Easter Holiday

By Davey

Published on Jul 4, 2023


The Easter Holiday Chapter Ten

It was ten to eight when the lads stood up, cocks still raging hard and throbbing with pent up spunk. Andy handed his dressing gown to David.

"The hard bits inside are only my dried spunk," He laughed. "Now you go ahead and you can warn me if you see anyone."

They headed for Tawse'room. The dressinggown clad David in the lead, and Andy close behind. Arriving at the door Andy tapped quietly. A voice called to them to enter and they slipped through the door and took up their places in front of the desk. Legs apart and hands behind back.

Tawse was sitting on the desk with his legs dangling in front. He was also wearing a dressing gown. This had opened at the front and showed he was wearing tight white briefs which showed an obvious bulge.

David had a job to keep his eyes off it. It was obviously larger than his own or Andy's and the thought of seeing it and feeling it made his cock give an involuntary twitch beneath the dressing gown.

Andys cock was sticking straight out as he thought of the caning and Tawses cock invading his body alter on.

Looking at Andys nakedness Tawse demanded, "Explain!!"

"My dressing gowns in the wash," said Andy hopefully.

"More lies," murmured Tawse. "We will deal with that later. I want an explanation for this." and he took up his cane and put it under Andy's cock so it was laying along the top of the cane. Andy gave a grunt as the tip of the cane touched his balls.

"None,Tawse," replied Andy looking at the floor, his face flushed.

"And you,Terry?" asked Tawse of David, moving the tip of the cane to the bulge in Davids dressing gown.

"Seeing Andy like that has made me hard, Tawse."

"Well we will deal with this showing off first." He slid further back on the desk and turning to Andy told him to get over. The naked boy clambered over Tawses legs and with his hands and arms on one side and his legs on the other, his bum was was raised invitingly.

The invitation was accepted by Tawses hand. It came down hard. Again and again. Slap!!Slap!!Slap!! Alternating between each cheek but in no sequence, so that Andy did not know where the next one was to land.

His behind turned pink, then red and then into the scalet and Tawse seemed to be gaining strength with every smack. Although david felt some sort of sympathy he was enjoying the scene and the thought of being there himself. His cock was straining under the dressing gown.

"Now up. Into the middle of the room and touch your toes," ordered Tawse. He picked up the cane as Andy hurriedly obeyed. He grasped his ankles and thrust out his arse. His balls were swinging gently between his legs.

"Now this is for lying about the dressing gown. I have seen you wearing it enough times to know it is yours," said Twase. He slipped off his dressing gown and stood there in the pair of white briefs. They left very little to the inmagination. His dick laid swollen along his leg and the out line of his balls was superb.

Crack!!!The first cut landed on Andys already tender behind.

"Poor Andy," thought David, but still enjoying the sight. "I wonder if that is what I will get."

Crack!!!Andy gave a gasp and tried to choke back the cry of pain.


By the fifth stroke Andy was shaking all over and at the sixth David heard a sob.

Tawse told him to stand up with his legs apart. His cock had gone down but started to revive as the older boy caressed his balls. Andy turned his head away from David to hide the streaks on his face the tears had made.

Tawse turned Andy around so his bum was facing David.

"You may think later on that you have made a bad choice of a friend. He will get you into trouble and your own behind will frequently resemble this one," Said Tawse giving it a slap.

"And do not think he is tough. He may think he is hard but he still cries and has to be comforted." and turned Andy back around and enfolded him in his arms. Andy melted into them and cried softly on the shoulder offered to him.

"Right lad. Are you ready?" Tawse asked David. "You are goig to get the same punishment as Andy here. You know the position so hurry up there."

Tawse resumed his position on the desk and David shrugged off the dressing gown. He clambered up in the same way as Andy had, but as Tawse no longer had his dressing gown on, David rigid cock slipped between the others thighs

"This bum is virgin to my hand and to the cane, young Andy. Look how white and pretty it still is. But it wont be white and pretty for long. It will soon be just like yours.All red and hot."

All this talk by Tawse and the sight of those two inviting bum cheeks was havin a galvanising effect on Andys cock. It was risen hard again and straining. All he wanted to do was grab it and wank. But he dare not.

He gave a grunt in symapathy as the first spank landed on the white cheek. Thwack!! And in an instant the white turned to pink. A small gasp from David and his feet raised a little from the desk then smack!smack!smack!

The only noise for a length of time was the smacks and then suddenly a sob from David. This was what Tawse had been waiting for. A couple more good hard ones and then he told him to get up and stand with Andy.

His face was as red as his bum as he stood there, quietly crying. Andy put an arm around him and kissed him lightly.T hey held each other tightly for a minute or two.

Tawse watched with a smile on his face. He himself had been where they were now and he allowed them a little time. When he saw the two cocks starting to rise again he knew it was the time to go on.

"Help Terry on to the high stool." he ordered Andy.

"Get right over it David. Hands down one side as far as you can go so your bum is level on the top."

He kissed both cheeks of Davids hot bum and drew back.

"I think we may have a problem here," said Tawse. "Get down on your knees and hold his shoulders down. If he moves you will be the one getting the extra strokes."

to be continued

Next: Chapter 11

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