Eastenders Benders

By Blue Boy

Published on Oct 10, 2004


This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between consenting adult males and if this offends you, or if you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material, leave now.

This story is based on characters in the BBC soap Eastenders. It is a work of pure fiction. Nothing in this story should be taken to imply that the characters or the actors who play them are gay (as much as you would like them to be :-). I don't know anything about their true sexualities. The characters and the show are trademarks of and copyright BBC.

If you enjoyed this story please let me know at blueboy3649@hotmail.com. Comments and suggestions welcome.


It was eleven a.m. in Albert Square and Martin had just woken up. For a confused moment he wondered what that surprisingly strange sensation in his arse was, and then he remembered with a smile what happened last night – Dennis fucking the living daylights out of him. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and his smile widened and his cock hardened as the events of last night came flooding back to him. And then it suddenly occurred to him that Dennis had asked him to help out at the club, starting this afternoon, and he shot out of bed excitedly. He caught himself in the mirror and stood for a few moments to marvel at his naked body. Dennis had told him he was the fittest eighteen year old in Walford and, surveying his smooth, young body and impressive seven and a half inch hard-on, Martin found it hard to disagree. He was a sexy son-of-a-bitch alright, and he knew it.

He touched his cock and it responded with an eager twitch. He started rubbing it, his eyes fixed on its reflection, and found himself so turned on at the sight of his own cock, that soon he was on his knees and wanking away furiously. He watched his glistening cock head repeatedly poke out from under his foreskin, and his hairy balls bouncing up and down in rhythm.

"Martin! Are you out of bed yet?"

The sound of his mother's voice from downstairs startled him, just as he sprayed the mirror with his first load of hot, white spunk. There was nothing like his mum screaming at him to ruin a morning wank.

"C-c-coming!" replied Martin, smiling at the unexpectedly appropriate choice of phrase.

An hour later, Martin had made things up with his mum after last night's argument, been rewarded with one of her much-needed fry-ups and was at the bar in the Queen Vic, about to order a lunchtime pint from his mate Spencer.

"Alright, Spence?" he grinned.

"Alright, mate. You're lookin' a bit happy this morning."

"Am I?" said Martin, trying not to but grinning even wider.

"You get lucky last night or something?" whispered Spencer, sounding eager to know all the filthy details. Martin was dying to tell someone of his shag with Dennis but didn't dare to.

"Summink like that," he smiled. "Anyway, mate, I'll have a pint."

Spencer poured Martin a pint, wondering why he never seemed to have much luck with girls. He was a good-looking bastard, he knew that, and he knew he had a big cock too, but short of whopping it out at the bar, he didn't know how he was going to get any girl to actually notice.

Martin walked into the club. He couldn't wait to see Dennis again, and was sure Dennis was waiting for him with just as much anticipation. He found him at the bar with a delivery of boxes.

"Alright?" said Martin, with a big smile.

"Afternoon," said Dennis, only barely acknowledging him, as if he was just casually greeting some passer-by in the street.

"So, where d'you want me?" asked Martin with a devious grin.

"I've gotta go out," said Dennis, completely ignoring Martin's suggestive comment. "I need you to unpack this delivery. Should be pretty easy, even for a kid your age," he said with a wink.

"Fought you said I weren't a kid no more?" asked Martin with a frown.

"Did I?" I asked Dennis, just as casually, and then completely changed the subject. "Right, I'll be back soon."

"Where ya goin'?" asked Martin hopefully.

"Just a bit o' business," replied Dennis. "I'll be back in a couple of hours. Get these boxes unpacked, and give the bar a clean. And don't let anyone in. Got it?"

"Yeah," said Martin gloomily. He had been looking forward to some more horny action this afternoon, not stuck in here by himself unpacking fucking deliveries. Dennis saw the disappointment on Martin's face and smiled contently to himself as he picked up his jacket and keys.

"You're gonna let me fuck you later!" Martin shouted after Dennis, as he walked towards the door.

"You wish," laughed Dennis, and left.

Martin suddenly felt annoyed with himself for blurting that out. Why was Dennis being such a bastard? Martin realised he should have played things cool instead of appearing so desperate, and kicked one of the delivery boxes in frustration. (Because that's what people do in Eastenders when they get frustrated).

Reluctantly, he got to work on unpacking the boxes of crisps, nuts, soft drinks and alcopops, but all the while he couldn't help thinking about Dennis and his sexy body. He was feeling horny and wanted to get off. And then it occurred to him that he was here all by himself for two hours, undisturbed by anyone. He could do what he wanted. Have as many wanks as he wanted. He could get naked and spread his legs across the bar, get his cock out on the couch or have a horny wanking session in the office... he could christen whatever part of the club he wanted!

He was just about to reach for his flies when suddenly, a much better idea occurred to him. He slid his hand across from his flies, instead reached inside his pocket, took out his phone and dialled Spencer's number.

"Alright, Spence."

"Alright, Martin."

"Listen mate, what you up to?"

"Nuffin much, why?"

"Get yerself down Angie's Den."

"What, now? How come?"

"Just get yourself down here! See you in a minute, yeah?"

"Um... yeah, alright."

Martin hung up and quickly finished unpacking the rest of the delivery. He went over to the decks and worked out how to put some music on. Spencer arrived within minutes. "Wicked!" he said, when Martin told him they had the run of the whole club for two hours, including the bar. Martin grabbed two bottles of beer from behind the bar and the boys settled down on one of the couches, drinking and chatting about music, football and girls.

Three beers and an hour later, Martin was ready to make his move. He had spent the last hour thinking of ways to seduce Spencer, thinking perhaps that he could use the same cunning techniques that Dennis had used on him last night. A couple of times he had tried to steer the conversation towards sex but it hadn't worked. Martin knew that sexually, Spencer wasn't very experienced. He'd lost his virginity a few months ago, on his eighteenth birthday to Kelly (who Martin had also recently slept with), and hadn't had sex since, as far as Martin knew. Spencer was also the most sweet, innocent and admittedly naive guy that Martin knew. It had to be this that Martin would take advantage of to get into his pants.

He thought back to last night and remembered that Dennis had started by saying how he liked to have a wank when he'd had a bad day.

"Anyway, Spence, so how's ya day been? You havin' a good day or a bad day?"

Spencer looked bemused at this rather odd question.

"It's been alright," he replied. "Not bad."

"Cool," replied Martin, thinking of what to say next.

"Actually, I can't complain, can I, sittin' here having free drinks!"

The conversation wasn't leading anywhere near where Martin had hoped it might, so he decided to try a different approach, again inspired by Dennis from last night.

"So, d'you, um... d'you measure up alright then?"

Spencer surveyed Martin with another puzzled look. The questions were getting stranger.

"Measure what up?" he asked.

"You know, uh... measure up," said Martin, unable to find a better way of putting it.

"Are you on drugs?" asked Spencer, with a chuckle.

"Course I'm not!" said Martin, as he took another swig of his beer, frustrated that he wasn't finding a way of getting into innocent young Spence's pants. He sighed and stared down at the floor, trying to think up another suggestive line of conversation.

"New trainers?" he asked casually, noticing Spencer was wearing bright, shiny new trainers.

"Yeah, Alfie got me 'em," Spencer explained cheerfully, seemingly pleased at the resumption of normal conversation. "I wanted those new Nike Air ones, but they didn't have 'em in a size ten."

"Size ten?" asked Martin. "You got big feet!."

"Have I?"

"Yeah! I'm only an eight."

"Oh, right."

Martin suddenly had an idea. "You know what they say 'bout blokes with big feet, don'tcha?"

"Yeah, big shoes," replied Spence.

"No, you muppet. Big feet, small dick," said Martin with a grin.

"Shut up!" laughed Spence, slightly embarrassed.

"It's true," said Martin. "Medically proven fact."

"Where did you read that rubbish, Martin?"

"Look, right, I've got small feet, and... well, Kelly said I'm the biggest she's ever had."

"Yeah, well, she said that to me aswell."

"That's not what I've heard. Smallest dick in Walford, that's what I've heard," teased Martin.

"Yeah, right," said Spence sarcastically.

"How many inches?" asked Martin, studying his mate with interest. This was more like it.

"I dunno," replied Spencer, looking a little flustered. "I've never measured it."

"I bet you have. Everyone has." Talking about Spencer's dick was getting Martin increasingly horny, and he felt a growing erection start to press against his tight jeans.

"Let's get another beer," said Spencer, eager to change the subject.

But Martin wasn't having it. "Later. Show us your dick, Spence."

"No way!" said Spence.

Martin decided it was time for less talk, more action. He undid his flies and let out his seven and a half inches, now standing fully to attention, as Spencer looked on in complete shock. What the fuck was his best mate doing flashing him like this? Martin grinned at the look on Spencer's face. "Your turn," he said.

"Ha!" laughed Spencer. "You fink I'm gettin' my dick out in front of you?"

Martin suddenly put his hand on Spencer's crotch and started stroking. "Come on, Spence."

Taken aback, Spencer pushed Martin's hand away. "You are on drugs, ain't ya?"

"No!" said Martin, as his hand undeterredly reached again for his prize. "I just wanna know how big it is."

Again, Spencer pushed Martin's hand away. "It's about the same size as yours, alright?"

"Show me," insisted Martin.


Martin's moved his attention instead to his own cock, stroking it gently, whilst eyeing Spence for his reaction. He looked embarrassed and slightly confused, and although he tried to look away, Martin noticed him repeatedly catching quick glances at Martin's cock as he stroked it. He looked so sweet and sexy and Martin, unable to control himself, flung himself forward and put his lips over Spencer's. Spencer struggled for a few moments and then, to Martin's surprise and delight, gave in and opened his mouth to let Martin in.

Martin gently pushed Spence backwards so that he was lying on the couch, and positioned himself on top of him. Once he was comfortable, he put his lips over Spencer's again, and the boys enjoyed a hot, passionate French kiss. It was far from one-way action though, Spencer was returning the kiss just as hard and as passionately as Martin was giving it, and he was a better kisser than Martin had expected him to be.

As they continued to snog hungrily, Martin felt Spencer's hands lightly caress his neck, before moving up and down his back and then reaching his arse, softly massaging his buttocks. Martin responded by lifting himself up slightly and sliding his hand in between their bodies, slowly unbuttoning Spence's shirt and then rubbing his smooth chest and stomach. The touch of Martin's hands on his bare flesh was electrifying, and Spence responded by squeezing Martin's arse even tighter.

Martin broke away from the kiss and moved his tongue down to Spence's chest, just as bare and smooth as his own. Spence's nipples were big and dark and Martin took one of them gently in his mouth, licking and sucking at it, as Spencer moaned his approval. He had no idea that having his nipples touched this way could be so arousing. Martin moved to the other nipple, and Spencer let out a short gasp as he gave it a gentle bite.

Martin continued to work his way down Spencer's body, finally reaching his groin, where a visible bulge had now developed. Martin excitedly unbuckled Spence's belt, unbuttoned his jeans and undid his flies to reveal a pair of white boxers adorned with red dots.

Martin chuckled silently, as he remarked to himself how Spencer's boxers were so... him! Alfie had probably bought him those too!

Spencer readily lifted himself up a couple of inches, as Martin eased his jeans and boxers down to his ankles, and caught his first long-awaited glimpse of Spencer's hard cock. Although about half an inch shorter than Martin's, it was slightly thicker and very veiny, and his balls were just as big, round and hairy as Martin's.

Martin licked his lips. He'd never had a cock in his mouth before, but the sight before him now was mouth-watering.

"You gonna suck it or what?" whispered Spencer with a smile.

Wasting no time, Martin went down on Spencer's cock, taking just a little of it into his mouth at first. The taste was familiar from when Dennis had sucked him off then kissed him last night. Slowly, Martin began to take more and more of it in his mouth, guided by Spencer's hand on his head and inspired by Dennis's blowjob last night.

"Mmmmmm," moaned Spencer, as he felt Martin's warm mouth slide up and down his fat shaft. When Martin had Spencer's entire length in his mouth, he held it there for a few moments, his nose buried in those pubes, and he took a long sniff of that musky smell that he was suddenly finding quite attractive. But an impatient Spencer began to slowly thrust himself back and forth to remind Martin that his dick was still in need of sucking. Taking the hint, Martin once again began working his way up and down his best mate's hard-on, now tasting the pre-cum that Spencer had inevitably begun leaking, and knowing that this pre-cum was just a tasty appetizer for the delicious main course that was soon to come. Martin began sucking more intensely, tightening his lips around Spencer's juicy cock.

Spencer looked down at Martin's face and noticed for the first time how cute he was. And even cuter with a cock in his mouth. His own cock at that! And watching Martin munch away on his cock while he rummaged his fingers through his hair was making him hornier than ever.

Suddenly, Spence let out a huge moan and the next thing Martin knew, his mouth had been filled with hot, tasty Spencer-cum. Martin gulped each spurt down eagerly, ready for the next one. This was the biggest load Spencer had shot for a long time and try as he could, Martin couldn't contain it all, as a few drops escaped and trickled down the side of his mouth. Spencer pulled Martin up and kissed his face, licking up his own cum in the process.

Martin's cock, still poking out of his jeans, was harder than ever and he wanted to feel Spencer's lips around it. "Your turn, Spence," he demanded, as he got on his knees and thrust his groin towards Spencer's face. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down, and then pulled his boxers down over his cock, revealing for the first time his big hairy teenage balls to Spence. Having never tasted another man's dick before, Spence was a little hesitant at first about what to do, and proceeded to just plant little kisses up and down Martin's shaft.

But Martin knew what he wanted. He pulled away slightly then thrust his cock straight at Spencer's closed lips, trying to drive his way in.

"Come on mate," pleaded Martin. "Please suck me."

Well Martin had given him a fantastic blowjob, thought Spence, and the least he could do was return the favour. He opened his mouth and let in that fat cock. He wasn't sure what to expect, having this strange foreign object in his mouth, but its warmness and moistness felt instantly satisfying. He began sucking it like a lollipop, and Martin was both surprised and pleased at Spencer's immediate confidence at doing so. The boy's a natural, Martin smirked to himself, as he felt Spencer take the entire length without much trouble. The tip of his head met the back of Spencer's throat and his big balls would repeatedly slap hard on Spencer's chin.

Martin suddenly pulled out of Spencer's mouth with no warning, and much to Spencer's surprise, began splattering his hot, creamy load all over Spencer's face. A shocked Spencer looked up to see a wicked look on Martin's face, accompanied by soft, sexy moans. "The little bastard," thought Spencer, but somehow he was enjoying his face being Martin's shooting target. Eager for his first taste of cum, though, Spencer opened his mouth to catch a few spurts, letting it sit in his mouth while he licked and tasted it. For something that comes out of a cock, this was surprisingly tasty, thought Spence, and positioned his mouth for a few more jets of Martin-juice.

After Martin's orgasm subsided, the boys sat in silence for a few moments, smiling at each other, neither quite able to believe that they'd just sucked and swallowed their best mate's cum. For Martin, it was mission accomplished. For Spencer, it was a horny and exciting new experience and it was time to take things a step further.

"I wanna fuck you, Martin."

"What?" asked Martin, unable to believe what he'd just heard.

"I wanna fuck you," repeated Spencer.

Martin hadn't bargained for this. His arse was still sore from Dennis last night, and he wasn't sure it could take another pounding just yet. But before he had a chance to protest, Spencer had stood up, his cock standing fully to attention once more, and his hand was running up in between Martin's thighs and trying to find Martin's arsehole.

"I dunno, Spence," said Martin, hesitantly, but at the same time found himself opening his legs and letting Spencer's fingers explore his most private areas. He felt Spence's finger on his arsehole and he knew immediately he wanted Spence's cock up there. He felt his dick start to stiffen again, as Spencer's finger made its way into Martin's arsehole, sending a wave of pleasure up his body.

Spencer leaned forward and put his lips on Martin's, and the boys enjoyed another hot kiss while Spencer continued to finger Martin.

"You gonna fuck me then or what?" whispered Martin. Spencer smiled and withdrew his fingers from Martin's hole. Martin lay on his back, his legs spread and knees raised, ready and waiting for his second fuck in two days. His hard-on was pressed flat against his stomach, and he caressed it lightly, as he awaited Spencer's cock. Spencer moved into position, his rock hard cock throbbing at the sight of Martin's tight pink hole. Excitedly, he pressed his cock against the hole, as Martin let out an involuntary gasp. And then, just as Spence was about to thrust the length of his cock into Martin, there was the sound of a shuffle and then a voice.

"Well, well, well."

Dennis was standing in the doorway. The boys froze.

Dennis was smiling. "Looks like I've given you a bit of a taste for cock, haven't I, Martin?"

Neither of the boys moved or spoke. Dennis just stood there smiling. "Oh, and I hope you're gonna pay for those beers," he added with a wink, his cock growing in his pants...


Comments and suggestions to blueboy3649@hotmail.com

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