Edwards and Cruise

By Julian Travis

Published on Jan 19, 2007


(This story is purely fictional and does in any way suggest or imply the true sexuality of the celebrities and politicians mentioned or any personal knowledge of their personal lives.)

Chapter One

All of the rumor about John Edwards being so touchy at the last Presidential Election had more truth to it than met the eye. John Edwards was a truly curious about his own sexuality, but he really wanted to be the next Vice President. In fact, he recently announced that he would be running for the Presidency from his own party. Any one looking at John Edwards and observing his features and body movements know that he is very curious about wild sex.

This story begins with John Edwards being invited to Hollywood to meet with a secret group of supporters who wanted to make sure that he would win and become the next President of the United States.

John accepted the private invitation which was initially given to him via a private email to his home computer and signed by actor Tom Cruise. Tom was really into power and held the reigns in Hollyword regarding the secret society of straight men looking for a wild time with their own gender.

The term they coined in that secret group was 80% straight and all it meant is that those men were relatively striaght 80% of the time. Tom already knew that John Edwards was up for grabs, because Tom's instincts had him to observe John Edwards at the most recent speaking engagement by the politician in Los Angeles.

Tom was seen as the "main man" who controlled Hollywood men and even some of the politicians. In fact, Tom owned THE WAREHOUSE in New York City. The Warehouse was where these men would meet, as if they were just going to dinner while hot guys danced on the stage usually with beautiful women to mask their disguises. This closed club included wealthy actors, politicians, and business executives who came for a good time. Two straight guys having lunch, eyeing up on of the male dancers while pretending to be drooling over the women. And then when the tab came, they selected the name of the hot dancer who would then meet them (usually the two straight guys) on another floor in the club for bi-curious action.

My twin brother, Brian, dances in New York City. That is where he met Tom Cruise who came in with another hot actor, Brad Pitt. But, that relationship fizzled soon enough and then Cruise started to bring in the older John Edwards. At the Warehouse, everyone was sworn to secrecy, but my brother's stories intrigued me and so here I am telling the story with some additions.

John Edwards got to meet Tom Cruise at the private Hollywood meeting where Tom promised to get Hollywood money and actors to support Edwards if John would cooperate with Tom's schemes. John was so ambitious that he was willing, but at the same time, John did not want people to think that he was anything less than straight. Somehow John knew that Tom was implying something to do with sexuality, so he was obviously curious as to what would be demaned of him.

John was always into "his hair." So when he met with Tom Cruise, he noticed that Tom would reach over and push John's hair to the side. When Tom would casually touch John, he would tingle all over and tried to remain as masculine as possible and as a politician, a person in control. But, John became more curious as he observed the handsome and sensual movements of the actor. Finally, Tom blurted out the condition. "I want you to join THE WAREHOUSE" and travel with me to the private club where I will introduce you to my friends in the club." Tom continued, "Bill Clinton initially belonged to the club, but he had too much conscience about trying it out." Tom assured John, "You would be absolutely great and popular among the club members. This is all secret and no one will ever tell," Tom assured.

John Edwards was now so curious that he agreed to check out the place with Tom. And a date was set.

When John Edwards entered the private club in Manhattan, having taken a fast trip away from his campaign schedule and under Tom's watchful eye, John was deathly afraid of being noticed. But as he entered the club, everyone in the club seemed friendly and yet refusing to act as if they knew one another outside of that setting. In a few minutes, John became more relaxed and allowed Tom to lead the way.

John was never told that this club was gay or bi, but he had an idea. All the guys in there were hot looking. More importantly, however, all of the guys were pretending to be admiring the pretty women with long legs, huge tits, and sensual smiles as they glazed across the dance floors with their male partners.

As John and Tom sat for dinner, the waiter came to ask them as to what they would want. Tom reached up to the handsome young eighteen year old blonde waiter and abruptly touched the crotch of the kid. The waiter stayed in place while Tom massaged his young virility. John was shocked at such a bold move, but pretended to not care. In the meantime, John's own curiousity started to grow and he could feel the hardness of his flesh growing larger by the moments.

Both John and Tom ordered their dinner. Tom looked John right in the eye and said, "Well, John, this is a nice place and you will be very popular here, but remember this, you are my date and no matter what happens, we come in together and we leave together."

As the dinner progressed, Tom Cruise became friendlier with John. Tom looked him with his sensual smile and said, "Well, John, did you know I think you are a delicious guy?" John immediately blushed. "I mean it," Tom defended.

Tom then dropped his left hand to the right thigh of John Edwards who looked straight into Tom's eyes with a deep hunger to explore the moment. John still did not say very much, though, while Tom's hands felt great on John's thighs. "I think we will become good friends," Tom said. "I like older guys and guys with power," Tom confessed.

As a sidebar, Tom and Brad Pitt would come to the Warehouse all the time. But, Brad was now being dominated by his girlfriend and decided to lay low until the rumor about his private life would die down. Lonely Tom was now on a hunt for another partner and found John the kind of man he would want to seduce.

Tom moved his hands up the right thigh of the Presidential candidate. Tom was truly the aggressor as he would look straight into the vulnerabl eyes of John Edwards. John did not know how to react, but he was obviously interested.

As the dinner progressed, finally, Tom pushed his luck and headed straight to the crotch of the senator from North Carolina. John jerked his body in shock, not wanting Tom to touch him as he had never been touched before by a guy. John in the last election was so curious about guys that even John Kerry, his running mate, appealed to him somewhat. And when the word went out over the news that both Johns were too touchy, John Edwards had to clool it. But, Edwards knew that John Kerry, although much older, was vulnerable too. While speaking on tour, John noted all of the handsome guys who seemed to drool over him, including actor Ben Afleck, in one of the speeches he gave. Tom Cruise was, however, the only guy who was bold enough to touch his manhood. John got hard instantly.

Tom kept talking about other things while lightly massaging the hand-on of the senator. As if ignoring the moment, Tom kept massaging the hardening cock of John Edwards while discussing non-sexual themes. The loose-fitting slacks of John Edwards accommodated the growing enlargement of his own weakness. John Edwards just kept looking into the eyes of Tom, but neither addressed the sexual contact.

The masculine hands of Tom Cruise was obviously an expert in seducing the 80% guys. Tom kept smiling while rubbing the cloth of the crotch area of the senator. Finally, almost in a few minutes, John Edwards started to quietly moan and feel the build-up of that hot flesh. Tom kept talking about other things while milking the older guy's curiosity.

Finallly, Tom took the crash and pulled the zipper down of John Edwards expensive slacks and stuck his hand inside of the zipper to find a warm piece of meat belonging to the hot senator. John grabbed the hand of Tom as if to stop the hot stroking, but Tom was determined to milk the virgin dick and watch him cum all over the table cloth.

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, wait, Tom, wait. . . John was losing control and the sensations were now taking over his body. John did not want to cum like that, being his first with a guy, but he kept holding the rugged hands of Tom Cruise. "Please, Tom," "Don't do it here, not here." But, Tom was now moving in stride and John's hardness was rock-hard. "Aaahhhhhh, please, Tom, pleeezzzze." And then it happened. John Edwards began to shoot loads of cum into the air, hitting the table cloth, while John 's body began to buck as his cum shot up into the air. Tom smiled as he watched the hot senator become totally seduced by the warm hands of this Christian Science devotee. John Edwards shot loads and loads. John was shocked as he was having some climax problems when having infrequent sex with his wife. He realized how much he wanted the moment.

Tom quietly put John's softening member back into his pants and continued the conversation. John was overwhelmed with a sense of guilt, not knowing how to look and view with what just had happened. And before he could say anything, in comes the young handsome waiter, recently graduated and now attending first year college in NY State. The young waiter smiled and asked John if he wanted any dessert and John was too awestruck by what just had happened to really respond. Tom interrupted the silence, "Just give him a banana split. Is Jesse McCartney in the place?" "Yes, Sir, Mr. Cruise. Shall I call him?"

John now realized that things were moving too rapidly and he started to get up to leave the whole scene when young Jesse McCartney suddenly walks in with his georgeous smile. "Hey, dude," Jesse said as he smiled at Tom. "Well, you went for the big fish, hey, Tom. Wow, big fish." Tom smiled widely as if he succeeded in winning some kind of contest.

Jesse McCartney, hot as hell, grabbed the hand of the senator and shook it wildly. The senator was shy at first, but Jesse acted as if this exchange was very normal. Jesse said to Tom, "Guess who I am with?" Tom responded, "Who?" Jesse said, "I am with the guy you always wanted to convert to your religion. I am with hot Kirk Cameron." Tom said in disbelief, "What the fuck?" "You got it," Tom. "Like you told me when you brought me here, every man's young like me or hot like Senator John Edwards, can be seduced."

Tom asked, "How did you get him here?" Jesse answered,"He thinks he is here because I want to hear about his religious babble."

Kirk Cameron suddenly appears in the dinner booth and greets Tom Cruise. Tom's religious background viewed Kirk Cameron as a real problem in Hollywood. Tom immediately grabbed Kirk and pulled him down to the chair and planted a huge Tom Cruise kiss on the religous guy's lips. "This is for you, Kirk. Compliments of Christian Science." Kirk immediately sat up , but Tom became ever more aggressive and shoved his elbow right into the crotch of Kirk. Kirk looked shocked. Tom then stood up and pushed Kirk on the table and started to unbuckle his belt. Kirk knew now what was about to happen and he began to beg Tom to stop. "Please, Tom, don't do this to me, dont'"

Tom yanked the belt off and opened up Kirk's zipper and put his hand inside of the pants and started to massage Kirk's small member. Kirk was not that big but he was obviously responding with a hard-on that could pound nails into lumber.

Kirk started to act like he was trying to resist, but Tom used his charm to bring this religious guy to a full on climax. "This is for you, my love," Tom snickered. "This is compliments of the superior religion of Christian Science." Kirk may be religous, but his cock hungered for constant attention and in a few minutes, he shot his first virgin load inside of his slacks. Tom then looked at Jesse and said, "Your turn, Jesse."

Jesse then grabbed the cock of John Edwards and pulled it out. John was shocked again but remained in place. Jesse stripped himself and immediately sat on the hardness of the senator and began to ride the senator's lovestick.

Tom grabbed Kirk who was wasted from his first load and turned him around, now naked in the booth. Tom shoved his dick inside of Kirk and Kirk began to wimper and make sexual moaning sounds that encouraged Tom to continue. Kirk really secretly enjoyed the hot session.

John Edwards shot another load, this time in the hot ass of the young Jesse.

Tom shot his load inside of Kirk and kept mocking Kirk for his own religous views. Tom shot loads and loads inside of Kirk and kept saying, "You're mine, now, buddy, all mine."

to be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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