Eastend Fucking

By Adz Sampson

Published on Mar 24, 2014


T.J Spraggan and Liam Butcher

Bunking off school was becoming somewhat of a habit for Liam Butcher. He hated it. He hated the daily routine of getting up at stupid o' clock and then going to school and doing shit like Mathematics and Science which he won't fucking need for his career as the next Eminem. And you can fucking laugh all you want but that is what he is gonna be. Don't even fucking try and stop him. He'd leave for school but then get off the bus a few stops early, go to the park and have a couple of cigarettes. Maybe drink a beer or two if he can steal them from the Minute Mart when Denise was too busy checking out a random customer's behind, then when he knew that everyone had left the house he would sneak back inside, maybe sleep for an hour or two, play on his PlayStation and then sneak back out before Whitney came home. Then he'd come home and pretend he spent his glorious day at school and no-one was none the wiser.

Lately, Liam was in love. Cindy was everything he could ever want in a woman. She was funny. Brave. And smart. Plus she was a brilliant kisser. But then she had to go and ruin any potential romance by fucking shagging T.J.

And that hurt. Because he thought T.J was his friend.

But what confused him the most was the fact that his brain couldn't tell if he was angry because T,J has fucked Cindy or because Cindy had shagged T.J.

Liam's hormones were playing fucking havoc with his brains these days!

Today was a normal bunking day for Liam. He got off the bus when Tiffany was too busy singing and talking to her friends and went to the park. He sparked up a cigarette and sat on the bench watching an old woman walking her dog and three children playing a game called tag. He inhaled the cigarette and watched as a beautiful girl walked past wearing clothes that left little too the imagination, with her boyfriend walking a couple of paces behind her looking mighty angry. Obviously some sort of domestic. He exhaled the smoke, letting the smoke left his mouth as he watched one of the three children, the little girl, start screaming and accusing one of the boys of cheating.

"So this is what you do when your not at school" a familiar voice spoke and Liam turned around to see T.J standing there. Unlike him, he wasn't wearing a school uniform.

Liam sighed seeing T.J there. "What the fuck you doing here? Maths is in half hour. You can fuck Cindy again and try and get her pregnant again" he said bitterly.

T.J shrugged. "You can't get someone pregnant when there already up the duff" he commented "Even you can't be that stupid".

Liam said nothing. He hated that word. Stupid. Because he was. And he fucking hated it.

"Whatever. Your both backstabbing wankers and you deserve each other" Liam spoke. He took another long drag on the Windsor Blue cigarette before he threw it half smoked on the floor. "Now fuck off and leave me alone".

T.J didn't move. Liam was not amused.

"The thing with Cindy" T.J said. He was looking straight at Liam. It unnerved him. "Was a mistake. A stupid mistake. Her getting pregnant is going to be one of my biggest mistakes ever".

"Too right as well" Liam spoke. He was still sitting on the bench. It was a warm day- not hot, but not cold either. Just right. "Because you lost my friendship".

"I didn't know you liked Cindy. I would never have.. gone there" he spoke honestly "I don't even fancy her".

"So she was just some stupid lay to up your man points, ey? That makes you a fucking bell end" Liam commented. T.J sighed but didn't disagree with Liam's assessment of him. "I would have treated her right. More importantly I would have worn a fucking condom!"

T.J rolled his eyes. "I wore a condom. It split".

Liam didn't comment. He grabbed his bag and began walking away. "Can't we at least talk about this mate? I'm sorry. If you want Cindy she's yours".

Liam turned around to face T.J, a look of pure anger on his face. "She's not a fucking object or a piece of fucking meat! I wanted Cindy, yeah, but I don't want her know you've been inside her. I'm not going to be second best!"

"Don't be so melodramatic" T.J spoke and Liam rolled his eyes at T.J's use of a word that he Liam didn't even understand. "She might be be pregnant but she does like you"

"She likes me so much that she fucked the boy who has grown to be my best mate. How could you both do that to me?" Liam pondered aloud and that's when it hit him that he was sounding like a fucking old woman scorned. He deserved better. "There's plenty more pussy out there that probably tastes better then Cindy's".

"Don't be so disgusting" T.J replied but Liam ignored him and continued walking off in the direction of the woods. "Stop fucking walking away from me and let's talk man to man"

"Just fuck off and leave me alone" Liam replied "Go to school and sit with Cindy show everyone you will be the perfect fucking parents".

"I don't want to sit with Cindy. I don't want to be with Cindy. Christ just fucking shut up for a minute will you".

"Why don't you wanna be with Cindy? You weren't saying that when you were shagging her!" Liam shouted as he continued walking away.

"I don't wanna be with Cindy because I'm in fucking love with you" T.J replied before he turned around and ran in the opposite direction.


T.J hated bunking off school. But here he sat at home in the flat that he shared with his father and sister feeling deeply sorry for himself.

He had just confessed to Liam that he was in love with him.

If T.J was being honest, he'd been in love with Liam from the moment he met him.

He was fed up of going to bed happy, then having an erotic dream about Liam and him having sex and waking up with sticky sheets like he was fucking 12 again. He was fed up with questioning himself and denying his attraction to Liam.

He was only 15. He wasn't sure if he was straight. Or gay. Or maybe Bi. All he knew was that he absolutely hated every second of his sex with Cindy and the only way he could actually Cm was by imagining it was Liam's arse he was shagging and not Cindy.

He never wanted to have sex with Cindy. He blamed that entirely on the fact he'd consumed enough Vodka to fill a swimming pool. He was only surprised that he actually managed to perform with that much spirit inside him.

A knock on the door made him lose sense of what he was thinking about. Stupidly he went to answer it forgetting that he was actually bunking off school and any dickhead could be on the other side.

Turns out it was just Liam.

"Did you mean what you said before?" Liam enquired as he all but stormed into house with a unreadable expression on his face.

T.J shut the door. No-one needed to this patheticness. He wiped sweat from his forehead. He always got sweaty when nervous. "No" was all he managed to say. Liam was pacing up and down the living room.

"Why the fuck would you say that though? Why the fuck would another dude tell another dude that.. " he paused for a moment as if not believing what was coming out of his own mouth "that he was in love with him? That doesn't make sense.. Why would someone make that up?"

T.J sat on the arm of the sofa and looked at Liam. He wasn't sure what to say. He didn't want to tell Liam that he did mean what he said because he had a feeling that Liam would punch him in the face. But this was all of out T.J's league. This whole thing. He wished that he just went to fucking school like originally planned. "It just fell out mate. I don't know why I said it. I'm sorry".

Liam continued to pace up and down the living room. "I need a cigarette" he spoke and T.J shrugged. He didn't smoke. He couldn't help Liam there. "Fuck I need a cigarette. Or beer. Get me a beer". It was a statement not a question. T.J sighed before walking to the fridge and pulling out one of his father's Fosters.

He threw the can at Liam who nearly missed it as he didn't actually see T.J throw the thing. But he was ace so he caught it in one hand. He opened the can of the beer and downed a quarter of it.

"Easy there" T.J spoke "You don't wanna go home pissed. Your mother would kill us. Me. You. Both of us". He realised he sounded like an utter bell end right about now, but for some reason he really didn't give a fuck.

Liam continued to pace, holding his beer in one hand. "Are you queer?" he asked simply without any venom but still stern sounding nonetheless. He stopped pacing for a moment. "Okay maybe your not queer. You got Cindy pregnant. You must have felt something for her".

T.J didn't want to tell Liam that felt nothing. Nada. Zilch for Cindy but he didn't want Liam to think he was an ever bigger prick then he already felt.

"I'm so confused" Liam spoke as he resumed pacing up and down, the cold beer resting in his hands. "We were mates then you fucked the girl I fancied, and now your telling me your in love with me but it's a joke".

"What do you want to me say then Liam? That it wasn't a joke. That I actually do love you" T.J asked, getting frustrated with the whole fucking situation.

"No I don't want to hear that" Liam replied back. He paused again for a moment. "At least I don't think I do".

Liam continued pacing which was starting to piss T.J off.

"Fucking hell sit down will you mate. Your gonna make me go dizzy watching you!"

Liam placed the beer on the nearby coffee table and put his hands in his head. He wanted to scream. His head was fucking hurting him. T.J hurt him. Cindy hurt him. He wanted to hurt someone.

Liam went to walk out of the door. "I need to get out of here. My head feels like it's going to explode. Your pissing me off so much man.. I just.. AGH". Liam had picked up his beer and threw it at T.J. But he ducked and it the wall, causing the can to explode and for beer to go flying everywhere.

T.J ran and pushed Liam up against a wall, holding the fellow 15 year old by his shoulders with his left hand while he pulled his right hand back ready to punch Liam. But then..


Liam's lips on his.

Liam's beery, wet lips on his.

Briefly. Just a peck.


"I'm sorry.. I don't know what the fuck.. " Liam started but then T.J crashed his mouth against Liam's and pulled the teenager into a fierce kiss.

It was Liam who made him go further. He opened his mouth in a blatant inviation for T.J's tongue. An inviation that he would be a fool to turn down. Liam groaned loudly as T.J's tongue entered his mouth. This was his first kiss. First ever kiss.

T.J's tongue was all in Liam's mouth. Liam's tongue remained in his own, but T.J could tell Liam was enjoying it by the small groans he was eliciting from his schoolmate. T.J could feel Liam's dick pressing into his thigh, clearly he was enjoying this alot more then Liam wanted.

Still kissing, T.J ran his hands down Liam's smooth body through the material of his school shirt. Then he simply put his hands into waistband of Liam's trousers and inside his boxers and grabbed the boy's dick. Liam groaned at the weird but not unwanted feeling of another person's hand on his cock. He bit down on T.J's lips when the boy started to toss him off. The movement of T.J's wrist inside his boxers caused Liam's trousers to drop down, he managed to kick them away so that he was up against the wall in nothing but his blazer, shirt and boxers. T.J's tongue was still inside his mouth and Liam could feel the familiar sensation occurring the bottom of his stomach as he drew closer to orgasm. T.J stopped for a second to pull the boxers down to Liam's knees so he had access to just Liam's stiff cock and he wrapped his hand back around the average sized tool. Liam had stopped the kiss and was sucking on T.J's neck as T.J picked up speed on the prick. Liam let out a loud groan and then bit down on T.J's neck in a warning sign. This was his first time wanking another dick that wasn't his own but he was pretty sure that by Liam's groaning and biting he was about to blow his wad.

Liam sucked harder on T.J's neck as he came. The cock spurted out a very generous amount of spunk which hit T'J's hoodie. Some hit the floor but the majority of it was in T.J's hands which was still wanking Liam's leaking cock.

Liam leaned against the wall and T.J let go of Liam's cock, which was now deflating. Sweat tinged Liam's forehead and his clothes literally stuck to him. Liam looked at the ceiling.

T.J didn't speak. He didn't want to ruin the mood. But then Liam burst out laughing.

"I can't believe I just got a hand job from another dude" he stated "And I have never came hard like that before".

T.J smiled despite himself. "Yeah, well, I think you've bruised my poor neck".

Liam ran his finger over the reddening mark on T.J's neck. "I think I like that. You were marked by Liam and don't you forget it".

Tension poured around the room. Neither of them knew what to do next. Both were still horny as anything but neither wanted to be the one to make the next move. Liam pushed his cock back inside his boxers and pulled his trousers back up, before walking over to the fridge and helping himself to a beer.

T.J still had Liam's cum on his hand. He went into the kitchen and ran his hands under the hot tap, warming his hand up and cleaning up Liam's mess in the process. When he stopped, he turned back around to see Liam sitting on the edge of the sofa drinking from the beer can. He really should be thinking about cleaning the spilled beer on the floor but T.J couldn't be arsed right now.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and have a shower" T.J spoke "Let yourself out" he continued. "Or you can stay. Whatever". He left Liam to his thoughts.

T.J got into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He pulled off his clothes and placed them on the floor. His cock sprang free. He had no idea that wanking off Liam could make him as stiff as it had done. He put his heart on the line and now Liam was probably going to think he was some sort of fucking freak who liked to wank off other dudes.

And T.J had never, ever wanted to wank off another dude before. Honestly.

But things changed when he met Liam. And now he realised that he was well and truly fucked.

He got into the shower and made sure it was warm before stepping under it. He sighed to himself as he poured some Lynx shower gel onto his hand and began rubbing it upon his skin. He looked down at his cock- still hard and still untouched- and wrapped his hand around it. Liam's face when he came suddenly came into T.J's vision and he used said image to help him as he slowly wanked off his dick.

Downstairs, Liam was about to leave. He drained the rest of the beer and didn't know what to do next. He stood up and walked to door but then something stopped in his tracks.

A moan. A loud, guttural moan. A loud moan that went straight to Liam's cock making his trousers uncomfortable.

T.J picked up the pace on his cock. Wanking his cock whilst his other hands played with his balls, he leaned against the shower wall for support as the water continued to trickle down his naked body. The warmness of the shower plus T.J's fast moving wrist meant that he was gonna explode soon. And the image of Liam's face when he came in the very hand that T.J was using now made it even more erotic somehow.

In his element, T.J failed to spot the door burst open. And then when he opened his eyes, Liam was stood there still wearing his uniform. He didn't speak. He didn't utter a single word. He just got into the shower and removed T.J's hand from his dick. Then he dropped to his knees and took the solid cock into his mouth. He'd never sucked a dick before. He'd never had his cock sucked before. And he had no idea what he was really doing really. This was more of an impulse thing really. T.J groaned in surprise as Liam got used to having another man's cock in his mouth. Liam imagined what he'd like done to him if he ever got head. And he'd watched alot of porn. He licked the tip of T.J's sensitive cock which had T.J gripping to the wall because his legs suddenly felt jellylike. He licked around the tip of the cock whilst with one of his hands he played with the low hanging balls that were left abandoned.

"Fuck, Liam, what ya doin' to me?" T.J groaned as Liam continued to tease T.J's prick by licking it and sucking the tip gently. His dick felt like it could explode at any moment. Liam didn't speak. Didn't want to speak. Didn't know what to fucking say. But he looked up at T.J and saw the contentment and fulfilment in T.J's eyes, so he winked at him. He then wrapped his mouth around the head of the rock hard cock and slowly took the cock into his mouth.

Strange. That's what it felt like. It didn't feel amazing to Liam. The cock tasted of water and had the faint taste of shower gel. He had no idea in his life that he'd be doing this. He should have been at school. Instead he was on his knees in the shower, still in his uniform, about to suck a cock for the first time.

Liam was either in a dream. Or this was actually happening. Either way, Liam wasn't sure he wanted this to end.

And that scared the fuck out of him.

Liam took the big cock into his mouth. He'd seen a few other boy's dicks before in the showers at school but he'd never felt any sort of attraction to them. T.J's solid dick was definitely bigger then Liam's own but he didn't think it was as thick as his. T.J continued to groan as Liam's mouth continued to get used to the sensation of having a cock in his mouth.

Then T.J accidentally thrusted into Liam's mouth and the cock hit the back of his throat. He gagged loudly.

"Christ T.J!" Liam spoke for the first time since he'd been in the shower "A warning would have been helpful".

"Sorry dude" T.J spoke "I was thinking about doing it, honestly, I didn't actually mean for it to happen"..

Liam winked at him again before he wrapped his mouth around the dick again. He tapped T.J's hairy thigh to give him an indication and this time Liam was ready for thrust into his mouth.

Mouth fucking.

T.J was fucking his mouth.

T.J gripped onto the wall as he thrust into his fantasies mouth, hitting the back of his throat. It felt amazing. He had no idea that having his dick in another man's mouth would be so fucking hot. He moved his hand to Liams head and held it still as he thrusted into mouth again with all the might he could muster. Liam gagged slightly but he was palming his erection throw the wet material of his trousers so he was clearly enjoying it.

First of all Liam never thought he'd have a dick in his mouth. Secondly he'd never thought he'd be so fucking hard whilst doing so. His dick was rock hard in his trousers despite the coldness of the running water. He palmed his dick slowly as T.J continued to fuck into his mouth like he was on a mission. And he didn't want to fail that mission.

"Gonna blow" T.J groaned. He stopped fucking Liam's mouth and honestly Liam wished he wasn't as fucking gutted about that as he was. T. J pulled him up from his position on the floor, grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. T.J pulled down Liam's trousers and boxers and then kissed him hard. Liam's hands were stretched high against the wall as his dick lay uncomfortably hard against T.J's body. There tongues were re-introduced to each other as they kissed like it would be there last ever kiss. T.J still held Liam's arms in the air but managed to wrap his hands around Liam's rigid cock. The kiss got even more passionate still, as if that was even fucking possible, as T.J wanked Liam's cock hard and fast. The combination of lust and arousal sent Liam over the edge and he was cumming for the second time as T.J plowed his mouth with his tongue. The spunk hit T.J's naked body but the water washed the majority of it away. T.J carried on wanking Liam's dick, milking his cock off every last drop of spunk and Liam's groans were heard across the room as he continued to cum. T.J stopped kissing him, and with two hands wrapped around his own cock, he wanked himself off hard and fast.

Suffice to say he came embarrassingly quickly, the spunk missing Liam and hitting the shower wall as he leaned against Liam to stop himself from falling over.

The pair got there breaths back in the shower.


"We got into a fight. We fell into a mud so we came back and washed our clothes" T.J stated and Liam looked at him as if he was mad "That's the excuse we will use".

Liam didn't speak. He didn't know what to say.

When they were both changed. T.J back into his clothes, and Liam wearing some of T.J's clothes- which T.,J had no idea would be so arousing to him- they were sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Do you regret this?" T.J asked

Liam spoke. "Yes".

T.J's heart dropped. He fucking knew it. Liam was straight. He didn''t want T.J.

"I regret not doing this sooner and I regret not having gone to whole way with you. But we will get to that. Next time I want to.. fuck you?"

He asked it like a question. Was it a question?

T.J had no idea what to do. Or what to say. But Liam knew that T.J had accepted from the shit eating grin that was spread on his face.

Liam had never fucked anyone before. But honestly, he couldn't wait to be inside T.J's arse.


Next time: Peter, Johnny and Jay decide to up the ante and form a dangerous but exciting game. All of the men in Walford are put into a hat, and in a separate hat is the names - JOHNNY, PETER, JAY, JOHNNY + PETER, JOHNNY + JAY, JAY + PETER AND JOHNNY, PETER + JAY.

What will the first combination be? Which 'straight' EastEnders resident is going to be pulled out of the hat, and who will be doing the fucking? STAY TUNED...

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)

As usual all feedback to swaggerjagger90@mail.com :)


Next: Chapter 8

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