El Paso

By Lambodara

Published on Apr 19, 2022


El Paso Chapter 3

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El Paso 3

"Games People Play"

Games people play, you take it or you leave it

Things that they say, Honor Brite

If I promise you the moon and the stars, would you believe it?

Games people play in the middle of the night

8:08am according to the clock. I move my hand down and feel the towel; so yes, that really did happen. My other hand finds my already stiff again cock and I give it a few tugs, then sniff my hand. Smells a little fishy, but I like it. I guess I'm weird but I like the smells of men. However, I have plans today again, though I'm not sure what they are, so I get up and strip the sheets and mattress cover off the bed and load them in the washer. I'll start it after I have my shower. I'm not happy when I run out of hot water in the shower. I shower and dry off, grab a pair of basketball shorts I use for lounging and throw them on, start the washer and turn on the stereo while I wait. I lean back in the recliner and close my eyes and listen to Shakey Graves. Obviously the phone rings again.

"Good morning" he says.

"'morning" I say.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks.

"Like a young teenager" I say.

"I'm not sure if that's good or not. Hey, I was thinking we could go over to Bel Mar and go swimming today if you want to" he says.

"Sure, if I can find a suit. Do you have a membership?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll even spring for the guest fee for you" he says, "If you don't have a suit, you can use one of mine."

"Now that would be a sight" I laugh, "I doubt I could get one of yours above my knees."

"You have time, you could run by Walmart, don't forget the sunscreen, whitey" he jokes.

"See you soon" I say.


I go look through my chest of drawers but all I can is a speedo from high school days. No way I'll be wearing that at a public pool, especially while being with somebody who affects me the way Felino does. So, I make the bed, throw on some clothes and head to Wally World. I find a pair of standard baby blue board shorts and go to the pharmacy department and pick up some of that coconut smelling sunscreen.

As I pull out onto North Mesa, I see the `Hot Now' sign lit at Krispy Kreme and I can't resist; I grab a cup of coffee and a hot glazed donut.

Back at home I throw the bedding into the dryer and turn on the TV for some background noise. It's still only 10:41, three hours and 49 minutes to kill before I can go pick up Felino. I turn on the iPad and end up at the Nifty Archive reading gay porn stories. I've been reading this one series called Tex Mex, but the writer wrapped it up. I found a couple of interesting short stories and in a few minutes, I was sporting some serious wood. I stick my hand in my pants and give myself a squeeze, but I don't want to go any farther just in case the second date might actually get somewhere. I turn the iPad off and channel surf a few minutes. I stop on a channel playing an old episode of Ancient Aliens and start watching it. I guess I nodded off because a loud commercial came on and when I looked at the clock it was already 1:30. Knowing that Felino usually would grab lunch at work on Sundays, I go in the kitchen and make a sandwich and grab a handful of chips and a Mountain Dew. I pull the dried bedding out of the dryer and make the bed and by that time it's just after two so I throw my trunks and stuff in a backpack along with (wishful thinking) a tube of Vaseline and take off for Rosa's.

I get there early still. I'd planned on sitting in the truck, but Tomás came to the door and waved me to come in. It was just him and Felino left to clean up; Rosa left early to visit a sick relative.

"Hey, Otto, can we give Tomás a ride to the pool? He's supposed to meet up with Valencia over there" Felino asked.

"Sure, no problem" I say. I wonder who Valencia is? None of my business.

The two make quick work of the dishes, then Felino and I wait while Tomás counts the money and makes out a deposit slip for the bank. Finally, we're ready, they lock up and I go get in the truck and Felino slides in the passenger side all the way to the middle next to me; Tomás on the outside. The pool is crowded today and I hate crowds. A red Camaro pulls up next to us and Tomás waves and jumps in and takes off with Valencia. Me and Felino go in and pay the guest fee and head for the locker room to change. I'm kind of shy so I'm glad most everybody is outside in the pool while we're changing.

Felino has no hesitation as he pulls his shirt over his head and stuffs it in a locker then drops his shorts and underwear in one move giving me a clear display of what he's got going on down there. It looks about the same size as mine but his foreskin comes down and makes a little point beyond the end of the head, and its really set off by the jet-black pubes surrounding it. He catches me looking and clears his throat to break me out of my trance and I quickly pull off my clothes and put on my cheap Walmart suit. I look up and he's got on trunks, thank God, and not a Speedo. I don't know if my heart could take him in a Speedo today.

"Would you grease me up?" I ask, handing him the sunscreen.

"I think I'd like greasing you up" he says with an evil smile.

"Do it quick, I don't want your lingering hands to cause me to have an embarrassing situation" I joke.

He slathers my shoulders and down my back with the lotion and I put some on my chest.

"Okay, let's go" he says. I stuff my backpack into the locker next to his and we head out to the pool.

The first hour or so the crowd is so thick we just kind of hang out in a corner. Later, as people start leaving, we're able to play around a little. We do a few laps and get out for a while and sit by the pool. We reapply the sunscreen because I'm already looking like I'm going to burn. It's too hot to sit on the deck, so I dive back in. Felino follows and as I'm treading water he dives and puts his mouth on my cock under the water, over the bathing suit, that is. He quickly surfaces and I dive and do the same to him. We play this game for about 15 minutes and we are both rock solid. We swim back over to the edge and float for a while until our excitement goes down.

"Are you about ready to go?" he asks, "I'm getting pruny."

"Whenever you are, cariño" I say, remembering what his aunt called me. He smiled and we pushed up and climbed out of the pool and went to the showers to wash off the chlorine. I follow his lead as he takes off the trunks and rinses them off under the shower, then wrings them out and walks naked back into the locker room. Damn, I didn't bring a towel. He looks at me and figures out my problem, he finishes drying off and hands me his towel. We're both still a little plumped up from our playing in the pool. I have a feeling he's a grower; his semi is a little bigger than my semi. As I finish drying off, he's in his underwear standing in front of a mirror making sure his hair is just right.

"Let's go get a burger" he says.

We run by Whataburger on Sunland and afterwards he says I should take him to my place. I'm sure as hell not arguing with that. I get us there quick and he comes in acting like a guest though he's been here a hundred times before. I do my smartass tour guide impression and show him the kitchen, living room and bathroom. Then with a grand flourish I wave my arm and present the bedroom. He gives me a giggle and tiptoes up and kisses me. I continue with my fake sales job.

"This is a special hybrid mattress; traditional springs covered my luxurious memory foam" I say. He goes over and pushes down on the bed with his hand, playing along and feigning great interest.

"Oh sir, do you mind if I try it out?" he asks politely.

"No, go right ahead" I say. He sits down and pulls me down beside him. I kick off my shoes and crawl backward until my head reaches the pillow. Felino does the same. We're laying side by side when his hand starts wandering first at my face, then down my neck and onto my chest continuing down toward the waistband of my shorts. He's rubbing my stomach and gradually his fingertips start making their way under the waistband. I stay very still; I'm not sure what to do and I don't want to ruin anything. He turns and gets up on his knees and starts pulling my shorts down; the boxer briefs trailing a little behind. As the top of the shorts reaches the base of my dick, I'm hard as a rock again. When he pulls them on down, my cock springs up making an obscene tent in the underwear. He pulls the shorts off my feet and goes back for the boxer briefs and makes short work of pulling them off as well.

He lays with his head resting on my stomach and jacks me for a while staring at my dick which is only inches from his face. It feels really nice but its nothing compared to the hot wetness that envelops me shortly after. He seems to have made a decision to go for it. I have one hand gripping the sheets and the other resting on the back of his head. I want to taste him too. I hope I'm not messing up when I push him away, but he gets it when I start to unbutton his shorts and rub the front of the sports briefs he has on. He's definitely bigger than me, only a little in length but thicker for sure. I drag off his shorts and underwear in one move and dive onto his thick chorizo. In a virgin mistake, I try to take too much at first and gag. He stops me and turns around in the classic 69 position. I get back on him, now the angle matches my throat and the curve of his cock. When I feel him in my throat I keep going and after gagging a couple more times, I take him to the root. From the sounds he's making, I'd say he is impressed. He mimics the actions on me and when I feel him swallow my eyes nearly roll up into my head. I assault him with everything I remember from all the porn videos I've watched, and in short order I can feel him swell up and I pull back as he starts firing, filling my mouth with bittersweet fluid. I hold it in my mouth, savoring his flavor a minute before finally swallowing.

Felino takes a minute to catch his breath, then he starts jacking and sucking me at the same time. I'm getting so close but it's not enough to flip my switch yet. He deepthroats me again and wets a finger beside my cock in his mouth. The bobbing head continues then I feel a digit invading my ass. As Felino's head starts bobbing super-fast, his finger finds my prostate. My whole body goes rigid and I unload what feels like a massive load into his mouth. I'm not too sure, but it felt like about seven or eight pulses of juice left me. When he pulls off, I can see he has a mouthful. He swallows a little then turns around and pulls my mouth open with his thumb and spits the remaining cum into my mouth. Then our silly mood kicks back in.

"We really been on the internet too much" he chuckles, "that was like a scene out of a cheesy Pornhub video!"

"Wow" I say, "Cheesy maybe, but real life is so much better than Pornhub" I laugh, "If this is what I get for a second date, I can't wait to see what the third date brings!"

Lambodara 4/18/21

Continued due to popular demand. It seems that internet porn is good for something after all. LOL


Next: Chapter 4

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