EB Park Ranger

By moc.liamtoh@eojnikih

Published on Jan 30, 2007



I had walked this trail a hundred times but I'd never seen that flash of silver before. There it was again, way off in the eucalyptus trees on the ridge by the road. What was that? I'm a Park Ranger here in the East Bay Parks system and following up on the unusual is just the sort of thing I am responsible for. Most likely, though, it will turn out to be nothing, some scrap of plastic or a glass bottle catching the bright sunlight just so. Had to check it out though, because fire is a real danger in these hills and you never know... As I came closer to where I thought I'd seen the flash, I heard a voice. Faintly, and I couldn't make out what was said, but it was definately a person's voice. I approached more quietly then -- kids sometimes fooled around in the parks with fire, either smoking pilfered cigarettes or just lighting stuff on fire to watch it burn. I'd done it myself as a boy, but around here the end-of-Summer hills were a firestorm waiting to happen and flicking matches or butts around was no joke. There was the flash again, and the sound, but the light was not that of a flame, but more silvery, reflected light. The sound was a male voice, but not a boy's and not really a word, more like a groan or a...moan. Now I was intrigued. Looking back, I think that I must have sensed somehow what I was about to stumble upon because I was inexplicably excited and even a little aroused. What the hell was going on here? I knew these woods well and to avoid crashing through the underbrush and fairly announcing my arrival, I circled around a way that I knew was clearer and less noisy. I wanted to get a good look at whatever was going on before I made my presence known. I heard more sounds -- scuffling of leaves and more moans, a grunt. I could also now make out some movement, unclear as to what, but definately something moving and rhythmically. Probably some horny teen jerking off in the only private place he could think of. I'd done a good bit of that too as a boy and I knew how bad I needed relief and how hard it was to find a spot to be alone. I should leave the poor kid alone to get his nut off, but...I just had to see for sure what was going on. And I had to admit that the thought of seeing some kid with his pants around his ankles and his fist flying on his straining dick, well, I had to admit that my own cock was stirring and I knew that whatever I found beneath those trees, I'd be out here jerking off too. I was close now and could clearly see what was moving out here in the woods and it wasn't anybody wanking on his meat. No, what I saw moving was an ass. A nice, brown, man's ass and he was obviously enjoying fucking the woman beneath him. A tree branch blocked my view so that I couldn't see her from where I was, but the dude sure was a beautiful one, so I was sure that she must have been a babe too. I had to see more. I quietly moved closer, expecting them to hear me at any second and look up, but they were so into what they were doing that a tree falling wouldn't have been noticed. I had my head down, watching my feet so that I wouldn't snap a twig and give myself away, and when I finally looked up they were both fully in my sight. The guy was still fucking away, only...whoa! It wasn't a pussy he was jamming that fat cock into, but a mouth, a guy's mouth! This white guy is laying on the ground under him and taking his huge, hard cock deep into his mouth, practically swallowing that long dick. I noticed now that as the top guy slid his saliva-shiny hard-on into his buddy's mouth, his head was bobbing up and down on the buddy's cock, too. My head spun for a moment as I took it in: the first time I ever saw anyone having sex in these hills and it turns out to be two guys, one black, one white, sucking cock in a hot 69. Now, I like pussy. I like licking pussy, pussy porn, I like tits and I love a woman's sweet ass, but stumbling on these two hot, horny buddies passing an afternoon in the sunny hills sucking each other off...it had my cock so hard and straining against the crotch of my uniform that I really needed to pull that thing out and jerk it off right then. And I would have, but... they'd hear me. I was close enough to guarantee that if I moved around as much as it would take to get myself out of my pants, all the rustling of my nylon Ranger's jacket would definately give me away. It wouldn't be right for these two horny hikers to look up and see a Park Ranger in uniform standing there masturbating. I wasn't so deep in a lust-daze that I didn't know that my duty was probably to bust these guys for indescent exposure, lewd acts, whatever. I mean I'm not a cop, but I do have jurisdiction over the parkland and surely there was some rule against giving your hiking buddy a blow job in broad daylight. I mean, what if some kids saw this? They could be damaged or something. But, kids weren't seeing it. I was, and I was getting damned hot about it. Not hot as in mad. Well, kinda mad but more, like hot-horny. I had to do something, but I was truly stunned, pole-axed, and hard as a fence pole. I managed to get my hand to my crotch without drawing attention from the writhing couple in front of me, who were now reaching exploratory fingers along each others butt-cracks. The black dude was starting to get right in there and when the white guy moaned his approval, I saw him pull his mouth of his buddy's cock to generously wet his finger. With his other hand, he pulled the pale cheeks of his friend's ass apart and slid his slippery finger towards the target. Just his thick fingertip slid in as I watched him go back down on his buddy's cock. The white dude was obviously happy with this new arrangement and seemed to want more as he squirmed his ass around and tried valiantly to get more hard cock into his mouth, more wet finger into his tight ass. He came up for air then for a moment, moaned, 'Aww yeah', and kept up the pace on that thick meat, jerking his buddy's cock as it hung over his face, looking like there were nowhere he'd rather be than under this hung black hunk, licking the precum from his hard prick and taking his finger up his ass. With the hand that wasn't wrapped around one of the most beautiful cocks I'd ever seen, he dug a little deeper in his Buddy's ass-crack too, and I could see that one of his fingers was spit-slicked and sliding into a tight clenched hole. His buddy's mouth, sliding up and down his stiff dick was really getting to him now and I could see that he was trying to grind up onto his friend's finger, now up to the knuckle in his squirming ass. 'Fuck. More,' he uttered, then reached hungrily up with his open lips to engulf the big cock twitching above him. They kept at it like this, each with a cock in his mouth and a finger fucking in and out of his asshole for I don't know how long. I lost track, I nearly lost my mind I was so hot standing there rubbing my cock through the fabric of my uniform and breathing hard. Like I said, I'm not gay, bi maybe, but nothing had ever gotten me as hot as this scene. I felt a little crazed, a level of arousal that was desperate almost. I had to do something, and as I watched them suck each other closer and closer to climax, a crazy sort of plan began to form in my sex-seized brain. Before I even began to think it through, I quit rubbing myself and said, 'Hey!' To say that these two guys were surprised would be laughable. They both literally choked on each other's cocks and in a second were sitting up and looking for their pants in panic. Their clothes were tangled on the ground a few feet in my direction from the blanket on which they sat. On impulse, I took advantage of this lucky arrangement and stepped forward, planting my boots atop the pile of shirts and pants. They looked up at me, still seated and speechless, but with looks of utter humiliation on their faces. I nearly gave in then and simply told them to get dressed and get out, but what I had in mind would eventually satisfy all of us, and I knew I could make it work. 'I won't bother to ask you what's going on here, cause I got a pretty good look,' I began,' but before I take the two of you in, I would like to ask one question.' They looked up at me, helpless and silent, waiting. 'Have you homos been sucking cock up here regularly and I just missed you, or do you make the rounds of all the parks around here?' 'Please sir,' the white guy stammered, 'we never...I mean oh shit, this will ruin me. I'm a married man, we both are, and we never did this before, we just...' He turned toward his buddy for help. I noticed that both of their boners had faded quickly, but not entirely, and I was sad to see them go, but if this worked out the way I hoped, they'd soon be back, stiffer than ever. 'We're not hurting anyone,' his buddy went on, 'Please don't take us in. Let us go and you'll never see us again, I swear. Maybe we could do some trail work or something around the park on weekends?' I wasn't ready to let down the act yet. 'Yeah, well, I don't really remember what the community service sentence is for cock sucking in a regional park is,' I sneered, 'Of course there'd be extra time for finger fucking' I added. I thought I saw a tiny smile play on the lips of the black guy, but his buddy pleaded, 'Come on, guy, have a heart, don't you know what it's like to be hard up for something? We're just regular guys trying to get off like everyone else, we just can't do this at home, y'know?' 'I'm not gonna lose my job just because you two fags are too cheap to get a room,' I responded, 'Come on boys, let's go. Put on your pants, my trucks just over the hill.' I commanded The black dude rose to his knees, but no higher, and asked, 'Isn't there anything that we can do to make this better?' He turned to his buddy,' I think the ranger does know what it's like to be hard up, Joe. In fact I think he's a little hard up right now, don't you?' Joe's eyes darted down to my crotch where a sizeable bulge still showed with a little wet spot near the top where my straining erection must have leaked a drop or two. He smiled a little too, and as he turned to his buddy, I saw both of their cocks twitch slightly skyward. 'You might be right, Phil, maybe the ranger likes observing nature taking its course, and gets excited when he encounters it in all its glory. But Phil, we broke the park rules and deserved to be punished.' He turned to me and for the first time, looked me right in the eyes, 'How will you have to punish us for getting you into this uncomfortable... um, position, Mister Ranger?' 'I'll have to decide that, won't I?' I stalled, momentarily flummoxed now that things were actually going as I'd hoped. 'And while I do, I want the both of you to go back to exactly what you were doing when I approached, so that I can determine what is called for.' All three of of smirked slightly at that, but the boys quickly reassembled themselves into their 69 and in moments were slurping away at each other's growing hard-ons as if I wasn't even there. These two buddies must have really been into each other because they didn't seem to even noticed as I shucked off my uniform and dropped to my knees next to them. All pretense of our punishment-play was forgotten for a moment as I let my hands wander all over the two hot men sucking cock before me. I felt their backs and heaving chests, felt where their stiff cocks met soft sucking lips, felt their balls, holding them in my hand and helping out with a few strokes on their cocks. My head spun as I fingered their assholes and slid a finger in both of them at once. They moaned as one. I nearly spunked right then. I had to snap out of it and make this last. 'Okay then. I will consider pretending that this violation never occurred,' I announced as I slid my fingers deeper into their clenching assholes, 'Only after I have performed my duty as a park ranger representing the East Bay Regional Park system and fucked both of these holes as thoroughly as I am able.' 'Who's first?' I added.

To be continued...

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