
By DaFunk

Published on Feb 7, 2001


This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men. If the subject of man/man sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk!

This story was mainly about three individual involved in a twisted homicide, so the sex will be slow in coming. If you are looking for a quick jerk off, please proceed elsewhere. I am sure there were plenty of stories in the Nifty that will cater to your needs. This story is totally fiction. Any resemblance to any individual, alive or dead, is merely coincidental.


The victim was a male aged between 25 to 30 years old. Cause of death was multiple blunt trauma injuries to the head. The white remain of the skeleton was found near a jungle trail which had been abandoned for years. The thick undergrowth acted as natural hiding place for the body until a year later when a couple of high schools students tumbled upon this trail during their campout. He had been buried for over a year. The bones would be the beginning of a series of cruel and ruthless episode that ensued......


It was a lovely morning. I had been up for nearly an hour now. Standing by the window, I could see early birds walking along the road, some were in small group making small talk to each other and some were alone. An elderly couple with their dog slowly walked in the opposite direction of a bunch of students. In fact there was a very cute guy among the students which really caught my attention.

I smiled contentedly and slowly turned around. I could smell the aroma of coffee brewing wafting from the kitchen. Apparently, my housemate, Joey had been up already. A cup of coffee in the morning was always something I looked forward to. My attention slowly veered to a prone figure lying in a heap of bed sheet and pillows. Last night was really wild. Sean and me made passionate love till the wee hours of the morning. We went to a frat party last night and by the time we hit home, Sean was a bit tipsy and he was the horniest in this condition. We made so much noise that Joey had to bang on our door and demanded us to turn down the 'volume'. I crawled back into the bed and savored the naked body of my lover. Sean was on his back and the cover was pushed to just above his crotch, revealing his strong defined pecs and flat stomach. I trailed my finger along the smooth curvature of his chest. I stopped at his left nipple and teased it a bit. He moaned a little in his sleep. Sean's morning piss hardon was tenting the cover and it looked so tempting that I just had to cope a feel. I slightly stroked his rod through the cover and looked closely at his handsome face. He moaned louder this time and his eyes fluttered open.

"Morning, sweety," he croaked.

"Morning," I said with a smile and leaned down to kiss his soft lips. The kiss lingered for a while too long.

"What time is it now?" He asked when we finally parted.

"It's almost nine. You'd better get up now or you'll be late for your nine thirty math class," I said with mock sternness.

"Awwww, do I have to? I think I am gonna skip that class. What about we have another round this morning and me go back to sleep after that?"

"No, you have skipped three classes this week. You are not gonna skip this one. I'll call Lisa here to drag your lazy ass to the class." Lisa was one of my closest friends.

In fact, we practically grew up together and went to the same high school. We dated for a while during high school. During that time, there was this untold rule that a jock should at least has a girl by his side. Eventually, we felt that we were better off being friends than couple. We had a peaceful breakup. It was after the high school prom in my junior year that I came out to her. I was supposed to bring her home after the prom. As I turned into her road, she asked me to stop by the roadside. She said she wanted to talk to me about something that's bothering her for a while. She didn't beat around the bush and came right to the point.

"Are you gay?" she asked. Her eyes looked directly into mine. I was shocked but at the same time, I was scared. I was scared because it was true and I was scared because she knew. I stammered and I just broke into a heaving sob. Surprisingly, she pulled me into a hug and comforted me. She let me cried until gradually the water work subsided.

"Are you mad?" I asked between sniffles.

"No, I am not mad. I kinda guess it. And you have just confirmed my suspicion," she said matter-of-factly.

"How? I thought I hide it pretty good. We kiss and we make out and I even tried to grope you." By this time I have calmed down enough to gather my speech.

"Still remember the time we tried to have sex but ended up me beating you off. And there were times when I saw you looking at other guys. Your eyes had betrayed you, you know. And three days ago, I went to your house and before I entered your room I accidentally overheard you moaning Chris's name. Obviously you were beating off. Am I right?" she said with a mischievous grin.

I blushed heavily. I didn't remember she coming to my house three days ago. It sure was embarrassing when all this came out from a girl. "So, are we still friend?" I asked timidly fearing the worst.

"Sure, we are. And now we are practically sisters. Maybe we can compare notes on which guys are hotter in the campus," she giggled.

"Thank you. You are the greatest," I hugged her and tears were threatened to fall again.

"Hey, don't mention it. We are friends and always will be. Don't think any less of yourself and you will always have my fullest support," she said softly.

After that, our friendship grew stronger each day. We went to the same college and renting the same apartment together. She told me that her friends were jealous of her for living with so many cute guys. If they only knew. She lived in the room next to us. She was the only girl in an all male Environment and I thought some estrogen would neutral the surge of testosterone in our apartment. She had a bit of a crush on Sean but she knew that she would never had him. So she never pursued.

She was a beautiful girl but she could be very mean sometime if you ever had the guts to cross her. Sean had promised her that he wouldn't skip another class this week and she also said that if he tried to be funny with her, she would snap his prick off.

"Alright, alright. I'll get up. Just don't call her," Sean groaned. Then instead of getting up he leered at me and slowly caressed his body. "Are you sure you don't want this?"

"Yeah right, don't get any idea. Now get up and throw yourself into the bathroom," I said it with a laugh.

"Who could resist this body? Come on, admit it that you want it." He still lay on the bed. I didn't response and just walked toward him. Without any warning, I pinched his left ear and pulled him up by the ear.

"Ouch, stop it! You are gonna pull it off. I'll go! Just let off my ear!" he wailed. I let go of his ear and he quickly put both hands on his left ear. He rubbed gently while making his way to the bathroom mumbling something. I couldn't hear it.

"I heard it!" I said aloud and made a gesture to chase him. He quickly dashed into the bathroom and slammed shut the door. After a while, I heard the shower turned on. I sighed happily. I always considered myself a very lucky guy. I came out to my parents after my high school graduation and they were very receptive about the news.

My father even talked to me about all those safe sex hocus pocus. I came out to my two brothers before I headed to college. Matt, the eldest wasn't very pleased with the news but he didn't say anything negative. I wasn't really close to him anyway. Then my second brother, Ron. He was amazing and very supportive. I later found out that one of his friend was also gay and they were still best friend. He even brought me to a gay bar and tried to hook me up with his friend. He was just so cool.

I met Sean through another friend of mine during my freshman year. We were in this party organized by the gay and lesbian support group of the college when I saw him for the first time. He was one of the organizers and was busily socializing with others. I was reluctant to be there in the first place but my friend said that I needed a break. Ironically, I just broke up with my boyfriend from my senior year of high school before I went to this college. He went to a different one at other part of the country and after much tears and hugs, we decided that long distance relationship was not for us. I was pretty upset and frustrated. Lisa was there to comfort me all the time. I still thought of him a lot and I was beginning to regret my decision to break up with him. Maybe the idea of a long distance relationship was not that bad.

I sat at a corner and watched other people weaving around in the dance floor. My mind went blank and I just zoned out. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned up my head and what greeted me were the most gorgeous blue eyes and a heart-melting smile.

"Hi, I am Sean. Alone?" he asked.

Oh, he talked to me! Think, Chad, think! "Hi, Chad. Yeah." I answered. We felt into silence after the very brief introduction. I felt awkward. I couldn't think of anything to break the ice. This cute guy came to talk to me and all I could do was kept my mouth shut. Oh good, Chad. You were destined to be alone for the rest of your life.

"I was wondering......," we said in unison and broke into giggles.

"You first," I said after calming down.

"Ok, I was wondering if you like to go out and chat. This place seems rather stuffy with all these people dancing around," he stuttered a bit. I thought he looked nervous. He later told me that he was really desperate to ask me out but he thought I wouldn't be interested.

"But I thought you were the host of this party. Aren't you going to help around?"

"Nah, my assistants can do their work without me. Let's go," he finished his drink in a gulp and stood up and gestured me to follow him.

He walked toward the entrance and I could see that other people were looking our direction and gave us appreciative glances. Surely Sean was a really gorgeous guy. He must have a lot of guys hitting on him and a guy probably wouldn't be interested in me.

We went outside and sat on the curb. We didn't talk for a few seconds and then the conversation just flowed out. We talked and talked until the party was over. He helped around a bit but he asked me to wait for him. Since the next day was Saturday, I'd wait for him and got to know him a little bit more, I hoped. He invited me back to his dorm room and said that his roommate had gone out of town. If I'd like to sleep over, it's ok. By the time we decided to hit the sack, it's already 3 in the morning and we were like old buddies that hadn't seen each other for a long time. I knew what you're gonna think. No, we hadn't had sex. I slept on his roommate's bed and we had lunch together the next day. We dated several times and we finally had sex on our sixth date. It was purely terrific. We fell in love eventually and moved out together with another two friends of ours including Lisa during our sophomore year. We rented an apartment near to the campus so that we could sometimes walk to school together. This was the fifth month since we moved into this apartment.

I dressed when Sean was still in the shower. He usually took about 20 minutes to groom himself. I stood in front of the mirror and appreciated what I see. Stood at just an inch short of 6 feet, with brown hair and hazel eyes, people thought that I was quite good looking. I was a former swimmer with the merit of 2 times state championship and I think I really looked stunning with my swimmer built.

Sean was also a swimmer but he swim for fun rather for competition. He was about 5'11. He was lean and muscular. We went to the gym sometimes to work up a good sweat. Usually after that, we would make love. We'd either wait till we got home or we would risk being caught while having sex in the empty shower room. But usually the excitement of being caught prevailed.

Sean had a tough time when he was a teenager. He had an older sister. They were very close and she was the first person that Sean came out to. Their father left them when Sean was still a baby. He left them for a guy and that made Sean's mother hated homosexual. But basically she hated his husband. His mother had to raise them by taking two jobs at the same time. It was difficult. During high school, Sean accidentally came out to his best friend by kissing him. He trusted his friend and received too many false signals from him. His friend hit him and told his to almost everyone in the school. After that, Sean high school life was like a living hell.

He was bullied and harassed all the time. Every night, he cried himself to sleep. He tried to commit suicide once but luckily his sister found him before too late and I thanked her for that or I wouldn't have a wonderful boyfriend now. It was also at that time Sean told his sister about his secret and troubles. His sister supported him and tried to convince his mother to transfer him to another school. They kept the secret from his mother and eventually his mother believed their makeup story. Sean was transfer to another school. He was a friendly person and his charming personality won him some new friends. He never got too close with these friends for fear that they might end up like last time. He managed to find someone like him and together they supported each other until they graduated and went to college.

In the kitchen, Joey was seeping his coffee by the counter and his attention was focused on a piece of news in the local papers. I poured myself a cup and sat beside him. He turned his attention to me and I could see a hint of smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

"What's up in the paper?" I asked while trying to change the subject he desperately wanted to bring up.

"Oh, it's nothing. So, you and Sean had a great time last night," it was more of a statement than a question. I could practically see his evil mind churning to think of his next sentence.

"The weather is clear today," I still tried to change the subject.

"Come on, man. Don't change the subject," he almost whined. "You promised me two weeks ago that I can borrow your car on this weekend. I really need it, man. I want to take Kevin out for a ride and you don't want to spoil the that, do you?"

"All right, a promise's a promise. You can take it but please take good care of my baby, ok?" This time was my turn to whine. Kevin was Joey newest infatuation and apparently he wanted to impress him. Besides Sean, my '92 Camero was like another baby to me. My parents gave it to me on my highschool graduation. It's not that I was selfish or something but Joey could be so careless sometimes and he was the worst driver I have ever seen. I tried to convince myself that I should trust him but I still worried.

"I will. Chill, man. Besides Sean always give you rides and if this will put you at ease, I'll just let Kevin drive your car."

"Whatever," I sighed. Sean walked out of the room dressed to kill. He smiled at me and it just made my heart melt again.

"What are you two talking about?" he asked and perched himself on the stool across from me.

"About Chad's promise to borrow his car to me," Joey beat me in answering Sean.

"Oh," he said with a smirk. He looked really cute. "Hey, where's Cliff? I didn't see his car on the driveway when we came back last night."

"He didn't come back last night?" Joey mused.

"You are asking me? Do you know where he is?" Sean turned to me.

"He told me the other night that he would be back to his hometown for a few days. There seems to be some problems with his family, but nothing too serious. I think he said his grandmother fell down from the stairs and was admitted to the hospital. He was in such a hurry that he hadn't had time to tell you all," I explained.

"I hope everything is ok," Sean said. "Hey, we better hurry, it's almost nine thirty. I think we need to drive in order to make it in time."

"Yeah. Bye, Joey, see you at the cafeteria at lunch," I said gathering my jacket and bag and made my way out the door.

The trip to the school was brief. After parking his car, Sean went directly to his class while I lingered a bit. My class was at the same building as Sean's but mine begin at 10. The morning went uneventfully.

When we walked into the student hall cafeteria, we saw a bunch of students surrounding the bulletin board while talking among each other. Joey was among them. Apparently they were looking at something either fascinating or horrible. We walked toward the crowd and squeezed our way to stand beside Joey.

"What's going on? Why is everyone suddenly so fascinated about the decoration of the bulletin board?" I mocked.

"Look for yourself, man. Those two photos were something, I tell you," Joey said without turning his head. I saw Sean also looking at the board intently. I switched my focus to the board and what I saw next made me gasp.

...To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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