Eastenders Bit of Rough

By Haven Tesla

Published on Nov 19, 2017


Bit of Rough An EastEnders Tale By Haven Tesla

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction inspired by the characters and stories of EastEnders, which is the property of the BBC. It is not intended to imply any personal knowledge of upcoming plots, nor of the private lives and sexual proclivities of the actors portraying these characters. This is the first instalment of a planned three-part story.

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Note on Chronology: This story takes the place of the episode which aired on 16 October 2017.

# # The Interview # #

Keanu nervously wiped his sweaty palms on his suit trousers and immediately regretted it. Damp palm-prints immediately appeared on the cheap, grey fabric. He could only hope they would fade before he was called in for the interview.

He'd never been so nervous for an interview before. Of course, after flunking a large number in a short span of time, he had little reason to walk into any interview brimming with confidence. But in this case, it was the nature of the job he was interviewing for that worried him more than the prospect of failure.

An escort. Never in a million years had he thought he'd be interviewing to become an escort - which, ultimately, was just a posh word for prostitute. And he'd certainly never imagined this would be the interview he'd be most desperate to pass. It had been bad enough when he'd had to take up nude modelling for life drawing lessons at the local art institute, but in retrospect it seemed like a minor step down compared to prostitution.

But with his family's debts mounting and bailiffs circling like sharks, Keanu knew he didn't have much choice. He'd tried so damned hard to get a job, any job, even minimum wage, but luck just wasn't on his side. Time after time, he kept striking out. He'd not managed to secure a permanent position after his apprenticeship, and his job behind the bar at the Queen Vic had lasted all of a day. It didn't help that he was an 18-year-old who had no work experience and a police caution for vandalism of public property.

Which brought him to his present situation. He glanced around the tastefully decorated reception area, giving little indication of the sleazy business conducted on its premises, save for the portraits of handsome, suited young men adorning the wall behind the receptionist's desk. Even that could have passed for the wall of fame in a high-end casting agency.

His gaze fell on the young blonde receptionist seated at the desk. She bore an unsettling resemblance to Ingrid, the Norwegian au pair with whom he was beginning a relationship. He forced himself not to think about her, because it made him feel guilty about interviewing for a job which would entail, in essence, cheating on Ingrid with other women for money.

"Keanu? You can go in now," the receptionist's voice broke into his thoughts.

Wordlessly Keanu got to his feet and stepped into the office. It gave him a start to realize its occupant was male - he'd been expecting another woman - but he ably hid his surprise and shook the proffered hand.

"Hi Keanu, I'm Syed," the man said by way of introduction. Keanu had only moved to Albert Square earlier that year, after the last of the Masood clan had moved away, so he did not recognize the eldest Masood son. Nor did he know anything about Syed's history on the Square, which included a tempestuous coming-out and illicit romance with Ian Beale's brother-in-law, Christian, to whom he was now married.

Since departing Walford, Syed had moved from one job to another until he finally found himself running an escort agency. He hadn't seen any reason to inform his family, least of all his in-laws, about his new occupation. Even Christian was left in the dark. It wouldn't do to tell your husband that your day job involved pimping out hunky, young male whores.

Syed had noted with interest Keanu's home address on the application form but figured (correctly) that Keanu would not know him from Adam. He preferred to keep it that way, considering his plans for the teenager. He surreptitiously checked Keanu out and just about managed to not lick his lips in appreciation.

With his buzzed haircut, Keanu pulled off the chav look but combined it very appealingly with a strong undercurrent of youthful vulnerability. Syed guessed (again correctly) that Keanu was a mummy's boy. But there was nothing boyish about the physique that was ill-concealed by the cheap, too-tight suit; the lad had pecs for days. Keanu could go far, but not if he stuck to the preferences he'd indicated on his application.

Affecting regret, he said, "I'm sorry to have wasted your time, Keanu. When Astrid took your call and arranged this interview, she should've mentioned that our agency presently have very limited vacancies. I'm afraid that, based on your preferences, you wouldn't fit any of those that we do have."

Keanu stared at Syed in dismay. He hadn't expected to be rejected at the outset. He found his voice. "What preferences are you talking about?"

Syed pushed forward the application form Keanu had filled out while waiting in the reception earlier and tapped the relevant section with his pen. "You indicated here that you would only consider serving as an escort for women. I'm afraid the agency has very few bookings from female clients and a surplus of escorts to serve them."

As Keanu continued to stare at him in consternation, Syed spelled it out for his benefit. "We are only looking to hire escorts for men."

"I'm not gay," blurted out Keanu.

Syed chuckled. "Most men, including the majority of our escorts, aren't gay either. But that doesn't preclude them from escorting gay men. Unless," his eyes narrowed, "you have a problem with gay men."

"No, no," Keanu hastily interjected. "I don't have anything against gays. It's just that ... well, I'm not one of them. I wouldn't be comfortable, uh, knowing what they will want afterwards."

"I understand," said Syed. "It's a pity, because the money can be good, really good, especially from gay clients. Your particular look would appeal more to them than women, who tend to search for ... how shall I put this ... more sophisticated, metrosexual men.

"And to be perfectly honest with you, Keanu, they won't pay as highly for a bit of rough as gay clients would. A number of our escorts started out escorting women exclusively but then switched over to gay clients once they discovered how much more their colleagues were raking in. Of course, you would need to be open to that sort of thing, which clearly you are not, and I can respect that.

"Anyway, let me apologize again for wasting your time coming over here. I trust you can show yourself out?" Without pausing, Syed rose from his seat and waited for Keanu to do the same.

Keanu didn't move. "Wait! There must be something we can work out. Please, I really need this job." He was aware of how pathetic he sounded but he was beyond caring about his dignity. That had gone out the window when he got his bits out for that life drawing class. This was his very last chance to earn some money before his family stared destitution in the face.

"I already told you, Keanu," Syed said with exaggerated patience, "we don't have any vacancies for escorts looking to serve only women. Frankly, even if we did, I'm not sure you would be the right fit for our agency, Keanu. We get all sorts of clients and we need our escorts to keep an open mind; it's probably the most critical trait we look for in our hires."

Syed's meaning was not lost on Keanu, who winced. "I am open-minded, I swear. It's just that, well, I was taken aback. This isn't how I imagined this interview would go when Finch suggested I try your agency."

He took a deep breath, steeling himself mentally for the life-changing commitment he was about to profess. "I'll do it. I'll serve gay clients." He regretted the words the moment they left his mouth but it was too late to take them back.

Syed eyed him sceptically. "Keanu, I'm not sure you understand what you're committing to. Our escorts accompany clients on dates or sometimes - rarely - public events. What happens afterward, if anything, is a purely private arrangement between our escorts and their clients. The agency is not involved, you understand? But we have the obligation to give some indication in our advertisements of what clients can expect from a date with you."

Keanu felt queasy. He had a very good idea of what those expectations would include.

"I can see from your expression that you aren't completely comfortable, Keanu," observed Syed. "I think it will be best for both of us if we just call it quits now and you can devote your time to finding another job - one that suits you."

Keanu felt like crying. He was angry with himself for being so sensitive. He was an adult now; he couldn't dissolve into tears every time something didn't go his way.

"Please," he begged, his voice coming out raspy. "What do I have to do to convince you I'm right for this job? I'll do anything, just please don't turn me out again. My family really needs the money."

Syed suppressed a smile at Keanu's choice of words. If things went according to plan - and it certainly looked that way - "turned out" was exactly how Keanu would end up.

He made a show of mulling it over, and then sighed theatrically. "Alright, fine. I'll hear you out, but only because you're clearly hard up and I don't want it on my conscience that I sent you home without a fair chance."

"Oh, thank you, sir," gushed Keanu, looking for all the world like a puppy dog who'd just had his belly scratched. It was a very enticing image and Syed was glad he'd worn a very tight pair of briefs that morning so his boner wasn't obvious. "You won't regret it, I promise."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Keanu. I agreed to grant you an interview, not a job yet."

"Of course, sir." Don't screw this up, Keanu chastised himself mentally. Just do whatever the man wants.

For his part, Syed liked being addressed as `sir'. Was it a deliberate ploy by the lad to suck up to him or was he just naturally submissive? He was leaning towards the latter.

There would be time aplenty to explore that later. He immediately turned business-like. "Right, so first things first: your sexual history."

Keanu blinked. "M-my sexual history?"

Syed rolled his eyes. "You're applying to be an escort, Keanu. You can't be surprised that the agency needs to know your sexual history. Let's start with a simple one. How many sexual partners have you had? Girlfriends? Boyfriends?"

Keanu blushed. "I had a girlfriend when I was 16-17 but we broke up last year. We had sex pretty regularly. That's it."

"And she was your first and only sexual partner?" Syed couldn't believe his luck. What young sex-god who looked like Keanu would restrict himself to a single girlfriend?

"Yeah," replied Keanu softly.

"Anything with a man?"

"No, I told you I'm not gay," Keanu felt a little put out to have to repeat himself.

"That doesn't mean anything," dismissed Syed. "Plenty of straight lads have it off with their mates, footy teams, even their own brothers when they're growing up."

"Well, I didn't," said Keanu, more indignantly than he'd intended because Syed's remarks hit a sore spot. Not too long ago, his mum had suspected him of knocking up his little sister because she'd perceived him as being too invested in Bernadette's pregnancy. The thought of `having it off' with Keegan - much less Riley or Chatham - was even more revolting. Of course, Keanu reminded himself, he shouldn't class gay incest any differently from straight incest. Both were equally deplorable!

"And your ex-girlfriend, what did you two typically do during sex?"

Keanu felt the heat rise in his face. Having to lay bare the intimate details of his sexual encounters to a stranger was so embarrassing. Little did he know this was only the tip of the iceberg. He'd endure a lot more humiliation before the interview ended!

"We usually, uh ... I fucked her." Keanu's voice was barely above a whisper. "And she blew me once, but she didn't really like that so we never did it again."

Syed raised an eyebrow. "And you settled for that?" He held up his hands. "No, ignore that question; it was inappropriate." He was pleased to see his calculated remark had its desired effect on the red-faced teen. "Tell me what did you mean by `fucked'? Vaginal penetration? Or anal as well?"

"Uh, vaginal only. I never asked about anal and she never offered."

"And did you ever perform cunnilingus or anilingus on her?"

It sounded so proper when Syed put it like that, but Keanu knew what he was really asking was if he'd ever eaten pussy or arse. "Yeah, she liked it when I ate her out before, you know, I put it in her. We did that almost every time before we fucked. But it was only ever that. I didn't do, uh, the other thing."

"You only ate pussy before sex, never after?"

Keanu didn't seem to comprehend the significance of the question. "Before."

"So you've never eaten her out after you've shot your load in her? Tasted your own sperm?"

Keanu was horrified. "No way! We always used a condom!"

"Always? No exceptions?"

"No, I didn't want to knock her up. We couldn't afford a baby."

"So, your sexual health ... am I right in assuming you're clean?"

"Yeah, I had a health check during my apprenticeship and the results were clear. I've not had any sex since then."

Syed raised his eyebrow again. "No sex? Not even masturbation? How long ago was the health check?"

Keanu squirmed in his seat. "A year ago," he admitted. "But I've not been totally, you know, abstentious." (Syed presumed he meant abstinent.) "I do occasionally ... help myself out."

Syed looked down because he couldn't keep a smirk from crossing his face. How fucking cute was that? The boy couldn't even bring himself to say `wank'. Boy was he in for a steep learning curve! Syed wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily. "And how often do you masturbate?"

If the ground would swallow him up now it wouldn't be a moment too soon, thought Keanu miserably. But he had to forge on. His mum and younger siblings were depending on him.

"I try to do it every couple of days, but sometimes it's more like once a week. I don't have my own bedroom and there's six of us sharing a bathroom so it's not like I get a lot of personal time in there."

A straight teenager whose only sexual outlet for the past year was his own hand once a week. Would wonders never cease? Syed's gaze subconsciously dropped to Keanu's crotch, where the flimsy fabric of his trousers revealed a decent bulge. How full of cream would those balls be? Syed planned on finding out.

"Okay, Keanu. You've never had anilingus performed on you, I take it?"

Keanu shook his head. "I don't think my ex was into that."

"Never had anything put up your bum? Your ex-girlfriend didn't try fingering or pegging you?"

Keanu shook his head even more vigorously. Syed made it sound like it was an everyday occurrence for straight guys to be bummed by girlfriends wielding strap-on dildos!

"And you've never done anything with another man before?"

"No sir," Keanu responded emphatically, before hastily adding, "but I'm willing to learn."

Syed gave him a patronizing grin. "Well, Keanu, I'm going to hold you to that." Keanu swallowed nervously as he watched Syed set aside the notepad on which he'd been making a show of scribbling down Keanu's answers. It would go in the bin after the interview.

"We're done with the questions. Now it's time for the practical segment of this interview. Stand up."

Keanu stood up immediately. The boy was definitely good at obeying orders, thought Syed.

"I'm going to need some photos for your profile on our website," he informed Keanu. "If you don't mind, step in front of the backdrop in the corner."

Keanu noticed for the first time that a corner of the office was set up as a mini photography studio. There was a plain, white backdrop against the wall with a pair of studio lights and a tripod camera pointed at it. As Keanu took his place in front of the camera, Syed switched on the bright lamps and fiddled with the camera.

"Okay, we'll start with a few shots of you in the suit," said Syed. He didn't waste much time on those shots; he was eager to get to the part where Keanu would have to reveal some skin.

"Lose the jacket and pop a few buttons on your shirt." Keanu readily acquiesced, as he'd become used to undressing for an audience ever since he'd taken the gig as a life model, although the presence of the camera in this setting caused him some concern.

Syed frowned, noticing the damp patches under Keanu's armpits. "I don't think this will work. You look like you've been doing manual labour. Some may find that hot, but it's not how our agency wants to present itself. I think you'd better lose the shirt completely." He wanted to chortle at Keanu's obvious humiliation. The boy was way too easy to manipulate.

His breath caught in his throat as Keanu stripped off his shirt. The teen had an incredibly defined torso, and his pecs were really something else: thick mounds of muscle that stuck out prominently from his body and were crowned by pointy nipples. Syed had heard people call such sculpted pecs `headlights' and he could see why.

"Impressive muscle tone," he noted approvingly, trying (and not quite succeeding) to sound like a dispassionate observer. "How'd you afford a gym membership? You've clearly been hitting the weights hard."

"The garage I was apprenticed to, the boss's brother owned a gym down the street so they threw in free membership as a perk to his staff. He seemed impressed by my dedication so he lets me use it even after I left the garage."

"Well, that was lucky. A good physique is definitely a plus point. And I think you'll find you made the right decision to open up to gay clients; women would not appreciate a guy with bigger tits than them!" Syed laughed, partly at his own joke and partly at Keanu's forced chuckle in response to it.

"Are you normally this hairless?" asked Syed.

Keanu blushed. "No, I waxed last week for a job as a life model. The lady told me it wasn't necessary so I wasn't planning to repeat it, unless you think I should?"

"Hmm. I suppose it works in your favour. Makes you look more your age. You said you were only 18?"

"Yeah," mumbled Keanu. Maybe it was all the worrying about his family's finances but he knew he looked older than his years. "I got a birth certificate at home, I can email you a copy if you want."

"That would probably be wise. Not that I don't believe you, Keanu, but I don't want to be accused of false advertising. While you're at it, send over the results of your health check, too. And yes, continue waxing."

Keanu nodded.

Syed made him go through a few more poses, snapping away with the camera. Then he said, "Okay, now take off the trousers."

Keanu hesitated for only a moment before dropping them. He saw Syed cringe as his checked boxers came into view.

"Is something wrong?" he asked anxiously. While dressing that morning he'd been careful to pick out a pair that weren't faded or tattered, which ruled out most of his underwear.

"You're going to have to do something about those undies. They don't exactly scream `sexy'. Here, hold on. I think I have something better." Syed abandoned his post behind the tripod to rummage around in the drawer of his desk and returned with a pair of white bikini briefs with a bright red waistband embroidered with the name of a high-end fashion house.

He tossed them at Keanu. "Put these on instead."

Seeing Keanu's nervous expression, he rolled his eyes. "No, they aren't new, but they've been washed," he lied.

"It's not that," corrected Keanu. "I'm just thinking about these photos ending up on the net."

"I'm surprised to hear such qualms from a life model! I would've thought you're used to people seeing you in the nuddy by now. I never had this pushback from Finch." Syed deliberately used the name of the escort and fellow life model who'd recommended Keanu to the agency, in the hope that it would help quell some of Keanu's instinctive fears.

"Look," he went on, "nobody but visitors to the agency's website will see your pics. And the only people visiting the site are looking to hire escorts. Do you know anyone who'd hire a male escort?"

Keanu shook his head.

"Then I don't see the problem. It's not like prospective employers can search for you by your full name and see you in your skivvies. It's really no different to your life modelling gig."

Keanu didn't point out that, as a life model, he was only exposed to a small group of art students in a private studio, not everybody on the world wide web. Didn't they say the internet was forever? Then again, Finch and all the other escorts must have done these photoshoots as well. If they hadn't had an issue with it but he did, then Syed would think he was not committed to the job. And Keanu wasn't willing to push his luck on that front any more than he already had.

"I guess you're right. Okay. Is there somewhere I can..." Keanu's voice trailed off as he realized how ridiculous he sounded.

With a sigh, he turned his back to Syed and pulled down his boxers in one quick swoop. He figured he'd be able to get the briefs on quickly but they proved way too tight (Syed had intentionally given him size S) so Keanu had to fight to pull them past his muscular thighs and stuff his junk into the pouch.

In the meantime, Syed was treated to the delicious view of Keanu's bare buns jiggling and glimpses of two large, low-hanging balls between his legs. He didn't mind missing the front view for now since he knew Keanu's full exposure was only moments away.

When Keanu turned around, Syed discovered just how poorly the briefs fit him. He'd gotten an inkling from the back, where an inch of Keanu's arse-crack protruded above the waistband. But the view from the front was even more obscene. The shape of Keanu's soft cock and ample balls was clearly outlined by the silky, skin-tight, white fabric. Syed could even make out the vein that ran down his foreskin! It was fortunate that Keanu had waxed only a week ago, because the waistband of the briefs only barely covered the root of his dick. Had he had any pubic hair, it would have been on full display. Even now, Syed suspected the week-old stubble on Keanu's groin was going to show up clearly on the high-def camera.

"I don't know about this," mumbled Keanu, acutely aware of how revealing the briefs were. "Don't you have anything a bit bigger? Or maybe in a darker colour?" He gazed pleadingly at Syed.

"Afraid not," said Syed shortly, hiding his glee at the boy's humiliation. It was beyond adorable. He went in for the kill. "Besides, I don't see anything wrong with the pair you've got on. I'll cut to the chase, kid. Your body and your youth are the only things you have going for you. You have to sell that."

Keanu bowed his head, ashamed to be told, in no uncertain terms, that he was nothing but a piece of meat.

"Now here, catch." Syed tossed a bottle of baby oil to Keanu. "Rub that into your skin. It'll give a nice sheen so the photos don't look so flat."

Keanu tentatively squirted the oil onto his hand and began oiling up his chest half-heartedly.

"Not like that," sighed Syed in exasperation. "I suppose I'm going to have to help you." Without waiting for Keanu's assent, he strode right up to the boy and put his hands onto Keanu's chest. Once more, his prediction proved right; Keanu was too intimidated to object when Syed behaved authoritatively.

He began to rub the oil into Keanu's chest. His training as a masseur paid off; he could pull this off semi-professionally while copping a feel of the teen's scrumptious physique. He fondled Keanu's pecs, daring the teen to utter a protest that never came.

To Syed's delight, the boy's nipples, which were already prominent in the crisp autumn air, hardened further until they were like bullets under his touch. He heard a tiny whimper from the boy; nipples were obviously an erogenous zone for him.

Filing away the information for future use, he moved his hands down Keanu's anatomy, polishing the washboard abs and tracing the gloriously defined V of his groin, pointing like an arrow to the teen's barely-concealed bulge.

Keanu was biting his lip in dread, praying he would not grow an erection from another person's - another MAN's - touch so close to his cock. He felt his dick lurch a little in his briefs and wondered if Syed had noticed; inevitably he had since the briefs left absolutely nothing to the imagination!

Syed crouched down in front of Keanu, face practically eye-level with his crotch, and began massaging oil into the boy's beefy thighs. At last, he thought, a guy who didn't skip leg day!

From this viewpoint, he could see Keanu's cock was visibly stiffening; not a full erection, but halfway there. He wondered idly when the boy had last had a wank and how much cum he might produce.

It was with some sorrow that he moved to the teen's back, although that too provided a visually stimulating vista. A powerfully-muscled back and firm, rounded glutes like ripe peaches squeezed into tight briefs that were riding up in Keanu's crack. The boy definitely made full use of that complimentary gym membership!

While oiling Keanu's lower back, Syed allowed his fingers to stray into the exposed arse-crack and felt the boy tense. He almost laughed aloud at his skittishness. He bet with himself that Keanu would jump a mile in the air when he eventually got his finger right inside that arse!

"Okay, that's better now," he said finally, backing away and making a show of eyeing Keanu up critically while he wiped his hands on a small towel. "Although I think we're going to have to wait a bit for that to go down some." He nodded contemptuously towards Keanu's very blatant erection, and was rewarded with an even darker shade of crimson suffusing the boy's cheeks.

"I'm sorry," squeaked Keanu. "I don't know why ..." He wanted to cover his cock but Syed hadn't passed him the towel to dry his hands and he didn't want to risk leaving oil stains on the white briefs (and make them all the more revealing!)

Syed snorted. "I think I'll need to verify for myself that you're really the virgin you profess to be before I promote you as one to potential clients."

Keanu really didn't like the sound of that. He had a very bad feeling about what Syed might need to do to verify his virginity. But before he could dwell on it, Syed barked commands at him to pose for the camera.

They went through an array of poses, many more than Keanu had in his fully-clothed and topless shots. Unlike the classical poses Keanu adopted in life modelling, these were clearly meant to titillate. Most of seemed designed to expose as much of Keanu as possible. At one point, Syed even had him tug the briefs down to reveal even more skin.

Keanu tried to protest but Syed pointed out that it wasn't like he had any pubes to hide. "You've got to give them a tease of the merchandise."

Then he made Keanu turn around and expose the top half of his naked bum to the camera.

"This shouldn't be anything new for you," remarked Syed as Keanu tried to paste on a fake, cheeky smile over his shoulder while popping the tip of his finger into his own mouth. "You said you were a life model, so this should be a piece of cake for you."

"It's just ... the thought of anybody coming across these pics ..."

"I thought we were past that, Keanu," snapped Syed. "Maybe you could do with a bit of a confidence-building exercise." And before Keanu could say it wasn't necessary, Syed called out for his receptionist. "Astrid! Could you come in here please?"

Keanu's eyes widened and he moved to pull up the briefs, but Syed slapped his hands away. The door opened and Astrid entered the office.

She cast a cool gaze towards the mortified Keanu before turning her gaze to her boss. "Yes, Syed?" In truth, she wanted to linger over the very attractive, oiled-up, nearly-nude teen but she had to follow the script Syed had given her earlier.

"Keanu here is a little shy. No, make that VERY shy. I think we need to cure him of that. You take him out and I'll bring the equipment along."

"Of course. Keanu, if you can follow me?" Without another word, she strode out of the office. Keanu stared after her, perplexed, until Syed barked, "Well, what are you waiting for? Follow her!"

"Like this?" asked Keanu, painfully conscious that he was only clad in a tiny, extremely revealing pair of bikini briefs.

"Yes, Keanu, we've done plenty of shoots outside and the neighbours are well aware of it. Now go!"

Gulping nervously, Keanu went out into the reception area and found Astrid holding open the door. He kept reminding himself that they were far from Walford and he'd already faced up to his fear of public nudity when he became a life model, plus he wasn't fully nude, but somehow none of that detracted from his sense of terror.

Astrid led him down the stairs to the building's entrance to the street, which was bustling as it was lunch hour and office workers used it as a shortcut. At the sight of so many pedestrians, Keanu balked in the entryway but Syed had come up from behind him and gave him a not-so-gentle nudge. Before he knew it, Keanu was out on the pavement.

Keanu had hoped Londoners had seen it all before and would not be curious about an underwear-clad male model, but he was sadly mistaken. While Syed and Astrid acted like it was the most natural thing in the world to photograph a boy wearing next to nothing on the street, pretty much everyone else paused to gawk. Elderly passers-by clucked disapprovingly about Keanu's lack of modesty, while a mother with a pair of giggling teenagers had to pull them away crossly.

"What's going on here?" asked a lad about Keanu's age, who was part of a larger group.

"Modelling photoshoot," replied Syed shortly.

"Can we stay and watch?" asked one of his friends.

Syed shrugged. "Suit yourself." Keanu's heart sank. He recognized trouble when he saw it and dearly wished Syed had sent the boys away, but they were on a public thoroughfare so that wasn't really an option.

Sure enough, the boys spent all of their time loudly making contemptuous comments about Keanu.

"Nice panties, mate," sneered one. "Why bother with them if you're going to have half your bum falling out of them?"

"Yeah, you'd be better off getting a bra for those tits!"

"Christ, you ain't kidding. He could take someone's eye out with those honkers!"

"Look, he doesn't have any hair down there."

"Yeah, he's smoother than my little brother, and he's only 12!"

"Why do you know so much about your little brother's pubes, Charlie?"

"Shut up, George!" growled Charlie.

"You sure want to post that photo, George? Not sure you want to invite comparisons with your own one-pack."

"Fuck off!"

Keanu grew steadily redder over the course of the lads' banter. His shame was amplified whenever passers-by stopped to laugh along at Keanu's expense.

"Okay, mate, just one more series of shots to go," Syed said at last. "I was thinking of infusing a bit of nature into the shots, so how about we head into the garden?"

Keanu was just glad to get out of the busy street. The escort agency had its office on one of London's famous "garden squares", with the gated green space at its heart reserved for the exclusive use of the square's tenants. This accorded some degree of privacy, even though they were still outdoors and anybody on the public pavement surrounding the garden could, if they were so inclined, peer into it over the hedges.

To Keanu's dismay, the group of lads followed them into the garden when Syed did not bother to lock the gate behind them.

"Alright then," Syed said cheerfully. "Take off your skivvies."

Keanu stared at him in horror while the lads tittered in disbelief. Surely Syed wasn't serious? He couldn't expect Keanu to strip completely starkers out here?

"We haven't got all day," Syed added pointedly. Evidently, he was.

"Well, you heard him," said one of the surrounding lads.

"Don't act like you aren't gagging to get naked."

"Yeah, let it all hang out!"

When Keanu hesitated a tad too long, the boys took it upon themselves to divest the teen model of his last vestige of modesty. They closed in on him and in all the grappling, Keanu had no idea who it was that actually ripped his briefs off. Even as he tried to wrap his brain around this forced public stripping, his hands reacted on autopilot and flew down to cover his crotch, leaving his muscled arse exposed to the elements.

Syed gave the overeager lads a paternalistic smile and told them they could assist Keanu to "oil those bits which aren't already shiny".

This was basically carte blanche for the younger boys to molest Keanu. Although Syed had only asked them to oil up the small expanse of Keanu's skin that had been covered by the briefs, the lads chose to interpret it as applying a fresh coat of oil to every inch of the stud's anatomy. No region of his body was spared, and his yelps of outrage when they fondled the more delicate parts fell on deaf ears. There were oily fingers digging deeply into his crack, tugging on his balls, squeezing his pecs ... they seemed particularly interested in those, each taking turns to feel them up and twist his nipples.

Keanu was distressed by the perverse objectification of his body. Although he was outnumbered by the younger teenagers, he still could have pushed them off him, but he could tell that Syed expected him to take the abuse. So, he gritted his teeth, blinked back tears of humiliation, and let the boys have their fun.

By the time they were done with him, Keanu wasn't so much glistening as dripping with oil. Syed thought he looked like a cheap whore in a strip bar, the kind you dragged into the alley and fucked his brains out for a pittance. But Keanu was more distraught by the fact that his cock was stiff, which invited more demeaning remarks.

"Keanu has a tendency to get a bit excited when he's touched intimately," explained Syed as if a naked, teenage boy being publicly groped and teased to an erection was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Right, Keanu, I don't think you need both hands to cup your bits; one is more than ample. Put the other one on top of your head please."

Keanu barely registered the snide dig at his endowment. Syed looked at him quizzically before transferring his gaze to one of Keanu's assailants.

"George, was it?" The boy in question nodded. "Do you mind giving back Keanu his briefs to hold in his teeth?"

The kid managed not to look the slightest bit abashed as he extricated the briefs he'd stuffed into the pocket of his jeans. He stepped up to Keanu and stuffed them into the older boy's slack mouth.

"C'mon, Keanu," Syed said impatiently. "Hand on head."

Another of the boys gave Keanu a stinging slap on his bare arse cheek. "Yo, get with the programme."

Still in a daze, Keanu complied. If he had believed the earlier photos were revealing, the next shots were utterly obscene. Syed was careful to keep any full-frontal nudity obscured (barely), except in the selection meant for his private stash rather than the agency's website. However, he didn't seem to believe rear nudity or even the root of Keanu's dick had to be subjected to any such obfuscation. And of course, throughout the course of the shoot, Keanu's `helpful' assistants were ever ready to touch up the oil on his body. As a result, his cock never went down to complete flaccidity. Keanu was beyond embarrassed.

It seemed like forever - but really only thirty minutes - before Syed finally declared he had enough photos for Keanu's portfolio.

Keanu, lying on his stomach on a bench, let out a huge sigh of relief. Before Syed could add anything further, Keanu had pulled on his briefs and bounded back into the building. Syed sent Astrid after him and stayed behind briefly to thank the disappointed lads for their help.

"If any of you are ever interested in modelling, you can always give me a call," he told them, handing out business cards. There were a couple of lookers among the group on whom Syed would have loved to get his hands.

Returning to the agency's office, he found Keanu waiting for him. He noticed that the hunk was trembling violently. The outdoor shoot and blatant molestation had clearly frazzled his nerves.

"I told you, Keanu; you need to get used to this. You're signing up to become an escort. You're going to be naked; you're going to be touched, and a heck of a lot more. Nobody's going to be considering what you're comfortable with. What you felt posing outside in the nude, what those boys did - that's NOTHING. If you can't live with that, you're in the wrong line of business. So I'm going to ask you one last time: Are you sure you can do this?"

Keanu was able to bring his trembling under control. "Yes, sir," he said quietly.

"Good boy," said Syed approvingly. "For what it's worth, despite the hiccups, you photographed incredibly well. I think we got some fantastic shots."

Keanu wasn't sure how to respond to the compliment. "Uh, thanks." An awkward pause. "Could I, um, borrow that towel to wipe off some of this oil before I put my clothes back on? It's the only suit I have and I can't afford to get it dry cleaned."

Syed arched his eyebrows. "Who said you could get dressed? I said we were done with the photos, not the interview. I still need to perform a physical exam."

"Ph-physical exam?" stuttered Keanu. "I didn't know there would be a physical exam."

"Keanu, what exactly do you think we're selling here? The physical exam is the most important part of this interview!"

"Oh. I guess you're right," conceded Keanu.

Syed returned his camera to its tripod, but sneakily left it on in video mode and pointed towards his desk. He had taped over the little red light that would otherwise indicate it was still running. He was confident there would be plenty of material to add to the spank bank later.

"Well, then?" He stared at Keanu. "What are you waiting for? Lose the briefs. I can't examine you with those on."

Flustered, Keanu automatically tugged down the briefs and stepped out of them. The healthy bulge Syed had previously spied was briefly exposed before Keanu cupped his genitals in his hands.

"Hands on top of your head," Syed admonished him. "The outdoor shoot was supposed to deal with your hang-ups about nudity. I hope you won't be this reluctant when clients ask you to undress."

"No sir!" Keanu obeyed immediately, letting his cock swing free.

"Alright. So I've already noted you're in good physical condition. Now I need to take some measurements to verify that." Syed pulled a measuring tape out of his drawer and proceeded to wrap it around Keanu's chest.

Keanu had never been measured for a suit before (the one set he owned had been purchased off the rack at a deep-discount retailer) so this was all new to him. He patiently allowed Syed to measure the rest of his body, not thinking too much of it ... until Syed reached for his cock.

Keanu jumped back in surprise. "What the -!" He only just managed to bite back the profanity.

"I need to measure your penis," Syed stated as if it was the most normal thing in the world.


"Yes, seriously, Keanu! For crying out loud, do you have some burning need to question every little thing?"

Keanu didn't think it was a minor thing to have another man handle your cock, but he could tell Syed was getting pissed off at him.

"If you're going to react like that every time a guy touches you, you should walk out that door right this instant."

"No. No, I won't. I'm really sorry. I just wasn't expecting it."

Syed didn't appear convinced. "Let this be the final time," he warned.

Keanu bit his lip and remained mute.

Taking advantage of the boy's silence, Syed told him, "To get the most accurate measurement, you need to be erect."

Keanu was aghast but he didn't dare to say anything so soon after his last outburst had garnered such a stern reprimand from Syed.

"I don't think getting hard will pose any difficulty for you." Syed's cutting remark made Keanu feel even smaller.

He dropped his hand to his dick and began fisting it. His cock had thickened noticeably while Syed was taking his waist and thigh measurements, but it had subsequently wilted when he was chastised by the older man. Nevertheless, it only took a couple of minutes before he was fully erect.

"Is that as big as it gets?" asked Syed condescendingly.

"Y-yeah, I think so," mumbled Keanu, immediately beset by feelings of inadequacy. Like most boys, Keanu had snuck a few curious glances in the showers at school and never had the impression he was under-endowed. But what if he didn't make the cut because he wasn't as well-hung as the agency's other escorts?

In fact, his cock was perfectly average at 5.5 inches long, but Syed found that he really relished belittling the boy. "You don't take steroids, do you?" he questioned. "That can have a shrinking effect on penis size."

"No!" Keanu refuted firmly.

"I suppose it won't matter too much since you're clearly not going to be the dominant sexual partner," decided Syed. Keanu felt sick at the insinuation. He had been hoping to only escort men who wanted to suck his cock or get fucked by him. That wouldn't have been so bad. It was common knowledge that gay guys gave good blowjobs. Except now Syed was suggesting he would be the one having to give blowjobs ...

"Your nipples are erect," observed Syed. "You like having them played with?"

Keanu blinked. "I - I don't really know, sir. I've never tried." Except he thought back to the boys molesting him in the garden and his tits had been erect then, too.

Syed rolled his eyes. "Very white bread, aren't you, Keanu?" He reached up and began to tweak Keanu's nipples. A little squeal escaped Keanu's lips. Syed increased the pressure on them, twisting them brutally until tears came to Keanu's eyes while he watched the teen's dick closely. Sure enough, the stiff willy gave a little lurch and a gleaming pearl of pre-cum formed at its tip.

"Bend over the desk," ordered Syed. Keanu acquiesced. "Now reach back and pull apart your cheeks."

Keanu shuddered but did as he was told. Syed was treated to a bird's eye view of Keanu's virginal orifice, tiny and pink and oh-so-tight. He could already tell it was going to hurt like the devil when Keanu was deflowered. The hole was surrounded by a smattering of dark blond hair; Keanu evidently had not gone so far as to wax his arse crack.

"Well, you're going to have to clean up your hair back there. Wax or shave it all off. It's not an easy spot to do without injuring yourself. You have a mate who can help you out? Or you want me to arrange for someone?"

"No, that won't be necessary," said Keanu immediately. He couldn't bear the thought of having someone else shave his most private orifice. He was sure he could manage it by himself.

"Okay, if you're sure ... Hold that position while I put on a glove for this next bit."

Keanu didn't understand why he had to continue exposing his arsehole while Syed rooted around in the drawers but he didn't dare question the older man's authority. He could feel the cool air brushing against his hole and involuntarily shivered. His anxiety was heightened when he heard Syed snapping on a latex glove.

"Alright, Keanu," Syed announced with a cheeriness that felt horribly incongruous to the terrified lad at his mercy. "Don't worry, I'll use plenty of lubricant so my finger can slip in nice and easy."

Actually, Syed had no such intention. If this was truly the first time Keanu had something inserted up his bum (and he tended to believe the boy - he didn't seem like the kind to fib), then he wanted Keanu to properly feel the sensations of his inaugural penetration. And that meant minimal lubrication. Syed slathered a miniscule amount of baby oil (rather than the more appropriate Boy Butter he kept in his drawer) onto his latex-clad finger before pressing it against Keanu's sphincter.

"Now relax," he urged the teenage stud. "It'll go in easier that way."

Try as he might, Keanu couldn't relax. He was a bundle of nerves. Syed's finger felt like a massive battering ram against his tiny, puckered hole. But Syed kept up the relentless pressure on his sphincter so something had to give; that something was inevitably Keanu's sphincter. The tip of Syed's finger breached his defences and slipped into his hole up to the first joint.

Keanu felt himself tear up at this violation and was grateful Syed couldn't see his face. He had to bear this indignity as stoically as possible if he wanted to persuade Syed he was escort material.

"You're doing really well, Keanu," Syed cooed reassuringly as he pushed his finger deeper inside Keanu. Now that he'd gotten past the sphincter, the rest of his finger slid in much easier until he was buried right up to the knuckle in the muscular arse. God was the boy ever tight! It felt like the blood circulation to his finger was being cut off!

He started to wriggle his finger inside Keanu, making the boy gasp. "You weren't lying about being a virgin. It does feel convincingly tight. Oh yes, VERY tight." He crooked his finger and Keanu's back arched in pain ever so sexily. "Someone will pay a premium to be the first to tap this arse."

"Are you done?" asked Keanu through gritted teeth. "I told you I'd never had anything back there."

"Done? We're only just starting. You might have been truthful about being an anal virgin but your attitude leaves a lot to be desired. You're going to be taking a lot more than a finger up your arse, Keanu, and you need to credibly portray a straight lad who's curious about gay sex. Right now, you're falling far short." He yanked his finger out of Keanu's arse unceremoniously, eliciting a pained yelp from the teen.

"You can stop bending over and turn around," he brusquely ordered. "Now tell me, how would you react if your client wants to make out with you?"

"Uh, I would ... let him kiss me?" replied Keanu tentatively.

"No, no, NO," Syed exclaimed. "YOU kiss HIM. You're the one who's being paid, and it's not to be a passive non-participant. You stick your tongue down his throat and convince him there's nothing you'd like more than swapping spit with him. It doesn't matter if the client's old enough to be your great-granddad or a spotty, overweight kid who'd never score a stud like you. You still act like you're insanely attracted to him."

Keanu inadvertently flinched at the thought of making out with male octogenarians, which didn't pass unnoticed by Syed. It really set him off.

"And whatever you do, don't flinch!" he roared, barely holding back a guffaw at Keanu's stricken expression. He had to struggle to maintain his composure. "Jeez, at the rate you're going, clients will be hounding the agency for refunds and our reputation will go down the tubes. I really haven't a clue what Finch was thinking when he recommended you to us."

Keanu winced. "Oh, sir, please, I can do it, it's just I haven't any experience with, well, gay stuff, and I don't know how to react to clients demanding those things. If you could show me ..." Keanu couldn't believe what he was saying. Was he genuinely begging Syed to show him how to have gay sex?

Needless to say, Syed was elated. His subtle manipulation of the teenage hunk was paying off in spades.

"I don't normally do this," he lied. (Yeah right.) "I have a husband and a daughter back home." He saw Keanu's eyes widen at the mention of his husband. Had the naïve boy assumed he was straight?

"But I like you, Keanu. It's noble of you to want to help out your family. Most of the guys who come in here are only in it for themselves, but not you. So despite my better judgment, I'm going to make an exception for you. I'm sure my husband will understand." (Not bloody likely, which was why Christian was never going to find out about this little dalliance.)

Syed sat down in his chair and pushed it away from the desk, leaving a wide space between desk and chair. Then he draped the small towel across his thighs. "Come here, Keanu." Keanu approached warily. "'Closer. I want you to straddle my legs and lower yourself onto this towel. You understand?"

Keanu nodded and blushed furiously. The prescribed position basically meant he was sitting on Syed's lap, face to face. While he was completely naked, Syed remained fully clothed. It elevated his sense of being small and insignificant.

"Now I'm going to show you how to make out. Open your mouth and I'll lead. Then you reciprocate." Syed closed the gap between their faces and pressed his lips to Keanu's.

The teenager reluctantly parted his lips, and what followed was essentially a mouth rape. Syed hadn't been kidding about sticking his tongue down his throat. Keanu had kissed several girls but none of them had exhibited this level of passion. This was a bona fide, full-blown make-out session. Syed was simultaneously running his hands up and down the teen's naked body, grabbing two handfuls of firmly muscled arse and tugging Keanu closer to him. Then a finger snaked into his arse. Keanu groaned, letting the tongue in his mouth slip even further down his throat. (Just how long was Syed's tongue anyway?!)

Keanu had closed his eyes, partly from instinct, and partly because it was less awkward than having to look Syed in the eye, but Syed immediately retracted his tongue and told him he had to keep his eyes open.

"You need to show you're into this, Keanu. Your cock's cooperating but you need to put in the effort, too." Keanu looked down to see he was throwing a chubby again; between the snogging and the fingering (Syed was aiming for Keanu's prostate), a hard-on was all but inevitable. He squirmed some more at his continued debasement.

"Now you kiss me," ordered Syed.

Keanu obliged, tentatively probing Syed's mouth with his tongue for a few moments before Syed pulled back in exasperation. "Damn it, Keanu, you call that a snog? No wonder you've never gone beyond one girlfriend. Now try again!"

This time Keanu attempted to emulate Syed. He behaved as if he wanted to suck Syed's tonsils out of his mouth. The finger in his arse spurred him on. The faster he could be done with this, maybe Syed would stop toying with his hole. The older man had progressed to finger-banging the teen, enjoying how the youth's tight, moist, silky-smooth back passage clutched almost hungrily at his penetrating digit.

Syed had to admit he was impressed; the boy was a quick learner when he put his mind to it. Of course, he wasn't about to tell him that.

"That was better, but you can always improve. Now, kiss my neck and play with yourself. Foreplay is a really important skill for an escort."

Keanu was in the midst of necking Syed when there was a rap on the door and Syed called, "Come in!"

Keanu froze in shock, before trying to wriggle away from Syed but was encumbered by the finger up his bum.

"Stay still," snapped Syed.

Astrid popped her head through the door to announce, "Syed, Finch and Moose are here to see you." Her gaze went to Keanu's bare bottom being probed by Syed's finger and he saw her lips curl into a sneer. It was only a second but Keanu felt his insides shrivel in shame at getting caught by a cute girl having his arse diddled.

Then Finch and Moose stepped into the office. "Hey, it's Keanu!" exclaimed Finch. "I didn't expect to see you here, mate!"

That was a lie. Syed had discreetly texted Finch to come and told him to bring a co-worker. It was, however, a true coincidence that Finch had chosen Moose.

Keanu was once again at a disadvantage due to his recent arrival in Walford, which meant he did not recognize Moose as the best friend of Lee Carter, in whose parents' pub Keanu had pulled a single shift before being summarily dismissed. Since he was in the Army, Moose did not let on about his part-time career as an escort, nor his bisexuality.

Not that the knowledge would have been of any comfort to Keanu. He was profoundly humiliated at having two more witnesses to his anal penetration. He could see both lads had zoomed in on his bum.

"I didn't know you were gay," said Finch mischievously. (He and Moose already had the lowdown on what was really going on from Astrid.)

Syed didn't let Keanu rebut the accusation. "Keanu insists that he doesn't identify as gay." (The scepticism in Syed's tone was palpable.) "But since we don't have a need for an escort to serve female clients, he's agreed to serve male clients instead. I'm just putting him through his paces so he knows what to expect and how to perform."

"Well, he looks right at home on your lap," drawled Moose. The handsome blond soldier played disinterested very well, when all he wanted was to get his own fingers inside Keanu's steamy hole.

"Yeah, I didn't think it of him when I ran into him at the life modelling gig, but now I can see he is totally suited to be a cunt-boy," agreed Finch.

Keanu cringed at being called a "cunt-boy". Was that what he was now? A male whore with a cunt between his legs?

"I confess I had my doubts about your referral, Finch," said Syed. "Grave doubts. But that was before we got to the physical exam. Keanu has real potential. Boy's tight as a drum. He could trigger a bidding war for the right to pluck his cherry."

The conversation was making Keanu ill. Syed talked about him like he was cattle being traded at a farmer's market, when it was his anal virginity on the auction block. But Syed wasn't done degrading the teenager - not by a long shot.

He told Finch and Moose, "Look, why don't you two have a go and see for yourselves what I mean." To placate the appalled Keanu, he added, "Finch and Moose are two of our biggest earners; they can give you better pointers than I ever could."

Keanu looked at Finch. He whispered, "You said you were doing this - escorting women - to support your kids."

Finch nodded. "Yeah, that was the truth. Got three of the little buggers, different mums. I have a thing against condoms, you see. And I do escort women, most of the time, but in this business, you can't afford to be closed-minded."

There it was again, the implication that Keanu was less than tolerant. He swore he wasn't, but at the same time, he couldn't help wondering why he perceived prostituting himself to men as being worse than prostituting himself to women.

Finch seemed to read his mind. "If you want to earn the big bucks, you're gonna have to set aside your prejudices and focus on what you're getting out of the deal: money. Money to support your family. The rest is just stuff."

Keanu's shoulders sagged. "Alright," he conceded at last. "Show me what I need to know to make it in this industry."

Finch grinned. "Get up on the desk. On your back, and fold your legs towards your head." Moose was already clearing away the stuff on the desk, not that there was much. Syed purposely kept it sparse for occasions just like this one.

Keanu got off Syed's lap and lay back on the desk, feeling exposed and vulnerable.

"A lot of clients will prefer this position, so they can see your face when they fuck you. But there are others who may want you to squat over their dick and ride it, or do it doggy-style. Just go with whatever they want."

"Don't forget the wheelbarrow," chipped in Moose. "Fuck were my arms tired after that one!"

Keanu nodded, scarcely believing he was having this conversation.

"Now I take it you've never sucked a cock before."

Keanu shook his head.

"Yeah, so you don't want to be a total novice on your first gig," informed Finch. "There's no surer way of getting booted prematurely than grazing your client's cock with your teeth. Syed, you want to take a stab at this one?"

Syed made a face. "I think I'll pass. Not a fan of amateur blowjobs."

Finch rolled his eyes. "I guess it's between me and Moose then. Rock, paper, scissors?"

Moose lost and swore loudly. He preferred to top, although his golden, pretty-boy looks had seen him forced to bottom more regularly in the Army. Nonetheless, he dutifully knelt between Keanu's legs and took the younger lad's cock into his mouth.

Keanu let out a gasp of amazement. Apart from the one (extremely lacklustre) blowjob from his ex-girlfriend, no one had ever sucked his cock before. And she had certainly never deep-throated his cock the way Moose was doing.

He was really getting into it, thrusting his hips to fuck Moose's face, when Finch's massive, shaved balls suddenly blocked his vision. The escort had stripped off fully, having no qualms about his body (he was also a life model, after all).

"Right, Keanu, time for you to practice. Follow Moose's lead."

The momentary euphoria had passed. Keanu reluctantly opened his mouth and let Finch insert his cock. It didn't taste foul, as he'd feared. Finch was freshly showered and Keanu detected only a hint of sweat and soap. He was also a manageable size, not even an inch longer than Keanu.

"Watch the teeth," warned Finch. "Wrap your lips over them. See how Moose is deep-throating? You need to learn that."

After a lot of trial and error, Keanu could just about fit all of Finch's six inches down his throat for a couple of seconds before his gag reflex kicked in. He found it much easier when he switched off his brain and didn't think about what he was being compelled to do.

"Just suck on it like a lollipop," cooed Finch. "That's right. Oh yeah. Peel the foreskin back with your tongue." He was no longer passively standing still and letting Keanu propel all the motion; instead he was also face-fucking Keanu. There was a lot of gagging and retching unlike Moose's smooth blowjob on Keanu's own cock, but that was to be expected of an amateur straight boy.

Several times, Keanu came dangerously close to an orgasm but, on each occasion, Moose would back off and give his balls a spit-polish instead. The trio were conniving to keep the teenaged stud on edge. Keanu whimpered with insatiate desire.

"Moose, show Keanu what a rim-job is," instructed Syed. "He said he's never given nor received anilingus before."

Moose grimaced. Eating arse was his least favourite sex act, particularly when the arse in question was hairy like Keanu's promised to be. In his early days as an escort, Moose had avoided rimming like the plague but after Syed had `suggested' his Army superiors might come across evidence of his moonlighting, Moose knew he had to toe the line.

Normally, he would at least have a nice tip to look forward to, but in this instance, he knew he wouldn't get paid since Keanu wasn't a client. Thus, it was with ill grace that he tongued the teen's arse, though he didn't dare to do a poor job in front of Syed. Even if he had, Keanu would not have known the difference. Moose's oral ministrations felt absolutely wonderful to the inexperienced teen, especially when Moose rammed his tongue deep inside Keanu and sucked out his arse juices.

Keanu moaned in ecstasy around Finch's cock. The pleasurable sensations in his arse made him miss the tell-tale signs of Finch's impending climax and he didn't have the time to spit out Finch's cock before the black-haired escort shot his load down Keanu's gullet.

Keanu sputtered and choked but with his head hanging off the edge of the desk, he wasn't in a position to expel the semen. Instead, his attempt caused it to go down the wrong channel and come out of his nose, filling both it and his mouth with the potent aroma of fresh spunk. There couldn't have been a firmer confirmation of his new status as a cum-dump.

"Right, Finch, since you've blown your wad, step off so we can see how Keanu does when he's giving a rim-job."

Keanu's heart sank at Syed's command, although he really should have anticipated it since he was expected to reciprocate whatever was done to him. But it wasn't Finch's arse he had to rim. Syed dropped his trousers and presented his arse for a tonguing.

"There's a simple mantra you should keep repeating in your head," advised Syed. "Lick, kiss, suck and fuck. Here's how it works: Take a nice, long, wet swipe down my crack with your tongue. Now make out with my hole. Keep your lips fastened to the rim and suck on it. Then shove your tongue right inside. Rinse and repeat." Everyone in the room who was not Keanu chuckled. "Sorry, no rinsing. Just repeat."

Syed was clean and tidy back there, having douched and shaved just that morning, hence Keanu didn't find his first taste of male arse nearly as offensive as he'd imagined. That didn't mean, though, that he was thrilled to be slurping out Syed's anal juices. But he was hard-wired to please so he did his best to follow Syed's "mantra" for rimming. He plunged his tongue as deep as he could inside Syed's hole and swirled it around inside, while simultaneously applying suction with his lips. Syed had to suppress his moans of delight. He didn't want Keanu to think he was doing an excellent job; he wanted the lad to keep trying to surpass himself.

Meanwhile, Moose decided it was time to check out how slick he'd gotten Keanu's hole with his saliva. He extracted his tongue from the boy's steamy insides and replaced it with his finger.

"Hey Syed, can we do two fingers?"

"Yeah I don't see why not. I don't think you will damage his virginity with two or even three fingers. He'd still be virginally tight for a cock up the bum."

Keanu groaned into Syed's arse as a second digit worked its way into his tiny hole. He hoped Moose would not take Syed up on the suggestion of a third finger. Saliva was not the best lubricant and his anal passage was already burning from the double-fingered penetration.

Unfortunately for him, Finch grew bored standing around with nothing to do and decided to join Moose, adding HIS finger to Moose's two. It was a brutal stretch for Keanu's virginal sphincter and he broke off his rimming to let out a howl of anguish.

"You're going to need to relax," chastised Finch, slapping him on the arse. "Syed was right when he said you were super tight."

Keanu blinked back tears of pain and tried his best to obey. His lapse in concentration didn't please Syed, who snapped at him to resume the rim-job. "You can't lose your focus at the slightest twinge of pain." Keanu resented the downplaying of the agony he was in from having his virgin arse violated by three fingers. There was nothing gentle about the way Moose and Finch were finger-fucking him with barely any lubrication.

It was, however, calculated. The two escorts were aiming that one of them had to be stimulating Keanu's prostate at any point in time. Keanu's cock grew stiffer, pointing straight upwards, and precum flowed freely down the shaft and pooled in his navel.

"See, wasn't all that carrying-on unnecessary?" chided Finch, twanging the teen's erection to underscore that Keanu was enjoying the rough finger-fuck, at least on a physiological level. Keanu's face might have been hidden under Syed's arse, but his blush spread all the way to his shoulder blades.

"Syed, I think we're almost there," warned Moose, feeling Keanu's sphincter contract around his fingers.

That was Syed's cue to relinquish his seat on Keanu's face - and not a moment too soon.

With a cry, Keanu ejaculated – and what a climax it was! A thick, gooey rope of cum arced through the air and hit him right between the eyes, forcing him to shut them but not before they were stung by the creamy fluid. The second jet landed almost perfectly in his open mouth and some of it went down his nostrils. His untouched cock continued to pump out five more loads of jizz, coating his torso from neck to crotch.

`Coating' was no exaggeration. The onlookers were astounded by the sheer volume of Keanu's seed. His upper half was completely covered in it, looking as if someone had tipped a large can of white paint over him. It wasn't simply down to the boy's irregular masturbation; his balls genuinely produced an extraordinary amount of semen.

"Well, that was something else," Syed said finally.

"I'll say," echoed Finch. "It was like a fucking fountain."

Keanu wiped his eyes clean of sperm and then rubbed his hands on his thighs, since every other part of him was already sticky with cum. He knew he must look a sight.

"Can I get cleaned up now?" he asked plaintively.

"Not just yet; we're not finished with you. You've got one last test before I can let you off: whether you can handle Moose's dick."

"I already sucked off Finch," whined Keanu. "Why would Moose be any diff-?" His question died in his throat as Moose shucked his clothes and revealed how he'd come to receive his nickname. Flaccid, his cock was already more than 10 inches long and infeasibly thick. Keanu gulped.

"You could find yourself with an exceptionally well-hung client," Syed said simply. "But if you can take Moose, you can take just about anyone."

Keanu couldn't. He managed just over half of Moose's erect length (which was nearly a foot) before his face started turning purple from a lack of oxygen.

"Well, it was worth a shot," said a visibly disappointed Syed. He had so badly wanted to see Keanu's mouth stuffed unbearably full of cock. He had to settle for a group jerk-off into Keanu's mouth.

The unhappy teen did not like that one bit; he could tell there was no `educational' element to this but he didn't dare to refuse Syed after failing to deep-throat Moose. What if he rescinded the offer of a job?

After Syed, Moose and Finch had all unloaded their balls into Keanu's mouth (Finch for the second time), they finally let him up.

Keanu asked hopefully, "Does this mean I have the job?"

"A trial run," replied Syed. "It depends on how well your first date goes." He reached into his wallet and pulled out a couple of £50 notes. "Here's a cash advance."

Keanu's eyes lit up; he couldn't even remember holding a banknote of that denomination before. He eagerly reached for the money, but Syed snatched it back.

"Not so fast, boy. This isn't a pay check; you haven't done anything to earn that yet! No, this is for you to prep yourself for your first date. There's a sex shop down by Charing Cross. Go there and get yourself a few things you're going to need. One, a large dildo for you to practice your cock-sucking on. Nothing smaller than 10 inches, mind. Two, an enema kit. You'll need to flush yourself out at least three times before a date. Three, some sexy undies. The skimpier the better, none of this boxers crap. A jockstrap or thong would be ideal. You want to show off that bum; it's your best asset after your tits.

"Lastly - and this should be available from a pharmacy as well - a shaving kit for your privates. It's worth the investment to avoid nicking yourself anywhere sensitive. Got it?"

"Yes sir," answered Keanu dejectedly. He'd been hoping there would be enough left over from the hundred quid to buy his mum and siblings a nice meal but it didn't seem likely if he had to make all the purchases demanded by Syed.

Syed handed the money over. "Now get on it, while I deal with these two. I'll call you once you're set up on the website."

Keanu gathered up his discarded suit but didn't make a move to get dressed.

"What is it?" Syed asked impatiently.

"Um, I need to clean up?" He really did. He was basically plastered in sperm, and his face was smeared with sweat, saliva and arse juice on top of that. He was the very definition of a `hot mess'.

"There's no toilet here in the agency. You'll have to use the common one. Astrid?"

The receptionist was in the office so quickly that Keanu was certain she had to have been standing right outside the door. He blushed furiously, as she took in the sight of him covered in his own spunk.

"Do you mind pointing Keanu to the toilets?"

Astrid was more than happy to. "Go down the corridor and turn left, it'll be the second door on your right."

Keanu looked at her helplessly. He was naked and caked in cum; surely she didn't expect him to traipse around the building in that condition?

Apparently, that was precisely what she expected.

"I don't have a towel or bathrobe or anything like that, if that's what you're about to ask," Astrid told him. "I guess you'll just have to make a run for it. Maybe you should mop up the cum on your body first."

"Tissue?" ventured Keanu hesitantly.

"Just shovel it into your mouth."

Keanu stared at her, but she was perfectly serious. (Or at least she was pretending to be. She was dying to crack up. Keanu was the most gullible English boy she'd ever encountered.)

Seeing no other choice, Keanu did as she suggested while she looked on. It wasn't like he hadn't already swallowed plenty of cum, including some of his own. But doing it in front of an audience (especially a female one) was mortifying.

It took him several minutes to clean himself up. He still stank of cum and he hoped he would be able to wash the remnants off in the toilet because he couldn't possibly enter the Tube smelling like he did.

Taking a deep breath, he made a dash for the toilet, following the route Astrid had told him. Except when he reached it, he found the door marked with a stick figure wearing a dress. She'd directed him towards the women's toilet. None of the other doors in the corridor had a male symbol on it.

As he stood there, wondering what to do, the toilet door opened and a woman stepped out before exclaiming in shock. Turning beet-red, Keanu stammered an apology and raced back to the agency.

"That was the female toilet!" he told Astrid accusingly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she replied, not the least bit apologetic. "I guess I automatically gave the directions to the toilet I normally use. The gents' is on the other side of the building. Turn right at the end of the corridor."

Keanu took off again, hating every second he spent naked. This time Astrid's directions were accurate but he wasn't the only one in the toilet. A startled businessman couldn't hide his disgust at the naked lad washing himself at the sinks, but Keanu was beyond caring. He just wanted the long day of humiliation to be over. He hoped his sacrifice would be worth it.

Back inside the agency, Moose wasn't a happy camper either. Horned up after being unable to fuck Keanu (since he planned to sell the teen's virginity to the highest bidder), Syed demanded that Moose spread his legs for him instead. The soldier-turned-escort had to acquiesce and was getting reamed out good and proper as Syed took his sexual frustrations out on his poor hole. If Keanu had seen the way Syed was hammering away at Moose's arse, he would have run a mile and not returned to the agency, regardless of how good the pay was!

Because Moose was groaning too loudly, Syed ordered Finch to sit on Moose's face and forced the hapless blond to perform his second rim-job of the day. Unlike Keanu, Finch had experienced his share of rim-jobs and was vocal whenever he thought Moose was skiving off.

"You call that deep? Jeez, man. You can do better than that. Get right in there. All the way in, yeah. Eat out my shitter."

Next time, Moose told himself, he would think twice about taking Finch up on an offer to break in the new boy. Keanu might be hot, but two rim-jobs and a violent arse-fucking were in no way a fair trade for the privilege of finger-banging a straight teenager. No, he thought, squealing into Finch's arse as Syed gave him a particularly rough jab in the guts: not a fair trade at all!


Characters & Portrayers: Keanu - Danny Walters Syed - Marc Elliott Moose - Sam Gittins Finch - Deano Bugatti

If you would like to see this story continue, write me at haventesla @ yahoo.com

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Next: Chapter 2

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