Eating Mango - Eating Cock

By Tom Deapen

Published on Feb 5, 2005



Andy stopped to wipe the sweat off his brow and felt close to wiping a tear from his eye. He felt mighty proud of himself. Having just spent the past six months hiking through south and central Africa he had now reached the shores of lake Malawi, where he planned to spend a month before heading back to Michigan.

The big sky above him was bright blue, as was the waters of the enormous lake; there was something reassuring about the way it gently lapped at the sandy shore. He could see a collection of buildings that made up the guest house he planned to stay in, and made his way over. He had just checked in when he saw a guy he had noticed before once or twice right at the beginning of his travels.

'Hey! Mate! I remember you.' his distinct Australian accent called out as he held out his hand to Andy.

Andy shook his hand and felt the first stirrings of lust. He had thought this guy good looking then, but now he was sex on legs; there was no other way to describe him. His skin was tanned a golden colour and he had dropped several pounds and toned up a good deal from carrying a heavy backpack. The hair on his legs had been bleached blonde by the sun and there were natural highlights in his hair. When he smiled it was like diamonds dazzling Andy.

'Oh, hey hi there.' Andy replied as he shook hands.

'I don't remember your name, but I certainly remember your face.' the gorgeous Australian said.

'Andy. Sorry I can't remember your name either.'

'That's okay mate, as long as you haven't forgotten my face.' he replied. 'The name's Brett. It's good to see you again.'

'You too.' Andy told him.

'Why don't you put your stuff away and we'll go have a swim, catch up on each other's news.'

Ten minutes later Andy and Brett were splashing about in the cool water. Andy couldn't remember a time when he had been happier. This trip hadn't been easy, but it had been important. He had seen much and learned a lot, but now it was time to relax and spoil himself a little. And the sight of Brett's smooth, bronzed torso and handsome face was most delicious eye candy.

Later, after lunch, Andy and Brett sat at the bar and drank a beer. Brett seemed to know everyone and Andy had to fight a slight twinge of jealousy. How much time would he get to spend with this hunky, easy going dude if he simply had to chat to every single person he saw? But he need not have worried. They spent all their time in the company of each other. Brett might have had time for everyone, but he had more time for Andy than any other person, and Andy just basked in the glow of all that attention. He really felt like he was the most important person in the world.

About two weeks in to their vacation Brett and Andy were sitting in a deserted spot on the beach eating slices of mango. Andy's heart about skipped a beat when he saw a rivulet of juice run down Brett's chin. He simply was the most desirable man in the world, and seeing him with the juice of this exotic fruit on his lips and dribbling down his chin was the most erotic thing he had ever known.

'Hey, you've got mango juice all down your chin.' Andy said.

'Why don't you lick it off then?' Brett asked.

Andy blushed a bright red. He could hear his heart thumping in his chest. Suddenly Brett started licking Andy's lips and chin. He pushed Andy over onto his back and Andy panicked, afraid that his hardon would give his game away. He jumped up and ran towards the water.

'Come on.' he called out to Brett, 'let's have a swim and clean up.'

The moment had passed, and fortunately Brett didn't seem too bothered. Andy wished he could work Brett out. Sometimes he wondered if they had something in common. Other time he thought Brett was simply an unconventional kind of guy. Licking Andy's lips would mean no more than that - simply licking Andy's lips. But to Andy....shit, what was he going to do? It was driving him crazy.

Two day later Brett and Andy were sitting back to back on the beach at sunset, enjoying a cold beer, using each other as support for some serious laziness.

'It's so romantic, don't you think?' Brett broke the silence.

Again Andy felt the rising panic. 'I suppose you would like to have a girl here to share it with you.' he said to Brett.

'Why would I want that when I've got you.' Brett replied.

'I wish you wouldn't say things like that.' Andy told him. How he wished it could be true, but surely Brett, ever the jester, was joking once more.

'I can't help the way I feel mate.' Brett said, then sighed softly.

There was something about Brett's voice that made Andy prick up his ears. It sounded like he was being honest. If he didn't sort this out now he was going to blow the best thing of his life.

'We need to talk.' Andy said as he turned around and laid a hand on Brett's shoulder.

'Do we have to? ' Brett asked. 'Can't we just make love?'

'What here?' Andy was surprised that he could still be surprised by Brett.

'No one can see us now. It's getting dark; we'll just be silhouettes.' Brett said. 'Now, kiss me quick, before I change my mind.'

It was the ultimatum Andy needed. He told himself that the world could go stuff itself as he moved into Brett's arms and their lips met. This time he surrendered to Brett's probing tongue. He was so fired up on love and lust that he could hardly breathe and with Brett's super long smooch he felt like he might actually die there on that beach. Young man killed by too much kissing! he could just see the headlines in the local paper.

As they kissed Brett's hand slipped under Andy's loose vest and stroked his skin. It was a feeling that Andy would remember for the rest of his life. He had no idea that his chest could be so sensitive; and when Brett gently crushed his nipples between finger and thumb his ecstasy knew no bounds. His hard dick strained against his the fabric of his shorts. He wore no underwear while on the beach and when Brett's hand slid down to rub his cock through his shorts Andy felt as close as he had ever been to fainting.

He broke off the kiss to tug at Brett's vest. Brett stood up and took of his shorts. His big thick cock was inches from Andy's face and the sight and smell of a man's cock, that was finally his to love, overwhelmed him. He grabbed hold of it and took it into his mouth and started sucking on it like a staved cub.

'Careful with the teeth mate.' Brett said.

'Oh, I'm so sorry.' Andy replied. 'It's my first time.'

'Really?' came Brett's reply. Now it was his turn feel overwhelmed. Hearing that made him want to make this the most special day of Andy's life.

Brett sat down on his clothes and told Andy to lie down and put his head in his lap. He bent down and kissed Andy's forehead then licked down the bridge of his nose and onto his lips. They shared another passionate kiss while Brett's hands roamed over Andy's torso. Reluctantly he broke off the kiss and took Andy's straining cock, much longer and thinner than his own, into his hand. A long string of precum drooled out of Andy's red knob and Brett used the tip of his finger to smear it around and then bring the taste of excitement to his lips. He needed that beautiful cock real bad so he lay Andy down flat on his back and kneeled over him.

Andy grunted as he felt the nip, nip, nibble action of Brett's mouth and tongue on his cock. Now he fully understood what all the fuss was about. At twenty five he was surrendering his virginity to the sexiest man in the world. He was almost glad that he had waited all this time to be serviced by this experienced mouth. He could feel Brett's balls on his forehead; he could smell that intriguing man scent that emanated from crotch and ass crack. He wanted to do something to pleasure Brett but couldn't quite reach his cock. Then he had an idea that both disgusted and excited him at the same time.

Andy hoped that nobody was about on the beach as he pushed Brett forward a little so that his crack was now directly over his face. Gingerly Andy snaked out his tongue and lapped at the wrinkled slit. Brett wriggled a little, positioning himself perfectly so Andy could eat him out without too much neck strain. And for Andy is was as if all time and reason ceased to exist; all that mattered was this juicy butthole and he had to have it. His cock was so hard in Brett's mouth that Brett realized there could be only one satisfactory end to this encounter.

Brett got up off Andy and turned around. He kneeled over Andy and took that eight inch spear into his hand and slowly guided it into his spit slicked asshole. Andy was speechless; his cock was feeling an intensity of pleasure that a minute ago he would not have thought possible. It was a pity that it was now too dark to see Brett's face; he wanted him to know how much he appreciated this thing he was doing for him.

Brett's thick cock was now fully reinflated and he guided Andy's hand onto it. Andy stroked and tugged on the deliciously fat monster as Brett rode his cock. His cock was being fucked by Brett's silky ass, there was no other way to describe it. He didn't even have to do any thrusting; he just lay there and allowed Brett to milk the very cum out of his balls.

When Brett grabbed hold of his cock and started stroking furiously Andy was relieved. He couldn't keep this up much longer; his balls were already drawn up tight and he was fixing to blow. When the first bullet of red hot jizz landed on his chest Andy grunted and surrendered to the most intense climax he had ever known.

He was surprised when he opened his eyes to see that there were no stars in the sky, so convinced was he that he had seen them. Brett lay down next to him and he cuddled him close. Words were inadequate now as they lay a long time in the afterglow of their love making.

Copyright 2005 Tom Deapen read more of my stories and my sex journal on my free site

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