Efs New Life

Published on Jun 20, 2020


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

EF'S New Life

Part 4.

I drove over to the house.

"Come on Son."

I led him into the house and up to my bedroom. I just stripped. He did too and started to head for the bathroom.

"Come over here boy." I sat on the edge of the bed.

He made a face and then kneeled between my legs and slipped my cock into his mouth. I drained my bladder. Then he headed for the bathroom and I followed. He turned on the shower while I cleaned my self out. Then he did it as I climbed in the shower. After cleaning himself out he came in the shower. We washed each other. Keanu kept looking at me as we dried each other.

"What do you want Keanu?"

"Master, it isn't fair that those boys got punished coz of me. I should get punished too. I want to be like them Master."

"Master, I never sucked a colored boy before. They felt real nice. Better than white boys or my photographer. They tasted good too."

Well he was right about that. I loved to suck and get fucked by colored boys. Most I did as a reward. Muaba would get his cock sucked by me when this movie was over. I might even get him to fuck me.

"Master will you fuck me?"

I won't fuck you Keanu. I will make love to you."

As soon as I said that his face kind of screwed up and tears were in his eyes.

"Is that not what you want Keanu?"

"Nobody ever said they'd love me. Nobody ever said they wanted me."

Bingo! Keanu was starved for love of any kind. Obviously he had been used all his life and no cared how he felt.

"Keanu, all my slaves love me and I love them. Even when I use the belt on them they know I only do it coz they screwed up and expect me to punish them. I'll love you Son just as I love them."

I pulled him into a tight hug. He just melted into me.

"Make love to me Master."

I did, slow and easy for almost an hour. After we slept in each others arms. Keanu cuddled up close.

I woke to the sound of boys giggling. As I rolled to a sitting position Keanu dropped between my legs. Ef and Timmy headed for the bathroom.

After draining me he followed me into the bathroom. The other boys had the shower going. Well four in the shower was a tight fit, but I loved how the boys washed me. After drying, I had all the boys dress. Keanu put on the boxer briefs and t-shirt. We all went for breakfast.

Keanu was a lot more relaxed this morning. Almost like a ten ton weight had been removed from his shoulders. He laughed and giggled with all the boys.

After breakfast everyone headed for make up. I took Keanu back to the office. We went in to watch the video parts done the day before.

Even though Keanu had watched the actual filming of the walk, he was almost in tears seeing Amos and Andy abused.

"It looks so real Master."

"Looks good Jake."

"I agree. That's a print."

WE then watched the last scene at the bus. It too looked real enough.

The last scene before the camp scenes would be done today.

I took Keanu over to the equipment trailer and grabbed a golf cart. We jumped in and I drove to the place where the meeting of the terrorists and the white boys would be filmed.

The place picked was where the track met the road. There was a cliff up one side and a ravine on the other. 50 meters further on was where the bus had gone off the road. The two groups would meet as they followed the road around a bend in the road.

The crews were out setting up cameras and props.

Soon after a bus pulled up with all the boys in it. They unloaded and the bus drove off. Next the director arrived in the boom truck. He started to set all the players in their start positions.

Then he ran everyone through the sequence of events. Making sure everyone knew their part. There wasn't much speech except for Henry and Ef. The Director went over their short lines that they needed to say.

Everything looked good right up to the point where they started to move along the road. Muaba was hardly hitting the two slave boys.

"Jake, Stop."

I called Muaba over.

"What the fucks with you Muaba. I want those two screaming."

"I don't care if they are bleeding either. Ass, back, front, cock and balls. You can hit them everywhere. They are trash to you. Black nigger trash. Beat them or I might castrate you myself."

"Keanu, Take your shorts off and t-shirt. Come over here and lean on the cart."

As he leaned over the cart he wasn't looking at me, but at who else was watching.

I grabbed one of the whips and slashed him across his pure white ass. He screamed and stood upright. I hit him again and he howled and moved away out of range. Tears streamed down his face and he had his hands on his butt.

"That's what I want those boys doing when you hit them."

"Yes Master."

Jake said Action and the line started moving again. Lucky for Amos and Andy they only had 100 meters to walk. Muaba really whipped those two boys.

When the four white boys came into view of the terrorist party, four of the terrorists ran to them, surrounding them with weapons pointed at them. Henry walked up to them.

"Thank god you found us." Ef said.

Henry punched Ef in the stomach, Ef doubled over. Henry grabbed his hair and pulled him straight up and slapped Ef. The smack was loud enough to be heard. It also knocked Ef to the ground.

"You will speak only when spoken to." Henry said.

Then Henry ripped off Ef's t-shirt and shorts.

He reached down and grabbed Ef's balls.

"Nice, maybe I cut these off and eat them after I fuck your white ass."

"Cut." yelled Jake.

The white boys were stripped and tied with their hands in front and a noose around their necks. I called Amos and Andy over.

"You remember what I told Muaba?"

"Yes Master."

"That's how I want you to whip the white boys. I don't care how they feel or look. Make their backs and front bleed."

"Yes Master."

Well the five hundred meter walk became sheer hell for those four boys. Amos and Andy slashed at them continuously. When they fell both boys would whip the boy until he got up and got moving. By the time the director called cut all four could hardly move.

First aid guys went down to check the boys. They'd use salve to ease the pain but won't try and cover the welts.

"Keanu, come over here Son."

He had his hand in front of himself, trying to hide his cock.

I had him turn around and coated his cheeks with salve. I turned him back around. I could tell he was rock hard.

"Keanu, when did you get hard?"

In a very low voice. "Master when you hit me the second time. It hurt so much but I felt all weird inside. I wanted you to hit me again."

"I think you are just like my other slaves now Keanu."

He kind of giggled.

"Let's go see the boys."

The medics had put salve on all the boys that needed it. I walked down to where they were talking.

I checked with all of them and told them to take it easy the rest of the day. They climbed on the bus for the ride back.

I stopped Ef. "Happy Birthday Ef. We'll celebrate it after the movie is done." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you Master."

"You did real good."

I led Keanu back to the golf cart. I drove around the scene and along the road about a half mile. We drove up to the terrorist camp.

"Wow! This is neat Master."

The final scene had been changed again. Another pole had been put in as well as a fire pit. Several benches had been added and a fucking horse.

"All the white boys are going to be whipped and raped. The two black boys, Amos and Andy are going to join the terrorists and get branded."

"They'll also get to fuck the white boys."

"After those two extra white boys have been raped and whipped, Henry will castrate both boys."

"He's going to really do it?" Keanu said.

"Not really, but it will look like it and the boys will be screaming as it happens."

After checking this over, I drove back to the barn.

"Come on Keanu." I led him into the barn.

I didn't stop at the hoist, led him back in the barn. I came to a door and used a key to open he door. After Keanu was inside I closed and locked the door. I flipped on the lights. Centered in the room was a fucking horse. There was also a fucking machine on a table and an Electro Torture Machine. I led Keanu to each and explained what they did or how they worked.

"Keanu considering your are just 17, I can't use you in any porno movies. How ever I can experiment. All my boys love to get sexually tortured to some extent. Those two colored boys love to get whipped and then fucked. Ef likes his dick hurt, although he won't admit it. Timmy will do anything I ask. You said you got hard when I whipped your ass. Well in here we can find out what else you like. This room is totally sound proof. You can scream all you like here and no one will hear you."

"Undress Keanu."

I removed his cock and ball harness.

"Okay Son this is what we are going to do. On those shelves are things you can use to hurt your cock, balls, ass and tits. I want you to look at them and tell me ones you might like to try. I'll explain what the things do as you pick them. It doesn't mean you will have to try them Keanu, it just tells me what you might like."

WE walked along the shelving. The first thing he picked up was the big Alligator Clamp. He tried to squeeze it open. I took it from him and squeezed it open.

"This goes on your cock Keanu."

"Oh wow! Those teeth look sharp. Would it cut your dick?"

"If it is left on for a while." I could tell he was interested, his cock had got hard.

I put it on the tray.

He picked a ball crusher, tit clamps and Several different Dildos.

Then I walked over to a locked cabinet. I unlocked it and opened the door.

"Keanu, these things cause extreme pain. They are made to drive needles through your cock and or balls. I showed him each item and explained what each did. I purposely left one item. As I turned away from the shelves and started to close the cabinet.

"Master, what does that one do?"

"I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want it Son."

"But what does it do?"

Pick it up." I showed him how to grip the two slides on each side.

"Okay Keanu you slide your cock into the tube. The tube has holes all along the inside. When you slide the grip forward needles snap out all around the inside of the tube. The grip is spring loaded so after you let go the needles snap back. Your cock gets punctured."

"If you squeeze the grip on the other side the needles snap out and stay out until you squeeze the grip again."

"Look in the tube and squeeze either side Keanu."

He squeezed real hard.

They are really hard to squeeze Master."

"They are really strong springs Keanu."

"How many of the boys did this master?"

"Keanu, I use this as punishment if the boys really fuck up. They are all real scared to be brought over here coz they know I might use that instrument on them."

"Does that mean you used it on them?"

"Yes Keanu I have."

"Then I want it done to me."

"Very well Keanu. I'll save it for last."

I took him over to the X Frame sitting off to one side of the room.

After getting him into the frame and adjusting it to fit his smaller frame, I cuffed him tight to the X frame.

"Comfortable Keanu?"

"I guess Master."

Keanu was rock hard. I'd prefer him soft or at least semi-hard. I Leaned over and sucked his cock.

"MASTER!" He came like a cannon going off.

His cock wilted a bit after he came.

I slipped an adjustable cock ring down over his cock. Then tightened it. That would stop him from getting off. "Open your mouth Keanu. Don't want you to bite your tongue off."

I put a bar in his mouth and tied it behind his head.

I picked up the Alligator clip.

"Do you want this Keanu?"

He nodded his head. I slipped it over his cock and released it. It took just a brief moment and he was screaming as the teeth cut into his cock. I could see he was trying to say something around the bar in his mouth. I just ignored him.

I put nipple cups on both his tits.

"Those will make your tits larger and more sensitive. We'll leave them on all day."

He wasn't screaming anymore even though that cock clamp was still biting into his cock. I walked in front of him and took a hold of the clamp. Then just yanked on it. He howled as the tines dug into his cock. I knew they wouldn't cut his cock. They weren't sharp enough. They did hurt.

I picked up the ball crusher, bent down in front of him and fitted it on his balls. Then tightened the crusher until he started to yell. I'd leave that on him too.

I undid his hands and feet from the X frame and helped him stand up. That pulled the clip on his cock down and he groaned. I removed the bar from his mouth.

"Do you want that off your cock?"

"Yes Master."

He howled when I removed it. He grabbed his cock and looked closely.

"There's just marks on it. How come it hurts so much when you removed it Master?"

"The blood rushes into the places that were feeling hurt."

I was about to take him over to the table the fucking machine was on when I heard the door close. Peter walked into the light.

"Hello Peter. What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you about Sam."

"Peter, this is Keanu. I'm testing his limits."

"Hello Keanu. How are you?"

"I'm fine Sir."

Peter stood about 5 foot 9. He was probably the ugliest black I had ever met. I used him almost exclusively in BDSM movies. He was Master at causing pain and could keep boys screaming for hours and not do any permanent damage. He loved his work and was always thinking up ways to cause pain.

"So what have you planned?"

"Well he has a ball crusher still on and wants everything from that table used on him."

Peter looked over the things that Keanu had picked out. He picked up the needle contraption. "You sure you want this boy?"

"The other boys got it so I got too."

"No you don't son. This can cause permanent damage to your cock."

"You can take over Peter. I'll watch."

"Keanu, I work for your Master. I cause boys to scream in pain. The more you scream the better I like it. I don't know why your Master wants me to cause you pain, but I don't care either. I enjoy making boys cry and scream."

"Your Master has already put a ball crusher on you. I'm going to squeeze your balls so tight in that crusher that you will pass out in pain. I'll just wake you up and continue. I'm going to put needles in those crushed balls, another in your cock, prostrate and through your nipples. Then I'm going pass an electric charge through those needles."

"If you can still scream after that I may hook you to the fucking machine and fuck you with bigger and bigger dildos until you are big enough for me to shove my hand into your ass. After a day or two your ass will be back to normal, but you will still feel the pain even after I stop."

"Keanu each of your Masters slaves give him particular satisfaction. Each is different and not all like what I do."

"Keanu, is this what you want?"

"You don't need to be like his other slaves."

Keanu was shaking and crying.

"I just want what my Master wants."

Peter kneeled down and removed the ball crusher.

"What do you think Brian? Ten lashes?"

"Keanu, Peter thinks you deserve 10 lashes. How many do you think it should be? Remember after we are both going to fuck you."

"Am I going to be your slave always Master?"

"Yes Keanu."

"Then I shouldn't be the one who decides how much punishment I get."

"Keanu, this isn't punishment. You haven't done anything wrong. All this for is to make you cry and scream. Peter wants to see how loud you are."

"I guess 20 would be better Master."

"Go pick out the belt or whip to use."

He came back with the same kind of whip used on the boys in the movie.

His hands were shaking as he handed it to me.

"I'll talk to later about Sam Brian. Don't get carried away." Peter said.

As he walked by Keanu he patted him on the ass. He walked out of the room.

"Go lean over the horse Keanu."

I looked at those almost perfect globes. He had the most beautiful set of buns I had ever seen. I walked up to him and ran my hand over those globes. I could feel his shuddering.

"Stand up Keanu."

"Are you going to whip me Master?"

"No Keanu I'm not. I am not going to mar that beautiful ass with stripes. That would be a real shame son."

Keanu wasn't hard, so I reached down, loosened the cock ring and slid it off.

"Put your shorts and t-shirt on Keanu."

"I thought you were going to do more stuff Master."

"Not today Son. Come on." I put my arm over his shoulder and led him outside. WE drove to the house and I took him up to my office.

Keanu, from now on I want you to call me Brian or Sir. I don't want you to be my slave. I'd prefer if you would be my lover instead. You and Ef will be my two boys."

"Oh Sir. Does that mean I don't have to all the stuff your slaves have to?"

"Oh no. You don't get off that easy." I laughed.

"It just means you don't have to do other boys unless you want to."

"Now, let's go for dinner."

I noticed a big tent going up to one side of the compound. That would be where the after filming party would be held. The last scenes were all being held at the camp.

After a good dinner I asked Ef to come to my office in the house. That's where Keanu and I headed. Ef came in wearing a very loose pair of shorts and t-shirt.

"How's the butt Ef?"

"It's sore Master, but okay."

"Okay, from now on you both will call me Sir or Brian. Neither of you are slaves anymore. You two boys will take care of each other. You will both be in my bed from now on and you both will help each other as well as assist me."

That got a smile from both.

"Ef, would you like a stand in? Would you like another boy to take the whipping before Henry rapes you?"

"Will Timmy have a stand in Sir?"

"No. Timmy likes to be whipped."

"Then I don't want one either Sir."

"Very well Ef. You are going to one very sore boy by the time the shooting is done. How is it taking Henry's cock?"

"It's okay. It only hurts when he puts it in. Feels nice after. Sir do I got to get fucked by the other black boys before Henry does me?"

"Ef, the idea was so it didn't hurt you."

"Well Timmy don't get them boys first. So I don't want them either."

Very well Ef."

Keanu, take Ef and put some salve on his butt and back and anywhere else he needs it."

"Okay Brian."

Because Ef was so sore we only did a daisy chain of sucking. Both cuddled up close to me to sleep. Having these two wonderful boys next me brought real peace to my mind. Slept like a rock.

When I woke up I was alone in bed. Timmy was standing by my bed.

"What are you doing here Timmy?"

"Master, I didn't know where Ef and Keanu were so I figured I'd make sure someone was here for you. Ef and Keanu say they no longer slaves so I stayed Master."

"Does it bother you that Ef and Keanu are now your Master too?"

"Of course not Master. I just a slave. I like being Masters slave."

I sat up and Timmy dropped and drained me.

"Master Ef and Keanu done cleaning themselves and showered. I help in shower."

"Also Director say we do rehearsal this morning for afternoon shoot."

After we were all dressed we went for breakfast. There seemed to be very few people around.

"Where is everyone Timmy?"

"They all out at camp to watch."

I picked up a golf cart and drove out to the camp. Ef and Timmy went to where the director was going through the sequence of events.

"What's going to happen Brian? Keanu asked

I handed him the script for the next to last sequence. He sat back to read it.

"Sir, what does emasculate mean?"

"That means cutting off both cock and balls."

"They don't really do it, do they?"

"No Babe. It's all part of the show. Wait and see."

The Director walked everyone through their parts several times to get everything right. Then called a break for lunch. A food wagon had been pulled up and everyone chowed down.

Ef and Timmy sat with us as we ate.

"Boy it's going to be so cool." Timmy said.

From the look on Ef's face I wasn't so sure anything was going to be cool.

After lunch everyone headed to makeup and wardrobe. I took Keanu over to the Editing Trailer. It was air conditioned.

"Oh this is nice Sir."

"We'll watch in here." We sat down. Six TV screens covered the whole camp. The other cameras would record onto disc in each camera. They would be edited in after the scene was done along with all the other

camera shots. It would take a few weeks to get the whole movie ready for sale.

The Final scenes started as the group walked into the camp. Henry told the colored boys to tie up the two white boys to benches. Ef and Timmy were tied to two poles next to the elongated fire pit. All the white boys were crying.

Amos and Andy figuring they were going to be joining the Terrorists just stood watching.

Two of the terrorists grabbed the two boys and tied them. Then attached them to a pole.

"What's happening. We thought we was going to join you?"

The native laughed.

"You two be food for later."

Amos and Andy started crying.

The other two white boys were tied to benches. No preliminaries. One of the natives just rammed his cock into the boy followed by his high pitched screams as he was raped. Another native stifled his screams by ramming his cock into the white boys mouth. The other white boy was also raped repeatedly.

The close in hand held cameras picked up both boys faces and the black cock ramming in and out of the boys butts. Even though both boys had been in several porn videos it still hurt to be raped as they were now. Tears were streaming down both boys cheeks.

After all the Negro boys had used the two white boys, they were tied back to back on a pole. The camera cut to Ef and Timmy. Timmy was tied spread between two poles. Ef was standing, held by one of the other native boys. Henry was standing close to Ef.

He said something to Ef. It wasn't heard. Ef shook his head no. Henry then smacked Ef across his face. Ef fell to the ground. Henry grabbed him by the hair and dragged him to his feet and slapped Ef again.

"You will beat your boyfriend or I'll cut your balls off and feed them to him."

Ef knew Timmy loved to be whipped so he didn't hesitate to use the whip on Timmy. Ass, thighs, back, chest cock and legs. Ef wailed on Timmy.

Timmy was hanging limp after just 10-12 strokes.

Henry grabbed the whip from Ef's hands and then pushed him down over a bench. Ef screamed as Henry rammed his cock into Ef. From then on it was a gang bang. Ef was fucked by all the black boys. Timmy and the others were as well. For almost 60 minutes it went on.

Finally it stopped.

"You will keep your balls for a few more days. I have sold you to a slave trader." Henry said.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Ef Screamed.

"CUT. That's a wrap." The director yelled.

"It's over?" Keanu asked.

"That's it babe."

"Come on Keanu." I grabbed two robes and left the trailer.

I walked right to EF and put the robe around him. He was crying. I carefully rubbed his back as I held him.

"You did real good Ef. I'm very proud of you."

"Sir do I got to more of this movie?"

"No son. You are done."

"But Henry said they had to do another scene where he sells me."

"We'll get a stand in for that Ef."

Keanu had put the other robe on Timmy. I took both boys to the golf cart and drove to the house. Upstairs to my suite. Keanu and I helped both boys to clean out and shower. We carefully coated both boys with salve. Lucky most of the welts were on their backs and fronts. Ef's butt and cock were hardly touched, Timmy's were really stripped, but then Timmy loved it anytime he got whipped.

I took Ef to bed for a nap. He just snuggled up close. Keanu cuddled up to Timmy. I heard Timmy ask Keanu if he wanted to fuck him.

"Can we just cuddle Timmy?"

"Sure. I love you Master."

We slept for about 3 hours. Then dressed and went down to the Party.

Ef and Timmy were almost mobbed by all the team. Everyone congratulated them.

After eating and a few beers Ef asked me if he could go and lie down. I grabbed Keanu and Timmy and took them to the house. Rather than just lay down I took all three boys out to the hot tub on my deck. After just 10 minutes in the hot tub Ef's eyes started to close.

"Come on Babe. We'll put some more salve and go to bed."

"You two don't stay up to late. Got a long day tomorrow."

"Yes Sir." They both said.

I figured either Keanu or Timmy were going to get fucked or at least they'd blow each other. I was glad Timmy had accepted Ef and Keanu as his Masters too.

In the morning it was clean up time. After a quick breakfast I went to see Jake. I told him I would be taking my three plus Amos and Andy back to Cape Town. We would shoot the final of the Movie in the studio. We would also need a stand in for Ef.

I loaded up the boys and headed for Cape Town.


Comments Welcome Suddar40@telus.net

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