sandra asked as she pulled Ella in close to her.

"Oh yes..." Ella said breathlessly as she closed her eyes waiting for those sweet lips of Sandra's to touch her lips.

Sandra made her wait for the longest moment before Ella felt Sandra's lips touch hers. Ella let out a contented sigh as she kissed Sandra back. She felt Sandra's hands grip her shirt in the back and she pulled Sandra in tighter. The kiss lingered as their mouths opened to accept the other's tongue. Ella felt her body heating up as the kiss turned passionate. Then just as it was getting good, they heard someone hollering and they had to break apart.

"To be continued..." Sandra whispered into Ella's ear just before she let her go.

End of Part Two

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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