El Paso

By Lambodara

Published on May 16, 2022


El Paso Chapter 9

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and in no way reflects real persons living or dead. If any people, places, or actions depicted in this story reflect real life events or situations it is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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El Paso 9

`Our House'

Come to me now (Come to me now)
And rest your head for just five minutes
Everything is done
Such a cozy room (Such a cozy room)
The windows are illuminated
By the evening sunshine through them
Fiery gems for you, only for you¹

Our last day on the road was grueling, we didn't make it into La Paz until late in the evening. We stopped at the hotel to get the house keys from Maria, but she said there had been a delay and the house wasn't ready yet so she'd held us a room at the hotel. We crashed hard that night. When the phone rang and woke us up, I just ran for the bathroom; I had to go so bad.

"Who was calling?" I asked Felino when he came in the bathroom.

"Tita set up a wake up call for us" he said, taking aim and letting his own stream loose into the toilet, "we need to get into the shower. I have a surprise for you today."

"To quote a dear friend of mine, `I don't like surprises'" I said.

"I think you'll like this one" he answered enigmatically.

No matter how much I badgered him, he wouldn't clue me in. Finally, I gave up. We washed and dried each other and despite my many efforts to initiate fun, my hands kept getting slapped away. "No time for that this morning" he said.

Downstairs, Abuelita had breakfast waiting for us, she wouldn't let us leave on an empty stomach. While I was eating, I saw her slip Felino an envelope which he quickly tucked into his pocket without a word.

"Okay, where are we going??" I asked. No answer. I could tell we were headed toward the water. After a few minutes I saw the sign `Puerto de La Paz'.

"I don't mean to ruin your surprise, but I really don't feel like sitting in a boat all day today" I said.

"Good. You won't be" he said with a shit eating grin.

He turned away from the tourist businesses and went toward the commercial part of the port and pulled into a space under a sign reading `Administracion Portuaria'; I wasn't sure but that would be the port authority if my guess was correct. He jumped down out of the truck and said "C'mon, slow poke Rodriguez."

I followed him into the office where he finally pulled out the envelope, tore it open and handed me...a set of keys? Wait...as I paid more attention, it was MY keys, the keys to my truck. During my low alcoholic period Hank had taken my keys and hid the truck from me in some storage place; he wouldn't tell me where. Being hardheaded as I am, I bought an old junker Nissan Sentra from a coworker for next to nothing just to get back and forth to work.

"Seriously? You had my truck shipped over?" I said excitedly.

"I know what it meant to you and a...uh... classic like that shouldn't be sitting in storage rusting away (even though its half rust already)" he said sarcastically.

I had to show the bureaucrat my U.S. drivers license and my passport, sign some papers and hand him the keys. After what seemed like way too long the old beast appeared from a bay door halfway down the building lurching and heaving. This man obviously didn't know much about driving a stick shift. I ran down to stop him before he tore the clutch out. He seemed happy to relinquish the vehicle to me. It may sound corny, but I felt whole again now that I had my old truck back. The cheap Sentra I was driving before we left was not my style, but I had too much pride to beg my brother to give my truck back. I pulled up to where Felino was parked and got out long enough to give him a big hug and a sloppy kiss.

"Be sure to thank Hank and Bill, too. They arranged and paid for the transportation. It was my idea though..." I kissed him again and followed him out of the port back to the hotel. When I pulled in two of the hotel bellboys who were on break came over looking at my truck. Felino translated for me. It seems Juan's brother Diego had a shop where he restored old vehicles. Juan said this one could be made into a masterpiece. I told him I'd think about it but only if it was put back all original; no hydraulic kits or LED lights, etc.

When we got into the lobby, we had more good news. Abuela Maria said the electrician called and the office wiring was completed at the house, although Xfinity wouldn't be out until tomorrow to hook up the internet. She handed us another set of keys, including the key to the doors and the front and back gates. The back yard was fenced in so we could park securely and also had a place to let Appa out to run around.

"First payment is due in two weeks" she said, "and you also need to buy insurance."

"We'll take care of it Abuelita" Felino said.

"Now, the not-so-good news" she said. "Your furniture didn't arrive yet, so there's no place to sleep. I took the liberty of booking your room another night."

"Gracias" I said.

"De nada" she relied, grabbing my chin in that grandmotherly way.

"For all you've done for us, let us take you out for dinner" I said.

"It's a date" she said, "I'll be done here by 6pm tonight."

"We'll be here" I said.

After so many days sitting in a moving vehicle, I decided I wanted to go walking. I went up to the room while Felino and Maria were talking and retrieved Appa and leashed him up and we went out to walk the beach for a while. We walked about a mile from the hotel when Felino got a text from his grandmother. The furniture company would be at the house within the hour. We turned around and headed back, but Appa got lazy and kept stopping so I finally had to pick him up and carry him so we could get back quickly. We jumped in the truck (mine, this time) and went over to the house to let the furniture movers in. Felino showed me where to turn to get to the back of the house and he unlocked the gate so I could pull in. He hesitated at the door.

"Which one of us should carry the other over the threshold?" he said laughing.

"Just come on" I said, walking through the house to the front where we could see the big truck parked on the street, waiting. We went out and opened the gate and they began bringing everything in. I had to let Fey point them to where everything should go, since I'd never been here till just now. An hour later we had a substantial amount of furnishings. I was anxious to try out the new king-sized bed. We stayed up pretty late rearranging furniture to get it just the way we wanted it. FedEx said my computer would arrive tomorrow so, fingers crossed, I'd be able to start working Monday. We were too tired to unpack Felino's truck tonight, plus we owed Abuelita dinner, so we decided to stay at the hotel tonight. We locked our house up and got back to the hotel with just enough time for me to take Appa up to the room.

Maria wanted to ride in my `vintage car' as she called my truck. She slid in first and sat in the middle because she wanted to be between her two men. We took her to Mc-Fisher and we each ordered a different dish and shared between the three of us. It was awesome! Fresh seafood, steak, ceviche. We all wobbled back out to the truck. This time she let Felino get in first because "nighttime is for lovers". Back at the hotel, we sat and talked a while until Abuela said she was tired and excused herself to her apartment. Fey and I went upstairs; we weren't in the honeymoon suite this time, just a regular room, but it still had a balcony. We sat outside looking at the reflections of the first sliver of the waxing moon shimmer on the water. Appa came out to see what was going on and jumped up in Felino's lap.

"You little traitor" I said.

"He has great taste in men" Fey said giggling.

"I'll have to hand him that one, you do taste good" I said.

I don't know how late it was but the traffic was dying down and the full bellies had made us sleepy, so we got up and went to bed. A few minutes later I got up and threw some shorts on. Appa let me know I'd forgotten to take him out before bed. Once we got his business done, I crawled in bed beside my already sleeping Felino and passed out for the count. As I was drifting off to sleep, I felt him turn onto his stomach and lay his arm across my torso.

Friday morning, we were very busy. We ate breakfast at Abuelo's command, then made a bee-line for the house. The cable internet installation was for 8am; well technically a window between 8 and 12. We also had to unpack the rest of our belongings which were still resting in Felino's truck. After that, we had to meet with this Hector guy Maria knew who would hook us up with homeowner's insurance. Then, if there was any time left, I wanted to go get my application for permanent residence turned in. We unloaded the truck while waiting for Xfinity to show up. Then we sat and waited some more. He got there about ten minutes before 12. I told Felino to go without me and set up the homeowner's insurance, I'd stay until the cable guy was done. About an hour later we had high-speed internet and international VoIP telephone installed. I knew due the time difference I wouldn't get him, but I called Hank's cell number and left a message thanking him for his part in getting my truck to me. Next, I called Bill, and thanked him for his part.

"Oh, no problem. Felino said to be sure to tell you it was his idea" he chuckled.

"Yeah, he's let me know that several times, I guess he wants a cookie or something" I said laughing.

"Or something" Bill repeated.

When I hung up with Bill, I realized it was past two. I had to hurry to get to the immigration office before 5pm. I called Fey's cellphone. He said he'd be here in about 10 minutes. I saw him pull up out front and went out to meet him. We hurried to the immigration office and I turned in my application. The man said he'd call me within the next two weeks. We managed to get all our projects tackled for the day. Back at the house Felino got busy calling and giving his family our phone number. His aunt and uncle who live up the street asked if it was okay to come by this evening. Felino looked at me, I shrugged my shoulders, he told them sure. We finally had time to sit down and rest for a while; a siesta so to speak.

We'd about given up on our company as it was getting dinner time. That was when the bell rang. Outside was the spitting image of Felino's Aunt Rosa, her sister Margarita, her husband Victor and Fey's cousin Antonio. Antonio, at only 17, looked like a teenage version of Felipe; mouthwatering. Margarita had her arms full of dishes, she had cooked us dinner as a housewarming gift. Uncle Victor had a litre an a half of mescal. The only one who spoke much English was Antonio, so I ended up being his companion for the evening. I found out quickly that although he looked like a young Felino, his tastes were much more traditional. He showed me pictures on his phone of all the girls at school who wanted him for a boyfriend; he kept asking me my opinion of each one. I didn't have the heart to tell him he was barking up the wrong tree.

Victor went into the kitchen to get some glasses for the mescal and saw my truck outside.

"Ay, magnifico" he said, "es tuyo, Felino?"

"No, Tio, es de Otto" Felino answered.

Victor smiled at me. Common ground. "Mi papa tenía uno así" he said, "pero rojo en lugar de turquesa."

"He says his dad had one like that, only red instead of turquoise" Felino translated.

It was getting close to 10pm when they finally tired out. Antonio had long since retreated to a corner, texting somebody on his phone. One of the many girls he showed me probably. We walked them out to the gate and locked up, then went back in and got ready for bed. Felino beat me to it so he was the first one on our new mattress. I stripped off and slid in beside him and lay my head on his shoulder smelling the intoxicating odor of mostly failed deodorant perfectly blended with prime eau de Felino. Appa jumped up on the bed and embedded himself into the back of my knees. Felino turned the lamp off and we drifted to sleep.

Up in the wee hours I drifted into consciousness and became aware that my butthole was under assault. Sometime in the night I'd turned onto my stomach (or maybe somebody turned me onto my stomach) and now somebody was feasting on my poor hole. As soon as my mind caught up with its own train of thought, it sent a message to my dick and it eat quickly expanded under me attempting to bore a hole in the new mattress. I reached down and repositioned it so it was pointing upward toward my navel. Felino had been busy before I woke up, he already had three fingers in my hole. I felt him get up on his knees and position his thick tube at my back door.

"New mattress" I whispered.

He handed me a towel, I raised up and put it under me. His body followed mine down and he impaled me while I was still readjusting myself on the towel. He lay on top of me and put his arms, palms up under my shoulders and cupped his hands around them, pulling me back and holding me in place while he sunk his full length into me. Once there, he didn't move. I could tell this was going to be a lovemaking session, not a quick fuck. He worked himself slowly in and out of me for at least a half an hour. I was leaking so much I was sure it had gone through the towel by now. He held me tight and rolled us over so that now I was lying on top of him. As he sped up his relentless thrusting up into me, he started hitting my special place. I took my dick in hand and started jacking myself at first in time with his thrusts, but then I just lost control and flailed at it like a nymphomaniac. I only lasted a minute after I started. I held my dick close to my stomach and shot a pool of cum into my navel. Felino surprised me by picking some of it up and rubbing it on his cock, fucking me with my own cum. Another thing he saw on the internet I thought to myself, nevertheless, the slickness felt fantastic. As he got really close, he pulled out and move around to position his dick in front of my face and proceeded to jack his load into my waiting mouth. I swallowed it all greedily. We were really wiped out this time. I cleaned us up with the damp towel and we crashed for the rest of the night. Our new house had now been properly christened.

Lambodara 5/15/21


Everything seems to be falling into place.

¹ https://youtu.be/zEkcHjg8oEM

Next: Chapter 10

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