Efs New Life

Published on Apr 7, 2020


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

EF'S New Life

Part 2.

I had the boys pack the night before. All they needed I told them was Underwear, T-shirts, Cargo Shorts and a Windbreaker with their runners.

I flew first class commercial from Cape Town to Miami. After clearing customs took a bus to the commercial Hangers where a Lear Jet I had chartered waited.

A few minutes after arriving, we were in the air on the way to Washington State where my Summer home was. It wasn't summer but I needed to test Ef before we started the feature length Movie.

Once airborne, I took Ef to the back of the jet to talk to him.

WE sat down and I handed Ef a beer.

"Ef, can you tell me when you first got hard while watching that movie?"

"I guess sir after Peter put needles in his balls. I wondered how it felt. He screamed when he put them in but then he hardly yelled after."

"Well that's because most of the nerves are in the sack."


"When did you shoot your load Ef?"

"I think when I thought you cut his dick and balls off. I don't know why, but I was so hard I could hardly sit still Sir. I thought he deserved to lose his balls."

"Why would you think that Ef?"

"Coz he was a slave. Slaves got to always do as their master says and running away is like stealing from his master. I would have done it if you had asked Sir."

"Ef, Timmy likes to have his cock, balls and ass hurt. Would you like to do it?"

Just from the tent in his cargo shorts I knew Ef would probably do anything I asked him to. He was so devoted to me it was almost worship.

Ef was different than a lot of boys I had broken into this business. After taking his cherry he had loved to get screwed anytime I wanted. He also loved the taste of Cumm and I'm sure could almost live on it. Now I knew he liked to inflict pain, but didn't know if he could handle it. I'm very sure if I told Ef to slice Timmy's balls off he would have done it without even thinking about it. It was his sense that I was his Master and he was nothing more than my slave to use as I wanted regardless of what he felt.

"That made Ef very special. There were not many boys who were so devoted to me that they would almost kill another boy just to please me. Peter was another boy like Ef.

We flew into SeaTac and parked at the commercial gate. The Suburban I had ordered was waiting and warmed. The boys were shivering in their almost nothing clothes.

It was about a two hour drive to my mountain retreat. My house was a large A Frame with an extension out one side. Inside there was a large living space with a huge fireplace that dominated the room. Floor to ceiling windows looked out onto a snowy landscape.

In the extensions were three bedrooms each with its own ensuite.

A kitchen off the big living room was equipped with all the modern equipment.

Below in the basement which you got to off the two car garage was really a huge dungeon with every kind of torture implement you could find anywhere. Timmy would be spending most of his time down there. And to a lesser extent Ef would be down there too. There was also two studios.

Jimmy I had brought along to cook and help out.

I normally had a Maintenance guy who lived in the guest house. I knew he was in Seattle but said he would be up as soon as he could.

David was just 16 when I first met him. I had put an ad in a local paper for a live in Maintenance guy. He had applied for the job so I had invited him up to talk.

He explained that he did odd jobs in the small town by the highway. He also worked part time for the garage where he had a single room above the garage. My ad sounded real good to him. After showing him around including the guest house he could live in I brought him into my living room.

"You want the job David?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then come over here, get on your knees, pull out my cock and suck me off."

"Is that all I got to do?"

"No David. This afternoon I'm going to fuck you."

"I never had a cock in my ass before Sir."

David took to getting fucked like Ef took to sucking. He loved my fucking machine and had taken a 10 inch dildo in his boy pussy.

David was over 20 now but was still as submissive as ever. Doing anything I asked without question. He'd be back the next day.

There was another young man I used up here on occasion. He was the Son of the owner of the Service Center where David had, had his room. He was black and built like a brick shithouse. He was only 15 when I met him but knew he'd make a fantastic Model.

I had asked his Father if he thought he might be interested.

Soon after that he had agreed and signed a standard contract for five years. Last year he had signed a service contract. When I gave him a ten dollar bill and told him I now owned all of him, he just smiled.

I knew from the Security cameras that Sam was fucking David and David was sucking Sam, but could find no where, where the rolls were reversed. That would also be corrected this week.

"Peter, I want you to take Ef down stairs and show him all the non lethal things he can do and the instruments he can use."

"Yes Sir. Come along Ef."

Tim had hardly said a word the whole trip and I wondered what his problem was.

"Timothy, come over here Son."

I pulled him onto my lap.

"Tim, you've hardly said a word since we left Africa. What's the problem?"

"I'm scared you brought me here so Ef could cut my balls off."

"Why in the world would you think that Tim?"

"Ef said I was a slave and if you said it was okay he'd cut them off. He says we just slaves and can never refuse anything you say. I refused to get fisted and so you could punish me by cutting my balls off."

"Not going to happen Timmy. I like your balls exactly where they are. As for getting fisted, I have lots of boys who will do it. You won't lose your balls coz you don't like it Son."

"Then how come you brought me here Sir?"

"Do you remember that video we did where your dick and balls got nailed to that board?"

"Oh sure. It hurt so much I almost passed out."

"Well Son. You made almost 10,000 rand for that one video. I'd like to do it again, but have Ef's cock and balls done at the same time."

"That would be so cool. When will we do it?"

"Ef's down stairs right now picking out things he's like to use on you. What he doesn't know is that once Peter has done something that Ef picked for you, Peter will do the same thing to Ef."

"Peters going to make the suggestion that you get your cock and balls nailed down."

"So we get to watch each other."


"When Ef comes up from down stairs I want you two boys to get together and iron out your differences. I want my boys to like each other."

Tim did not look happy.

"Okay Sir."

"Timmy, I like all my boys to like each other. It makes it easier when you have to work together."

Ef came up from downstairs smiling.

"Ef, we got to talk." Timmy said and led him down the hall and into a bedroom.

I told Jimmy how I wanted the basement set up and sent him down to get it ready.

Peter and I sat down to talk.

"Sir, if anything Ef is probably a worse sadist than I am. When I mentioned he could nail Timmy's cock and balls to a board he asked if he could nail his cock tight to the board before he nailed it down. He also wants to do each ball separately."

"He really wants to cut his balls off, but I told him he couldn't."

"Ef doesn't know yet that what ever he does to Tim will be done to him." "Anything else?"

"Well he wants to hook up the Electro Torture Machine to Tim's balls."

"Just his balls?"

"Well he wants to do it after his balls are nailed down."

"I think we'll set up a dead mans switch between the two. Then Ef can zap Timmy and Timmy can zap Ef. Set it up so they both get zapped if one of them zaps the other."

Peter laughed at that.

"Jimmy is down setting things up. We can make adjustments once we have the boys down there."

Well it was obvious that EF was a sadist. He laughed as Peter nailed down Timmy's cock and ball sack. He didn't like pain when Peter did to him what he had done to Timmy. Both boys screamed their hearts out as Peter hammered the needles through their balls and cock.

I finally stopped it after both boys became incoherent and hoarse from screaming. They hardly grunted when the nails and needles were removed. Both were taken up and put to bed.

I had almost 90 minutes in the can. Once edited I figured I would have about 45 minutes of video to sell.

The boy's ordeal was not over yet.

David called and said he'd be up in 15 minutes. He had Sam with him.

"Park at the guest house. Undress leaving just runners. You two can clean the walks and driveway." "Nude Sir?"

"Yes nude. Maybe you will learn that when I call and tell you when I will be up here you'll have the walks and driveway done. I expect you boys to be in here in an hour or less."

"Yes Sir."

I looked at the security camera in the bedroom Ef and Timmy were in. It appeared they were arguing about something. They weren't sitting together. Time to straighten both boys out.

I guess it was partly my fault. I shouldn't have shown Ef that movie with Timmy's balls being cut off. Now he had it in his head that Timmy had refused an order from me and should get his balls cut off.

I walked down to the bedroom and into the bathroom. I grabbed the straight razor the boys used to shave close and walked out into the bedroom.

"Ef, you said you would never refuse an order from me."

"I'm a slave. I got to do what you say."

"Fine. Here, stand up, pull your balls down and slice them off." I handed him the straight razor.

Ef stood up and reached down and pulled his balls down. Then the hand he had the razor in started to shake. He started to cry and then threw the razor down and turned to the bed and bawled his head off.

I told Timmy that Ef had refused my order so cut his nuts off.

Before I even finished my sentence Timmy was shaking his head.

"I aren't cutting him. I like Ef. We got differences but I won't cut him."

"Didn't think either of you could do it. Now get cleaned out and shower. Come out to the living room when you are done."

"Yes Sir. Both mumbled.

Both came out a while later. Ef was about a foot taller than Timmy and Timmy looked to be about 15 even though he was nearly 19.

"Sit down boys." I got them a beer.

"Okay, I'll tell you what's happening and why we are here."

"Okay. First off you two are going to be the leads in a movie I'm going to be doing. Basically you are going to be on a bus that crashes in the jungle. You two and a couple of other boys are going to be the only survivors. You get caught by some natives and are tortured and fucked. Timmy you get tortured by Ef and Ef gets beaten and raped by the natives. Eventfully soldiers rescue you both and rape you before taking you back to civilization."

"Cool." Timmy said.

"Okay Sir." Ef said.

"Ef you need to understand that a lot of things done in videos is simulated. Guys get off on seeing things like the fake cutting of Tim's balls. If we did it for real I'd run out of boys to use."

"Yes Sir."

"Both of you come over and sit beside me."

When they sat down I kissed both of them. They just snuggled up close. "Now I know you like doing stuff to Timmy and I know Timmy loves to be tortured and I'm going to let you boys do that, but first you both will be in a Rape video I'm going to do."

Just then David and Sam came in. Both stood by the fireplace warming up.

Sam when hard had a solid 9 inch thick cock and David was a good thick 8 inches. David was 21 and Sam 19.

"When you two are warmed up go clean your selves out and shower."

"Yes Sir." They said.

The two came out as Dinner was ready and we all sat down to eat. Timmy and Ef sat at one end of the big table. They talked to each other, laughing sometimes. David and Sam sat across from each other. They hardly said a word to each other.

"Okay, tonight we are doing a rape video. Sam you are the victim tonight and David you are the rapist."

"Sir, I prefer to bottom. Can I be the victim?" David said.

"No. This is a white on black rape video."

I could see that Sam wanted to say something but kept his mouth shut.

"Listen carefully, all of you. You all signed a contract with me to be your agent. You also signed a Service Contract and agreed at that time that I owned you lock, stock and barrel to do anything I wanted anytime I wanted. In effect you are now fuck and suck slaves. I don't give a fuck what you like or dislike. I say you are going to be a victim in a rape video that's it."

I looked at Ef and Timmy. Both had big grins on their faces. Ef had been in a rape video before. His own rape when I took his cherry ass. Timmy had also had a bit part in another rape video. I'd talk to both before we started.

"Sam I want you to fight tooth and nail to prevent your rape. You are going to be dragged into the studio with the cameras running."

I'd used this studio for a similar rape video in the past. Abe was a black boy from California. He had been whipped before being raped. The guy that raped had done considerable damage to Abe and he had ended up in hospital for a couple of weeks. I'd been careful after that incident.

This time Sam would be tied down on my horse. That was a frame made to hold him so he could be fucked and forced to suck too. The studio looked like something out of an old south barn.

Sam still hadn't said anything.

Peter brought him a pair of very dirty and ragged shorts, held up with a piece of rope. He put them on. I guess he was resigned to getting raped again. I'd took his cherry here when he was 17.

Peter put a few make up lines across Sam's back. From a distance they looked like whip marks. He was also smudged with some dirt. They tied his hands behind his back and put a collar on him. He was bare foot.

The boys were given clean white shorts to wear along with Jimmy and Peter. David had long pants, white shirt and calf high boots on. He was the owner of Sam.

Jimmy was dressed like Sam, but Peter was dressed in white shorts like the boys.

I walked around Sam when everyone was ready. We were out of ear shot of the rest.

"Sam you really look like a nigger slave."

"I'm not a nigger." He said.

"No Sam you are not. You are an actor in one of my videos. Maybe in future you will let David fuck you as much as you have been fucking him. You might also suck him off more too."

His eyes opened real wide when I said that.

"I understand Sir."

"Good. Now I think everything is ready. Remember you don't want this to happen to you so fight as hard as you can to prevent it."

"Yes Sir."

WE all walked down to the studio. The boys took their places on either side of the fucking horse. Jimmy had set all the lights down a bit with one light above the horse. Around the studio looked like an old barn. To add to the idea a mannequin was hanging by the wrists off to one side. There was big black spot near where the cock would have been on the mannequin.

"Ready. Action." I said.

Sam started fighting and yelling. When Peter and Jimmy dragged him into the barn, you could even see tears in his eyes. He fought hard but the two; Peter and Jimmy were well used to man handling boys. They got him on the horse and strapped down. Both grabbed hand held cameras and moved around Sam on the horse.

David removed his boots and pants. He grabbed Timmy and forced him to his knees.

"Suck me boy. Get me hard so I can fuck the nigger."

"You boy, here Grease him up." Handing Ef a tub of lube.

As Ef rubbed lube into Sam's ass he started screaming again.

"No use screaming boy. Your boy hole is going to be well used fore this night is over."

I knew this was going to rape. Sam I was sure had not had a cock in him since the last time I was out here about 6 months ago.

David lubed his cock and walked behind Sam.

"Damn that's a nice pucker boy."

He set his cock on Sam's hole and pushed. Sam's banshee scream almost broke eardrums. David just backed a bit and slammed in again. He stopped once to make sure he hadn't damaged Sam's muscles, then slammed in again. Sam continued to scream and cry.

Jimmy had a camera set right below where David was fucking Sam. It would catch everything.

It didn't take long for Sam to start groaning and then Moaning as David fucked him. David lasted a good 10 minutes before he stopped and bred Sam. There was almost a sucking sound as David pulled out of Sam.

Peter went next and didn't bother with lube. Sam screamed as Peter shoved his cock in but was soon moaning as Peter fucked him raw. Peter blew after just half a dozen minutes and pulled out Timmy sucked Peter clean before licking Sam's hole. Sam hardly grunted when Jimmy slammed his cock into Sam. I knew Jimmy could fuck a long time, but he stopped after ten, pulled out and jacked off over Sam's ass.

The boys were quick to lick Jimmy's cock clean and lick up the cumm running down Sam's legs and oozing from his hole.

"Cut." I said.

I walked over to Sam and started to undo the straps holding him down.

"You did real good Sam. Best rape video I have done. You'll definitely make money from this one."

I helped him stand up. Both Peter, Jimmy and David came up and hugged Sam, telling him how good he did.

"Peter, can you supervise these two boys for a couple of hours?"

"Yes Sir."

"Ef you can do anything you like to Timmy. He does like his balls, cock and tits worked on a lot. Peter will make sure you don't do anything permanent."

Both boys had ear to ear grins on their face.

Peter, when their done put them in a cell with a couple of blankets. They can sleep down here tonight."

"Yes Sir."

I walked over to Sam.

"Come on Sam, we'll get you cleaned out and showered." I took Sam up to my bedroom. Helped him clean his butt out and then stripped and went into the shower with him. He was partly hard as I started to wash him. When I ran my hand over his massive cock, he moaned.

"Sir I might cumm."

I turned him around, sank to one knee and took his cock into my mouth.

"Oh Sir." He thrust his cock into my mouth and throat. I momentarily gagged on his thick cock and then just swallowed. His cock was pulled into my throat.

"No body ever done that Sir." He pulled back and shoved it down my throat again.

"I'm cumming Sir."

He held his cock in my mouth and came. It was different tasting cumm than I got from other black boys I had sucked, but did taste good so just swallowed. He refilled my mouth twice more. All real good. I backed out and jacked his cock, then licked him.

His whole body just shuddered.

I stood and finished helping him shower. Handed him a towel as we got out.

"Come on Sam we'll talk."

"Sam why didn't you let David fuck you? You sure loved it when he did it for the video."

"He didn't want me to. He said while you are away he was my boss and all I was, was a nigger slave and had to do as he said. I like to get screwed Sir. I was so happy when you did it the last time you were here."

"Will you fuck me Sir?"

"I will Sam after you fuck me."

"Okay Sir."

He spun me around and pushed me onto the bed. Climbed behind me, grabbed my hips and pulled me up. Then just ran his cock up my crack, found my hole and slammed into me. I yelped at his forced entry but then moaned as he hit the top of my ass.

"God yes Sam. Fuck me boy."

Sam fucked with long strokes for ten or twelve strokes and then changed to fast short strokes. It almost drove me crazy. He also lasted a long time.

"You want me to breed you Master?"

"Pull out I'll suck you off."

I should have remembered I hadn't cleaned myself out. When Sam shoved his cock into my mouth I almost threw up from the taste. His cumm solved that problem. I just swallowed. Sam pulled me up and cleaned my face before kissing me.

"Make love to me Master."

Sam grunted as I slid my cock into his black ass. Then almost purred like a kitten as I slowly fucked him. Sam was being wasted using him for clothing commercials. I figured I'd take him back with me when I went back to South Africa.

I screwed Sam for almost an hour before depositing my thick load in his ass. When I pulled out Sam went down and licked and sucked my cock clean. I lay back on the bed and Sam cuddled up close to me. I pulled the thick comforter over us both.

"I love you Master." Sam said as he relaxed against me. Sleep came easy after that long day.

I woke up to the smell of Bacon cooking. As I rolled out of bed Sam went down and drained me. I had never asked him before, but he was acting like a real slave. We cleaned each other out and I shaved. After a shower I had him slip on boxer briefs and a t-shirt. I put on long pants and a t.

Jimmy had lit the fireplace and turned on the furnace. The big living room was comfortable. Timmy and Ef were sitting by the fire. As soon as I sat down Ef came over to me.

"Well Son, how was your night with Timmy?"

"I guess it was okay Sir, but it seems so unfair. I got to do stuff to Timmy, but I don't get stuff done to me."

"Is that you want EF?"

"Timmy and I are just slaves Master. WE should both get stuff done."

"Is that the way you feel Timmy?"

"Well Master. I know we both slaves for you to do anything to us you want. I know Ef don't like pain stuff. I'll do what ever Ef wants Master. I really like Ef."

"Very well boys. Peter what you do to one, do to the other. For starters, put a set of ball stretchers on them." Start at one pound."

Timmy could be called a pain pig. He loved nothing more than get his balls, cock and nipples worked on. He had very prominent nipples from having his nipples cupped. They were also super sensitive.

I really liked it here in the mountains but knew I had to head back pretty soon. There was too much stuff coming up to stay here for long.

"Sam, do you have a passport?"

"Yes Master."

"Then you will be coming with me when I head for South Africa. David do you have a passport?"

"Yes Sir."

"Okay as soon as I can arrange to have some here to look after this place, I'll bring you over too. Do you know anyone that would work? Remember he has to sign a contract."

"Well there's a guy that works at the Service Center. His name is Billy Short. He might work out. He's pretty good looking and I'd love to get into his pants, but I don't think he's gay Sir."

"Call him and see if he'd come up to talk."

David made the call.

"He said he's not working today and can come up right away."

"Okay. Tell him to come up."

When he arrived David introduced him. I got up to shake his hand. Looking at him I couldn't tell what his attributes below the belt were. He had on loose fitting jeans. However his well muscled arms and the way he filled out the shirt he had on told me he was in good shape. He had close cropped brown hair and brown eyes.

I offered him a beer which he accepted. He had looked at David in his white boxer briefs and had also looked over Sam and the boys. I knew he could see the weights hanging from Ef's and Timmy's balls.

He sat down in the chair next to mine and adjusted himself.

I explained the job offered with the bonuses.

"Billy, you will also have to sign a Service Contract for five years." I handed hi a copy.

He read it through twice.

"What's this last part mean Sir?"

"Billy, I own World Wide Modeling Agencies. I would expect you to model for me and be in any videos I might find you are suited for."

"It sounds a lot like slavery Sir."

"It is a form of slavery; however you do get paid very well. I could put you in a video today and you would make about 10 grand just for that one video."

When would I start?" "The moment you sign that contract." I pulled out a ten dollar bill and set it on the table in front of him.

"Is that all I'm worth Sir?" He laughed.

"No Billy. That's just a token once you sign on I give you money to buy you. You will make lots more."

Billy picked up the pen and signed the contract. I signed and Jimmy came over and signed it too.

"Now What Sir?"

"Are you Gay, straight or Bi Billy?"

"I'm not really sure Sir. I never had a girl friend and don't have many guy friends. I know David is probably Gay, just from the way he's looked at me. I'll admit sometimes I thought about David."

"Okay. Stand up and undress."


"Undress, get naked. Take your clothes off all of them. I want to see what I bought."

He stood up and moved in front of the table. He slowly undressed. Jimmy came out and took photos of him as he undressed. He hesitated when he got to his boxers, then shrugged and pushed them off.

Billy had a lot of hair. So much so you couldn't really tell how big he was.

"Okay. First thing. Timmy, you and Ef take Billy and shave him. Leave his pits and a V above his cock."

"Come on Billy. Master says we got to shave you."

Both boys led Billy out.

Once they were gone.

"Jimmy, you and Peter set up the small studio for a rape video. I don't know weather Billy's a virgin or not, but he won't be by the time this day is over."

"After I break him in, you can fuck him David. Then you Sam and Peter and Jimmy. We'll let the boys rim and suck your cocks clean. David go tell the boys to clean him out too."

About 40 minutes later the boys brought Billy out. Now without all the hair Billy was a very good looking guy. He had about average sized cock with a heart shaped head. From the way his cock was pushed forward I figured he had a fair sized set of balls.

"Damn you are really good looking Billy."

"You're going to fuck me." It wasn't a question.

"Actually it will feel more like rape Billy."

"Who is going to do me first."

"I am Billy. Then David, Peter, Sam and Jimmy."

His eyes got real big, but his cock started to fill out.

"At least part of you are interested Billy."

"Well I guess you sort of own me now so you can do anything you want. I guess I want it to happen." "Okay Billy. Relax Son. Nothing will happen until later. By the way, do you have a passport?"

"Yes Sir. Sir do you want me to call you Master?"

"No Billy, Sir or Brian is fine."

"Okay Sir."

"The only real slaves here are Timmy and Ef." Both boys smiled when I said that.

"For the first part of the show tonight they will be sucking cocks and rimming you."

For the rest of the afternoon we just sat and talked. One thing I did notice was that Billy had no use for colored boys. That I knew I would change in the future.

"Ef, come over here boy."

"Drain me Ef."

Billy's mouth dropped open when Ef just pulled out my cock and took it in his mouth. I wasn't hard and Ef just swallowed.

"You did good boy." I rubbed Ef's head.

"Go suck Billy and if he gets hard suck him off."

"Yes Master. Thank you Master."

"You look pretty relaxed Billy considering."

"Well sir. I look at it this way. I make about 15 an hour at the Service Center. You said I could make lots more. I guess if my ass is going to used I might as well get paid for it."

"Billy, I'm also going to use your mouth and throat a lot. For example you can suck off those two boys. That's a thank you for cleaning you up."

He just shrugged his shoulders, went over and went to one knee and started to suck Ef.

I was surprised Billy had no problem sucking off the two boys. I was pretty sure he had sucked cocks before, but didn't ask.

What Billy didn't know was that no matter what was going on in the living room, bedrooms or anywhere else a camera was always rolling.

After Billy sucked both boys off they sat down and talked. Timmy finally got up and walked to me.

"Master, can we talk?"

"What's on your mind Timmy?"

"Can me and Ef talk in private like?"

"Sure. Come on boys." I led them into the garage.

"Okay. What's up?"

"Well Ef wants to know what fisting is like. So I thought maybe you could stick us on the screwing machines for a while."

"You both want this?"

"Yes Master." Both said together.

I knew I couldn't get to the point of fist fucking the two boys. Ef might be able to handle it, but Timmy's canal just wasn't long enough to fist him safely. I could put the fear of god in both though and maybe give Timmy some of what he likes.

"Okay. Downstairs, both of you."

I follow both down to the basement. Then took them over to the double fucking machine.

"Timmy, this is different than one in SA. This is a double penetration Fucking Machine. That means two people are on it together."

I showed both boys how it would work for them. Both were hard when I explained that they both would get fucked by the machine at the same time.

Then I pulled out the first double ended dildo.

It was 20 inches long and 2 inches in diameter. There was a steel collar in the middle. I snapped it into place on the machine. Then spun a wheel. The two seats moved forward on rails.

"You see how the seats move. I just slide this forward. Now if you two boys were in the seats you would have about 4 inches of the dildo up your butts."

"I'll set penetration at 8 inches. Then just turn on the machine. It will fuck your ass every 2 seconds and on each stroke go deeper until you have 8 inches fucking you."

"Once you boys are used to eight inches I'll put this one on the machine."

I showed them the dildo. It was about 20 inches long and 4 inches thick.

"Same again boys. This time you'll get that four inch dildo fucking you and it will go in 10 inches. Ef you probably will be able to handle it, but Timmy your canal isn't that long and the machine won't care it will just force the dildo into you. You will probably be screaming by then."

Both boys looked absolutely terrified.

"Last, I'll put this on the machine."

This dildo was five inches in diameter and 10 inches long.

"This one is used to open up your holes."

"Is this what you boys want?"

Both were crying.

"Didn't think so." I pulled both boys to me and hugged them.

They just bawled their heads off.

"WE won't have anymore talk about fisting. Okay Boys?"

"Yes Master. They both said.

"You boys both know there are always consequences for what you do or don't do. Timmy you knew there was a double fucking machine down here."

"Yes Master but."

I'm not done yet Timmy. You wanted both of you on the machine."

"Yes Master."

"Well I think you both should suffer for your mistake."

"Give me a hand."

I went over to the chair. Both looked scared. I knew they hated the chair because of what could be done to them while they were in it.

Instead I just pushed it out of the way.

I rolled out the X frame.

"Get on the frame Timmy."

As Timmy got on the frame I walked to one of the shelves and picked up two ball stretchers. They different than the one they had on now. A metal U was welded to each stretcher. I removed the ones they were wearing and put the new ones on them.

I then attached a steel rod across the bottom of the frame and then attached another rod to that rod and the other end in the U shaped loop of the stretcher. I made sure the straps were loose, just there to hold his legs and arms loosely.

"Ef, turn that wheel until Timmy is level."

I think Timmy realized what could happen next and the smile left his face.

"Keep turning the wheel Ef. Turn him upside down."

Until Timmy started to scream, Ef didn't know what he was doing.

By then Timmy was hanging on the frame only held by the rod connecting to the bottom of the frame. His balls were stretched about a foot. Ef started to turn the wheel back.


Ef took his hands off the wheel.

"You want to cut Timmy's balls off, now is a good time Ef. Just one slice with a knife and their on the ground."

"I won't do it Master." Ef said.

"Okay put him back right side up."

After unhooking Timmy, I had Ef get on the X frame. When Timmy turned the wheel he told EF he was sorry. Ef screamed a lot louder than Timmy had done, but Timmy had, had his ball worked on pretty hard for a couple of years. He'd recover faster than Ef.

I sent both boys up to their room. I told Timmy to help Ef all he could.

The rape of Billy went off way too easy. Billy screamed his head off when I rammed my cock into him, but I went almost balls deep on the first stroke. He also started to like it far sooner than he should. I knew then he wasn't a virgin when I did him. He did scream when he was entered by the other boys, but that I was sure was from the pain of his tight rings being stretched.

I never said anything. Just continued. He didn't really like sperm as it was shot onto his face by the boys.

After it was over I took him up to my room. Got him cleaned out and showered. I put salve on his very sore rings. Then took him out into my sitting room off the bedroom. "Billy I hate being deceived and lied to. You were not a virgin when I fucked you. That's going to cost you Son."

"I'm sorry sir. I just didn't want to be called a fag. My parents if they found out would disown me."

"When was the first time Billy?"

"Two nigger boys that live close by the service center told me they'd tell my parents I sucked cock if I didn't do them. I been sucking them for about 6 months. Two months ago they fucked me. It didn't hurt so I just let them after."

"That's why you don't like colored boys."

"Yes Sir."

"I'm going to make you an offer Billy. Think real hard before you answer."

"Okay Sir."

"First, do you have a passport?"

"Yes Sir. It's in my back pack."

"Okay. What I can do is offer you 5,000 dollars and I'll just tear up the contract you signed. You can go back to getting screwed by your two colored boys."

"Or we would continue as before. You fly back with me to SA. You do exactly what I say for the life of the contract. First thing you will be doing is sucking cocks for 3 days 12 hours a day. After that you will be in videos black on white videos."

"Meaning you will suck and get fucked by black guys." "Which do you want Billy?"

"I'm going to be one of your sex slaves?"

"Yes, however you will be a well paid sex slave."

"I'll be your slave Master."

"Very well Billy. You can join the two boys in the bedroom. You do anything they want."

"Yes Master."

I went out to the living room. Only Sam was sitting waiting.

"Just you and me Sam?"

"Yes Master. Master will you fuck me please. I really like it when youdo me."

"Okay Sam. Give me a hand."

We pulled out queen sized hide a bed. I grabbed two pillows and a double comforter. Took Sam to bed and fucked his brains out for almost an hour. After getting off I rimmed Sam as he sucked my cock clean. We slept in each others arms.

The next day we prepared to go back to SA. I put Sam and Billy together, telling Billy he was to do anything Sam wanted. He wasn't happy although I didn't give a damn.

I arranged for a maintenance company to do my walks and driveway and if I wasn't back in time to do lawn work as well.

The following morning we drove into Seattle and got on the charter back to Miami. Then flew home to Cape Town.


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Next: Chapter 3

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