
By DaFunk

Published on Feb 11, 2001


This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men. If the subject of man/man sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk!

This story was mainly about three individual involved in a twisted homicide, so the sex will be slow in coming. If you are looking for a quick jerk off, please proceed elsewhere. I am sure there were plenty of stories in the Nifty that will cater to your needs. This story is totally fiction. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, is merely coincidental.

Now on with the story.

Eden, Part 2

There were two photos on the board. The two figures in the two photos were of the same people, one of a man in his late twenties and a girl in her early twenties. They were holding hand in the photos. The man was looking at the direction of the camera but the girl was looking else where, obviously unaware of the presence of a camera. The guy's face was ashen indicated that he knew someone had taken their picture. Their background was the exit of a cheap scale motel in a run-down area of the town frequented by hookers and their customers. What shocked me the most was I know these two persons.

The guy was the newly hired teaching assistant of my faculty, Jason Writts. The girl was my classmate, Cheryl Forshe. We shared the same class this morning. I didn't see her in the class and the reason was pretty obvious. They were caught red handed while patronizing a motel as their rendezvous and obviously somebody tried to play a prank on them by taking their photos. What even worst was the pranster probably circulate the photos around the campus. I heard someone whispered in my ear, "This is so cool." I turned toward to the source of voice and there stood Lisa Hammond, my best friend since high school. She was also the first person beside my family that I came out to who happened to had a crush on my boyfriend eons ago. Sean, Lisa and I knew Cheryl pretty well. We were a tight clique during our freshman year but eventually Cheryl estranged from our group and went her separate way. We still greeted each other in the campus but we were not as close as before. Now only Lisa talked to her regularly.

"You think this is cool?" I inquired. Someone from the student hall management office approached the bulletin board and took the photos down. The crowd dispersed into different direction. Sean and Joey turned to us and we walked slowly to a corner table. We sat down and Lisa was the first one to comment.

"Yeah, I know Cheryl and I think she must has her reason to be with that guy," Lisa said matter-of-factly.

"Look who's talking? As if you are the only one who know her," Joey quipped.

"But who took the pictures?" Sean interrupted. He frowned at his own thought. I knew something was on his mind. I'd have to ask him later.

"I wonder what old man Crudele will do? He is a pretty conservative old fart who always follow the books." Joey said. He was reprimanded by Mr. Crudele, the dean of my faculty for a minor misconduct and I think he still had grudges against him.

"We'll know soon enough," Lisa said it before I could voice my opinion.

"Aren't you all hungry? I am starving. Let's get something to eat and forget about this," I groaned.

At this moment, two girls passed by our table and I overheard one of them said to her friend something about suspension. I quickly stood up and asked the girl about it. She heard someone said that the faculty board had decided to suspend Cheryl Forshe from school and take disciplinary action against Jason Writts. You have to know that this college had many unwritten laws. One of the rules was that student and teacher could not have any kind of relationship. It might seem natural in other college but not this one. The reason for this rule to exist was to prevent any complication that might arise if the family of the student interferes in the relationship and also to avoid any responsibility for the college.

When I heard this, the first thing that crossed my mind was how I must help Cheryl. Before I could put my thought into action, I heard some shifting beside me. I turned toward the source and saw Lisa standing up and was about to leave the table. Joey looked rather nonchalant while Sean frowned at me.

"Where're you going?" I managed to ask her before she ran out of the cafeteria.

"I am going to the dean office," she said before disappeared through the entrance.

"Hey, wait for me!" I shouted and motioned Sean to follow me. I quickened my pace to follow her and didn't know if Sean understood my meaning. When I reached the office, Lisa was arguing with the secretary. She was fast.

"I want to see Mr. Crudele now. What do you mean he is busy?" Lisa demanded.

"He is having a meeting with some guests. You have to come back again later. I can't promise you how long the meeting will take," explained the secretary patiently.

"This is urgent and I am going in now whether he is busy or not." Ignoring the protestation from the secretary, Lisa pushed open the door to the dean's inner office. I tried to grab her but was too late. I followed her inside and tried all my best to salvage any damage that might occur.

"So we have decided then that Ms Forshe should be suspended for the next semester.... what are you doing here? You are not supposed to be in here. I am having a meeting here," inquired the miffed Mr Crudele.

Everyone's attention turned to Lisa and without any hesitation, she blurted out her motive rather than explained. I just stood there dumbfounded. This was going too far. We might get suspended too. Oh Christ!! We should discuss the matter before proceeding here. Sometimes I thought Lisa was too impetuous.

"Who are you?" a woman in her early forties asked indignantly and then looked at me. I cringed at her stare. She seemed like a rather important person because I thought I saw Mr Crudele shaking his head slightly when she made her query as if there was an impending trouble.

"I am Lisa Hammond. I am Cheryl's friend. Please give her a chance to explain herself. This is very unfair to her and I think she and Mr Writts really love each other. Besides, there is nothing wrong with two people in love. It makes perfect sense to me...." she was interrupted before she could finish.

"Shut up! Who do think you are? Student and teacher aren't supposed to have that kind of relationship. It is wrong to even think of it. I think it must be that girl who seduced the teacher. Girls nowadays are willing to do anything to get what they want. In this case, it's pretty obvious that Cheryl want to pass the final. I heard she has a way with the men," she finished her speech with a sneer. The way she talked about them made you think that as if their relationship was contemptuous and disdainful.


"Enough! A decision has been made and it's final. The meeting's over," said Mr Crudele not letting Lisa any chance to finish her statement. She wasn't through and made a futile effort to get their attention. I grabbed her arms and dragged her out of the office. People were milling out of the small office. Mr Crudele and that woman were the last one out. They basically ignored us when they passed by us in the hallway. Lisa turned to me and I thought I saw fire in her eyes.

"Why didn't you help me to explain? You just stand there like a goddamned Ming dynasty vase. You make me look like a fool," Lisa spat out.

"I don't know what to do. We should have discussed it first before coming here. I think they won't change even if we beg them and who's that woman?" I asked hopefully to try to distract her a bit before she started punching me.

"Your effort, no matter what, will be useless. With this kind of people, we need to employ a different tactic." Sean was leaning against the wall outside the office with a grin plastered on his face. Joey just shrugged his shoulders.

"Then what tactic should we employ, Mr Know All," Lisa scoffed.

"I think it's pay back time," Sean said confidently.

I wished I know what Sean was thinking.


Later that night, I found myself outside a rather classy motel on the outskirt of town. Sean was carrying a Polaroid with him. He explained to me what to expect on the way there. His intuition told him that he would catch Mr Crudele and that woman, whose name was Joanna Huhee, in this motel doing God knows what. He suspected that Mr Crudele was having an affair with this woman. He was right. We saw Mr Crudele's Mercedes in the parking lot. The next thing we needed was the room number which they were in. Sean went into the office and asked me to keep my eyes open on anything suspicious. After about 10 minutes, he walked out with a shit eating grin that told me he had gotten what he intended.

"They are in room 105 at the left side of the main building. Let's go," he whispered and gestured me to follow him. "Now, just be patient and wait here."

We waited behind a car directly in front of the room. We made small talk while we waited. We even made a romance out of this wait by stealing kisses from each other. I was awfully hard from our intimacy and swore to myself that I was going ravaged him before the night ended.

After about an hour of torture, they appeared at the doorway of room 105, poked their heads out the door would be a more appropriate way to describe them. They looked around and after making sure that there's no one around. They walked out of the room. Sean told me that now was the good time to act. We rushed out from our hiding place and the sudden movement caught their attention. They turned to our direction. Sean aimed his Polaroid at his target and quickly snapped at them.

"What the hell...," Mr Crudele grunted at the sudden flash light. When they realized what happened, their looks were priceless. They were being caught red handed like someone did on Cheryl and Jason. They were panicked. When they saw us, they immediately knew who we were or rather who I was.

"How was your date, Mr Crudele?" Sean drawled while waving two photos at them.

"H-H-How did you know w-w-we were here?" Mr Crudele stuttered. The woman was mumbling something and she looked really pale.

"I found this on you when you passed by me this afternoon," he said while getting something out from his jacket pocket. I leaned in closer to look. They were a matchbox which bore the motel's name and some discount voucher issued by the motel. "My guess was you have the habit to go to the same motel. So we stood sentry out here," he said with a laugh.

"You stole them?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded slightly. "How?"

"I'll explained when we go back," he turned slightly and as quickly as he turned to me, he turned back to his target. "Now, now, what should we do about these photos? I think sending them to the chancellery department seems like an appealing idea or maybe make a number of copies and spread them in the campus," he scratched his chin in an exaggerated way.

"You are trying to blackmail me?" Mr Crudele exclaimed. "You know this is a federal crime and I can charge you with that. You may go to jail." I could feel that he was trying desperately to turn the table on us. I was a little worried and I thought Sean was too. A look on his face convinced me that he was totally unfazed by Mr Crudele's threat.

"Apparently so and I also know the consequence. Either you can called the police and have us arrested. Then these pictures will then reach the media and tabloids. What do you think what's gonna happen. Your reputation and your career as well will be ruined. Or you can do what I say and I promise these pictures won't ever see the daylight," Sean said so eloquently. The words flowed out of his mouth like he had practiced the speech before. I was totally amazed by this side of my boyfriend. I never thought Sean was capable of sabotaging a seemingly controlled situation.

"What?" both of them said in unison. "Ok, what do you want? Money or result?" demanded Mr Crudele falteringly.

"Well, I want you to do me a favor," my man grinned.


We were silent on the way back. I have a lot to ask him but I'd rather not distract him while he's driving. Joey was still watching the sport channel when we walked into the living room. We made small talk for a while but Sean totally avoided the incident in the motel. On the other hand, Joey had no idea we were on a mission when we told him we went to visit a relative in town. As soon as our door closed, I pounded on Sean. He told me his plan and how he knewthat Mr Crudele was in that motel, basically everything I wanted to know while we undressed.

"You still remember my Uncle Jacob? He was a magician and he taught me some trick when I was around seven. That trick proved to be useful for tonight plan," he said while casually shucked off his jean. The way he did it made him looked so tasty. I had to concentrate on what he was saying.

"How did you do it?" I asked.

"Well, I just took it from his coat pocket. That trick was more like a pickpocket trick. You know what I mean?"

"I know but don't you think is kinda risky? I mean what if he caught you while you were trying to do that? And you didn't even worry that he might actually call the cops." I queried.

"Nah, I never worry. I have perfected the skill for many years already. I am a professional now," I could detect a hint of smile in his voice though his face void of any emotion. By now, we were fully undressed except each of us still had our boxers on. I could see that he was semi hard already.

"I still have one more question?" I protested slightly as he drew me into his strong arms.

"Enough say. Why don't we just celebrate a little here," he grinned lasciviously and squeezed my butt.


"That we had helped Cheryl." With that, he pressed his lips on mine. I parted my mouth and our tongues duel. The mindblowing kiss had made all those inquiries flew out the window. We flopped down the bed with me on top of him.

We kissed passionately while our hands caressed each other body. My hand pushed into his boxer and found his hard cock. He was leaking like a faucet already. I nipped lightly at his earlobe. I kissed his eyes and his nose. I trailed along his jaw line and then I move to his defined chest. I sucked on his right nipple till it's hard and I did the same to the other one. He moaned out while putting his hands on my head as a sign of encouraging me to go on. While my mouth continued to move southward, my hands grasped on his waistband and in a fluid motion, his boxer was at the far corner of the room. I took his cock in my mouth and I heard a small gasp escaped him. I moved up and down his rigid pole and just savored the very taste of him. I used my tongue to tease the underside of his head. I knew this was his weakest point no doubt. Within minutes, he gently pushed my shoulders and whispered hoarsely, "I am near and I don't want it to end just yet."

I pulled off his cock and we resumed our kissing. Along the way, I had taken off my boxer and was grinding my hard cock with his. Our juices mingled together. After a while, he whispered that he wanted me to fuck him. I kissed him lightly and leaned across to take the lube and condom from the nightstand drawer. He helped me to roll the plastic down my achingly hard cock. I lubed up my cock and his love tunnel. I positioned myself with both his legs on my shoulders. This was his favorite position because he wanted to see my face when we were making love. I pushed gently and my head popped into his tight hole. He moaned and I knew from the moan that it's a moan of pleasure and not of pain. Nevertheless, I didn't want to hurt him by moving too roughly.

When my balls finally touched his butt cheeks, we just stayed still and enjoyed the closeness that we shared. We kissed again and I moved slowly out. When just my head remained in his hole, I pushed all the way in with extra emphasis on his prostate. Eventually, I found the rhythm and soon we were breathing hard.

His face was contorted with pleasure. His cock was rock hard and leaking like crazy. I quickened my movement while stroking his cock frenziedly. I wanted us to come together. Finally the inevitable came. "I am coming!!" he wailed. His cock throbbed and let loose spurt after spurt of white semen. With my final trust, I exploded in his body. I groaned loudly and collapsed on his body. When our breathing came to normal, we opened our eyes simultaneously. We smiled at each other. We kissed again, this time more tenderly. "I love you," he whispered lovingly.

"I love you too," I kissed him in between words to emphasize my point. We cleaned up and pull the cover over our body. We cuddled a bit and drifted off in each other arms.

...To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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