Electricians visit

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on Jun 29, 2016



Electricians visit

Here wehave a flight of fancy, call it wish full thinking, no names mentioned but thisis how I wished the visit had transpired... I had tostay in one morning due to us expecting a visit from an electrician to replaceour meter, he was due between 08.00 and 12.00 so I decided to watch a little TVwhile I waited. Well, it was not long before I got bored with daytime TV andturned the computer on and tuned into a little porn to pass the time.

No soonerhad I got a channel which looked interesting and got comfortable, the doorbellrang, I thought I shut the computer down as I left the room to get the door,more speed less haste.

I openedthe door to a very nice looking young man, maybe very early twenties, smart,clean uniform with open neck shirt showing a little chest hair. He introducedhimself as the electrician to replace our meter and I invited him in.

Once I hadshown him where the meter was he very soon got his toolbox open and startedworking on it. I was a bit dry so went into the kitchen to make myself acoffee. When I got back to the hall way our man was nowhere to be seen, then Iheard sounds coming from the lounge, a very specific sound, the sort of soundyou get if you have the sound turned up on most gay porn film clips.

As Ientered the lounge our young man span round and started to apologise, he saidhe heard these sounds and wondered what was going on, so sorry to interrupt hekept saying, I'll get back to my work.

No, I shouldbe the one to apologise I said, I thought I had turned that off as you arrived,sorry if they offended you in anyway.Carrying onwith his work he said, anyway, why should two guys having fun offend me heasked, looking over his shoulder with a grin like a Cheshire cat. Do you thinkI could have another quick look when all the works done?

He verysoon made his last connection and checked all the work he had done, filled outhis paper work and asked me for my signature.Thankyou hesaid, I hope the new meter lasts longer than the old one, I'll just put all mytools back in my van and then if it's alright with you ill pop back for a lookat that movie, can't stay long but a few minutes, then off to the next job, aslong as you bring at least one tool back with you I replied, he bersed outlaughing, saying I've only got one really good tool and its firmly attached.

Minuteslater he was back in the lounge, stood in front of the screen, obviouslyenjoying the antics of the guys in the movie, from where I was stood, I couldsee a nice bulge had formed in his trousers. Why not give him some air, looksas though he's a bit tight in there, he looked at me, smiled and dropped histrousers. He was running commando that day so instantly this cock sprang up toattention. I love the way young cocks follow the line of the stomach, almosttouching all the way, he was rock hard.

Do you mindif I sit down he asked, help yourself, make yourself comfortable, I hope youwill help yourself as well, he said with a grin? Enough said, I was on my kneeswith this rod in my hands, gently stroking and massaging a lovely pair of hairyballs.

Give us aquick suck? He slid his ass to the edge of the chair and I leaned over and tookit deep throat, wow he said, never had that done before, more please..He hadmoved so far forward on the chair that I had free access to his ass hole, whichI was gently probing with a finger, he was defiantly grinding and pushingtowards the intruder so I took a second to wet my finger and while stillsucking, gently but firmly pushed my first finger into his hole. When I foundhis prostate he let out a yell, God, what are you doing, keep this up and you'llneed to redecorate the ceiling.

Needs doing,I said, carry on, can't now as I don't have time to enjoy it but could I comeback some time I'd love you to do me like that guys giving it to his mate,never had a cock up my ass, yours looks a bit big for first time but I'd loveto give it a go. Good job was already on the floor, there is this young lad,young enough to be my son asking me to fuck him, my legs would have given in ifI'd been stood up.

No problemfor me, more than happy to give it a go, might even enjoy it I replied with agrin, get ready he suddenly said I'm so close, do you mind if I watch the firstone I said, I love to see cocks shooting, no, just get ready, I quickly liftedhis shirt and give him the double hand treatment which did the trick, withinseconds he was thrashing round groaning like a demented banshee, then afountain of spunk shot a good four feet into the air followed by four more goodstrong spurts, he was covered, it was on the arms of the chair, the floor andme.

Hecollapsed in a heap painting, I went to get some towels to clean up, when I gotback he was still laying on the edge of the chair, his cock still rock hard. Istarted to wipe him clean, taking every opportunity to caress this gorgeous kidand his cock.

If you comeagain, make sure you've got time to take a shower afterwards it's a lot easier,good idea, when can I come round next, which is best for you morning orafternoons, all day if it lets me see, feel and get soaked by that I replied,we both laughed as he pulled up his trousers and some how managed to lose hisstill hard cock inside them.

As he lefthe turned and we shook hands, see you tomorrow afternoon, my last jobs at threeso about half past three OK for you, I'll be ready, take care, see youtomorrow.

He wentdown the drive, got into his van, waved as he drove off, I then realised I didnot even know his name. Anycomments, good or bad gratefully received. kimbageno@yaoo.co.uk

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