Ebony Fantasy Island

By Jon Thompson

Published on Aug 24, 2006


Tony stopped Chris out in the hall and asked him just how long he had been wanting to do that. "You looked like you did not want to get up from your knees." "I enjoyed that. For my first experience it was hot. I hope the others enjoyed it." "Trust me they did. I think some of them in the room wanted to see more of you." "Some of them will. So, what are you going to be doing before we have to go back to school?" "I'm going to get something to eat. I don't know what I'm doing later. What are you going to be doing?" "I'm going down into the lower depths. I've seen a little of it, but want to see more." Chris walked naked to the elevator and pressed to go to the next level down. There were three lower levels, each one got progressively more erotic. As the elevator opened he found that this floor had rooms going up and down the hall way. The first room he came to was a hot tub room. It had a tub that was built up from the ground, and could hold fifteen men easily. There were about five in the tub, and they were swimming around and engaging in all kinds of activities in the water. He saw two guys going at it, and both were what he liked. He wondered if they were both as hung as they were hot. "Hi ya men. What's up?" He called out as he entered the room. "You are!" One said to him. Chris knew that he would be hard quite a lot while he stayed at the ranch. "Perhaps you two right there could do something about it?" He walked over to the steps that connected to the hot tub and started up the steps. A couple of the men were walking from one side of the water to the other, but Chris dived in before they got to the side he was on. He swam over to where the two men he was were at. He came up out of the water and splashed the water from side to side as he cleared the water from his eyes. "Hi there. How are you both?" The one man exited the other and they both turned to Chris. "What brings you to the ranch?" One asked. "To fulfill my fantasy. I'm Chris. " "I'm Trevor and my friend is Kevin." "Are you two a couple?" "No, we just met here at the ranch. We have found that we enjoy spending quality time together." Kevin added, "If you call quality time going at each other like this for hours each day." "Sounds like you both have found something special here." "No, we are just enjoying each other." Chris put one arm around each man and pulled them in close. He kissed the one on the lips and then used tongue on the other. "Well now, aren't you the little vixen. And here I thought you were pure as the driven snow." "Just because my skin is clear as can be, doesn't mean my thoughts are." "That's what we like to hear." Kevin and his friend started to kiss Chris until the blond was moaning in pleasure. Trevor was the one who made the first real move. He situated himself in front of Chris and put one hand under each of the young man's butt cheeks. After lifting him up, he moved his mouth up and down on the guys meat. Once Chris was excited enough, Trevor made a motion to his friend Kevin. Kevin took over what Trevor had been doing. Trevor gently moved Chris' legs apart and moved himself into the middle of the opening. "This might hurt a little, at first." It was the first time that Chris had ever had someone inside of him. He could only take a couple of inches of the massive 12" dick that Trevor had swinging between his legs. It hurt like nothing had hurt before when Chris was penetrated. He knew that the first couple of times it would not be as pleasant as when he got used to being a bottom. After he felt the smooth and muscular man start thrusting himself in and out of him, he also felt the other one going down on him. It was pain and pleasure all wrapped up in one. Chris didn't know if he should moan or cry out. Soon Trevor hit his G spot and the decision was made for him. He cried out in pleasure, and told them both to go harder. He liked what he was feeling and wanted more. It took time to get into a rhythm. Both men knew they didn't care about this hot piece, but they were enjoying the way he felt. There was nothing like a smooth bubble butt to excite a guy. After Trevor was almost ready to shoot, he pulled out of Chris. He wanted a chance to go down on the young man. The two men switched places and Kevin took over the pelvic thrusts. As his body moved back and forth inside of Chris, he saw how much pleasure he was giving to him. "We're going to make you feel good for hours babe." Chris let his face move back as he moaned in orgasmic pleasure. When he felt himself starting to cum he started to move the one guys face off, but he couldn't. Just as he wanted to drink in the one man's salty goodness, this guy wanted his. As he felt the sperm about to flow through him and into the other, he also felt the dick inside of him begin to shake. Both he and Kevin burst forth their inner liquid. Trevor slurped up his cum, while he felt the hot salty liquid of the beautiful Kevin flow up inside of him. The noises that the three of them made could be heard all around the room. The other men stopped for a moment to watch as Chris was milked by Trevor. They all wanted a taste of the young mans cum, but Trevor took it all for himself. It had been a strange experience to bottom for the two of them. He would have let Trevor have his way with him also, but Trevor wanted to finish by feeling his own cock go up inside of Kevin. "We'll see you again." They both said to Chris. "I hope so."

Chapter Three: Tony hadn't remained quiet while his new friend was having fun. He had been told over the past couple of years by his uncle that some of his uncle's friends were anxious to meet him. Tony figured they probably were anxious to meat him. He never really thought much about men over thirty. He figured they wouldn't be much into him too. Tony had the body of a wrestler. He weighed 30 lbs more than Chris, but that was pure muscle. This was a quality that some of the men would love. Tony's uncle told him that if he wanted to find men who would like him, he should go to the second sub level of the home. Tony was nervous about taking off his clothes, but he knew that before a person went to the sub levels, unless they were getting a tour, they were to be naked. He had a nice package swinging between his legs, even if he wasn't as big as some of the men in that department. They would enjoy what he had. When Tony got to the second sub level of the ranch, he found it to be a lot different than what was upstairs. He walked into one of the rooms, and he found the men there dancing naked. There was disco music on the CD player, that was popular way before he had been born. Most of the men were in different stages of erections, and Tony saw a few he would enjoy getting to know in a physical way. "Come join us." Some of the men told Tony. They were currently doing a conga line, and Tony stepped into the middle of the gang. He put his arms around the waist of a man who was probably in his 40s, but had a better body than most of the wrestler's he knew at school. The man behind him reached up and kissed Tony's back. Tony noticed that most of the men were making moves of those either in front of them or in back. Tony took and chance with the guy in front and started rubbing his hands all over the guys chest. The man must have liked it, because when Tony's hands slipped part of the way down the man's middle, he noticed the guy was hard. A moment later the guy turned around and put his arms around Tony. He moved them both out of the line and over to the side of the room. "Want to wrestle?" Tony was about to say no when the guy had him down on the mat. When he felt the guys hard body next to him, he too got excited. "I see you like it." Tony twisted out from under the guy, and got on top of him. "I guess I'm on top." "If you can take me, you can have me." They wrestled on the ground for a few minutes. Tony got a glimpse of the other men in the room, and they were all standing around watching. The men were all naked and exited about what they were seeing. Tony told the guy to hold on for a moment. "If we had some lotion we could make this more interesting." One of the guys had some baby oil on a shelf, and brought it over. "Let me rub it into him." The guy Tony was wrestling said. "After you do me, I'll do you." "I hope so." Tony got the look in the man's eyes. "After we get done using it, everyone get oiled up. We can wrestle everyone." It took a little time, but soon everyone was slippery. Tony took that time to finishing pinning the guy he was over top of. He told him that he would take him up on his offer later. He saw someone he wanted right now. Tony walked over to where the guy he wanted was on top of someone else. He started massaging the guys shoulders, even though the guy had slipped inside of the one he was on top of. Tony had never been in a three some, but when he entered the man in front of him, there was no resistance. The man in the middle became a top and a bottom. They worked up a rhythm that gave the man in the middle the most pleasure. Not only was his cock inside of another, but Tony was bouncing his pelvis up and down off of him. Tony was in the middle of this sexual experience when he felt himself get penetrated. He looked behind himself and saw the guy he had been on top of before. "I guess you get my bottom before I get yours." "The early bird gets the worm." "I'd hardly say it's a worm and your on the wrong end for that." Tony didn't say much more, because he was too busy concentrating. He wanted to obtain the maximum pleasure in everything he did. While he was fucking the stud in front of him, and being fucked from behind, he didn't notice who was standing over by the one wall. His uncle was watching the young man involved in his first multiple gay experience. He knew that Tony was gay since the young man came out to him a few years ago. Tony had even told his uncle about how he had lusted after one of the guy's boyfriends before. When he came to stay at the ranch, he told Tony that if he wanted, he would get him onto the ranch one day. Tony's parents were not too thrilled with the young man's life. They knew that it was his choice though, so they told him that they would always love him no matter what. Tony wasn't thinking about any of his relatives at that moment. He as just enjoying the ass that was in front of him. He kept up the pace so that he felt himself in and out of the guy, and wished it could go on forever. What a wonderful feeling it is to fuck another man. Two bodies intertwining in ways that make them both feel good. There should be a way that this could go on forever, but he knew that eventually he would have to rest. Words such as "fuck" and "bitch lets get it faster", were being said by many of the men. Their hot and sweaty bodies were all climbing to heights of lusts and physical desires that the heat was rising. One man who was not on the train of love went by with the bottle of oil and squirted all of the backs of the men. They had the guys in back of each person to rub the oil in. This made things even more slippery. Tony just went with the flow. One of the men in front was first to feel himself cumming. He started making sounds that told Tony someone was going to feel some juice. The sound of the guy orgasming made the guy in front of him start to cum also. The man in back of Tony started making faster and faster thrusts. Tony put his own arms under the man's arms in front of him. He used him to steady himself as the man in back was using more force. Tony calmed his own thrusts, so he could last longer. He could stay hard as long as needed, as he was being fucked royally as well as fucking someone. Most men could only cum for a few seconds, but there was so much juice that went up inside of the Tony that he would be wet for some time. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The man in back of Tony yelled. Tony took his own hands and put them in back of himself trying to keep the guy in back of him inside as long as possible. Soon Tony too felt his legs start to go weak. He knew that it would soon be time for him to burst forth with his essence. After the man in back of him had pulled out of him, the man started kissing Tony's back. He moved up to his ears, and it caused Tony to instantly lose what was building up inside. Tony had never orgasmed more than once at a time. This time he came three times quickly. When Tony pulled out he turned to the guy who had fucked him, and started kissing him. "You were great stud." "With an ass like yours, how could I not be?" "Want to head down to the showers?" The two of them went next door to where there were ten showers. It was a room that had a drain which went into the floor. Tony didn't know how the water was taken out of a sub level, but he knew it was. The man who had topped him stood in the shower next to Tony. He offered to rub some of the liquid soap all over his body. "You look truly amazing man." The guy said to him. "Seeing you I wonder why you would come here. You could have any guy you went after on the outside or here at the ranch." "On the outside I am a lawyer. I have taken off this year because I made a million last year, but I couldn't find a man. Because of my job I can't just go out to the gay bars." "I feel bad for you." "You look like your still in college." "I'm a junior. My uncle is the guy here that goes out for supplies at times. I brought my friend from college here to stay." "You mean the white boy? He looks like he has quite the hot little ass too." "He's only 18 so I would imagine his ass is quite nice." "You mean that the two of you never had sex?" "He prefers guys older than me." "I wonder if he will get any quiet time while he's here. I bet all of the men want a piece of him." "I bet I know what piece they want too." Chapter Four: Chris walked out of the room he was in and over to the elevator. He was still horny, as most 18 year olds are all of the time. The elevator was open when he got to it, and he entered thinking that he would go up to the top level for lunch. Instead of going up a level, the elevator started going down to the lower level. It was the sub sub level of the ranch. "What could be down there?" Chris wondered. He had been to one room, but there were still many experiences and rooms he hadn't seen yet. When he saw the door open, and walked out of the elevator he waited a moment until his eyes adjusted to the lower level of light. There were about ten to fifteen rooms on the bottom level, but you could not get through every room by opening the doors. You had to go through one room to get through to the other. It would highly unlikely that Chris could get to the final room to see the ultimate party, without giving his body up in a couple of the other rooms. The men would want to do many things to him, his body being able to get them hard in 1 second. Opening up the first door he was back in the place he had been when he arrived. He ignored the men going at each other and walked into the next room. In this room there were all kinds of toys that could be used on one another. It would be fun, except no one was here. The following room was the gangbang room. One guy who looked to be way too hung to be a bottom, was leaning over a table. His mid section was turned around so his ass was up in the air, and easy for the other men to plow him from behind. Five men were taking turns with the guy being banged. These five men were behind him. They were having their way with the guy, over and over again. While he was feeling his depths being plunged into, he had twice as many men in front of him. They were force feeding him their engorged cocks. As the men in front started spilling forth their juices, they squirted all over his face. He would drink up one, and another would take his place. Chris walked around all of the men, and went into the next room. This room had men re enacting a porn film that was being projected up on the wall. There were only about five guys in the room, but they were giving each other quite a workout. Chris looked at some of the titles that were next to the dvd player. He didn't like any of them. In the next room he found it was the showers. There were a few showering off after one of their fuck sessions. This was the only other room that could be entered from the outside door. As he walked through the next door he found himself in the other side of the lowest level. This was the side where things got interesting. This was the sling room. One guy was in a sling, with a bunch of men fucking him like he had never been fucked before. As one man held onto the chains of the sling he thrust his meat in and out of the one in the sling of joy. Their loud sounds would wake the dead, if they were not ten feet under the next level above them. Although Chris really wanted to get in on the fun, he had to know what was happening in the final room. The final two rooms before he could see the secret room were passed through with only one guy getting Chris up against the wall and making out with him. He would have passed him on by, but he could not help but get excited when he saw him. The guy was unknown to Chris, because he had not seen him on the top level. As he got further and further on the lower level, he started seeing men he had not seen before. They must have been down here more often than they were topside., The final door was locked. Chris wanted to know how to open up, but there was only a keypad along the wall to enter the room. "Now how am I going to get in there." Chris said to himself. "You have to have the access code," a voice said back. "Who's there?" "It's me, Mr. Banks." "Where are you?" "I'm in my office. There isn't much I don't know about or see in this place. Now if you want to enter the secret room there, you have to put one of the ceremonial robes on." The robe was silk, and Chris thought it would look much better on a woman than a young man. "What is with this robe?" "You'll have it taken off in the other room." "Can you tell my friend I'll see him in a few hours?" "Oh I think it will be longer than that. Most men who enter that room don't come up for a day or more." "Now I don't know if I should enter that room." "If you want to have your fantasy come true, enter in your birth year into the keypad." Chris didn't know how Mr. Banks arranged for that to be the code, but he pressed his birth year into the keypad. The door started to open and Chris found a small entrance way that was dark. He walked through it and found another door. He saw the sign that said knock, so he knocked on the door. When the door opened, he found a room that was three times the size of the other rooms in the lower depths. It had been decorated up like ancient Greece. The man who had opened the door looked like he should be a Greek Statue. "I am Jason. All of us here are available to make your every wish come true. Your fantasy's will not be fantasy's any longer, but they are going to become reality." From the beautiful bodies, all oiled up and shining just for Chris, the young man didn't think he would ever want to leave that room. For now he didn't have to.

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