El Paso

By Lambodara

Published on May 15, 2022


El Paso Chapter 8

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and in no way reflects real persons living or dead. If any people, places, or actions depicted in this story reflect real life events or situations it is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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El Paso 8

I bless the day I found you
I want to stay around you
Now and forever
Let it be me

Big surprise...we woke up late again. When we came out of the tent our new friends the Hernandez' called us over. Linda said she made too much breakfast for the two of them and asked if we would take it. It was so transparent that she thought two young guys like us were unable to fend for ourselves, but we happily took them up on their offer. In breakfast conversation with the husband Emilio, he told us they were headed to Rancho Grande later today; it's one of the last campos before the highway turned away from the water. While the distance is only around 40 or so miles, the road is horrible. Emilio called ahead and found out conditions already. It didn't take much arm-twisting to get us to agree to caravan with them; safety in numbers.

We took our time leaving Puertecitos. After breakfast I helped Linda clean up while Felino watched Emilio fish for a while. Linda whispered to me that she felt like me and Felino were more than just friends on a camping trip, then she quickly apologized for being too assumptive. I told her it was okay.

"Does it really show that much?" I asked her.

"To someone who is sensitive to relationship dynamics, it's a no-brainer" she said, "there's something about your body language when you two are together, the way you look at each other when you talk. Even though you're not touchy-feely it's like an invisible connection between you."

"But to outsiders are we an obvious couple?" I pushed.

"I'm not sure Emilio has figured it out yet, so I'd say your safe. Just so you know, you'd be safe with us out or in" she smiled.

We packed up around 10:30 and started the slow trek to Rancho Grande. We took it slow and it was, for the most part, uneventful. The worst part was when our friends got stuck in the sand right at the entrance. We had to let air out of the tires and go around in front of them and attach a tow rope. Felino put the truck into four-wheel drive and we pulled them free pretty quickly. We took two palapas on one end of the beach and set up our camps. We decided to ride back up to Papa Fernandez to get some lunch since it is world renowned. Nothing like ultra-fresh seafood served on the beach with cold cerveza. As we were eating, the subject came up as to why two young men like us were travelling the baja alone. Linda whispered into Emilio's ear and a look of `of course' came across his face. I turned red and Felino laughed at me.

After lunch, we separated to do our own things. Linda and Emilio set up beach chairs at the edge of the surf so Emilio could fish. Felino and I and Appa went for a walk down the beach, looking for privacy. We came to an area with slightly higher dunes and threw our blanket beside one, out of sight of the rest of the campo. We lay in the sun and made out for a while but it was just too hot to stand for long, so we headed back. We tied Appa off to one of the palapa posts with his bed and a bowl of water. Felino had parked so that his truck was between our palapa and the Hernandez' site; it also created a little shade. We slipped into the tent and out of our shorts. We could hear excitement at the beach and assumed Emilio must have caught a fish, but inside our tent we had our own excitement going on.

We had both ends of the tent open except for the screen so we could have the breeze as well as be able to see if anybody was coming up to us. I was sitting with pillows behind my back and Felino was sitting on my lap facing me as we kissed and let our hands explore each other. Certain parts of us were sticking straight up between our sweaty bodies. Felino took my face in both hands and held it gently as we kissed passionately. I was lost in his infinitely dark eyes. My hands were trailing up and down his muscular back until they landed at his tight cheeks and gave them a squeeze. He responded by starting to lift up and get into position for me to enter him, but I quickly shook my head and moved so that I was the one on top of him. The sweat from the day had posited natural lubricant into my crack as I reached back and pulled his foreskin back and placed the head on my sweaty hole. I relaxed the opening and he was inside, the heat made everything go easier. I pushed him onto his back and began to ride him like a cowboy. I leaned backward and adjusted until I had his dick rubbing my prostate on every move. Out of the corner of my eye I could see motion at the water's edge; Linda and Emilio were picking up to come back to the palapa. I squeezed tight onto Felino's cock and increased my pace, I felt him tense and then I felt the throbbing as he unloaded inside me. I lay back and started to jack myself off with him still inside me, but he pushed my hand away and took me in his hand. He jacked me fast as he could and the payoff was several white stripes from my chin to the pool in my pubic bush. He licked and sucked the cum off his fingers. We could hear voices next door so he found a towel and wiped us off. We quickly pulled on our board shorts and got `decent' just in time. Linda walked over next to our tent, peered in, and started talking.

"Are you two still napping?" she said loudly, scratching Appa behind his ears.

"We were about to get up, actually" I said, winking at Felino, "is anything wrong."

"Emilio caught a huge snapper, so fish for dinner. Come on over in a little bit!" she said excitedly.

"Ok, we'll be over in a few minutes" Felino said.

Our cooks ended up being Emilio and Felino. Emilio grilled the fish over the open campfire and Felino rummaged between their supplies and ours and managed to come up with a makeshift Vera Cruz type salsa to go with it. Once again, the food was fantastic. After we cleaned up dishes and packed things away, we all went out to sit at the shore and watch the sunset. Linda rested her head on Emilio's shoulder and Felino copied her move, resting his head on mine. As the sun set into the water, I pulled his head up and kissed him, not caring if anyone could see us.

"Buenos noches, amigos. We are turning in for a `nap' like you had earlier" Emilio said laughing. Linda elbowed him in the ribs, but she was smiling too. It was dark so they couldn't see me turn red, but I could feel the flush.

"Buenos noches!" we said together. The night was getting cool so we went in too but still being sated from our earlier adventure, we actually went to sleep. We zipped our sleeping bags together and Appa settled between our chests with just his nose peeking out.

We would be parting ways with our friends today. While we were going on south to La Paz, they intended to make a loop and head back north on Hwy 1. We exchanged numbers so we could keep in touch and actually got an early start for a change. Our plan for the day was to drive south as far as we could stand it and find a spot to camp for the night. We'd talked to a lot of people at the campos and heard that unless an area is posted, you can free camp anywhere; just no toilets, showers or amenities.

The highway improved a little when Hwy 5 merged into Hwy 1, we were making pretty good time. After about 70 miles or so of driving we stopped in the little pueblo of Punta Prieta and stretched our legs and let Appa out to walk for a while. Our lunch today was really gourmet; peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with cool Mountain Dew. We hadn't seen any ice machines in a couple of days so they were whatever temp the water in the ice chest was. I set Appa up with his double bowl of dry food and water on the tailgate.

An hour later we wearily climbed up into the truck and continued. By the time we got to Guerrero Negro any thoughts we had about going farther were gone. We stopped to get gas and Felino asked about local places to camp overnight. The man at the register told him about a nice secluded spot on the beach about five miles away. The little store actually had ice and a few groceries so we stocked up and set off to find our crash spot. We found what I guess you could loosely call a road matching the description the gave and followed it over a little hill and down onto the beach. There was a very homemade looking palapa with a fire ring of stones, sitting all by itself just like the man said. We pulled up beside it and started setting up our camp. It was so weird, yet beautiful, being here alone; our own private beach. I let Appa run free on the beach with me as I picked up driftwood which I took back to make a fire.

We sat by the fire and warmed our hands, the breeze off the pacific was rather cool at night. Dinner was from a food truck we saw while getting gas. We got two tacos each; we ate them with the chips and cookies we got at the convenience store. We were under a waning moon now so when the sliver of moon set, it was pitch black on the beach. I looked up and could actually make out the milky way, I shook Felino and pointed at the sky. I didn't know he had fallen asleep and I woke him up. It seemed like a good time to get up and get into the tent and bed proper. Tonight, we were so beat we just went to sleep. The last sound I remember hearing was the sound of the soft waves lapping at the shore.

I woke up shivering in the middle of the night. I was freezing as well as needing to piss like crazy. I got up and stepped outside and instantly had goosebumps all over my naked body. I ran to the back of the truck and let a stream loose into the sand then rummaged in the plastic tubs until I found a heavy fleece blanket. I started back into the tent when, of course, Appa needed to go do his business now. I wrapped the blanket around myself while I waited, he walked around for way too long but finally got done and I put him back in the tent then started to crawl in. I almost butted heads with Felino who had to make his own nature call. While he was out, I spread the blanket over top of our sleeping bags and Appa dug his way under into the warmth of the covers and snuggled up to me. It didn't take Felino long to empty his bladder. He came in and zipped the outer flaps on both sides of the tent. When he got into my nest, he threw his freezing cold leg across mine, causing me to say various curse words. Much warmer now, we all settled in until daylight.

Today would be our last night on the road (Thank God). The landscape was beautiful, but we were both ready to sleep in a real bed and Appa was ready to get the hell out of a moving vehicle all day. We stayed on the road a shorter number of hours since this was our last adventure day. We ended up stopping at a fairly nice campo called Villa Maria Isabel RV Park; they also allowed tent camping. We stopped for the day around 3:30 and set up camp after paying a small fee. This campground had hot showers and we crated Appa and went to take advantage of them. This early in the afternoon, nobody else was in the showers so we also fooled around a little. We didn't get too raunchy because we were afraid somebody might come in. It undeniably felt good to get the grit of the last couple of days off of us.

When we got back to our campsite, we had neighbors, really close neighbors, like almost a part of our campsite. The two guys were setting up and I heard them speaking in German.

"Halo guys, Wie gehts?" I offered in my limited German, asking how they were.

The dark haired one responded in fast German, until he could tell I was lost.

"Sie sprachen Deutsch, nicht wahr?" he asked.

"Ja, aber nur ein bischen" I answered, "Sprechen Sie Englisch?"

"Yes, I know some English" he said, "I am called Johann, my freund ist Stephan."

"Pleased to meet you Johann, Stephan, I am Otto and my companion is Felino" I said.

"Bist du Brüder?" I asked.

"Nein, wir sind schwule, eigentlich" he replied.

Felino perked up, naturally if there was a word of German, he would know it would be schwule (gay).

"Wir sind auch schwule" I said, "we're gay too."

We ended up rearranging our camps to share the space between us as a common area. The Germans had started their journey in Cabo San Lucas and were heading north to cross into the US at Tijuana eventually. We left them to set up their camp and we went to walk on the beach with Appa on a leash this time since there were so many other dogs here. When we got back Johann and Stephan had built a fire in the fire pit and we pulled up our chairs. Appa jumped down and ran over to Stephan, who was obviously a dog person. He didn't freak out when Appa jumped in his lap demanding to be petted. Stephan commented that I must be an anime fan.

"A little, but believe it or not my mother named him" I said, briefly starting to tear up as I did out of the blue when I thought about mother.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asked.

"No, its just that she passed not that long ago. Every time I think I'm over it, something will make it all come back to me" I said.

The two shook their heads sympathetically. It was getting late, Johann stood and stretched and said he was going to head in for the night. Appa jumped down and came back to me as Stephan got up to join him. We decided to turn in as well, so we kicked sand on the fire and went inside. I was on the verge of falling asleep when I heard the unmistakable sounds of sex coming from next-door. In the pale light I looked over at Felino and saw he was wide awake and I trailed my eyes down to see a large bump in the sleeping bag at approximately waist level. I slid my arm over and wrapped my hand around the protrusion. My movement bothered Appa and he got up and went to the corner of the tent out of our way. Listening to the men next door had me hard as a steel nail. Felino turned on his stomach, offering me his ass. This time I didn't hesitate. I dug into my bag and found the small jar of Vaseline inside, popped the cap and greased his eager hole up. I didn't waste any time as the sounds from next door were escalating. I sunk into him producing a guttural grunt and exhalation of air. He seemed to be as horny as I was and penetration was no problem. I started off slow, but he looked back at me and said "Fuck me like the Germans are doing."

I obliged him by starting to pound the hell out of his ass, making loud slapping sounds on every thrust. When the guys in the next campsite sounded like they were getting close I angled downward so I would be ramming Fey's prostate and pounded even faster. I heard one of them let out a moan in his moment of bliss and I shoved into my man as far as my length would go before unloaded every seed in my balls into him. Underneath me, Felino whimpered and panted. When we were done with the throes of our orgasms Felino reached under him and pulled out a small towel he'd strategically place to catch his emission. He handed it to me and I wiped off and threw it toward the dirty laundry bag. Seeing that we had settled down, Appa came back over and crawled between us. After that, we were dead to the world.

Lambodara 5/14/21

lambodara@protonmail.com for comments/feedback.

Love the camping sex. Something about trying to be quiet with all those people around and nothing but a tent between.

Next: Chapter 9

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