
By DaFunk

Published on Feb 15, 2001


This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men. If the subject of man/man sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk!

This story was mainly about three individual involved in a twisted homicide, so the sex will be slow in coming. If you are looking for a quick jerk off, please proceed elsewhere. I am sure there were plenty of stories in the Nifty that will cater to your needs.

This story is totally fiction. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, is merely coincidental.

Eden, Part 3

We saw Cheryl the next day. She seemed ok though she looked rather tired, as if she hadn't been sleeping for days. She was talking with some friends. When she spotted us, she walked toward our direction and greeted us with a forced smile. She was always a tough girl. We didn't know much about her, only that her mother died when she was only ten. Her father then sent her to some boarding school.

She didn't have any brother or sister. No one talked to her when she's home during holidays. Her father was always busy with his business and could hardly find time to care for her needs. She was pretty much alone when she's home. That's why she'd rather stay at campus during summer holiday than going back to her solitary cell which she called home. All these drawbacks didn't weaken her, in fact had toughened her over the years. Lisa was a closer friend to Cheryl and she once told us about Cheryl stood up for a girl in their class because she was insulted by a guy. Now that she herself got problem, she seemed so helpless.

"Thank you guys for helping me. Really, without your help, I'll be packing my stuff and boarding the next bus home," she thanked us wholeheartedly.

"It's nothing. You are our friend and friends are for each other, right?" Sean said cheerfully. He tried to lighten up the mood.

"He was near to organizing a demonstration," Joey joked.

"Don't listen to him. We did what we can," I countered Joey. "So what are you going to do with Jason?" Here came the inevitable.

"I don't know. I suppose we'll just be friend. Now I just want to concentrate on my study. I'll worry about it when the time comes," she sighed.

"Ok, anyway if you need anything or want somebody to talk to, you can always rely on us, and don't forget Lisa too. You'll have our full support," Sean said.

"Yeah, we'll do whatever we can to help a friend in need," I said.

"What have I done to deserve you? You are such great friends. Thanks again for the help," she choked and her eyes were brimming with tears. She hugged both us and patted Joey on the arm.

"Hey, not fair, I want hug too," Joey protested in a baby voice. She smiled and gave him a hug.

"Oh, don't be such a baby and what did you do to deserve a hug?" Sean mocked. Joey just laughed it off.

"You three are such good friends. I think I'll treat you to a dinner. What do you say?" she had calmed down a bit and made her proposal.

"That'd be great. We'll talk later, ok. I am running late for my class. See you and you too, baby," Sean walked briefly away from us and winked at me. I felt warmth all over. I then turned to Cheryl.

"He really loves you very much. I can see it in his eyes," she said while looking at Sean disappearing figure.

"Yeah, I love him too. He is the best thing that ever happen in my whole life and I am going to cherish him till the day I die," I said firmly.

"Oh, not again. I think I have suffered enough of your lovey- dovey comments flying around the house," Joey said with a feigned exasperation. I glared at him. He stuck out his tongue and looked away.

"Anyway, we'll see you again and talk about your dinner treat," I said, returning to my happy self.


We said our goodbye. Joey and I headed to our class in the lecture room down the hall. We had the proposed dinner during the weekend in a fancy Chinese restaurant. We expected her to come with Jason, but she came alone. We were a bit disappointed but didn't say a thing. We enjoyed the dinner and even Cheryl managed to joke a bit. Lisa commented after the dinner that Cheryl seemed to be back to her old self, but she could still sense something was wrong Cheryl. She couldn't tell what it was. At least, she was relieved and she was really worried about her before.


Life went on. We saw each other everyday in the campus. We had lunch together. We went out to party once in a while. In short, we were having fun with life.

One week before the final exam, Cheryl paid us a surprise visit. We were studying diligently and made all the last minute preparation. She came to say goodbye and that was the least we expected.

When the faculty decided to suspend Cheryl, they also informed her parent. It seemed that her father didn't want her to be the center of gossip. The other reason he wanted her to go back was that Cheryl had to be married to her childhood fiancé.

The marriage was arranged when Cheryl was still an infant. In fact her father wanted her to go home immediately after the faculty informed him the news. But Cheryl stood her ground and fiercely refusing to go back. Finally her father threatened her that she would be disowned if she disobeyed him. She gave in; after all she was his only child. She would continue her study in a different college nearer to her hometown after the marriage. Her father had arranged someone to fetch her back. She was on her way when she thought we ought to know that she was leaving. All of this really took us by surprise.

"Are you sure you have to go?" Lisa asked taking her hands.

"Yeah, I wish I don't have to go back. But my father insists that I should do what he said. After all, I am his only family member after mom died," Cheryl sighed.

"What kind of father is that? Forcing his own daughter to obey him. Sound more like a dictator to me," Sean said angrily.

"Don't say that. He is still Cheryl's dad. You have no right, you know," I soothed him.

"So what? He is not MY dad!" he fumed.

"I am sorry to cause you so much trouble and have you worry about me. Please don't quarrel over my problem. It will just made me feel bad," Cheryl said.

"It's not your fault. Besides you are our friend and always will be, don't say sorry for something that you have no control over," Sean said.

"Anyway, I really have to go now, can't let the driver wait too long. Oh, before I forget, I want you to take this," she said while untangled something around her neck. It was a gold chain with star shape pendant. With careful scrutiny, the pendant was a star with six symmetrical projecting points but one point was missing and attached to the chain. It's a Star of David and was a symbol of Judaism. I didn't know she was a Jewish. She handed the chain to Lisa. "It was made of real gold and a symbol of my family."

"A gold chain? This is too precious. I can't take it," Lisa handed the chain back to Cheryl. Cheryl wouldn't accept it back.

"Please take it. You fought for me, remember? I want you have it as a token of gratitude. I am really grateful for you, and you too, but I don't have anything for you," she said looking sadly at us.

"It's ok. Your dinner treat was more than enough," I said. She smiled. We escorted her out of the apartment where there was a car waiting. A man in his late fifties was standing beside the passenger's door. He looked rather glum.

"Who is he?" I asked pointing stealthily to the man.

"He is Mr Kolber, our butler. He has been working for our family for nearly thirty years now. He is pretty reserved and seldom smiles. But he is a good man," Cheryl said and walked toward the car. That man opened the passenger's door and nodded slightly to Cheryl. Before she entered, she turned around to face us. She looked at us intently without saying a word.

"Take care and goodbye, Cheryl. We will go to visit you," Lisa said choking back impending tears.


"And you better treat us like some kinda VIP's, ok?" Sean joked half-heartedly to try to cheer up the situation.

"I will never ever forget you people, never," she said softly and two streams of tears sliding silently down her cheeks. We were stunned.

We had never seen Cheryl cried before and now she was crying before us. The tough girl that didn't even flinch when facing the possibility of suspension now cried openly in front of us. Something must be wrong.

Lisa later told us that for as long as she had known Cheryl, she had never shown any weakness, let alone crying. Cheryl's tears soon triggered Lisa's water dam. Both of them hugged each other and sobbed heavily. I also felt a lump quickly formed in my throat. I turned slightly and noticed that Sean was wiping his eyes. Soon they detached themselves and with a last goodbye, she turned quickly into the car. The car sped away leaving three of us standing numbly in front of our apartment building. Lisa was still sniffling when we returned inside the house.


A week passed. Final was over. Lisa had calmed down a bit over the week.

Saturday morning found us sitting around the kitchen counter sipping our coffee. In the middle of the counter was a pink envelope. It was a wedding invitation, in fact an invitation from Cheryl. She was getting married. The wedding ceremony would be held after three days we received the invitation. Inside the invitation were our names but sure enough Jason's name was excluded. Perhaps Cheryl didn't want him to see her marry to other guy or it could well be her father's wish. Either we didn't care. During the whole incident, Jason never shown his face in any of the confrontation or even offered to help.

Next week would be our semester break and we planned to visit Cheryl in her hometown as well as participating her wedding ceremony. We would go on Monday morning in Sean pick up truck. Joey wanted to spend more of his time with his newfound love, Kevin and wouldn't join our trip. Cliff, our other housemate, after completing his final, had to rush back home again. So it was only three of us and because Lisa had been to Cheryl's hometown the previous holiday, it wouldn't be too difficult for us to find her place with Lisa as our guide. Besides she had given us direction together with the invitation. After settling the matter, we started to argue whose turn to cook breakfast. In the middle of the commotion, I managed to hear a soft knock on the front door. I gestured them to keep down their voices and went to search whoever had the courage to pay us visit during the argument. I opened the door and in front of me was a very haggard looking Jason. He had blood shot eyes and shabby hair that pointed in every possible direction. He greeted me with a forced smile.

"May I come in," he asked wearily and warily.

"Sure," I moved aside to let him in and shut the door behind me. We moved to the living room and I told him to wait for me to call the others.

"Jason Writts is here," I said softly to two eager faces.

"Who's that?" Sean asked.

"The teaching assistant, Cheryl's ex-boyfriend? Remember?" I said.

"Why is he here?" Lisa demanded, anger in her voice.

"I think I know why," Sean mumbled to himself.

"I don't know. That's why I am here to get you into the living room and find out why," I said patiently.

We walked into the living room and Jason quickly got up from the sofa and turned to face us. Lisa just glared at him and motioned him to sit down. We sat opposite him and the position we were in was rather intimidating as if we were about to interrogate a criminal.

"Why are you here?" Lisa was the first one to break the ice.

"I want to go with you," he said pleadingly.

"Where?" Sean asked though I knew he understood perfectly well where Jason meant.

"Cheryl's wedding." He paused to gauge our reaction and when he saw none, he continued. "It's not my power to stop her but I really want to see her one last time," Jason pleaded again.

"Why, you still have the dignity to go see her after all the damage you have done to her? She left school because of you. Where were you when she needed you the most? Do you know that she is getting married? What are you gonna do? Go to the ceremony and pretend that everything will be alright and then wish them living happily ever after? Shame on you!" Lisa burst out.

"Wo, calm down Lisa. Give him a chance to explain," I tried to calm down Lisa. She folded her arms in front of her heaving chest.

"We are waiting for the explanation," Sean said seemingly calm but I doubted that because I could see the fire in his eyes.

"I mean I can't stop her from getting married. If this is what she thinks she wants, she will have my blessing. If this is what makes her happy, then it is good enough for me to fade away," he began slowly trying to suppress his surging emotion. I could see tears welling up in his eyes.

"I DON'T like your attitude!" Sean boomed while clenching his fist into a tight ball. "She left school because of you. She was forced to marry other guy because of you. If you can't prevent her from making those decisions then you just have to let go. Why go to see her when you instinctively know that your present will only worsen the situation," Sean's face was reddened by rage. He would snap any second and strike Jason if I didn't act quickly. I held his fist and squeezed it gently and tried to take control of the situation. I seemed to be the moderator these days and I didn't really enjoy the job.

"You have said too much. He is still your teacher, you know," I whispered soothingly to Sean and he seemed to calm down quite a bit.

"I know full well that it's my fault. I didn't even know that someone had furtively took our pictures. Oh God, we shouldn't have gone there in the first place, and I ...." he choked on his words and his tears flowed freely down his flush cheeks. He covered his face with both of his hands and sobbed heavily. "I am really sorry. Cheryl, please forgive me," he muttered between sob. His whole body was trembling with the sob and this really took three of us by surprise. Our heart softened in the sight of this pitiful man. After all we knew that he really did love Cheryl.

Finally after he had calmed down, we agreed to let him follow us.

...To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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