Eastend Fucking

By Adz Sampson

Published on May 16, 2014


Johnny Carter and Deano Wicks.

He hated being here. He hated this place, he hated every fucking shit memory it bought back and he hated seeing her face every day and acting like everything was normal.

Well it wasn't normal. It never would be. He hated here, he hated Walford and he couldn't wait to fucking get out of this shitty town, with it's shitty memories and it's shitty people and really he just hated everything about this shitty little place.

Seeing his mother. He hated that. He hated her. Maybe hate was too strong a word. He deeply despised her. It was due to her, and her incomptance as a mother and her inabilitly to not give a single fuck except for her booze and her cigarettes and whose dick she was going to jump on this week and he hated that she couldn't see how messed up, how fucked up his life had become but mostly he hated that she got to go about her daily life with no problems at all whilst he was up to his neck with problems and debts and fuck he didn't even want to think about it.

If you'd have told Dean Wicks this time last year that he'd been back in Walford, seeing his mother every fucking day and meeting her family, he'd have laughed at you. No, he'd have punched you in the face because that's how fucked up the whole situation was and that was how much he didn't ever want to step foot in that fucking town again.

And yet, a year later, here he was. In Walford. With nothing to show for his life except for two holdalls of clothes, the cigarettes in his pocket and the memories in his head that followed him everywhere, despite him not wanting anything to do with them.

So as he sat in the Queen Victoria, and god he hated his place more then anything, nursing his pint of beer and pondering just what the fuck his life had become, he realised that he couldn't do anywhere else. Not only did he not have the money, he didn't have the guts to leave again.

And he knew from that point that whatever love he had for himself had gone.


"I think you should stop feeling sorry for yourself" a voice spoke as Dean sat drinking his fourth beer of the day. He couldn't afford it, really, but he had nothing else to do except get blind drunk and try and find any female who would take pity on him and at least give him the courtersy of having pity sex with him. He looked up and saw Johnny Carter standing there with his own beer and he rolled his eyes. Because what the fuck would this dude know. About anything.

"If you had my life you'd feel sorry for yourself" he replied, lamely, and fuck when did his life become a fucking novel? "Plus don't let her see you talking to me. She'll think I'm trying to sell you drugs or something".

Johnny took a seat opposite Dean uninvited but he couldn't give two fucks. "First of all, she has a name- Shirley- and secondly she's your mother you should maybe have some respect for her".

Dean didn't even bother to roll his eyes at that. "I have as much respect for her as I do for fucking Rose West that is fuck all, I don't give two flying fucks about her and really is it any of your business? Haven't got you someone's cock to be sucking right about now"

Johnny laughed despite himself. "I won't even bother that last statement with a reply but really Shirley isn't that bad and from what I gather she has alot of regrets about how things went on when you were younger. Maybe you should hear her out sometime?"

"And maybe you should mind your own business and get me another fucking beer before I walk out of here sober and believe me you'd much prefer my company when I'm drunk"

"So now your putting yourself down? You really are throwing yourself a major pity party tonight ain't ya?" Johnny replied. But he stood up and went behind the bar to pull Dean another pint despite himself.

"From what I've seen your not doing too badly mate. You've been here for what? three weeks and most nights I've seen girls leaving your apartment".

Dean shrugged. "Sex is sex. Those girls mean fuck all to me, you know mate? A shrink or something would say I'm using those girls because I don't know how to love from my upbringing. But that's neither here nor there, innit? I'm getting my end away and they leave with a smile on there face. Most of the time".

Johnny couldn't help but be intrigued by what Dean was saying. Lately he'd been used to having meaningless sex with random men. Including his father, which he knew he was going to hell for thank you very much, but for the most part those men had been willing to shag him. He wasn't using them just for sex, they were using each other. He certainly was no prude when it come to sex, he couldn't afford to be- but what Dean was saying made some sense. Dean didn't know how to love because he'd never been shown proper love when he was growing up. Johnny found that really sad and he kinda felt sorry for the guy. Which he knew Dean would hate.

"I mean, Don't get me wrong I fucking love sex as much as the next guy" Dean continued, apparently he wasn't finished "And maybe one day I will find the one to steal my heart and pull me into something I've never experienced, or to be honest never wanted to experience. But when that's said and done if these girls want some of the Dean who the hell am I to deny what they want?"

Something inside of Johnny went funny at that. And he had no idea what the hell that meant. But looking at Dean and seeing how he was, he knew Dean wasn't a bad guy. He loved sex, he'd never been in love. He'd never experienced love, so how can he give what he never had? There's a girl out there for Dean, for sure. They just had to be able to deal with alot of ghosts and shit because Johnny knew that Dean was hiding stuff. Big stuff. He could tell by the way Dean presented himself and the way he was. He definetely had a few skeletons in his closet and if his instincts told him right then the only reason Dean was back in Walford was because he was hiding from someone. Or something. But this is Walford and being the fucked up town it is those secrets won't stay secret for long. Everything is bound to catch up with Dean. And Johnny is starting to like the guy somewhat. He wasn't looking forward to that day.

"Look, I don't want to dwell on all this shit you know? Your a nice guy Johnny, perhaps too nice for your own good. So I'm not going to beat around the bush when I tell you that you shouldn't be friends with me. You shouldn't really be sitting next to me" Dean spoke but Johnny could see no emotion in his eyes. And that was fucking sad. "If you become my friend then I'll only fuck your life up like I fuck everything else up I touch".

Johnny fingered his now cold beer and wondered what the hell was happening to him. He owed this guy fuck all and yet he wanted to be friends with him. "I respect what your saying Dean, but if I want to be friends with you then I can be friends with you. I don't give a fuck about anything else" he stated.

Dean looked at him and grinned. Finally some emotion. "Anyone ever tell you your fucking stubborn?"

Johnny laughed lightly at that. "Only every fucking day of the year",

And then Dean said something that made Johnny laugh out loud. "Someday some girl is going to be lucky to have you by there side".

And clearly confused by Johnny's reaction, Dean took a sip of his beer and looked at Johnny as if he'd grown another head.

"You've been here long enough to realise that I've not so much as looked at girl" Johnny replied "And the only people to pay a visit to my room was Peter Beale and Jay Brown, honestly, how could you not realise that I'm a pole smoker?".

"Your gay?" Dean stated and Johnny nodded as if his head in bewildement. "Well that changes everything".

"What the fuck does that mean?" Johnny stated and he really didn't like where this was heading. Not at all.

Dean downed the rest of his beer and went to stand up. "I can't be friends with you. I'm sorry dude, I really am".

Johnny stood up and followed Dean as he was walking out of the Queen Vic. "You can't be friends with me? What the fuck? Because I'm gay?"

Dean opened the door to the Queen Vic and walked outside. "No dude not because your gay. Christ, I'm not that much of a fucking twat!"

Johnny watched as Dean leaned against the wall outside the Queen Vic and lit up a cigarette. "Then why the fuck? You can't just walk out when you learn I'm gay!"

"We can't be friends Johnny because I can't be friends with someone who I want to fuck" Dean stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world "And believe me when I say that I really want to fuck you".

Johnny looked at Dean. "But that makes no sense! We've been friends since you arrived!"

Dean shrugged. "I thought you were just a girl shy virgin. I didn't want to be the one to corrupt you or try and turn you straight. I'm not that kinda guy, despite what anyone tells you".

"Wait" Johnny stated as he watched Dean take a long drag on the cigarette, hold the smoke in for a couple of seconds before blowing it out "So your telling me this whole you've wanted to get into my boxers but haven't made a move because you thought I was straight?"

"Basically" Dean spoke "And because your dad would probably cut my dick off if he found me with you".

Johnny shrugged him off. "My dad's a softy really. Mostly". He leaned closer to Dean and took the cigarette out of his mouth. He looked at him whilst doing so and took a long drag on the cigarette. "So we can't be friends" he spoke before blowing the smoke out.

"It's a shame dude, your a nice guy" Dean stated. There eyes didn't leave each others.

"We can't be friends" Johnny repeated "Which means the time we've spent out here smoking could have been used more wisely". Dean looked confused at what Johnny was stating and christ, he really was going to have to spell it out to him wasn't he? "Like you removing my clothes".

For a brief second Dean looked like he was about to faint from shock. But instead he grabbed the cigarette out of Johnny's hand and threw it on the floor, before pushing the younger guy up against the door of the Queen Vic and smashing there mouths together. Dean dominated the kiss, his tongue clashing with his own as they snogged harshly. It was one of the most erotic kisses Johnny could ever wish for. Dean pressed up against him outside the Queen Vic with the man's tongue doing things to his mouth that he could only ever dream about. Dean pulled away and whispered lightly "So I think we should go up to your room".

Johnny pushed Dean away and grinned at him. "Why Mr Wicks, that is best idea you've ever had!"


Johnny slammed the bedroom door behind him, and soon found himself pushed up against said door by an unpatient and horny Dean. The lad kissed him hard whilst undoing the buttons on Johnny's brand new Ben Sherman shirt that his father had bought him for his birthday. Johnny groaned as Dean's clearly talented tongue fucked his mouth, and he moaned in pleasure when he felt Dean's manly, cold hands on his chest. No words were spoken, just groans as Dean went to work on making Johnny felt fucking fantastic.

Dean tasted of beer and of cigarettes. It should have been a turn off but Johnny found the taste fucking horny and it only fuelled his horniness more. Dean's hands ran up and down Johnny's toned and gym buff chest, clearly liking what he felt. Dean's tongue continued to torment and pleasure Johnny- he'd never known a kiss as erotic and sexy as this. Dean pulled away from Johnny and dropped the red shirt onto the floor, before he leaned down and ran his tongue down Johnny's chest. He stopped when he got to a nipple and sucked on it gently. That alone caused Johnny to rutt against Dean.

Dean could feel Johnny's hardness against his thigh as he went down on Johnny's nipple. He knew he was brilliant when it come to turning people on but seeing and feeling the result of his work against his thigh fuelled his own horniness on and he dropped to his knees, pulling Johnny's Levi jeans down with him. He sucked Johnny's hard dick through the matierals of the barely there White Calvin Klien briefs and Johnny leaned against the wall as he felt his legs turning to jelly.

Dean pulled down the briefs and came face-to-face with Johnny's monster cock. On such a sweet boy as Johnn possessing a cock this size and girth was something Dean was not expecting. That didn't mean he wasn't going to enjoy it. He didn't earn the nickname 'King Deep Throat' in prison for nothing. He wasted no time in wrapping his experienced lips around Johnny's red, hard head and he appreciated the moan of pleasure said act elicted from Johnny. He looked up at Johnny as he took the cock further into his mouth, and he winked at the young Carter lad as he went to work on his large tool.

It had become apparent to Johnny that Dean wasn't exactly an amateur when it came to sucking cock. There was no way that someone with no experience of giving head would be able to take the whole of Johnny's impressively large cock and not gag. The dude didn't even flinch, he just the cock whole. Johnny suddenly felt the familar urge of climax overwhelming him but he didn't want this to end just yet. He wanted Dean for more then just a quick blowie, he intended to get well and truly fucked by Shirley's bastard son.

Dean took the cock with gusto. He had to admit that the fact that Johnny was packing way more then he expected was a definate turn on. Most of the guys he sucked off in prison were rather small or just average, he'd never sucked a cock that was large in both girth and length. He enjoyed the feeling of the large dick hitting the back of his throat, he enjoyed Johnny pulling onto his hair as he started to thrust into Dean's certaintly not unwilling mouth and he found that he was getting rather stiff in the trousers area when Johnny moaned his name as he fucked his mouth. Whilst Johnny continued to fuck his mouth with gusto, Dean found himself freeing his dick from the confines of it's trousers and palming his dick. Who said men couldn't multitask? Johnny looked down as Dean slowly stroked his own hardness and grinned around the guy's cock when Johnny literally dribbled at the sight of Dean's freed dick.

Johnny literally groaned as Dean hummed around his cock. He stopped thrusting into the man's mouth because he was about to blow his load in a rather unmanly way. He embarrasingly began to drawl when Dean began stroking at his own boner and knew he wanted to get his lips around that uncut head of Dean's. Then Dean stopped sucking and Johnny didn't know whether to be pleased or whether he wanted to smack the son of a bitch in the face for being a teasing cunt.

Dean stood up and stepped out of his own jeans as he continued to play with his own hard cock. He walked over to Johnny, grabbed his hands and sucked on Johnny's fingers. Then he smiled up at Mick's son. "Fuck me with your fingers, then I'm gonna fuck you with this". Dean winked, as he presented his dick in a confident way. He palmed at his dick as he knelt on Johnny's bed on all fours. The Carter lad joined him on the bed and licked his lip at the sight of Dean's unshaven arse. He slid a finger inside the lad, pushing gently at the hole. His cock jumped when Dean let out a growl that was fucking manly.

Dean turned around and looked at Johnny as the lad went to town on his arse, pulling two fingers slowly in and out of his waiting arsehole. He leaned forward and pulled the lad into a deep kiss, tongue slowly entering Johnny's shocked but not uninvited mouth. He pulled away after a few seconds and grinned at Johnny who was fingering his tight hole with bravado. "I'm not a toy Johnny, I ain't gonna break. Go faster on me dude" Dean spoke and then he winked at the lad before turning back around and gripping onto the bed with a steely determination.

Johnny took his advice and began fucking his hole with more grit. Dean let out an unforced moan as he felt his hole being widened by Johnny's two long fingers. Johnny was kneeling on the behind Dean fingering his arsehole whilst his own cock was hard and abandened pointing straight towards Dean's arse. Johnny pulled out of Dean's arse and spat on his hand again, rubbing some on Dean's brilliant arse before this time sticking three welcomed fingers into Dean's hole. He twisted his fingers around and grinned when Dean let out a groan that went straight to his own fucking cock. He continued to thrust his fingers in and out of Dean's arse until suddenly Dean told him to stop.

"Dude your fingers are like a whole another level of Godliness but we need to stop that before I blow my load before I've got a chance to fuck that sweet arse of yours" Dean grinned as he lay flat on the bed, grabbing his dick that stayed rock hard despite Johnny's vicious fingering of his bottom. Johnny bent over Dean's face and Dean grinned knowing that Johnny wanted. He spat on his hands and rubbed them on Johnny's arse, focusing mainly on that hole that Dean couldn't wait to fuck. He leant on his hands and pulled his face closer to Johnny's shaved and toned arse, and let his tongue slide into the arsehole. Johnny moaned with delight as Dean's tongue got to work on his arse, opening his hole up slowly with his amazing tongue.

Dean wasn't usually a fan of rimming a guy's arse. He was a massive fan of arses in general and loved nothing more then being the one to destroy a whole with his sensational fucking. But he'd never really appreciated tonguing a hole. It did nothing for him, personally, but from the moans that Johnny was making above him he was fucking loving it. He didn't want to be a spoilsport so he went to town on Johnny's perfect arse.

Johnny groaned as Dean's tongue continued to explore his bottom, and he moaned loudly when the tongue went inside his hole. The feeling caused his dick to jerk with pleasure and he wrapped a hand around the solidness.

Dean decided to stop with the teasing.

"Come sit on my dick Johnny" he spoke. Dean made himself comfortable on the double bed, sitting up against the headboard. Johnny thought he looked fucking perfect sat on his bed, his brilliant dick pointing to the ceiling and his face flush with desire. He could get used to that sight. Johnny winked at Dean before lowering himself slowly down onto the not unimpressive dick. He let out a yelp as his arsehole got used to having Dean inside him, but after a while, he begun riding the dick slowly. Dean's dick felt amazing inside him.

"Yeah you looking fucking hot with my dick inside you" Dean grinned. Johnny smiled at him as he continued to ride the dick, his moves getting faster as his hole adjusted to the size of Dean's cock. Dean ran his hands up and down Johnny's splendid body as the younger lad rode his dick with relish. He'd never been a lad younger then him, the lads in prison mainly being older and more experienced. Most of them were 'straight' aswell or so they made it out. He'd only ever been with two other lads outside of prison- once with his ex girlfriend who's ultimate turn on was watching Dean being fucked by another lad whilst he fucked her and the other time with a rent boy he picked up after he got fed up of wanking. He could get used to Johnny's dick, Johnny's face. The lad made it easy to like him. Plus he rode dick like a champion and that was always a plus.

Johnny groaned as Dean began thrusting into him whilst he continued to ride him at the same time. His dick was hard and slapping against Dean's stomach as he bounced up and down. Dean grabbed Johnny's hair as he thrust harder into his hole. Johnny was moaning loudly. So loud. But he didn't care, he was home alone tonight and Dean was fucking him like it was the last thing he was ever going to do. Johnny leaned down and kissed Dean on the lips as the older lad continued to pound his hole. Dean opened his mouth accepting Johnny's invitation to enter his mouth. As the fucking ensued, the kissing got more intense. Dean ran his nails down Johnny's back as he continued to fuck into his hole. Johnny groaned with gratification as Dean continued to dig his nails into his back. A kink which Johnny didn't even know he had!

Dean felt close. Johnny felt so good on his dick and it'd been a while since he'd fucked a guy as fast and hard as this. Dean was digging his nails into Johnny's back, marking him so people knew that he'd been fucked. He didn't tell the lad that he'd marked out D.W on his back as he pounded into his lover. And then Johnny bit down on Dean's neck and yeah, it was game over.

"Fuck" Dean stated "I'm gonna cum". Johnny pulled himself off the cock and quickly made his way to Dean's dick, wrapping his lips around the red head of the cock. It didn't take long for Dean to thrust into his mouth and blow his hot, sticky seed in Johnny's mouth. Dean was impressed when Johnny swallowed down one, two, three big loads of Dean's spunk. When Dean shot a fourth load, Johnny swalloed that aswell. He kept on taking Dean's cum until Dean lay spent on the bed.

Johnny stood up on the bed and leaned over Dean, he wanked his large cock five times and slid a finger inside his arsehole. Dean looked on curiously as the lad groaned before cumming a large amount of spunk all over Dean's face. Some of the spunk flew over Dean's head and hit the headboard whilst some landed on Dean's wifebeater that he hadn't bothered to remove. Johnny sat down on the bed, also spent, next to Dean.

Dean wiped some of the cum of his face with his tongue, leaned over and passionatly kissed Johnny- passing the lad's spunk back to him. Johnny swallowed that when he took Dean's brilliant tongue in his mouth.

"That was a bit cheeky wasn't it?" Dean asked "Now I'm gonna have to go in the shower"

Johnny grinned at Dean and slapped his bare thigh. "Great! I love a shower. Shower's a bit small but I'm sure you won''t be complaining when my arse is rubbing against your thigh". Johnny cheekily replied.

And Dean was pretty sure that he wouldn't be complaining.


Hope you liked that chapter! Sorry it took a while to be posted I've been swamped lately.

My suggestion for next time is one of the older lads (maybe Max Branning) making a homophobic comment in the pub and some of the younger lads (Johnny, Peter, Jay, maybe Lee and Deano) getting revenge by tying him up in his own house and having sex in front of him. And maybe they let him join in after a while. What do you think of that suggestion? ;)

All comments to SwaggerJagger90@mail.com and thanks for reading!! :P x

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