Eastend Fucking

By Adz Sampson

Published on Dec 22, 2013


Peter Beale wasn't gay. Honest, he wasn't. He loved girls. He loved boobs. Lola was his dream girl. The thought of having sex with another man had never, ever crossed his mind before and it wasn't something that he'd ever assumed he'd be interested in.

He had been with Lola for a few weeks now. Everything was good. She was perfect. Every time they were together everything was great. Peter really cared for her, and she made him smile. The sex wasn't amazing, he honestly thought sex would be better... It was just sex to him. She seemed to enjoy it, but it didn't really do anything for him. Staying hard felt like a fucking challenge which it shouldn't have been. Because Lola is fucking gorgeous and she should make his dick hard anyway.

And things had been going so well. Lola and him had been having a great time and he was honestly starting to think that something serious could be happening here. Yeah, he didn't feel that spark but that would probably come, yeah? Love at first sight didn't exist for Peter but he could honestly see Lola being the girl that he marries and eventually has kids with.

Things had been going perfect. And then Joey Branning came along and ruined everything. Because Joey added him as a friend on Facebook and things have been going downhill ever since down.

Because Joey Branning had pictures of him wearing nothing but a tight pair of swimming shorts. And Joey had countless pictures of himself shirtless whilst working. And Joey had pictures of him on holiday wearing literally nothing but a leaf covering his modesty.

And if there was ever such a crime in this world, it was that that fucking leaf existed.

Because those pictures bothered Peter and it honestly fucking shocked him to his core. Because staring at them pictures made something inside him feel weird. And more importantly, his dick had a reaction it had never had whilst looking at a man. It got hard. And not just hard- but inexplicably rock hard. Harder then he's ever been before in his life. And Peter isn't gay!

Peter thought it might have just been a silly reaction. A one-off thing because he hasn't had sex or bashed the bishop in a couple of days. Maybe if he'd look at pictures of Lola wearing a short skirt he'd have the same reaction. But no. Nothing. His dick didn't even flinch a tiny bit at the peek of Lola's breasts he got when she bent over to pick up her magazine.


And then fucking God must have been taunting him or something because suddenly Joey was everywhere. When he went to gym to work off some stress- Joey was there wearing nothing but a seriously tight wife beater, his muscles flexing as he punched the boxing bag. And then when Peter went for a run at 5.30am in the morning because he couldn't sleep- Joey was there, running around wearing a seriously bulging track suit and a smile that could knock even fucking Ray Winstone for dead. And when he went swimming with Lola and Jay- Joey was there with Alice wearing those tight shorts.

And every fucking time Peter had the same reaction. Working out and seeking a sneaky peek of Joey's muscles as he worked out caused Peter's dick to instantly grow hard inside his shorts. He had to do something about that because he didn't want everyone to see his fucking boner. He caught a glimpse of Joey working hard on the running machine, his massive thighs working hard. And then he looked at Joey who had the audacity to wink at him causing Peter to literally abandon the work-out he was doing, running to the toilet and pulling his hard dick out. Fisting away at his dick the only image in his head was fucking Joey Branning and suffice to say he came embarrassingly quickly down the toilet. Then when he went running, he saw Joey with his headphones in running fast without a care in the world. This time Joey didn't see him but all Joey could see was the straining bulge of Joey's track suit and his tight arse in the ridiculously tight shorts and his dick was instantly begging for release against is own track suit bottoms. Pulling it out and wanking behind the tree is not the highlight of Peter's day neither is blowing his load against a tree whilst calling out a meek 'Joey' as he imagined it was the Branning lad's hand wrapped around his member. And at the swimming baths, even in the cold water, Peter's dick instantly grew hard at the mere sight of Joey in his shorts. Joey didn't even get in the fucking water, he stayed on the surface wearing those tight tight shorts and basically being a fucking cock tease.

Peter wasn't gay. But the fact that he had his trousers and boxers down his legs and his cock in his hands as he fisted to a shirtless picture of Joey Branning for the third time that day was beginning to worry him. Maybe he wasn't gay and his body just had a weird reaction to Joey.

There was only one way to find out though. One way to find out once and for all whether he was gay or maybe bisexual or even just fucking Joeysexual.

He had to get Joey into bed.


Lola was a no-show. Fucking fantastic, bang goes his night. There goes his bang for the night. Lexie had apparently fallen ill or something and she was too scared to leave her with Billy who was ill himself, so it looks like Peter is in for either an early night or drinking by himself. Neither sounded fun, but with the latter at least he could feel lonely whilst fucking smashed. He went to the bar and ordered himself a double vodka and coke, because why the hell not? and went back to the table to drink it. And it Peter's day couldn't get any worse, apparently God had decided not be a bastard to him today. Joey walked into the pub wearing nothing but a football kit and as you can imagine, but Peter and Little Peter were mesmerized by Peter's tight thighs and that arse in the shorts should be fucking illegal.

Still not gay. Peter had to keep reminding him. Still not fucking gay.

Peter downed his drink and went to the bar to buy a new one. Peter spared a quick look at Joey who was now drinking a beer whilst standing by himself. He quickly turned away when Joey looked over at him, completely missing the grin on the Branning lad's face. Peter ordered another double vodka and coke and a shot of something blue and downed them both before taking another double vodka and coke and going back to his seat. He was going to be drunk soon and Peter was a known dickhead when he was drunk.

Peter looked up and noticed Joey looking at him. And then Joey looked away to order another drink, leaving Peter to look at Joey.

Peter couldn't and wouldn't stop staring at Joey. It was like his eyes were transfixed on him and when he tried to move his head to look somewhere it else, his whole body shut down and stayed static. Joey looked fucking more gorgeous then ever wearing that light blue football kit and Peter couldn't help eyeing up Joey's impressive body. His body and his dick had definitely hated him because they both have reactions to Joey- his dick was harder then it'd been for ages and his stomach felt like someone had punched him. And then disaster happened.

A girl approached Joey.

The girl was gorgeous. She had long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and she was wearing a dress that left nothing to the imagination. She shouldn't be wearing any material because Peter was pretty sure that when she bent over to tease Joey he could see what she had for breakfast. Joey grinned at the attention but didn't seem to be interested in the girl.

"I lost my rubber duckie" the girl slurred as she placed her bottle of alcopop on the table "Would you bath with me instead?". Peter cringed for the poor girl because that line was so.. not good. And Joey looked like he'd rather be anywhere else then right here.

On my fucking dick. Peter thought and where the fuck did that come from? Christ. He needed to stop drinking. And soon.

The girl sighed when she realized that Joey was not interested in her.

"Your loss mate" the girl stated "Your missing out on the blowjob of a lifetime".

Joey didn't say anything to that, just ordered another beer and rolled his eye. Alfie the barman grinned at him.

Peter finished the rest of his drink and decided to approach Joey. He had to be careful though because Joey could punch him. And his bruises were still fading from the last beating he got. He couldn't have anymore damage to his beautiful face, thank you very much.

"Your a fool" Peter stated as he stood next to Joey "Should have banged her".

Joey didn't say anything for a moment. Just stared at Peter and took a long sip of his drink. "I couldn't be arsed" he replied "And plus, I think I've already done her".

Right. Of course he has. Stud.

"Not that memorable then?" Peter said before ordering another double vodka and coke.

"Very memorable" Joey stated as he continued to look at Peter in a very unreadable fashion "In the bad sense".

"Really?" Peter replied looking over at the blonde girl who was now complaining to her friends about the rejection "Because she seems like the perfect lay to me".

Joey continued to stare at Peter and it was becoming unnerving. "You go for it then. Want me to put in a good word for her, tell her your rock her fucking world?"

"NO!" Peter said perhaps a tad too hastily "I er have a girlfriend".

"Right" Joey replied, taking another sip of his beer "Lolly or something?"

"Lola" Peter confirmed

"I don't care" Joey replied "Want another?" he said indicating to Peter's half empty glass

"I shouldn't- my dad will be annoyed if I get drunk on a 'school night'" Peter replied "So in that case I'll have a triple".

Joey nodded and ordered a triple vodka and coke. "Where is Lily tonight?" he asked in conversation

"Lola" Peter corrected "She's got her kid, the kids ill"

"Right" Joey nodded and then took a sip of his beer.

Peter downed the drink like it was just coke and starting to feel drunk.

Joey followed suit by downing his beer.

"I need a smoke" Peter stated, the feeling of Joey's eyes digging into him "Bear with".

He walked out of the pub and crossed the road and sat on a bench in the gardens. He was feeling tipsy and his head was spinning. He pulled out his spliff and sparked it up, inhaling the fumes of the illegal cigarette.

Next to him, someone sat down. "That smells disgusting" Joey stated but Peter didn't care.

He didn't really smoke it, but the mix of booze and sexual frustration was starting to get to Peter. He stole it from Jay earlier in the week. "Go away then"

Joey didn't say anything for a while but then took the spliff from him and dogged it out on the bench. "The smell was getting on my fucking nerves".

Peter was fuming. "Fuck you Joey, what the fuck?"

Joey shrugged his shoulders. "Because I can".

"Well fuck you!" Peter shouted before standing up and storming away. He turned back away and the vodka had definitely hit him because he shouted. "Why the fuck are you always around? Everywhere i go your fucking there and it;s fucking annoying. Do you know how frustrating it is having to wank in a public toilet because your so fucking turned on from seeing you working out!"

Joey stood up from the bench and looked at Peter with apprehension for a moment. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"YOU!" Peter shouted perhaps too loudly "Your always fucking there. With your thighs and your abs and your fucking arms. In my head, in my fucking nightmares. I can't get you out of my fucking head and it's starting to piss me the fuck off big time!"

"Do you fancy me or something?" Joey asked and Peter couldn't tell if he was repulsed at the idea or not.

"No I don't fancy you" Peter corrected Joey "You just fucking turn me on". Oh Christ, why did he have to say that? "Oh God, I need another drink". He sighed before walking off and walking back into the Queen Vic.

Joey stayed outside for a while pondering what the fuck just happened? Peter wasn't gay and even if he was there wasn't anything Joey could do about it. It wasn't exactly his fault that he had the body of a Greek god and was hung like a horse. Sighing, Joey went back into the Queen Vic to find Peter nursing another drink and looking longingly into space. Joey took a seat opposite him.

"Do you want to have sex with me- is that what your saying?" Joey asked bluntly as Peter looked at him in shock like his dog had just been run over.

"No I don't want to have sex with you" Peter lied expecting Joey to leave. Only he didn't, he stayed right where he was.

"Okay so you don't want to have sex with me" Joey clarified "Christ, this is like trying to work out the Bible, i think I need a drink".

Peter laughed despite himself and took another sip of his drink. He didn't say anything- nothing really needed to be said.

"Okay so you don't want to have sex with me" Joey repeated "So what about if I suck your dick? Would you object to that?"

Peter literally spat his drink out at that and looked at Joey like he had just slapped him or something. "Why would you even ask me that question? Stop fucking with me Joey. I get it that your not gay and that's cool. I'm not either. But don't fucking taunt me with this, that's not fair".

Joey rolled his eyes, stood up and ordered another beer from Alfie who seemed confused but didn't say anything. He took the beer back to the table and took two giant sips before continuing. "Taunting you about what? The fact you fancy me? That flatters me. And turns me on".

"Like fuck it turns you on" Peter replied. He finished his drink and looked at the empty glass in front of him "This is all just a fucking game to you isn't it?"

Joey looked at Peter for a moment before taking another sip of his drink. "What's a game? I just offered to suck your dick and you think that a game? Dude, I'll suck your dick it's not exactly a hardship".

"But your not gay!" Peter groaned and Joey laughed at that.

"No I ain't gay" Joey replied "See that girl over there, yeah, she's fit and her tits are to die for. Literally. But then see her boyfriend?"

Peter looked at the boyfriend. He was a short guy with blonde spiky hair and muscles the size of Peter's head.

"He's hot aswell"

Peter played with his empty glass, looking everywhere but at Joey. "So your Bi?"

Joey shrugged. "Why does everything have to have a label? Why can't we just like who we like?"

Peter though about that for a moment. "So you've sucked dick before?"


"And you enjoyed it?"

"Yes" Joey repeated "Very much so"

"And you'd sick my dick.. like, right now?" Peter questioned

Joey thought, taking a sip of his drink. "Probably not right now. I'm not really at that stage of my sexual awakening. But back at yours I'd suck your dick to the hinge end".

Peter groaned at the thought. "Fuck"

Joey grinned, finishing off his drink. "I'd offer you to come back to mine but I can't really do that. My sister's got Fatboy around and I really don't need to hear that.. Ever".

"That's disgusting" Peter grimaced at the thought "My dad's in though?"

"So? We're be quiet" Joey stated

"I ain't promising nothing" Peter replied and Joey smirked at him.

"By the way" Joey stated as he downed the last of his pint "You wanking at the gym was probably one of hottest things I've seen?"

Peter stopped everything for a moment. "What?"

Joey shrugged and grinned. "You kinda left the cubicle wide open. I think you were too horny. I saw everything and so did some old man".

"Bollocks" Peter stated.

"Yeah" Joey replied "You got some big ones".

"You know that was your fault? You wear jogging bottoms that are so tight you can literally make out your dick" Peter clarified as the pair of them left the Queen Vic.

"If you stayed around you would have seen my show" Joey replied as they began walking to the Beales "I finger blasted myself in the showers".

"That's fucking.. hot" Peter commented, shocking even himself at the moment.

"Now let's hurry back yours" Joey replied "I believe there's a big dick I have to swallow".


The door wasn't even shut properly before Joey had Peter pushed up against the wall. There faces were so close together that Joey could smell the weed that Peter had smoked earlier and the hints of vodka on his breath. Joey slammed his face against Peter, claiming his mouth and Peter shocked him by opening his mouth quickly, responding passionately and quickly to Joey's tongue in his mouth. They moved through the living room, never leaving each other's mouth, Peter responding to Joey's tongue by forcing a kiss into Joey's mouth. Joey could feel Peter getting stiff against his thigh- that caused his own dick to swell a little.

"Fucking hot" Joey groaned as he allowed himself to be pushed onto the sofa by Peter.

"That was.. amazing" Peter spoke "Never kissed a dude before"

Joey didn't reply, just pulled Peter onto the sofa with him before claiming his mouth again. The kissing was intense, and Peter soon found himself shirtless courtesy of Joey ripping it off. Joey bit down hard on Peter's sensitive, erect nipple siting a loud moan from the Beale lad.

"Fuck" Peter groaned "I don't know how we are going to do this with my dad asleep upstairs I'm gonna wake the house up".

Joey didn't say anything but just shoved his tongue down the gorgeous lads throat shutting the worrying teen up. Joey rubbed his cold, firm hand up Peter's impressive abs causing the lad to moan from the sensation and the coldness. Joey's hands soon got to belt of Peter's jeans and it didn't take long for the more experienced lad to undo the belt and throw it unwanted on the floor. The jeans followed soon after and soon Peter was sat on the sofa with his very obvious bulge much to Joey's delight and amusement.

No words were spoken as the older lad slowly teased the Beale lad, rubbing his hands all over his body before moving his hand directly down to Peter's tight, white Calvin Klein boxer shorts. Joey's hand was soon inside the boxers grabbing onto the younger lad's hard, impressive dick.

"Your hand feels so good on my dick" Peter spoke slowly as Joey continued to tease Peter, slowly playing with his dick and his large balls. "Wank me!"

Joey wasn't going to deny Peter what he wanted, so he wrapped his large hand around the stiff meat and slowly began to rub his hand up and down the large member. Peter was groaning which would wake up Ian so Joey kissed him whilst wanking him to shut the younger lad up.

Joey decided that Peter had waited enough. The time had come for Peter to experience the pure and utter joy of blow jobs. And not just a blowjob. A blowjob from a man. A man on a mission. A man on a mission to taste Peter's spunk and to feel it hit the back of his throat.

Opening his mouth, Joey tentatively licked the head of Peter's dick getting a thrust of encouragement from the horny lad above him. The taste of the dick wasn't unusual but Peter's reaction to just the simplest of wetness made Joey's own pants tight. He licked the dick whole, taking his time to slowly tease the merry lad sitting on the couch. Peter's groans of encouragement gave Joey the push he needed to suck on Peter's balls slowly. Peter was cursing now and Joey never thought getting called a 'fucking bastard' was so hot in his life. Joey continued to suck on Peter's globes like it was the last thing he could ever do, teasing each one individually with his talented tongue and mouth. Peter had never been touched like this, so passionately and erotically. His dick was throbbing harder then it'd ever fucking throbbed in his life, Peter had never seen it so hard and so red. So willing to blow his load. But it was far too early. Far too early for Joey to taste Peter's cum and he was going to do everything in his power to withhold his spunk until the right time.

Pulling away from Peter's balls, Joey took a look up at the now sweating and panting lad above him. Peter looked at Joey like he'd stamped on his puppy's head or something obviously missing the mouth to cock contact.

"Suck it already" Peter groaned as Joey rubbed his hairy, tight thighs. "Please" he added for good measure. Just because.

Joey did as he was obliged, never had he been so aroused at someone telling him what to do. He opened his mouth and took Peter's impressive member in his mouth, taking his time for his mouth to get used to the new cock. He took the cock slowly down his throat and grinned to himself at the noises that Peter was making. He was going to wake Ian up and he couldn't wait to see that fucking pricks face. He took the dick further down his throat, the cock hitting the back of his throat which made him gag slightly but he continued with his mission to make Peter cum nonetheless. Peter was a wreck above him, holding tightly to Joey's head as his dick was sucked brilliantly and expertly. Too expertly for such an amateur.

Joey picked up speed. Sucking Peter's dick like it was going out of fashion. Joey's own dick was getting stiffer by the second as the mixture of Peter's moans and the feel of Peter's dick hitting the back of his throat was beginning to have an affect on him. He needed to touch himself and soon. Joey loved the way that Peter's just above average length and just below average girth felt in his mouth. He loved the way it felt hitting the back of his throat without mercy and he loved the way that Peter's cock seemed to have a mind of it's own- fluttering by itself. He was obviously very much enjoying the cock sucking that Joey was laying out.

Peter was on the verge of Cumming. Never had he felt such a pleasure in his life. He'd never be able to wank again because nothing could honestly compare to how both he and his cock felt at this moment. He was a fucking wreck. And he knew he was going to cum soon. Way too soon. But right now he honestly couldn't give a fuck because he was so fucking aroused. He pushed Joey's head further down so that he took the whole of Peter's length in his mouth and he groaned with pleasure as Joey seemed to get used to the sensation after gagging for a while.

And then it happened. Joey reached up and pulled hard on his nipple and Peter was gone. He was coming in a big way. Joey kept sucking as Peter's seed hit the back of his throat, the salty taste enveloping his mouth. He pulled off Peter's dick and decided to wank him off instead. Peter's cock was wet with saliva and cum but yet Peter wasn't finished. Another jet of spunk left Peter's cock abruptly and hit Joey square in the face. Joey wasn't as freaked out by this as one would have thought. A final cum of spunk left Peter's dick in a flurry as Peter collapsed on the sofa behind him. This time the spunk hit the floor behind Joey, who had stood up now.

Sitting next to Peter, Joey leant over and placed a kiss on Peter's lips. The younger lad lazily kissed him back.

"You still have my spunk on my face" Peter laughed but instead of being freaked out, he wiped Joey's face with his finger and told Joey to open his mouth. He fed the spunk to Joey who licked it out of his hands in a seductive manner. "Your going to kill me" Peter moaned lightly as Joey tongued his fingers, making sure every single drop of spunk was cleaned up.

"I think your gonna kill me" Joey lamented as he nodded down to his dick.

"Shall I?" Peter asked and Joey grinned.

"Don't have to suck me off. Not yet. But wank me off, yeah?" Joey asked and Peter grinned at him.

Joey pulled down his own boxers, letting them rest at his ankles as Peter spat on his hand for lube. He took Joey's bigger penis in his hand and it felt weird having a dick that wasn't his own in his hand. But good different. Very good different!

He slowly teased Joey at first, getting revenge for what Joey done to him earlier. But Joey's moans were loud, very loud, Joey should not have been a moaner but that fact alone made Peter's cock rise again.

Joey didn't last long. Peter wasn't surprised though, he'd been hard for ages. In a matter of minutes- Joey had moaned loudly as Peter wanked him fast. The spunk came flying from like out of nowhere, hitting Peter on the chest, face and the sofa. Joey kept cumming as Peter refused to abandon Joey's dick yet, stroking Joey as hard and fast as he could- ignoring the spunk that was still flying out of the older man's dick. When he had finished, Joey just grinned at Peter like he was out of Magic Mike or had grown a second head.

"I better go" Joey said as he wiped the spunk of his chest with his boxers. He then pulled said boxers on and Peter was kind of turned on at that, knowing that Joey was going home in spunk covered boxers that he'd caused. "Your dad might wake up"

Peter just smiled at him. "Gonna fuck and chuck me then?"

Joey pulled on his trousers and looked at Peter. "I ain't fucked ya yet, But I plan on doing so".

Peter pulled the shirtless hunk to him, kissing him hard on the lips, and opening his mouth to accept Joey's soon-to-be-trespassing tongue. They tongued for ages and Peter was, of course, rock hard again. "Will I be able to fuck you?"

Joey wasn't sure about that one at all. "We shall see" Joey grinned and Peter accepted that, watching as the Branning lad picked up his shirt and put it on. He didn't do the buttons up though which was fucking teasing.

"I look forward to it" Peter grinned, as he sat on the sofa covered in drying up cum and wearing nothing at all. "I really do".



Peter puts his blowjob skills to the test when an anxious Jay Brown gets first-time nerves and Jake fucks Joey on his wife's desk.

Next: Chapter 4

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