Eight Months of Separation

By Regina A

Published on Jan 8, 2003


Eight Months of Separation--MF, FF, voy

Part II

By Gina R. (aagina@hotmail.com)

This is a continuation of a story involving a businessman (Michael) away from home (and his mischievous wife) for an 8-month business assignment...

The morning after Melissa's tape arrived was rough. Several times during the night, I had awakened, my cock throbbing with urgency. Each time, I replayed the tape, with the same results. When the hotel wakeup call came, I found myself twisted in my sheets, my chest hair matted with my own dried cum. I was a mess. Yet--like an addicted man--I found myself playing the tape yet again to start the day, and again the image of my wife being fucked with a dildo by her

longtime lover Jill (as I now knew her to be) soon had my cock erupting once more. At this rate, I was going to be cumming blood and brain cells before long. Wearily I dragged myself into the shower, and tried to steel myself to face the day.

But it was impossible to concentrate. Whenever an idle moment arrived, I found my mind straying to the erotic image of my wife splayed lewdly on our living room couch, responding eagerly to the commands of her lesbian lover, and I felt my cock beginning to twitch. By late morning, I found myself dialing Melissa, eager to hear her voice and to discuss this newfound side of her.

To my disappointment, however, she would have none of that. She answered cheerily enough, but when I asked her about the tape, she said breezily, "Oh, did you get it?"

"Did I get it? Honey," and even though my door was shut I found myself lowering my voice, "I spent all night long jerking myself off. I'm actually sore."

"Oh, you poor darling," Melissa said teasingly. "It's too bad I'm not there to kiss your poor cock and make it all better."

"B-but," I spluttered, "I couldn't believe what you did. And with Jill. How long have you...?"

"Uh, uh, uhhh," Melissa cooed, in that sexy, sultry tone that she knows drives me crazy. "We mustn't ask naughty questions. Bad boys won't get any more



"I mean it." I could tell she wasn't kidding. I couldn't risk probing anymore, even to ask when the next tape would arrive. Or if there would be another one.

Somehow I made it through the week to Friday. Wednesday morning I got a brief e- mail from Melissa telling me that I had better rest up, and using all my will power I managed to go three whole days without looking at the tape again. When I got to the hotel on Friday, the desk clerk handed me another package. Trembling a bit, I accepted it, and saw that it was from Melissa. I made a beeline for the

bar, and downed two scotches to steady myself. I'd had a late lunch that day, so I felt I could skip dinner, and with the booze starting to burn nicely in my veins, I headed for the elevator. Just as the door was closing, a slender hand, wormed its way between the panels, and in stepped Soo-ling, the attractive Asian room service girl. In my aroused state, I couldn't help staring admiringly at her work outfit, the tight-fitting white blouse around her small but shapely tits, the very short black skirt that seemed to invite one to ogle her long, delicious legs, perched on stylish black heels. If I were the type to stray, I thought to myself...

"Not having dinner tonight?" Soo-ling asked, in her seductive voice. The merest tinge of Chinese accent that remained made her seem that much more exotic, and desireable.

"Um, no," I said, a bit awkwardly, because I could feel my naughty cock beginning to stir a bit in my trousers.

"A package from home?" she asked, nodding toward the item I carried. This elevator was taking forever to ascend, I thought to myself. I nodded.

"Your wife send you tapes, hmm? I saw the other one in your room when I pick up tray last week." My eyes widened, and I could feel myself blushing. "That nice that she try to keep you busy while you away." I tried to think of a suitable reply but nothing occurred to me. Had she looked at the tape? I thought with a panic. I tried to read her expression, but there's a reason why the Chinese are called "inscrutable." Suddenly the door opened, and with a little wave she got off. "Hope you enjoy your movie, Mr. Bender."

I was shaken, and now could not wait to get to the safety of my room. I'd have to be more careful from now on. I kept acting like I was anonymous but I was going to be here for a long time. People were starting to get to know me and I could not afford to mess up.

I set things up like before, shutting the curtains, dimming the lights, and

stripping off my clothes. At least my cock was fully ready, I thought with a grin. It stiffened good and hard, and I could even feel a bit of pre-cum oozing at the tip. I ripped open the package. There was a tape inside, as expected, but also three other packages, each numbered, along with a note. "Open Package #1," the note said, "and put on what's inside. It will be worth it." The message was signed "Jill." I opened the package. Inside was a cock ring, along with instructions about how to place it at the base of my hard-on. I did as it said, and felt my cock get even harder than before. Then I popped the tape in.

I must admit that I was a bit confused at first. The image that came onscreen was of a party, already well in progress. I squinted at the TV, trying to make sense of it, and after awhile I came to a few conclusions. All the people at the party (there seemed to be about twelve or so) were women, and I didn't seem to know any of them. I also did not recognize where the party was taking place. The camera stayed in one position, indicating that it was probably on a tripod, and every one in the room seemed to ignore it. They were all drinking, chatting, laughing, but I just could not see the point. After anticipating this for so long it seemed a huge disappointment.

Then a tall, slender blonde woman walked into the room, and I recognized Jill. She walked to the center of the room, clapped her hands for silence, and began to speak. She immediately had everyone's attention, including mine.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. As you know, this meeting of our group is a bit unusual, first because we are filming it," and she paused to nod at the camera, "but also because today we are welcoming a new member into our midst, for the first time in much too long." She paused and everyone applauded boisterously. There were even a few playful hoots. I could not imagine what was happening. Jill continued, "The tape, as I told you before, is being made for the husband of our new initiate." She glared directly at the camera as she said the next words. "He's a nasty little jerk-off boy, who gets off on seeing his

slutty wife do slutty things." I felt my cheeks burning in shame, but I could not but admit the truth as my cock danced between my thighs. "Today, we're going to give him something very special, something that I think neither he nor his darling wife Melissa really expects. You see," she said, turning dramatically around the room to speak to her assembled audience, "Melissa has turned out to be even more of a pussy slut than even I imagined. You'll soon see what I mean. She will do anything and everything she can just to get the taste of more pussy. We're going to have some naughty fun today! So without further ado, let me bring out our new little slave slut, and let the games begin!"

This was greeted with a lusty cheer, and I began to wonder just what they were going to do to my wife. I did not have long to wait. Jill disappeared behind a closed door and after a few seconds, re-emerged, tugging on a silver chain. The other end of the chain was attached to a leather collar, strapped tightly around the lovely naked neck of my otherwise naked wife. She was also wearing a black blindfold. Jill led her to the middle of the room, then jerked on the chain so she would stop.

"This is my little pussy slut, Melissa. She is here for your pleasure," announced Jill. "She will do any and everything that is requested of her. If she will not do it willingly, she will be forced to do it." She emphasized that word "forced" and I saw Melissa stiffen. I admired how brave she was though, standing upright and proud in a room full of strangers. Jill told her to turn around "so that everyone can see why your posture is so perfect." When my wife turned slowly, I could see the base of a plug inserted into her ass. I could only guess at how deeply that probe must reach.

Without warning, one of the women--a strapping, Nordic-looking blonde dressed in tight leather pants and a matching bustier--stepped forward. She carried in her right hand a leather crop, like a riding crop, but with a flat rubber pad at the end. She swung it viciously and it caught Melissa directly on her right buttock. The sharp smack echoed in the room and my wife cried out, her knees buckling. Jill jerked her back upright, no doubt aided by the large plug in Melissa's behind. Again the crop lashed out, this time smacking her on the other cheek. Jill took hold of Melissa's shoulders and spun her about, before she'd even recovered, and now the evil woman went to work on her tender nipples, not lashing them hard, as she had with her ass, but flicking them with short, stinging slaps. She must have been feeling pain, but I could still see how hard her nipples were.

I became aware of a painful sensation now in my own crotch, and I glanced down

at my cock. It was throbbing and purple, and I felt an overwhelming desire to cum, yet I knew that the cock ring made ejaculation impossible. Juice seeped from the tender tip of my cock and I reached down with my thumb to smear some around the head. It had never felt so sensitive, and the sensations made me groan with pleasure.

All this made me miss a few seconds of the tape, and when I glanced back up, things had changed a bit. Melissa was now on her knees, and an attractive black woman, naked from the waist down, had hold of her leash, pulling her mouth up tight against her wet pussy. Melissa was lapping away at the woman's slit like a dog that hadn't drunk in a month, and the woman was clearly enjoying her oral

attentions. Behind Melissa, what I could see and she could not was that a

curious preparation was underway. Jill, who stood directly behind my wife, and four other women who were behind her were all stripping off their clothes. I must admit that the sight of all these gorgeous women stripping down had me practically whimpering with lust. I stroked my poor pulsing cock, trying to coax the cum past the barrier at its base, but, though my motions felt wonderful, I could not manage to cum. I wondered how long I could stand this exquisite torture, but something made me believe that it was important to keep the ring in place. Once naked, the woman began stepping into rather elaborate strap-on harnesses, of varying sizes but all quite large. It was clear that they were going to gang-fuck my wife.

Jill was first. She sank to her knees and maneuvered herself between Melissa's

thighs. She began to sense a presence, and started to lift her head, but the black woman roughly snatched her face back into position. With few

preliminaries, Jill pushed the bulbous head of her strap-on between Melissa's pussy lips, and shoved. A long throaty groan came from my wife as the shaft sank relentlessly into her hole, and Jill smiled wickedly as her thighs pushed up against the cheeks of my wife's behind. Then she pulled back slowly and began to really fuck her hard, slamming the dildo in in a steady slapping rhythm. Soon Jill was coated in sweat and so was Melissa as her body was taken mercilessly. But she began to pant and gasp as well and I noted the familiar signs that she was nearing orgasm. One of the woman standing nearby knelt and reached in under her, frigging her clit. That burst the dam, and Melissa came, screaming for more.

More was available. As soon as Jill broke away to lie in an exhausted heap next to Melissa, the next girl took her place. It's hard to say how many times Melissa came over the next 45 minutes during which the serial rape took place. By the end she could no longer stay up on her knees, so they flipped her onto her back. The fucking of her pussy continued while a seemingly endless stream of

women came over to squat on Melissa's mouth, some of them smothering her

cruelly, others giving her enough room to get them off with her tongue.

Then it was over, and the women allowed Melissa to lie on the floor, trying to catch her breath. The camera suddenly jiggled, then started to move closer to her sweating, writhing form. Jill must have removed it from the tripod and handed it to one of the others, because now she came around and knelt down next to Melissa. She leaned over and bit her right nipple, hard enough to make Melissa yelp.

"Who do you belong to, my little pussy slut?" Jill asked.

"To you, Mistress," Melissa replied, without hesitation.

"Only to me?"

"Yes, Mistress." My heart sank at the words. What was this woman doing to my wife?

Jill looked up and grinned at the camera.

"I hope you're enjoying all this as much as me, Michael," Jill said, "but I doubt it. I just know you're going to want to see what happens next. But you have to do something for me first. Open the other packages you were given."

I opened them as I heard Jill's voice continue. "In the second package, you'll find a large dildo and some lubricant. Get it ready and I want you to stick it all the way into your tight asshole. Then you'll get just a sense of what your darling wife is feeling right now." She reached down and pulled the buttplug out of Melissa's ass. It released with an audible plop, and Jill moved it up and pressed it into my wife's mouth. She accepted it without complaint, and Jill shoved it all the way into her mouth.

"Now, dear Michael, pay attention, or you won't get any more tapes and you'll just have to wonder what I am doing to your poor defenseless wife while you've abandoned her. In the third package you will find a digital camera. Once you have the dildo in place in your ass, I want you to go into the bathroom. I assume you have a mirror there. You may then remove the cock ring--I do hope you still have it on--and jerk off for me. At the moment of climax I want you to take your picture in the mirror. Then you will e-mail me that image--at Jillm2410@hotmail.com. If I get it by tomorrow at 12:30 our time, then we'll send the next installment. OtherwiseÉ" She left the thought hanging in the air, but reached down and brutally twisted Melissa's nipple. Even with her mouth full of the buttplug, the action elicited a scream. Then the screen went blank.

I looked down at the items before me, and I knew what I had to do. Before long, I was standing before the mirror, the dildo painfully inserted in my ass, and I was tenderly removing the cock ring. It wasn't easy with my cock bobbing the way it was.

As soon as the ring was off, I could feel my orgasm beginning to bubble up my shaft. Hurriedly I readied the camera, adjusting the frame so that my face (partially hidden by the camera) was visible along with my cock, which I was now vigorously working with my fist.

Then the most incredible orgasm swept over me, and the cum shot out of my cock in a great arcing ribbon, just as I snapped the camera. My knees buckled, as spurt after spurt cascaded into the sink. Then, disaster struck. I heard a slight rustle behind me.

"I seem to have missed some activity, Mr. Bender. But I am happy to be here for main event. I would be pleased to see again."

It was Soo-ling.

Next: Chapter 3

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