Elite Slave Auction

Published on Aug 13, 2022


Elite Slave Auction - Epilogue

This is a work of fiction.  It includes sexual activity and some bondage and sexual situations.  No resemblance to persons living or dead is intended.  If you are underage, or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, leave now.  Some of the activities described in this story may cause injury or transmit diseases, including HIV.  Please play safe--I don't want to lose any fans!

Author retains rights to and title to their submitted works.

The complete story including images will be published soon at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/usemeinva. Follow me there so you don't miss out.

The catalog of all the slave being sold in the auction is available at https://usemeinva.tumblr.com/post/162379189542/elite-slave-auctions-catalog-summer-2017pdf_

The complete text is now posted with photos at https://usemeinva.tumblr.com/post/163871956717/sold-120pdf Please like and reblog!






by usemeinva

Owner was right about needing the rest, we were awakened early the next morning simply by knocking on the window of the bubble. Our bed would also be our stage for our pleasure and pain performances if you can call them that. Once we were awake Owner informed us through a PA system that it was time to test out the system. Normally we’d be instructed to interact with each other either fucking, sucking, kissing, etc. but for now just sit there and look at each other save the sex stuff for the paying customers. He explained that the switch button was right there in front of the window and the on off button for the system was just on the other side of the glass, so close but yet so far away. With that they system was turned on. I instantly felt the pain and I could see the pleasure in B’s face. We were instructed to hit the button which he did and it did switch. Owner asked about the pain and pleasure levels if they were unbearable or not. We nodded that it wasn’t unbearable. So He said, "OK, let’s turn it up a bit." And the system was tested again. We did this several more times until he had the settings just as he wanted them. I would have been happier with a much lower level of intensity myself.

Over the next several days the system was demonstrated for various VIPs and investors. The sessions were never more than an hour at a time. Owner said he wanted to keep the surprise of the longer sessions for opening night which would be tomorrow night. We were ordered to get some rest, there was some very soft white noise pumped into the room via the PA system to drown out the noise of the last minute prep in the bar area. Soon we drifted off to sleep. When I woke up the next day I was still getting used to being the fish is the fish bowl where every thing we did was on view for everyone to see. We showered and went to the bathroom. Had a light dinner before it was time for the Grand Opening. Soon the lights dimmed in the living area of our quarters but bright spotlights illuminated our bed. That was our clue to get into position. B and I were instructed to simply make out all night while we endured the pleasure and pain.

Once the doors opened and the guests started to arrive the system was still not turned on it seemed that Owner wanted to introduce us and make a great show of turning it on. I was in no hurry to start because it would most likely be on for 6 or more hours without a break. Before it was turned on I did notice that not only were we naked but the bartenders were as well. I guess Owner was making the most of slave labor to keep his profits high. We would later learn that the entire staff was kept naked at all times. Eventually Owner made his appearance and he was dressed in a fitted leather tuxedo. It actually looked rather sharp on him. With his big announcement the system was turned on and our torture began. Approximately six hours later, after seemingly endless pain and shooting multiple loads each all over our bed/stage B and I were finally permitted to get some sleep. Thus would be our lives for six nights a week and even longer hours on the weekends.

After one year Owner came to us and said it’s time to get a new couple to be in the bubble. I’m going to have you be trained for barkeepers. We learned how to mix drinks and got to be quite good at it but it turned out that once the device was turned on even outside the bubble we still experienced the intense pain and pleasure. There was no way we could work that close to the bubble. So he moved us to cleaning the toilets and being bathroom attendants. Even though the effect was less there because of the distance from the bubble it was still enough that we were unable to work. Owner came to the conclusion that he couldn’t use us anywhere in the bar because there was no way to remove the devices without killing us. His only option was to consign us back to ESA to be auctioned off again.

One evening soon there after Charlie happened to come into the bar and overheard Owner talking about needing to have us auctioned off. Charlie apparently had taken the part of the money he had contributed to our rescue fund and invested it very wisely or with a lot of luck. He now had over $50,000 that was just his money. He approached Owner with a deal that he would buy us for half of what he had paid for us since we were now used merchandise and he could skip the whole auction. Owner thought about it a few minutes, Charlie later told us, but agreed. So we became Charlie’s property. He came back the following day with two leashes and gave us the news. He put the leashes on us and lead us out the door and walked us the couple miles back to his place.

Once we were back at his place he had us kneel at his feet and said "There are going to be some changes to what I originally promised you. You will be my slaves for the rest of your lives. You will serve me as my slaves in any and every way I ask without question. So start now by sucking my cock and eating my ass." We jumped at the chance to finally taste what Charlie had to offer.

The following day Charlie took us back to ESA’s auction facility. Initially I was afraid he’d changed his mind about owning us. I was so disappointed. However once we got there apparently we were expected and were escorted back to the post auction prep/shipping area. First I then B were told to get on the table face down, ass up. I heard the blow torch turn on so I knew what was coming. Soon we were both branded on our ass with "CC" for Charlie Cox. He said we may be P&P alums but now we were 100% his and he wanted the world to know it. Charlie even considered buying another slave to care for his household to give us more time for other pleasures he said. We were taken to an extended preview with one slave and were told to kneel in the corner. It turned out the slave was 27. Apparently they had tried to auction him off one time before this and had the same results as before. He was given permission to speak once we recognized him and told us that if he failed to sell this time they would turn him over to the _Fight2Death_TM promoters to use as they wished.

Every night we slept in his bed with Charlie and were very happy. He even would occasionally take us back to Pleasure and Pain. Apparently they had even added a dungeon room below the bar but it had a glass ceiling where the bar patrons could watch what was happening below. We spent a great deal of our visits down there where Charlie experimented with all the room had to offer. He was turning into quite the Master. He even loaned us out on occasion to friends. Apparently the reason he’s left our P&P brand and gold jewelry on is with that he and his guest always got free drinks there whenever he went. Because our devices still worked and added to the evening’s entertainment. Our time with Charlie was the best of our lives, however Pleasure & Pain was where we would experience the agony and ecstasy of the device much to his amusement. We wouldn’t have had it any other way.

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Kik: usemeninva 
email address: usemeinva@gmail.com
Tumblr: usemeinva_

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