
By moc.liamlrug@18_eci

Published on Sep 5, 2000


Hey hey hey! I'm back all. You didn't honestly think I wouldn't send out the second half, did you? I'm evil, but I'm not THAT bad! Anyway, I've gotten some awesome feedback, and like I said, here's the concluding half of the story. Hope you all like it. Oh, and Jon (not Jonathon, not John... Jon) rock on! And thanx Noel, you darling, for bitching at me to get this out as soon as possible. My little friend "Berry", I'll be waiting for the flame I know will be following this post. You actually brighten my day when I read your pointless emails because I chuckle and wonder how God can put such retarded beings on this earth :-). Oh well, some people are just a nice big chunky load that should have been swallowed. And finally to everyone who begged for it (DAMN that made me feel powerful) here you go, my loyal subjects (k, or not). Now to the wonderful disclaimer.

Disclaimer: No. Don't know if they're gay. Just write em like they are. That enough?

===== Last time on Eavesdropping:

He walked down the hall a determined look on his face. Just as he reached for the knob, he stopped his hand the second before it touched it.. JC looked down at the knob in confusion. The wheels in his head were racing.

He knew if he opened that door, everything would be different. Nothing would be the same. His life would change. Did he even want it to?

Shaking his head, JC turned the knob and pushed open the door. ===== Eavesdropping Copyright 2000 Ice

JC pushed the door open a crack. The once muffled moans came through the dark air clearly, directly to JC's ears. JC froze for a moment. 'What if...?' Ran through his mind. A low moan, followed by Justin sighing out his name made him silently push the door the rest of the way open. JC couldn't move.

There, before him, was Justin laying in bed. His hand was furiously beating off his large exposed cock, giving JC an eyeful. The sweat covering the top half of his body caused his tight beater to cling to his taunt chest and was a very nice shade of transparent. Then JC looked at his face.

'Oh God.' JC nearly came at the sight of Justin's face. Justin's mouth was slightly open, and his eyebrows were furrowed as his eyes clenched tightly shut underneath those goddamn sexy glasses. The look of ecstasy on his face was almost unbearable. JC looked at Justin's whole body. It was beautiful. Every damn inch of it.

JC took a deep breath. Should he do it?

"Josh..." Justin moaned quietly. JC didn't waste anymore time. In one swift motion, he removed Justin's hand and deepthroated the teenager, keeping his eyes on Justin's face.

Justin's body jerked. He was so close that, at hot wet feeling of a mouth upon him, he came instantly. As his cum sputtered out, he opened his eyes and looked down. Through his glasses, his half open eyes met a pair of intense blue ones. JC swallowed everything Justin had to give and crawled up to Justin's face, supporting himself on his elbows which he laid on either side of Justin's body.

They held each others gaze for a minute. A long, intense minute. Then JC reached a hand up and took Justin's glasses off and, without removing his eyes from Justin's, placed them on the table next to Justin's bed.

"Justin... The reason Lexi left earlier-" JC started, but was cut off as Justin raised a hand and put a few fingers over his mouth.

"I heard." Was all he said. He let his fingers softly move across JC's cheek and lightly trail his cheekbone. JC just gazed down at him, eyes ablaze with desire. Justin returned the gaze, letting his hand travel through JC's hair, and rested his hand on the back of JC's head, toying with his soft hair.

JC slowly leaned down, and Justin came up to meet him halfway. Their eyes closed as their lips touched. JC pulled away and looked down at Justin, making sure he was okay with it, questioning him with his eyes. Justin pulled JC's head down to him with his hand and covered his mouth with his own, answering the silent question.

Justin flipped them over so he was laying over JC now. JC's arms were wrapped around Justin's body tightly, pressing his body as close as possible. Justin's hands roamed down from JC's hair to his neck, then his chest. JC groaned into Justin's mouth as Justin lightly pinched JC's nipples.

Justin pulled back and smiled devilishly as he dove onto JC's neck, sucking hungrily. JC's breath caught in his throat. Justin moved down, licking his way to JC's chest, where he took a nipple in his mouth and bit down lightly on it.

"Fuck..." Was all he could muster enough breath to say. Justin made his way to the top of JC's boxer briefs, trailing kisses along the way, stopping once to dip his tongue in his belly button, causing JC to arch his back, and Justin to get hard all over again.

Justin felt the hardness aching to get out. His eyes were locked with JC's as he dipped his tongue underneath the waistband, licking along the happy trail softly. Teasing. He made no move to remove the thin cloth between them, yet moved a little further down between JC's spread legs. He licked the length of the hardness he found through the material, causing JC to spasm lightly.

"Please... Justin." JC moaned out. Justin sat up and reached over to grab something out of the table next to his bed and laid it next to their entangled bodies. He laid back down against JC's body, kissing him sweetly.

"Josh... How far do you want to take this?" Justin asked seriously. He wanted JC. He wanted him BAD, but he wasn't sure how certain JC was with this. JC just took one of Justin's hands and placed it over his throbbing erection.

"That answer your question?" He whispered huskily into Justin's neck. Justin let out a low throaty growl and pulled away, grabbing JC's boxer briefs. He impatiently pulled them off as JC bent his legs to help him. He straddled JC's hips letting their erections brush together as JC grabbed his hips.

Sitting straight up, he pulled his beater over his head and threw it to the floor, exposing his sweaty naked chest to JC. JC moved his hands from Justin's hips to let them roam over Justin's chest, then pulled the younger man down for a heated kiss, letting his hands run down Justin's back and grab his ass. Justin opened his mouth and moaned into JC's, still letting their tongues battle furiously within their open mouths. They grinded against each other, enjoying the friction their hardons experienced.

While JC kneaded and massaged Justin's ass, Justin grabbed the tube he laid next to their bodies. He opened it and squeezed something into his hand. He felt JC's tongue trail to his neck and begin to lick lightly at the skin it found. Slowly he lubed up JC's beautiful dick, enjoying the moans his actions produced.

JC's eyes closed at the feeling of Justin's hand on him. He knew what he was doing. JC opened his eyes to see Justin staring down at him with a small smile. JC took the tube away from Justin and squeezed a little bit on his finger.

Reaching down between them, keeping eye contact with Justin, JC's finger found Justin's hole. He pushed his finger in, and watched as Justin's eyes shut halfway in pleasure. He pushed in and out a few times with his finger, producing small moans and grunts from Justin. He leaned up and licked Justin's lower lip as he added another finger. Justin's body tensed slightly, but then relaxed as he got used to the feeling.

JC watched Justin as he slid his fingers in and out of his tight ass. Justin's eyes were now completely shut and his face was contorted in ecstasy. JC removed his fingers and placed both hands on Justin's hips.

Justin took the hint and placed himself over his best friend. JC steadied himself with one hand, and Justin slowly moved down. JC placed his hands back on Justin's hips. Justin shut his eyes tightly in pain as the head entered first. He stopped himself, unable to continue. A tear trickled down his cheek.

"Just... It's ok, we don't have to do this." JC said reaching up to brush the tear away with his thumb. Justin just leaned his head into JC's hand and kissed it softly. Without further warning, he slid himself all the way down. JC closed his eyes and hissed at the hot, tight feeling around his dick. He opened then quickly to look up at Justin.

Justin had his hands on JC's chest, and his eyes closed. He shakily inhaled and opened his eyes to look into JC's. He laid his chest down against JC's, making their faces inches apart. He took JC's hands off his hips and held them over his head, lacing their fingers together.

They laid still for a moment, just looking at each other, breathing heavily. JC moved his hips a little from side to side, and Justin moaned quietly as he felt JC moving inside him, not breaking eye contact once. JC felt himself getting lost in Justin's deep blue pools, and he would have if not Justin hadn't closed his eyes then.

Justin ventured hesitantly upwards, eyebrows furrowed at the pain he received. He then let himself fall back down gently so his pelvis rested against JC. This time it was Justin who hissed, but not because of pain.

"Oh God..." He moaned out quietly, as he did it again, a little quicker. JC thrust up a little as Justin came back down. He leaned up and captured Justin's mouth in his, letting out all the want he had been holding back for so long. Justin kissed him back with the same fervor, riding JC slowly.

"Justin... Oh God Justin..." JC broke apart to moan out loudly. He was bucking underneath him as Justin slid up and down his cock. Justin increased his pace, pulling back to sit up, pulling JC's hands with him.

JC thrust up hard into Justin, making the teenager scream his name out in pleasure. Justin threw his head back as he rode JC, moaning loudly. He brought his head back and looked down at JC whose face was a mask of sheer ecstasy, eyes open and staring up at him.

"Just... I... uh you... uh... oh God... Just I can't..." JC panted out. Justin bounced harder, causing JC to close his eyes and gasp loudly in bliss. He tried to form words to tell Justin just how he was feeling, but his mind just wouldn't cooperate. "Not much longer." He moaned out finally.

JC bent his knees and placed his feet against the bed, thrusting up into Justin hard, causing Justin to fall forward, catching himself on his elbows which landed on either side of JC's body. JC buried his head in Justin's neck as he grabbed the younger man around the waist, pushing him down in time with his motions.

"Josh... I... fuck..." Justin tried. He bit down on JC's shoulder as he came all over their stomachs, his ass muscles clenching around JC's throbbing dick.

At the same time JC grabbed Justin's hips as he thrust one last time inside him, letting himself go inside the younger man's ass.

A wave of ecstasy crashed over them, and they didn't move as they held each other. They couldn't if they wanted to. The only thing they knew at that moment was each other, and the incredible feeling they shared as it swept over them. The only world that existed for them was the sheets on Justin's bed, and the feeling of the other in their arms.

Coming down from their incredible high, Justin relaxed his body against JC's, letting his head fall on his shoulder. JC wrapped his arms around Justin and ran his fingers lightly up his sweaty back, letting one hand wonder through the mop of curly hair, massaging his head lightly. He turned his head and kissed the side of Justin's temple.

"Justin... That was..." JC tried. He couldn't put that into words. He had never felt anything like that before. Sure, he had sex with a few girls. That's all it was though. Sex. What they just shared went beyond the boundaries of sex, of a good fuck. It was not only the best sex he had ever had, but it felt unnatural. Being with Justin right then made him feel... Complete. He tried to catch one of the million thoughts running around in his head, but found he couldn't. He just gazed down at the beautiful face, completely entranced by him. He said the only thing his brain was screaming at him. "I-"

"I know JC." Justin whispered picking his head up and looking at JC, interrupting him. He found JC looking back at him, eyes burning with... something. It wasn't lust. Not anymore. There was something else in there. Love. 'He loves me.' Justin thought in awe. He just stared back at JC with the same lovestruck gaze. "I love you too."

JC just stared at him. 'How did he know...?' He thought to himself. He flipped Justin on his back and leaned over him. He brought his lips down to Justin's and kissed him slowly, sweetly... lovingly. He brought up his hand and caressed the side of Justin's face with the back of his hand. He pulled away and looked down at Justin's face. His eyes were closed, and he slowly opened them, smiling at him.

"So, you were eavesdropping on me earlier then, huh?" JC said, smiling down at the yonger man.

"How could I not? You were being kinda, um, loud hon." Justin said smirking. "Besides, like you weren't doing that before you came into my room." Justin laughed a little.

"Yeah well," JC shot back "Sometimes it just has to be done." Justin shook his head, smiling, and smiled up at JC tiredly.

"Let's go to sleep baby." Justin suggested yawning. JC pulled the comforter at the end of the bed up and around the two, pulling Justin to him so his head rested on JC's shoulder. Justin wrapped his arm around JC's chest, letting his hand rest on his shoulder. JC placed his hand over Justin's, who held it tightly, and wrapped his other around Justin's body. Their legs were entwined together under the blanket. Justin fell asleep almost immediately in JC's embrace. JC stayed up a few minutes later to watch his angel sleep. When he heard the even breathing and the gentle squeeze ease up, he kissed Justin's forehead.

"I love you Curly." He whispered, before falling asleep, with the arms of the man he loved around him.


Justin turned over and opened his eyes. His vision was slightly blurry, so he couldn't see well. It was dark in the room, probably around 4 in the morning. He yawned, then lazily closed his eyes again. He glanced at the floor and saw his beater laying there. Then he remembered what happened.

'Was it a dream?' He thought to himself. He was too scared to turn back around to see if JC was sharing his bed with him. He laid for a good five minutes before getting up the strength to turn himself over. He sucked in a few breaths, and just as he was about to move...

"Justin..." An arm flung itself around his waist, and he felt a body snuggle up to his side, spooning him. He looked over his shoulder and saw JC's beautiful face, laced with sleep, next to his own. "Mmm, I love you." The sleeping man mumbled out.

Justin kissed the sleeping man on the nose lightly before turning his head around falling back asleep with a small smile on his face.


There, the second half. Ya like? No? Yeah well, I won't know whacha think if you don't let me know! So go right ahead. Email me (ice_81@gurlmail.com) and tell me if you love it, if ya hate it. Just don't bother sending me flames, I don't feel like dealing with that shit right about now. The only flame I expect in my mailbox is from my dear friend "Berry", so just don't even try it.

Don't go cryin, just because I'm finished with THIS story (which only turned out as a 2 parter to keep you in suspense) doesn't mean I'm done with Nifty. I've got MUCH more to come. So to all, happy reading, hope you enjoyed, and I'll be back.


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