Efs New Life

Published on May 1, 2020


x Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

EF'S New Life

Part 3.

"Arriving in Cape Town and after clearing customs, we all got on a stretch van from the company. I dropped Jimmy, Peter, and the three slave boys at the house. Then took Billy and David to a company condo. Gave them keys and a 1000 rand as spending money, told them I would be back the following day. Also to use only one of the bedrooms.

The Van driver then took me to the house.

Everyone was gone to bed. I knew Peter and Jimmy almost always slept together unless I wanted either of them. Sam was in bed with the two boys, although Timmy wasn't a boy.

After a quick shower I crawled into bed with the boys and Sam. Ef just rolled over and put his head on my chest as he snuggled up to me.

I was alone in bed when I woke up. I could hear the shower going so just got up and walked into the bathroom. Ef was in the shower. I pissed and then cleaned myself out. When I stepped into the shower Ef looked scared. He washed me almost mechanically. Helped me dry off and followed me into the bedroom. I sat down.

"Come over here Ef."

I pulled him onto my lap. "What's the matter Ef?"

"Master, I should have been beside you when you woke up. I guess I messed up again."

"So you think I am going to punish you?"

"Yes Master."

"Not going to happen right now Son. Get dressed. Cargo shorts, no underwear and t-shirt, runners no socks."

I dressed the same and we went out for breakfast.

After Breakfast I gave everyone their instructions.

"Jimmy make sure the groceries are done and the laundry. Peter you can take Sam downstairs and give him an introduction to the basement. Make sure the cameras are on. Timmy and Ef will be coming with me."

"When you boys are done with breakfast come to my office."

I took my coffee and went to my office. I called another agency that did almost exclusively straight porn movies. I knew they had a dozen gay blacks under contract but hardly used them. I offered to buy all their contracts. WE agreed on a price and I told them to have them at their offices in 2 hours. I'd pick them up. They agreed to that too.

Timmy and Ef came into my office.

"Close the door and get your shorts off. Timmy lean over the desk."

I gave him two hard smacks with my strap and then gave Ef two too. Both were crying when I was done.

"Timmy, Sam's a slave just like you and Ef. Which was it? You get a BJ or did he fuck you?"

I sucked him off Master."

"You should have been in my bedroom with Ef. You are supposed to be teaching him how to be a good slave. You both got it on the bottom because from now on if either of you fuck up you both get it. Now get your shorts on."

"I'm sorry Master. I'm sorry Ef." Timmy said.

I took both out to the car and drove the Agencies office. I got the keys to a 16 passenger van and then drove to SA Agencies. The boys followed me inside. The reception area was filled with a lot of good looking black boys.

"You two stay here and stay out of trouble."

"Yes Master." They said.

I went in to the office and signed the bill of sale for all the contracts. I thought there were 12 but turned out I got 14. That was great I used Blacks in videos a lot.

When I walked out into the reception area Ef and Timmy were talking to Amos and Andy. The two black boys were no bigger than Timmy, but I knew both were firebrands in bed and twins.

"Getting acquainted Boys?"

"Yes Master."

"Do we get to go to Master?" Amos asked.

"Yes. Both you and Andy I have your contracts. You boys go jump in the Van."

"Okay, the rest of you I will explain everything when we get to my house. For now go jump in the van outside."

"Sir Will we have someplace to live. We had to move out of the places we were at."

"Yes I will be supplying you with condos to live in free. I'll explain later."

There were some really good looking guys in this group. Some I could tell were hung good too. I followed them out and into the van.

Most carried a large back pack or suitcase.

I drove to the house and unloaded the boys in the garage. Then led them into the house. I had them set there luggage down and follow me out to the pool.

"Okay, for today and tonight you will be staying here. Jimmy will have food later for you, but there is beer in the coolers so help yourselves. You can use the pool. If you don't have swim wear you can swim nude. I'll be talking to you each. I will say you will all be working within the next 2 days."

That brought a lot of smiles from them. None had swim wear so most were in the pool nude almost immediately. I had a real good look at my new crew.

I talked to each of them over the rest of the afternoon. Going over what they liked and disliked, making notations on each. I'd never had so many at my house at one time and was very distracting.

I purposely saved the biggest boy for last to talk to. When he walked into my office his semi hard cock hung almost half way to his knees. He was close to 6'6" and weighed close to 200 lbs.

"Come over here closer Henry."

"How big do you get Henry?"

"Almost 11 inches Sir and thick."

I reached between his legs and fondled his large balls. That got him harder.

I used his ball sack as a handle and pulled him right up to me. I leaned forward and slipped his cock into my mouth. He really did have a mouthful and he stepped closer and pushed his cock into my throat. I gagged and chocked on that magnificent cock. I pulled back and just sucked him. I pulled out and stood up.

"Come with me Henry."

I led him into my bedroom. His eyes got real big. I tossed him a tube of lube.

"Come on Henry. I want that cock inside me." I lay back on the bed.

He never said a word as he climbed on the bed. He lifted my legs to his shoulders, moved forward. Then lubed his cock and my hole. After sliding his cock up and down my crack, settled on my hole and slowly entered me. Taking the huge head of his cock was easy. The beer can thick shaft really made me clinch my teeth from the pain of his slow steady entry into me.

He never went fast, just slowly pushed all 11 inches into my canal.

"You are super hot Sir."

"You are real big Henry. Now fuck me boy."

It took awhile for me to get used to his thick cock, but once I was I wanted it hard and fast. I grabbed his ass and pulled myself forcefully onto his cock. He got the message and was soon hammering my hole. God I would never tire of big black cocks inside me. I could almost live with a huge cock plowing me.

He fucked me for almost 30 minutes before filling me with his hot sperm. I actually felt empty when he pulled out.

He pulled me up and helped into the bathroom. We both cleaned ourselves out before showering. I helped dry him off.

"That was most enjoyable Sir. I hope you will fuck me at a later time."

"I will Henry. That you can be sure of."

We headed out to the pool and Henry just jumped in.

I penciled him in as the leader of the terrorists. I also picked 6 of the others. All were well endowed young men. Ef and Timmy were in for some wild rides with them. I added Amos and Andy as young members of the terrorist group. They could torture and rape the other two white boys that survived the crash of the bus.

Just needed the extras now.

Four of the boys would be going to the studio to shoot porn. Billy would be going to peep show to suck cocks for three days. David would be doing porn too.

The afternoon turned into a regular orgy on the deck and grass by the pool. I'm glad the cameras were running.

After a long day of having cocks both in me and fucking a few of the boys I called it a night about 9 pm. I took Ef and Timmy to bed.

"Well boys did you have fun today?"

"Master, some of them boys is real big. I could only suck most."

"Well I'm sure you boys will work out. Tomorrow we'll go out to the farm and we can start getting you ready for the movie. Now suck me off Ef. Timmy you can rim me after Ef gets me off."

I slept real good that night.

When I woke up I was alone in bed but from the whispering I knew both boys were close by. Timmy was talking real quiet to Ef.

"Ef you got to remember we just slaves. We suck and fuck slaves, but also toilet slaves too. When master wakes up and sits up he expects us to suck his cock. Hard or soft we suck him and he'll probably pee in our mouths. We got to get it all or Master will punish us both. Some times if Master is in a hurry and don't shower, we got to lick his butt clean after he cleans himself out. Most times it don't taste any different, but sometimes it tastes real bad. You just got to get used to it."

"When did you become Master's slave Timmy?"

"About three years ago. Master bought me from some black farmers. I was their sex toy."

"Good morning Boys." I said as I rolled to a sitting position.

"Ef was closer than Timmy and he quickly kneeled between my legs. I knew Ef hated to do piss but just took my soft cock into his mouth. Timmy headed for the bathroom. Ef drained me and then followed me into the bathroom. Timmy was adjusting the shower temperature.

I cleaned myself out and stepped into the shower. Timmy cleaned himself out and came into the shower. Then Ef cleaned himself out and waited with a warm towel. After giving me the towel went in and showered.

We all went and dressed. Same as usual. The boys in shorts no underwear and me in cargo shorts. We went out for breakfast.

Jimmy had set up a breakfast smorg for all the boys at the house.

I explained to everyone hat was happening that day and where everyone would be going. After breakfast loaded everyone up in the van and drove to the condo. It was located across from the Main Studio. After explaining everything, picked up Billy. I sent David across to the Studio.

I then drove to where Billy would work for the next three days.

He wasn't happy but I told him he could make as much as 500 rand a day. After explaining how things worked left him there.

Back at the studio I left the boys in the van. I picked up the keys to a Rover. Told Ef and Timmy along with Amos and Andy to get in the rover. Made sure everyone was ready and lead off for the trip to the farm.

It was quite the convoy. Two equipment trucks, 3 vans, and my Rover.

The Farm was about 80 kilometers north of Cape Town. It had at one time been owned by white Farmers using black slave labor. The Blacks had rebelled one night and killed the owner and his wife. They had raped and killed the Son and daughter. Most had been caught and 6 were hanged. The State had taken over the Farm and I had bought it from the State. I used it for outdoor videos.

I kept and refurbished the house and barn and had burned the rest of the buildings. Now there was also two 50 foot trailers, several large tents and couple of smaller shelters. There was a canteen and messing trailer as well as Makeup and wardrobe trailer.

I parked at the house and told Amos and Andy to go look around but stay out of the way. I took Ef and Timmy inside.

The first person I ran into was the Director.

"Good morning Jake. How's things looking?"

"Good Sir. Are these our two stars?"

"This is Ef and Jimmy you know."

"James, Erik, come over here."

Two boys walked over. Both were about the same size as Jimmy but a bit taller. From the bulge in their shorts both looked well hung.

"James, Erik, this Ef. He's the leading boy on this. You already know Jimmy. You two already know where everything is so take Ef and Jimmy to wardrobe and make up. We will do some rehearsals this morning later and this afternoon and then shoot the final bus scene."

"Okay Sir. Come on guys."

The four boys took off.

"Where did you find those two Jake?"

"My nephews. They just turned 18. Figured I'd get them into the business."

"I wouldn't mind fucking either one." I laughed.

"Their both under contract. So I guess you can do pretty much as you want. Neither are virgins."

I grabbed a beer and went out onto the deck in front of the house. Two boys were sitting and didn't look too happy.

"What's up boys?"

"WE was supposed to be the other two boys in the movie, but the Director put his nephews in, in our place. Them boys ain't never been even whipped before."

"It isn't fair Sir."

I got up and walked back inside.

"Jake, off hand do your nephews know that they are going to be whipped and raped on camera."

"Oh shit. I forgot about that."

"Well the two boys that were slotted into those positions are sitting outside a little pissed that they lost out."

Jake walked out side and sent both to wardrobe and makeup.

"I'll use my Nephews as dead extras."

"I imagine there will be other screw-ups too. Nothing ever goes perfect."

I wandered out and ambled over to the make up trailer. Henry and his 6 boys were all sitting in the shade. A make up artist was working on one of the native terrorists.

"You look very dangerous Henry."

He just laughed.

He was dressed in camo pants with a bare top. His chest was covered in scars, ritualistic scars. He had a cloth belt on with a very wicked looking knife hanging from it. A camo hat on his head. He also had an AK47.

Three of the others were dressed the same. Two had only G-Strings but no boots, just sandals on their feet. Amos and Andy were nude. Neither had a knife or weapon. They had water bags slung on their shoulders.

They were also barefoot.

I walked over to Amos and Andy.

"What are you two boys?"

"We Henry's slaves. We got to carry the water and food. Maybe get fucked too."

"Why are you boys out here in the sun. Should be in the shade."

Director want us sweating. Looks good on camera."


About ten minutes later a camera boom truck drove up. Steven, one of the Assistant directors jumped out of the truck. Another camera truck and a ten passenger van pulled up.

"Good morning Sir. Here to watch?"

"Might as well, never seen a real movie being filmed."

"Well we are just doing some short scenes to add to realism."

"Everybody ready? You boys get in the van. Brian you can ride in the other camera truck."

After everyone was loaded they drove off. We followed the road into the site for a bit and pulled off onto a rough trail. The trail climbed a bit and leveled off. All the vehicles pulled off to the side. Everyone got out.

Henry and all the rest lined up on the track. The Director positioned them and told them that as they walked to look around them. Andy and Amos were positioned second from last with a rope around there necks and one end held by one of the native boys.

A prop guy came out and gave Amos two big water skins to carry. Andy was given a big pack.

"Fuck these are heavy." Andy said.

The last man carried a rifle in one hand and a whip in the other.

The director walked up to Amos and Andy.

"You two are Henry's slaves so act like it."

He told the last man to make sure the boys felt that whip if they slowed down.

I knew the two boys would have sore butts before this shoot was over.

It took six takes to get the Director satisfied. By then the two boys were almost out on their feet.

After they stopped both sank tp the ground. The Director walked up.

"You two did real good. Make sure you get some salve on those butts after you shower. You won't be needed until the day after tomorrow.

Everyone loaded up and we headed back to the main camp.

"You two come to the house and see me when you get cleaned up."

"Yes Sir."

I headed for the house, went up and showered and changed. Then grabbed a beer and headed for my office. Both Amos and Andy were waiting for me.

"Well boys how was it. How did you like being slave boys for real?"

"It was okay Master, but that boy sure don't know how to use a whip. We hardly got any marks on our butt."

"So you think some one should show him?"

"I guess so Master."

"I have a question for you too."

"Yes Master."

"How come you boys both have open ended contracts?"

"It's kind of a long story Master."

Well we have all night. You boys won't be needed for a couple of days."

"Well our Mom died soon after we were born. Our Dad gave us to a family to raise. When we were 14 we were sold to another man. He used us as fuck and suck slaves. He run out of money and couldn't keep us so he sold us to AA Studios. They made us sign a contract. Then you bought our contract so I guess you own us now Master. We always been slaves Master."

"Do you boys want to be my slaves?"

"Oh yes Master. All the boys say you are real good to colored boys."

"Okay, Andy go see if you can find Ef and Timmy. Bring them here."

"Amos go find that boy that was whipping you today and bring him and his whip here."

Both boys left. I grabbed a beer and sat down. Reading the script for the movie, I knew that boy would have 6 boys to control. Amos and Andy, Ef, Timmy and Harry and Danny. The other two survivors from the bus. I called the personal foreman and told him to find and send Harry and Danny to my office in the house.

Once all the boys were in my office I gave them a beer and told them to sit.

"Okay, I'm going to give you a quick run through of what is going to happen once you meet up with the terrorist group. First off you are going to kicked and beat up by the terrorists. It will mostly be light stuff that won't hurt much. The Leader, Henry, will then order you to strip. Your hands will be tied and a collar will be put around your necks and you will be tied together with a rope. The only thing you will have on is your runners, except for Amos and Andy. You two will be barefoot.

"Muaba here will be the last man in the row. His job will be make you boys keep up with the leader. He'll be using a whip."

"Well Both Amos and Andy think you are a wimp when it comes to using a whip Muaba."

"Sir, I never whipped as boy before."

"Yes well that we are going fix. All you boys undress."

I gave Muaba four strips of leather and told him to tie the boys hands in front. While he was doing that I balled up their underwear and stuffed it in there mouths.

"You boys can bite on those and it will stop the screams."

"Ef, stand in front of the desk and put your hands on it."

He looked real scared. He knew what was coming. The other boys almost looked bored. They wouldn't be shortly.

"Okay Muaba, this is how you do it."

I swung the whip in an arch and across Ef's white ass. The smack as the whip struck his butt made him scream. Every stripe was clearly visible on his ass. I handed the whip to Muaba.

"Now you try. As hard as you can. He's just a slave so you can anything you want."

Muaba was a lot stronger than I was and the hit on Ef's ass caused him to scream more and turn away from the desk. He tried so fast his foot caught on the edge of the carpet and he fell to his knees. Muaba gave him two more and I stopped him.

Then I had him do the other five boys. All were crying when he was done.

"Muaba, this movie is all about torture and rape of white boys. You are not supposed to have any feelings for these boys. To you they are just animals, not fit to be in the company of you black terrorists."

I untied Ef and told him to untie the other boys and put salve on their butts.

"You boys can leave now. Ef you stay." The boys filed out.

"Come over here boy and suck me off."

Ef was becoming a good cocksucker. He liked sucking cocks and loved the taste of sperm. I let him suck for a while, then pulled him up and forced him to lean over the desk. Then I just rammed my cock into his ass. He screamed at my forced entry, but moaned almost as soon as I entered him. I fucked him for a few strokes and pulled out.

"Suck it boy."

Ef licked my cock clean and sucked me off.

"Thank you Master." He said as he kneeled at my feet.

I pulled him up and then got us both a beer and sat on my couch.

"Ef have you read the script for the scene in the terrorist camp?"

"Yes Master. I got to whip Timmy and then get raped by the terrorists."

"Are you okay with what's going to happen?"

"Master, Timmy and me know we just slaves so what we feel don't matter. I'm just scared Henry will hurt me real bad and I might be dead." "Well I am going to make sure you can handle Henry before he does you I the final scene."

"How you going to do that Master"

Then his eyes opened real wide.

"WE going to fucked by the black boys."

"I've arranged for you and Timmy to stay in the Accommodation trailer with the black boys for the next 36 hours. I'm pretty sure you will be able to handle Henry and rest before you need do the final scene."

"Henry has been told. You can get dressed and go over there now."

"Yes Master."

I was surprised Ef was smiling.

I walked down stairs from my office and outside. It had cooled off from the days heat. Most of the lights were off except the messing trailer and accommodation. There were several boys out enjoying the cool of the evening.

I noticed one boy off by himself sitting against a post. I walked over to him.

"Why are you not in the accommodation trailer Son?"

"I didn't get a job as an extra. The Director says I'm too young."

"How old are you?"

"Seventeen Sir. I don't turn eighteen for 6 months."

"Did you sign a contract?"

"Yes Sir."

"They didn't ask how old you were?"

No Sir. Just told me to get in the van outside the Studio."

"Well you can't stay out here. Come with me Son."

While I had been talking to him I had also been checking him out. He had red/blonde hair and was real cute. A very nice butt and the tell tale bulge in his shorts that told me the boy was nicely hung for a seventeen year old. I idly wondered if he was a virgin.

"Have you had something to eat?"

"Yes Sir. The Foreman said there would be a van going in to Cape Town and I could ride in with him, but it never came Sir."

I don't remember one being scheduled.

I took him in the house and up to my office. Gave him a coke and told him to sit and relax. Sat down at my Desk.

"What's your full name Son?"

"Keanu Watson Sir."

I pulled up his application on my lap top. Everything was there except his date of birth. Someone had screwed up in the office.

Well I wasn't about kick a real good looking boy out. Especially one with a basket like he showed in his shorts.

"Keanu, do you know what World Wide Agency's does?"

"Yes Sir. I'm not a virgin Sir."

"Come over here Son."

"Take your shirt and shorts off."

He had no problem taking off his t-shirt, but started to shake as he put his fingers in the waist ban of his shorts. He was shaking so bad that I pulled him onto my lap.

"It's okay Keanu. We can stop there."

"Tell me about yourself. Who did you work for before you signed with WWA?"

"I was with Boy Sports. When I was 13 I entered a contest to get a contract. We never had to strip or anything and always wore underwear of gym shorts. I was one of three boys who were picked."

"I knew I was Gay and hoped they didn't find out, but the photographer found out. He made me suck him off to keep quiet. It wasn't bad except he tasted terrible."

When I turned 14 he raped me and told me if I said anything I'd lose my contract. He's been doing me right up to when I quit."

"I take it then you have never been photographed in the nude."

"No Sir."

"Keanu, there are several things we can do. One I can void that contract you signed. Then I can have you sign a personal Contract as well as a Service Contract. I pulled out a new contract and a Service Contract.

"I want you read both, fill in your name and date of birth and then sign the bottom of both. Don't sign them unless you are real sure that's what you want. I'll answer any questions you want."

He read both and then reread the Service Contract.

"What's this mean at the bottom of the Service Contract Sir?"

"Just what it says Keanu. After you sign the contract I will give you 1000 rand to buy your service to me for the length of the Contract."

"When you give me money means you own me then."

"Yes Keanu. You will in effect become another of my personal slaves."

Keanu got up off my lap, picked up both contracts and walked over to the couch. He sat down and reread both contracts. Then just sat looking at both. After several minutes he shrugged his shoulders, got up and walked to my desk. He signed both.

Then he surprised me.

"You don't need to pay me Master. Slaves don't need money Master. I will be your slave for as long as you want me Master."

He then unbuttoned his shorts and let them drop. He wasn't wearing underwear. Hot damn he was a good looking young man. Very toned and tanned except for his crotch. His pubes were trimmed to a nice V above his cock. His cock was about 4.5 inches soft and cut.

"Do you work out a lot Keanu?"

"Yes Master. Master that's what mostly I did while being photographed."

"Well you are in real good shape."

"Pickup your shorts and come with me." I led him into my bedroom.

Keanu, you are very calm now. Why were you scared when I asked you to remove your shorts?"

"I thought you were going fuck me like the photographer did Master."

"Well I am going fuck you, but not now and not tonight. First I'm going to show you things you must do everyday." I led him into my bathroom.

First thing each morning and before bed in the evening you must clean yourself out and shower."

I then showed him how to do it.

He giggled when I showed him.

After showering I took him to bed. I just spooned up to him and went to sleep. When I woke up he was draped over my chest.

I ran my hand down under the comforter and gripped his ass cheek. He lifted his head and looked at me.

"Good morning Master."

"Good morning Keanu. Time to get up son."

He got out of bed and stood waiting. I rolled up to a sitting position.

"Keanu, get on your knees between my legs."

He just stood looking at me.

"Keanu, as one of my slaves I will only tell you to do something once. If I have to tell you again I will punish you. You see that strap on the dresser? That is what I use and I will tell you this I like to use that strap."

"You are going to pee in my mouth."

"Yes Keanu I am and if you miss any and it gets on my carpet, I'm going to punish you severely."

He just did it.

"Tastes terrible Master."

"Well you will get used to it. My other boys don't like it much either."

He was surprised that I had him clean himself out. He was also shocked there was so much.

"Keanu, even in sleep your body functions keep working. Sometime you might need to clean yourself out more than twice a day."

"Okay Master."

After showing I took back to my bedroom and tossed him a pair of boxer briefs.

"Try those boy."

Although they fit really nice I had him take them off and fitted him with a cock and ball harness. After that I had him put his boxer briefs back on. I adjusted his cock and sat back. "How does that feel Keanu?"

"It feels real nice Master."

"Go look in the mirror."

"OH Wow! You can see everything."

"I Tossed him a t-shirt. It was way bigger than it needed to be but did cover his cock and balls in the boxer briefs.

"Okay put your runners on and we'll go for breakfast."

I could tell Keanu was a little bit worried that his prominent cock showing in the boxer briefs would make him standout. Once he saw some of the other boys out here for the movie he started to relax.

Amos and Andy walked over to us as we sat down. Both were wearing g-strings. There cocks showed more than Keanu.

"Good morning Master."

"Good morning boys. This is Keanu. He's another of my slaves. You boys can show him around and start to teach him what he needs to know."

"Okay Master."

They sat down beside us to wait for us to finish breakfast.

"Keanu you can go with these two. They'll teach you what you need to know. They are two of my slaves."

"Okay Master."

"Amos bring him to my office after lunch. Run along now."

"Come on Keanu. We got lots to show you."

After breakfast I went to look at the shorts that had been filmed the previous day. The final bus scene was great; neither of us liked the walk of the terrorists on the road. It looked too contrived. Not nearly real enough.

"We can redo it this afternoon." I said.

We then went out to look at the terrorist camp being set up. It looked good with an open sided hut where the rapes would take place. The twin poles the boys would be tied from. The benches where the other two boys would be tied and tortured. Most of the placement of cameras had been set, but no cameras were in place yet.

"See you picked up another boy Sir."

"Yeah. He's too young to use in videos, but got him signed on anyway."

"He's got a nice ass. Wouldn't mind fucking him myself." He laughed.

"Well after I have him trained, I'll let you use him."

"Thank you sir."

"Okay Sir. I'll notify Henry and his bunch that we'll redo the hike this afternoon."

"Amos and Andy are teaching Keanu what he needs to know. I'll bring them out after lunch."

I was kind of surprised I hadn't seen Ef or Timmy this morning. I headed for the accommodation trailer.

When I got there the colored boys were all outside reading the script for the Camp scenes. Ef and Timmy were dozing in the shade. I woke both boys and told them to go to the house. Clean themselves out and shower. If they wanted to sleep just use my bed.

I called Henry and asked him to follow me into the trailer.

"How did it go last night?"

"Pretty good Sir. Ef sure likes to suck. He didn't like it much when he got screwed by all the black boys, but hardly yelped when I fucked him. I think if a couple boys do him off camera before I do him on camera, it'll work out okay."

"Timmy had no problems Sir." He laughed.

"Okay. We're going to reshoot the road walk this afternoon. I want both negro boys crying, so Muaba is going to have to really lay into Amos and Andy."

That shouldn't be a problem sir. Those two boys love getting whipped."

"Yeah I have noticed."

"You can take your crew to makeup and wardrobe after lunch."

"Okay Sir."

I headed back to house. Ef and Timmy were sprawled on my bed sound asleep. Ef definitely needed more sun on his ass cheeks. Timmy looked almost like a native, he was so brown. Ef would get a lot of sun before I put him into vids.

I left them and went to my office to catch up on business.

This movie was costing a lot of money. I just hoped it sold well. The stills had already been put on line so I'd know in couple of months what I was going to make off it.

I knew the rape scenes near the end of the movie would really sell it, but it had to look real.

I didn't have to worry about censorship so I could do anything I wanted. The end scene had been rewritten about 3 times and I was sure there would be more changes.

Keanu and the two boys were waiting in my office when I got back from lunch.

"Amos, you and Andy can head over to makeup. They are going to shoot the road scene again. I'll be down to watch."

"Yes Master." They said and left.

Keanu didn't look to happy.

"What's wrong boy?"

"Master do I got to do all they said?"

"What's bothering you Son?"

"Amos said I got to lick your bottom after you crap."

"Keanu, the odds of that happening are very low. I'm never in that much of a hurry. Did either boy fuck you?"

"They both did master."

Did they rim you after they fucked you?" "What's that mean Master?"

"Did they lick your bottom?"

"No master. They sucked me off though."

"Okay. From now on no one fucks without my permission. That's going to cost you 2 swats and Amos and Andy 20."

"Okay Master."

We went down and jumped into one of the golf carts that was used for transportation. Drove over to make up. The Director came over to the cart.

"Jake, we need to make them look like they have been walking a long way. Lets let them walk in from the road. They should be sweating pretty good by the time we get to the spot where we start. We can also whip Amos and Andy before we start shooting. Muaba can give each boy 20 swats on their bottom and back before we start. I also think that the second boy from the end should have their leash."

"He can drag both boys."

The director laughed.

After everyone was ready they all jumped in the van. The camera trucks left to start setting up. We drove down to the start of the track and unloaded.

"Okay guys. We need to make it look like you have been walking a while. Everyone will walk in to the start."

They just shrugged and started walking.

The Van followed with me bringing up the rear. It took about 20 minutes to walk the mile and half. I was sweating in the golf cart; I could see that the boys were practically drowning in sweat.

I called the two boys and Muaba over to my cart.

"You two boys did not have my permission to screw Keanu. That's going to cost you 20 swats on your butts. Instead of doing it later Muaba is going to do it before we start filming."

"You boys go over by the Van."

"Muaba, I am presuming you want more work after this movie is done."

"Yes Sir."

"Well when you whip those two boys I don't care if they are screaming their heads off or bleeding. Give each boy twenty good hits. After we start filming you can lay into them again. Front and back. You do that and I'll guarantee you'll be in more vids.

"I'll do them good Sir."

I reached out and gripped his cock in the G he had on.

"I'll also want this later Muaba."

"Yes Sir!"

After getting whipped and slapped around both negro boys were almost out on their feet. The half mile walk they staggered along. Being dragged when they fell along with the whipping had both boys crying. Even so both remained pretty hard.

"Cut." Yelled the director. He walked to Henry.

"I want you to go back and threaten the two colored boys."

"Amos, can you and Andy handle another half mile. That will put you a dozen or so yards from where the white boys will be on the road. We won't have to shoot that part over again."

"We can do it Sir."

"Good. Henry's going to threaten you two. I want you to act very scared."

Everyone got into position again.

"Okay, Action."

Henry walked back to the two boys. He grabbed Amos by the collar he had on and dragged him to his feet.

"You will keep up or I will slice off those puny balls and feed them to you. Do you understand boy?"

"Yes Master." The look on Henry's face to me looked like he really wanted to do it. I think both boys knew it too.

The last half mile was pure torture for both boys. They collapsed on the ground when the director yelled cut.

I walked over to the boys.

"How are you two doing?"

"We're okay Master. Master are you still going to punish us for screwing Keanu?"

"Don't you think you have been punished enough?"

"Master, that was for the movie. We know we shouldn't have done Keanu, but we wanted him to know what rimming was."

"You don't need to fuck someone to show them how to rim Amos."

"I guess not Master."

"Keanu, come with me." I walked out of earshot of the boys.

"Keanu, do you think those two boys should be punished coz they screwed you?"

"No Master. Master they tried to fuck me, but I was real tight. I never had a colored cock in me and never sucked one. I asked them to fuck me and I also sucked them off. They said I might be trouble coz I didn't ask you. I'm the one you should punish Master."

"Master. I'm a slave, your slave. I want to be treated like your other slaves."

"If that's what you want Keanu."

"Amos, go find Ef and Timmy and take them over to the barn."

"Yes Master." He ran out of my office."

"You two come with me."

The Barn at the farm had been retained when I bought the farm and set up for both indoor and outdoor BDSM videos. There were two small studios set up and that left lots of space for Torture equipment. Timmy was the only boy that had ever been in the barn and in vids.

The only thing modern in the main part of the barn was a chain hoist on a rail running down the center of the barn. Everything else was straight out of medieval Britain or the Spanish inquisition.

With Keanu, I drove down to the accommodation trailer, picked up Ef and Timmy and drove to the barn.

"Timmy, you have been here before. You can show the boys around."

"Yes Master."

I let them wander around the dungeon. Then called them all together.

"Timmy, you have been out here before. Tell the boys why you were here."

Timmy related his story of how he came to be my slave and everything he did.

"You ran away from Master?" Andy asked.

"Yes. I don't know why. He didn't do anything but give me nice stuff and treated me like anyone else."

"Why did you come back?" Ef asked.

"Coz I was hungry and I was cold."

"What happened?"

"Master said I needed a lesson. He brought me out here. Tied me up and whipped me. I thought I would die."

"I'll never do anything to hurt my Master. I'll always be his slave forever."

"I told Amos and Andy to start teaching Keanu how to be a good slave. Instead they tried to fuck him and allowed Keanu to suck them off. All of you know you need my permission to have sex with each other or someone else."

"You all know that if one of you fucks up then you all get punished. Keanu told me it was his idea to have Amos and Andy fuck him and suck you boys off. What you both should have done was say no."

"I want you four to decide who will go first. Once you decided you will pick one ball from each bag. If you pull a white ball it is 10 times what ever the second one you pick. If the first ball is black then its 5 times. The White ball counts as 20."

"Who's going to pick first?"

"I should go first coz this is all my fault." Keanu said.

"You go last. The boys will decide your punishment Keanu."

This whole thing was rigged against the boys. There were 12 white and black balls and only one the other 4 balls.

If I had followed through on my threat all four would have got more than a hundred swats on their butts. None of them would be in any shape to continue the movie.

I gave each of them 10 hard swats on their bare bottoms. All four were crying when I was done.

They also decided that Keanu shouldn't get punished coz he was new and didn't know the rules.

I sent them back to the accommodation trailer telling them I would see them the next day. Keanu was looking in the bag of balls.

"Master you set them up. How come if you did you didn't give them all the swats?"

"If I had Son, they wouldn't be any shape to finish the Movie. This costing me al ot more than I figured. I want to be able to get it online as soon as I can to recoup some of my money."

"Master I think I should get what those boys did. It was my fault Andy and Amos let me do them. I not in the movie."

"Come on Keanu lets go."


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Next: Chapter 4

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