Eastend Fucking

By Adz Sampson

Published on Feb 20, 2014


Mick Carter was a hardman. Make no mistake. If you hurt any of his family then you'd feel the wrath of Mick Carter and the wrath wasn't pretty. Not pretty at all. He'd mess you up good and proper make no mistake about that. His family was his life. He loved his wife. Linda was his rock, his soul mate. Plus she was pretty fucking amazing in all aspects of life. His three children Lee, Johnny and Nancy were the three most fucking precious things in his life and he'd go all out to protect them. You can hurt him. Call him names. Whatever the fuck you want but don't mess with his family. You would live to regret it.

His sister Shirley was fucking amazing. She bought him the fuck up and made him the man he was today. He'd do anything to protect that woman. His other sister Tina was a godsend in lesbian form. There wasn't anything she wouldn't do for him, and vice versa.

He loved his kids and he wouldn't want to step on no fucking feet.

But the fact he couldn't get his youngest son Johnny out of his head, in ways that there definitely were not family friendly was fucking with his head.

Mick wasn't a fucking recluse. He'd done the fucking another man thing. That was another time, another planet. He'd thought all that shit was in the past, he seriously worshipped the ground that Linda walked on and wouldn't want to fuck that up.

The fact that every time he closed his eyes he thought of his son was a fucking problem. A big problem. A fucking catastrophic, epic, massive problem. Everytime he closed his eyes and thought of his son Johnny his dick jerked in a way that God would send him to hell for even thinking about.

And it wasn't like he was fucking kiddy fiddler. He'd never, ever thought of this shit before. But the fact he caught Johnny taking a dick up his arse and loving it fucked Mick's head up in ways he could never have imagined. Everytime he closed his eyes all he could picture was his son's face when he came.

And it fucking turned him on in ways he hadn't been turned on for years.

Mick knew there was only one way to cure this fucking problem, and make no mistake Mick knew he was going straight to Hell. But he had to get his hands, and preferably his mouth, around his son's dick.


Peter was fucking bored. Bored of his mundane, vanilla sex with Lola. Bored of working for his father for pittance. Bored of his life in general. He needed a fucking escape clause. He needed some fucking fun.

It'd been a whole week since he'd had sex with Johnny and Jay and honestly he didn't think he'd ever be able to have sex with another human being again without getting the image of the three of them out of his head. Even today at the market stool all he could think when he picked up a cucumber was Johnny fucking Carter. Or when someone requested carrots Jay Brown popped into his head. Things were fucking weird lately. But he wanted a repeat.

And just as he thought of said images, he phone beeped in his pocket. Sighing, thinking it was Lola, he put down the newspaper he was reading in the café and pulled out his iPhone.

It wasn't Lola. It was Johnny.

'Dad's out later. Everyone else gone out for the weekend. Cum around 2nite?? I texted Jay aswell.. Repeat? ;)'

The grin that formed on Peter's face without his realising and the fact that his dick jerked in his trousers gave him the answer. Which is what he typed.

'Hell to the fucking yes Johnny!! ;););)'

He was meant to be meeting Lola for drinks and dinner tonight. But he didn't fancy a roast dinner and stuffing today. The only stuffing he wanted was from Johnny.


Arriving at the Queen Vic at 7.00pm like planned, Peter wasn't surprised to see the pub packed to the rafters. It was a Saturday night so everyone was planning on spending their weekend getting shit faced and fucking someone they usually wouldn't with sober eyes on. Peter looked around but couldn't see Johnny anywhere and Jay had texted to say that sadly he was in Newcastle visiting a family member. So it would just be the two of them tonight. Peter was fucking OK with that.

He sneaked through the back although he was pretty sure that Tina noticed him. She didn't say anything thought so he didn't go back. That would be like walking into a death trap. And he wanted to stay alive tonight, thank you very much.

Walking up the stairs, he realises he should have texted Johnny to tell him he was there. But they had planned on meeting at 7 so hopefully Johnny was already waiting naked for him in the bedroom. Cut to the fucking chase and all that shit. He walked to Johnny's room and opened the door.

But nothing. Empty. Bed was made and the room looked like it hadn't been touched all day. Strange. He turned back and around and nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Hello Peter" a smooth, seductive voice spoke and his dick jerked inside his pants. Except it wasn't Johnny. Not at all.

It was Jonny's fucking dad.

"Mike? Is it, Hi!!" Peter babbled and he realised now he looked like a pathetic dickhead.

"It's Mick" the older man confirmed "But you can call me daddy".

That shouldn't have turned Peter on as much as it did. But his dick was twitching violently in his boxers and he was pretty sure Mick noticed.

"I was meant to be meeting Johnny" he spoke "Where is he?"

Mick didn't answer. He walked into the living room and Peter reluctantly followed him inside. "Johnny's had to pop out for a while. Fag hag crisis. Whitney broke a nail or something".

Fag hag. OH god. If Peter ever revealed he was leaning towards gay then perhaps Lola would become his fag hag. Or she'd chop his cock off. Maybe something in between the two?

"Oh" Peter replied lamely

"Have a beer with me" Mick replied and he pulled two beers out of the cupboard. The cupboard! "I'm sure it won't be as much fun as fucking my son but It'll do".

Peter literally choked on air. Mick had a shit eating grin on his face. And if Peter wasn't as intimated and weirdly turned on as he was now, he'd probably punch Mick in the face. Maybe.

"You guys were loud. I must say though that you must be a pretty good fuck to have my son literally screaming the house down" Mick spoke as he cracked open the beer he was holding "It's important to me, as a father though, that you're not a drug dealer or something and that you actually promise to not fuck him around".

Peter wasn't sure what to do. He stood in the same spot like a fucking knob head.

"Johnny is important to me. And whilst I can tell from the olympic session you had the other night that you're a brilliant lover, my son needs more than that. Tell me Peter, when are you going to propose to my son?"

Peter literally squeaked at that. Mick didn't look amused. He had a weird look on his face. But he still looked fucking hot.


Then he burst out laughing. "That was funny, dude. I thought you were going to shit yourself" he took a long gulp of his beer, his eyes never leaving Peters "Chill out, dude, I'm just winding you up" he continued after swallowing the beer.

Peter relaxed somewhat though after that. He sat down on the sofa next to Mick who gave him the warm beer. He opened it and took a sip.

Mick then stood up. "It's hot in here, don't you think it's hot in here?" he spoke before he pulled at the jumper he was wearing and tugged it off in one long motion. He threw it on the sofa behind him. "I hope my body doesn't scare you" Mick winked. WINKED at Peter.

Peter physically gulped. Mick had a BANGING body. Hairy with a chest that clearly showed he worked hard at the gym. His dick was full-on hard inside his trousers now. What the fuck had he done to God to deserve this fucking torture? "Not at all" Peter managed to speak.

Mick sat back down on the sofa and picked up his beer. He took a long gulp of it and Peter was looking everywhere but the impressive hairy chest sitting next to him. Mick took another swig but somehow choked and the beer ended up on his chest.

"Fucking god damn it, I'm such a clumsy wanker at times" Mick moaned to himself. He wiped some of the beer with his finger and sucked at it. "No point in wasting good beer, ey?" he said to Peter who groaned. Groaned. Mick either didn't notice or ignored him.

Peter was finding it hard to breathe. Mick was sitting on the sofa shirtless with a damp chest from beer and he was sucking his finger. He felt like he might cum in his pants from the sight. It was like a fucking porn movie and Peter knew he was in way over his head.

"So tell me Peter" Mick spoke again "Have you ever been with a married man?"

Peter's breathing got heavier as he thought he might collapse. Mick was fucking with him so badly yet Peter's cock was taking the abuse. Fucking weakling. "No" Peter replied "But there's a first time for everything" he somehow replied back, snappily, and from the look on Mick's face even he was shocked.

Thinking for a moment, Mick pondered his next move. Peter was putty in his hands but he wanted to get to nitty-gritty and fast. Johnny would be home soon.

"So Peter man to man" Mick spoke as Peter looked at him. "If I asked you to kiss me what would you do?"

Peter nearly dropped his beer on the floor. "I would say stop fucking around with me. I get it, your winding me up. That's cool. But don't you think your taking it too far?"

Mick grinned. "Taking it too far?" he questioned "Taking it too far would be pinning you on this sofa and fucking your mouth with my massive cock, making you gag. No, this is just amateur shit Peter".

Peter gulped at that. Mick noticed.

"Yeah my son's hung like a donkey, did you think his father wouldn't be? Do you want to see?" Mick stood up and looked at Peter, winking again. Then in one motion he pulled down his trousers to show a very, very massive flaccid penis.

"Holy fucking shit" Peter groaned "Your insane Mick, In fucking sane!"

Mick shrugged. "But your still going to suck my dick, yeah?"

Just as Peter was about to answer, a shocked moan was heard from behind them. Both of them turned around and came face to face with Johnny Carter who was holding a bag of shopping. Which he promptly dropped.

"Shit" Peter got up, speaking "I swear your dad just came on to me. He's fucking insane mate!"

Mick didn't look at all shocked. He pulled his boxers up but kicked the trousers to one side of the room. "Alright, son"

Johnny didn't speak to his dad. He only looked at Peter and spoke. "You, bedroom now". Peter was shocked but did as he was told. Johnny looked behind him as he walked out of the room, met his father's eyes and simply winked before following Peter out of the room.

Walking into his room, he followed Peter inside but didn't close the door. When inside the room, Peter opened his mouth as if to protest something but Johnny shut him up by pushing him up against the wall and devouring his mouth. The kiss started off as a one-way street with Johnny doing all the work, Peter was clearly trying to wrap his head around what had happened but as Johnny's tongue worked his throat Peter couldn't resist the lure of tongue and replied the favour by sticking his own tongue in Johnny's mouth. The kiss got harder and steamer, tongue everywhere and moans filling out the room as neither noticed Mick entering the room.

"Good boys" he spoke as the pair continued to kiss. Peter looked and was horrified to see Mick standing there, his hands in his pants playing with his dick.

Johnny left Peter's mouth for a moment and turned around to his father. "This good enough for you dad?". Mick didn't need to reply. The fact he was standing there, wanking in the middle of his son's room as his youngest son mouth fucked another man was proof enough that Mick indeed think it was good enough.

Now Peter was seriously confused.

"What the fuck?" was all he could manage.

Johnny shrugged. "There's no point in lying Peter. My dad wants to watch us fuck".

Peter literally gulped at that. "But that's.. insane".

Shrugging again, Johnny spoke. "Maybe. But the fact your dick is twitching against my thigh suggests this is something that you are up for".

Peter groaned. "This is mental. His your father!"

"I know, I thought it was weird at first aswell" Johnny spoke "But then my father opened my eyes to just how fucking hot it could be".

"So, what?" Peter asked "He's gonna sit there and wank while I fuck you".

Johnny shock his head. "No, he's gonna sit there and wank while I fuck you".

Peter's dick twitched at the thought of that. Who knew he would have been such a bottom slut?

"And then your going to fuck me" Johnny spoke and Peter grinned.

"Well I do like fucking you!" Peter laughed and Johnny smiled at him.

"Atta boy" Johnny spoke "And then when your fucking me, my father's gonna fuck you".

Peter's dick violently twitched in his boxers this time. Christ. This was mental.

Mick was still standing there, his hand slowly wanking his dick through the material of his boxers. "So Peter you got the balls to handle two Carter lads?"

Peter groaned. He was too far gone. He stood up and walked over to Mick and simply put his hands down his boxers, grabbing his dick. "I want this inside me" he confirmed. He looked at Mick who looked so happy like he'd won the jackpot on the lottery or something. Peter tugged on Mick's dick slowly and Johnny watched with anticipation. "And I want your son's dick inside me".

"Such a cock slut" Mick grinned and he spoke directly to his son this time "You gotta keep this one around son".

Johnny grinned. "Oh I plan to dad".

Peter turned around and looked at Johnny whilst still slowly wanked Mick's heavy dick. "I need one of you inside me soon otherwise I will fucking explode!"

Mick nodded at Peter. "When my son was born I promised I'd do anything to keep him happy" he spoke "So if fucking you at the same time as my son would make him happy then who the fuck am I to oblige? What do you say son?"

Johnny didn't answer. Instead, he walked over and put his hands down his dad's pants. "I don't know what's more confusing to me. The fact that I'm touching your dick or the fact that I'm liking it" he said honestly.

Mick grinned at his son. "Shagging my son wasn't exactly on the top of my list there either Johnny" he replied "But who the fuck are we to deny what our cocks want?"

Johnny wanted to kiss his father. But perhaps that was a bit TOO fucking weird. Not that this whole wasn't already weird. But still.

Peter walked over to Johnny and pushed him up against the wall. He unzipped Johnny's hoodie to find that he was already shirtless. He ran his cold, unsteady hands up Johnny's body whilst the younger Carter lad sucked on his neck, making it wet whilst his dick jutted inside his boxer shorts. He never realised just how sensitive his neck was. Peter worked his tongue around the top of Johnny's chest before coming to his right nipple. He casually flicked it with his tongue, making Johnny gasp with pleasure.

Mick was sat on the bed, his hands casually playing with his rock hard boner. He still felt extremely weird about this whole situation but he was more turned on now then he'd ever been. His dick was so hard it could cut through the fucking Great Wall of China. Seeing his son having his nipple played with was doing thing's to Mick that he never thought was fucking possible.

As Johnny leaned against the wall, breathing steadily, Peter placed the erect nipple into his mouth, he inadvertently caused the lad to rut up against him. Johnny's nipples were obviously as sensitive as his neck. Peter abandoned the nipple after a while which caused Johnny to let out an ungrateful moan at the pause of sensitivity on his chest. Peter grabbed Johnny's hand and walked him over to bed where Mick was still playing with himself and pushed him firmly on to double bed. Johnny didn't speak, only laid there intently waiting for Peter to make the next move.

The Beale lad made eye contact with Mick who had cancelled his wanking momentarily to nod at him. Peter sat down on the bed, causing it to dip slightly from the weight of three very erect men. Mick left the bed and disappeared from the room briefly before returning with a packet of condoms and some lube.

Johnny didn't even want to know why his father had lube. That was a question that he quite frankly knew would freak him out whatever the answer.

Peter accepted the 'gifts' from Mick who anewed his place on the bed. "Gotta open me up Johnny lad before you park your train in my train station".

Johnny cringed at the metaphor but didn't want to tell Peter just how lame he sounded. Instead, he jumped up from the bed and swapped places with Peter who had now taken of most of his clothes with the exception of his boxers and socks. Johnny knelt on the floor and took off Peter's socks in one swift movement, throwing them across the room. He looked briefly at Peter's feet before deciding that he was going to do something with them. He'd always thought of it but had never had the courage to do it. He didn't know if was the fact that his father was in the room, who was obviously quite enjoying what he was seeing, that had boosted his confidence somewhat but he took hold of Peter's right foot and placed the toes into his mouth.

Peter felt weird at first, but as Johnny sucked on his toes he started to somewhat enjoy it make no mistake it was weird but it weirdy got Peter's dick hard especially when Johnny focused on one toe in particular, sucking and licking it. If you'd have told Peter a few weeks ago that he'd be laying in a bed with his stiff dick near ready to escape his very tight boxers whilst getting his toes sucked by a dude he'd have lamped ya one. But the world has a funny way with things, doesn't it? And my God Peter would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy this.

Mick was still sat on the bed, but he had lost his trousers now and was expertly but slowly playing with his cock through the thin material of his boxers. His son sucking on Peter's toes was a mixture of gross and fucking erotic and the fact that Mick's dick was twitching from the sight of left no doubt in his mind that he was well and truly fucked up in the brain department.

Peter's hand found its way inside his boxers and he grabbed onto his dick which was fully compact and ready for action and the mere slightest touch of it nearly had him cumming on the spot. Johnny had abandoned his toes and was licking slowly up Peter's thigh leaving it tingly and wet. He stopped when he got to Peter's boxers and with a bit of adjustment on the bed, he managed to grip a grip on Peter's boxers and pulled them down slowly with his teeth. Peter's purple headed warrior slapped on his chest as Johnny disposed of the boxers, dropping them with his teeth onto the floor. Both of them missed Mick seize the wanking on his dick temporarily to pick the boxers up. He sniffed them and was surprised to find that the aroma of sweat and aftershave on the boxers tingled with his senses and had his dick twitching for more release.

Johnny didn't even tease Peter's dick. He just wrapped his mouth around the thick cock and swallowed the impressive tally whacker, letting it hit the back of his throat as Peter thrust into his enthusiastic mouth. Johnny loved giving head so much and the unmistakable wood tenting his boxers left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

Mick watched as his son gobbled on Peter's big dick. He was done messing around now. He pulled his Black Armani boxers down in one swift movement and grabbed his raging, solid dick. It was so hard that Mick could wrap two hands around the shaft and there was still some dick remaining. He hadn't been this hard in God know's how long and he hadn't wanted to cum so quickly since he was a fucking teenager. But voyaging on his son and Peter's session was doing things to Mick that he knew was fucking wrong, fucking twisted. But yet he had no fucks to give and he couldn't wait to destroy some fucking teenage arse tonight.

Peter had to stop Johnny because boy he was going to bust a wad any second now. Johnny reluctantly stopped making love to Peter's cock with his mouth and instead laid on the bed. He pulled down his boxer shorts and threw them somewhere, anywhere. He grabbed hold of his one-eyed trouser monster and lifted his legs in the air. He pulled the lube from the bed and chucked it at Peter, who was now focused on watching his father wanking on his dick. Johnny's eyes nearly popped out at the sight of his father's cock. Christ. And he thought he was massive!

Peter placed a generous amount of lube on Johnny's arse and rubbed the cold, wet liquid. The coldness done nothing to ease Johnny's horniness and only increased his want to be fucked, right this instance. Peter took one last look at Mick who had slowed down on his wanking and was engrossed in watching Peter. Peter slid a finger into Johnny's hole, the tightness surprising him somewhat, and ignored his twitching penis as Johnny groaned loudly at the pleasure surrounding him and his arse. Getting used to motion, Peter began to fuck Johnny's tightness with his one finger causing the younger Carter lad to moan loudly whilst fidgeting in the bed as he got used to the feeling surrounding his arse.

"Fuck him with two fingers" Mick stated from the other bed and who the fuck was Peter to deny a hot, older man such a request? He pulled out his single finger and somewhat ignored Johnny's protest at the lack of stimulation in his hole, soon replacing that with two fingers. He picked up the speed and fucked Johnny's arse with the fingers more readily. Johnny was groaning on the bed and delicately wanking his pole. The sight was so arousing to Peter that he didn't even realise that he'd stopped fucking Johnny's hole with two fingers and had replaced that with three. He only noticed when Johnny screamed 'Oh holy fuck that's GOOD' as Peter continued to taunt and tease Johnny's arse. Peter removed his fingers from Johnny's hole but soon replaced them with his tongue. His tongue went inside Johnny's hole causing the lad to moan with unbridled lust. He was soon licking and rimming all over Johnny's arse and he was pleased that Johnny's groans and moans indicated that he was doing a fucking ace job of rimming that arse.

"Fuck" Johnny groaned as Peter replaced his tongue with four fingers. He was fucking Johnny's arse fast now. "I need your dick inside me fucking yesterday" he yelled.

Peter did as he was told. Johnny placed his leg on Peter's shoulder as Peter held onto the bed for comfort. And then in a matter of seconds his slamming his dick straight into Johnny's hole causing Johnny to fucking scream with passion. And then Peter could feel hot, sticky liquid on his arm and he turned around to see Mick standing now, one hand gripped onto his massive tool and the other inside his own arse as he spilled his seed onto Peter's body.

"Fuck lads I couldn't help it" Mick groaned as he removed two fingers from his own, until tonight, untouched arse. Johnny winked as his dad as Peter continued to slam into his hole. Mick leaned over the pair of them and licked his own spunk from Peter's arm. "Nice. Who knew I'd taste so good?"

Johnny groaned. "Fuck Dad your killing me" he stated as he let out another loud groan as Peter pounded into him so hard that the bed might fucking break.

They switched positions after that. Johnny was bent over the bed and Peter was slamming into him, his whole upper body leaning on Johnny and he was soon slamming back into that arse. As he fucked Johnny, Mick was having his fun, fingering the fuck out of Peter's delicate arse.

Peter slammed into Johnny when he could feel Mick hitting that spot and they continued like that for a while, Johnny's dick pointing untouched but hard to the bed.

"Now I'm warning you son this may hurt" Mick warned prematurely before he literally slammed his erect cock into Peter's arse causing him moan unmanlylike. Peter was in agony but he carried on slamming into Johnny as his arse got used to the width of Mick's cock inside his arse. After a little while the pain was vanishing and oh christ Mick was hitting that spot.

Peter grabbed hold of Johnny dick and wanked it furiously as he continued to slam the fuck out of Johnny's arse. Mick was doing the same thrusting violently but erotically into Peter's arse.

Peter was first to cum. Mick pulled out of him and slammed furiously into the hole causing Peter to unexpectedly cum inside Johnny's arse without warning. That was fucking hot, he'd never been able to make himself cum without actually touching his dick. His dick continued to leak spunk out as Mick continued abusing Peter's arse. Peter's dick began to soften inside Johnny's arse so he pulled out. Mick followed suit, pulling his still rock hard cock out of Peter's spent arse.

Johnny was wanking on his reddened cock as his father literally leaned over him, his cock in his hands as he wanked. Peter leaned forward and kissed Johnny roughly as the youngest Carter lad sustained his wanking. As he jerked the gherkin with one hand, the more daring side of Johnny emerged as with the other hand he slid three fingers into his fathers tight and unsuspecting hole, causing his dad to groan loudly, swear 'you cunt', and spill his second load of the night all over his son's hairless but well-defined body.

Peter watched with eagerness as the spunk just kept coming. It was like a water fountain. As Jonny finger fucked his father's hole into oblivion, spunk was pouring out of Mick's dick. It didn't take long for Johnny's own seed to spill, he shot a generous amount of the wet, hot liquid all over his chest and Peter watched as Johnny's spunk mixed with his father's.

Johnny and Peter lay on the bed, fucking spent. Mick meanwhile burst into laughter as his cock slowly deflated.

"That was very naughty of you son" Mick winked at the pair "Now clean up before your mother gets back. I'm gonna go and have myself a well deserved cigarette!"

Mick found his boxers and put them on. He looked over to his son and Peter who were now cuddled up on the bed, still naked. They were falling asleep. He grinned. Them two will make a fucking hot couple and he'll leave them be soon.

But now that Mick has found his taste for cock. the men of Walford better be ready.


That was fucking long! Phew. Hope you enjoyed it guys as much as I enjoyed writing it and I seriously did ;)

We will return to Mick, Johnny, Peter and more in Chapter 8, but at the moment I've began working on Chapter 7 which features the two youngsters Liam Butcher and TJ Spraggan. I was a bit weird about writing for 15 years old, so in the chapters Liam will already be 16 whilst TJ is celebrating his 16th birthday. Hope that's OK.

Message me what you would like to see I can tell you that in Chapter 8 one of the characters will be double penetrated but I'm not saying who!! :P

swaggerjagger90@mail.com for all feedback and comments.


Next: Chapter 7

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