Easter Holiday

By Davey

Published on Jul 4, 2023


This work of fiction depicts sexual acts between teenage boys.It also depicts corporal punishment.If this offends you then DO NOT READ.If you are under 18 then DO NOT READ.

The Easter Holiday Chapter Sixteen

At the appointed time the lads were at the study door.They entered to find Tawse dressed in track suit bottoms and holding the cane in his hand.Without any ado he told David to sit down and Andy to stand in front of him.

"Right,young man.We will get this out of the way first.Strip naked and touch your toes."

Andy hurrriedly obeyed.

"This punishment is for being stupid and thoughtless.If anyone other than myself had caught you two naked in bed then there would have been very serious trouble.So you should be grateful for the beating you are going to receive."

"Yes Tawse," whispered Andy.

As Andy bent grasping his ankles David could see his behind and his hanging balls.Crack!!!The cane whistled through the air,landing on Andys already sore bum.Crack!!Crack!!Crack!!Andy knew better than to crt out for release.He knew that this was well deserved.Crack!!Crack!!Crack!!But he could not stop the tears forming.Crack!!Crack!!Crack!!He was hoping it was only going to be a dozen.Crack!!Crack!!His behind was alight by now.But it was over.

Tawse told him to stand up.

"Now young David.Strip right off as well."

David thought,"What have I done now??"But he obeyed the order.

Tawse indicated the sofa and told them to sit.Then he stripped off his bottoms revealing the fact that he had no pants on.He switched on the TV and sat between them with an arm around each shoulder.

When the picture came on the boys stared in disbelief as they saw them selves naked with all the other lads in the barn.

"You rae a silly idiot you know," said Tawse."You forgot the binoculars didnt you.I watched you hiding behind bushes on the way to the barn.I know the barn too and only had to follow you with my video camera.And there were plenty of holes in the grimy windows to snap the whole orgy"

All three laughed.

"That was the whirring sound,"said David to Andy."The sound of the camera."

"Yes of course,"replied Andy and the three of them laughed again and sat back to enjoy the show.

It was inevitable that cocks started to rise.The two younger boys turned towards the elder and with a cock in each hand he rubbed them hard.They had his cock and balls between them and were doing the same to him.Simultaneously they all shot.The two over Tawses cock and balls and he in the air.

"I'm tired now.Get out of here," said Tawse.

They hurriedly dressed and left.As they hurried to Andys room he said,"We will need to have a wash quickly before all this spunk dries on us."

They washed each other and made good use of the opportunity to fondle and play.At last they had to stop.They dressed and Andy took David to the school gates.There they faced each other and arms outstretched to hug each other tightly.

"Well my friend.Back to school tomorrow.But it has been a great weekend David."

"It really has and I will misss it," replied David.

"And so will I but there will be another weekend break very soon so keep your cock in order for that.And your Mum can invite me to tea you know.I will be allowed to do that."

They hugged tightly,kissed, and said goodbye for now.

It was a miserable Andy who lay alone in bed that night.

"Well they will all be drifting back tomorrow including that bore James," he thought.James was his room mate who he did not really like a lot."He is a bit stuck up and will call me Andrew."

Next morning he sat sullenly at breakfast as boys began drifting in with their cases.He had been sad to see them go, but now he was sorry they were coming back.He returned to his room and James was already there,open case on the bed as he laid out his jeans and tee shirt ready to change.

"Hello Andrew.How are you??"

"Not so bad.Had a nice holiday,James?"

"Actually,no,Andrew.Oh it was very nice and all that but to tell you the truth I missed you.I have not been much of a friend I know but next holdiday weeke end I am going to change all that and stay here with you.Shale,pal??"

Andy took the proffered hand thinking,"Well that will certainly fuck up my plans with David."

As James was cjhanging he noticed the spunk mark on Andys bed and asked what it was.

"Oh I spilt some tooth paste there by accident.""

"Toothpaste," said James with a questioning look but said no more.

James had always been careful about exposing his body previuosly but as Andy sat on his bed watching he was urprised that after James had stripped down to his briefs,he then nochalantly removed them as well,leaving himslef naked.And Andy was sure that the other boys cock was starting to rise.

As soon as he saw James naked body Andys cock started to rise and when James bent over to pick up a dropped shoe Andy became randy.

James rose and turned to face Andy,his cock flying proud.


"Yes James?"

"Why have you got your clothes on with that hard on trapped inside?"

But that dear readers, is definitely another story.

The End


I do hope you have enjoyed reading of the exploits of David and Andy over this weekend. And that you will or have enjoyed some similar exploits.

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