Ebony Fantasy Island

By Jon Thompson

Published on Aug 23, 2006


Fantasy Land / Ebony Paradise webbased2002@yahoo.com John Thompson

Chris was bored. His first week of his third semester at Salisbury University, and he had nothing to do. It was Thursday night and he was finished with his classes for the week.

His room mate Luke was the president of the gay straight alliance on campus. Luke was hot, but Chris only wanted to date ebony, not ivory.

"You should come to the first meeting of the year. Now that your eighteen you are able to be in the club."

"I just turned eighteen this past Monday. It doesn't mean that I want to be in the dating market."

"Look I know that you are not looking to date white guys. There could be a black guy there. In a school of this size there has to be some gay brothers there."

Chris started at the school at seventeen. He had wanted to find someone last year, but he knew that his age would be a factor. That is why he studied all year, getting a 4.0.

This year he wanted to find a tall dark and hung black man, and ride his mid section for months.

He was cute enough to be sought after. All last year he had girls who flirted with him in his classes. When he told them he didn't bat for the str8 team, most of the females gave up.

"I don't go for the college guys man. There were a few football players that were cute, but I would rather have their older brothers, if they were gay."

"You don't know what would happen unless you come to the meeting."

An hour later they were at the first meeting of the semester. The pickings were slim at first. Chris noticed that some of the guys were looking at him like he was on a menu.

One of the guys, named Tony, was black. He was the only black guy in the group.

Tony came over and introduced himself to Chris.

"My name's Tony."

"I'm Chris. Pleased to meet you."

The second he touched Tony's hand, he felt his own mid-section stiffen. If Tony was only about ten years older, he would go down on him right there.

Okay perhaps not right there. He would at least wait till he was someplace quiet before he saw how far back in his throat he could take Tony's dick.

The two of them sat next to each other during the meeting, and after the meeting was over Tony asked Chris if he wanted to come over to his place.

"I have an apartment off campus."

They arrived and Tony asked Chris if he wanted something to drink.

"I'm only 18 man."

"I wasn't talking about alcohol. I meant do you want a soda pop?"


Tony brought in a Pepsi for Chris and Chris drank it down quickly.

"Man you were thirsty."

"It's still quite hot out lately. I can't believe how hot it is down south."

"You can take your shirt off if your hot."

When Chris had his shirt off he noticed how Tony was looking at him. If this guy was so instantly interested, perhaps he could direct him to someone older who might be.

They sat down on the couch, and Tony asked him if he wanted to watch a little Television.

"I'm more into movies."

Tony told Chris he had DVD's under the television, inside the cart it rested on.

Chris found a few regular movies, and in the section behind the regular movies, he found gay porn.

There were many titles with black and white guys on the covers.

"These are hot." Chris said. "Can we watch one of the gang bangs?"

"Have you ever seen one of these before?"

"No. I've just seen them advertised on the net."

Tony put one of the films on, and then joined Chris on the couch.

"So you like the brothers?"

"In my wet dreams I'm in a video like on your TV."

As they started watching the video, Chris felt himself get excited. He had never had full on sex before, but he wanted to that night.

Tony knew that Chris was excited, and he reached over to start feeling the younger man's dick. "You look big."

"I am. But I'm not here for that."

"But you said..."

"I'm into brothers, at least that is what I want to be into for my first experience, but I want to find someone older. You are very hot, but I lust after older men."

"How much older."

"In their thirties."

"I think that I might be able to help you with that. My uncle is friends with a group of brothers that live on a ranch about ten miles from here."

"I've never heard about the place."

"It's a secret only few know. When they arrive at the ranch they can stay as long as they want, but when they leave, they can't come back."

"What goes on there?"

"What doesn't. It is a festival of lust. You can indulge in any fantasy you want."

"Isn't that dangerous now days?"

"No, the owner of the ranch has a doctor on call who does a full STD test that comes back in 48 hours."

"Can you get me onto the ranch?"

"He might be able to. He doesn't indulge, he is the only one that goes to town, because supplies are needed at times."

Chris found out that the owner of the ranch was a writer of adult books, and was a multi millionaire. He had seen many of his books made into adult films, and they were all best sellers.

"Uncle Dave, I have a friend here who would like to meet Mr. Banks."

"Just who is this friend? You know Mr. Banks doesn't meet just anyone."

"He's white, 18, and beautiful."

"I'll see what I can do."

Ten minutes later Tony's uncle called back."

"I'll be over in a few minutes to pick you both up."

Chris shook Dave's hand and wanted him. He was tall dark and built. Chris wondered what it would be like to see the guy naked.

"I've gotten you a meeting with Mr. Banks. He normally does not consider white boys. I think someone as cute as you he will look at."

"What is the ranch like?"

"Well you can be anywhere on the grounds, and there is a fence that keeps out the public. You can't even get onto the grounds with a code key for the gate. I should warn you to expect anything. We are very open about what we want there."

"Have you ever been there Tony?"

"I've seen pictures, but only ones my uncle showed me. I wasn't allowed to keep any of them or describe them, but take it from me you will enjoy it there."

"What makes you want to go there Chris? You do realize that all of the men there will be over 30. Some of them can be as old as 50."

"I just turned 18 a short time ago, but I've had fantasy's about being in a place like that ranch for years."

"But why black men?"

"I'm not sure. It is just my wiring I guess. When I see two white guys together I don't feel anything. It is only when I see two black guys, or a white and black guy together that I get excited."

"Do you have identification? You'll need it to prove how old you are."

"I have it."

"Then I think you are going to have a good time there."

Chris didn't know what to expect. If he had seen a glimpse of what was to come, he would have a little scared. That would change in time thought.

Chapter One:

When Chris walked into the main house his eyes went big. He saw guys all over the place. There could have been at least fifty people just with in his site.

Most of these men were naked, and some were making out.

"You'll see a lot of naked men here." Dave said.

"Looks good to me."

Mr. Banks office was smaller than what Chris expected.

"Dave you can meet with your nephew out in the media room upstairs. I want to talk with Chris alone."

After the two guys were out the door, Mr. Banks told Chris to sit in the chair across from the desk. "So, you want to come stay here for awhile."

"I know that I could only be here once, and then if I leave I can't come back."

"That is true. We have some men here who stay for a month, and move on. Some stay for a year before they are gone. The men here are at the ranch to fulfill their needs. Some need the physical intimacy they can find here, but some are just here for the fun. I don't judge my friends."

"Well I would like to stay, but school just started. If I was here now I could only be here till Monday night. I have that day off for Labor day."

"Perhaps there is something I can do to help you. If your room mate wanted to stay too, he could then watch you at school. You would both stay here at night, and then go to school during the day."

"So I would in a sense, be living here during this semester."

"Would this cause a problem for your parents? Do they even know which way your bat swings?"

"Yes they know, and I'm sure they wouldn't care. They both are gone."

His parents had died years ago, when he was 14. It was one month after he had come out to them. "I stay with my grandmother when I'm back in Florida. I could just let her know that I'm not going to be able to make it home for the holidays."

"Before we go any further, let me see some identification. I have to know for sure you are over 18."

Chris showed Mr. Banks his drivers license. He didn't drive, but thought it was important to have the license.

"A new adult I see. The men are going to love you. I will need to put you through a test. It is just to see if you are someone the men would want to have here."

"What kind of test?"

"Come with me. Trust me, you'll like it."

Mr. Banks led Chris to an elevator. The elevator took them down into a sub basement.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you into the belly of the beast sort to speak. You can find any type of fantasy's being fulfilled here, but you need to know what to expect."

In the one room that Chris was taken to, he found about twenty men on one large bed that filled the room. The bed was not much more than a matress on the floor, but the men didn't care.

They were all enjoying each other in different positions. One guy had four on him. One was on his stomach, and had his legs spread apart.

"Everyone keep doing what you are doing. Chris here is a new potential recruit."

The men all gave their attention to the white boy before them. They wanted to see him naked and have a piece of his smooth ass.

Mr. Banks told them they could not partake yet, but he needed to see if Chris would make a good candidate.

"Get naked Chris."

"Where will I put my clothes?"

"I'll hold them."

Mr. Banks was happy to see the young man's stiff 8 incher. Chris was smooth all over because he shaved what little hair he had on his body.

"I see you do like what you see here," Mr. Banks said.

"So, do I measure up?'

After feeling Chris's engorged price, Mr. Banks told him he would be perfect for the place.

"From what I see of these men looking at you, you would have a great time here."

Both Chris and Tony went through testing and then were isolated from the other men at the place.

Saturday afternoon they were told they could come downstairs from their bedroom, where they had been trying to keep calm for 48 hours.

In the main meeting room, most of the men from the ranch sat around on the couches. Some of them were naked, and many were hard and erect.

"You both check out, so feel free to have as much fun as you wish."

Chris didn't wait to go over to a guy who looked to be about 35, with more muscles that he'd ever seen on a man.

"Who needs name's?" He asked the guy.

"I certainly don't." The man replied.

Chris stripped off his clothes right there and then got on his knees. He took the man's 10 inch cock into his mouth.

He had only seen guys sucking each other off in porn, but he learn a lot from what he'd seen. While the others watched, he gave the guy the best blow job in his life.

When the guy was about to cum, Chris took his hands and put them under the guys ass cheeks. He pushed the guys dick as far down his throat as he could.

"I'm going to cum...." The guy started to moan.

Chris just kept sucking until the guys salty goodness started squirting up into his mouth. He drank as much as he could, and then licked all around the guys dick.

"Good to the last drop," Chris said.

The rest of the room just clapped. They knew that sometime during his stay, Chris would be the center of attention.

They weren't wrong.

Next: Chapter 2

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