Efs New Life

Published on Mar 22, 2020


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

EF'S New Life

Part 1.

I'd just finished taking a swim in the South Atlantic at Cape Town. I was heading for an outdoor shower close to where I had parked my rental. As I approached the shower I saw that it was in use. The young man using it had pink Underwear on. Interesting I thought and walked up to the shower. He had a nice butt.

"I'll only be a few minutes." He said.

"Take your time."

He half turned and looked at me.

"Haven't seen you here before, are you visiting?" He said.

"Yeah just in town for a few days. Do you live here?"

"Well sort of. My Uncle brought here from Durban. He said I might get in another shoot here. Been here for a week and nothing."

"I'm a sport model. I do Speedos and other stuff."

"Well you look in good shape, at least what I can see."

He half turned again and looked me over. I'm sure he could see the bulge in my swim shorts.

"Are you Gay?"

"Well this is the gay beach."

"Yeah." He laughed.

"Are you? Gay that is."

"I think so."

"Why only think so?"

"Well I never done stuff with another guy but thinking about it gets me kind of feeling weird."

He stepped out of the shower and moved a few steps closer to me. His towel was the other direction from me. His front of the pink underwear showed a nice cock and fairly large balls.

"All of you look in good shape."

"What's your name?"

"Efrom, but everyone calls me Ef."

"How old are you Ef?" South Africa's age of consent was 16. Didn't want any entanglements with a minor.

"I'm seventeen. I'll be eighteen in a month."

In for a penny, in for a pound I thought.

I stepped closer to him and ran my hand over his cock and balls.

He moaned and I watched as that cock slowly thickened and get longer.

"So do want me to go further?"

He looked at the bulge in my shorts and then looked at my face.

"I guess I do."

"Well why not lets go to my house. We can be alone and then we can do what ever you want."


"My rental is just up on top."

He grabbed his towel and a small back pack. I led the way up the path to the parking lot. I walked to the Beamer I had rented.

"Nice car." He said.

"Put your towel on the seat."

He did then climbed in. I did the same thing.

"My names Brian."

I liked the bulge in his underwear but just looked. I started the car and drove from the beach.

"Thought you said you were visiting? How come you got a house here?"

"I am visiting. My home is in Washington State in the US. I travel to South Africa several times a year so I bought a house here to save me money in the long run."

"What do you do?"

"I'm the President and CEO of Worldwide Models."

His eyes got as big as saucers.

"Holy fuck. That's like the biggest boy modeling agency in the world. I asked my Uncle about them and he said I wouldn't like to work for you coz I'd have to sleep with you."

I just chuckled.

I pulled up to what looked like a concrete wall. I hit a button on my keys and the slab slowly lowered into the ground. Once it down completely I drove inside a huge garage. My Beamer looked like a toy.

As the slab closed I took Ef into the house.

"Wow this is nice."

"You want a drink or something Ef?"

"I guess water is okay Sir."

"You can call me Brian. You don't work for me yet. I'd like to ask you a few questions."

I led him out to the pool.

"With this pool, how come you swim in the ocean?"

"Can't meet any good looking gay boys sitting by my pool."

He giggled. "I guess not."

"Do you have a written contract with your Manager?"

"Well my Manager is my Uncle. I never signed anything. He pays me 30 percent of what he makes for a photo shoot."

"Your Uncle is really taking you for a ride Ef. I pay my models up to 60 percent of what the agency makes for the models services."

"If you signed with me I'll guarantee you make over 40 grand US in your first year."

He just sat with an astounded look on his face.

"Ef, you need to understand the models at my agency do more than just model clothes, in fact most times they don't even have clothes on."

"Was my Uncle right when he said I'd have to sleep with you?"

"Yes he was. Sooner rather than later."

"JIMMY!" I yelled.

A black boy trotted out of the house.

"Yeah Boss."

"Jimmy go grab a standard modeling contract and Service Contract from my office and bring us two beers too."

"Okay Boss."

"Does he work for you?"

"He takes care of the house when I'm not here. He finished his five year contract with me and then I hired him to look after the house, among other things."

Nothing was said for a few minutes. Jimmy came out and set the contract down and then cracked the two beers and set one in front of me and the other in front of EF. Then he just left.

"If you are interested Ef in signing a contract with me, I want you to read it all." I handed him the five page contract.

"What's a Service Contract?" He asked.

He read the one I handed him.

"This means I would have to anything you asked."


I could almost see his mind working and he did have a smile on his face.

"What's this last line mean?"

"What it means is you are selling your self to me to do anything I wish with you for a period of five years or longer if you chose. It basically means you would become my slave Ef."

"Can I think about it?"

"No Ef. Either sign those contracts now or I will have Jimmy take you back to where I picked you up." I could tell he was interested; he was hard in his pink underwear.

He picked up the pen and signed all three contracts. I pulled a Kruger rand out of my briefcase and tossed it to him.

"Now you are bought too."

"That's all I'm worth?" He giggled.

"No Ef. You are worth a whole lot more. Where do you bank?"

"Bank of South Africa."

"Perfect. That's where I bank too." I handed him a check for 10,000 USD.

"That's a down payment on your first modeling contract."

"Wow! You mean I'll make more than this?"

"Much more Ef."

"What would I have to do?"

"Later Ef. For now take off those undies. Don't want any tan lines. From now on you will be nude. You can go get us another beer."

He had a sweet looking set of buns. Couldn't wait to shove my cock between those globes. Walking back with the beer, his cock looked to be about 6 and half inches and cut. I could just see his plump balls.

"Come over here Ef."

I took the beer from him and then reached between his legs and rolled his balls. He took a quick breathe. Then leaned forward and took his cock into my mouth I thought he would faint, his moan was so loud.

"Oh Sir! I'm, I'm coming." Three sweet spurts of boy cumm shot over my tongue. Nice I thought. I saw his legs start to give out so pulled him onto my lap.

"You okay Ef?"

"Nobody ever did that before."

"Well Ef, I'll be doing it lots. You taste good son."

I wrapped my arms around him and just hugged. I felt him give a little shudder. I leaned back and looked at his face. Unshed tears were in his eyes.

"Did I hurt you Ef?"

"No Sir. Nobody ever hugged me before."

"Well I'll hug you anytime you want."

"Do you want me to suck you now?"

"We'll do it later in bed tonight. Need to do a few things first Ef."


"Yeah Boss."

"Call Doctor Winston and have him come out. Then get a Cock and ball harness for Ef. Also bring two small nipple cups."

Jimmy took off. Ef looked at me funny.

"Ef to start I have all my boys get blood tests and a physical examination. Dr. Winston is the Doctor I use here."

"Okay Sir."

"You can call me Sir or Brian, which ever you prefer Son."

"Well I guess I work for you now, so it should be Sir."

"We'll see Ef."

Jimmy brought the cock and ball harness and nipple cups. I'd wait until after the Doctor examined him to put them on. Sitting holding Ef felt good. Just from his face I figured he was falling in love with me. He looked so contented.

We sat silently drinking beer.

The Doctor arrived just after noon. After giving him a complete physical he had Ef sit down and asked him a lot of questions. Ef turned bright red answering some of them.

"Okay. From his answers I very much doubt he has contracted any STD's, but I will take some blood and send them off. Should have an answer in 10 days."

The Doctor took several vials of blood and put them in his case.

Send me a bill Doc and thanks."

The Doctor left.

Soon after the Doctor left Jimmy brought out a plate of sandwiches. We pigged out for lunch.

"Okay Ef. I'm going to leave you out here to get some sun. You get too hot just jump in the pool to cool off. Remember to use lots of sun screen. I have some work to do. After an hour or so come and see me in my office. That's the second door down the hall."

"Okay Sir."

"I'll get Jimmy to put sunscreen on your back."

I went to my office and sat down. I was thinking Ef would be perfect for the feature length movie I had in the works. It called for a young white boy to get raped by several colored boys. Ef wouldn't be a virgin but he could be groomed for the part. I called Jimmy and asked him to come to my office.

"Set up my bedroom for a rape scene. Then call Sam, Anthony and Robert and see if they will come in. Tell them it's 500. Ef is going to lose his cherry tonight."

"Okay Boss. Do you want me to clean out Ef?"

"Yeah, I guess you better, but don't tell him why. Tell him to come and see me after you are done."

Okay Boss."

About an hour later Ef walked into my office. I just couldn't believe I found him. He was a really good looking young man and still a virgin.

"How you doing Ef?"

"I'm okay Sir. How come Jimmy stuck a tube in my butt and washed me out inside?"

"If I said I didn't like shit on my cock. Would that answer your question?"

"You're going to fuck me." "Yeah Ef. One way or the other I'm going to fuck you."

He just stood without any expression at all.

"Come over here Ef."

I pulled him onto my lap and hugged him.

"Ef there is no easy way to take your cherry. I can go slow and slowly open you up but no matter how much I do you will still feel more pain than you ever have before. That hole you have is an exit. It does not like things going the other way."

"Going that route means you will feel the pain a lot longer."

"Now what I can also do is tie you down and gag you. Then just fuck you. You will still feel more pain than you ever had, but after I fuck you I'll have a couple more boys do you too. After they are done I'll untie you and you can suck cocks while they fuck you. Basically you will be raped over and over again."

"Ef, you signed a contract and sold yourself to me. I don't have to ask."

"What's in it for me? My Uncle said never do anything for nothing."

"Your Uncles is pretty smart Ef. What would you put for a price tag on your virgin butt?"

He just sat and looked at me.

"Well I did sign a contract with you and I also signed a Service Contract. You also bought me so I guess I am your slave. Slaves don't get a say in what happens to them so I guess there isn't a price on my butt."

"Very well Ef. After dinner tonight I'll take your cherry." I gave him a pair of shorts to put on and we went out to the patio. We sat and waited for Jimmy to bring out dinner. Ef went and grabbed two beers.

"Ef. I haven't told you everything. First off you losing your cherry will be recorded in both audio and video. After the films have been edited and after you reach eighteen, the copies will be sold. They will make about 100 dollars a copy. Of that you get a commission of about 40 percent."

He didn't comment.

After a light supper we just sat for a while.

"Are you ready Ef?"

"I guess so Sir."

I took him by the hand and led him downstairs to my studio. Jimmy had set everything up. I told Ef to take off his shorts and then put a wide belt on him. Then padded cuffs on his wrists. Then straps around his thighs.

"Okay Ef, up on the bed on your knees."

Jimmy came into the light and got Ef in the right position on the bed. He then cuffed him to light chains from the headboard. He pulled down a wire and hooked it to the belt around his waist. Lastly, he hooked cords to his thighs and pulled then apart.

"Comfortable Ef?" I asked.

"I guess so Sir."

Jimmy adjusted all the cameras and turned them on. The only light in the room was all centered on the bed and Ef. They would catch everything as well as what he said. I knew most of it would be screaming as I forced my cock into his virgin hole. Ef started to shake as I climbed on the bed.

"Ef you have to try and relax. The more you relax the easier it ill go. Open your mouth Son."

I put a bar in his mouth and tied it behind his head.

"Don't want you to bite your tongue off Ef."

When I spread the cheeks of his ass, he yelled no. He was super surprised when I licked his hole. A deep moan came from his mouth. I continued for a while and felt him relax. I poured lube down his crack and sort of massaged his hole. He continued to moan. Then lubed my cock.

My cock hard was just short of eight inches and not at all thick. It wouldn't matter. I lined up and just rammed it into his tight hole. It went in past his tight rings. The change in Ef was very abrupt. His hole clamped on my cock and he screamed in terror.

I grabbed his hips and just pushed. His body thrashed around, which helped me enter him deeper. I got about 4 inches in him when I stopped. Ef continued to scream in pain. I just held it until he got down to sniffles.

I slowly pulled back. No blood so I knew I hadn't ripped anything.

I just shoved it back into him hard. I went about 6 inches, pulled back and rammed again. His screams rent the air. I just continued, no longer caring how he felt. This is what all my boys get and he was no different.

After getting my cock into as far as I could go started to fuck him in long strokes. He continued to cry. After about 10 minutes of plowing his virgin ass I pushed as deep as I could go and bred him. I stopped and then slowly pulled out of him.

Ef just blubbered. "Go ahead Anthony."

Anthony was about the same length as me but a bit thicker. He wasted no time in lining up and ramming his cock into Ef. Ef screamed his head off at this new intrusion. Anthony fucked with short fast strokes. He lasted about ten minutes before blowing inside Ef.

Robert came next. He was longer and thicker than either myself or Anthony. Ef howled when Robert fucked his. Robert used short fast strokes followed by long slow strokes. He also lasted about ten minutes. When he pulled out cumm ran from Ef's hole.

Sam fucked Ef in long strokes from his ten inch cock. I noticed before he came he was going balls deep in Ef. Ef was down to just groans as Sam fucked his hole. After blowing another load into Ef he just climbed off the bed.

AS Jimmy climbed on the bed I had the boys remove the restraints holding Ef. Jimmy got to Ef real quick when he leaned down and pushed his tongue into Ef's very open hole. Ef half groaned and half moaned. After tonguing his hole he leaned over and said to Ef. "I fuck you real slow boy."

Jimmy had the biggest cock of everyone here. Almost a foot of beer can thick meat. I was super surprised when Ef moaned as Jimmy entered him.

I removed the bar in Ef's mouth. His first real words told me it all.

"Fuck me good Jimmy."

After Jimmy we took a break so Jimmy could reposition the cameras. I took Ef into the shower to wash out his butt and clean him up for the next part of his Initiation.

"What happens next Sir?" "Well I'm going to be fucking you on your back. The other boys will be jacking off on your face. Keep your mouth open, some will end up in your mouth. At least look like you like it Ef. Later before we sleep I'll make love to you and you can make love to me."


"Yes Really Son."

The rest of the evening went pretty good. The one thing I noted was that after a boy jacked off on his face, he'd use his fingers to clean the cumm off his face and then lick his fingers clean. The boy obviously liked the taste of cumm.

After every thing was done and after a real good shower I dismissed the other boys and took Ef to bed. I let him fuck me before we just slept in each others arms.

I woke up with Ef lying over my chest. I ran my hand down and cupped one his ass cheeks. He lifted his head and looked at me.

"Good morning Son. How are you feeling?"

"My butt hurts."

"Well I'll fix that up after we clean out and shower."

I showed Ef how to clean himself out and told to do it every morning and evening if possible. Then took him in the shower.

Before he could start getting clean I told him to get on his knees and take my cock into is mouth.

"You're going to piss in my mouth."

"Yes Ef I am and I want you to swallow it all."

He looked disgusted but did do a I said. He also swallowed it all. I never said anything when I was done, just pulled him up and started to wash him. He washed me as well. After drying I had him lean over the counter and I coated his inside and outside with salve to ease the pain in his ass.

I took him out to my bedroom and sat down on the side of the bed.

"Ef, you drank piss before."

He started to shake and tears ran down his face.

"Easy Ef. I'm not mad. I just like to know what my boys can do."

"When I was younger my Uncle made me do it for him. He made me suck him too sometimes. He hasn't done it for a while now. I was just scared you would hate me now that I like piss."

"It's no problem for me Ef. All my boys need to learn to do it. Just means I got nothing to teach you."

"I noticed last night that you like the taste of cumm. Did your uncle make you swallow his cumm?"

"Yes Sir. I don't mind cumm."

"Have you ever rimmed anyone Ef?"

"You mean licking their butt hole? I never did that, but I know Jimmy did me last night. It felt real good."

"Well some time today I want you to ask Jimmy to teach you how to do it."

"Okay Sir. You are making me into a suck and fuck toy." "I getting you to know the things you might have to do when you make videos."

"Oh. Okay."

"Now go see Jimmy in the kitchen. He'll have something for you. Then come out to the patio we'll have breakfast."

About 20 minutes later Ef came out and sat down. Jimmy served breakfast. After Breakfast I sat with my coffee. Ef had been real quiet at breakfast.

"So how did you like sucking off Jimmy Ef?"

"It was okay, but it hurt my jaw coz he kept trying push more of his cock into me. He cumms lots and tastes good."

"Guess you need some practice Ef."

"Yes Sir."

"Go put on your shorts, t-shirt and runners. We'll go someplace you can get some practice."

Ef hardly said a word as I drove across town and into an older district. I pulled into a two level parkade. Pulled into a spot marked reserved. We got out and walked to a door. I unlocked the door into a long hallway.

I came to another door and unlocked and ushered Ef into it. It was five feet long and about 40 inches wide. A padded bench was at one end next to two levers.

"Okay Ef, take off your shorts and t-shirt, then sit on the bench."

"Okay, you see those two levers?" "Yes Sir."

"When you push down on one of them a hole will open up. Also outside the room next to this one a green light will come on. Once the man outside puts the correct amount of money in the slot the door to that room will open. He'll come in and put his cock through the hole. You just suck his cock until he cumms."

"After he gets off you close the hole and open the one on the other side."

"Some of these guys might piss first before you suck them off. If you need to throw up do it in the bucket."

"Okay Sir."

"Push one of the levers down Ef."

Lees than 2 minutes later a thick uncut semi-hard cock came through the hole. I indicated for Ef to suck it.

It didn't take the guy long to get off and Ef swallowed his load.

"Thanks." The guy said as he pulled his cock back.

"Close the hole Ef."

"Okay Ef. You did good. Now the shape of the hole means you can put your hand through and play with guys balls or sometime he might put his hand through so he can hold you in place to fuck your face. Try to swallow their cocks Ef."

"Open the other side."

This time along black cock came through the hole. The guy also grabbed Ef's head and held him in position while he fucked his face. Ef was fast running out of air before the guy blew a huge load in Ef's mouth. For his part Ef did mange to swallow it all.

"Whew! Thought I was going faint." Ef said.

"Ef, when you start to choke try swallowing and also try to breath through your nose."

I'll be back in a few hours. If you want to take a break just stop and don't open the holes."

"Okay Sir."

I left him and headed over to my main Studio.

My Studio was on the edge of downtown Cape Town. It had been a warehouse at one time. Now it was a two story building with several small studios for filming porno videos. All male.

I parked in a reserved spot along one side of the building and walked inside. The sign on the door said World Wide Modeling Agency. I said good morning the receptionist and walked inside and up to the second floor. Four of the small studios were in use and I stopped and watched the action going on. I did all types of porn except Scat and snuff videos.

Most were suck and fuck videos with different age and race. One I saw a boy who looked no more than 15 or 16 about to get raped by a big black boy. All my models were 18 or over. Ef had been an exception his video of losing his cherry would not be put on line until after his eighteenth birthday.

After checking what was going on I went to my office. I called in my Producer and Director. They had a list of the boys we would use in the feature length movie. All had files of what they had done. WE decided on the main group of boys being used. I told them I had a boy who would be the lead. I told them about Ef. They agreed he sounded like just the right boy to do it although he'd need some acting lessons.

Most of the main story would be filmed in Kenya, using hired blacks from there. Most I had used before so would know what was expected. The lead up to the outside filming in Kenya would be done at the Ranch I had leased for outside videos.

After talking to them and arranging everything, I told them we could do the Bus scenes next week. I left and headed back to pick up Ef.

I stopped at the Managers Desk to see how Ef had done.

"That boy sure likes to suck cocks. He did 42 guys before he stopped."

"He'd be a real money maker if he was here everyday. Some of the customers came back for seconds. Don't suppose I can get him here permanently?"

"Afraid not Sam. I'll drop him off here for the next 3 days. After that he'll be going out to the Ranch."

"I'll have him for full shifts?"

"Yeah, might as well."

I went and got Ef out of his room and took him and got him showered. I had him suck me off, which made him smile.

"Manager said you did real good Son. You also made 650 Rand. Would you like to come back here for the next three days? You would be here for 12 hours each day."

"Okay Sir. I kind of like it Sir."

"Do you have a passport Ef?"

"My Uncle has it Sir."

"Okay, after we do some shopping we'll go over and pick it up along with any clothes you have there."

"Don't think my Uncles going to very happy."

"You let me worry about your Uncle."

Getting Ef's passport was easy after I dropped a few hints of what I could do. He handed over the passport and Ef's suitcase. Ef was smiling as we headed home.

"Ef, you remember when you signed that service Contract it said if you ever refused to do as asked there would be consequences?"

"Yes Sir. Sir I will never refuse what you ask. I l....."

"You can say it Son. A lot of my boys say they love me, although I am not sure why."

"Well I do Sir."

We drove the rest of the way home in silence.

Ef went to clean himself out while I called three boys to come to the house. Ef liked the taste of cumm. I wondered if he'd like the taste when he licked from some ones ass.

Tonight he would learn to rim boys butt and suck boys cocks after they fucked.

After dinner Jimmy rolled out a fold up cot and set it up. "What we doing with that Sir?"

"I have three boys coming over. They'll fuck on the cot. When they are done you will suck their cocks clean and then lick the hole of the boy that just got fucked."

Ef made a sour face but didn't say anything.

"It looks so gross." He said as the boy pulled out and Ef knelt to suck him.

"Just tastes like cumm Ef. Just from a different source."

"I knew boys couldn't clean them selves out completely. There was always ass slime mixed with the cumm.

Once Ef did one boy, he had no problem doing the others.

Jimmy came out and I shoved my cock into him and fucked him hard. After blowing inside I pulled out.

"Come do me Ef."

I hadn't told him that Jimmy had not cleaned himself out, so my cock was covered in shit and cumm.

Ef did try, but turned a dark shade of green and had to run to the bathroom.

"Go help him out Danny. Allan suck me clean and clean Jimmy."

Too bad Ef didn't see Allan go at it. He'd do almost anything with out even a word.

Ef came out a few minutes later. He still looked sick.

"I'm sorry Sir. It just made me so sick Sir."

"That's okay Ef. I wanted you to experience what might happen in the future. Not everyone can do it Ef."

I dismissed the boys and grabbed a couple of beers and took Ef out to the pool. WE sat down in a double lounger.

"Ef, what happened tonight will happen again. For the next three days you will be back at the same place you were today. The difference is you will be there for 12 hours. You will get a break after 6 hours, but will have to go right back in the booth after. You might get cocks that the guys just used to fuck one of the boys in there and it might be covered in shit. You can't refuse Ef."

"Okay Sir." He didn't look happy.

"If you get sick you can throw up in the bucket."

"Now finish your beer. I'm going to fuck you before we sleep tonight."

That brightened him up. He might change his mind after sucking me after I fuck him.

I screwed Ef hard, but he moaned almost from the start. I didn't blow inside him, pulled out and let him suck me off. He was turning into a perfect fuck and suck boy. I hadn't gone to the one area that usually made boys change their minds. I figured we'd go back to my home in the US and do it there. I hadn't told Ef yet that I was taking him home for a couple of weeks.

For the first two days Ef was sucking cocks he was okay. When the alarm went off to start his third day he never moved.

"Time to get up Ef and get going." I said. "I don't want to go."

"I don't care what you want Ef. Get out of bed and get moving."

He just lay there not moving. I got out of bed, picked up my strap and lay it hard across his sweet buns. He hadn't known it was coming and shrieked. Before he could move I hit him again.

"Get the fuck out of bed boy and get in the shower. Don't forget to clean your self out."

I never saw him move so fast. I put on shorts and a t and headed out for coffee. Ef came out in shorts and a t-shirt. He stood to eat.

"Ef, I told you there were consequences for refusal. You told me you would never refuse anything I asked."

"I'm sorry Sir, but I just get so sick sucking all them cocks. It was okay to start but I just hate it now."

"Well only 12 hours to go boy."

I dropped Ef in the room and went to talk to the Manager.

"No breaks for him today Sam. I want a cock waiting every time he's done. Leave the holes open all the time."

"Nobody says no to me."

"Okay Sir."

I figured I'd leave him for only 6 hours. I left and headed for my office.

Well it was almost 8 hours before I got back to the Peep show.

"How's he doing Sam"

"He's some kind of kid Sir. He's never stopped. Hasn't even puked. Broke the old 3 day record by almost 50."

"Give me a 1000 Rand."

"I'm taking him out. Shut down the room."

I took Ef across the hall and into the lounge. I gave him a glass of warm salt water to drink. That did it for him he was on his knees puking in the toilet. After another glass and then some clean water he was almost back to normal.

"How are you Ef?"

"I'm okay Sir. Do I got to go back for the other hours?"

"No Son. You are done."

I got him dressed and took him out of the establishment. As I drove away I handed him the 1000 rand.

"What's this for Sir?"

"That's what you made for the three days, plus the 700 I gave you before."

"Slaves don't get paid. They got to do what their Master says."

"Keep it boy. You earned it."

He stuffed the money into a pocket.

After getting back to my home Ef just stripped as he always did. I put some sun screen on his back and butt. I was tempted to fuck him right there by the pool, but figured I'd do him later.

"Ef, grab a couple of beers and come over here. I have some questions for you."

"Yes Sir."

"Ef, do you know what BDSM is?"

"Well the B is for tying guys up and the D is discipline like when you used that belt on my butt."

"What about the S and M?"

"Well the S is for Sadism. That's like a sadist, he likes to hurt people."

"I don't know what the M means Sir."

"The M is for masochist. That's someone who likes pain."

"You mean there are boys who like to be hurt?"

"Yes Ef there is."

"Are you going to hurt me Sir?"

"Not me Ef. Come on lets go watch a movie."

I grabbed a few beers in a bucket of ice and led Ef down to my theatre. It was just a large room with a wide screen TV, surround sound and comfortable sets. I put a DVD in the player.

The Title of the movie was Runaway Slave. I fast forwarded it past the credits and disclaimers.

The movie started with two guards dragging what appeared to be a young boy into the camera range. He was completely shaved. Not a hair anywhere. When the boy saw the chair, he started to scream.

The guards quickly strapped him down on the chair. He was just blubbering when they were done.

After he was strapped down another man walked into the camera lens.

"So pissed off your Master for the last time boy."

"Please don't hurt me. I promise not to run again. Please." The boy pleaded.

"Where's the fun in that boy?" He laughed.

The man in the white coat wheeled over a machine with lots of lights on it. When the boy on the chair saw it he screamed again.

"Please. Not that Master. I promise not to run."

The man in the smock ignored his pleas and began to insert needles into the boy's body. In his balls, cock, tits and clips to his ears and nose. Each time a needle was inserted the boy howled. Lastly he slapped a pad on his inner thigh.

"What's that machine Sir?" Ef asked.

"It's called an Electro-Torture Machine."

As the man in the smock manipulated the slides on the machine the boy screamed his heart out, even passing out a couple of times. The boy could barely speak when the man stopped. "Finish him." A voice from the darkness said.

He was unhooked from the machine and then stood up. Another machine was slid out. The boys cock and balls were pushed through a slot. A bowl was placed under his cock and balls. Then the man in the smock slammed a lever down. The boy screamed as his cock and balls were cleanly sliced off. Blood gushed from the stump of his cock.

One of the guards slipped a noose over his head and he was pulled off the ground. The body bounced around for a bit and then stopped moving.

He'll never run again." Said the voice from the darkness.

I shut the movie off and turned up the lights. Ef had cumm onto the back of the seat ahead of him.

"When did you cumm Ef?"

Ef started to cry. He was so ashamed he got off watching the boy get tortured and then killed.

"I don't know Sir. I just, just........."

"Relax son. No one got killed. Timmy, Peter come down here."

When Ef saw Timmy and his intact cock and balls he was astounded.

"How? I saw these get cut off." He reached out and gripped Timmy's cock.

"Fake. Those were fake cock and balls." Timmy laughed. He also got hard.

"Come on boys we'll go up to the patio. I'll explain things there." I saw Timmy whisper to Ef. After explaining everything I could see Ef pretty plumped up.

"It looked so real." Ef said.

"Well the Electro-Torture machine is real. It really hurts." Timmy said.

"You should try it Ef." Timmy smiled.

"Now before I let you boys play, I'll tell you what's happening in the next few weeks."

After explaining everything, both boys were smiling.

"On Monday you three are flying back with me to my home in the US for a week or so,"

"Cool both boys said. Peter never said a word. He knew why I was taking Ef and Timmy home.


Comments Welcome Suddar40@telus.net

Next: Chapter 2

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