Easter Holiday

By Davey

Published on Jul 3, 2023


This is a work of fiction.

The Easter Holiday Chapter 3

The lads lay exhausted on the grass,hugging each others naked bodies,as the sun warmed them, and the breeze cooled their bums and cocks.

They lay like that for about an hour, by which time David had recovered and they were both horny again.

"My tirn now," said Andy,"But I think I will have you on your back with your legs in the air."

David obliged, and Andy gripped his ankles and pushed his legs down so that his rosebud hole was in position.Andys cock slid in to the very hilt.It was obvious that David had often been penetrated in those orgies he had spoken about.

As Andy slid his hot young cock to its destination he leaned forward until his face was beside Davids.The other lad reached up top draw Andy to him and they kissed passionately.Andys breathing became heavy,then faster and faster then suddenly he drew his body up, whipped out his cock,ripped off the condom,and splattered his come all over Davids belly,cock and balls.

Now they both had each others come over their bodies,so they leaped into the stream,splashing around,slapping at each others bodies, and grabbing at each others cocks which were throbbing hard again despite the very cold water in the stream.

In their excitement they id not notice that the sun had gone down and there was a definite chill starting to come in the air. Andy suddenly said,"We are a couople of stupid pricks.We havent got towels and I am beginning to shiver."

"So am I," replied david."I have goose pimples.Never mind,mate,We have some old towels that we use for wanking rags up at the barn.And there is an old fireplace and paper and things to burn,.So lets get up there fast."

So, our two not-so-randy-now youths hurriedly picked up their clothes and ran stark naked up the path to the barn,their bodies blue with cold and their once rampant cocks now nothing more than flapping pieces of flesh.

The run helped bring some warmth back into their nude bodies and Andy was surprised to find the big old barn warm and comfortable.The corrgated roof had been warmed by the sun all day and there w as a warm dry musty air about the place.

The ladss quickly dried and got into their clothes, and finding paper and sticks they soon ahd a fire going, although it did belch smoke at them.

Andy looked around."Very nice too.So this is where it all happens.When can I come?"

"Probably tomorrow afternoon," said David,"But not everyone gets to join the gang.Each new member must be introduced by a friend and there is an initiation ceremony to go through.I'll speak to the gang tonight and let you know tomorrow.Where can I meet you?"

"Why not come to the school around 9 o'clock tomorrow and I'll show you around some of the place."

"Great," said david."I'll be there.Goodnight,Andy."

"Goodnoght,David."And with that the new pals embraced each other and kissed.Andy tried to open Davids zip but he stopped Him,slapped his hand and said,"Sorry,I would love to but I have to get home.See you tomorrow."

With that Andy left david and made his way back to the school.Tomorrow could not come too soon.

Cook had made some soup and stew for him and he started on this hungrily.As he drank his soup the Head Prefect,Alex Tawse,came in and sat opposite him.

"Well,young Wall.What have you been up to today??"

"I met a guy from the village school,Tawse,and we went swimming in the burn."

"Swimming,eh?" said Tawse with a cruel grin which disappeared as he added,"And where are your swimming trunks and towel,my friend?"

"Hanging up to dry in my bedroom" gulped Andy.

Tawse put a hand forward and seized Andy by the wrist.

"Liar.I saw you come in and you had neither trunks nor towel.And you did not go to your room.Oh dear,Wall.I thought you knew better than to try and lie to me."

"Sorry,Tawse,"whispered Andy.

"That will be twelve strokes tonight followed by the spanking of your life.Come to my room at nine in your dressing gown.Do not bother to wear anything underneath."

And with that he got up and walked away.Andys hand shook as he spooned up the stew, yet at the same time his cock was rising and expanding within his jeans.At nine sharp he was knocking on the door.

"Come in," the voice called and Andy entered,the carpet soft under his bare feet.

"Over there," said Tawse without even looking up..This routine had been gone through many times before.Andy took off his dressing gown, folded it and laid it on a chair, then took up his position,with hands on head and legs apart.

A knock came on the door and another Duty Prefect entered to speak to Tawse.He seemed not to notice the boy, but Andy knew that he would be looking at him,stark naked, out of the corner of his eye.

The prefect left and then the phone rang.Tawse picked it up."Oh hello Ron.Sorry,but I cant make it tonight.I have some urgent business to attend to.See you tomorrow,Good night,Ron."

At last Tawse rose to his feet and came over to Andy.Without a word he cupped Andys balls.At this his cock stiffened swiftly.Tawse gave it a slap.

"Stop that, you dirty little tyke.Now get over the stool."It was a high stool and when he was in position over it Andys feet were off the floor.

"This is for lying to me,Wall."

The twelve strokes were harder than usual so Andy knew Tawse was angry.

"Now boy, get back in position and tell me what you were up to with that other dirty little tyke this afternoon."

"Other?" thought Andy,"Is this guy psychic?"

"Come on,Wall.I know more than you think so tell me the truth this time."

Andy blurted out the whole story whilst Tawse played with his cock,balls,bum,belly and tits.His hands were every where.Then Andy started to moan softly as one finger and then two gently invaded his secret place, stretching it open..

-- Davey

Next: Chapter 4

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