Elite Slave Auction

Published on Aug 13, 2022


Elite Slave Auction - Day Three

This is a work of fiction.  It includes sexual activity and some bondage and sexual situations.  No resemblance to persons living or dead is intended.  If you are underage, or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, leave now.  Some of the activities described in this story may cause injury or transmit diseases, including HIV.  Please play safe--I don't want to lose any fans!

Author retains rights to and title to their submitted works.

The complete story including images will be published soon at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/usemeinva. Follow me there so you don't miss out.

The catalog of all the slave being sold in the auction is available at https://usemeinva.tumblr.com/post/162379189542/elite-slave-auctions-catalog-summer-2017pdf_





by usemeinva


The next morning began all to soon. B and I were awakened by our cell door opening and were told to stand and get to the shower room to be cleaned out. We didn't have a scheduled viewing session that morning so it would be our turn to be the welcoming display in the lobby where potential bidders entered and left the building. Once we were clean and the leather restraints re-added we were escorted to the lobby where there was a large podium about 3 feet high. Once again our boy was there along with another boy. They stood on either side of the podium with their collars and small thongs. Their hands were behind their backs and eyes were downcast.

I noticed there was a sign at the podium with our lot number on it. We were told to climb onto the podium and our restraints were locked to eye hooks built into the platform's top. Behind the podium there were various paddles, floggers and whips. We were told that if anyone wanted to see us take punishment that the boys would get the requested implement and give the punishments themselves. They had been warned to give their best or else they would receive the same punishment as well. The boys also were provided with containers of oil for lubing us if necessary.

Fortunately it was pretty slow. We were given a few licks with a flogger at the request of one Previewer. He felt us up pretty good including grabbing our still tender balls. After about two hours there we were told that it was time for us to switch places with the twins who had the outside location. We were removed from the podium and taken to a cage outside along the walkway leading into the building. Elite Slave Auctions certainly seems to know what They are doing.

Our boys accompanied us to the outdoor location. The twins were let out of the cage and we were told to get in. It was small and confining but it wasn't too bad at least we had some room to move around. We did find out why there was movement room when we were presented with several cocks from Previewers and told to suck. One Previewer even wanted to fuck B's ass and I was ordered to lube his ass with my spit and tongue. I proceeded to get B as wet as I could and as deep as my tongue would permit. It was still likely to be a painful fuck for B.

I could tell from his face as it happened that it was rough for him. All I could do was watch and wonder if I was next. However it apparently was time for the Man's preview session with another slave so he had to go before he seeded B's ass. We each sucked a few more cocks since it was getting busier but soon our time in the cage was up and two more slaves were brought in to replace us. We were taken back to our cells but were told that we could spend a couple hours working out in the gym later to bulk up our muscles before this evening's viewing unless someone requests a private session.

Much relieved to have the morning past us B and I sat on the floor together in our cell. We sat facing each other but our legs were touching. We sat in silence for several minutes before he asked me how I was doing. I said, "Ok I guess. I'm just really nervous about that guy from that club last night. I don't know how I could take what he is talking about doing to us. That hurt like a motherfucker last night and I liked it even less that I was the one responsible for hurting you."

"Me either. I really hope Charlie can come up with enough money. I always kind of had the hots for him and I know you do too. I wouldn't mind him owning us, even if it's for a short time while we earned our money back."

"I know. He sure is a hottie, that's for sure."

Once again we sat in silence for a while each lost in our thoughts. Occasionally our eyes would meet and I could see the love there for sure. An hour or so later after we even managed to grab a short nap the door opened to give us the opportunity to visit the weight room. We both enjoyed working out and it sure did beat sitting in this cell with nothing to do. The mood in the weight room was very strange especially since we were not allowed to talk with each other. There was an attendant on hand to make sure that we didn't too. The gym was hot and smelled of sweat and sex. I could see lots of marks on the bodies of the other slaves. Looks like maybe we had faired better than most.

A workout is a workout so not much to report. Eventually our time was up and we were all lead to the hose room where we took our turns being hosed down and cleaned out. As we left the room our bodies were inspected to make sure we were completely clean. Those that had marks were ordered to stay behind and they received treatment with the magic ointment. I'm sure they would look fine by the evening. We returned to our cell and lubed each other up.

We didn't even have time to sit before our boy opened our door to escort us to the viewing room. This time the boy was dressed in just a black bow tie and tuxedo like underwear. They actually looked kinda cute dressed that way. We were lead to our podium and since we were one of the final lots most of the others were already in place before we got there. We were all completely naked and I noticed everyone's marks were now completely gone.

B and I assumed our positions with our boy by our side on the floor by the podium. Tonight the podium was adorned with black velvet with gold accents in the colors of the Elite Slave Auctions. The room was also exquisitely decorated in the same colors for the evening. Arrangements of roses were placed around the room gave it a festive feel. As the Previewers began to enter I noticed the

Gentlemen were dressed in tuxedos and the ladies, yes there were a number of ladies tonight were dressed in fine evening gowns. Apparently tonight's event was quite formal and quite the social gathering. I hope they didn't mind if I didn't feel quite as festive as they did. There were even waiters that were naked but wearing bow ties. They were carrying around hor d'oeuvres and champagne around for all the Guests. I recognized them as some slaves that were still in training. I guess they were getting a good preview of what awaited them in their futures tonight.

Every now and then a Previewer would come up to our podium and want to inspect us. They would order the boy to spread our cheeks to show them our holes or have them play with our cocks to get them hard. It was rare that a Previewer actually touched us. However towards the end of the evening one of the ladies who had indulged in a few too many glasses of champagne came up to me and grabbed my cock and was playing with it and giggling like a school girl. She even called over one of her friends and giggling said look at this one it is the perfect size. Big enough to feel it but not so big as to hurt. I wonder if I could get Ralph to buy me this one instead of a new dildo. He is getting old and cannot get it up much any more but an old girl just wants to have fun you know.

The ladies friend said, "Shhh Mildred, this one is part of a set I don't think Ralph could afford two slaves for you. Let's get you out of here."

I was grateful that she was gone. Tonight the crowd was so good they extended the preview an extra hour to accommodate all the guest to get an opportunity to see everything they wanted. Our boy poked and prodded us and made us erect several times as the evening went along. I'm sure he was tired of sticking his finger in our asses and proclaiming how tight we were like it was the first time he had felt us that evening. As the evenings "festivities" were ending one of the sales agents came and whispered something in our boy's ear. He simply nodded and the agent departed. Finally the crowd was escorted out an most of the rest of the slaves were returned to their cells our boy informed us that we were to be taken directly to an extended preview session without time for refreshing our lube or to go back to our cell. Our boy took care of the lube job for us. The Previewer was anxious to see us privately.

We were escorted to a room that was set up for a dinner. We were told that we were to be the waiters and entertainment for the Gentleman's guests. He was the owner of Rent-a-Slave and occasionally got request for matched slaves to serve at parties. He wanted to see how well we would work as waiters and other entertainment for his service. We were to be waiters, bartenders and fuck toys for his guest for the rest of the evening. The dinner was prepared we just had to serve it but we had to mix the requested drinks. Fortunately we were trained to make most of the drinks that were requested but did have a book for those we did not know. After dinner and desert were served I went over to the corner of the room where a bed had been set up. The Gentleman himself he came over and got a blow job from me. I eagerly complied hoping to make a good impression. After the man was satisfied I started to wipe the cum that had dribbled on my face off. He said no to leave it there. I then switched places and took care of the guests' needs while B took his turn servicing another guest. We took turns until all six of the guest were satisfied. The gentleman told us that we had done well and he hoped to be able to purchase us. We helped everyone with their coats and they left. Fortunately other slaves had to do the actual clean up afterwards we went to the hall and kneeled by the door to await the attendant to return us to our cell.

Once we were back in our cell B said that wouldn't be too bad if Charlie doesn't win us much better than that bar guy any way. We stayed up a bit longer in case we were called on again but no one came eventually sleep overtook us and we drifted off.

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Kik: usemeninva 
email address: usemeinva@gmail.com
Tumblr: usemeinva_

Next: Chapter 4

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