Ego Vs Desire

Published on Sep 24, 2014


Ego vs Desire 2

Ego Vs. Desire: A Sissy Transformation

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Part 2

"Yea, that's it bitch, take daddy's dick. Take that dick bitch."

I woke up to the sound of what could be nothing other than Jamichael and Gia fucking in another room of the house, I looked around the room for a clock but it was to no avail. Still groggy from sleeping while tied to a bed flat on my back I began to gain consciousness and realized that I was no longer completely naked. I was now wearing transparent pink chastity device. You would think that a normal person would begin to panic at being locked into a chastity device against their will, but I couldn't help but begin to get hard. I have read so many stories, and watched so many movies about cuckolds pretending to be the one forced into chastity that I couldn't control my penis. God it has been so long since I've came. Why didn't I just jerk off like a normal guy? Gia never would have known. I'm so stupid. No here I am stuck in a situation that I'm not quite sure what to do about.

"Ohhh fuckkk, fuck me daddy, fuck this pussy"

Holy shit, I thought to myself. That's not Gia's voice. That actually sounds like a real woman. What the fuck is going on here. Where am I and how the hell did I get myself into this position? This has got to be dream.

"I'm getting close" is all he had to say. I could hear who ever this person was move to what I could only imagine was their knees. How does this guy have this much power over people?

"Give me that nut daddy, I want to taste you"

"Put your hands behind your back and earn it then"

The sounds of sucking and slurping got faster and louder. I knew it was only a matter of time now before he would coat the insides of this poor girl's mouth with his hot sticky seed.

"Oh yea bitch, you doing real good today. You learning fast. Ughhh shitt, fuck, keep going, just like that, yea, just like that, mmmmmmm, just like that...uhhhhhhhh you see that Marcel?

Marcel? How many people are here? What the fuck?

"Hell yea nigga, this bitch lovin the dick, you trained her good, but hurry up and nut so I can get a turn nigga"

"Nah fuck that, I'm makin her earn this, I already told her, but I'll tell you what. I got another white sissy bitch in the other room, why don't you go in there and get your nut on"

"Nigga you love them whitebois but aight, Ima take you up on that offer. Which way"

"ahhhhhh fuckkkk, keep going baby, but slow it down, I want you to go nice and slow now. Over that way, shit"

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, what am I gonna do. I saw the door knob start to turn and slowly open. Fuck! I thought I was going to get raped, but luckily it was Gia.

"Don't worry. Daddy wasn't talking about you haha. As I'm sure you're starting to realize, Daddy has quite a few girlfriends...well, friends in general really"

"D-does he m-"

"Does he make me fuck his friends? Not anymore. I'm his "top-bottom boy." Only he's allowed to touch me, but after you realize what you are and what you were meant to do in life, you will be fucking and sucking a lot of different cocks"

"The h-"

"Shhhh, don't try to think too much about it right now. Daddy won't ever make you do anything you don't want to do. You need to realize that this is what you want to do. I know it might not seem that way yet, but honestly, think about it. You have jerked off more times to videos of crossdressers sucking cock than you have to anything else, and by the looks of your clitty inside that cage you are obviously very turned on by all of this"

I began to get red with embarrassment. Everything Gia was saying was absolutely true. I did jerk off to that kind of porn more than anything else. I even secretly bought a black dildo that I would suck when I was really horny while watching cock sucking instruction videos online. I don't know if it was my backed up load doing the thinking, but I was really starting to think that maybe Gia was right.

"Look, I'm going to untie you from this bed. I know last night was a lot and probably a little scary. Daddy was just trying a tactic that he thought might work on a closet sissy like you, but obviously it didn't. You're not a prisoner here. Daddy wants you to want to be here...and so do I..."

Gia began to untie my ankles first and then dragged her hands up along my legs and over my stomach to my chest before moving to each arm and untying them. It felt amazing to finally be able to move, but even though I had my mobility back I felt a lot more vulnerable. I was still completely naked minus the chastity device, but at least while I was tied up in bed I didn't have to make any decisions on where to go on my own. What am I supposed to do now? Just walk around this house like this? I really wasn't sure what to do next, but fortunately Gia was on the up and up.

"So, you must be feeling...naked...I have clothes for you, but you might not like them. You do have the option to grab your things and go home if you'd like, but if you'd like to stay and just see how things go you can put these on..."

Gia dumped out a bag onto the bed and began separating the articles of clothing.

"Ok, so lets see what we have...looks like a pair of pink crotchless panties, a black thong, white boy shorts, annnnnd a white thong. I also have some black ankle socks, some white knee socks, a jean skirt, yoga pants, a pair of womens gym shorts, a floral print button up blouse, black tank top, and a baby pink quarter sleeve v-neck..."

"ummm...what do I wear?," I asked completely confused.

"Well that's up to you silly. You get to decide what you're wearing today. I'm sorry there aren't that many options, this is all Daddy had in your size. He's not used to sissys as petite as you."

I still wasn't sure if I even wanted to stay, but I was beginning to let my curiosity get the better of me.

"I guess I'll stay for at least a little while"

"Yaaaaay! You get dressed while I start to clean up out there"

Gia skipped out of the room with glee. I guess she really was excited that I was here after all. That kind of made me feel good. I still had feelings for her that I didn't understand. I mean I thought I was really in love with her before last night, and I guess what happened doesn't really change what we did have together already. I decided to slip on the black ankles socks, white boy short panties, black yoga pants, and the quarter sleeve v-neck. The boy short panties hugged and lifted my ass, but when I put the yoga pants on they were really uncomfortable. I debated for a good minute before taking the yoga pants off and switching to the black thong before putting the yoga pants back on. The thong didn't life my ass like the boyshorts did, but the fabric between my butt cheeks made me instantly hard in my cage. I took a second to gather my courage and headed toward the bedroom door. I stopped just before exiting and looked at myself in the full-length mirror. I actually looked really good. I never really took the time to admire my body like this before, but I had a great ass! I opened the bedroom door with gusto and stepped out into a living room filled with five people. Three of which I've never seen before. I wasn't ready for that and I froze.

Jamichael was the first to speak.

"Heyyyyy there's my little girl. You look great! Spin around for me, let me see dat ass!"

I was still frozen in shock and fear

Another man, one who I could only assume was the one called Marcel from earlier looked toward me and stated, "Cmon bitch, lets see dat ass"

I spun around full circle but apparently that wasn't good enough for Marcel. He got up from the couch and approached me

"Nah girl, not like dat. Do it sexy. Look here, turn around"

He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around, his left hand moved to my chest and rubbed down my stomach to my chastised penis. He grabbed a hold of my tiny balls with a firm grip before using his right hand to push my upper back down forcing me to bed over.

"Aight now, spread your legs a little bit and arch your back"

*SMACK*SMACK* he smacked my left butt cheek twice in a row before laughing and saying "that's more like it." Everyone began to laugh, even Gia. I was completely embarrassed and humiliated but my penis instantly got hard – or at least as hard as it could.

Jamichael told me to turn back around so that I could meet some of his friends. Marcel was a short fat black man. He was almost the exact opposite of Jamichael. He had a long nasty beard, wore big baggy jeans, and a football jersey. Sitting on his lap was a white sissy with red hair named Christina. She was wearing nothing but a pair of black crotchless panties with garters and matching stockings. I could see her penis which must have been about 5 inches sticking straight out toward the sky. Sitting next to them, to my surprise, was an actual woman who was introduced to me as Samantha. She had long curly brown hair and must have been about 6 feet. She was much taller than me, and looked a lot like Kim Kardashian to be honest. I couldn't believe someone that looked like her would be so submissive to anyone. Sitting next to her was Jamichael and sitting on the floor was Gia.

Jamichael told me to come over to him and so I complied. He patted his leg motioning for me to sit down on it and for whatever reason I did just that. His hand wrapped around my lower back on to the side of the same ass cheek that was just smacked. He began to gently rub it and while moving his other hand to my opposite thigh.

"Did Marcel hurt you baby?"

"N-no I'm ok"

"Hey now, what did you learn yesterday?"

I quickly corrected myself

"I'm ok, sir"

"That's a good girl. Do you want me to check and make sure that bubble butt isn't bruised?"

Jamichael's rubbing of my ass and thigh became more aggressive and I could feel his hard cock through his basketball shorts.

"I think I'm ok, Sir. But thank you anyway" I replied.

"What about this?," Jamichael asked while grabbing my entire caged penis with one hand. "Is this ok? Do you want me to check that? I bet you're aching to get out of this thing already, huh? It's ok baby, no need to by shy. Everyone here understands sissys like you"

"Yea girl, it's all good," Marcel chimed in. "Look at Christina, she aint shy. Right bitch?"

Christina replied by saying that she has no need to be shy, she knows her place is at the feet of black men. Marcel gave Christina's penis a few strokes as a reward for her answer and Christina almost exploded right there.

"Don't feel bad," Said Samantha. "We all know you're in chastity. Don't think that just because these two girls aren't that it means they get to make their little messes whenever they please. The only difference is that they're trusted to not touch themselves without permission. You'll get there'm sorry, what was your name?

I began to speak, but was interrupted by Jamichael.

"She doesn't have a name yet. She has an old name, but she won't have her real name until she finally gets over that stubborn ego of hers and sucks my cock to completion."

I could feel Jamichael's cock getting harder. It was pressing through his shorts right between my butt cheeks.

"Damn, I need to nut again. You feel like sucking my cock baby girl? You think you're ready to submit to Daddy?"

I started to protest, but Jamichael just stood up and pushed me to my knees. Marcel got up and held me in position, while Samantha got down on her knees next to me and wrapped her arm around my neck holding my face. Jamichael pulled his fully erect cock out and pointed it at my face. I was never this close to it before. It was huge. It was 8" at least and very thick. I could see the precum already oozing from the tip. Jamichael waved it up and down in front of me, while Samantha told me it was ok and that I didn't have to be ashamed. She said she'd help me through it. Jamichael inched close and closer to my mouth, but I kept turning away. Samantha forced my head back in front of jamichaels throbbing member, but Jamichael stopped her.

"It's ok. If she's not ready, I won't force her. It's so much more powerful when a sissy sucks cock on her own. It really let's them understand where their place is. They can't try and underplay it by saying that they were forced to do it."

Listening to him speak these words made my balls ache for release, I needed to cum so bad, and secretly I probably would have sucked his cock then and there if he told me I'd get to cum, but I was too scared to try and make a deal – plus I still have way to much pride to allow myself to do this.

Noticing the awkwardness, Jamichael suggested the rest of the group go run some errands. They got the hint and all got dressed and headed out. It was just me and him now. He was a lot more laid back when it was just us. I guess he didn't feel like he needed to put on his Master/Dom act anymore, and it was actually really nice. I felt like I could really open up with him.

"So, I see you decided to stay...and even dressed yourself. I like what you chose. It was Gia's idea to put the yoga pants in that pile ya know. She really likes you. Too bad you're mine...and she's mine...hahaha,"

"Yea, went for the boy shorts first, but they didn't fit right with the pants...sir"

"Yea, I really wanted to see you in a skirt, with the crotchless, but oh well. Soon enough. So, baby, seriously, it's just us. I want you to be honest with me. Are you here because you want to be, or because you're scared to leave?"

"No, I'm not scared to leave sir"

"You didn't answer me you want to be here?"

I paused for a moment, but answered him with a yes.

"So, you know what that means then don't you?"

"Yes, sir"

"Good. Now enough of these games. It's just us. You don't need to let your pride get in the way. Tell me why you're still here, and I want you to be totally honest. The more honest you are with yourself the easier it will be for the both of us."

I don't know if it was the stress, my aching balls, or me just being mentally broken, but at that moment I totally spilled my guts to Jamichael.

"I'm here...I'm here because I'm a sissy, sir. I was born to suck cock. Your cock. All the back and forth conversations we had via e-mail through craigslist. I still read those email's today while jerking off pretending to suck your cock. I'm not a real man. I'm a sissy and a sissy's place is on her knees before her betters sucking their cocks"

I can tell Jamichael was taken by surprise because it took him a moment to regain his composure.

"Very good sissy! I'm proud of you, but yes that is exactly what you are. A sissy. My sissy, but you only talked about sucking cocks. Yes, it is true that sucking my cock will mark the first day of the rest of your life as my girl, but a sissy does more than just suck cock and eat daddy's nut. A sissy takes care of all of her daddy's needs, and that includes fucking. I'm going to fuck you. You might not think so yet, or you might not be able to get your head around it yet, but it will happen. Some day in the future, you're going to wake up and not realize that that day will be the day. The day daddy fucks you little pussy and takes the final piece of your manhood from you. How do you feel about that baby?"

My mind was a mess, I was so extremely horny, the only thing I could blurt out was, "I-I think about this every day. I-I just don't think I'm ready. I can't get my head around it...I-I'm sorry, sir"

"It's ok baby, we'll take baby steps, and the first step is dildo training. I already know you have sucked on dildos, so this should be easy, and hopefully it will get you over the initial embarrassment and humiliation of being on knees in front of a real man with his cock in your mouth. There really is nothing more humiliating and submissive than that now is there? We will start tonight, but before the guys get back, how would you like to wear this?"

Jamichael pulled out a small butt plug. Nothing fancy, just a beginner black butt plug. I must be getting more comfortable because I smiled at him and said ok. Jamichael placed the plug in my mouth and begin sliding it in and out very slowly.

"That's it girl, just like that. Get it nice and lubed up for that pussy of yours"

He began to rotate it in my mouth as he pumped it in and out

"Swirl your tongue around it baby, that's it"

Jamichael continued doing this for a few minutes while cupping my very heavy balls before moving to one of my butt cheeks. He began massaging my butt cheek while mouth fucking me with the butt plug. After he was satisfied he ordered me onto all fours. He walked around to my ass and told me to arch my lower back. I did as I was told and he pulled my yoga pants down to mid-thigh. He hooked my thong with one of his fingers and pushed it to the side revealing my tiny pink butt hole. He spit right in the middle of it before he started to slowly work the butt plug into my ass. He pushed it in and pulled it out ever so slightly sending shivers throughout my body. I was in ecstasy, so much so, that I didn't even care that I started to moan like a bitch in heat. Jamichael finally had enough and pushed the butt plug all the way in. He gave it a firm but gentle push after it was already in so that I could feel the mass of it inside me before slapping my ass and telling me it would be our little secret.

"Alright, get up"

I stood up and began to pull my yoga pants back up

"Nah, don't pull them up. Take them off. I want you in that jean skirt"

I smiled and headed back to the bedroom where I slipped the yoga pants off and threw on the skirt. I paused a moment before leaving the room again, but not to look at the mirror this time. This time I paused so that I could slip off the thong and put on the crotchless panties.

Next: Chapter 3

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