Eastend Fucking

By Adz Sampson

Published on Jan 8, 2014


Peter Beale, Jay Brown and Johnny Carter

"Dude I'm so bored I'm contemplating going to bed" Jay sighed as he fiddled with his pint of beer opposite Peter Beale "It's like 10.00pm. That is outrageous".

Peter groaned. "I can't believe Dexter ditched us for that bloody chav".

Jay shrugged. "I'm not surprised. Boy thinks with his brain" he took a sip of his cold, delicious beer "The one in his trousers, obviously".

"I put Lola on hold for boy's night. He couldn't not think with his cock for one night?" Peter enqured but Jay wasn't particuarly listening, focusing instead on downing his beer. "And you could have been with Abi but you came out for boy's night. Boy needs to focus on his priorities".

"Bros before ho's, right?" Jay answered back "And yeah, The Abi think isn't working out. I think I might need to find myself a real chick soon, ya know?: She's too.. " he wondered about what word to use. He didn't want to sound to harsh to the girl but then he was suffering a serious case of blueballs so to hell with it. "Frigid" he finished.

"Ouch" was all that Peter couild manage to that, not wanting to get too involved in Jay's sex life or lack thereoff. "I don't have that problem. Lola is insatiable. Except we've done everything except penetration". Perhaps he should have taken his own advice and not spoke about his own sexlife?

"More then Abi then" Jay sighed "I mean, she freaks out when I touch her boobs. She has lovely boobs. Let me touch your boobs god damn it!". The frustration on Jay's face with either laughable or pathetic. Peter hadn't quite decided.

"Lola loves it when I touch her boobs" Peter grinned as he took a sip of his own beer which was nearly full compared to Jay's near empty glass "Especially when I bite them".

Jay rolled his eyes. "Dude you ever heard of the words 'oversharing?" he wandered a loud.

"Don't be jealous that my sex life is way better then yours" Peter laughed quitely. He took another long sip of his beer wanting to get pissed tonight.

"I would reply back with a witty comment" Jay spoke "But I'm so pathetic that I don't actually have a sex life. Unless you count my right hand which you shouldn't"

"Lovely" Peter lameted wandering just how many times Jay wanks a night. And why was he thinking that? His brain was fucked up ever since his sexual encounter with Joey Branning. "I hope your change your bed sheets frequently".

Jay mockingly laughs at that.

"But seriously" Peter continued "I'm proper bored aswell. Let's get pissed and be wreckless. Fancy a game of truth or dare?"

Rolling his eyes Jay spoke "Do I fancy a game of Truth or Dare? Well no. Because 1 i'm not 13 and two I'm not nearly drunk enough to play that". He picked up his beer again ready to finish off the deicious beverage already "Plus I don't think Dot's recovered since you last made me knock on her door wearing nothing but a pair of trainers".

"Don't be modest" Peter laments "We all know that Dot can't get you out of her head. Your her sex fantasy when she sleeps at night".

"And there goes ever, ever having another boner ever again" Jay says with a look of disgust on his face. "Thanks Peter, your a true friend. I hope your be able to explain to any future girlfriends why I can't get my dick up without freaking out and picturing her as Dot Branning wearing nothing but a pair of thongs with a cigarette dangling out of her mouth".

"Dude that's way too deep" Peter replied "And scary. Now I think that it's going to be me Jaysuffering from a case of impotency. Thanks Jay!"

Jay downed the last of his beer trying desperatly not to think about Dot Branning in a state of undress. "Okay Pete, here's the deal. You buy the next two rounds and a shot each and I'll play your game".

Peter thought for a moment. "That seems fair, go on then".

Peter came back from the bar a few minutes later with four beers and a shot of something green. They both picked up the shot, tapped glasses then downed the sour Apple drink.

"Disgusting" Peter grimaced as Jay said "Awesome" at the same time.

"Truth or Dare jayboy?" Peter asked as he picked up his beer from the tray on the table. He took a sip whilst Jay replied.

"Let's start of easy. Truth"

Thinking for a moment, Peter then spoke. "When was the last time you wanked?"

Jay took a long sip of his drink. "You pervert" Jay replied nonchantily "But this morning in the shower".

It was Jay's turn to ask. "Truth or Dare Beale?"

"Truth" he replied

Jay sighed. "I see where this is going". He took another long sip of his beer before asking his question. "Have you ever had sex or wanked in public?"

Peter thought for a little moment before he grinned and smiled. "A girl tossed me off in science class once. And then I had a wank on the bus a few weeks ago".

" Nice one" Jay commented "How did the bus wank work out?"

Peter took a sip of his beer. "Had me coat over me lap. Wanked through my jeans. I don't encourage you to go out with freshly spunked boxers. Was fucking painful taking off my boxers later that night".

Jay laughed at that. "Been there, done that, got the mental scars!". He paused before continuing "But seriously, why a bus?"

Peter shrugged. "Lola sent me a picture of her breasts. It was either that or walk around with an uncomfortable boner for the rest of the day".

Peter left out the part where it wasn't Lola who sent a picture of her breasts but actually Joey sending a picture of himself wanking. He wasn't that drunk.

"You really are a pervert" Jay lamented as he pulled out a cigarette and sparked it up. The new bossman Mike Carter allowed them to smoke in the pub because he was cool like that.

Peter took a long gulp of his beer, starting to feel a little tipsy. That would be the shot then! "Truth or dare Jayboy?"

"Dare" Jay spoke "Bring it on, bitch".

"I dare you to take off your trousers, go to the bar and order us four shots each" Peter grinned.

"That is.. " Jay considered for a moment "Either genius or downright nasty. I'll come to the conclusion when I'm back. But all I can say is that your gonna skint me out, man, your worse then Abi on Valentine's Day". Jay stood up and pulled down his trousers. He was wearing a tight fitted pair of Next boxer shorts. His top was just long enough to cover up most of his boxers. Jay walked to the bar after pulling out his wallett from his trousers on the floor. "Can I order eight shots?" he spoke "One of each color".

Mick did as he was ordered and came back with two green, blue, red and cremey shots. Jay paid him the £20. "Can I just ask why are you not wearing your trousers?"

Jay shrugged. "I feel well comfortable not wearing them" he lamely replied.

"Put on your trousers" Mick ordered "Your pasty legs are going to scare away all the fucking customers".

Jay nodded and walked back to the table carrying the four shots.

"Your a legend!" Peter laughed as Jay put back on his trousers

"Your a dickhead" Jay cooly replied "And your gets whats coming to you".

They both downed a shot, the red strawberry one. "Fuck" they both said at the same time.

Peter picked up Jay's cigarette in the ashtray and took a long drag of it.

"Your father would have a fit if he saw you smoking that" Jay commented.

Peter shrugged. "My father can suck my big toe"

Jay was memorized for a second as Peter took a drag. It didn't suit Peter to smoke but yet he looked.. hot. Damn. He thought a dude looked hot. The shots and beer were really starting to take effect.

"Truth or Dare" Jay asked as he took the cigarette from Peter's hand and took a drag whilst the Beale lad thought.

"Fuck it, dare" Peter stated. He took a long gulp of his beer whilst he waited for Jay's inevitaby tough dare.

Jay grinned. "I dare you to snog the next person who walks into the bar. Not just a snog. I want to see your tongue enterting".

Peter groaned. "I can't do that. Lola would castrate me and then make me wear my balls as fucking earrings" he stated "Plus what if it's Dot? I would need counselling Jay. Fucking conuselling!"

"What if it's Kirsty Branning though? Everyone knows you have a thing for her" Jay stated "Don't think what if's just fucking do it".

The pair waited. And waited. But the bar was seemingly dead tonight. They both finished off there beers and downed the Blue blueberry shot in the meantime.

"I don't think anyone else is coming into the Vic today" Peter replied cooly "You might have to think of another one".

Jay sighed. But as he was about to speak the door to the Queen Vic burst open and in walked Dot Branning.


But the behind her, Johnny Carter entered carrying a bag full of shopping.

Double fuck.

"Interesting" Jay commented "So you either have to tongue Dot Branning and maybe face prison for causing an heart attack or snog Johnny Carter and face the rest of your life in a wheelchair when Mick ineveitably pummels you for kissing his gay son".

Peter picked up hs third beer and started drinking fast. He needed liquid courage.

"What would you do?" Peter asked casually. He already decided who he was going to kiss and Dot was lucky it wasn't going to be her.

Casually, Jay picked up his beer. "Honestly? I'd take one for the team and snog the dude. But then I'd rather snog my Dog then snog Dot".

"You don't even have a dog" Peter replied lamely which caused Jay to roll his eyes.

"Metaphorically speaking dude"

As they sat and watched Johnny talking to Whitney at the bar, Shirley took over the reigns of the bar whilst Mike left to go upstairs.

"I dunno what's worse. Shirley looks like she could kill a man just by smiling at him" Peter spoke leaving Jay to laugh.

Peter stood up and sighed. "Here goes nothing" he stated.

"Don't forget I want to see some tongue action" he grinned.

Peter walked over to Johnny and Whitney. Whitney looked like she was smitten by the Carter lad. Honestly was she the only in Walford not to know that Johnny was a card carrying homo? He literally stood in front of Whitney, grabbed Johnny by the shoulders and started to kiss him. At first, Johnny was pushing him away but after a couple of seconds, Johnny deepened the kiss. Then Peter stuck his tongue in and Johnny let out a groan that quite frankly should be fucking illegal because it went straight to Peter's dick.

"Oi lads cut it out!" Shirley spoke, breaking up the kiss "That is the most vulgar thing I have ever seen. And I've seen Phil naked".

"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen" Whitney replied, fanning herself "Johnny I had no idea you liked guys, Peter here would shag anything with a pulse though. It's a shame we're never be able to have sex but seriously? When you guys feel like putting on a show, call me, I'll be in the front seat". Whitney walked away in a daze.

Peter just smiled at Johnny before walking away and rejoining Jay at the table. Johnny was left speechless at the Vic and ordered himself a triple Vodka and coke.

"Dude.. " Jay spoke "That was fucking hot".

Peter took a sip of his beer. "What?"

"Seriously, you two look good together. You're wasted being straight" Jay lamented "What? Okay so maybe I'm a little drunk. But don't pretend you didn't see that. I have eyes. Plus your wearing jeans that are so tight you can see EVERYTHING. And dude.. you enjoyed that kiss".

Peter shrugged. "A kiss is a kiss".

"Nah dude" Jay spoke "No-one gets that hard over a simple kiss unless your 13. You want in his pants".

"Fuck off you prick" Peter groaned "It's just the drink init? Makes me well horny".

Over at the Vic, Johnny was talking to aunt Tina after downing his second triple vodka and coke. "There playng truth or dare" Tina replied "Using you as a pawn for there entertainment, I've a mind to go over there and slap them both around there ugly faces".

Johnny shrugged. "I still got a well hot kiss out of it. Thank fuck Dad went upstairs, he'd have had a fucking heart attack". He pondered for a moment before continuing "But I think I'm going to play them at there own game. I've had a few drinks today and I feel like it's time for people to see you can't mess with Johnny Carter".

Tina grinned at him proudly. "That's my boy".

Johnny took a single Vodka and Coke from Tina before downing it. With all the liquid courage he had, he walked over to the table where Peter and Jay were drinking beers. Arriving at there table, he picked up one of the cremey shots and downed it. Both boys were looking at him like fishes out of water.

He looked at Peter and spoke. "I dare you to take off your t-shirt and spend the rest of the night without it on". Both boys continued to just stare at him. "Oh I'm sorry. Is this not an open game? That's a shame. I could have had alot of fun with you two". Johnny went to stand up but then Jay spoke.

"No stay, join in why don;'t you?" he spoke and Johnny grinned at him before winking. Jay wasn't too sure what to do with that,.

Peter groaned before standing up and taking off his t-shirt. He placed it on the vacant seat next to him. "Why exactly did you want me to take off my t-shirt?"

Johnny shrugged. "Because clothes on you should be illegal" he spoke which Peter blushed at. He actually blushed. "And also because it's so dull in here, don't you think that you without your top on at least makes it somewhat bearable".

"You fancy him!" Jay spoke accusingly

Johnny shrugged. "Have you seen him? I don't just fancy him. I want him on my toast so I can eat him from breakfast".

"Wow" both Peter and Jay spoke.

Johnny leaned over and whispered into Peter's ear. "And I bet you look good covered in sweat" before pulling away and casually saying to Peter "I believe it's your turn now Peter".

Peter didn't know what to do. His jeans were seriously so tight they could burst open at any moment. He was harder then he'd been for ages. "Er, Johnny. Truth or dare".

Johnny grinned before helping himself to Peter's beer. "Truth. Lay it on me pretty boy".

Jay could feel the sexual tension between the pair and it didn't freak him out. Infact, it made him the opposite. It made him jealous. Well ain't that a bitch.

"What's your sexual fantasy" Peter asked and he had no idea why he asked that?

Johnny spoke. "My sexual fantasy? Easy. Seducing two straight guys and having my wicked way with them. One of them is fucking me, hard, so hard that the bed might break and the other is fucking my mouth".

Both Jay and Peter let out a whimper at that. Both were hard. Johnny knew exactly what he was doing.

"Anyway" Johnny continued "It's not like that's going to happen in Walford. Maybe I'll save it for when I move to London. Anyway, Jay truth or dare?"

Jay was unquestionably hard. Uncomfortably so. "Er, Dare".

Johnny grinned but then looked at his watch. "Oh I'm sorry boys. I've got to go. I need to have an early night I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow". He stood up and watched the two 'straight' boys. But before he went upstairs, he leaned over and whispered to pair of them. "But we still haven't finished the game? What a shame. I'll be in my room. Upstairs. Alone". Then he walked out of the Vic and into the hallway.

"That was.. " Peter begun but Jay spoke instead

"That was insanely hot. And we need to finish this game Peter".

Peter sighed. "This is weird".

Jay shrugged. "Mate, I'm harder then nails right now. We need to finish this game. I don't care about fucking labels or whatever but we need to get into his room. And now".

Peter and Jay picked up the final shot and downed it, before sneaking past Shirley who was falljng asleep at the bar and walking upstairs. Behind them, Tina grinned mischeiously.

[i]Dey r cumin up now Johnny! Have fun ;) x[/i] she texted with a grin.


Pushing the door open to the door, Peter and Jay burst in hoping it was Johnny's room they had entered. Otherwise, they were fucked.

Taking in the big room, which had a queen size bed slap bang in the middle of the room- the boys saw Johnny setting up a table. Which had a big bottle of Vodka and two bottles of Aftershock. Johnny turned around and he was grinning, "Boys so glad you decided to join me. I knew you wouldn't let me down" he winked at them. "Sorry there's no beer but I really don't like that stuff but I have vodka and coke and of course what party isn't complete without shots?"

"But you drank some of my beer" was all Peter could manage lamely. Jay slapped him on back.

"I did" Johnny nodded "But that's because it wasn't mine. But it's disgusting. Only helped by the fact you had your mouth around the glass"

Peter inwardly groaned.

The table, situated near the bed had three chairs situated around it. "Take a seat boys" Johnny spoke "Let's have some fun".

Peter sat next to Jay and Johnny sat on the opposite side, pouring out a few glasses of shots.

"Now Truth or Dare is such a childish game. I think we can do better then that!" Johnny spoke. He downed one of the shots and grimaced afterwards. "Now tell me lads have you ever played Have You Ever?"

They both nodded. Jay needed booze, like, three minutes ago so he downed one of the shots. Johnny smiled at him.

"Wicked" Johnny replied "Now seeing as I'm the host I'll start things off".

"Wait" Peter spoke "You had all this set-up? It's almost like you knew we would be coming up".

Jonny just smiled. "I was meant to be having a friend over. But he decided to spend the night with his girlfriend instead".

"That''s why you shouldn't get involved with straight guys" Jay spoke before he could think. "Especially ones with girlfriends".

Johnny smiled at Jay but it wasn't a proper smile. Jay felt patronised. "That almost sounds like a warning Jay" he paused for a moment taking in both Jay and Peter's faces. "Look if you don't want to be here, feel free to go. I don't mind getting drunk on my own".

"I'm not going anywhere" Peter commented and Jay nodded his head to confirm the same.

"Good" Johnny replied "But for your information that guy is just a friend. I don't suck all my friends dicks you know".

"Sorry" Jay replied lamely but Johnny shrugged him off.

Johnny passed everyone three shots. "Let's start off easy. Have you ever kissed a girl?"

All three downed there green shot. Then both Peter and Jay looked at Johnny. "Just because I suck dick doesn't mean I haven't done that" Johnny laughed "I kissed a girl and i semi liked it".

Jay laughed at that. Peter didn't but he smiled anyway. "I feel drunk" Jay stated.

"Good" Johnny replied "Being drunk is fun".

Jay asked the next one. "Have you ever kissed a dude?"

Johnny and Peter picked up there shots and downed it. Jay remained still. "There's still time for new experiences Jay" Johnny winked at him and that went straight to Jay's dick. Fuck. Then Johnny looked at Peter. "That was a good kiss down there. A bit too hasty with the tongue but you've certainly got experience. Also the fact that your erection was pressed against my thigh clearly meant you enjoyed it".

Peter turned scarlett. Jay laughed at him. Johnny just remained smiling.

"Have you ever had sex in a public place?" Peter asked and both Johnny and Peter picked up there shots.

"Attaboy" Johnny grinned after downing his shot, he could feel himself starting to get drunk. "Details".

"In a train. With my ex. In the toilets" Peter confirmed "We nearly got caught".

"Hot" Johnny replied before continuing "Do you guys know Danny Pennant?"

Both of them nodded they did. "Well on my third day here in lovely Walford" both Jay and Peter could sense the sarcasm in his tone. "He bent me over and fucked me in the park".

"Fuck" Jay replied, his dick getting stiffer still.

"Danny is dating my sister!" Peter shouted "I'll kill him".

"Yeah I'm sorry about that" Johnny stated but Jay could sense that he wasn't sorry about that at all "But if it's any help he came far too quickly and felt guilty afterwards. He even cried". He didn't. And he didn't cum too soon. He was fantastic. But Johnny felt like he didn't need to share that.

Jay started drinking his vodka and coke. "Christ Johnny is there any coke in this vodka?" he laughed

"Have you ever recieved a blowjob?" Johnny asked and all three downed the fourth shot.

Jay was starting to feel insanely drunk. So he decided to ask a question that he wouldn't have to drink on. "Have you ever given a blowjob?"

Unsurprisngly, Johnny downed his straight away. "And I'm brilliant at it. Just FYI".

Surprisingly though Peter picked up the shot and downed it.

"Well ain't you full of surprises?" Johnny grinned

"Isn't he just!" Jay replied "Like what Peter, are you kidding me?"

"Joey Branning" was he all he said "I sucked him off".

"That well muscle dude who walks around with a chip on his shoulder but you just know he will throw you around the bedroom?" Johnny asked "Well for a straight guy Peter your sure doing better then me!"

"I can't believe you didn't tell me" Jay stated "When did it happen?"

"Last month" Peter confirmed and Jay just sighed.

Johnny could sense the tension in the room. And not the good kind. So he decided to intervine.

"I dare Jay to kiss Peter" Johnny spoke. And both of them looked at Johnny like he'd just killed his cat. "It will ligten the mood" he spoke "And plus you two kissing would be seriously hot! Could I take pictures and put it on my instagram?"

"Fuck it" Jay said and he stood up and began to walk away. But he paused at the door, sighed, and walked back. He pulled Peter up and kissed him square on the lips. Peter was in shock for a moment, but soon the kiss deepened and Johnny grinned when he saw Jay's tongue leave his mouth and enter Peter's. It was all teeth and tongue, both fighting for dominance but neither winning. In the end, Jay pulled back and groaned. "Okay, so that was hotter then I was expecting". Then he sat down back in his seat and took a sip from his vodka and coke.

"That was way hot" Johnny confirmed. Then he spoke. "I've only just noticed that Peter has his shirt back on, don't you think he needs to be punished for that Jay?"

Jay looked at Peter and grinned. "I think he does. I think he needs to take the t-shirt back off and take a shot".

"Agreed" Johnny stated. Peter groaned but stood up and pulled the t-shirt above his head dropping it on the floor. Both Johnny and Jay stared at the buffed up torso only Jay was pretending not too. Peter then took a shot and grimaced. "I ain't gonna get up for work in the morning" he spoke.

Everyone just laughed. No-one knew why.

"We back to truth or dare then?" Peter asked as he felt the coldness hit his bare chest. "Because I don't think I could handle another shot".

"Lightweight" Johnny teased "But OK. Fine. But only because I'm drunk. Or nearly there".

"Johnny, truth or dare?" Peter asked and Johnny thought for a moment. "Dare"

"I dare you too suck Jay's nipple" Peter spoke as if it was nothing.

"Easy" Johnny replied but then he took in Jay's uneasy face. "Don't worry dude, your love it. My tongue is amazing and has a certifcate and everything" he winked.

Jay sighed but lifted up his t-shirt revealing his toned but somewhat skinny body. Johnny took in Jay's hairless nipples and licked his lips. He was going to like this. And so was Jay. That big was guranteed. Leaning forward, Johnny tenderly licked around the nipple. The coldness and wetness of Johnny's tongue sent a fresh wave of desire staight to Jay's cock. Then Johnny took Jay's nipple into his mouth and sucked delicatly on the nipple, caushing Jay to groan loudly at how fucking amazing it felt. Johnny seized the sucking after a while and when he felt Jay's erection on his elbow he knew he'd done a good job.

"Damn Johnny" Jay groaned "I never thought a man could make another man feel so.. "

"Turned on?" Peter answered for him and Jay nodded his confirmation.

"You don't know the half of it then Jay" Johnny grinned.

"Jay, truth or dare?" Johnny asked and Jay replied with a simple 'Truth'.

"Is it true that your harder then you've ever been in your life?"

Jay could have denied it. He should have denied it. But his mouth betrayed him by answering 'Yes'.

"Truth or dare Peter?" Jay asked and the Beale lad answered "Dare".

Jay decided to up the anté now. "I dare you to wank off Johnny for 20 seconds".

Johnny grinned. Peter remained cool faced. Jay had no idea why he asked Peter to do that.

Johnny pulled down his trousers and pants and both Jay and Peter groaned when they saw Johnny's meat.

"9 inches" Johnny proudly nodded "Runs in the family".

Jay was dribbling. He didn't even care. What happened tongiht was going to stay in this room.

Peter wrapped his hands around Johnny's thick slab of meat and lightly ran his hand up and down it. Johnny flinched at the coldness of Peter's hand but in a couple of seconds he was groaning as his cock instantly got hard from the way Peter firmly gripped his dick.

"20 seconds" Jay stated from where he was seating. "Is over"

Peter took his hand off Johnny's cock, which was now rock hard and pointing to the ceiling.

"Well I think it's safe to say that this game has took a turn for the worse" Jay nodded as he took another long sip of his vodka, emptying the glass of it's contents.

"Or the best" Peter added with a slight grin "Depends on how you look at it".

"My kinda guy" Johnny winked at Peter "Glass half full kinda guy instead of glass half empty".

"Except my glass is actually fully empty" Jay interrupted, and Peter couldn't fail but notice the slight slur of his words. The drink was hitting him.

Johnny took control of that, pouring vodka into a glass. He then poured some Diet Coke into the it, Jay raised his glass in the air and Johnny tapped it with his own glass. "To having fun" Johnny spoke

"Fun" Peter added, putting his own glass into the circle.

Peter downed his own glass and then spoke. "Truth or dare Jay?"

"Dare" Jay simply replied staring at no-one except his glass in front of him. "Because why the fuck not?"

Peter took a long sip of his own drink and shared a look with Johnny. "I dare you to lick Johnny's cock". As soon as the words left his mouth he kinda regretted it because he wasn't sure how Jay would react to that.

But Jay just shrugged and left his drink on the table. Johnny walked over to him and dropped his trousers to the floor once again and Jay nearly got cold feet when confronted by the length and thickness of Johnny's cock. How could someone so small carry something so destructive in there trousers? But he took a long gulp before running his tongue along the thick cock. Johnny groaned at the coldness and sensation of a tongue on his cock. When Jay removed his tongue, he actually whimpered.

"Well I think it's fair to say that I've left my straight side at the door" Jay spoke before downing his drink in several long gulps.

"Don't have to question your sexualitly just because you licked his dick dude!" Peter spoke

"Maybe your right" Jay replied and Peter sensed he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Truth or dare Peter?" Jay asked his best friend

"Truth" Peter replied

Jay smiled. "Is it true that you don't want to leave this room until you've drained your balls?"

Johnny choked on his drink at the question. Peter immediatly turned scarlett for the second time that night. Jay just looked at Peter like it was the easiest question in the world.

"Maybe" Peter replied

"Maybe is so fucking shit" Johnny replied "But that works for me" he winked.

"Truth or Dare Johnny?" Peter asked

"Dare" Johnny asked. He hadn't bothered to pull his trousers back on following Jay's cock licking but he left his boxers on. "Hit me with your best shot".

"I dare you to suck Jay's dick for 1 minute" Peter asked.

Johnny just nodded at that. Jay looked like he was torn between running for the hills and cumming right then.

Johnny got down on his knees in front of the chair that Jay was sitting on. He pulled down Jay's jeans and was impressed by the bulge in Jay's white Calvin boxers. He pulled the boxers back and pulled them down to Jay's knees.

"Someone is exited" Johnny spoke not to Jay but to his cock

"Someone is very excited" Peter added.

Johnny didn't speak another word. He just wrapped his mouth around Jay's dick and sucked. Jay grabbed onto the table as passion greatly overwhelmed him. Johnny took his whole dick down his throat and Jay couldn't help but thrust into his mouth as desire took over. Johnny continued to suck hard on Jay's dick whilst holding onto his balls. Jay could feel that familar sensation of near orgasm approaching but it was ruined when Peter coughed.

"A minute's over lads" Peter grinned

"Fucking hell" Jay groaned. His face was beet red and sweat was forming on his forehead. Johnny pulled away and grinned up at Jay. "Dude knows how to suck a cock".

Johnny shrugged. "I've got a big mouth".

"Matches your dick" Peter winked at Johnny felt himself turning red. Now ain't that a turn up for the books.

Jay was sat on the seat, his cock still hard. He couldn't be bothered to pull his boxers back up just yet. Being sucked off by a man wasn't mean to feel that good, but to hell, it was fucking amazing.

"Jayboy" Johnny spoke "Truth or Dare".


"On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you want to cum right about now?" Johnny asked.

Jay sighed. "15".

Everyone laughed.

"Peter" Jay asked "Truth or Dare"

"Truth" Peter replied quickly

"How far are you willing to go tonight?"

Peter took a long sip of his drink. "I have no limits"

Johnny paused for a moment, looking at Peter. "No limits at all?"

Peter knew what he meant. But still he said "No limits"

"Johnny truth or dare?"

Johnny thought for a moment. But he wanted this evening to progress because damn it his dick was hard as nails. "Dare".

"I dare you to stop playing Truth or Dare".

"Game over" Johnny winked at he downed a shot just for the hell of it.

"Now suck Jay's dick until his cum in your mouth" Peter ordered

"Yes please!" Jay smirked, pulling back down his boxers. "Suck me dry"

Johnny got on his knees and wrapped his mouth around the dick. He took the dick further in his mouth ths time and Jay groaned at how amazing it felt. Johnny was sucking his dick like it was a lollipop that he needed to finish right now and Jay knew he wasn't going to last long but at this moment he really didn't give a fuck.

Peter watched his best friend got his dick sucked and grinned. Jay was fucking enjoying it, he could tell by the sweat dripping down his head and the fact that he was forcing Johnny further down his dick. Peter stood up and pulled down his trousers and boxers, his own dick sprining free like a jack in the box. He wrapped his hand around the large shaft and slowly ran his hand up and down it, making himself gasp at how good it felt to finally get to touch his dick which had been hard in his boxers for nearly an hour.

Johnny took Jay's dick like a pro. Jay knew that Johnny had probably done this a few times before but still he would defiently get a gold medal in the art of fellatio if ever an Olympic sport like that should exsist. Which it should, Jay thought. He'd be a willing participant.

"Come here Pete" Jay spoke inbetween moans as Johnny worked his dick like a fucking pro. Jay's dick honestly never felt so good. He don't think his ever been as hard as he was now. Peter walked over to Jay and Johnny, his hand still wrapped around his own steel cock. Jay slapped Peter's hand away and gripped onto Peter's dick. It felt weird having a dick in his hand that wasn't his own but still he firmly wanked Peter's dick, causing his best friend to cry out in pleasure.

Johnny stopped sucking on Jay's dick for a moment and the ginger lad felt the absense straight away. His dick needed mouth to dick contact stat. Instead, Johnny ran his tongue over the head of Jay's dick causing the lad to let out a loud moan and a 'holy fuck' curse.

Jay could feel his balls tightening up and the familuar bubbling in his stomach. He wasn't going to last much longer. But still he wanked Peter's heavy dick as Johnny continued to tease his dick. Johnny felt Jay's dick hit the back of his throat as Jay started to thrust into his mouth. He truly loved sucking dick, he loved the fact he could make a guy squirm and be under his control just by the mere fact he could suck dick like David Beckham could kick a ball.

"I'm gonna" Jay groaned but it was too late, he thrust into Johnny's mouth one final time as he shot a generous amount of spunk down the Carter lads throat. Johnny didn't flinch but instead swallowed Jay's thick load.

And then Johnny placed his finger on the edge of Jay's arse, teasing his hole and after a 'holy fucking God', he shot a second thicker, juicer load down the lad's willing throat. After vacating from Jay's dick, Johnny looked up to see Peter with his eyes closed as Jay picked up speed wanking his dick. Jay worked the whole of Peter's dick but his balls were abandanded so Johnny knelt over to him and placed the sacs in his mouth, sucking each globe one at a time. Moments later, Johnny could tell by the speeded up breathing and the groans getting louder that Peter was close. He left the balls abandended once more and spoke. "Cum over Jay's face".

"What?" Jay asked dumbfounded but it was too late as Peter did as instructed. Jay let go of Peter's dick and Peter wanked his own dick twice before a thick, wet load of spunk left his cock and hit Jay straight on the face. It dribbled down his cheek. A second shoot happened mere seconds late as Peter wanked his dick like it was going out fashion. This shot hit Jay straight on the face again but some went over Jay's shoulder and hit the floor.

Peter dropped to the chair and both Peter and Jay sat spent. Johnny walked over and licked Peter's cum off Jay's face. "Nice"

"Fuck thats hot" Jay moaned. Johnny licked the spunk off Jay's again and then kissed Jay, his tongue sharing Peter's cum with him.

Johnny sat on his bed, his nakedness apparent. "Come on straight boys the night's not over yet" Johnny spoke.

Jay grinned and Peter smirked.

"I want you both to suck my dick. Jay I want you to prep my arse and then I want you both inside me".

Both of them could have cum instantly.

"But that's not all. Because Jay you are the lucky one who is going to have the benefit of a Johnny thrust?"

Jay looked confused.

"I'm gonna fuck the cum out of you, basically"


Okay so that was a LONG chapter. It would have got even longer but I decided to end it there and continue in a seperate part. Next time you will see Jay fucked and Johnny double penetrated. There's also a surprise at the end of Chapter Five that will lead into Chapter Six.

I have upto Chapter 7 planned. If you guys have any ideas on future characters to include please do so. I can tell you that Chapter 7 will feature a character from EastEnder's past.

swaggerjagger90@mail.com for all feedback and comments.

Next: Chapter 5

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