
By DaFunk

Published on Feb 21, 2001


This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men. If the subject of man/man sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk!

This story was mainly about three individual involved in a twisted homicide, so the sex will be slow in coming. If you are looking for a quick jerk off, please proceed elsewhere. I am sure there were plenty of stories in the Nifty that will cater to your needs.

This story is totally fiction. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, is merely coincidental.

Eden, Part 4

After having breakfast, we loaded our bags into the truck and were ready to roll. We picked up Jason at the front gate of college. He broke into a smile when he saw us approaching. We took the highway from Pittsburgh to a small town called Glen Falls in New York. The journey would take us about two days with occasional stop for rest and meal. Cheryl didn't live in Glen Falls but a small village 50 miles east of Glen Falls. Because Lisa had been to this place, so she would be our tour guide.

Sean was behind the wheel while I rode shot gun. That left Lisa and Jason at the back. We chatted excitedly at the beginning of the trip except Jason who kept staring out of the window with a blank expression. Occasionally strayed tears fell from his eyes and he quickly wiped them with his sleeves. We tried to include him in our conversation but he seemed to be in a trance. Eventually our conversation tapered off and we fell into an awkward silence.

Sean and I switched place several times so that we could have our share of rest. We didn't talk much throughout the journey. I could feel an air of tension hovering in the truck, probably because of Jason and the inevitable confrontation that we soon to face.

We reached Binghamton after 11 that night. After checking in with the clerk at the front desk of a moderately furnished motel, we filed into this moderately furnished room. There were two single beds and a long couch at the left side of the door. There was a TV set but I doubted anyone of us still have the strength to watch a late show. Jason said he would take the couch and left the bed for Lisa. I was going to bunk with Sean, though a bit cramped for two grown men like us, at least we could cuddle while we slept. We had had our dinner three hours before we reached here and after washing up in the small bathroom, we were ready to hit the sack. Because there was a woman in the room, we kept our boxers and T-shirts on. We said our goodnight and turned off the light.

The whole time Jason did not bother to say anything to us except the occasional monosyllabic answers. We knew that he was very upset so we didn't try to push him too hard. I cuddled closer to Sean and put my hand inside his boxer to hold his dick. I squeezed gently and it began to response. Sean sighed contently and whispered, "Later till we were alone." Soon we were asleep in a traditional spoon fashion.

We woke up early the next morning. After gulping down the cold coffee from our thermos, we were on the road again. Sean drove all the way to Glen Falls. Jason seemed to brighten up a bit after a night sleep. We talked but mainly about the school and what we were going to do during the summer. Little did we know that we were going to ride the roller coaster of a lifetime.

We rolled into Glen Falls by noon and had our lunch in a pizza joint. After I switched my place with Lisa because Sean needed her to point out the direction. According to the map and Lisa's description, from her fading memory, we needed to make a second left turn after we exited the town at the north. The road that we turned in would lead us into a pine forest reserve.

It was a narrow road with pine trees growing at both sides of the road. Everywhere seemed damp and wet as if this place just received a wet down. We wound down the windows and chill air rushed into the truck. I shivered involuntarily though I really enjoyed the fresh air. If you looked closely, you could even see thin mist surrounding the trees. I thought it was just my vivid imagination but I swore the sky looked gloomier than before. You could hear the constant murmur of bugs and rustling sound when wind past through the trees. The scene reminded me of those kind of forests that you usually see in the horror movies where your car would suddenly broke down in the middle of nowhere. Your cellphone wouldn't function and the nearest public phone was a hundred miles away. Then there was either a psychopath waiting to chop you into pieces for no reason or some weird green flea flying out of a tree stump and suck the living juice out of you. But none of the above happened.

I turned around and noticed that Jason still stared blankly out of the car while Lisa was assisting my boyfriend to find the exact direction. They were arguing something when suddenly Lisa shouted and pointed frenziedly to her left. Sean jammed on the brake and the truck lurched to a stop.

"Back your truck," Lisa demanded. Sean reversed his truck. There was hardly any vehicle on the road but Sean turned around to look at the back just in case. About a mile down the road Lisa said stop and pointed again to her left. We turned to the left in unison except Jason who sat at the left side and kept his head perpetually turned that side.

There was a dirt road scarcely visible. It was only wide enough to let a small truck pass and it was covered with some undergrowth. What drew our attention was a big triangular rock at the left side of the road. There was symbol carved on the surface of the rock. All of us went out of the truck to inspect the rock.

"What is it," asked Jason.

"Apparently it's a rock," smirked Sean. I nudged him in the ribs and he shoved back at me.

"You two stop," Lisa glared at us.

"I mean the symbol. It looks like a star," Jason observed and seemed unaffected by Sean's comment. He traced his finger lightly on the symbol.

"It looks familiar," I muttered and then an imaginary light bulb went off in my head. "The pendant. The pendant that Cheryl gave you before she left," I said while turning toward Lisa. My eyes bulged. She was twirling the chain with an incredulous smile plastered across her face. Apparently she recognized the symbol before I did.

"What a discovery!" her turn to smirked. "Remember I came here before. That's why I shouted just now. The symbol on the rock is the same as this pendant because it is the symbol for the village as well. Even the road in the village when joint together resemble a star with six projecting points."

We all looked at her with this ignorant expression.

"You'll know what I mean later. This is the entrance point of the village. Not many people know this route and those in the village seldom come out of the village. They either go to town by means of chopper or I don't know. This road, or shall I call path, is well camouflaged by all these identical pine trees. You have to be very observant to notice it. Like I say, I have came here so I know," she chattered away like she was presenting a lecture. "It will take about 1 hours to reach the village by this path. It is so badly maintained that you have to drive so slowly to avoid your car from bumping the trees."

"Then let's go before it gets dark," Sean walked back to his truck with us trailing behind.

Sean maneuvered his truck into the entrance carefully. We bumped along the rough jungle track and conversation was scarce. Fortunately we were going by a truck and not a normal car, with all the holes and uneven surfaces, we might get thrown out of the car. After 30 minutes of this tortuous ride, we finally arrived at a clearing. Lisa wanted Sean to stop the truck for a while and said that she wanted to show us something. We got off the truck and followed her to a cliff. Apparently the jungle track led us up a hill. We all looked down the cliff and we gasped at what we saw. The cliff was about a hundred meters high and it gave us a good panoramic view of the village where Cheryl lived.

"Now you understand the star symbol," said Lisa.

"Yeah, I can see it now," I said without turning my head. My eyes still fixed at what's in front of me.

From our vantage point, we could see the whole village. The village was situated in a valley surrounded by hills and mountains. The view from up here was actually breathtaking. The hills and mountains were shrouded in mist. Sometimes the mist obscured our view. When the breeze blew by, the mist floated away giving us a clear view. The air was a bit chilly. Everything seemed so beautiful as if we just arrived at a fairyland. But what really fascinated us was the village.

It was not exactly a village with so few houses in the area. In the center of the valley was a huge six-pointed star shape and the shape was actually made of interlink roads. At each of the projecting point stood a building and in the center of the star was a cathedral. Other smaller houses scattered around the star. Most of the area was covered with pine trees and at the far left of the star was a lake. Because of our considerable distance, we could only make out the different architectural structure of each of the building but even with the distance, you could sense the grandness and opulence of those building. This was where Lisa lived.

"This place is beautiful," I exclaimed.

"Wonder why the government didn't make this place into a tourist attraction," Sean queried.

"If they could, they would," answered Lisa simply.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Because this place does not belong to the government of New York. Each of the six owners of those building bought this place together. Each one of them has a portion of the land of their own," Jason said still looking at the view. He didn't seem so withdrawn now and even a bit excited probably because of the prospect that he was going to see Cheryl.

"They bought this place? That's incredible! Even the surrounding hills?" I asked with enthusiasm.

"No, not including the hills, just the land and the lake," said Lisa pointing toward the lake.

"Which building was Cheryl's family's?" I asked.

"That one at the top point of the star," explained Lisa pointing again at a building directly opposite of a green building which was at the bottom point of the star.

"If they could afford to buy the land, then the people living here must be multimillionaires," I muttered.

"Yeah, they are but Cheryl never told me what they do that make them so rich," said Lisa obviously heard my comment.

"Maybe they rent out their houses to tourists and with such beautiful scenery, they must have made plenty of money just renting houses. City people must have liked it here a lot. This place is like a wonderland," I said.

"It can't be. Those small houses that you see around the star shape are not chalet and the building itself is not some hotel. This place wasn't meant as a tourist spot at all. Those small houses live the families of the maids and servants working in those buildings," explained Jason.

"Really? This is unbelievable. They must be richer than the government of New York State," I exclaimed.

"Besides, as you can see, there is no other way but the route we took that will lead you to the village. People who live here seldom go out of this place. If they need to head out, each of the owner have their own helicopter. That's what Cheryl told me," Jason continued.

"What? You mean they grow their own food here? And what about electricity and water supply? I don't see a generator or a reservoir nearby," I inquired.

"No, the government and the owners of this place had come to an agreement. Electricity and water supply would be provided here and they have to pay a few more extra taxes than normal citizens. Don't ask me why they didn't build their own reservoir and generator. I don't know," said Lisa.

"But how did they earn so much to the point that they could buy the whole valley?" I persisted.

"I really don't know," said Lisa with exasperation.

"All right. What about you?" I asked Jason.

"I guess I know no more than Lisa. We have told you basically everything we know," said Jason.

"Ah, one more thing. The cathedral at the center was rebuilt after a fire destroyed it. I don't know how long ago," said Lisa.

"Hey Sean, you seem awfully quiet. Are you ok?" I asked with concern.

He just stood there not mutter a word. I thought he was sick or maybe so engrossed in the scenery.

"Oh, I am ok. I listened everything of what you people said. It's just that I let my curious cat here made all the inquiries," he grinned at me and I just made a lopsided smile at him.

"Now I am a curious cat. You'd pay for it tonight," I warned him mockingly.

"Do you know the name of this village?" asked Sean ignoring me.

"I don't know. Do you know the name?" Lisa asked Jason. Jason just shrugged his shoulders.

"This is the Star of David," said Sean pointing the star shape below.

"You mean the David in the Bible?" asked Lisa.

"Yeah, if you read your Bible, you'll know that David was a Hebrew and the king of the Isrealites. The star symbol with the six projecting points was like his insignia. The shape of this village is the symbol of King David's symbol," Sean explained.

"Oh I see," Lisa and I said in unison.

"And the chain with the star pendant that Cheryl gave you before she left is the star of King David, only the top point missing," Sean said to Lisa. She took the chain out and examined it. Surely the top point was missing and left with only five projecting points.

"I didn't notice it before. How did you know?"

"I am just being observant," Sean smirked.

"I think we should go now. The day is getting late," said Jason looking at the sky. "I think it's going to rain tonight." There were some black clouds drifting from the west.

"Yeah, let's go," said Sean. We took a final look at the beautiful scenery ahead of us and then made our way back to the truck.

"I bet there must be a lot of Hebrew folklores in the village," Lisa said before shutting her door.

After another 30 minutes of bumpy ride, we saw the first glimpse of a building. From the cliff until here, we only saw endless pine trees along the earthen jungle track. The sky was getting darker and darker. We didn't talk much during the journey. I was sure everyone was worry about getting lost in the wood and wouldn't be able to reach the village before dark. But there was only one track and I hadn't seen any other possible route along the way. So the possibility of getting lost was not very imminent. Nevertheless, human always had this inclination of having groundless fear. Even myself was worry then.

As we drew nearer to the building, we felt awe struck by the appearance of it or rather this mansion. It was a three stories building with four small towers at the four corners of the mansion and one bigger tower at the center of the building. Every tower had a dome-like roof painted in red. There was no front gate, just a flight of stairs leading to the main entrance of the mansion. The mansion was located just beside the main road. Talked about the road, now that we noticed, it was no longer the earthen path but rather a cobblestone road. The total façade of the mansion was really magnificent. We stopped our truck in front to have a closer look.

"There are many towers on this building," Lisa noticed.

"I have never seen so many towers in one building. It looks like a mosque to me," I commented.

"Do you know the name of this mansion?" asked Sean.

"Don't know. Do you think there should be a name for this building?" Lisa countered.

"I just thought that special buildings usually have names. Maybe we should give it a name," said Sean.

"It has a name. The Mansion of Tower. The owner of it is a woman. Her husband died many years ago and they don't have any children," explained Jason.

"Cheryl told you?"

"Yeah she told me when we were still together," he sighed.

"Look! There is a star symbol above the door," I exclaimed again.

"Yeah. Wait! The upper right projecting point of the star is missing," Sean said while took a few steps ahead.

"Hey, let's go," Lisa called out to us from inside the car.

We slowly proceeded along the cobblestone road and eventually we reached the front portal of the second mansion. This was the green building that we saw earlier from above the cliff. The green color wasn't painted on it but rather caused by the climbing ivy that attached to its outer walls. We couldn't even see the original color of the walls because the heavily grown ivy had blocked out any visible part of the walls. The whole building appeared in deep green. It kind of giving out an eerie feeling and made people don't want to get any closer to it. We didn't stop the truck to scrutinize this building because of Lisa's protestation. But Sean said that he noticed the symbol of the star above the portal but with the lower right projecting point missing. Jason told us that the owner of this mansion was a very old woman and the name of the building was the Mansion of Ivy. Lisa joked that maybe the owner was a witch and she transformed the whole building into a huge greenhouse. Sean said that we should ask for direction at the next building before we got totally lost. We agreed with him.

We stopped at the next building. It had the similar structure as the Mansion of Ivy only without that freaky ivy covered the whole mansion. There were two eighteenth century armors at the left and right side of the door as if guarding the house from any intruder. When we approached the front door, we heard the harsh cry of crows above us.

"There are many crows and I hate them!" Lisa whined sympathetically.

"They won't bite you. Just ignore them," I said while tugging at her arm to make her move closer to me.

"Anybody home?" Jason knocked on the door several times and then called out loudly.

"Nobody home?" I asked. Jason just shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe they went out," Lisa opined.

"There's the star symbol again," said Sean loudly and pointed at the above of the door. "This time the bottom projecting point is missing." We all looked at our newcomer.

Suddenly I felt like we were being watched. I slowly turned my head and gasped out loud on what I saw. There was a girl of about 17 or 18 years old standing a few feet away from us. She dressed like a typical British schoolgirl with long black hair. Her facial expression was blank and she lacked the vivacity that normal teenage girls had. But the scariest part was she was holding two dead crows by the neck with her bare hands, no gloves. Yuck!! Lisa closed her mouth to prevent herself from screaming out loud. Sean stepped toward the girl and asked politely about the direction to the Forshe's property. She answered by pointing to her left side and her eyes never left Sean. After saying thanks, we beat a hasty retreat to the truck and sped away.

From the reflection of the rear view mirror, she was still standing there looking our direction with that blank expression. Sean admitted that he was nervous when asking her though he seemed calm on the outside.

"I was really scare, you know. She looks real freaky," Sean confessed.

"Why is she carrying those crows? It's disgusting. What is she going to do with those things?" asked Lisa. I just shook my head and Jason didn't say anything.

"I think I begin to understand the location of each of the building in the village and the meaning of the different star symbols," said Sean all of a sudden.

"How so?" I asked totally confused by what he said.

"Wait till you see the next building," he said.

We reached the next building in a couple of minutes. Sean stopped the truck and stepped out with us followed suit. This building was different from the other three and obviously smaller than them. What made it stand out was that all the windowpanes of this building were made of colorful stained glass with different pictures. Those windows were really beautiful and they gave you a sense of solemnity as if you just walked into a church with all those stained glass windows.

"The star symbol of this building must be missing the lower left projecting point," said Sean confidently. True to his word, the star symbol above the door to the building was missing its lower left corner. "And the symbol for the next building will be missing the upper left projecting point."

"Now I understand. The missing part of the symbol indicates the location of the mansion in the village. And these six buildings surrounded the cathedral in the middle of the star," I said snapping my fingers excitedly.

"Yes, you are so smart," said Sean while pinching my cheek playfully.

"No, you are smarter," I said and pinched him back. Lisa just laughed at our antics. Jason nodded his agreement.

"Now let's go and explore the rest of the building. I am sure Cheryl's will be the last building with the top part missing," said Sean leading back to the truck.

The next building had a magnificent weathercock at the very top of the roof. The whole building was made of wood and except that extraordinary weathercock, the architectural structure of this building looked to be the same as the first three building. We passed by it without stopping. Jason related information about the owners of the stained glass mansion and weathercock mansion to us. All of the owners had one common similarity, they were all single and there weren't many family members living with them. They were either widows or widowers. Finally we reached the last building which was also Cheryl's house. There was a clock tower on this building, apparently the name, the Mansion of Clock. We parked our truck and carried our bags. We walked slowly toward the building reveling the grandeur of it. We knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes. We didn't hear any footstep behind the closed door. As we were about to knock again, the door suddenly creaked open. We were slightly taken aback. A thin pale face appeared behind the door with that same blank facial expression as the girl we met before. He was about fifty years old with a head of grayish brown hair. He stared coldly at us not muttering a single word. We were feeling quite stupid under his stare.

"Umm, hi, good evening, sir. We are Cheryl's friends from school," I said politely while nervously.

"Oh, you are Cheryl's friends. I am his father. What are you doing here?" he asked with caution.

"How are you, Mr Forshe? Oh umm, we received her wedding invitation so..." I was rudely cut off at mid sentence.

"Wedding invitation?! Oh no. I think there must be a mistake. We didn't send any invitation card," he said matter-of-factly.

"But, really. We did receive the invitation. Please don't kid us, Mr Forshe," Lisa explained. "I can show you."

"Please leave. It must be a mistake," Mr Forshe persisted.

"I asked them to come, father."

We all turned to look at the source of the voice. There stood Cheryl also with that expressionless face. She didn't even show a hint of excitement seeing her friends from school. She just looked blankly at her father and Mr Forshe stared back angrily her daughter as if that would make her changed her mind. She didn't even flinched. She just stood there. Defeated, Mr Forshe turned back to us and forced a smile. He invited us in and called out some names. Shortly, several maids approached him and he talked to them seemingly to arrange something. Maybe he was plotting with those maids how to rid us. He then moved into another room leaving us with the maids and Cheryl. Cheryl still stood there looking at us with that blank face. She seemed like a different person than the one we knew. Sure she still looked the same but something deep down told me that the old Cheryl had long gone.

"You must be pretty exhausted with all the traveling," Cheryl said slowly.

"It's not too bad. Your house sure is huge," I said trying to change the mood.

"Erika and Elsie, bring them to their prearranged room," she instructed her maids apparently ignoring my comment. I felt a bit insulted but it's ok since I understood what she had been through. Life must be tough for her.

"Please follow us, gentleman," Erika and Elsie said in unison. They were like their masters; they didn't even bother to put up a fake smile.

"Hey, Cheryl. Wanna catch up for the old time?" Lisa asked hopefully and put her arm around Cheryl.

"Not now. Maybe later," she just pushed her softly away and walked away. Disappointment was written all over Lisa's face. I patted her shoulder and conveyed my sympathy. She just shook her head sadly.

"Cheryl," Jason called out her name all of a sudden. She stopped in her track for a short while and continued her way until she disappeared around the corner. Jason was devastated but he had prepared for the worst. He slumped his shoulders and sighed heavily. Sean did the same to him as I did with Lisa. All this while, the maids stared piercingly at us, as if to tell us to behave ourselves.

"Cheryl is preparing the wedding and she is very busy," Erika said to us.

"She was like a bird in the cage," muttered Sean.

"Poor Cheryl," sighed Lisa.

"I have one favor to ask from all of you," Elsie said. She sounded more like a command than a plea.

"Ok," we said unanimously.

"Please don't wander around the house without us. If you forget what we said and something bad happen to you, you can't hold us responsible," she said slowly. We all gasped at what she said and muttered our agreement. What kind of bad thing could possibly be happening to us in this house, I wondered.

We followed the maids at last to our rooms. Lisa and Jason got their own private room while Sean and I got another room. At least this was great. I could snuggled with Sean during the night or made love in the privacy of a room. We didn't have to share it with anyone.

"We just came to a weird place," Sean said unpacking our bag. We had our things packed in the same bag.

"This whole thing sure gives me creep," I agreed with him and sat down beside him on the large king size bed. I turned him around and kissed him softly on the lips. "At least, we could have the privacy. After the wedding ceremony, we could have our own ceremony in this room." I winked suggestively at him and kissed him again.

"Yeah, I like that idea," he moaned and kissed me back passionately.

We were about to proceed to the next level, there was a soft knock on the door. We separated quickly. Sean muttered a come in. The door opened and Lisa walked timidly into the room. She wanted us to accompany her to the bathroom. She smiled sheepishly to us after making her request. We looked at her and tried to stifle a laugh. Huge as it may be, but there was no adjoining bathroom to all the room. And because the maids had forgotten to point out the whereabout of the bathroom, we had to find it on our own.

"The house may be very big but I don't think we would get lost in it," Sean said while three of us walked down the corridor to find our room after successfully located the bathroom.

"Anyhow, I am still scared, ok? Please be a gentleman," said Lisa with mock anger.

"This house sure is huge. Where're our rooms?" I asked trying to scare her.

"Now see what've got ourselves into. We lost our way in a house," Lisa said exasperatedly.

"Whoever has the right mind to build such a big house in such a remote area?"

"Maybe they even keep one or two corpses in their basement," Sean said mysteriously.

"Shut up!" Lisa exclaimed. Suddenly a shadowy figure appeared out of nowhere and this freaked three of us especially Lisa. She screamed and pushed us toward the wall.

"Hey, calm down. It's just a cat," Sean said while rubbing his forehead obviously banged his head on the wall when Lisa pushed us. He grimaced slightly when he touched the swelling on his forehead. There was a black cat in front of us. I reassured her before she dared to open her eyes to look. She sighed dramatically and loosened her grip on us.

"Wait! There is a opening on the wall," Sean said pointing behind us.

"Weird. There is a hidden door. I think we accidentally pushed open a secret door," Lisa said excitedly.

"Let's go explore. Maybe this door leads to a underground torture chamber," Sean joked.

"Yeah, let's go," my adventurous nature kicked in.

"No, this might be dangerous. Besides, this is not our house," Lisa protested.

"Come on. Nobody is gonna know," I tried to convinced her.

"The maids have said that we shouldn't simply go around," she said trying to grab my shirt. In the process of doing so, she accidentally pushed Sean who was standing just beside the hidden door. He stumbled down the stairs. He heard a loud thud and Sean's moaning from below. We quickly pushed the door wide open to let the light stream in. Fortunately, it was only a few flight of stairs. I quickly checked on my lover and luckily nothing broke.

"I think I hit something," Sean managed to say while trying to stand up.

"What is it?" I asked balancing his body. Suddenly we heard Lisa screamed. We turned to look at her. Her face was ashen and she had both her hands closing her mouth to prevent further screaming. We turned our eyes toward the object of her horror. Our eyes opened wide.

"Oh my God!! What is this?" Sean gasped.

...To be continued.

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