Eastend Fucking

By Adz Sampson

Published on Dec 10, 2013


Author's Note: This is all fictional. These characters are fictional and are trademarked to the BBC. EastEnders is fictional. The sex in this fanfiction is fiction (but hot i think) and basically everything is fictional. Except me, I'm real. At least I think I am. Enjoy though. And please leave feedback at swaggerjagger90@mail.com even if u hate it. Cheers :X


Joey wasn't a violent man, he really wasn't. When he was growing up, everyone always said what a pleasant young chap he was. And yes, he'd had many a fights but they were mainly the result of pussy. He couldn't help it if the girl he banged just happened to have a boyfriend now could he? It's not his problem that the dude can't satisfy his girl. Really, he wasn't a violent man. But Jake Stone. Joey hated him with a passion and wanted his head on a fucking stick. What was it about this man that Lauren Branning found so irrestiable? He was a fucking messed up alcholic, he was no good for his Lauren and she deserved so much better (see HIM). But he well and truly fucked that one up didn't he? Like he pretty much fucks everything up. He couldn't even keep his sister sane- she was currently inside for a murder that Joey knows she didn't commit. She didn't have the bottle, or the nerves to murder someone. And he would get to the better of that. He couldn't even keep a girl, christ, he was goodlooking and had a body that most guys would kill for, but the most he could hope to get was a quick fuck in the alley with a pissed up married bird who would regret it in the morning.

So Jake Stone. He had to go down. There was no way this fucking man was good enough for his Lauren and he was going to see it to, personally, that he fucks off for good.


Lauren was doing his fucking head. If there was one thing he hated more then his ex wife it was girl's fucking nagging and doing his head in. He was a chilled guy, albiet without the intoxication of booze, but he did pick the wrong birds didn't he? Christ, Lauren was a fucking gorgeous sort and any man would be lucky to have her on his arm. But Jake was married and Lauren just couldn't get into her head that he didn't want anything to do with her in a sexual way.

Ok, so he might have fucked her. Twice. But that was totally the beer's fault. And his wife would have his fucking balls for dinner if she ever found out. She wouldn't. He would make sure of that.

But Lauren was fucking gorgeous, and if he wasn't a somewhat happily married then he'd fucking love to have Lauren attached to him (and his bed) all the time, but the truth of the matter was he wasn't and that was that.

The pub was fucking dead. It was seriously boring and Jake was depressed. Maybe it was because he was drinking orange fucking juice. Why couldn't he have one fucking beer? Oh right, that little thing about him being an alcholic. Even Dot Cotton looked bored as shit, or maybe all that God talk had put her to sleep aswell as half the pub.

Taking a drop of his orange juice, he wasn't surprised to see that Joey Branning was sat at the bar giving him the stink eye. Christ, that guy was fucking obsessed. Everytime Jake just sat in the bar for a quick drink that guy would give him the evils. It's not his fault that Lauren preferred riding the Jake express to Joey's. He could hardly fault the girl for her choice's now could he. If Jake was drinking beer, which he wasn't no matter how much he tried to pretend otherwise, he would totally go and confront that over worked up meat head. But he didn't quite fancy a black eye so he'd give it a miss.

For today.

But it seemed like Joey had other ideas as the meathead was currently walking over to him. And then sitting opposite him.

"I would offer you a beer, but I hear you can't handle it" Joey spoke. He raised his own beer to his mouth, took a generous gulp, then placed it on the beer opposite Jake. "Not man enough to handle it".

"I'm plenty man enough" Jake replied, fingering his glass of orange juice and not looking away from Joey "Just ask Lauren".

That seemed to get a rise out of Joey who slammed his beer onto the table after taking another sip. "You will never be man enough to keep Lauren".

Jake shrugged "I could keep Lauren if I wanted too. I probably make her scream more then anyone ever has before". He continued to stare at Joey, who didn't look away from him either. "More then you ever could?"

Joey looked ready to punch the shit out of Jake but honestly he didn't care. If that meathead wanted a fight, he was going to get one. Forget what he said earlier, he'd love to see Joey on the floor crying after he'd beaten several shades of shit out of the egotistical wankers body. Joey took another gulp of his beer before speaking again. "Believe me, no-one could fuck Lauren like I fucked her". He eyed Jake before grinning. "But it's good that your trying".

"I see you spend your time at the gym" Jake commented, eyeing up Joey's buffed up arms. "Is that to compensate for the lack of equiptment in the trouser's department?"

Joey laughed at that. "If only that was true". He paused for a moment then grinned again. "But you only need to ask Lauren, I'm sure she'll tell you I'm more of a man then you can ever hope to be. And I can drink a pint of beer without having to call my sponser to say I've slipped of the wagon. Must be hard being tee total now, what with your personality. Must be so hard to pick up girls".

Jake stood up and sighed. "I picked up your girl fair enough" he spoke and he pulled out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket. "And believe me, now she's fucked me, she'd never go back to you. Why go back to McDonald's when you've had a Nando's?". He took a cigarette out of the packet and spoke again. "Now if you don't mind, your boring me. I'm going to go and have a fag and think of ways to kill myself to save me from your pathetic jealously all because you can't satisfy Lauren in a way I can".

Jake walked past Joey and placed the cigarette in his mouth. Joey should have just left it, gone home and punched his punchbag for an hour or so. But he had to follow him, he just had too.

Jake sparked up the cigarette and counted. When he got to 7, Joey appeared. "What can I say? Your faster then I assumed. 7 Joey. 7. I guessed 15 seconds before you would come out here to try and finish something". He inhaled on the cigarette and walked over to Joey, blowing the smoke in his face. The younger man choked on the smoke which made Jake grin. "Can't even handle fucking smoke. Your quite the pussy, aern't you?"

"You are such a fucking bell end. I have no idea what Lauren see's in you. It can't be your fantastic personalitly and it's definetely not your looks" Joey stated as he took the cigarette out of Jake's hand and dropped it on the floor, putting it out with his foot.

"I was enjoying that you prick" Jake replied to Joey who just looked at him like he couldn't give a fuck. "You know what Lauren see's in me? You wanna know. The fact that I can make her cum three times in one night and still have time for round four. You get it? I might not be the best drinker and I may have a little more in the stomach area then you- but on the surface, in the bedroom, I'm all fucking there".

Joey pushed Jake up against the wall, seriously getting annoyed with Jake talking about Lauren in this way. Like she was a piece of fucking meat. "Your all fucking talk. I don't believe you've made anyone cum before except maybe yourself and even that is debateable".

Jake hit the wall, his back hurting but he didn't want to show any of signs of weakness against this quite clearly jealous prick. Instead, he allowed Joey to push him up against the wall, holding him there with rage in his eyes. "Oh I made her cum, meathead, you know how I know she wasn't faking it? She makes this high pitched squeak when she cums and she grabs onto your arse as if she is going to die. It's fucking hot". Jake grabbed hold of Joey, and turned the tables so that he was now pushing Joey up against the wall. "And doesn't that just piss of you off? Your nothing but a weak, pathetic man Joey who's going to die alone if you don't grow some balls and just accept that Lauren doesn't want you and she probably never did really want you. And you know why? Because you might have the body. But you don't have the brain. And underneath that bravado and muscle, your nothing but a scared little boy who's upset because Little Lauren would rather spend her night being fucked into the mattress by a real man with a real dick and not some plastic wooden Ken like doll. So why don't you get the fuck out of my grill and just accept the fact that your a loser Joey. Your a loser and you lost Lauren and if you carry on acting like a man scourned then your even more of a loser then I already think you are".

Joey doesn't say anything for a long time. Just stares at Jake with not a flicker of emotion. No anger. No sadness. Nothing. Empty eyes. And Jake realises that's the saddest part of all. And then he does. And all he says is 'Fuck off' before pushing Jake off him and storming off.

Jake pulls another cigarette out of his packet and sparks it up. He should feel satisfied but he doesn't. He feels pathetic for stooping to Joey's level. And he knows that Joey hasn't had a easy life, he's heard bits of bobs from Lauren. So he follows Joey to his flat. To apologize? He's not sure. To do something.

The door is open when Jake gets there, almost like Joey wasn't expecting company. The shirt that Joey was wearing during there confronatation a moment earlier is thrown messily in the hallway and he can hear the sound of groaning and punching. Walking into the living room, Joey is shirtless and punching a punchbag. Joey doesn't notice Jake watching him for a while, but when he does all he says is 'Come to fucking gloat?". Jake takes a drag of his cigarette and just watches as Joey attacks at the bag. His face, Jake imagines, is what Joey is imagining as he dives.

"No" Jake says honestly "I came to apologise".

Joey laughs whilst not stopping the punching at all. "Take your apology and shove it up your arse".

Jake shrugs, takes another drag of his cigarette and continues to watch Joey assaulting the punchbag. "Charming". He doesn't say anything else for a moment, not sure what he is meant to say at moments like this. "I didn't realise that you were madly in love with Lauren".

Joey seizes his violence on the massive punchbag and looksat Jake. "Well now you fucking do". And then a moment later, Joey is walking towards him. Jake doesn't flinch, just takes another drag of his cigarette expecting Joey to punch him or something. Joey takes the cigarette and takes a massive drag out of it. not choking, and then throws it out onto the streets outside the empty door. He exhales the smoke in Jake's face. "I am a fucking man". Then he pushes Jake up against the door and kisses him.

Kisses him.

And Jake is shocked at first, standing there with his mouth open like his about to catch a fish or something. But then.. he's not. And then his kissing Joey back, his tongue clashing with the boxer's own tongue, his hand gripping Joey's sweat covered arms as the kissing grows intense and passionate, his cock digging into Joey's thigh as the hunk continues to assault Jake's mouth with his own. A few moments later, Jake stops the kissing and just looks at Joey.

"What the fuck was that?"

Joey shrugs, still staring at Jake. "A kiss".

"Didn't know you was a queer" was all Jake could say in reply to that and Joey didn't flinch or anything, just shrugged.

"I ain't" he replies honestly "It felt like the right thing to do"

Jake looks confused at that. "And what's the next right thing to do?"

Joey shrugs. "Walk away?"

Jake pushes Joey up against the opposite side of the wall and leans towards him. "Wrong fucking answer" before smashing his mouth against Joey's, his tongue inside the younger man's mouth before his even had a chance to say anything. Jake's hands are all over Joey's impressive body, his cold hands fingering Joey's nipples, which are apparently sensitive from the groan that Joey unleashes when he plays with him, whilst Joey has his hands gripping Jake's arse, pushing him forward so Jake's tongue is all the way down Joey's throat. The kissing lasts for what feels forever, both tongues exploring each other's mouths until Joey eventually pulls away.

"This an interesting turn of events" Joey states the obvious as Jake continues to hold the man against the wall "A very interesting turn of events".

"Shut the fuck up" Jake replies to Joey "I'm thinking here".

Joey laughs for the first time that night and it knocks Jake for six. "Don't hurt yourself there dude".

"I hate you" Jake tells the younger man as Joey just shrugs. "I actually hate you".

"Cool, well it was fun having your tongue in my mouth" Joey states as Jake looks ready to hit someone.

Jake walks to the open door and Joey doesn't say anything. Jake turns back around and looks at Joey. "People are fucking nosey" he states before slamming the door shut. He walks back over to Joey and pushes him into the living room. "Now shut the fuck up and kiss me again".

Joey hesitates for a moment, like he isn't sure if kissing Jake is what he wants. But then he shrugs, sighs and then pulls the alcholic in for another kiss. During the heated kiss, Joey somehow manages to rip Jake's shirt off him in one move, without breaking any buttons. Jake stops the kissing to speak for a moment. "Seriously impressive".

"I've had some practise" Joey deadpans before kissing the man again. Soon Jake's shirt is a crumpled mess on the floor and the pair have somehow managed to find there way to the sofa, there tongues not leaving each other's mouths once.

Jake stops kissing Joey and looks at the man. "So I'm gonna suck your dick now".

Joey grins a sexy smile. "Go on then".

"I wasn't asking your fucking permission" Jake replies "God I hate you"

"Hate me" Joey replies "But don't hate my dick. Please. Don't get revenge by like biting it off".

"Shut the fuck up" Jake says for what feels like the 18th time that night "The only thing I'm gonna do to your dick is suck it dry". He kneels on the floor and pulls down Joey's jeans and boxers in one go. Jake isn't surprised to see that Joey is rock hard and has quite an impressive dick on him. It's cut which is new to Jake aswell. No more words are spoken as Jake takes Joey's dick in his hand and jacks it off slowly, his eyes focused on the dick. He doesn't notice Joey's look at him at all. After a moment, Jake puts the dick into his mouth and it isn't long before the big dick is hitting the back of his throat. Jake gags a couple of times until his mouth gets used to having the big appendage at the back of his throat. Joey lets out a loud groan as he thrusts into Jake's mouth. It feels weird having his dick in a man's mouth but it's fucking hot. And Jake definetely knows how to suck a dick. Jake pulls the dick out of his mouth and begins to tease the slit of Joey's dick with his tongue. Joey lets out an impressive moan at that clearly enjoying the fact that Jake is enjoying having the man's dick under his control. "If I knew that this was the way to get you to stop talking shit, I'd have got on my knees a fucking lot sooner".

Joey doesn't reply to that, just grins despite the growing pressure in his nuts. His gonna bust a nut soon and he doesn't even care if Jake thinks his a dickhead for cumming so soon.

Jake continues to tease Joey's dick, running his tongue up and down the length. Wetting the dick even more. Jake notices a thin, long vein and he teases Joey by licking that vein causing the man to shake violently with oncoming orgasm. Jake puts his mouth back around the cock, Joey groaning as Jake once again takes the dick whole into his mouth.

"I'm gonna blow soon" Joey states to Jake but he ignores him. Instead, he carefully begins to rub Joey's arse. Joey groans at that and Jake isn't sure whether it's the anal touching or the deep throating. In a swift move, Jake sticks his finger into the shaven hole, Joey letting out a deep moan and a "holy fucking shit" before his blowing his load unexpecetedly into Jake's mouth. Jake gags, sure, but he swallows the whole load. And when Jake continues to tease Joey's virgin arse, more spunk flies out of Joey's leaking cock and down the throat of Jake's willing mouth. Jake removes his finger from Joey's arse as the younger man leans down on the sofa, clearly spent.

"Fuck me" Joey groans as he slowly comes down from his post orgasm.

"That can be arranged" Jake states.

"Fuck off" Joey replies back "That ain't happening".

Jake shrugs. "Shame, I'd think you'd be a great power bottom. You obviously loved this finger up your arse".

"That" Joey says, pointing at Jake "Was a douche move, you know that? I could have lasted way longer".

"Shut the fuck up" Jake says "Your fine. Does it look like I'm arsed that you came quickly?"

"I can't believe you swallowed that shit, your a freak" Joey says, but his smiling so Jake doesn't take offence. Much. Joey eyes Jake and then runs his eyes down his body, seeing a very impressive bulge. "Do you er want me to suck you off?"

Jake laughs "Do you want to suck me off?"

Joey thinks for a moment before sighing. "Maybe. Soon. Not right now?"

"So you want there to be a second time?" Jake replies

Joey shrugs. "You suck dick like a pro, of course I'm coming back for another round".

Jake sits next to Joey on the sofa. "Just give me a handjob then yeah?"

Joey grins. "That I can do!"

"But you do realise that I'm not leaving this flat until that" Jake points at Joey's now semi erect cock "Has ruined my arse?"

Joey's dick flinched at that. Clearly enjoying the dirty talk. "I've never fucked a dude".

"Shut the fuck up" Jake comments. He pulls down his trousers and jeans and leans back on the sofa. "And make yourself useful meat head".

Joey grins. "I resent being called a meat head"

"And I resent the fact that your hand isn't around my dick, hurry the fuck up".

"So fucking rude" Joey states but he wraps a hand around Jake's way big dick. Jake's dick is impressive, slightly bigger then Joey's but not as thick. His balls are massive though.

"Finger me whilst you wank me off" Jake says "Don't need no lube, just stick a finger inside me".

Joey doesn't speak but he listens as Jake continues to sit on the sofa. He speads his legs apart so that whilst Joey is laying on the sofa, he can have access to the hairy arse that belongs to Jake. Joey wanks Jake's dick slowly at first, trying to get used to wanking off a dick that isn't his own, but looks longingly at Jake's arse. Joey places a hand on Jakes highly defined thigh and rubs his hand slowly up it, causing Jake to let out a loud groan as Joey slowly picked up the pace. Joey looked at Jake, who had his eyes wide open and he was staring at Joey. Joey wined at him before contining with his jerk off. He wanked Jake off with his right hand and with his right hand he made his way to Jake's balls, grabbing them with his palm causing the older man to moan and shift on the sofa. He ran his finger down Jake's balls and then dropped his finger to Jake's anal passage. He stopped wanking Jake's rock hard cock for a moment as he slid a finger into Jake's hole.

"Fuck, all the way in. Fuck yes" Jake groaned as his dick violently twitched as Joey placed his finger all the way into Jake's arse. To say it was weird was an understatement, he'd never fingered anyone or anything before. Not his own arse or not a girl. Jake's moaning picked up pace by at least a decibal and his groaning was so loud now. Joey placed his hand around Jake's pre-cum leaking cock as he got used to having his finger inside Jake's arse. "Fuck me with your finger" Jake groaned and Joey did as he was told. Joey put his finger back inside Jake's arse and the older man grabbed his nipple in response, his dick was still violently twitching in Joey's hands.

"Christ, you really like that don't you?" Joey stated as he slowly got used to the multi tasking job of fingering and wanking "Bit of a slut".

Jake groaned. "I like what the fuck I like. And being fucked with a finger, a dick or even a fucking dildo is fucking amazing OK. So shut the fuck up and stick another finger inside me".

"Two fingers?" Joey asked dumbly

"Yes, fuck me with two fingers you stupid meat head". He paused for a moment before speaking again. "I didn't mean that but I get tetchy when I'm close to cumming. Carry on finger fucking me, your doing an admirable job".

Joey did as he was told, of course. Jake was a hard bastard when he was highly aroused. He slid his finger out of Jake's arse and slowly entered two fingers into Jake's widening hole. Jake let out a vulgar groan that went straight to Joey's cock as Joey started to finger fuck Jake hard whilst simaltanesly wanking his dick.

"Holy fucking shit Joey your a fucking legend" Jake groaned as he thrust into Joey's fingers. "Add another, I'm gonna jizz soon".

Joey added a third finger. Joey's hands were starting to ache but he carried on regaurdless. Joey picked up pace with the cock wanking, his hand aching there aswell, as Jake violently thrusted into Joey's three fingers.

"Fuck, Fuck, SHIT, fuck" Jake muttered as Joey continued to wank and finger. "It's over. I'm gonna blow"

Joey continued what he was doing. He picked up pace with both the finger fucking and wanking whilst Jake continued to thrust into Joey's fingers. Without warning. A shot of hot, thick cum jetted out of Jake's dick and landed directly on Joey's hip. He didn't flinch though and soon a second jet of cum landed all over Jake's hairy body. Joey didn't give up on the finger fucking and wanking, and Jake was still shooting jet after jet of cum. "Holy shit" Jake cried out as still his dick was pouring out shot after shot of cum. Most of it landed on Jake and even on his face, but some made it's way over the sofa and onto the floor. Jake groaned loudly as he finally stopped cumming and Joey slowly removed his fingers from Jake's finger fucked arse. Leaning up, Joey groaned as his hands were throbbing like mad.

"I fucking hate you" Jake breathed "But you finger fuck like a pro".

Joey had no idea what to say to that. So he just grinned.

"I wanna try something" Joey stated. He leaned over Jake's sweaty body and run his tongue all over it, purposely licking some off Jake's cum. "Salty".

"We're make a slut out of you yet" Jake breathed as he lay spent on the sofa. "Now let me have a cigarette before I let you pound my hole".

He didn't know why. But Joey leaned over and kissed Jake on the lips, chastely, before walking over to Jake's jacket and picking out his cigarettes.

Well that went on a bit longer then expected, and I haven't finished! The next part will see Jake get fucked by Joey and Joey expericeing the joys of being rimmed.

See u Then!

Next: Chapter 2

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