El Paso

By Lambodara

Published on May 20, 2022


El Paso Chapter 11

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El Paso 11

`Sucedió en Playa Balandra'

And, darling, I will

Be loving you 'til we're 70

And, baby, my heart

Could still fall as hard at 23

And I'm thinking 'bout how

People fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe just the touch of a hand

Well me, I fall in love with you every single day

And I just wanna tell you I am ¹

"What's the deal? It's like 5am!" I groaned, half asleep.

"If we don't get there by 6am, we won't get in" Felino said, insistently, "everybody is up but you, now get your ass in gear!"

"Ahhhhh, dammit" I said. Why did we drink all that mescal last night? My mouth feels like it's full of decaying nightcrawlers. I got up and stumbled into the bathroom, took a piss and started to get into the shower.

"No, no, no! No time. Here's your suit" I decided to just play along since everything seemed to be suddenly urgent. So, I pulled on the bathing suit and the tee-shirt he threw me. I slipped on my flip flops and we headed out. I smelled, let's just say, less than fresh. My only consolation was when I got into the living room and Hank and Valencia looked as bad as I did.

"C'mon, guys, Abuela and Bill have about a fifteen-minute head start on us already" he said. At some point he'd already pulled his truck out to the front and the doggie door was open for Appa. I checked and saw he'd left plenty of water and food for the beast so we were set to go.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise" he said. God, how annoying. I used my skills of deduction: 1) He had me put on swim trunks so I'm guessing we're going to a beach and, 2) the only beach that would require this much urgency to get into would be Balandra.

"Balandra" I said.

"Who told you. It was supposed to be a surprise" he whined.

"Nobody told me genius, I just know things.." I replied. He looked kind of miffed but he wouldn't let it ruin his day, I'm sure.

When we got there, we were about 30 cars back, I could see Maria's car about 10 cars up. What was interesting was when I saw her and Bill meet in the middle of the car. I couldn't tell for sure, but it looked like a kiss. As soon as the gate opened the cars started moving, we slowly made it to the front and paid our fees and went in. We were somehow lucky enough to snag the last palapa, if it was indeed luck. I saw Maria pass something to the little man standing by it, my guess was a bribe.

We started getting everything set up for our beach day. This was quite a prepared crowd. Hank and Felino pulled a folding table out of the back of the truck and Bill brought over a huge ice chest full of drinks and food. The sun was getting up in the sky over the drop-dead gorgeous bay with white sand and blue green waters. I started to reach for a drink when Felino whispered `Lets go wash the stink off you first'. We ran into the water like little kids. By the time it started getting any depth we were way away from the shore. Felino pulled me down into the water and kissed me; morning breath and all. We floated around in the near perfect temperature water for a while, then went back up to have what I guess you could call `brunch'. I looked out and saw Hank standing in the shallow water. Two arms were wrapped around his waist. I looked over at Bill and Maria who were sitting quite close together.

"So, Bill, not to be a downer, but what happened between you and Janice?" I asked.

"Well, lately we'd been kind of going in different directions anyway, but when I asked her to come with me here, she said she didn't want to hang out with a couple of faggots. That kind of cinched it for me. I don't want to be saddled to that kind of negativity so I told her that was fine, I'd go see the faggots by myself and she could likewise go fuck herself, by herself" he said.

"I'm so glad she was a bigot" Maria interjected, "you're a good man, cariño."

"Gracias, hermosa!" Bill replied. Felino looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"This family is getting almost incestuous" he whispered. I giggled.

"What did he say?" Maria asked.

"Nothing" I replied.

We walked back into the water to cool off for a while. When we waded by Hank and Valencia, we tried to ignore what their hands were doing to each other under the (crystal clear) water. We started floating positioned shoulder to shoulder with our heads resting on one another, our feet at six and twelve. Due to my ethnicity, I couldn't stay out long or they'd be calling me `lobster boy', so we went back and sat with the older folks under the palapa for a while. Hank and Valencia came in not long after. Hank was already looking roasted. During the hottest hours of the day, we sat under the shade and enjoyed the breeze coming off the water and talked among ourselves. Later in the day we all took one more dip in bay. We had all seemed to congregate in the same place; little did I know it was by design.

Hank, Valencia, Maria and Bill, all positioned themselves in a kind of circle around us which I thought was odd, but then Felino dropped down on one knee in front of me. I began to see what this whole thing was about.

"Otto, mi amor, we have known each other for years. We've wasted so much time. Now that we've figured it out, I want you to stay with me forever. I love you more than anything. Like you told me recently, I love you more than I love myself. Would you secure my future happiness and marry me?" I looked around the group, who, it was obvious now, were all in on this plan. Tears formed in my eyes along with a lump in my throat the size of Texas.

"A million times over" I croaked, "Yes. Si, mi vida."

Felino reached into the waistband of his trunks and fumbled around in the little pocket inside and pulled out a simple silver ring that mysteriously fit perfectly on my finger.

"Thank God, it's about time!" Hank cracked.

"Just remember, you're eight years later than me" I cracked back.

By now, both of us Schneider boys were too red to take any more fun in the sun. Even Bill was flushed and he'd been under cover a lot of the day. We decided it was time to go back to town. In light of our engagement, the family was taking us out for a celebration dinner. We went back to our relative places to change into more formal clothing and would meet up at El Peregrino; the matriarch still got to pick the restaurant. At dinner Bill made a toast to both of the Schneider boys on getting engaged. Around 9pm the party broke up and we went our separate ways.

We sat and halfway watched television for a while, but Hank started pretending to yawn (very poorly) and said he was ready to go to bed, so he and Valencia turned in. Me and Felino sat on the sofa making out for a while, until we started to hear the tap tap tap of the headboard in the guest bedroom hitting the wall. When we started hearing the high-pitched moans of Valencia, we got up and went our bedroom.

We undressed and Felino pulled me to the bed. We sat cross-legged facing each other, kissing and fondling each other's erections. Felino unfolded his legs and scooted up so they were over top of mine, allowing him to put both our dicks together; one of his favorite things. He rolled back his foreskin and pressed my head against his and began jacking us both. We both let out precum and it got too slick for docking so I took over and pressed us together and jacked us for a minute. I raised one hand to my mouth and sucked the precum off my fingers. The taste only made me want more. I moved around until my head was planted between Felino's legs and took his dick into my mouth, focusing on the head, running my tongue between his foreskin and the head. He started humping back toward me, then he turned himself around until he could get me in his mouth. We mirrored exactly what the other was doing. We sucked and licked and jacked for a long time, getting closer and closer. Finally, I felt him stiffen and I buried my nose into his pubes. He followed suit and swallowed my length as well. He began pumping his seed straight into my stomach, and when he backed off just a little swirling his tongue around my head I blasted too, filling his mouth up. He looked up at me with those big brown eyes and swallowed it down. We got straight in the bed, he turned off the light and then, seeing that we were settling down, Appa jumped up on the bed and snuggled up with us as we drifted off to sleep.

Sitting around the kitchen drinking coffee this morning we all looked very relaxed. Valencia's hair looked like a tornado hit it as she sat in her very short shorts and a tank top punctuated by her nipples. Hank, like me, was shirtless and covered with lotion for the sunburn we both got yesterday. Felino sipped his coffee oblivious to the smear of dried cum that went from his chin down his neck. We all saw it. Hank looked at me with a shit-eating grin and raised his eyebrows like Groucho Marx.

"What?" Felino grumbled.

"Nothing" me and Hank said in unison. Valencia snorted.

"We better get packed and get ready. We have to be at the airport by 10" Hank said.

"Yeah, babe, me and you should get ready too" Felino said.

"Be sure and wash under your chin" Hank chided on the way out of the room.

In the bathroom Felino finally looked in the mirror and saw the white streak and turned a completely different shade of skin color.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he said.

"Honestly, I didn't notice it until Hank elbowed me in the kitchen" I said laughing.

"You're going to pay for that later" he said.

"Ooohhh, sounds like fun" I said.

We dropped Hank and Val at the airport and drove over to the hotel to say goodbye to Bill. When we got there, however, we found out that Bill had extended his stay.

"Felino, I know you just had the fabulous news and all, but would you mind taking over for a few days, I'd like to take off and go with Bill down to Cabo" Maria asked. Felino looked questioningly at me.

"I'll be busy this week on a major account anyway" I said.

"Sure then" he told her.

"We'll be leaving in an hour or so, just be back by noon" she said.

Felino took me back to the house and changed clothes and `boom' I was alone again. Just me and Appa. I logged into my account and started on my work, alone but definitely no longer blue.

Lambodara 5/17/21

Comments, feedback, complaints, suggestions – lambodara@protonmail.com

¹ https://youtu.be/lp-EO5I60KA

Next: Chapter 12

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