Easter Holiday

By Davey

Published on Jul 3, 2023


The Easter Holiday Chapter 5

The dawn broke.The sun rose.A lovely day as Andy got up early,had a bath and tidied his room.He then had breakfast and afterwards strolled to the school gates to meet David, who arrived promptly at 9 am.

"Hi andy.Hows your cock today?"

"Sshh.Somebody may hear you," said Andy,"My cocks fine though.Hows yours?"

"Great," replied David,"But I had a job to get to sleep last night for thinking about what happened yesterday.Magic,wasnt it?"

"Yes,yes," agreed Andy,"Now, come on in and see my room."

When they arrived in the room David looked around and noticed the two beds.

"Why two?"

"Because I share, but my mate is away home for the weekend,"replied Andy.

"Well, we could shove them together," said David with a meaningful look.

"OK,we will think about that later.But, what is the news about the gang."

"Well I saw some of the lads last night and it seems to be OK.There are about ten of us in the gang but there are only usually about six or seven each night.Not always the same seven or six of course.When we are in the barn we always have a lookout on the door and we take that in turns."

David continued on,"A guy called Paul will be on duty today.You are to arrive at three o clock and Paul will tell you what you are to do.That is all I am telling you.The rest you will find out this afternoon."

"Fine," said Andy,"Now lets go to the pool."

"Can I borrow trunks," asked david.

"Shit," said Andy,"What do you ned trunks for.I have seen it all and there are only a couple of prefects around and they wont bother us.The only female is the cook and she has seen it all before."

"Now I will race you down,"said Andy,adding,"Last one in is a poof."

"So will the first be,"laughed David., and the two boys raced down laughing, to the pool.Clothes had never come off so quickly, and naked they jumped in the pool.

"A bit warmer than yesterday,eh,David?"

"Yes, but not nearly so exciting.Hey there, you are getting a stiffy.Hows that?"

"Dont know,David.Just thinking about yesterday I guess.Anyway you have got a steamer yourself, you randy sod."

Just then Tawse appeared at the poolside.

"Out,both of you, and stand in front of me."

Both lads climbed out and stood infront of Tawse,hands trying to cover erections to little avail.

"Wall, you know that when you face a member of staff or a prefect, you stand with your hands at your side and not in front of you."

Both boys moved their hands revealing their hard cocks.

"He knows about yesterday,"Andy tried to whisper to David.

"What was that?" Tawse demanded.

Nothing Tawse," said Andy.

"Still lying,eh?I will deal with that later.Now, what did Wall whisper to you boy?" he asked David.

"I-I-I'm n.n.not sure,Sir," stammeerd David.

"Oh dear.Another liar.What is your name boy?"

"David Terry,Sir."

"You dont have to call him Sir.Just Tawse."butted in Andy

"Dont try to show off in front of yoyur friend,Wall.Now listen, both of you.You will come to my room at eight oclock tonight.Be prompt."

"I am not a school member,Tawse," said david.

" I am well aware of that,Terry, but you are on school premises using school facilities so you will accept school discipline.Be in dressing gowns.Nothing underneath." And he left the pool area.

"Well,David,five minutes in the place and you are already on the carpet for a caning."

" It is OK for you,Andy,to laugh but I dont even have a dressing gown."

"Then it is in the nuddy for you ten," laughed Andy,"Dont worry you can borrow mine and I will go in the raw.We are both going to finish up in the buff anyway, you know."

"Thanks,Andy, you are a pal and I will try to make things easy at the barn for you later."

"Great,Now lets get back in the pool.Hands off cocks.One.Two Three." And back into the pool jumped our two heroes/They froliced in the pool for a while and then went back to Andys room.

He took a towel and started to dry Davids back.When he got to his bum he poked a towelled finger into the lads hole.

"Ouch!!" exclaimed david.

"Thats nothing to what will be going up there tonight after your caning,mate," said Andy with a grin.

"Do you really think he will fuck me??" asked David.

"You had better believe it.There is nothing more Tawse likes than to get his cock up a bum he has just caned."

"Is is cock very big, and does it hurt?" asked David with some trepidation.

"Well it is bigger than yours or mine.About six and a half inches I think.It hurts a bit when he starts but gets great,I have been getting it regularly and it still hurts a bit as it goes in but afterwards it is marvellous.You know,David,I am going to enjoy seeing you get it tonight.

"And I am going to enjoy seeing you get that pretty little bum of yours caned and spanked,"retorted David as Andy moved the towel into his crotch and squeezed his balls.As he did so Davids cock rose to its full size.

" Get on the bed and lets do something about this,"murmured Andy and in no time at all they ere in a 69 position.David took to this like a duck to water, considering that he had never heard of it 24 hours earlier.

They lay there sucking,sometimes changing to the balls and licking for a while and then turned so they could cuddle.Arms around each other,tongues in each others mouths, and cocks grinding together,

"Gee, this is great Andy,but is nearly one o clock.We had better not fuck just now as you want to save your charge for this afternoon."

"Will it be rough,"asked Andy,as he rubbed a wet finger under Davids arse.

"You'll find out soon enough,retrted David with a grin as he squeezed Andys balls gently. -- Davey

Next: Chapter 5

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