Easter Holiday

By Davey

Published on Jul 4, 2023


Organization: Swans

The Easter Hoilday Chapter Eight

As Andy looked around he saw the six naked boys.A couple hard, a couple half hard and a couple really soft.They had all shot their loads up his arse recently of course.

"Well Andy,now its revenge time," laughed one of the lads, and produced the miniature cricket bat which had wreaked its power on Andys bum earlier.

"We will all bend over and you can give us two swats each."

"Only two?", complained Andy."My arse got six!!"

"We know that but that is for initiation.Now get whacking."

All the boys lined up and touched their toes and Andy went down the line whacking the white bums.He really enjoyed hearing them yelp and seeing them jump as he laid it on.David was the last in line.

"So you were going to make it easy for me eh,bastard," whispered Andy and gave him two hard whacks.

"Bastard you too," grinned david,"But did you enjoy it?"

"Mmmm," murmured Andy,"What I need now is a glorious wank.My cock has been steaming for relief and now its going to get it," and with that he dropped to his knees,opened his thighs and proceeded to fist his cock.

The other lads started to crowd around to watch and this made him randier than ever.He put everything into it and suddenly his spunk went everywher.He sank to the floor completely exhausted.

"Oh what a day.I need a long rest now," he said to david.

"You are not forgetting you-know-what with you-know-who tonight are you?" replied david.

"Aw gee.Yes I had.Well no peace for the wicked."

"Yeah," replied david."And there are none as wicked as you you randy git.", and gave Andys bare arse a good slap.hey looked across the barn and saw two of the lads starting a frolic.One was on his knees and the other was sliding his dick into the very willing arse.

"Do you guys never stop" asked Andy.

"No.Cant get enough," answered the one who was doing the fucking.The one who was getting it was too busy moaning with pleasure to answer at all.

"How about a magic cirrcle,"shouted some one and there were cries of enthusiasm.

"Whats that," asked Andy.

"Just like a 69 only in group form," replied David eagerly,"One lays down on the floor on his side.The next guy lies on his other side with his head in the first guys crotch and so on until every one has his cock at someones mouth.Then after a while we all turn round and there is a differnet set of balls and cock and a different guy playing with yours."

"Great," enthused Andy, as he and David took their places.All went quiet except for the occassional ouch as balls were squeezed tp tightly and the constant moans of pleasure.

"Hey.I cant take three fingers," complained a voice of a lad who was obviously being finger fucked.

"Wtach your teeth.Its not a bloody sausage."

After a while it was all change and the naked bodies writhed around and all got to deal with a fresh cock.Silence came down again.Suddenly one of the boys started to writhe and groan.

"Ahh...Im coming.Suck me dry,,,please suck me.....Ahhhhhhhhh!!"

Then another and another let out a cry and eventually they had all expended their juices.Gradually the noise subsided and they all laid there,thier young cocks subsiding and laying on their thighs.

Andy waklked over to david and the two lads sat down still naked, side by side.They drew their knees up to their chins and put an arm round each other.

"Well.Enjoy it??" asked David.

"You bet," said Andy."I guess by the look of things that will be the end of everything for today.What a bloody mess,though.Look at all the spunk on the floor."

"Yes," agreed David." By the way, we always scrub the floor before the start of each session to get rid of yesterdays dried spunk.As you are the newest member it will be your turn to clear up tomorrow.So you had better nbe here at two ready to do a good hours scrubbing.Bucket and things are in the corner and there is a tap outside for water.I may come along and give you a hand.

"I will tell you something though," said Andy suddenly," I would rather take 3o strokes of the cane than another six of that cricket bat."

"Dont worry.You wont get that often.We only use it for initiating new members and there are not that many.Too many members and we risk wagging tongues.Actually you were lucky to get in seeing you dont live in the village really."

"But you fxed things up for me pal," said Andy, and he pulled David even closer into an embrace.

"Is your cock still soft?" asked David.

"It is just starting to rise," replied Andy opening his legs so David could see.He opened his own legs and his cock was also on the rise.The boys sat there hands on each others cocks and softly wanked each other to new erections.

to be continued -- Davey

Next: Chapter 9

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