Eastenders Alpha Male

By Aaron Swanson

Published on Oct 9, 2007


This is a fictional story between fictional characters and Eastenders/the BBC don't know about it, or have anything to do with it! Not only that, it also contains non-consensual sex between adults, but remember, its just fantasy!

Eastenders Alpa-male 2:

Deano's blood froze as the doorbell rang. He risked a glance through the net curtain, and sighed. It was a false alarm. It wasn't HIM. He opened the door and let Bradley in. The ginger kid seemed a bit more shifty than usual, but that was probably just Deano's imagination running away with him again. It was a stressful time for him. He had a rucksack full of his belongings, and his passport, and he was ready to head for France as soon as he got a chance. But he had to escape before his family or Shawn spotted him. Any of them would drag him back to face the courts. And Shawn would hurt him on the way...

Bradley was stammering some niceties when he saw the rucksack. "Going somewhere?" he asked chirpily. Deano stared levelly at him, and shrugged. Bradley smiled weakly and muttered, "Look, why don't you come over to my new flat? I was thinking of having a house-warming tonight, thought it might cheer you up a bit, yeah?"

Deano wrinkled his nose, ready to say no, when a grin crept over his face. What a perfect way to say goodbye! It was a genuine reason to be out all night, and he could slip away, having said farewell to all the losers in the square. "Yeah, sounds great! What time?"

"6." "Bit early, isn't it?" "It's going to be a long night!" Bradley smiled again, but with that annoying look in his eyes, as though he was expecting a slap every time he spoke. Deano gotrid of him, and went to check his things again. He couldn't wait for 6 o clock...

Bradley answered the door in his suit. He glanced Deano up and down, who laughed. "I didn't know it were gonna be a posh do!" Bradley appraised him for a moment longer. Deano had his comfy trainers, ripped jeans, and a nice tight blue shirt, his oldest one. His trusty leather jacket was under one arm, and his hair was gelled as usual. He didn't want to draw attention to himself on the train. Bradley took his coat, and invited him in.

Deano stepped into a surprisingly bare room, only to find it empty. "Nobody else arrived yet?" Bradley shrugged. "They'll be here in a couple of minutes. Can I get you a drink?" "Yeah, a bottle of something mate." "Coming up!" He disappeared into the kitchen, coming back with a bottle of lager. Deano chugged it down and kicked back on the sofa. Bradley put some music on, then busied himself in the kitchen.

After about ten minutes, Deano was bored. He went to stand up only to fidn his legs weren't working. "Flaming hell, Bradley, how strong is this stuff?" "Strong enough," Shawn answered.

Deano's jaw dropped, but his body wouldn't respond to his commands to get up and run. Shawn stood in the doorway, arms folded, grinning like a wolf. Bradley scurried in behind him. "Start getting him ready." Shawn ordered. Wordlessly, Bradley knelt in front of Deano and lifted one leaden leg. Deano could only stare hazily as his mate pulled off his trainer, then his sock. He repeated this with the other leg, before Deano could manage to slur, "Bradley?" Bradley looked him in the eyes, but his usual nervousness was mixed with lust, and Deano didn't have the wits to be shocked. Shawn chuckled. "They call it date-rape, but it comes in handy for all sorts of occasions."

Deano gasped as Bradley popped one of Deano's toes into his mouth, and sucked on it hungrily. Shawn produced a pair of scissors and Deano whimpered. He barel noticed Bradley switching to his other big toe. Shawn lifted the hem of Deano's shirt and cut it to the shoulders, dragging it clear of the prone lad. He whistled. Deano's torso was covered in a fine layer of body-hair. "He's going to need more prep than I thought." Bradley scurried into the kitchen and reappeared with a rag. Shawn took it off him, and leaned his face inches from Deano's slack features. "Everybody thinks you've done a runner. All the clues, and you are in this flat, and it belongs to me. They could look for years, and they wouldn't think to look here. And that's just enough time for me to make you pay for what you did to me."

Deano whimpered again. His eyes flashed down to see Bradley munching on the bulge in his jeans, massaging the material with his lips and snuffling at it like a dog. Then the rag pressed down over his nose and mouth and he didn't even have the strength to hold his breath. The last feelings he had were Bradley's lips on his crotch, and Shawns breath on his face.

Part 3 to come in the next couple of days. Let me know what you think, and request what you want to see happen to Bradley. You can also reuqest other characters you want me to write about. All you gotta do is ask. I reply to every message. soapstudstories@hotmail.co.uk

Next: Chapter 3

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