Ejaculating for science

By moc.emani@daehkcoj

Published on Sep 23, 2000



This is a non-true fictional story. All names are fictitious and none of this story has taken place. None of the following should be attempted. By reading this story you agree that you are of legal age and permitted by law to read it. If you are unsure of this, do not read the following. This story contains sexual material between men.

Ejaculating for science

Joe was a college football player. But he looked more like a taught wrestler on steroids. He was one hell of a well-built stud with well- defined muscles and veins popping all over every muscle. Joe lived in Omaha, the headquarters of one of the world's top medical research labs that had been performing reproductive studies worldwide. Joe wasn't real smart, but man was he hot.

One day, Joe was standing buck naked in front of his mirror at home, trying muscles poses on his body when the phone rang. It was the head of the reproductive lab, Dr. Straction. Doc told him that the lab was conducting a highly secret experiment and he needed to discuss it with Joe. Joe agreed to meet him and learn about the experiments.

When Joe got there, Doc said `Joe, you're one of the most masculine sports figures in college campus sports today. All the sports magazines across the country show photos of you at workouts and write articles about how well your body build matches you to sports. Clearly, many men are jealous of your excellent physique and musculature.'

`As you may know, we've been studying reproductivity in males for many years and we've learned from a DNA sample we got from one of your discarded jock-straps, that you have a special body type that is one- of-a-kind for a series of experiments we need to perform. These tests will help many, many men with ejaculation they couldn't otherwise have.'

`What is DNA anyway?' Joe asked.

`Don't worry about the technical stuff for now Joe.' Doc replied.

`Why me, anyway?' Joe asked.

`Because of the way your muscles are built up on your body, and your ability to endure physical pressures resulting in your physique type, your body is ideally structured to help these men out. Without you, we can't perform the tests.'

Joe said, `OK'. If it would help many men out, then he'd do it.

Dr. Straction said that because of the top secrecy of the new procedures, Joe would have to agree not to tell anyone and keep it a total secret. So he agreed.

`What do I have to do and how long will it last?' asked Joe.

`Just come back Saturday at midnight and we'll start. We don't know how long it will take, it depends on how your body responds to the procedures.' Replied Straction.

Joe returned on Saturday at midnight and the Doc took him into the lab. `Joe, we're going to need to do some extraction procedures to learn about your semen.'

`What!' Joe said.

`Don't worry, it's all in the name of science. You have had an ejaculation before haven't you?' said the doctor quizingly.

`Hell yes!' Joe replied.

`Are you afraid of it?' Doc continued.

`NO, of course not!' Joe answered.

`I didn't think a jock like you would be a wimp' replied the doctor reassuringly. What we need to do is to apply some devices to your genitals for the coming week to stimulate semen production. Then we want to see you back at the lab in 1 week to perform the first trial.

`Well, OK' Joe said.

`Please take off your clothes and we'll begin' commanded the Doctor. Joe removed all his clothes and stood there. Doc nearly passed out as he took in the jock's masses of muscles covered with pulsing veins leading down to his huge cock and balls.

`This won't hurt will it?' Joe asked.

`You're not a wimp for pain are you?' challenged the Doctor firmly.

Joe set the doctor straight; `hell no, I can take anything'.

`OK, I'm going to fasten your arms to the table so you don't jerk when I do this procedure.' Responded the doctor affirming his control.

OK', Joe said. Doc then took out a huge piercer and proceeded to install a ring through Joe's cockslit. Ooouuch!'

Don't worry, the worst is over. This metal is supposed to help semen collect in your balls. Now I'm going to install a retainer device to your balls'. He then took out a leather ball harness and strapped it around Joe's cock and balls and then riveted the leather pieces together in place so it couldn't be removed. This will help more semen to collect in your balls until our next procedure'.

Next, Doc said that they had learned that nipple stimulation could also help build additional semen. So he installed tit rings on Joe's chest. Joe was confused but was reminded that without this, the test could not be performed. Then Doc shaved Joe's body of hair explaining that skin stimulation would also help semen production.

He unstrapped Joe from the table, and told him to come back in exactly one week, Saturday at midnight. `And oh, one thing, the devices we installed are electrified, so don't try to ejaculate on your own, or you'll get the shock of your life'. He also told Joe that increased muscle mass and visible veins on his body have proven to improve the procedures they'd perform.

So Joe spent the whole week working on his muscles to build mass and get his veins to pop out like Doc wanted. He played football every afternoon but was petrified to take a shower with his fellow football teammates, so he told his teammates that he'd shower when he got home. But his shower was broken in his apartment and hadn't been working for weeks, so he just built up body odor each day and smelled really ripe by the following Saturday night.

Joe returned the following Saturday at midnight and Doc asked him if he was ready.

`Yep', Joe replied.

`Did you touch yourself down there?' Doc asked him.

`No', Joe answered.

Good', said Doc, we need to make sure we get an accurate test tonight.

The Doc then told Joe that in order to perform the experiments properly, he had to prevent sights and sounds from distracting Joe by covering his eyes and putting ear plugs into his ears. So Joe had the items prepared for him. Doc told Joe to lie flat on the stainless steel table with wheels. He told him he'd be taken into another exam room for the procedures after he was blindfolded. Then Doc had Joe lie down, strapped his muscled body onto the cart backside down, and fully covered his eyes and ears with industrial protectors so he couldn't have any distractions of sight or sound whatsoever. Joe's senses were sealed off except for his sense of touch.

He then wheeled Joe's naked body with its bulging muscles and piercings and cock harnessed up into the hallway to a door. The door opened into the back stage of a theater that joined the back of the medical lab. Joe was being rolled out onto the stage of a theater filled with 1000 guys to be the unknowing subject of a performance show.

Dr. Straction was applauded as the lights came up and the men in the audience rose to cheer on the show. The Doctor introduced the show by welcoming the audience to the 1st in a series of shows of the best male specimen ever to be host of a sexual performance show. All the men in the audience were dressed in leather gear and ready to get off on the show.

Doc said that the show would have strict rules of no talking, but would put on the P.A., any grunts and groans from the actions on stage and would show close-ups of the action on large screens around the theater. The videos would be showing close-ups from 6 cameras placed at close-up locations around the stainless cart and the action that would happen to Joe.

Then the doctor began the show by stimulating Joe's cock with a series of devices that caused Joe to begin groaning and writhing on the table. Bit by bit, Joe tightened his body and soon the crowd went wild watching the close-ups of the action and hearing him grunt and groan as if he were all by himself getting off. He had no idea he was in a theater being watched by a thousand guys.

Joe said; `Doc, is it OK if I uuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Cum? IIIIIII''mmmmmm commiiiinnngggg!!!!!!!.' He screamed with his ears and eyes completely blocked.

The videos showed him squirt and pumping up close and in slow motion. The crowd went ape. They started squirting all over the theater and all you could hear was grunts and groans and splash sounds and meat being beaten throughout the theater.

Joe's semen was then collected into a large glass beaker. After Joe was done, the Doc said thank you to the audience and invited them to return next week for the second installment of the show.

He then wheeled Joe still blindfolded back into the small exam room and uncovered his ears and eyes and unstrapped his arms, legs and body. Joe asked if he did OK, Doc said just fine'. Joe asked if the test was done now, and Doc said oh no! we've got to fill this beaker with your semen in order to complete the experiment', and Joe said `what?'

Doc reminded him that unless he continued, many many men wouldn't be able to have ejaculation success, and that he needed to do it for science. So he told Joe he needed to come back again next Saturday at midnight again and put the second installment of semen into the beaker. Joe agreed hesitatingly.

Joe then asked if there was anything that could be done to get things over with quicker by producing more semen than usual. Doc said yes, then added one more item to Joe's daily list. It was a special jock strap-like thing that had a dildo like device that Doc told Joe to keep up his ass to stimulate his prostate. He could only remove it for short breaks to take a shit, and then had to replace it. So Joe did it for science.

Once again, he worked harder that ever in the gym to build up his body and went back to football practice each day, but this time he decided to shower, doing his best to face away from his teammates so they couldn't see his devices. He even wore the jock strap dildo even in the shower like Doc told him. The jock strap was really ripe by weeks end cause it stayed sweaty and wet.

Joe returned to the medical lab at midnight on Saturday, and as he drove around the block to the lab, he saw huge lines of guys in leather and chains waiting to get into the theater that backed up to the medical lab. When he got inside of the lab, he asked Doc what was going on at the theater so late on a Saturday night that would draw big crowds of macho looking guys. Doc said he had no idea.

Doc told him to undress again, and then commented; `Joe, your body looks more sexual and masculine than before'.

Joe replied as though he was pleased, `I've been working my muscles as hard as possible'.

Doc replied tonight's session should be very productive for the ejaculation procedure'. Doc told him that tonight would be a massage test with special lube oil' to see about semen increase.

Once again, Joe was blindfolded, earplugged and strapped to the cart back down. Then he was rolled down the hall, through the trap door and onto the theater stage once again having no idea where he was.

The lights came up, the cameras turned onto the video screens, and Doc said that `tonight, all the audience would be able to line up on stage, dip their hands into the special lube oil, and then help massage the jock's muscles as part of the show'. So all the audience ran down, rubbed their hands with special lube oil and ran over to the strapped down jock to take part in massaging him with the oil.

A clear glass tube covered his cock to prevent premature ejaculation. Joe groaned in ecstasy as he was covered with dozens of gooey hands probing his body, asshole, feet, armpits and all (except for his cock). He was totally freaking out. After the last group of participants got their last grope and was lead off the stage, Doc removed the protective cock cover and simultaneously, Joe's cock erupted and spurted huge jets of cum over and over as it was projected onto the video screens. Sounds of men all over the theater were grunting and pumping and squirting cum all over each other as Joe did his thing.

Then Doc thanked all for coming, and told them to return next Saturday night. Joe was wheeled back through the door to the small exam room and his eyes end ears uncovered as he asked if he did any better from the massages. `Look for yourself', Doc said, and held up the beaker with his cum in it.

`Oh well, I guess I've got lots more room to fill up.' Joe said disappointedly.

Doc said, `yes, we clearly have to do more to get your semen volume up.'

Joe asked again if anything else would help to build up his semen production so he could get the experiments over with sooner. Doc said yes. He said, 'We'll keep on giving you more techniques that could improve your volume. This week we will try an electrical device in your ass.

Won't it hurt?' asked Joe. No, it will tingle a little bit, but you'll get used to it further stimulating your prostate and balls to produce more semen' reassured the Doctor.

So he said OK and returned again next Saturday. This time he saw twice as many lines of guys at the theater entrance on the block behind the lab. Joe was still confused about all the guys who looked so macho and aggressive looking like a mob scene at the theater.

Joe went into the lab and was again blindfolded and earblocked and this time was connected to an electrical transformer to help his ejaculation volume. When Doc brought him once again on stage, he told the audience that because of the great success of the last couple events, they were now piping the video live over the internet to bars in Amsterdam, Berlin, and Paris where men would pay to take part in the event to see Joe hooked up and stimulated only by electrical devices until his cock spurted huge torrents of cum by video.

Joe was not touched at all by any hands, but instead was manipulated with electrical currents to different muscle groups on his body so that step by step, his body was flexed under complete control by the electrodes. His body convulsed like it was itself a giant dick pulsing again and again until his engorged cock itself spurted torrents of cum up and over his six pack abdominals and made puddles in his navel.

Doc told Joe that he had a new experiment for next Saturday night that would require some preparation on Joe's part. But the preparation would be fun and easy. He told Joe that he wanted him to down a few beers 1 hour before arriving next Saturday. Doc said that it would help him prepare for the test. So Joe prepared by having some beers, but was kind of nervous so he drank a whole six pack and went in totally plastered to the lab.

`Hey Doc! I'm here! What's the test tonight?' Joe hollered as he nearly tipped over from too many beers.

Well', Doc said, we know that your prostate is the organ that produces all the semen, so we've got an experiment to put some pressure on it. We're going to insert a variety of different shape and length instruments into your ass after coating them in the special lube oil. They will try out a lot of ways to find out just the right pressure on your prostate.'

`What? Do I have to?' Joe yelped.

`Trust me, it won't be that bad. And the beers might help you enjoy it.' Doc explained.

`We will insert and remove each instrument of different shape and size many times into your asshole and then we will squirt gooey fluid against your prostate to put further pressure to increase your semen which will force your own penis to ejaculation. You will not be allowed to touch your cock at all as your arms will be strapped down.' By holding ejaculation off as long as possible, you will increase the volume.'

Joe had dropped out of consciousness from all the beer. Doc went on anyway that they had learned that by also reducing some air passage to the brain, that even more semen would build up. This would help Joe's cause. So he told Joe that they'd also put some devices also in his mouth, after lubricating them with the special lube oil, to reduce the air, he'd still be able to breath through his nose.

Joe heard it somewhat and groaned ooookkkkk doc, whatever you say. Im ready to give it a go.'

At times, these instruments might seem like they're being applied real aggressively to these body orifices, but don't let it bug you, just go with the flow and you'll reap the benefit', Doc explained. Just let your mind drift off and take it all in.'

Doc told Joe it might even feel good, so Joe said `let's get goin'. So Doc rolled Joe on the cart through the secret doors and onto the stage. At this point, Joe was so plastered he didn't even need his eyes blindfolded or his ears plugged. Joe was just out of it and didn't know where he was.

Doc lifted Joe's knees and legs up to his chest and strapped them up to give total access to Joe's ass, balls and cock. They were so engorged that they popped out below his legs and made for easy access for whatever would come his way.

The first guy from the audience came up to Joe and coated his own dick with the special lube oil. He then stuck his dick full-tilt into Joe's asshole. Joe's eyes were still closed and he just groaned `Oh, it feels kind of hard Doc, what's goin' into my assholeÉ.but I kinda like it.'

Doc said `good, just relax and enjoy what's coming to ya'.

Then another jock approached from above Joe's head and placed his special lubed erect cock over Joe's mouth and then in. Joe groaned; oh yeah, this is that thing Doc said would help cut down on my air breathing'. Whoa, I'm feeling really good from this'.

Then the 2 cocks fucked Joe back and forth from ass to mouth over and over. A 3rd stud dipped his hands into the special lube oil and coated Joe's entire torso with it and massaged his pecs and abs away.

The crowd went wild and Joe went into a machine like aggressive rhythm of fuck, fuck, fuck as he thought how this new process would help him make the most semen, so he kept on going with the pumping in his ass and mouth. He thought they must be some kind of rubber medical instruments. But boy, was it getting aggressive. Joe decided to just zone out and let the procedure take over his senses and go with the flow.

Then Joe felt some kind of squirt, squirt, squirt-like pressure over and over inside his ass on his prostate, like he never felt before (like Doc had said would increase his semen.) Then he felt the same kind of squirt, squirt squirt-like liquid splashing into his throat. He could hold it no longer. His body tightened out of his own control and he couldn't hold back. He pumped his load in massive splashes and jets in pints and pints of cum all over himself for what seemed like minutes of convulsing pumping and muscular contractions.

The crowd went wild and they began to pump load upon load all over the theater and each other. The 2 spent studs who'd done the job on Joe, pulled their cocks out of Joe. Doc scraped off the cum from Joe's body and placed it into the gallon beaker. Doc then rolled Joe with his eyes still closed back down the hall and into the exam room.

Joe asked how it went, and Doc said great, you did great.

Joe said; `Doc, it felt like the instruments could have been guy's hard ons cumming inside me, but it must have been the beer that had me dreamin' huh Doc?'

`Yeah, maybe so' Doc said.

Since Joe was in such a drunken state, he told Joe; `just sleep here on the cart until morning and burn off the beer. You can let yourself out whenever you wake up. Doc continued; 'I think we've found the ideal procedure. From now on, I want you here at midnight Saturday every week after your beers and we'll do the same procedure.'

`OK Doc, see you next week' Joe mumbled as he fell asleep from the evening's events.

Joe returned each Saturday at midnight after his usual 6 pack plastering, and Doc gave each 2 members of the audience their own turn at pumping Joe to the hilt for his weekly treatment.

After a month, Joe said; `Doc, you know at first I thought these experiments were really fucked up, but now I really come to enjoy them. This last month has made me really look forward to Saturday nights.'

Doc said; `yes Joe, since you've held back from ejaculating during the week, your beer drinking preparation helps your muscles relax so that our procedures can put pressure on your prostate and reduce oral air thereby maximizing your semen output. The final squirt pressure technique we've devised really does the job on controlling your ejaculations.

Yeah' Joe said, and it feels great. The only thing is', Joe said, the beer I've been drinking to prepare myself gets me so hammered I don't know really what's happening to me.'

`Don't worry,' Doc continued; 'the beer has helped you double you semen quantity this way. It looks like we've found the best procedure from now on. We should be right on schedule with achieving the 1 gallon goal at the end of your year with us.'

Great Doc, see you next week', Joe said feeling reassured.

Joe continued his weekly sessions at the lab/theater never aware that he was being observed and pumped by hundreds of studs that year.

At the last session, Doc told Joe that he'd miss Joe's visits, but now that it was the end of may and he'd completed the gallon of semen, many men had benefited from the ejaculation procedures that Joe had participated in.

Joe said, 'great! I'm glad it benefited so many men.'

Joe told Doc that he was graduating next week, and Doc said `oh? Congratulations'.

Joe told Doc that Joe's football team position replacement had also gotten lots of press attention since he was lots like Joe `n all.

Doc said, `yeah, I know, we contacted him for a new series of procedures as well. He starts here next Saturday at midnight!'

Joe asked Doc, `one last question. What happens now with the one gallon of semen you collected from my ejaculations?'

Doc responded in a scientific tone; We take one ounce to the lab for complete examination, and the rest we use for special lube oil' for the coming year's procedures.'

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